PYI by Jack Šurija i EmergenSea pomažu klijentima u doba korona krize

Evo dobrih nautičkih vjesti u korona krizi! Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Šurija iz Poreča prvi nudi poticajne i inovativne dodatne usluge u svojim osiguranjima brodica i jahti.

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Premium Yacht Insurance Osiguranja u nautici

Za sigurnost Vašeg plovila, članova posade i još mnogo više. Sve na jednom mjestu

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Premium Yacht Insurance u koštac sa štetom

Muka za Vas? Štete su naša svakodnevnica! Mi znamo kako s njima!

Imali ste štetu?

Premium Yacht Insurance Savjetovanja u nautici

Za sva pitanja i nedoumice slobodno nam se obratite, uvijek smo tu za Vas!

savjetovanja u osiguranju

Premium Yacht Insurance radi prema najvišim standardima

Kreirali smo sustav CODRESS koji je integriran u naš radni proces kao dio QS4MIB standarda kvalitete.

Dobrodošli u Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Šurija

Mi brinemo o svojim klijentima i partnerima u maniri dobrog gospodara: dnevno im pružamo usluge koje se temelje na iskoristivom, specijalističkom i egzaktnom znanju. Zbog toga nas klijenti žele, a partneri trebaju. Pozdravljamo vas našim tradicionalnim pozdravom:

Neka ispod kobilice vaše jahte uvijek bude barem dva prsta mora!

Interaktivni vodič

« ja sam:.

  • rješavanje šteta
  • Osiguranje kaucije za čarter
  • Osiguranje prtljage
  • Osiguranje skipera od odgovornosti
  • Osiguranje troškova otkaza čartera

Ako sami upravljate unajmljenim plovilom zanima Vas i:

  • Osiguranje posade i putnika u slučaju nesreće
  • Osiguranje troškova pravne zaštite skipera
  • Osiguranje posljedičnih šteta
  • Osiguranje od gubitka pologa (kaucije)
  • Osiguranje osobne prtljage
  • Financial Security System
  • Kasko osiguranje
  • Osiguranje od odgovornosti prema trećima
  • Osiguranje posade od nesreće
  • Osiguranje plovila od zapljene
  • Obvezno osiguranje od odgovornosti prema trećima
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  • osiguranje od odgovornosti iz djelatnosti
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  • Premium Yacht Insurance Standard
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Yacht-Pool International

Yacht-Pool International

Specialized Maritime Insurance

  • Vukovarska 19, 52440 Poreč
  • +38552633300
  • [email protected]

Company profile

To justify its motto " more than insurance ", Yacht-Pool is constantly developing new products and services. Their goal is to make it easier and simpler for clients to go through administrative challenges and enjoy sailing more by providing top-quality insurance for their vessel and a number of accompanying services.

Why use Yacht Insurance d.o.o. services?

  • A wide range of insurance for boat owners, skippers and charter companies
  • More than 40 years of experience in nautical insurance
  • Highly qualified experts in each of the maritime sectors
  • Dedication and a positive customer experience

Yacht Insurance d.o.o. services

  • Boat insurance
  • Yacht charter insurance
  • Superyacht insurance
  • Cargo insurance

Additional services: 24-hour helpline, damage processing, financial security system, legal security (Yacht-Pool fair charter contract), vessel service and/or repair and flight organization service.

Related trends

Yacht-Pool skipper insurance - safety and protection at sea

Yacht-Pool skipper insurance - safety and protection at sea

Until now, skippers had the option of certain insurance types while sailing. But these insurances were limiting or insufficient. Yacht-Pool, specialising in marine insurance, has recently begun to provide complete protection to skippers, even providing coverage that was not standard in maritime insurance.

Meet your new partner is the first website dedicated to improving Croatian charter companies' business through various resources.

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Yacht-Pool: Najkvalitetnije i najjednostavnije rješenje za osiguranje

yacht pool croatia

Yacht-Pool International čini tim profesionalaca iz područja nautike koji svojim klijentima omogućava vrhunsko osiguranje plovila, ali i dodatne usluge, kako bi plovidba bila pravi užitak

Tvrtka Yacht-Pool International gotovo pola stoljeća djeluje pod motom ‘više od osiguranja’ plovila, a od početka 2018. u Hrvatskoj je direktno prisutna kao nositelj franšize na čelu s kreatorom i vlasnikom dr. Friedrichom Schöchlom. S više ureda predstavništava diljem Europe, tvrtka upravlja poslovanjem i pruža kvalitetnu uslugu svojim osiguranicima. Yacht-Pool također ulaže u razvoj proizvoda i usluga kako bi klijentima omogućio vrhunsko osiguranje plovila , ali i dodatne usluge, kako bi njihova plovidba bila pravi užitak. O svim prednostima ovakvog tipa osiguranja popričali smo s direktorom Yacht-Pool Internationala za Hrvatsku Marijanom Dželalijom.

JE LI BOLJE ANGAŽIRATI BROKERA ZA PRONALAZAK NAJBOLJEG RJEŠENJA U OSIGURANJU ILI POTRAŽITI SAMOSTALNO? To je najčešće pitanje koje si svaki klijent postavlja kada mu je za nešto potrebno osiguranje. Radi li se o bilo kojem proizvodu osiguranja, definitivno je mudro prepustiti obavljanje posla profesionalcima – a to su brokeri. Kvalitetan broker, profesionalac i specijalist u svom području, ima dovoljno iskustva i znanja da može pronaći najkvalitetnije i najjednostavnije rješenje za osiguranje. Zasigurno kada govorimo o osiguranju, postoji vrlo malo specijaliziranih brokera koji imaju tim profesionalaca iz područja nautike, ali i vrsnih poznavatelja materija osiguranja.

KAKVA OSIGURANJA PLOVILA MOŽE PONUDITI YACHT-POOL? Yacht-Pool kao posrednik u osiguranju ima mogućnost ponuditi pokriće za sve vrste plovila neovisno o namjeni, duljini ili vrijednosti. Mnoštvo je osiguravatelja s kojima surađujemo na raznim tržištima na kojima Yacht-Pool posluje i to nam daje velike mogućnosti i fleksibilnost pronalaska pokrića za razne rizike. Ono što je važno napomenuti jest da je Yacht-Pool krenuo surađivati i s Lloyd’s of London te tako proširio svoju ponudu i najavio ozbiljan ulazak na tržište superjahti.

POSTOJE LI VEĆI RIZICI KOD OSIGURANJA NEKIH PLOVILA, ODNOSNO RAZLIKE U OSIGURANJU MOTORNIH PLOVILA I JEDRILICA? Razlike u osiguranju motornih plovila i plovila na jedra zapravo i nema previše. Osim možda malo većeg rizika koji predstavlja osiguranje motornog broda s obzirom na to da brza plovidba predstavlja i veći rizik, odnosno veću štetu koja se može dogoditi na plovilu i opremi te na imovini i životu drugih i trećih strana koje se nađu u blizini tog motornog plovila. S druge strane, jedrilica ima jarbol koji predstavlja problem kod prolazaka ispod mosta, i sami smo svake godine svjedoci pokušaja prolaska ispod mosta koji završe vrlo loše. Osim navedenih plovila, Yacht-Pool ima i kapacitete za osiguranje skipera , robe u prijevozu te specijaliziranih osiguranja od odgovornosti za mnoštvo djelatnosti nautičke industrije. U svakom slučaju, nakon što se definira rizik koji je potrebno osigurati i potrebe i želje klijenta, broker kreće s potragom najboljeg rješenja na tržištu.

KOJU BISTE VRSTU OSIGURANJA PREPORUČILI ONIMA KOJI PRVI PUT KUPUJU SVOJ BROD? Svako plovilo, neovisno o zastavi koju vije, prilikom registracije mora imati minimalno pokriće po osiguranju od odgovornosti prema trećim osobama, koje zahtijeva registar u koji je plovilo upisano. Važno je voditi računa, primjerice, da za plovila koja plove pod hrvatskom zastavom minimalni iznos pokrića iznosi 500.000 eura, dok je za plovidbu talijanskim vodama minimalno pokriće 7.290.000 eura. Ovo se ne tiče samo plovila koja viju talijansku zastavu, već i sva plovila koja plove talijanskim teritorijalnim morima, te svakako predlažemo da se uzme i spomenuto pokriće kako ne bi došlo do problema za vlasnika plovila te moguće zapljene plovila. S obzirom na to da spomenuto pokriće ne pokriva i štete koje nastanu na plovilu kojim se upravlja, svakako predlažem da se uzme i kasko osiguranje plovila, koje pokriva sve štete nastale na samom plovilu, a koje nisu posljedica grube nepažnje ili zle namjere osiguranika, odnosno vlasnika plovila. Važno je napomenuti da Yacht-Pool kasko polica pokriva štete na plovilu, ali i određene usluge asistencije u slučaju kada klijentu treba pomoć na moru.

ŠTO OBUHVAĆA USLUGA YACHT POOL ASISTENCIJA? Svaka polica Yacht-Poola pokriva i usluge poput tegljenja plovila, usluge ronilaca te dostave stvari ili prijevoz osoba sa i na plovilo. Ovaj je proizvod za klijente potpuno besplatan, odnosno ne povećava cijenu police kasko osiguranja , a sve s ciljem povećanja sigurnosti svih sudionika na moru. Uslugu Yacht-Pool asistencije obavlja partnerska tvrtka koja je zadužena za pomoć i dostavu na moru te s više od 20 partnera i baza pokriva čitav Jadran.

KAKO POSTUPITI KADA NASTANE ŠTETA NA BRODU? Svakako je prvi korak u slučaju veće havarije spasiti, odnosno osigurati da ljudski životi nisu u opasnosti te potom poduzeti sve moguće mjere da se smanji već nastala šteta, odnosno potonuće plovila. Naš osiguranik se može javiti na 24-satnu liniju za pomoć, gdje će mu naše osoblje pružiti podršku te dati savjet koje će sljedeće korake poduzeti. Ono što je važno naglasiti jest da kvalitetan i stručan broker profesionalac u nautičkim osiguranjima svog klijenta nikada ne ostavlja samim. U slučaju štete broker ‘vodi’ osiguranika kroz cijeli proces prijave štete, organiziranja izvida nastale štete, prikupljanja ponuda za sanaciju štete te brige da se šteta u što kraćem roku isplati te plovilo dovede u prvobitno stanje prije nastanka iste. Broker se brine o tome da klijent dobije upravo ono što mu pripada kako bi uredno sanirao štetu, odnosno popravio brod.

Fotografije Yacht-Pool

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Skipper liability insurance

The skipper is fully and personally liable!

The solution: skipper liability insurance from YACHT-POOL!


In principle, the skipper is liable for damages that he culpably causes to others with all his present and future assets – without limitation!

The charter contract usually states that the chartered ship is covered by liability insurance. However, they usually do not know how much. In Spain, cover amounts of € 50,000 are quite common. Ships that are insured via Lloyds London (this is very often the case in Greece and Turkey) are sometimes only insured up to the value of the ship (current value). Depending on the type of ship, we may then be talking about € 25,000 or € 50,000 or whatever the current value is. This value is always too low, because the skipper’s liability is unlimited! Our skipper liability insurance therefore covers this risk up to € 10 million!

Liability claims by crew members against the skipper are almost never insured. Not even if the ships are insured in accordance with the usual “General Liability Conditions” (AHB).

If the charter company has not paid its premium on time (which does happen), you as the skipper have no cover at all .

You are personally liable without limitation for material damage that you cause to the ship yourself (including total loss!) if your actions are deemed to be “gross negligence”. “I’m not being grossly negligent”, you may be thinking! But what constitutes “gross negligence” is an elastic concept and may be decided by a Greek, Turkish or Croatian court or wherever the accident may occur. That is your risk!

Your personal liability insurance does not pay for any of these risks! You should not take on this entire liability risk thoughtlessly. This problem can be solved with our skipper liability insurance (if the premium is split between 4 people) for almost the price of a penalty ticket for parking in the wrong place once.

Because the responsible skipper has unlimited liability!

Difference between liability and fidelity insurance:

A charter deposit claim is usually damage to the chartered ship that was culpably caused by the skipper or crew and is usually less than the amount of the deductible of the hull insurance.

This damage is covered by the security deposit insurance! If the amount of damage exceeds the deductible, the owner’s comprehensive insurance will pay.

The yacht owner’s liability insurance covers property damage and personal injury that you culpably cause to others. But what is actually covered and what is not is set out in the owner’s liability conditions, which you do not know. No liability insurance that we know of covers damage to the chartered vessel. Hull insurers fall back on the skipper for grossly negligent damage to the ship.

The skipper liability insurance covers the (unknown) gaps that the liability insurance of the charter yacht may have, e.g:

  • Damage to the yacht due to gross negligence (protects you from liability towards the hull insurer).
  • Personal injury to crew members
  • Damage to other ships, insofar as this damage is not covered by the liability of the charter yacht, e.g. because the premium was not paid on time or other reasons. Exclusions of the charter company’s liability insurance exclude benefits (that you are not aware of), such as personal injury to crew members or similar.

The advantages of YACHT-POOL skipper liability insurance at a glance

  • YACHT-POOL's skipper liability insurance is not only valid for a specific charter, but is unlimited for a whole year!
  • 12 months of deposit protection! - Pay for an insurance premium and be insured premium-free for 12 months!
  • With YACHT-POOL Skipper Liability Insurance, you can charter anywhere, as often as you like and with any ship you like!
  • Because, in principle, you are personally liable for damage that you culpably cause to other persons or property, with all your present and future assets.
  • Because your personal liability insurance does not cover liability claims arising from skipper or crew activities.
  • Because YACHT-POOL even covers gross negligence for material damage to the chartered yacht!
  • Because as a skipper you are also liable to the crew members.
  • Because exclusions of liability against crew members, against third parties (e.g. pension insurance of the injured party) may not apply.
  • Because you do not know to what extent insurance coverage actually exists on a third-party chartered ship. Very often, the insurance benefit is only limited to the value of the ship, which can be far too low due to the unlimited personal liability. Often only certain listed damages are covered, for example only damages in the event of a collision etc.. However, you are liable for any damage.
  • Because you don't know whether liability cover exists at all. Because you don't know whether the premium has been paid on time, which can mean that the liability insurer is released from payment and you then have no insurance cover at all!
  • Because ships sailing under foreign flags are usually insured under foreign insurance conditions in the respective national language, making it practically impossible for you to assess the actual insurance cover.
  • Because none of the liability insurances known to us covers liability claims of the yacht owner for damage caused to the chartered yacht itself as a result of gross negligence on the part of the skipper
  • Material damage to the ship due to slight negligence is not covered by the skipper's liability insurance because you were promised in the charter contract that you would be covered by hull insurance and would therefore have double insurance.

Download PDF application (for printing) for charter insurance

Further insurances for charter skippers:.

Ein schwarz-weißer Propeller, der auf einem Holztisch sitzt.

Charter deposit insurance

Every experienced skipper knows how quickly the harmony of the crew is severely disrupted if damage is caused by him or a crew member and everyone is asked to pay. As united as the crew was before the start of the charter,

Ein im Wasser schwimmender Rettungsring.

Skipper accident insurance

I have accident insurance” you might think. We have developed the special skipper accident insurance for the following reason: Various accident insurers exclude accidents from “risk-prone” sports (increasing trend)

Ein Mann wäscht ein Segelboot auf einem Bootslift.

Charter consequential loss insurance

There is a risk that you will cause damage to the charter vessel and therefore the vessel will no longer be operational in time for the subsequent charter and because you are legally or on the basis of the charter contract responsible for the damage.

Ein Segelboot liegt im klaren blauen Wasser vor Anker.

Charter Cancellation Insurance

The yacht for your cruise is booked, the crew is complete and the anticipation is already high – nothing can go wrong now, can it? Unfortunately already! What happens if the skipper has an accident shortly before the cruise and is unable to make the trip? If a family member is seriously

Yacht-Pool International company logo.

  • + 49 (0) 89 7467 34 90
  • Email: [email protected]
  • YACHT-POOL Versicherungs-Service GmbH Zimmerauweg 47 A-6370 Reith bei Kitzbühel Austria

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Yacht Charter Croatia - luxury yachts, motor boats, sailboats & catamarans

use various booking discounts for smart sailing holidays

Include yachts without availability confirmation

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Short terms

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Charter a Yacht in Croatia

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Luxury Catamaran charter Croatia (Šibenik):

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Grand Soleil 52 LC

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Serendipity i, sailing croatia info & tips.

Croatia is situated on the Adriatic sea, in Southeast of Europe, where Mediterranean, Middle and Southeast Europe meet in one point. Croatia borders Slovenia to the west, Hungary to the north, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the east, and Montenegro on the south. Inland of Croatia will enchant you with camps of olive trees and vineyards, Mediterranean herbs, lavender, cypress and pine trees.

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Guest testimonials

Rick H. Netherlands sailed on

NCP & mare is a leading Croatian yacht charter with 25 years of experience.

We offer more than 70 boats and a variety of services. Our location is an excellent starting point for beautiful islands like Vis, Hvar and Korčula in the south and a national parks Kornati and river Krka waterfalls in the north. We choose only the best yachts for our charter.


Unmatched Luxury Onboard Rare Superyacht for up to 24 Guests

Your haven of luxury and privacy.

Spread across four decks—lower, main, upper, and sun deck—Freedom's generous 50-meter length and 9-meter beam offer a spacious retreat.

Discover Freedom

2019 (2022 refit)

48 m (157' ft)

A Multi-Faceted Experience

Freedom's onboard experience is diverse, offering a range of amenities and activities to suit different guest preferences.

Tailored Luxury

There's something enjoyable for everyone aboard.


Key Features

Yacht Freedom is an ideal yacht for events, large groups, families, corporate gatherings, and those seeking an immersive and multifaceted sea adventure along Croatia's stunning coastline.


Ringo ride x 4

SUP boards x 2

Electric Paddleboards

E-foils x 2

Who Will Love Chartering Freedom?

Large Groups & Events: Perfect for hosting grand celebrations, corporate gatherings, or special occasions where up to 24 guests can indulge in luxury while enjoying privacy and personalized service.

Families & Friends: Ideal for extended families or groups of friends seeking an exclusive and spacious retreat to create lasting memories together.

Corporate Retreats: Offers an exceptional setting for team-building events or executive retreats, providing a blend of luxury and versatility for fostering connections and productivity.


Charter Rates

FROM €100.000 + 13% VAT + 30% APA

20 April to 18 May


18 May to 15 June


15 June to 31 August


31 August to 21 September


 21 September to 26 October


Charter Fee Includes:

Hire and insurance of the yacht

Crew wages and crew food

Fuel for 4 hours of engine use daily

24/7 generator usage

Tender transfers and tender-operated watersports (donut, waterski, wakeboard, kneeboard)

Access to recreational and watersports equipment

Wi-Fi access

All other expenses are an additional expense to the charterer. The additional expenses during a charter are paid for by the ‘Advanced Provisioning Allowance’, known as the ‘APA’.

The APA comprises 30% of the Charter Fee. The APA is transferred to the boat before the charter starts, so the crew can provision according to your specific requirements before you embark.

This allowance covers various costs including, but not limited to, food and beverages for the Charter Party, port fees, national park entrances, fuel for Personal Watercraft, shipping agents’ fees, custom fees, charter licenses (if cruising in Montenegro or Italy), and other requested services like hiring special equipment, shoreside transport, and excursions during the charter. 

Throughout the charter, the captain diligently maintains records of expenses. At the end of the charter, the Captain will present you with a fully itemised statement of the APA account, with receipts. If the account is in credit, the balance will of course be returned to you. If it is in debit, the balance must be settled in cash or, with the Captain’s agreement, by wire transfer.

VAT is due in the country where the charter starts.

Croatia: 13%

Delivery Fee

If your charter begins away from the yacht's home port, an Owner may apply a delivery fee. This fee accounts for the fuel and, at times, the time invested in relocating the yacht to and from its home port to the start location of your charter. We strive to recommend yachts within your desired area to avoid these fees. In cases where they are unavoidable, we negotiate on your behalf to minimize these costs.

Freedom typically departs from Split area in Croatia, occasionally accommodating departures from Dubrovnik if the preceding charter involved a one-way trip to Dubrovnik.

Crew Gratuity

Notably, tips are not included in the charter price. They are a voluntary gesture of appreciation for the service. Typically ranging from 10% to 20% of the charter price, tips are given at your discretion and paid to the captain at the charter's conclusion. The captain then evenly distributes these gratuities among the crew.

Licences and Restrictions

Personal Watercraft

In most countries, a license is required to operate personal watercraft (waverunner, jetski or other mechanically propelled watercraft) to comply with insurance and legal criteria. There may also be a minimum age requirement – rules vary between countries. It is your responsibility to ensure that any guests wishing to use the personal watercraft have an appropriate license.

Read our Practical Guide to Jet Ski Adventures on Your Yacht Charter .

Your Voyage, Your Way

With our flexible itineraries, you're free to chart your own course or follow our curated paths. Continuously adding new routes across captivating destinations to inspire you, once you've discovered the experiences that resonate most, we'll craft a bespoke luxury travel plan tailored just for you.

Get in Touch

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at . Our expert team is here to assist you, answer your inquiries, and help you plan an experience that's beyond compare.

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Daniel Asmus

Owner, Charter Broker, Active CYBA Member, IYBA, ECPY

[email protected]

+34 678 368 304 1 484 978 8668

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Martina Asmus

1 814 831 7032 1 814 831 7032

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Yanna Pristas

Senior Charter Broker, Associate CYBA Member

1 850 876 5440

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Chris de Kock

Charter Broker

1 618 389 4180

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Sarah Klische

1 989 787 3928

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William Mc Nally

1 814 526 7505

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Marcelle Hailwax

1 814 831 6812

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Alex Hailwax

1 484 699 0621

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Louis Lamprell

1 518 765 1956

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Nadja Asmus

+1 (470) 835 5010

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John Boullin

+1 (830) 400-4228

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ARETHA Yacht Charter

Aretha yacht description.

Advertised by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht ARETHA is a 148 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The main attractions of ARETHA are her impeccable styling and fantastic layout. ARETHA spends the summer and winter season in Croatia. She was completed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018. A well-done refit was fulfilled in 2024. The ingenious yacht layout features 10 generous cabins and easily accommodates a maximum of 20 guests.

ARETHA is classified as a superyacht. The key part of the boat -generously sized aft deck, leads to the attractive and sleek main salon. The main saloon is a gathering space with comfortable seating and entertainment areas and offers a range of entertainment options. 10 spacious cabins are laid out to allow for comfortable access and private setting.

Double Cabin


What is the cabin arrangement of aretha.

  • 7 Double cabins
  • 8 Twin cabins

Starboard Side Exterior

Weekly price: €75,500 - €90,000

Low Season | High Season

  • Length: 148'
  • # of Guests: 30
  • # of Cabins: 15
  • # of Crew: 12
  • Consumption: 100 Litres/Hr
  • Cruising Speed: 8
  • Max. Speed: 13
  • Built Year: 2018
  • Refit: 2024

VIP Cabin

ARETHA Yacht Charter Price

# of charter days Base Price APA (deposit for provisioning, fuel, docking fees, etc) Taxes: 13%%, exceptions available Total Note
14 day charter 151,000€ to 180,000€ 30,200€ to 54,000€ 181,200€ to 234,000€ Discounts outside the main season are common.
7 day charter 75,500€ to 90,000€ 15,100€ to 27,000€ 90,600€ to 117,000€ Standard charter rate, base for all calculations.
3 day charter 37,750€ to 45,000€ 7,550€ to 13,500€ 45,300€ to 58,500€ The usual formula is the 7 day charter rate divided by 6, times the number of days (3).
Boat policy might differ.
75,500€ / 6 * 3 days = 37,750€

All prices are generated by a calculator and serve as a guide for new charterers. Any additional information of the Price Details section has priority over above. Availability is always subject to confirmation. Gratuity not included for it's discretionary character, usually 5%-25% of the Base Price.

Price Details

Price from: €75,500

High season rate: €90,000

RATES 2024: 16 April – 02 June 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 02 June – 30 June 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 30 June – 07 July 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 07 July – 01 September 2024: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 01 September – 15 September 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 15 September – 22 September 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 22 September – 27 October 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT RATES 2025: 13 April – 18 May 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 18 May – 25 May 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 25 May – 06 July 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 06 July – 21 September 2025: 103,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 21 September – 05 October 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 05 October – 12 October 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 12 October – 02 November 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT * CHARTER FEE INCLUDES: - 7 nights 8 days cruise on a custom route - Fuel for up to 5hrs navigation per day - Service of 12 crew members - Masseuse on board - Premium Dockage for embarkation and disembarkation - 2 meals a day (breakfast daily + lunch OR dinner) - Captain's dinner - Welcome reception with drink and snack - Unlimited Drinking water - Unlimited WiFi - TV/SAT - Unlimited Usage of sauna, pool, jacuzzi, gym - Unlimited Usage of all water toys - Services of Concierge and Cruise Director - Unlimited anchor & tender services * CHARTER FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: - Croatian VAT of 13% - Drink packages: Non-alcoholic 200 EUR pp | Regular Alcoholic 450 EUR pp | Premium Alcoholic 700 EUR pp (ask for our list) - Extra meals @ 70 EUR/person/meal - Harbour & Agency fees (except embarkation port and disembarkation port) - Tips for the crew (5 - 10% recommended for the crew and 50 EUR/ person recommended for the cruise director) - Massage Treatments (ask for our price list) - Land Transfers on requestRATES 2024: 16 April – 02 June 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 02 June – 30 June 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 30 June – 07 July 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 07 July – 01 September 2024: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 01 September – 15 September 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 15 September – 22 September 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 22 September – 27 October 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT RATES 2025: 13 April – 18 May 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 18 May – 25 May 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 25 May – 06 July 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 06 July – 21 September 2025: 103,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 21 September – 05 October 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 05 October – 12 October 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 12 October – 02 November 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT * CHARTER FEE INCLUDES: - 7 nights 8 days cruise on a custom route - Fuel for up to 5hrs navigation per day - Service of 12 crew members - Masseuse on board - Premium Dockage for embarkation and disembarkation - 2 meals a day (breakfast daily + lunch OR dinner) - Captain's dinner - Welcome reception with drink and snack - Unlimited Drinking water - Unlimited WiFi - TV/SAT - Unlimited Usage of sauna, pool, jacuzzi, gym - Unlimited Usage of all water toys - Services of Concierge and Cruise Director - Unlimited anchor & tender services * CHARTER FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: - Croatian VAT of 13% - Drink packages: Non-alcoholic 200 EUR pp | Regular Alcoholic 450 EUR pp | Premium Alcoholic 700 EUR pp (ask for our list) - Extra meals @ 70 EUR/person/meal - Harbour & Agency fees (except embarkation port and disembarkation port) - Tips for the crew (5 - 10% recommended for the crew and 50 EUR/ person recommended for the cruise director) - Massage Treatments (ask for our price list) - Land Transfers on request

Price Terms

Twin/Double Cabin Bathroom

ARETHA Yacht Charter Locations

Summer season.

yacht pool croatia

Winter Season


Main salon

More Specifications

Diving yacht offers rendezvous diving only, green initiatives.

Aft + Water Toys

Water Sports

Other entertainment.

Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities: Music System in Saloon Music System in Cabins Music System on outside decks Smart TV in Cabins Smart TV in Saloon WiFi Outside Bar 2 x Jacuzzis's Indoor Cinema Indoor Gym Sauna Massage Salon Sun deck with sunbeds

Crew Information

Captain: frane orović.

Frane Orović | Captain Croatian EXPERIENCE: In 1996, I had my first job as a Captain aboard a police patrol boat, navigating the waters of Croatia and beyond. Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of navigating yachts such as ANGELA LORA, NEW STAR, and now, the esteemed ARETHA! CRUISING AREAS: Adriatic Sea LANGUAGES: English and Croatian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Responsibility and safety as priority for guests and all on-board crew. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Hard worker and hospitable host. Want everyone to feel like at home on my yacht. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: Good and reliable captain, fair to crew, and always giving 100% to have happy guests on board. FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Well done is better than well said.” Toni Antišin | Chief engineer Croatian EXPERIENCE: Since 2017, my career at sea began aboard the NEW STAR, where I've proudly dedicated three years of service. CRUISING AREAS: Adriatic Sea LANGUAGES: English and Croatian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Hard working, responsibility WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Responsibility that the vessel and all machinery on board is 100% operational for satisfaction of the guests. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I am a social and hard working individual. FAVOURITE QUOTE: "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the outer side of fear.” Aleksandar Lazarov | Chef Serbian EXPERIENCE: In 2010, my culinary voyage commenced at Pan Panokio, Poco Loco, Lagano, and Resort Losinia, where I honed my skills in preparing a diverse array of dishes to perfection. CRUISING AREAS: Adriatic Sea LANGUAGES: English, Croatian and Serbian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Tasteful, Beautiful, and nice decorated food made with best local ingredients. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Responsibility and commitment to always amaze people. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I am a good friend and colleague. FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Do one thing every day than that scares you.” Nicole Stjelja Kralj | Stewardess Croatian EXPERIENCE: My first job was in 2018 in the Bevanda restaurant/bar/hotel and after I started working on the yacht SYMPHONY in 2023. I have one summer season experience working on the yacht and 5 years in high-end restaurants and bars. CRUISING AREAS: Dalmatian Coast LANGUAGES: English, Croatian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: They can expect professionalism and passion to always give the best service. Expect that, after a day, I will know your favourite drinks to surprise you! WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: My most positive points are politeness, tidiness. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: I am trying to be a best friend and colleague FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Find your place under the sun.” Uroš Mitrović | Steward Serbian EXPERIENCE: I have 5 years of experience working in high-end restaurants and bars. This will be my first season on board a yacht. LANGUAGES: English, Croatian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Politeness and professional service. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Positivity, fast and quality service, resourcefulness. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: Hard working, fair and kind person with manners. FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Well done is better than well said.” Armin Graca | Steward Serbian EXPERIENCE: Over the past decade, I have gained experience on board with Celebrity Cruises and Thomson Cruises, as well as in various à la carte restaurants situated along the scenic Adriatic Sea and in Serbia. CRUISING AREAS: Europe, Asian, South and North America LANGUAGES: English and Serbian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Professional and friendly personality ready for any requests. Expect my full dedication to your stay on the yacht for your pure relaxation. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Ability to make right decisions under pressure and stress. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I take my job too seriously. FAVOURITE QUOTE: "Life is beautiful, enjoy it.” Doris Mikić | Masseuse Croatian EXPERIENCE: Member of staff team, masseuse, personal pilates trainer, psychotherapist CRUISING AREAS: Dalmatian Coast LANGUAGES: English and Croatian. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Expertise in doing massages and wellness, helpfulness, and kindness. I will make sure the everyone feels rejuvenated after my massages and wellness sessions. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Flexibility, responsibility, readiness to learn WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: Kind, communicative, polite. FAVOURITE QUOTE: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde Mateo Budanović | Deckhand Croatian EXPERIENCE: In April 2021, I embarked on my journey as a deckhand aboard the yacht SENSEI, marking the beginning of my 3.5 years of invaluable experience. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of serving on yachts such as SENSEI, ZEUS 1, ELEMENTS, and SATINE. CRUISING AREAS: Italy, France, Caribbean Islands. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Nice attitude and knowledge in water sports. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: I am always ready to help, and I have large sea experience. Also, I am well educated in maritime industry. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I have good sense of humor and nice personality. FAVOURITE QUOTE: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Sara Šimičević | Stewardess Croatian EXPERIENCE: My first job was in 2019 on board MV MARKAN, after on board BELEZZA, and after 2 more years on board NEW STAR. CRUISING AREAS: Adriatic sea. WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: I am always smiling! WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: My purity. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I am a great colleague. FAVOURITE QUOTE: "Don’t worry about failure. ” Ivan Gotovac | Deckhand Croatian EXPERIENCE: My first job was in 2017 on board NEW STAR, where I stayed for 3 years. CRUISING AREAS: Adriatic Sea WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU: Always ready to help and assist with water sports and extra things while on board ARETHA. I will make sure that everything the guests need is given to them. WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS: Responsibility. WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU: That I am a social and humoristic person! FAVOURITE QUOTE: "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”

Main image of ARETHA yacht

  • cyaID: 9061
  • wpcf_mourl:
  • mo_cabins: 15
  • wpcf_power: Power
  • wpcf_layout:
  • wpcf_persons: 30
  • wpcf_summerarea: Croatia
  • wpcf_winterarea: Croatia
  • wpcf_length: 148.00
  • wpcf_beam: 8.84
  • wpcf_draft: 3.91
  • wpcf_toys: Toys:<br /> <br /> 1 x Jetski (Sea Doo)<br /> 6 x Stand-up Paddleboard (Aquatone Wave)<br /> Snorkeling Gear<br /> 6 x Kayaks (Itiwit)<br /> 1 x Water Ski (Spinera54)<br /> 1 x Wakeboard (Spinera)<br /> 1 x SeabobF5<br /> 1 x Waterslide<br /> 1 x Seapoolwith 4 beds<br /> 1 x Banana (Spinera)<br /> 1 x Towable Donut for 2 pax (Spinera)<br /> 1 x Infinity Island Inflatable Dock (Jobe)
  • wpcf_amenities: a:35:{s:12:"salon_stereo";s:3:"Yes";s:8:"salon_tv";s:3:"Yes";s:6:"sat_tv";s:3:"Yes";s:17:"multimedia_system";s:3:"Yes";s:4:"nude";s:3:"Inq";s:5:"books";s:0:"";s:9:"crew_pets";s:2:"No";s:8:"pet_type";s:0:"";s:10:"guest_pets";s:1:"0";s:9:"camcorder";s:1:"0";s:14:"number_dine_in";s:0:"";s:11:"water_maker";s:0:"";s:14:"water_capacity";s:0:"";s:9:"ice_maker";s:3:"Yes";s:14:"number_of_dvds";s:0:"";s:13:"number_of_cds";s:0:"";s:11:"board_games";s:1:"0";s:10:"sun_awning";s:1:"0";s:6:"bimini";s:3:"Yes";s:13:"special_diets";s:3:"Inq";s:6:"kosher";s:3:"Inq";s:3:"bbq";s:3:"Yes";s:12:"gay_charters";s:3:"Inq";s:17:"yachtNudeCharters";s:3:"Inq";s:10:"hairdryers";s:1:"0";s:22:"number_of_port_hatches";s:0:"";s:7:"smoking";s:0:"";s:11:"crew_smokes";s:3:"Inq";s:11:"children_ok";s:1:"0";s:17:"minimum_child_age";s:0:"";s:9:"generator";s:0:"";s:8:"inverter";s:0:"";s:8:"voltages";s:0:"";s:7:"hammock";s:0:"";s:10:"windscoops";s:0:"";}
  • wpcf_ac: Full
  • wpcf_bbq: Yes
  • wpcf_internet: Onboard WIFI
  • wpcf_generator:
  • wpcf_engines: Engines: 2 x Caterpillar C18 (485 HP) Generator: 3 x Caterpillar C4.2
  • wpcf_year: 2018
  • wpcf_builder:
  • wpcf_accommodation: The yacht provides accommodation for 30 guests:<br /> <br /> LOWER DECK: 4 Cabins (3 Double + 1 Convertible (Double/Twin))<br /> MAIN DECK: 9 Cabins (3 Double + 6 Convertible (Double/Twin))<br /> UPPER DECK: 2 Suites (2 Double bed Suites with Terrace and Jacuzzi)<br /> <br /> Please see the layout plan to visualize the cabin allocation:<br /> Cabin 1 – 4 = 17 sqm<br /> Cabin 9 – 11 = 17 sqm<br /> Cabin 12 – 18 = 19 sqm<br /> Cabin 19 – 20 = 25 sqm
  • currency: EUR
  • yachtCurrencySymbol: €
  • property_price: 75500
  • mo_price: 75500
  • wpcf_high_price: 90000
  • wpcf_price_details: RATES 2024: 16 April – 02 June 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 02 June – 30 June 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 30 June – 07 July 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 07 July – 01 September 2024: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 01 September – 15 September 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 15 September – 22 September 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 22 September – 27 October 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT RATES 2025: 13 April – 18 May 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 18 May – 25 May 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 25 May – 06 July 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 06 July – 21 September 2025: 103,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 21 September – 05 October 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 05 October – 12 October 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 12 October – 02 November 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT * CHARTER FEE INCLUDES: - 7 nights 8 days cruise on a custom route - Fuel for up to 5hrs navigation per day - Service of 12 crew members - Masseuse on board - Premium Dockage for embarkation and disembarkation - 2 meals a day (breakfast daily + lunch OR dinner) - Captain's dinner - Welcome reception with drink and snack - Unlimited Drinking water - Unlimited WiFi - TV/SAT - Unlimited Usage of sauna, pool, jacuzzi, gym - Unlimited Usage of all water toys - Services of Concierge and Cruise Director - Unlimited anchor & tender services * CHARTER FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: - Croatian VAT of 13% - Drink packages: Non-alcoholic 200 EUR pp | Regular Alcoholic 450 EUR pp | Premium Alcoholic 700 EUR pp (ask for our list) - Extra meals @ 70 EUR/person/meal - Harbour & Agency fees (except embarkation port and disembarkation port) - Tips for the crew (5 - 10% recommended for the crew and 50 EUR/ person recommended for the cruise director) - Massage Treatments (ask for our price list) - Land Transfers on request
  • wpcf_crew: a:15:{s:4:"info";s:8104:"Frane Orović | Captain<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In 1996, I had my first job as a Captain aboard a police patrol boat, navigating the waters of Croatia and beyond. Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of navigating yachts such as ANGELA LORA, NEW STAR, and now, the esteemed ARETHA!<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Responsibility and safety as priority for guests and all on-board crew.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Hard worker and hospitable host. Want everyone to feel like at home on my yacht.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Good and reliable captain, fair to crew, and always giving 100% to have happy guests on board.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Well done is better than well said.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Toni Antišin | Chief engineer<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Since 2017, my career at sea began aboard the NEW STAR, where I've proudly dedicated three years of service.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Hard working, responsibility<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility that the vessel and all machinery on board is 100% operational for satisfaction of the guests.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a social and hard working individual.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the outer side of fear.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Aleksandar Lazarov | Chef<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In 2010, my culinary voyage commenced at Pan Panokio, Poco Loco, Lagano, and Resort Losinia, where I honed my skills in preparing a diverse array of dishes to perfection.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian and Serbian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Tasteful, Beautiful, and nice decorated food made with best local ingredients.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility and commitment to always amaze people.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a good friend and colleague.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Do one thing every day than that scares you.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nicole Stjelja Kralj | Stewardess<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2018 in the Bevanda restaurant/bar/hotel and after I started working on the yacht SYMPHONY in 2023. I have one summer season experience working on the yacht and 5 years in high-end restaurants and bars.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Dalmatian Coast<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> They can expect professionalism and passion to always give the best service. Expect that, after a day, I will know your favourite drinks to surprise you!<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> My most positive points are politeness, tidiness.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> I am trying to be a best friend and colleague<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Find your place under the sun.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Uroš Mitrović | Steward<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> I have 5 years of experience working in high-end restaurants and bars. This will be my first season on board a yacht.<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Politeness and professional service.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Positivity, fast and quality service, resourcefulness.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Hard working, fair and kind person with manners.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Well done is better than well said.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Armin Graca | Steward<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Over the past decade, I have gained experience on board with Celebrity Cruises and Thomson Cruises, as well as in various à la carte restaurants situated along the scenic Adriatic Sea and in Serbia.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Europe, Asian, South and North America<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Serbian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Professional and friendly personality ready for any requests. Expect my full dedication to your stay on the yacht for your pure relaxation.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Ability to make right decisions under pressure and stress.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I take my job too seriously.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Life is beautiful, enjoy it.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Doris Mikić | Masseuse<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Member of staff team, masseuse, personal pilates trainer, psychotherapist<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Dalmatian Coast<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Expertise in doing massages and wellness, helpfulness, and kindness. I will make sure the everyone feels rejuvenated after my massages and wellness sessions.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Flexibility, responsibility, readiness to learn<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Kind, communicative, polite.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Mateo Budanović | Deckhand<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In April 2021, I embarked on my journey as a deckhand aboard the yacht SENSEI, marking the beginning of my 3.5 years of invaluable experience. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of serving on yachts such as SENSEI, ZEUS 1, ELEMENTS, and SATINE.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Italy, France, Caribbean Islands.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Nice attitude and knowledge in water sports.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> I am always ready to help, and I have large sea experience. Also, I am well educated in maritime industry.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I have good sense of humor and nice personality.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Sara Šimičević | Stewardess<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2019 on board MV MARKAN, after on board BELEZZA, and after 2 more years on board NEW STAR.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic sea.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> I am always smiling!<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> My purity.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a great colleague.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Don’t worry about failure. ”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ivan Gotovac | Deckhand<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2017 on board NEW STAR, where I stayed for 3 years.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Always ready to help and assist with water sports and extra things while on board ARETHA. I will make sure that everything the guests need is given to them.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a social and humoristic person!<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”";s:5:"photo";s:0:"";s:4:"size";s:2:"12";s:12:"captain_name";s:13:"Frane Orović";s:14:"captain_nation";s:8:"Croatian";s:12:"captain_born";s:4:"1966";s:15:"captain_license";s:0:"";s:18:"captain_yr_sailing";s:1:"0";s:21:"captain_yr_chartering";s:1:"0";s:17:"captain_languages";s:26:"English, Croatian, Serbian";s:9:"crew_name";s:19:"Toni Antišin";s:16:"crew_nationality";s:8:"Croatian";s:12:"crew_license";s:0:"";s:15:"crew_yr_sailing";s:1:"0";s:18:"crew_yr_chartering";s:1:"0";}
  • wpcf_mainimg: /wp-content/uploads/yacht/c/aretha/aretha-main-image-uprayc-1703190427.jpg
  • wpcf_mainimg_description:
  • wpcf_img: a:18:{i:2;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:10:"Main salon";}i:3;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:20:"Interior Dining Area";}i:4;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:16:"Aft + Water Toys";}i:5;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:23:"Starboard Side Exterior";}i:6;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:9:"VIP Cabin";}i:7;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:12:"Double Cabin";}i:8;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:10:"Twin Cabin";}i:9;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:80:"";s:4:"desc";s:26:"Twin/Double Cabin Bathroom";}i:10;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:25:"Private Jacuzzi VIP Cabin";}i:11;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:17:"Sundeck Jacuzzi's";}i:12;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:8:"Aft Deck";}i:13;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:11:"Cinema Room";}i:14;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:18:"VIP Cabin Bathroom";}i:15;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:16:"Menu Dining Area";}i:16;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:20:"SPA Room & Sauna";}i:17;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:8:"Masseuse";}i:18;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:14:"Chef in action";}i:19;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:4:"desc";s:3:"Bow";}}
  • wpcf_video:
  • wpcf_video3d:
  • wpcf_userweb:
  • wpcf_brochure:
  • wpcf_yachtLogo:
  • wpcf_specifications: a:24:{s:4:"tube";s:1:"1";s:6:"guests";s:2:"30";s:8:"maxspeed";s:2:"13";s:11:"pref_pickup";N;s:12:"other_pickup";N;s:5:"draft";s:4:"3.91";s:14:"cruising_speed";s:1:"8";s:7:"helipad";s:2:"No";s:2:"ac";s:4:"Full";s:8:"ac_night";s:3:"Yes";s:5:"built";s:4:"2018";s:10:"turnaround";s:30:"Sunday (embarkation at 3pm | d";s:6:"cabins";s:2:"15";s:4:"king";s:1:"0";s:5:"queen";s:1:"0";s:6:"double";s:1:"7";s:6:"single";s:1:"0";s:4:"twin";s:1:"8";s:7:"pullman";s:1:"0";s:7:"showers";s:2:"15";s:6:"basins";s:1:"0";s:5:"heads";s:2:"15";s:14:"electric_heads";s:1:"0";s:7:"jacuzzi";s:3:"Yes";}
  • wpcf_more_specs: a:7:{s:4:"flag";s:7:"Croatia";s:8:"homeport";s:14:"Split, Croatia";s:13:"resort_course";s:0:"";s:12:"yacht_permit";s:1:"1";s:13:"yacht_license";s:1:"1";s:9:"yacht_mca";s:1:"0";s:15:"yacht_insurance";s:0:"";}
  • wpcf_other_entertainment: Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities:<br /> Music System in Saloon<br /> Music System in Cabins<br /> Music System on outside decks<br /> Smart TV in Cabins<br /> Smart TV in Saloon<br /> WiFi<br /> Outside Bar<br /> 2 x Jacuzzis's<br /> Indoor Cinema<br /> Indoor Gym<br /> Sauna<br /> Massage Salon<br /> Sun deck with sunbeds
  • wpcf_water_sports: a:24:{s:11:"dinghy_size";s:12:"2 x Brig 470";s:12:"kayaks_1_pax";s:1:"6";s:12:"kayaks_2_pax";s:1:"0";s:9:"dinghy_hp";s:2:"60";s:13:"floating_mats";s:3:"Yes";s:10:"dinghy_pax";s:0:"";s:13:"swim_platform";s:3:"Yes";s:16:"water_skis_adult";s:3:"Yes";s:15:"boarding_ladder";s:0:"";s:15:"water_skis_kids";s:3:"Yes";s:14:"sailing_dinghy";s:0:"";s:8:"jet_skis";s:1:"1";s:11:"beach_games";s:1:"0";s:12:"wave_runners";s:1:"0";s:9:"kneeboard";s:1:"0";s:10:"windsurfer";s:1:"0";s:12:"snorkel_gear";s:3:"Yes";s:17:"underwater_camera";s:1:"0";s:7:"scurfer";s:1:"0";s:16:"underwater_video";s:1:"0";s:10:"wake_board";s:1:"1";s:11:"paddleboard";s:1:"6";s:6:"seabob";s:3:"Yes";s:11:"sea_scooter";s:2:"No";}
  • wpcf_captain_only:
  • wpcf_kingcabins: 0
  • wpcf_queencabins: 0
  • wpcf_singlecabins: 0
  • wpcf_doublecabins: 7
  • wpcf_twincabins: 8
  • wpcf_pullmancabins: 0
  • wpcf_refit: 2024
  • wpcf_deck_shower: Yes
  • wpcf_bimini: Yes
  • wpcf_voltages:
  • wpcf_homecountry: Croatia
  • wpcf_fuel: 100
  • cruising_speed: 8
  • max_speed: 13
  • wpcf_debug: O:8:"stdClass":291:{s:7:"yachtId";s:4:"9061";s:9:"yachtName";s:6:"ARETHA";s:17:"yachtPreviousName";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtLogo";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtType";s:5:"Power";s:11:"yachtLength";s:5:"45.42";s:13:"yachtPowerCat";s:1:"N";s:8:"sizeFeet";s:9:"148.00 Ft";s:9:"sizeMeter";s:7:"45.00 m";s:9:"yachtBeam";s:4:"8.84";s:10:"yachtDraft";s:4:"3.91";s:10:"yachtUnits";s:6:"Metres";s:8:"yachtPax";s:2:"30";s:11:"yachtCabins";s:2:"15";s:9:"yachtKing";s:1:"0";s:10:"yachtQueen";s:1:"0";s:17:"yachtSingleCabins";s:1:"0";s:17:"yachtDoubleCabins";s:1:"7";s:15:"yachtTwinCabins";s:1:"8";s:18:"yachtPullmanCabins";s:1:"0";s:10:"yachtRefit";s:4:"2024";s:12:"yachtHelipad";s:2:"No";s:12:"yachtJacuzzi";s:3:"Yes";s:8:"yachtGym";s:2:"No";s:16:"yachtStabilizers";s:2:"No";s:14:"yachtElevators";s:2:"No";s:21:"yachtWheelChairAccess";s:2:"No";s:7:"yachtAc";s:4:"Full";s:15:"yachtPrefPickUp";s:14:"Split, Croatia";s:16:"yachtOtherPickUp";s:18:"Dubrovnik, Croatia";s:15:"yachtTurnAround";s:30:"Sunday (embarkation at 3pm | d";s:14:"yachtYearBuilt";s:4:"2018";s:12:"yachtBuilder";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtBrokerWeb";s:31:"";s:12:"yachtUserWeb";s:48:"";s:13:"yachtVideoUrl";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtV360Url";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCruiseSpeed";s:1:"8";s:13:"yachtMaxSpeed";s:2:"13";s:19:"yachtAccommodations";s:485:"The yacht provides accommodation for 30 guests:<br /> <br /> LOWER DECK: 4 Cabins (3 Double + 1 Convertible (Double/Twin))<br /> MAIN DECK: 9 Cabins (3 Double + 6 Convertible (Double/Twin))<br /> UPPER DECK: 2 Suites (2 Double bed Suites with Terrace and Jacuzzi)<br /> <br /> Please see the layout plan to visualize the cabin allocation:<br /> Cabin 1 – 4 = 17 sqm<br /> Cabin 9 – 11 = 17 sqm<br /> Cabin 12 – 18 = 19 sqm<br /> Cabin 19 – 20 = 25 sqm";s:14:"yachtHighPrice";s:13:"€90,000";s:13:"yachtLowPrice";s:13:"€75,500";s:21:"yachtHighNumericPrice";s:5:"90000";s:20:"yachtLowNumericPrice";s:5:"75500";s:19:"yachtCurrencySymbol";s:7:"€";s:13:"yachtCurrency";s:3:"EUR";s:17:"yachtPriceDetails";s:1951:"RATES 2024: 16 April – 02 June 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 02 June – 30 June 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 30 June – 07 July 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 07 July – 01 September 2024: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 01 September – 15 September 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 15 September – 22 September 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 22 September – 27 October 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT RATES 2025: 13 April – 18 May 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 18 May – 25 May 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 25 May – 06 July 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 06 July – 21 September 2025: 103,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 21 September – 05 October 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 05 October – 12 October 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 12 October – 02 November 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT * CHARTER FEE INCLUDES: - 7 nights 8 days cruise on a custom route - Fuel for up to 5hrs navigation per day - Service of 12 crew members - Masseuse on board - Premium Dockage for embarkation and disembarkation - 2 meals a day (breakfast daily + lunch OR dinner) - Captain's dinner - Welcome reception with drink and snack - Unlimited Drinking water - Unlimited WiFi - TV/SAT - Unlimited Usage of sauna, pool, jacuzzi, gym - Unlimited Usage of all water toys - Services of Concierge and Cruise Director - Unlimited anchor & tender services * CHARTER FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: - Croatian VAT of 13% - Drink packages: Non-alcoholic 200 EUR pp | Regular Alcoholic 450 EUR pp | Premium Alcoholic 700 EUR pp (ask for our list) - Extra meals @ 70 EUR/person/meal - Harbour & Agency fees (except embarkation port and disembarkation port) - Tips for the crew (5 - 10% recommended for the crew and 50 EUR/ person recommended for the cruise director) - Massage Treatments (ask for our price list) - Land Transfers on 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(Itiwit)<br /> 1 x Water Ski (Spinera54)<br /> 1 x Wakeboard (Spinera)<br /> 1 x SeabobF5<br /> 1 x Waterslide<br /> 1 x Seapoolwith 4 beds<br /> 1 x Banana (Spinera)<br /> 1 x Towable Donut for 2 pax (Spinera)<br /> 1 x Infinity Island Inflatable Dock (Jobe)";s:19:"yachtOtherEntertain";s:347:"Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities:<br /> Music System in Saloon<br /> Music System in Cabins<br /> Music System on outside decks<br /> Smart TV in Cabins<br /> Smart TV in Saloon<br /> WiFi<br /> Outside Bar<br /> 2 x Jacuzzis's<br /> Indoor Cinema<br /> Indoor Gym<br /> Sauna<br /> Massage Salon<br /> Sun deck with 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Serbian";s:13:"yachtCrewName";s:19:"Toni Antišin";s:14:"yachtCrewTitle";s:14:"Chief Engineer";s:15:"yachtCrewNation";s:8:"Croatian";s:15:"yachtCrewYrBorn";s:4:"1996";s:12:"yachtCrewLic";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrewYrSail";s:1:"0";s:16:"yachtCrewYrChart";s:1:"0";s:13:"yachtCrewLang";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCrewProfile";s:8104:"Frane Orović | Captain<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In 1996, I had my first job as a Captain aboard a police patrol boat, navigating the waters of Croatia and beyond. Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of navigating yachts such as ANGELA LORA, NEW STAR, and now, the esteemed ARETHA!<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Responsibility and safety as priority for guests and all on-board crew.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Hard worker and hospitable host. Want everyone to feel like at home on my yacht.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Good and reliable captain, fair to crew, and always giving 100% to have happy guests on board.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Well done is better than well said.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Toni Antišin | Chief engineer<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Since 2017, my career at sea began aboard the NEW STAR, where I've proudly dedicated three years of service.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Hard working, responsibility<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility that the vessel and all machinery on board is 100% operational for satisfaction of the guests.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a social and hard working individual.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the outer side of fear.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Aleksandar Lazarov | Chef<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In 2010, my culinary voyage commenced at Pan Panokio, Poco Loco, Lagano, and Resort Losinia, where I honed my skills in preparing a diverse array of dishes to perfection.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian and Serbian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Tasteful, Beautiful, and nice decorated food made with best local ingredients.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility and commitment to always amaze people.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a good friend and colleague.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Do one thing every day than that scares you.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nicole Stjelja Kralj | Stewardess<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2018 in the Bevanda restaurant/bar/hotel and after I started working on the yacht SYMPHONY in 2023. I have one summer season experience working on the yacht and 5 years in high-end restaurants and bars.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Dalmatian Coast<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> They can expect professionalism and passion to always give the best service. Expect that, after a day, I will know your favourite drinks to surprise you!<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> My most positive points are politeness, tidiness.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> I am trying to be a best friend and colleague<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Find your place under the sun.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Uroš Mitrović | Steward<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> I have 5 years of experience working in high-end restaurants and bars. This will be my first season on board a yacht.<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English, Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Politeness and professional service.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Positivity, fast and quality service, resourcefulness.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Hard working, fair and kind person with manners.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Well done is better than well said.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Armin Graca | Steward<br /> Serbian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Over the past decade, I have gained experience on board with Celebrity Cruises and Thomson Cruises, as well as in various à la carte restaurants situated along the scenic Adriatic Sea and in Serbia.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Europe, Asian, South and North America<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Serbian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Professional and friendly personality ready for any requests. Expect my full dedication to your stay on the yacht for your pure relaxation.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Ability to make right decisions under pressure and stress.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I take my job too seriously.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Life is beautiful, enjoy it.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Doris Mikić | Masseuse<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> Member of staff team, masseuse, personal pilates trainer, psychotherapist<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Dalmatian Coast<br /> <br /> LANGUAGES:<br /> English and Croatian.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Expertise in doing massages and wellness, helpfulness, and kindness. I will make sure the everyone feels rejuvenated after my massages and wellness sessions.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Flexibility, responsibility, readiness to learn<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> Kind, communicative, polite.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Mateo Budanović | Deckhand<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> In April 2021, I embarked on my journey as a deckhand aboard the yacht SENSEI, marking the beginning of my 3.5 years of invaluable experience. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of serving on yachts such as SENSEI, ZEUS 1, ELEMENTS, and SATINE.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Italy, France, Caribbean Islands.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Nice attitude and knowledge in water sports.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> I am always ready to help, and I have large sea experience. Also, I am well educated in maritime industry.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I have good sense of humor and nice personality.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Sara Šimičević | Stewardess<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2019 on board MV MARKAN, after on board BELEZZA, and after 2 more years on board NEW STAR.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic sea.<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> I am always smiling!<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> My purity.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a great colleague.<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Don’t worry about failure. ”<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ivan Gotovac | Deckhand<br /> Croatian<br /> <br /> EXPERIENCE:<br /> My first job was in 2017 on board NEW STAR, where I stayed for 3 years.<br /> <br /> CRUISING AREAS:<br /> Adriatic Sea<br /> <br /> WHAT CAN GUESTS EXPECT FROM YOU:<br /> Always ready to help and assist with water sports and extra things while on board ARETHA. I will make sure that everything the guests need is given to them.<br /> <br /> WHAT ARE YOUR MOST POSITIVE POINTS:<br /> Responsibility.<br /> <br /> WHAT DO OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU:<br /> That I am a social and humoristic person!<br /> <br /> FAVOURITE QUOTE:<br /> "Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.”";s:14:"yachtCrewPhoto";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew1Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew2Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew3Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew4Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew5Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew6Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew7Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew8Pic";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtCrew9Pic";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew10Pic";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew1Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew2Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew3Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew4Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew5Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew6Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew7Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew8Name";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtCrew9Name";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew10Name";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew1Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew2Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew3Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew4Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew5Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew6Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew7Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew8Title";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtCrew9Title";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtCrew10Title";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtFlag";s:7:"Croatia";s:13:"yachtHomePort";s:14:"Split, Croatia";s:14:"yachtWBasePort";s:14:"Split, Croatia";s:8:"yachtRig";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtGrossTons";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtAcNight";s:3:"Yes";s:16:"yachtAcSurCharge";s:0:"";s:9:"yachtTubs";s:1:"0";s:20:"yachtLocationDetails";s:276:"ARETHA is available from 16 April - 27 October 2024 in Croatia (only allowed to cruise in Croatian waters). ARETHA follows a standard turnover on Sunday, either in Split or Dubrovnik, depending on her booking calendar. Embarkation time: 15.00h Disembarkation time: 10.00h";s:10:"yachtTerms";s:3:"EMT";s:13:"yachtCaptOnly";s:0:"";s:15:"yachtSpecialCon";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtContracts";s:0:"";s:21:"yachtConsumptionUnits";s:9:"Litres/Hr";s:10:"yachtRange";s:6:"550 nM";s:11:"yachtPermit";s:1:"1";s:12:"yachtLicense";s:1:"1";s:8:"yachtMca";s:1:"0";s:16:"yachtDeepSeaFish";s:0:"";s:10:"yachtSatTv";s:3:"Yes";s:9:"yachtIpod";s:3:"Yes";s:10:"yachtVideo";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtSailInstruct";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtInternet";s:12:"Onboard WIFI";s:16:"yachtCaptainOnly";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtBrokerNotes";s:613:"LOCATION DETAILS:<br /> ARETHA is available from 16 April - 27 October 2024 in Croatia (only allowed to cruise in Croatian waters).<br /> ARETHA follows a standard turnover on Sunday, either in Split or Dubrovnik, depending on her booking calendar.<br /> <br /> Embarkation time: 15.00h<br /> Disembarkation time: 10.00h<br /> <br /> NOTE TO BROKERS:<br /> * 15% brokers commission to brokers that fulfill the MYBA broker's guidelines and to those companies that extend the same courtesy to our brokers. To those companies offering YS brokers reduced commission, we will offer the same reduced commission.";s:15:"yachtInsCompany";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtPolicy";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtLiability";s:0:"";s:18:"yachtEffectiveDate";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtContractName";s:0:"";s:20:"yachtContractAddress";s:0:"";s:18:"yachtCoverageAreas";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtInsFlag";s:0:"";s:16:"yachtInsHomeport";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtRegNum";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone1";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone2";s:0:"";s:14:"yachtConPhone3";s:0:"";s:11:"yachtConFax";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtWaveConEmail";s:0:"";s:13:"yachtConOther";s:0:"";s:12:"yachtManager";s:11:"YACHT STORY";s:16:"yachtManagerName";s:11:"JILL ZWAANS";s:17:"yachtManagerPhone";s:12:"+32478350763";s:16:"yachtManagerToll";s:0:"";s:17:"yachtManagerEmail";s:22:" [email protected] ";}
  • location_details: ARETHA is available from 16 April - 27 October 2024 in Croatia (only allowed to cruise in Croatian waters). ARETHA follows a standard turnover on Sunday, either in Split or Dubrovnik, depending on her booking calendar. Embarkation time: 15.00h Disembarkation time: 10.00h
  • helipad: No
  • sailing_instructor:
  • lengthm: 45.00 m
  • consumption: 100
  • consumption_units: Litres/Hr
  • yachtRange: 550 nM
  • price_details: RATES 2024: 16 April – 02 June 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 02 June – 30 June 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 30 June – 07 July 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 07 July – 01 September 2024: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 01 September – 15 September 2024: 85,200 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 15 September – 22 September 2024: 80,300 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 22 September – 27 October 2024: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT RATES 2025: 13 April – 18 May 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 18 May – 25 May 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 25 May – 06 July 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 06 July – 21 September 2025: 103,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 21 September – 05 October 2025: 90,000 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 05 October – 12 October 2025: 80,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT 12 October – 02 November 2025: 75,500 EUR/week* + 13% VAT * CHARTER FEE INCLUDES: - 7 nights 8 days cruise on a custom route - Fuel for up to 5hrs navigation per day - Service of 12 crew members - Masseuse on board - Premium Dockage for embarkation and disembarkation - 2 meals a day (breakfast daily + lunch OR dinner) - Captain's dinner - Welcome reception with drink and snack - Unlimited Drinking water - Unlimited WiFi - TV/SAT - Unlimited Usage of sauna, pool, jacuzzi, gym - Unlimited Usage of all water toys - Services of Concierge and Cruise Director - Unlimited anchor & tender services * CHARTER FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE: - Croatian VAT of 13% - Drink packages: Non-alcoholic 200 EUR pp | Regular Alcoholic 450 EUR pp | Premium Alcoholic 700 EUR pp (ask for our list) - Extra meals @ 70 EUR/person/meal - Harbour & Agency fees (except embarkation port and disembarkation port) - Tips for the crew (5 - 10% recommended for the crew and 50 EUR/ person recommended for the cruise director) - Massage Treatments (ask for our price list) - Land Transfers on request
  • terms: Inclusive
  • yachtTermsTypeNum: 1
  • caemail: [email protected]
  • fullrates:
  • special_conditions:
  • green: a:3:{s:16:"green_initiative";s:0:"";s:16:"reusable_bottles";s:0:"";s:19:"other_green_efforts";s:0:"";}
  • diving: a:15:{s:5:"tanks";s:1:"0";s:9:"wet_suits";s:1:"0";s:15:"number_of_dives";s:0:"";s:11:"night_dives";s:1:"0";s:9:"dive_info";s:0:"";s:13:"communication";s:0:"";s:11:"full_course";s:0:"";s:14:"air_compressor";s:11:"Not Onboard";s:3:"bcs";s:1:"0";s:11:"weight_sets";s:1:"0";s:16:"number_of_divers";s:1:"0";s:20:"registrations_number";s:1:"0";s:11:"dive_lights";s:1:"0";s:10:"dive_costs";s:0:"";s:14:"scuba_on_board";s:35:"Yacht offers Rendezvous Diving only";}
  • fishing: a:4:{s:12:"fishing_gear";s:1:"0";s:17:"fishing_gear_type";s:0:"";s:4:"rods";s:0:"";s:16:"deep_sea_fishing";s:0:"";}
  • flag: Croatia
  • captain_nation: Croatian
  • crew_nationality: Croatian
  • scubaonboard: Yacht offers Rendezvous Diving only
  • mo_sync_modified: 1726569259
  • plan_title:
  • plan_description:
  • plan_image_attach:
  • plan_image:
  • plan_rooms:
  • plan_price:
  • adv_filter_search_action:
  • adv_filter_search_category:
  • current_adv_filter_city:
  • current_adv_filter_area:
  • mo_rating: a:3:{s:4:"time";i:1703190419;s:5:"count";i:225;s:6:"rating";d:4.5;}
  • cya_content: a:2:{s:4:"time";i:1703190419;s:3:"cya";s:998:"<div class="bottom-15"><div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fad fa-align-left mofa"></i></div><h2 id="yacht_description"> ARETHA Yacht Description</h2></div><p>Advertised by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht ARETHA is a 148 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The main attractions of ARETHA are her impeccable styling and fantastic layout. ARETHA spends the summer and winter season in Croatia. She was completed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018. A well-done refit was fulfilled in 2024. The ingenious yacht layout features 10 generous cabins and easily accommodates a maximum of 20 guests. </p><p>ARETHA is classified as a superyacht. The key part of the boat -generously sized aft deck, leads to the attractive and sleek main salon. The main saloon is a gathering space with comfortable seating and entertainment areas and offers a range of entertainment options. </br></br>10 spacious cabins are laid out to allow for comfortable access and private setting. </br></p><p></p>";}
  • mo_youtube: a:2:{s:7:"updated";i:1705351908;s:5:"links";a:0:{}}
  • parsed_layout: <div class="col-md-12 whitediv mo19"> <div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fa-duotone fa-object-group mofa"></i></div> <h2 id='mo_layout'>Layout</h2> <a href="" data-lightbox="yacht_gallery" data-title="Layout of ARETHA"> <img height="954" width="1358" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive autoheight w-100" alt="Layout of ARETHA" src=""/> </a> </div>
  • parsed_crew: <div class=""> <div class='col-md-12 whitediv mo20> <div class="position-absolute mox"><i class="fa-duotone fa-id-card mofa"></i></div> <h2 id='mo_crew'>Crew</h2> <div class=""> <h3>Crew Information</h3> <p class=""> </p> </div> <div class="cya_crew "> <div class="col-md-12"></div> <div class="col-md-12"><p> </p></div> </div> </div> </div>
  • parsed_menu: N
  • mo_sheet_videos: a:0:{}
  • mo_sheet_videos_last_update: 1727299868
  • gpt_thread_id: thread_1B0KClL2CWPrDiPKMFfdMgGm
  • gpt_description: <h3>Elevator Summary</h3> <p>Introducing the opulent <b>148'</b> motor yacht, designed for unrivaled sea excursions with comfort and elegance in the stimulating waters of Croatia. Launched in 2018 and recently refitted in 2024, this yacht features an extensive beam of <b>29'</b> and a draft of <b>13'</b>, allowing it to navigate exclusive locales. Accommodating up to <b>30 guests</b> with <b>15 luxurious cabins</b> and operated by an adept crew of <b>12</b>, this yacht is an epitome of maritime sophistication and service.</p> <h3>Accommodation</h3> <p>The yacht's accommodation is ingeniously laid out across three decks:</p> <ul> <li><b>Lower Deck</b>: Houses <b>4 cabins</b> - comprising 3 Double and 1 Convertible (Double/Twin).</li> <li><b>Main Deck</b>: Contains <b>9 cabins</b> - split into 3 Double and 6 Convertible (Double/Twin).</li> <li><b>Upper Deck</b>: Features <b>2 luxurious Double bed Suites</b>, each with a Terrace and a personal jacuzzi.</li> </ul> <p>Each cabin is designed with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring privacy and comfort, making it a floating luxury hotel.</p> <h3>Toys</h3> <p>Our yacht offers an extensive array of onboard water toys and equipment for entertainment and fitness:</p> <ul> <li><b>1 Jetski</b> for high-speed water adventures.</li> <li><b>5 Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs)</b> and <b>5 Kayaks</b> for exploration at your own pace.</li> <li>Snorkeling Gear to discover the underwater world.</li> <li>A thrilling <b>Waterslide</b> and a <b>Seapool</b> for safe, enclosed swimming.</li> </ul> <h3>Amenities</h3> <p>This yacht is equipped with top-tier amenities designed for luxury and comfort:</p> <ul> <li>Fully Air-conditioned interiors for comfort in all conditions.</li> <li>Breathtaking <b>Indoor Cinema</b> and a serene <b>Spa</b> facility.</li> <li>State-of-the-art <b>Gym</b> and <b>Sauna</b> for health and wellness.</li> <li><b>Two Jacuzzis</b> on deck for relaxation while soaking in the sun.</li> <li>Robust Wi-Fi and Multimedia systems including <b>Smart TVs</b> in cabins and saloon.</li> </ul> <h3>Crew</h3> <p>The professional crew of <b>12</b> is adept at ensuring that all aspects of your yacht experience are handled with expertise and grace. The crew includes skilled culinary staff, deckhands, and a dedicated masseuse, ensuring each guest's needs are catered to promptly and efficiently.</p> <p>Every detail aboard this yacht is crafted to ensure guests enjoy a bespoke and luxurious maritime journey in some of the most coveted waters of the world.</p>
  • ys_reviews:
  • reviews_sync_date: 1727176163
  • singlebox: <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-6 col-xl-4 listing_wrapper property_unit_0_child mo_slideritem" data-listid="23910" data-price="75500"> <div class="property_listing"> <div class="mo_badges"> <div class="reviews_small"> Jetski </div> <div class="reviews_small"> Jacuzzi </div> </div> <div class="lds-circle"><div></div></div> <div class="single_yacht_slider yachts uninitialized swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide mainimg block"> <img width="800" height="535" loading="lazy" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/wp-content/uploads/yacht/c/aretha/aretha-main-image-uprayc-1703190427_resize-800,535.jpg" class="block w-100"/> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure2_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure3_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure4_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure5_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure6_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" src="/wp-content/uploads/moimg/yachtadmin/yachtlg/yacht9061/9061brochure7_w-800px_resize-800,538.jpg" /> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img loading="lazy" height="538" width="800" 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Yacht Charter in Croatia

Rent a boat in croatia from 800 € per week - hire a sailboat, catamaran or motor yacht, discover 14 harbors - boat rental croatia.


Why sailboat rental in Croatia is so popular?

Famous heart-shaped island "galesnjak" near zadar.

Heart-shaped island Galesnjak near Zadar

Aerial view of the sailing paradise "Kornati Archipelago"

Aerial view of the sailing paradise Kornati Archipelago

Some of the most important figures for yacht charter in Croatia:

How much does it cost to charter a yacht in croatia, what type of boats are for rental in croatia, a sailing yacht anchoring in a quite clear bay.

Sailing yacht on anchor in a crystal clear bay

A luxury motor yacht in the famous port of Hvar on the Island Brac

motor yacht in Hvar on the Island Brac

4 K Video about a Charter Crew enjoying a sailing week in Croatia

Which are the most visited ports and marinas?

Harbour view of split, the second biggest city in croatia.

Harbour view of Split

The picturesque fisher village Mali Ston on the island Pelješac

Mali Ston on the island Pelješac

The wonderful historic port town Korcula

historic port town Korcula

What is the best time to sail the Adriatic coast?

Brief summary of the sailing weather in croatia with the example of split:, which cultural and nature highlights are worth to visit in dalmatia, the diocletian palace in the historic centre of split.

The Diocletian Palace in the historic centre of Split

Walk through the stunning Plitvice Lake National Park

stunning Plitice Lake National Park

Krka Waterfalls in Dalmatia near Skradin

Krka Waterfalls in Dalmatia near Skradin

Luxury yachts in the port of island Hvar

Luxury yachts in the port of island Hvar

Do I need a skipper license to rent a yacht in Croatian Waters?

What is the right duration of a sailing trip, which is the best boat rental company in croatia, selected boat rental operators in croatia by alfabetical order:, is croatia a good place for a family holiday on a boat, 9 good reasons why croatia is perfect for a vacation with your family:, one of the best countries to sail with a family.

Family sailing vacation

What advantages offers flotilla sailing in Croatia?

Charter yachts moored in front of primosten island.

Yachts moored in front of Primosten Island

Which are the typical dishes served by Dalmatian chefs?

A huge plate of grilled croatian seafood.

Croatian Seafood Dish

Traditional Dalmatian wine cellar on the island Vis

Wine cellar in Podselje on the island Vis

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The best hotels in Montenegro

OneOnly Portonovi Montenegro

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Between Croatia and Albania , looking out across the bright Adriatic Sea to Puglia in Italy, some of the best hotels on Montenegro’s dramatic 180-mile coast sit. On the shoreline, glossy marinas and resorts, stone fishermen’s cottages, the stately Venetian Republic-era palazzi, and churches of wealthy merchants jut up against each other. Inland, through steep hills of olive groves, umbrella pines and rough maquis lie gorges, fast-running rivers and alpine lakes. Wolves, bears and lynx roam, and seasonal herders graze their animals on alpine pastures dotted with wildflowers and berries.

Montenegro’s compact geography, unique accommodation and wide-ranging landscape make it an alluring destination for travellers of all inclinations, with activities to satisfy everyone from the history buff to the wellness enthusiast. The mountain-ringed system of bays that extends from mediaeval Kotor is not to be missed, nor are visits to the national parks, ancient monasteries, and vineyards. As for where to stay, these are some of the best hotels in Montenegro.

OneOnly Portonovi Montenegro

One&Only Portonovi

Set in 60 acres of lush lawns, palms and Mediterranean plants near the entrance of the Adriatic Sea, One&Only Portonovi lives up to the brand's reputation for laidback luxury. Rooms, which start at a generous 65 metres squared, are decorated in earthy, neutral tones, with polished parquet and pale marble floors. All have private balconies or terraces and spacious bathrooms with freestanding baths and chaise longues. There is also a selection of two- and three-bedroom villas and private houses for rent, the latter with their own beaches, butlers, and fully stocked bars. There are six pools (two of which are adults-only) and a large sandy beach, as well as various activities from kayaking and water polo to breathwork and sessions with a nutritionist. The fabulous 4,000m2 Chenot spa and wellness centre offers medical and dietician facilities, a full yoga studio, reformer Pilates, boxing, cryotherapy and an exhaustive range of treatments, including Chinese medicine, bioenergetics, cryotherapy and acupuncture. The huge gym has saunas, steam baths, treatment rooms, and a large indoor pool. Those looking for an epicurean experience will not be disappointed. Central La Veranda restaurant focuses on exceptional steak and meat dishes with an extensive local and regional wine list, while airy beachfront La Sabia offers delicious Italian cuisine, and Japanese-Spanish fusion restaurant Tapasake has got those enjoying the Balearic beats at the adult-only pool club covered.

Doubles start from £815, including breakfast

Regent Porto Montenegro was the first fivestar hotel to open on Kotor Bay back in 2014 and it's grown and improved...

Regent Porto Montenegro

Regent Porto Montenegro was the first five-star hotel to open on Kotor Bay back in 2014, and it's grown and improved since. Now spread over three buildings in the centre of the buzzy Porto Montenegro super yacht marina and village, where locals, visitors and residents mingle among the chic boutiques, bars and restaurants. Only the gleaming hulls of giant yachts separate them from a vista stretching the entire Bay of Tivat. Just a few miles from mediaeval Kotor and the Tivat International Airport, the Regent is perfect for those who want to be at the centre of the action while retaining easy access to the rest of the coast. Rooms and suites are spacious, with a nautical flavour of pale blues, rounded wooden doorframes, and canvas bed canopies reminiscent of sails. While the hotel does not have its own beach, two giant infinity pools, two children's pools, and a Bali-inspired spa with a 20-metre indoor pool make this feel largely unimportant, and there are many excellent beaches within a short distance. During the day, the Pool Bar serves salads, pizza, burgers and simple classics, while the Gourmet Corner deli and patisserie covers everything from flame-grilled steaks to pastries. In the evening, head for a drink in the intimate courtyard garden of the Onyx Bar before moving on to Murano for local butterflied sea bass, grilled octopus or one of the best beef Wellingtons outside the British Isles. Finish your order with a glass of wine from one of the small, family-run Montenegrin vineyards represented on the excellent wine list.

Doubles start from £150, including breakfast

The Chedi Luštica Bay

Set directly on the waterfront behind an imposing stone breakwater and the bobbing masts of yachts at anchor; the Chedi is the centrepiece of the Luštica Bay marina village, which cascades down the steep Luštica peninsula to the sea. Both the village and hotel are built of local stone with elements of warm, Italianate rendering, and the 100 spacious rooms and eleven suites with tiled floors and crisp white linen. Textiles and furnishings are in cool, marine shades of blue, with views of the Adriatic and the dramatic plunging slopes of the Montenegrin Riviera. As well as an indoor and outdoor pool, guests have use of two beaches, while another four nearby that are part of the Luštica Bay development are easily accessible by boat or foot. The Chedi’s location in the heart of unspoiled nature makes it a perfect base for active adventures such as e-bike outings and quad-bike tours through the traditional villages of the peninsula. Learning to sail, visiting a local family-owned olive farm, or replenishing the body with a yoga or boot camp class are also options. There is a dedicated pet beach, walking service and dog menu for animal lovers. Their owners can choose between street food, Asian flavours, sushi and cocktails at The Rok Beach Bar and Lounge, the sophisticated Mediterranean and local flavours of The Spot on the marina promenade, or sushi and vegan options around the pool and at The Lobby Bar. Feed the body and soul at The Spa, where you'll find a sauna and steam room, experience a shower and indoor pool looking out to the sea, as well as a good range of massages and treatments, some of which are also available at the Rok Beach Club during the summer months.

Doubles start from £330, including breakfast

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Mamula Island Hotel

Against a backdrop of excellent hotels in Montenegro, Mamula Island stands out for its uniqueness. Created from a magnificently restored and reimagined 19th-century Austro-Hungarian fort that sits on its own small island at the entrance to the Bay of Kotor from the Adriatic Sea, its 32 rooms and suites are spread through dramatic, barrel-vaulted spaces of former cannon rooms and officers’ quarters. Interiors are softened with natural fabrics, warm brass, solid oak, and smooth curves. From the small, private beach and the ramparts of the massive, curving pale stone outer walls, views of the sea and mountains are all-encompassing. The central courtyard shelters the pool deck and its three outdoor pools. The ground floor of the circular central tower is devoted to a serene spa in natural stone, offering a range of treatments and massages and a small, well-equipped gym with a private trainer. Wellness enthusiasts can also indulge in dawn yoga, looking out to sea from the Sun Deck restaurant and bar terraces perched over the rocks and sea. After a day soaking up the exceptional tranquillity of the island or exploring the beaches, abandoned forts and submarine tunnels of the unspoilt Luštica peninsula a few hundred metres away across the water, guests can recuperate with a cocktail at speak-easy-style Pinea cocktail bar on the rampart promenade before heading to the main Pool Deck restaurant for freshly caught fish, meat from small local producers as well as a variety of Mediterranean-inspired classics. Alternatively, head to the Sun Deck restaurant to catch sublime views of the sun setting over the open sea while enjoying salads, seafood, and artisanal pizzas.

Open May-October. Doubles start from £545, including breakfast and arrival and departure boat transfers

Lazure Hotel and Marina Montenegro

Lazure Hotel and Marina

Lazure Hotel and Marina is set on the coast against the background of the Orjen mountain range and next to historic Herceg Novi, with its three fortresses and pretty old town that cascades down the hillside to a small port. Centred around a sensitively restored 300-year-old Venetian Republic lazaretto or quarantine station with its own small chapel and covered piazzetta, the hotel has 128 rooms and suites in two buildings, all of which echo the hotel’s calm, neutral palette, encouraging an atmosphere of tranquillity throughout the property and its grounds, where stone-paved paths intersect the shade cast by mature palms and pines. The hotel’s private sandy beach has a 35-metre outdoor pool and a separate children’s pool, and the seasonal beach bar and restaurant offers sophisticated takes on contemporary street food, speciality pizzas, and delicious salads. In the Atmosphere Spa and Wellness Centre, a luminous 19-metre indoor pool looks out onto the sea, and guests can enjoy a large selection of saunas, steam and salt rooms, massages, and treatments. The à la carte Augusto Terrace and Rosemarine restaurants serve beautifully prepared international cuisine with a Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian slant, as well as a variety of sushi and sashimi, while the stylish Rocco bar in the central lobby is the place for a coffee, cocktail or glass of wine, and the Baguetteria patisserie and wine bar is a great spot for a light bite during the day. Breakfast is a lavish buffet with regional specialities in the larger modern building. Beyond the hotel, leisurely private guided hikes on lofty Mount Orjen provide breathtaking views. Montenegro’s only coastal winery, Savina, is just a five-minute walk from the hotel and offers tastings in a stunning environment.

Doubles start from £170, including breakfast

Villa Geba Montenegro

Villa Geba is perched on the steep hillside above the iconic island village of Sveti Stefan and next to public Miločer Park, a 44-acre haven of exotic trees and plants created for the summer residence of the Montenegrin king in the early 20th century. It comprises just seven rooms and suites, each with its own unique interior design, and a luxurious spa with a sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and a raised outdoor, 10-metre black marble infinity pool framed by marble Italianate pillars. This refined atmosphere is carefully preserved throughout the property, with a ‘no shorts and no flip-flops’ dress code for meals in the fine dining Muse restaurant. Here, the seasonal menu mixes Mediterranean, regional and Middle Eastern flavours from the bounty of the hotel's own kitchen garden, small producers, and the daily catch of local fishermen. The hotel has arrangements with two private beach clubs. Guests can choose between a short walk down a path to the private California Beach next to Sveti Stefan, with its restaurant and bar, or hop in a free hotel car to the fashionable Galija Beach Restaurant & Lounge beach club, which is set in a rocky cove surrounded by pine forests.

Doubles start from £375, including breakfast

Swissôtel Kolašin Resort

Opened in 2024, the 116-room Swissôtel Kolašin Resort is the first hotel of the new Kolašin 1600 ski resort, which, together with nearby Kolašin 1450, offers 45km of interconnected pistes, with plans to eventually expand this to an impressive 250km over three valleys. But don't just visit for the ski season; the local area is a paradise for riding tours, mountain biking, and hiking, and it is an excellent base for exploring the wild and beautiful mountains in Montenegro. The Biogradska Gora National Park and Bjelasica Mountain are on the hotel’s doorstep. A fine dining restaurant and cigar room enhance its luxurious connotations, while rooms have a contemporary chalet vibe, with pine walls and floors, cosy sheepskins next to the beds, traditional hand-woven Montenegrin rugs and upholstered bedheads, and contemporary bathrooms. The hotel is ski-in, ski-out , with a capacious ski room, and all rooms have a useful kitchenette and balconies with mountain views. Public areas are equipped with contemporary Italian furniture, and the stylish main restaurant, with chairs handmade from Montenegrin timber, spills out onto an expansive outdoor terrace. Here, guests can enjoy some après-ski on comfortable sofas after a long day skiing or hiking, or relax after visiting the modern spa with its 15m pool, Turkish bath, steam room and sauna.

Gradska Hotel, Cetinje

The charming mountain city of Cetinje is Montenegro’s former capital and historical, spiritual, and cultural centre. Here, the Montenegrin monarchy had its seat, and Cetinje remains the centre of the Orthodox church in the country and the location of the country's main university. Charming streets of terraced cottages and busy pavement cafes, intermingled with the eclectic edifices of former embassies, converge around the pedestrianised central Palace Square. This is where you'll find the nine-room boutique Gradska Hotel, housed in the elegant 19th-century former Bulgarian embassy. The square itself is also home to two former royal palaces and the Ethnographic Museum of Montenegro, while the mediaeval Cetinje Monastery and the National Museum of Montenegro are both less than two hundred metres distance. The hotel’s individually decorated rooms are spacious and comfortable, with parquet floors and contemporary furnishings and amenities, and some have their own balcony overlooking the Palace Square. The elegant hotel café – popular with locals - has an art deco feel. With its sprawling and comfortable outdoor terrace, the hotel restaurant is shaded by mature trees. It is the perfect spot for watching the world go by on the square as you try national dishes with Mediterranean influences. Come from May to September to enjoy concerts on the square, festivals including the International Folklore Festival and Cetinje Beer Festival, and the eminently strollable city's many museums, or make Cetinje your base for exploring the awe-inspiring nearby Lipska caves, Lovćen national park and the Skadar Lake national park.

Doubles start from £95, including breakfast

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Osiguranje plovila od gubitka i/ili oštećenja nastalog zbog osiguranih rizika tijekom prijevoza.

Ein Mann mit roter Mütze und Sonnenbrille auf einem Segelboot.

Osiguranje profesionalnih skipera

Profesionalni skiper u smislu našeg “osiguranja profesionalnog skipera” je skiper koji koristi vlastiti ili unajmljeni brod radi zarade.

yacht pool croatia

Osiguranje od odgovornosti iz djelatnosti

Osiguranje od odgovornosti za naknadu šteta koje su posljedica stručne pogreške osiguranika pri obavljanju registrirane djelatnosti, te za njih odgovara na temelju zakona.

yacht pool croatia

Yacht-Pool asistencija

Pokriće obuhvaća isporuku goriva i stvari, ronioce i vuču broda. To je osnovna pokrivenost koji će klijentima Yacht-Poola omogućiti da se osjećaju sigurno tijekom plovidbe.

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  1. Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Surija

    Croatia Boat Show Split; 47th Boot Tulln 2018. 27th Zagreb boat show 2018. Yacht-Pool changed its slogan to Premium Yacht... 19.0 Biograd Boat Show 2017. Yacht-Pool Party 2017. Internautica 2017. Kornati Cup 2017. Zagreb Boat Show and Boot Tulln 2017. ... &:

  2. Osiguranje čamaca, jahti i skipera

    YACHT-POOL je Vaš partner kada je u pitanju osiguranje plovila. Jednostavno, brzo i personalizirano. Osiguranje plovila. Osiguranje skipera. ... [email protected]; YACHT INSURANCE d.o.o. sjedište: Vukovarska 19, Poreč HR-52440 poslovnica: Mate Vlašića 45a, Poreč HR-52440; Važne poveznice. Prijava štete.

  3. Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Surija

    Yacht-Pool Charter Party 2015. 20. Internautica Portorož; 33. Nautic Show Budva; 37. Sajam nautike, lova i ribolova 2015. Beograd; 24. Zagrebački sajam nautike 2015. Novi Yacht-Pool portal; Dumica Katičin iz Elan Yachtinga je... Yacht-Pool podupire hrvatske jedriličare u... Yacht-Pool na Svjetskom prvenstvu krstaša na Cresu

  4. Yacht-Pool: More Than Insurance

    Marijan Dželalija, CEO Yacht-Pool Croatia and Dr. Friedrich Schöchl, founder and CEO of Yacht-Pool International. To date, company develops all its insurance and service products without exception itself - from practice for practice. Everything from product development and policy to claims management is under the control of company and this ...

  5. YACHT-POOL Croatia

    Yacht Insurance d.o.o. sjedište: Vukovarska 19, HR-52440 Poreč podružnica: Mate Vlašića 45a, 52440 Poreč T. +385 52 633 300... YACHT-POOL Croatia | Porec Facebook

  6. Kontakt

    Kontakt YACHT-POOL CROATIA Yacht Insurance d.o.o. POSLOVNICA:Mate Vlašića 45a SJEDIŠTE: Vukovarska 19 HR-52440 Poreč +385 91 2 633 300 +385 52 633 300 Molimo koristite naš obrazac u nastavku da nas kontaktirate. Alternativno, također nam možete izravno poslati e-poštu. E-mail adrese naših odjela su: Osiguranje plovila [email protected] Osiguranje za skipera…

  7. Yacht-Pool International

    [email protected]; Company profile. To justify its motto "more than insurance", Yacht-Pool is constantly developing new products and services. Their goal is to make it easier and simpler for clients to go through administrative challenges and enjoy sailing more by providing top-quality insurance for their vessel and a number of ...

  8. Croatia Yacht Marinas: Your Guide to Luxury Waterfront Experiences

    It is the only marina in Croatia specially designed to accommodate megayachts and offers a high level of safety and comfort. Guests have access to numerous facilities, including D-Resort Šibenik, a spa center, Yacht Club, conference rooms, an open-air pool with a bar, and a Tesla electric charging station.

  9. Yacht-Pool: Najkvalitetnije i najjednostavnije rješenje za osiguranje

    Yacht-Pool International čini tim profesionalaca iz područja nautike koji svojim klijentima omogućava vrhunsko osiguranje plovila.

  10. Insurance for boats, yachts and skippers

    YACHT-POOL is your partner for yacht insurance. Simple, fast and personal. Comprehensive support and reliable claims handling. ... Croatia; Switzerland; Poland; Finland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; All countries. Germany; Austria; Croatia; Switzerland; Poland; Finland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 ...

  11. Skipper liability insurance

    Depending on the type of ship, we may then be talking about € 25,000 or € 50,000 or whatever the current value is. This value is always too low, because the skipper's liability is unlimited! Our skipper liability insurance therefore covers this risk up to € 10 million! Liability claims by crew members against the skipper are almost ...

  12. NCP Charter

    NCP & mare is a leading Croatian yacht charter with 25 years of experience. We offer more than 70 boats and a variety of services. Our location is an excellent starting point for beautiful islands like Vis, Hvar and Korčula in the south and a national parks Kornati and river Krka waterfalls in the north. We choose only the best yachts for our ...

  13. Split Yacht Charter: Heart of Adriatic

    ACI marina Split. The city of Split is dotted with many small, local marinas, but with 320 berths by far the most visited is ACI Marina Split (+385 (0) 98 398 850) which offers much-needed parking sports for yacht owners. In case you are looking for parking in and around ACI Marina Split, first look inside the marina.

  14. Trenutno

    +385 52 633 300 +385 91 2 633 300; [email protected]; [email protected]; YACHT INSURANCE d.o.o. sjedište: Vukovarska 19, Poreč HR-52440 poslovnica: Mate Vlašića 45a, Poreč HR-52440

  15. Croatia Yacht Charter with a Pool

    Browse a unique selection of Croatia Yacht Charter with a Pool and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew's services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Croatia is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle Croatia tides.

  16. Osiguranje plovila

    Zatražite ponudu Kasko osiguranje plovila Yacht-Pool kasko osiguranje plovila pruža sveobuhvatno pokriće koje je posebno osmišljeno kako bi vlasnicima pružilo zaštitu i sigurnost. ... [email protected]; [email protected]; YACHT INSURANCE d.o.o. sjedište: Vukovarska 19, Poreč HR-52440 poslovnica: Mate Vlašića 45a, Poreč HR ...

  17. Yacht Freedom: Luxury Charters in Croatia

    Yacht Freedom is an ideal yacht for events, large groups, families, corporate gatherings, and those seeking an immersive and multifaceted sea adventure along Croatia's stunning coastline. Expansive Deck Space Across four decks, there is a range of luxuries: pool, jacuzzi, private bar, fitness studio, and cinema room—perfect for relaxation and ...

  18. ARETHA

    Advertised by DMA Yachting, the astonishing charter yacht ARETHA is a 148 ft motor yacht featuring a hot tub. The main attractions of ARETHA are her impeccable styling and fantastic layout. ARETHA spends the summer and winter season in Croatia. She was completed by a custom yachtbuilder in 2018.

  19. Yacht Charter Croatia

    Actually, boat rental prices in Croatia are the lowest in the Mediterranean. In low season, you can find a small sailboat with 2 cabins for 4 person from 800 Euro per week. Of course, this will not be a brand-new boat. The average weekly charter price for a 3 cabin sailboat lies around 2,000 €.

  20. Yacht Charter in Croatia

    About the Yacht HAPPY ME yacht charter is a luxurious 40.24-meter (132-foot) motor yacht, part of the prestigious Benetti Classic Supreme 132 Range. Launche... M'BRACE yacht has been spotted gracing the Adriatic waters with her amazing hull next to the small island of Bedije, near Korčula island. She was spotted by...

  21. The best hotels in Montenegro

    Between Croatia and Albania, looking out across the bright Adriatic Sea to Puglia in Italy, some of the best hotels on Montenegro's dramatic 180-mile coast sit. On the shoreline, glossy marinas and resorts, stone fishermen's cottages, the stately Venetian Republic-era palazzi, and churches of wealthy merchants jut up against each other.

  22. Aeterna

    Aeterna is a 53 meter long custom-made luxury yacht built by Radez shipyard, launched in 2020 and is currently undergoing an extensive refit over the winter of 2023/2024. This amazing yacht has an outstanding layout with 10 luxurious cabins accommodating 20 guests and 12 experienced crew members. Aeterna offers comfortable cruise at 9 knots ...

  23. Dodatna osiguranja

    Dodatna osiguranja Osiguranje vodenih skutera YACHT-POOL uvijek razvija svoje proizvode osiguranja prema potrebama osoba koje vole vodene sportove. Saznaj više Cargo osiguranje Osiguranje plovila od gubitka i/ili oštećenja nastalog zbog osiguranih rizika tijekom prijevoza. ... [email protected]; YACHT INSURANCE d.o.o. sjedište ...