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Langballigau als Ortsteil des Luftkurorts Langballig bietet dem naturverbundenen Gastsegler nicht nur einen kinderfreundlichen, unmittelbar am Hafen gelegenen Sandstrand. Das Naturschutzgebiet Langballigau lädt zu ausgedehnten Spaziergängen und Wanderungen ein. Das sehenswerte historische Dorf Unewatt (Landschaftsmuseum Angeln) mit dem Marxenhof, der Buttermühle und der Mühle  Fortuna  ist zu Fuß in einer halben Stunde zu erreichen. – Bis zum Ortszentrum von Langballig sind es vom Hafen aus ca 2 km. – Auch die weithin sichtbare Mühle in Westerholz (Gaststätte) lohnt einen Besuch.

Nach Westen kann man durch den Wald (Langballigholz) und am Fördeufer entlang über Bockholmwik (Naturbadestrand – Bootshafen) weiter bis zur Halbinsel Holnis (z. T. Naturschutzgebiet – Badestrand) wandern. Für Radfahrer empfiehlt sich eine Fahrt auf dem Ostsee-Küsten-Radweg nach Glücksburg (Besichtigung des Wasserschlosses), vielleicht sogar bis Flensburg (schöne Hafenstadt, Schiffahrtsmuseum am Museumshafen, reizvolle Gassen und Höfe) oder in Richtung Osten nach Neukirchen (herrliche Aussicht, Kirche). Dabei belohnen den Fuß- oder Radwanderer immer wieder reizvolle Ausblicke nach Norden auf die Förde mit der dänischen Küste oder in andere Richtungen auf die durch ihre Knicks geprägte Landschaft Angelns. Hier kann man wirklich Leib und Seele entspannen…

Und wie kommt man in die große, weite Welt? – Es besteht eine Busverbindung von Langballigau nach Flensburg; den beliebten Fährverkehr nach Sonderburg gibt es aber leider nicht mehr…

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the journey of the magi essay

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Journey of the Magi Summary & Analysis by T. S. Eliot

  • Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis
  • Poetic Devices
  • Vocabulary & References
  • Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme
  • Line-by-Line Explanations

the journey of the magi essay

"Journey of the Magi" is a poem by T.S. Eliot, first published in 1927 in a series of pamphlets related to Christmas. The poem was written shortly after Eliot's conversion to the Anglican faith. Accordingly, though the poem is an allegorical dramatic monologue that inhabits the voice of one the magi (the three wise men who visit the infant Jesus), it's also generally considered to be a deeply personal poem. Indeed, the magus in the poem shares Eliot's view that spiritual transformation is not a comfort, but an ongoing process—an arduous journey seemingly without end. The magus's view on the birth of Jesus—and the shift from the old ways to Christianity—is complex and ambivalent.

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the journey of the magi essay

The Full Text of “Journey of the Magi”

“journey of the magi” summary, “journey of the magi” themes.

Theme Spiritual Death and Rebirth

Spiritual Death and Rebirth

Line-by-line explanation & analysis of “journey of the magi”.

'A cold coming ... ... dead of winter.'

the journey of the magi essay

And the camels ... ... girls bringing sherbet.

Lines 11-16

Then the camel ... ... had of it.

Lines 17-20

At the end ... ... was all folly.

Lines 21-25

Then at dawn ... ... in the meadow.

Lines 26-31

Then we came ... ... might say) satisfactory.

Lines 32-36

All this was ... ... Birth or Death?

Lines 36-39

There was a ... ... Death, our death.

Lines 40-43

We returned to ... ... of another death.

“Journey of the Magi” Symbols

Symbol Biblical Imagery

Biblical Imagery

  • Line 23: “running stream”
  • Line 24: “three trees on the low sky”
  • Line 25: “an old white horse”
  • Line 26: “vine-leaves”
  • Line 27: “pieces of silver”
  • Line 28: “empty wine-skins”

“Journey of the Magi” Poetic Devices & Figurative Language


  • Line 1: “cold coming”
  • Line 4: “ways,” “deep,” “weather”
  • Line 5: “dead,” “winter”
  • Line 9: “summer,” “slopes”
  • Line 10: “silken”
  • Line 11: “camel,” “cursing”
  • Line 12: “wanting,” “women”
  • Line 18: “Sleeping,” “snatches”
  • Line 19: “singing,” “saying”
  • Line 20: “That this”
  • Line 21: “dawn,” “down,” “valley”
  • Line 22: “snow,” “smelling,” “vegetation”
  • Line 27: “Six,” “door dicing,” “silver”
  • Line 31: “say) satisfactory.”
  • Line 35: “were we,” “way”
  • Line 37: “doubt,” “death”
  • Line 38: “But,” “different,” “Birth”
  • Line 39: “bitter,” “Death,” “death”
  • Line 42: “gods”
  • Line 43: “glad”
  • Lines 1-5: “'A cold coming we had of it, / Just the worst time of the year / For a journey, and such a long journey: / The ways deep and the weather sharp, / The very dead of winter.'”
  • Lines 17-20: “At the end we preferred to travel all night, / Sleeping in snatches, / With the voices singing in our ears, saying / That this was all folly.”
  • Line 4: “The,” “the weather”
  • Line 5: “The very dead”
  • Line 6: “And,” “camels,” “sore,” “refractory”
  • Line 9: “The summer palaces,” “the terraces”
  • Line 10: “the silken,” “bringing sherbet”
  • Line 11: “Then,” “men,” “grumbling”
  • Line 12: “running,” “liquor,” “women”
  • Line 13: “n,” “ight-fires”
  • Line 15: “high prices”
  • Line 16: “time”
  • Line 18: “Sleeping in”
  • Line 19: “With,” “singing in,” “saying”
  • Line 20: “this,” “all folly”
  • Line 22: “below,” “snow,” “smelling,” “vegetation”
  • Line 23: “stream,” “beating”
  • Line 24: “three trees,” “low”
  • Line 25: “And an,” “ old,” “meadow”
  • Line 26: “vine”
  • Line 27: “dicing”
  • Line 28: “wine”
  • Line 29: “no information,” “so”
  • Line 30: “too soon”
  • Line 31: “place,” “you,” “say”
  • Line 41: “ease”
  • Line 42: “people”
  • Line 3: “journey, and”
  • Line 6: “galled, sore-footed, refractory”
  • Line 9: “slopes, the”
  • Line 12: “away, and”
  • Line 13: “out, and”
  • Line 19: “ears, saying”
  • Line 22: “Wet, below,” “line, smelling”
  • Line 29: “information, and”
  • Line 30: “evening, not”
  • Line 31: “place; it”
  • Line 32: “ago, I”
  • Line 33: “again, but”
  • Line 35: “This: were”
  • Line 36: “Death? There”
  • Line 37: “doubt. I”
  • Line 38: “different; this”
  • Line 39: “us, like Death, our”
  • Line 40: “places, these”
  • Line 41: “here, in”
  • Line 2: “Just,” “ worst”
  • Line 4: “ways deep,” “the weather sharp,”
  • Line 7: “Lying down in,” “melting snow”
  • Line 8: “There were,” “ times ,” “we regretted”
  • Lines 9-10: “The summer palaces on slopes, the terraces, / And the silken girls bringing sherbet.”
  • Lines 11-12: “Then the camel men cursing and grumbling / and running away, and wanting their liquor and women,”
  • Line 13: “night,” “-fires,” “out,” “shelters”
  • Line 14: “cities hostile,” “towns”
  • Line 15: “villages dirty ,” “high,” “ prices”
  • Line 16: “hard,” “had”
  • Line 17: “travel all”
  • Line 18: “Sleeping in snatches”
  • Line 19: “With the voices singing,” “our ears, saying”
  • Line 20: “That this was all folly”
  • Lines 21-25: “Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley, / Wet, below the snow line, smelling of vegetation; / With a running stream and a water-mill beating the darkness, / And three trees on the low sky, / And an old white horse galloped away in the meadow.”
  • Line 32: “All,” “long”
  • Lines 33-35: “set down / This set down / This”
  • Line 35: “were we led all,” “way”
  • Line 37: “evidence,” “doubt,” “death”
  • Line 38: “different,” “Birth”
  • Line 39: “Hard,” “bitter,” “Death,” “death”
  • Line 42: “alien people,” “gods”
  • Line 43: “glad,” “death”


  • Line 11: “and”
  • Line 12: “and,” “and,” “and”
  • Line 13: “And,” “and”
  • Line 14: “And,” “and”
  • Line 15: “And,” “and”
  • Line 23: “and”
  • Line 24: “And”
  • Line 25: “And”
  • Line 3: “journey,” “journey”
  • Line 36: “Birth or Death,” “Birth”
  • Line 37: “ birth and death,”
  • Line 38: “Birth”
  • Line 39: “ Death, our death”
  • Line 43: “death”

Rhetorical Question

  • Lines 35-36: “were we led all that way for / Birth or Death?”
  • Lines 4-5: “The ways deep and the weather sharp, / The very dead of winter.'”
  • Lines 11-16: “Then the camel men cursing and grumbling / and running away, and wanting their liquor and women, / And the night-fires going out, and the lack of shelters, / And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly / And the villages dirty and charging high prices: / A hard time we had of it.”
  • Line 22: “Wet, below the snow line, smelling of vegetation;”
  • Lines 24-25: “And three trees on the low sky, / And an old white horse galloped away in the meadow.”

“Journey of the Magi” Vocabulary

Select any word below to get its definition in the context of the poem. The words are listed in the order in which they appear in the poem.

  • The Old Dispensation
  • (Location in poem: )

Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme of “Journey of the Magi”

Rhyme scheme, “journey of the magi” speaker, “journey of the magi” setting, literary and historical context of “journey of the magi”, more “journey of the magi” resources, external resources.

Eliot's Reading — The poem read by its author. 

Lancelot Andrewes's Sermon — The 1622 Christmas sermon of the British bishop Lancelot Andrewes, which Eliot adapted for the poem's opening. 

A Documentary on the Poet — A BBC production about Eliot's life and work. 

Eliot and Christianity — An article exploring Eliot's relationship with his religion.

More Poems and Eliot's Biography — A valuable resource on Eliot's life and work from the Poetry Foundation.  

LitCharts on Other Poems by T. S. Eliot

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La Figlia Che Piange

Morning at the Window

Portrait of a Lady

Rhapsody on a Windy Night

The Hollow Men

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The Waste Land

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Journey of the Magi

By t.s. eliot.

‘Journey of the Magi’ shows the Magi’s transformative spiritual journey as he grapples with a new spiritual reality.

Nationality: English

His poems have had a lasting influence on a generation of writers.

Key Poem Information

Central Message: Spiritual transformation comes with challenges and emotional turmoil

Speaker: Biblical Magi, likely the poet himself

Poetic Form: Dramatic Monologue , Free Verse

Themes: Death , Journey , Spirituality

Emotions Evoked: Contentment , Empathy , Faith , Hope , Regret

Time Period: 20th Century

Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot Visual Representation

Although having an overtly religious character. 'Journey of the Magi' presents literary excellence while dealing with the complex human condition and universal struggle with faith and spirituality.

Emma Baldwin

Poem Analyzed by Emma Baldwin

B.A. English (Minor: Creative Writing), B.F.A. Fine Art, B.A. Art Histories

‘Journey of the Magi’ by T.S. Eliot is a three-stanza poem that is separated into sets of lines that vary in length. The first stanza contains twenty lines, the second: eleven, and the third: twelve.   The poem does not have a structured rhyme scheme , although there are a number of instances in which end words or phrases repeat . This creates a sense of unity in the poem which is only emphasized by the speaker ’s direct storytelling.  

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The poem begins with the speaker listing out all of the troubles he and his men faced on their way to the manger in which Christ was born. The weather was freezing and there was hardly any food or shelter. Every time they came to a town they were turned away. Even the camels were suffering.  

In the second stanza, the men get to where they were going and find it to be simply, “satisfactory.” The manager has no great presence but that doesn’t mean the experience wasn’t important.  

The true impact of the journey and meeting comes after the men have returned home. They are no longer the people they were before they set off. The speaker states that he longs for a second death through which he is able to join God.  

You can read more of T.S. Eliot’s poetry here .

Analysis of Journey of the Magi

‘A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: (…) Sleeping in snatches, With the voices singing in our ears, saying That this was all folly.

In the first stanza of this piece the speaker, who is one of the traveling Magi, starts the poem by giving a broad overview of the journey he and the other Magi embarked on. It was not a pleasant trip. They had a “cold coming…of it.” The men were forced to deal with terrible weather that made everything harder. The speaker reflects on the days of travel as having occurred in the “worst time of the year / For a journey. Due to the fact that they could not choose when they traveled, they had to face these conditions.  

The next two lines expand the details of their journey and the troubles they had to face along the way.  

The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.

The men were not the only ones who suffered at this time, their camels, which were made to walk through the landscape bearing the men and their supplies were “galled, sore-footed, refractory.” They eventually ended up “Lying down in the melting snow.”  

It is interesting that the poet chose to begin this piece, which is about the birth of Christ, in such a way. It does away with the image of majestic beings riding in to visit the child, instead, they are painted as deeply human. They suffered just as anyone would traversing the countryside. The speaker even states at one point that “There were times we regretted,” or missed, “The summer palaces…the terraces…And the silken girls bringing sherbet.” These were all elements of their home which were familiar to them and without which they were made to travel.  

The following lines, which are crafted in an ever-worsening list, describe a litany of problems the men faced. There were the “camel men” who were often “cursing and grumbling.” At points, they even ran away from the camps seeking out “liquor and women.” The campsites were often cold as the fires went out, and there were no “shelters” to keep the men and animals dry.  

In addition to these troubles with nature, they faced “hostile” cities and “unfriendly” towns that were unwilling to help them. The men had a “hard time…of it.” By the time they got to the end of their journey, they had learned to prefer traveling at night. This way they could avoid the worst that the landscape, and the cities it held, had to offer.  

There were even times, on the way to meet the son of God, that they said “this was all folly.”

Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley, Wet, below the snow line, smelling of vegetation; With a running stream and a water-mill beating the darkness, (…) But there was no information, and so we continued And arriving at evening, not a moment too soon Finding the place; it was (you might say) satisfactory.

In the second stanza, a few changes come over the party of travelers. The speaker describes a “dawn” in which they “came down to a temperate valley.” This is a landscape that is quite unfamiliar to them as they had spent so much time traveling through such terrible conditions. The valley is “below the snow line” and it smells “of vegetation.” It is clear from these first lines that they have come to a much better place.  

There is running water and a “water-mill beating” in the dark. Eventually, the men make their way to a….  

Tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel.  

They inquired at this tavern, looking for information about Christ and they received none. The men continue to travel and “arrive at evening.” It was the speaker states, not a moment too soon. Everyone was close to their final breaking point having faced hunger, terribly cold weather, shelterless nights, and inhospitable towns. One might expect the speaker to revel in his arrival to the manger where Christ was born, this is not the case.  

He says that the pace they finally came to was “satisfactory,” nothing more. This could be a reference more to the physicality of the place rather than the momentous nature of the occasion, but either way, it is a strikingly drab and depressing way to describe the moment.  

Stanza Three

All this was a long time ago, I remember, And I would do it again, but set down (…) But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation, With an alien people clutching their gods. I should be glad of another death.

In the third stanza, the speaker halts his description of the journey and moves on to describe how he feels about the entire experience now. It is clear he has terrible memories of the trip, but what of the manager itself?

He begins by saying it was “a long time ago” but that he would “do it again.” It was, at least in his mind, a journey worth undertaking. It is at this point in the poem the speaker directs a question to his listener to whom he is telling the story. He asks,  

..were we led all that way for   Birth or Death?

He knows that there “certainly” was a “Birth.” This is the case as there was “evidence and no doubt,” but what of the death? In the next lines, he equates birth and death. This particular birth was so painful to the Magi and their companions that it was “like Death, our death.”  

After the trip was over they “returned to [their] places, these Kingdoms.” When they arrived there and attempted to settle back into the lives they once knew and loved, they were “no longer at ease.” Everything had changed for them. The men did not feel comfortable in this world in which “alien people [were] clutching their gods,” when they had seen the true God.  

The poem concludes with the speaker stating that he would be glad to die another death. Perhaps this one could bring him to his final rest alongside God.  

Poetry + Review Corner

20th century, spirituality, contentment, christianity, exploration, dramatic monologue.

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Emma Baldwin Poetry Expert

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Shaka lebbie

To be part of you

Lee-James Bovey

ummm…Not sure what this means…


What was the pivotal point of T.S.Eliot’s life that persuaded him to write this poem?

I’m afraid I don’t know enough about Eliot’s life to say. Hey is not a poet I have studied in great detail and it is not something I can readily or accurately answer, I’m afraid.

Ms Candy

Eliot was born Protestant, had converted himself to Anglo-Catholicism. The agony of parting with one faith and embracing another was what influenced the composition of this poem.

Thank you for adding this.


This is great stuff helped me a lot..

Amazing. Glad we could help.


I couldn’t have said it better myself.

That’s what we like to hear.

Chuli K Yajum

Stanza explanation

I’m not sure what you mean by this.

Liz Croft

This is a remarkably facile analysis (if it can be called that) of one of the most profound poems ever written. No analysis of the imagery of the “three trees on a skyline” or the people “dicing with silver”, which both foreshadow Christ’s death. it makes no attempt to show how Eliot captures the voice of the speaker through the subtle variation of the underlying iambic tetrameter rhythm. The comments on the last lines – where the Magi realises that the birth of this new God overthrows his whole belief system (“our death”) – leads to him wishing for death, as it ends the pain experienced by witnessing this new birth. His is a religion “clutching their Gods”. It ia little more than a paraphrase, and a poor one at that.

Feel s good

i’m sure it does!

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Baldwin, Emma. "Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot". Poem Analysis , https://poemanalysis.com/t-s-eliot/journey-of-the-magi/ . Accessed 28 September 2024.

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The Journey Of The Magi

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The Comprehensive Guide to Analysing ‘Journey of the Magi’ by TS Eliot for English: Summary, Context & Themes

White horse galloping - The Journey of the Magi analysis

Studying T.S. Eliot’s poetry for HSC English Advanced Module B? Finding it hard to write an analysis for Journey of the Magi? 

Not to worry! We’ve got your back — we’ll be walking you through a step by step guide to analyse Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot with a summary of everything you need, including context, themes and more. 

PLUS we’ll also provide a free sample analysis table (also called a TEE Table ) and a sample paragraph that you can download! 

Now, let’s get started on acing your analysis of Journey of the Magi!

Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot Summary Context Themes Explored in Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot Analysis of Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot Studying this Text for the HSC

Summary of Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot

The message behind T.S. Eliot’s poetry can sometimes be a bit tricky to find! Especially since his poems use a lot of complex metaphors, symbolisms, and language features to create meaning. 

TS Eliot Selected Poems

Journey of the Magi is essentially a dramatic monologue from the perspective of a Magus — one of the three wise men who left their life and travelled to Bethlehem to pay homage to infant Jesus. Through the three stanzas of the poem, the Magus narrates the spiritual journey they undertook and the challenges and obstacles they faced along the way. 

Of course, this is just a broad summary of the text. The deeper meaning of the poem is actually up to interpretation! You’ll find that the best analysis will come from using your own personal ideas and interpretations to argue what you think the poem is about. 

Access Journey of the Magi Downloadable Sample Paragraph and Examples of Analysis here!


Understanding the context surrounding the text is super important when it comes to analysing Journey of the Magi! Especially since it is often considered as one of Eliot’s deeply personal poems. 

Personal Context

T.S. Eliot wrote Journey of the Magi soon after his dramatic conversion to the Anglican faith in 1927. With his conversion, T.S. Eliot was inspired by religion and the idea of religion as an ongoing journey rather than a ‘cure’ or solution.

TS Eliot

As a result, unlike many of his preceding poems, Journey of the Magi interrogated concepts of religion, rebirth/enlightenment, and spiritual growth. This marked a major shift in Eliot’s poetry as all of his poetry following this were informed by notions of spirituality and his religious beliefs. 

Historical Context

The poem also reflects many features of Modernist literature and is largely inspired by T.S. Eliot’s historical context. 

The Modernist movement emerged in the aftermath of World War I as society tried to cope with the death, tragedy and trauma that came from the war. Modernists were very disillusioned by the war and considered the world to be meaningless, futile, bleak, faithless, and pessimistic.

Modernism also saw a loss of faith in science and reason, instead emphasising individual, subjective experiences. Written in 1927, Journey of the Magi was influenced by a lot of Modernist ideas, particularly the alienation, isolation and hopelessness of the modern world. 

Themes Explored in Journey of the Magi

Here are some of the key themes and concepts explored in Journey of the Magi:

  • Death & Rebirth
  • Spirituality

The main overarching idea of the poem is spirituality and death/rebirth, so it’s important that you discuss these themes to achieve a sophisticated, complex analysis of the text! 

Journey of the Magi is an allegorical poem — this means that it uses symbolism to communicate a deeper hidden meaning. With the literal journey of the Magi from a pre-Christian world towards a new spiritual world, T.S. Eliot essentially conveys how religion is a way to transcend this life through the death of one life — one faith — and the rebirth of another.

However, rather than seeing rebirth and spiritual conversion/transformation as a ‘cure’ or solution, the poem describes it as a difficult, even painful process. 

Journey of the Magi

The form of the poem is really important when it comes to exploring this key theme. Written as a dramatic monologue from the perspective of a Magus, the poem is quite unique and different to the established, traditional poetic form.

It takes place over three stanzas, each one representing a different stage of the journey.

The first stanza narrates the most difficult aspect of the voyage and the challenges of spiritual growth and rebirth, while the second stanza continues on with the journey as the Magi reach their destination.

The third and final stanza shows the Magus reflecting on the journey and his narration, trying to figure out its meaning. Through this form and structure, Journey of the Magi interrogates this theme of spirituality, death and rebirth. 

How to Analyse Journey of the Magi in 3 Steps

Now that you’re familiar with the context and themes of the poem, it’s time to start analysing it! You might be tempted to jump right into writing your essay, but first, you need to make sure you have a strong foundation.

This is where your analysis comes in! Analysing your text will give you a great foundational understanding of the text and help you access those top marks when it comes to actually writing your essay. 

Let’s take a look at 3 easy steps for analysing Journey of the Magi! 

Step 1: Choose your examples

Finding good examples from your text will bring a lot of depth to your analysis, so it’s really important to start with this step! After all, examples are the key evidence to support your thesis . 

For this analysis, we’ve chosen two quotes from Journey of the Magi as an example: 

“And running away… And the night-fires going out…And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly…And the villages dirty”   “Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley… smelling of vegetation; with a running stream…”

Need help finding good examples? We’ve got 50 important T.S. Eliot quotes to help you out! Check out the list of quotes here .

Step 2: Identify your technique(s)

When you are finding your examples, you also need to identify techniques which can be analysed to expand your argument. Techniques help you dig deeper into the meaning, messages, and key ideas of the poem and will help you talk about what your example actually does — its effect. 

Try to find more than one technique within your example and maybe even look out for any techniques that connect multiple examples! This will make it easier to develop a holistic and sophisticated argument. 

In the examples above, the techniques we’re looking at are polysyndeton, juxtaposition, and imagery. 

If you’re struggling to find techniques, check out our literary techniques cheat sheet here !    

Step 3: Carry out the analysis

Now that we have our techniques and examples sorted out, it’s time to put it all together! 

When it comes to analysing a text, the important thing to consider is the effect of the technique and how this is linked to a broader idea. Think about what the composer is trying to convey and the techniques they used to achieve this. 

You don’t want to simply restate the quote and label techniques like this: 

Eliot uses polysyndeton to create the imagery of “ running away… And the night-fires going out…And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly…And the villages dirty” to explore the difficulties of the journey and the challenges of modern, urban life.   

Instead, try to flesh it out so that it looks more like this: 

The first stanza explores the physical difficulties of the journey to convey the challenges of modern, urban life and spiritual growth. This is evident with Eliot’s description of “running away… And the night-fires going out…And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly…And the villages dirty”, which uses polysyndeton to overwhelm the reader with a culmination of ideas that reaches its peak with the imagery of a hostile urban environment. This is juxtaposed by the beautiful imagery of rejuvenation and birth with “a temperate valley… smelling of vegetation; with a running stream…” to suggest a progression from a hostile urban life towards a spiritual experience of rebirth. This juxtaposition elucidates Eliot’s exploration of spirituality as a challenging yet inevitable journey towards rebirth and enlightenment, which reaffirms the idea of transcending a Modernist futile existence through religion. 

Studying this Text for HSC English Module B: Critical Study of Literature

One important thing to consider when analysing Journey of the Magi is its connection to HSC English Module B: Critical Study of Literature. 

Essentially, Module B requires you to critically study and appreciate “a substantial literary text” by thinking about all aspects of the text, including its “construction, content and language” , which means you need to think about it holistically! 

This is where textual integrity comes in. Textual integrity is about how all the different aspects of the text come together to form a cohesive piece of literature. It is also about how and why the text continues to resonate across different contexts, even though it was written a century ago. 

The other super important part of the Module B rubric is that you are expected to develop a personal response to the text. This means you get a chance to let your personal voice and ideas shine through!

As you work on your analysis, think about what you love (or hate!) about Journey of the Magi. Why is that?

What did you enjoy about the poem? Or why did it fail to connect with you? Use these things you love or dislike and try to uncover the form, structure, themes, language and context that may have influenced your personal response.

Looking for more tips to unpack Module B? Check out our guide to Year 12 English Advanced Module B: Critical Study of Literature !

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Maitreyi Kulkarni is a Content Writer at Art of Smart Education and is currently studying a Bachelor of Media and Communications (Public Relations and Social Media) at Macquarie University. She loves writing just about anything from articles to poetry, and has also had one of her articles published with the ABC. When she’s not writing up a storm, she can be found reading, bingeing sitcoms, or playing the guitar.

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Journey of the magi : a fable of commentary: with a second coming to the inexhaustible.

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  • G. Douglas Atkins 2  

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Journey of the Magi (1927) is the first of Eliot’s Ariel Poems, published the same year as he was baptized and confirmed in the Church of England. It shows the profound influence of the seventeenth-century churchman Lancelot Andrewes. The account of a journey (that is actually a “journey to Understanding,” which is the first Christmas, at which point all time changed), this supposedly straightforward poem begins puzzlingly with a (modified) quotation from Bishop Andrewes that thus fractures the time-frame of the Magus’s account. The words from Andrewes, though offered as a quotation, are changed to reveal an unreliable voice different from the Magus who then speaks, affected and changed by what he has seen. In reporting and emphasizing the difficulties encountered, the Magus reveals the (difficult) way of Christianity itself .

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The best account of the details of the church position that Eliot committed himself to is Barry Spurr, ‘Anglo-Catholic in Religion’: T.S. Eliot and Christianity (Cambridge: Lutterworth, 2010).

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T.S. Eliot, Poems (New York: Knopf, 1920).

Nicholas Lossky, Lancelot Andrewes the Preacher (1555–1626): The Origins of the Mystical Theology of the Church of England , trans. Andrew Louth (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), 50.

Book   Google Scholar  

T.S. Eliot, “The Pensées of Pascal,” Selected Essays , 3rd edn (London: Faber and Faber, 1951), 408.

T.S. Eliot, “I [Untitled],” in Revelation , by Gustaf Aulen, Karl Barth, Sergius Bulgakoff, M.C. D’Arcy, T.S. Eliot, Walter M. Horton, William Temple, ed. John Baillie and Hugh Martin (London: Faber and Faber, 1937), 1–2.

T.S. Eliot, “Ulysses, Order, and Myth,” The Dial 80.5 (November 1923), 480–83.

T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943).

T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922). Starting with this paragraph and going to the end of the chapter, I have taken, and sometimes modified, passages from my T.S. Eliot: The Poet as Christian (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

T.S. Eliot, Prufrock and Other Observations (London: Egoist Press, 1917).

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University of Kansas, USA

G. Douglas Atkins ( Professor Emeritus of English )

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© 2014 G. Douglas Atkins

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Atkins, G.D. (2014). Journey of the Magi : A Fable of Commentary: With a Second Coming to the Inexhaustible. In: T.S. Eliot’s Christmas Poems: An Essay in Writing-as-Reading and Other “Impossible Unions”. Palgrave Pivot, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137479129_5

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137479129_5

Publisher Name : Palgrave Pivot, New York

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-50377-3

Online ISBN : 978-1-137-47912-9

eBook Packages : Palgrave Literature Collection Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)

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Journey of the Magi Analysis: Subject Matter, Themes & Poetic Devices

analysis of journey of the magi poem

Topic: Journey of the Magi Analysis – Summary, Subject Matter, Themes and Poetic Devices

Remember that Journey of the Magi is one of the prescribed Non-African poems every WASSCE candidate must study for the period 2021 – 2025.

T.S. Eliot: Journey of the Magi

The term Magi refers to the three wise men who followed the star from the orient (east) to come and pay homage to the infant Christ born in Bethlehem.

In this tutorial, you will discover all the key points you must learn to give an excellent answer to any question on the poem, Journey of the Magi by T.S. Eliot.

Background Information: Journey of the Magi

Thus the poem was inspired by Eliot’s spiritual life in the Church as well as other significant events in his life.

Subject Matter: Journey of the Magi

Structure: journey of the magi.

The poem has three stanzas.

Stanza One: The Journey, the Suffering and the Uncertainties

It was a very long and difficult journey. Even the camels they journeyed with felt the painful effects of the wintry weather.

Thus, the magi initially regretted embarking on such a journey.

Stanza Two: Arrival at the destination – Finding the Place

But even this discovery hadn’t cleared all feelings of doubt. The satisfaction they now experienced was incomplete.

Stanza Three: Acknowledgement of spiritual rebirth

The theme of spiritual rebirth and renewal.

For the persona, there can be no renewal and strengthening of one’s faith without going through this painful process. But like everything worthwhile, the end justifies the means.

The Theme of Change

The theme of the effects of historical events on society.

Journey of the Magi goes beyond the level of the individual. Apart from being an exploration of the individual’s spiritual journey in search of renewal of faith, it also addresses the profound effects of historical events on whole societies and cultures.

Other Themes Worth Noting

Poetic devices to note.

The poet takes the biblical story of the journey to Bethlehem by the three wise men at the birth of Christ Jesus and uses it to explore his spiritual journey toward an acknowledgement and renewal of faith.

Diction and Imagery

Through a careful selection of words and phrases, the poet succeeds in evoking images that are appropriate to the major themes he explores.

Images of suffering and hardship

Dead of winter

Night fires going out

Bitter agony

Images of doubt

Images of hope and respite, freshness and renewal.

These contrast sharply with the previous references (in the first stanza) to the hardship and pain they had to endure at the early stages of the journey.

Beating the darkness

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Sound devices, alliteration.

Cold coming

Door dicing

An example of repetition in Journey and the Magi is the use of “and the” several times in the first stanza. Its effect is to emphasize the theme of suffering as an integral part of the journey of faith.

I should be glad of another death

This is the very last line in the poem. It underlines the profoundly satisfying effect of this spiritual rebirth on the persona.

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By t.s. eliot, journey of the magi quotes and analysis.

“And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon/Finding the place; it was (you may say) satisfactory.”

This could be interpreted as the haughty, snarky view of kings looking down upon the stable in which Christ was born. But some scholars have seen in it a reference to Article 31 of the Anglican Articles, in which Christ's sacrifice "satisfies" the debt of all mankind’s sins, making the word resonate in a totally different way: the place is "satisfactory" because, being the place where Christ is born, it will lead to the "satisfaction" of our debts—i.e., the salvation of mankind. We should also realize that the opinion of the reader—presumably a Christian, especially given that this poem was originally sent out as a Christmas gift—could be different from that of the Magus. “You may say” that Christ being born is a satisfactory occurrence—but for the pagan Magi, it is in fact a calamity, given that it marks the end of their way of life.

“but set down/This set down/This: were we led all that way for/ Birth or Death? There was a Birth, certainly,/We had evidence and no doubt./I had seen birth and death,/But had thought they were different; this Birth was/Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death.”

The “but” introduces a qualification to the earlier affirmation of the value of the journey. The Magus follows it with the urgent plea, repeated twice, to “set down this.” (That means “write this down”). Then we get the central question of the poem: “were we led all that way for/Birth or Death?” He assesses the historical fact of Jesus’ birth. He relates this to his past experience with birth and death and says that he “had thought they were different.” Birth and death are usually figured as opposites. But his emotional experience of Christ’s birth was ironic: “this Birth was/Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death.” This experience has changed his view of the fundamental meaning of life and death, and made them synonymous. It reflects the painful paradox at the heart of Christianity: Christ was born to die. The capitalizations of Birth and Death in these lines grants a deference to Christ. The second “death” in this line is not capitalized, as it refers to the Magi’s death. It sets up a contrast: the Christ’s “Death” is more important than the Magi’s “death.” This must refer to a metaphoric death, since the Magus speaks while he is still living. The birth of Christianity is also the death of the old ways of Magicians.

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Journey of the Magi Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Journey of the Magi is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

The journey of the magi

In the first two stanzas of the poem, the speaker is a choral “we” of the three Magi recalling the journey to Bethlehem they undertook to witness the birth of Jesus. In the final stanza the voice shifts to the singular “I” of a Magus who evaluates...

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What are the characteristics of the Magi in the poem?

The Magi are determined, unsure, and in the end transformed.

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Learn More. "Journey of the Magi" is a poem by T.S. Eliot, first published in 1927 in a series of pamphlets related to Christmas. The poem was written shortly after Eliot's conversion to the Anglican faith. Accordingly, though the poem is an allegorical dramatic monologue that inhabits the voice of one the magi (the three wise men who visit the ...

Summary. 'Journey of the Magi' by T.S. Eliot describes the terrible conditions through which the Magi traversed to meet the Christ child after his birth. The poem begins with the speaker listing out all of the troubles he and his men faced on their way to the manger in which Christ was born.

Buy Study Guide. Summary. The title of the poem refers to a "journey.". This word means an act of traveling from one place to another, but also, in a metaphorical sense, the long and often difficult process of personal change and development. " Journey of the Magi " begins with a quotation from a Christmas sermon, which establishes the ...

In summary, 'Journey of the Magi' is a poem that explores the journey the wise men took when following the star to Bethlehem where the Christ child was born. It is a metaphorical poem, representing both birth and death, renewal and spiritual rebirth. The speaker is a magi whose narrative is split into three stanzas, distinct parts: The journey ...

The Journey Of The Magi. A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year. For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.'. And the camels galled, sorefooted, refractory, Lying down in the melting snow. There were times we regretted.

Gospel's story: The journey is based upon the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Magi were guided to the home of Jesus by a new star. In the beginning, they sought the help of Herod - the King of Jews. He pretended to help them in order to identify the child. His intention was to kill him because he wanted no rival king.

"Journey of the Magi" is a 43-line poem written in 1927 by T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). It is one of five poems that Eliot contributed for a series of 38 pamphlets by several authors collectively titled the Ariel Poems and released by the British publishing house Faber and Gwyer (later Faber and Faber).Published in August 1927, "Journey of the Magi" was the eighth in the series and was ...

Summary. Last Updated September 5, 2023. On the surface, Eliot's poem is about the journey of the magi (three wise men) to Bethlehem for the birth of Christ. However, if we dig a little deeper ...

Journey of the Magi is essentially a dramatic monologue from the perspective of a Magus — one of the three wise men who left their life and travelled to Bethlehem to pay homage to infant Jesus. Through the three stanzas of the poem, the Magus narrates the spiritual journey they undertook and the challenges and obstacles they faced along the way. Of course, this is just a broad summary of the ...

Discussion of themes and motifs in T. S. Eliot's Journey of the Magi. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of Journey of the Magi so you can excel on your essay or test.

Journey of the Magi Essay Questions. 1. What is the form of "Journey of the Magi"? "Journey of the Magi" is both an allegory and a dramatic monologue. An allegory is a literary device that conveys complex meanings through extended metaphor. The journey in this poem is an allegory for the experience of converting to Christianity.

Journey of the Magi Study Guide. "Journey of the Magi" was the first poem that T.S. Eliot wrote after his baptism into the Anglican church on July 29, 1927. From that point on, almost everything he wrote propagated the Christian faith. This poem was first published in 1927 by his employer, the publisher Faber & Gwyer, in pamphlet format, as a ...

Essays on Style and Order, in which the important essay "Lancelot Andrewes" gets pride of place. Journey of the Magi was published on 25 August of the year of Eliot's baptism. It opens with what purports to be a quotation, the first five verses a modification of Bishop Andrewes's words.

T.S. Eliot: Journey of the Magi. The term Magi refers to the three wise men who followed the star from the orient (east) to come and pay homage to the infant Christ born in Bethlehem.. Pronounce "magi" as /mei-jai/ with the same intonation you would say "major". In this tutorial, you will discover all the key points you must learn to give an excellent answer to any question on the poem ...

Analysis of the Journey of the Magi Essay. The Journey of the Magi by TS Elliot centres around one of the three Wise Men who travelled to Bethlehem shortly after his birth bringing him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The poem has many different hidden meanings but they are all based around a common theme of faith.

Journey Of The Magi Essay. Seeing the light while in the tunnel is something we all hope for. Likewise, the "modern poets," or wise men, were longing for the same thing. T.S. Eliot in "The Journey of the Magi," finds the light at the end of the tunnel. By the use of imagery, symbols, and allusions we will see the Magi, Eliot, find his ...

These two passages especially exemplify the theme: "'A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year. For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.'". The Magi endure physical misery in the freezing cold, the opposite of the warm luxury they are used to.

Published in 1930, Thomas Stearns Eliot's poem "Journey of the Magi" conveys the atmosphere of the three wise men on their spiritual quest. This biblical allusion parallels the poet's own spiritual quest; his receiving into High Anglicanism, a highly ritualistic, morally and theologically conservative version of Anglicanism.

Essay about Journey Of The Magi. This Christmas poem is about the Epiphany and was created the very year of Eliot's conversion to Christianity (Fleisner, 66). Therefore the theme of religion is an important one if we are to analyse the poem correctly. In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul describes the rebirth of the world upon Christ ...

The Journey of the Magi by TS Elliot centres around one of the three Wise Men who travelled to Bethlehem shortly after his birth bringing him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The poem has many different hidden meanings but they are all based around a common theme of faith.

Why is "Journey of the Magi" considered a dramatic monologue and an allegory? Analysis of T. S. Eliot's "Journey of the Magi", including its background and literary devices Is "The Journey of the ...

Journey of the Magi Quotes and Analysis. "And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon/Finding the place; it was (you may say) satisfactory.". This could be interpreted as the haughty, snarky view of kings looking down upon the stable in which Christ was born. But some scholars have seen in it a reference to Article 31 of the Anglican ...

Journey of the Magi examines both the positive and negative sides to journeys and the inevitability of dying in order to be reborn. Through analysing this text, I have learnt that both physical and inner journeys are ever changing, filled with struggles and angst, optimism and hope. Sometimes the outcome is not what you expect, but you must ...

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The Moscow Bear Boosters have donated over $600,000 to HMS athletics  since our inception, and we’re on a mission to keep that number climbing.  Check out what athletes and coaches have to say about our contributions:   https://youtu.be/5rz7zsVJDog

We love our Moscow Bear Athletes and we know you do too! Support our organization and help us help them by becoming a member and donating to and attending our events.

Your contributions make it possible for us to celebrate and support our Moscow High School athletes on their journey to excellence.

Annual Auction

2017-2018 Contributions

The Bears need Bear Boosters… and Bear Boosters need YOU! We encourage everyone to join and be an active member of Bear Boosters. Bear Boosters are all of you who contribute time, money, and supplies in support of Moscow High School athletics. To become a member, download the membership brochure at the following link:  2018 Bear Booster Membership Brochure

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yacht club langballigau e.v

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The best golf clubs in moscow: luxury, exclusivity, and entertainment.

By Walter Raymond

February 24, 2015


  • The Best Golf Clubs in…

In Russia, the western concept of building architecturally beautiful golf courses filled with modern and luxurious amenities has found fertile ground. What was considered a frivolous pastime during the time of the Soviets has become the latest trend for the stylish set. These days, there are countless options around Moscow to practice golf, polo, ski, yachting, and other sports alongside 5-star hotels, luxurious country houses, and magnificent villas.

The game of golf is a sport that requires passion and expertise. It is also part of a culture that considers this pastime a synonym of social prestige and exclusivity. In recent years, the new Russian elite has turned to golf as a vehicle of integration in the era of globalization. Golf courses are also meeting and socializing spaces where Muscovite tycoons can relax and also seal business deals.

Golf Courses in Russia

The Moscow Country Club, Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club, Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club, and Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia are some of the most exclusive and elegant golf courses in Russia. Some of them have made it to the list of Top 15 golf clubs in the world, a source of great prestige for the country.

Moscow Country Club Moscow Country Club

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The first 18-hole golf course built in Russia, Moscow Country Club, hosts the exclusive PGA European Tour. Located just eight miles from the city center, this luxurious facility was created by architect Robert Trent Jones Jr . The design takes advantage of a typical Russian birch and spruce forest to provide a natural environment of extraordinary beauty.

Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club

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The Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is 18 miles from the heart of Moscow, close to historical monuments from the 17th and 18th centuries. Designed by famed architects Paul and Dave Thomas , this 18-hole course is part of a complex that includes a yacht club, an equestrian center, and a health and wellness facility. Pestovo Golf & Yacht Club is Russia’s version of a classic country club with multiple attractions.

Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club Tseleevo Golf & Polo Club

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This park is among the best in Eastern Europe and was awarded the 2014 World Golf Award as the best golf course in Russia. Located 25 miles from Moscow, it is part of a vast complex featuring an 18-hole golf course, designed by Jack Nicklaus , a polo club and a mountain ski club with four tracks. The design combines classic Scottish, Alpine, and English features in a dreamy landscape.

Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia Zavidovo Golf Club, PGA National Russia

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Less than 60 miles from Moscow, this golf course with a definite Scottish design is the only one in Russia recognized as a PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) from Britain and Ireland. Located in an ecologically pristine area on the banks of the Volga River, the Zavidovo Golf Club embodies the spirit and appearance of the legendary Scottish golf courses. Its many springs and streams, hills, forests, swamps and lakes justify its reputation as a very demanding circuit. Last year, it entered the exclusive club of the 15 best golf courses in the world.   ■

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  1. Yachtclub Langballigau e.V

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  2. Yacht Club Langballigau e.V.

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    Yachtclub Langballigau e. V. - Facebook

  6. Yachtclub Langballigau e.V. manage2sail

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  8. Yacht Club Langballigau e.V.

    Yacht Club Langballigau e.V., Langballig. 760 sukaan · 15 berbicara tentang ini · 32 pernah berada di sini. Der YCLL bietet für Jung- und Alt Zugang zum...

  9. Yacht Club Langballigau e.V.

    Yacht Club Langballigau e.V., Langballig. 755 lượt thích · 7 người đang nói về điều này · 33 lượt đăng ký ở đây. Der YCLL bietet für Jung- und Alt Zugang...

  10. Yacht Club Langballigau e.V.

    Yacht Club Langballigau e.V., Langballig. Patiktukų: 754 · 13 kalba apie tai · 33 buvo čia. Der YCLL bietet für Jung- und Alt Zugang zum Segelsport in der Region Nordangeln. Motto: „Hoch vo

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  12. Yachtclub Langballigau e.V. Map

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  13. langballigau yachtclub

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  14. Yacht Club Langballigau e.V.

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