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Where to Register Your Yacht Offshore: the Ultimate Guide

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Dateline: Belgrade, Serbia

For the person who has successfully opened an offshore bank account , got a second passport and is living the lifestyle of their dreams traveling the world, the time has come to move on to the next level of flag theory.  This new level is one where the focus shifts from acquisitions that are largely for diversification purposes toward purchases meant purely to improve your lifestyle – like boating.

For many who reach this stage, the next step is to combine travel and leisure by investing in the purchase of a yacht.

Unlike buying a new car – or even a house – buying a yacht is an investment of an international nature, and deciding upon the best country for yacht registration is a decision for which you need professional advice so you do not expose your assets to unnecessary taxes and liabilities. If you go into the process uneducated, your exciting new purchase might just become nothing more than a hole in the water into which you pour unnecessary amounts of money.

As with other international strategies, the country in which you register your yacht can have an enormous effect on the amount of money you will be able to save, as well as your freedom of travel. Some countries keep you from freely traveling to other jurisdictions, others charge high tax percentages or registration fees, and others do none of those things.

Choose Your Flag Wisely

When buying a yacht,  the choice of yacht flags is one of the most important decisions you have to make because it can have a direct effect on your privacy, taxes, and your exposure to liability. Just as you would create a corporate structure to protect your other assets, you should do the same when it comes to yacht registration.

For this reason, many boat owners opt to register their yacht in places like the Cayman Islands to avoid the onerous taxes and regulations of the United States and other western governments. Panama , with its favorable registration policies, is the largest ship registry in the world  with over 9,000 ships flying its flag.

However, it’s also very important to do your due diligence in selecting a country for yacht registration by working with a professional. Once your vessel is registered in a country, all of the country’s laws will apply to your boat. Many countries that have attractive tax structures have other issues that you’ll want to avoid, such as laws that require you to hire a crew completely composed of nationals from that country.

You will also want to register your yacht in a country that is well respected by the US and the EU. If you choose a country with a bad reputation, it can limit where you are allowed to travel, or at the very least, make you subject to more detentions and inspections.

The flag state has the responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, so yacht registration under countries on the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) on Port State Control’s black or gray list will come under more scrutiny in inspections. Because of this, a large majority of yachts are flagged in British Overseas Territories, known as the ‘Red Ensign Group’ — including Bermuda, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man.

These countries have acceptable safety regulations for travel in EU countries, while also having more attractive tax structures than the UK. In fact, company tax is set at 0% in the Channel Islands , the Isle of Man, the Cayman Islands, and Bermuda .

This is particularly useful for those who wish to spend time in European Union waters, as vessels owned or used by EU residents are subject to the EU’s Value Added Tax (VAT). Private yacht registration with a non-EU flag allows an owner to operate under a “temporary importation structure” which allows for 18 months free of these taxes or customs duties. After the 18 months are over, the boat owner can re-apply for this status.

Bearing this in mind, let’s take a look at some of my favorite countries for yacht registration.

1.The Cayman Islands


The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry is a favorite among people who own both pleasure and commercial yachts worldwide. This ship registry has been at the Port of George Town, Cayman Islands since 1903. There are two other ports in the Cayman Islands as well: The Creek in Canyon Brac and Bloody Bay in Little Cayman.

The Merchant Shipping Law, which was revised in 2016, is the governing legislation for all boats registered in the Cayman Islands. The law offers many different types of yacht registration, including full registration, interim registration, provisional registration, a ship under construction registration, and demise charter/bareboat registration. An owner who is having a vessel built might find this convenient so he or she can register it as a boat under construction and then change to full yacht registration later.

As I mentioned above, the Cayman Islands is a part of the Red Ensign Group. This means that getting your yacht registration in the Cayman Islands flags your vessels as a British Ship, granting it protection by the British Royal Navy.

Because time is crucial for so many people, the Cayman Islands Ship Registry (CISR) can also expedite the registration process for those who need to be registered immediately if they pay their expedition fee. In addition, the CISR has representative offices in Fort Lauderdale, London, Cannes, Athens, Tokyo, and Singapore where you can have ship registry certificates issued immediately if needed.

Yachts that are registered with the Cayman Islands as pleasure yachts and are not engaged in trade are granted a License to Cruise the water of the United States which will allow them to enter, depart, and cruise within U.S. waters. These vessels will only need to report to U.S. customs when entering the country or changing customs districts.

Assuming you meet all of the required qualifications, there are no restrictions or rules concerning the nationality of the master or the crew of your ship.   In addition to the Cayman Islands being a tax neutral environment, the jurisdiction provides vessel owners with banking facilities and directorship services.

Overall, vessels registered in the Cayman Islands benefit from all the privileges of the British flag, while simultaneously having the tax-free and confidentiality perks of the Cayman Islands.

2. The Netherlands

yacht-registration- netherlands

Many people consider Holland to be an ideal location for yacht registration because the country is flexible and straightforward, whereas most other European countries follow stricter rules and regulations. The registration process is fast compared to that of other countries and requirements are minimal.

To register under the Dutch flag, the process is easiest if you are either an EU citizen, Swiss, Norwegian, or own a company registered in the EU.

One of the main advantages of the Netherlands is that you can be registered under the Dutch flag in as little as three days. That is why Holland is typically preferred over countries like Italy, France, and Spain where there is a longboat registration process in addition to high registration fees. A lot of yacht owners solve this problem by registering under the Dutch flag. Taxes and registration requirements in the Netherlands are minimal, allowing the whole process to be completed in three days, assuming you meet the necessary criteria.

Boat owners do not have to be of Dutch nationality, nor do they have to have a residence in the country. The only documents you must have are an ID card or passport and you must provide proof of ownership of your boat. Because so little documentation is needed, renewing your yacht registration is also a fairly simple process.

The process is easiest, however, for people who are Dutch, Swiss, Norwegian or have a company based in the EU. If you are not Dutch, Swiss, or Norwegian, and if you do not have a company registered in the EU, you can still register by paying a fee to have a United Kingdom Ltd. set up in your name.

The Ltd. will cost you 349 EUR upfront and 249 EUR every year after that. Once the Ltd. is set up, you’ll receive your registration within three to five days. The documentation needed is still the same. It only costs about 299 EUR for yacht registration in Holland if you are an EU citizen. It costs 648 EUR for non-EU citizens and your registration license can be delivered overnight anywhere in the world. Those prices include everything from the taxes to the mandatory Dutch address and all the costs for shipping and consultation.

There is also no requirement to have your boat inspected, making the vessel documentation process even simpler.

 Types of yacht registration under the Dutch flag:

     1.  Light registration

Light yacht registration is for people who want fast and easy registration for navigating EU waters. With light registration, you can only sail European Union waters and the length of your yacht may not exceed 24m.

    2.  Global registration

Global yacht registration is for yachts that will navigate outside of European Union waters, sail worldwide, or be engaged in commercial chartering. People with Global registration can sail worldwide. Global registration is also available to Swiss or Norwegian persons regardless of whether or not they have a company in the EU.

 3. The Marshall Islands

yacht-registration-marshall islands

The Marshall Islands ship registry was formed in 1988. In 2001, it was expanded to allow those with commercial and private yachts to register as well, which has made the Marshall Islands a popular place to register over the last sixteen years.

The jurisdiction has also gained a lot of recognition over the years by having regional offices in major maritime cities around the world, allowing them to provide same day service to anyone, regardless of the location or time zone in which they reside.

The Marshall Islands Registry is the third-largest in the world and you can register under a one or three-year program.

You must be a Marshall Islands citizen, national, or qualified foreign maritime entity to register in the Marshall Islands. The terms “citizen” and “national” refer to Marshall Islands corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and associations of individuals. (You can easily complete the process to have a Marshall Islands company registered in your name so you can register your ship there.)

Assuming you complete all the necessary documents and meet all requirements, you can have your ship registered within 24 hours; you can also register your yacht as a ‘ship under construction’ if needed. You can obtain a U.S. cruising permit as a boat registered in the Marshall Islands and commercially compliant yachts can charter in Europe. In other words, you are not confined to the waters of the Marshall Islands alone, which is convenient for those who want to see more of the world.

As long as you meet proper flag requirements, yachts measuring 18m or longer that weigh less than 500 gross tons can be chartered out for up to 84 days as a private yacht limited charter (PYLC).

In addition to being white-listed under Paris and Tokyo’s MoUs, the Marshall Islands also meets the flag criteria for a low-risk ship under the Paris New Inspection Regime. Additionally, the Marshall Islands has been a part of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Qualship 21 roster for 11 consecutive years.

The Marshall Islands Registry is low tax and respected worldwide; the country is a presidential republic in free association with the United States and enjoys similar benefits to its British Overseas Territory counterparts making it a great jurisdiction for yacht registration.


Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia. The country’s ship registry ranks 10th in the world with a gross tonnage of over 21 million pounds.

A ship can be registered in Cyprus if more than 50% of the shares of the registering company are owned by a Cypriot or if your company is registered in the Republic of Cyprus. An offshore company can also be registered in Cyprus if the company’s control is in the hands of Cypriots.

The Republic of Cyprus can easily register your company under their flag so you can register your yacht there. The costs of yacht registration and management are the lowest in Europe , making the jurisdiction an ideal, convenient place for many owners to register their ship.

There are many tax benefits that come with yacht registration under the Cyprus flag. An owner whose ship is registered in Cyprus is fully exempt from income taxes from operations in international waters. Additionally, no tax is payable for the wages of the crew that operates in international waters. No tax is payable on any dividend received from a shipping company in Cyprus.

Cyprus has maritime offices around the world, allowing them to work with anyone anywhere at any time. Some of their main offices are located in New York, London, Rotterdam, Piraeus, Brussels, and Hamburg. Upon registering in one of these offices, you will have the benefits of flying an EU flag, which is respected worldwide. According to the  EU registry, “Sailing under EU flags demonstrates strength and represents a strong reputation.”

Like some of the other countries I have mentioned, Cyprus has been white-listed among the Paris and Tokyo MoUs, meaning it is a high-quality flag with low risk compared to many other countries who have been gray or black-listed.

It should also be noted that Cyprus is excluded from the “list of targeted flag states,” which is kept by the U.S. Coast Guard. Cyprus’s absence from the list means that inspections of the yacht with a Cypriot flag are kept to a minimum and they will experience no unnecessary delays when entering and leaving ports.

Types of yacht registration:

Cyprus offers three types of registration, including provisional registration, permanent registration, and parallel (bareboat) registration.

       1. Provisional remains in effect for 6 months; after expiration, it can only be renewed once more for 3 more months.

       2. Permanent Yacht Registration  goes into effect 6 to 9 months from the date your yacht was provisionally registered.

      3. For Parallel / Bareboat Registration  your ship must hoist the Cyprus flag and “Limassol” must be marked as your port of registry. Parallel-in lasts for two years and is renewable. For parallel-out registration, your ship must hoist the foreign flag rather than the Cyprus flag and your port of registry must be the port of the foreign country. Parallel-out lasts for three years and is also renewable.


Liberia is the oldest democracy in Africa and one of the first offshore, zero tax jurisdictions. The Liberian ship registry is a favorite among owners of large vessels; the country has the second-largest registry in the world and makes up 12% of registered ships worldwide.

One of the perks of The Liberian Yacht Registration is that it is open to any ship-owner in the world and there are absolutely no restrictions on the nationality of your crew or country of construction. This makes Liberia appealing to many ship-owners who either cannot register somewhere because of their nationality or can only register by paying an additional fee.

Liberia has been white-listed on the Paris and Tokyo MoUs and has also been approved by the International Maritime Organization AND the U.S. Coast Guard. This, combined with the country’s other features, means that the Liberian Registry is known as “the world’s largest quality registry, renowned for excellence, efficiency, safety and innovative service”.

The following types of vessels can be registered in Liberia:

Vessels under construction, new buildings, vessels being transferred from other flags, offshore vessels, vessels in lay-up, and vessels involved in international, coastal, or domestic trading. You may also have a dual flag if your ship is bareboat registered.

The Liberian Registry is owned and operated by the United States. Additionally, service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making things very convenient for those wishing to do yacht registration under the Liberian flag. There are over 400 nautical inspectors, so there is always someone available to attend to vessels.

Vessels registered in Liberia are taxed with a fixed fee, which   depends on the tonnage of your ship. The tax is applied yearly, so there should be no surprises. However, t here are no taxes on operations and your profits are not assessed.

The Liberian flag is accepted in many EU countries — the United Kingdom, Germany, and Holland are only a few countries in the European Union that accept the Liberian flag. In addition, Liberia is highly rated for safety and accident prevention, which makes this country even more attractive for your yacht registration.

Liberia is recognized every year for having high standards. The country has an above-average performance in safety and accident prevention as well as in independent statistical reports. Liberia also has a network of 100 security inspectors to inspect ships when necessary; this is something that was implemented post-9/11.

According to information provided by the Liberian Registry website, “The “Maritime Services Award” is for exceptional achievement or contribution to any service sector of the America’s maritime industry by a company, individual, or organization. According to Lloyd’s List criteria for this award, “The winner must be able to demonstrate how they have set themselves apart, going above and beyond best practice to offer the shipping industry something exceptional.”

Malta citizenship by investment cost

The Maltese ship registry is the largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world; it is one of the most popular countries in the world for pleasure yacht registration. The country has EU compliant legislation, clear laws relating to yacht mortgages, low registration costs and is well respected across the globe.

Malta became a member of the European Union in 2004, so yacht registration here comes with the perks of sailing an EU flag, including protection by the British Royal Navy. Like the other countries I’ve mentioned, Malta has been white-listed, providing ship-owners with a sense of security when you go through the yacht registration process under the Maltese flag.

If you’re an EU, EEA, or Swiss national, you can hold your vessel in your personal capacity. However, if you’re a non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen you must hold your yacht through a Maltese or foreign company.

When it comes to taxes, it is important to note that companies operating commercial yachts out of Malta are exempt from income tax on any income generated by the operation of their yachts. They are also exempt from any VAT tax on the high seas. What   sets Malta apart from many other countries besides tax policy is that there are no restrictions on the nationality of the master, officers, or crew of your ship.

Another perk that Malta shares with Liberia is that there is round-the-clock service, so you can feel safe and secure registering in the country. And, as long as you meet all flag requirements, any type of vessel can be registered — that means pleasure yachts, oil rigs, vessels under construction, and anything in between.

W hen it comes to the age or trading, boats between 10 and 15 years must pass inspection by an authorized inspector within one month of provisional registration and ships over 15 years old must pass inspection before being provisionally registered.

7. The British Virgin Islands


The British Virgin Islands is the latest country to join the Red Ensign Group (2014). Now, the British Virgin Islands can register any type of ship and any size. Not only that, yacht registration under the BVI flag grants access to all the ports in the world. There are restrictions with almost all other registries when it comes to this, so the fact that a BVI flag gives you access anywhere sets the country far apart from the rest.

Another advantage that makes the jurisdiction one of the most attractive is that the British Virgin Islands is tax neutral. The islands are outside the scope of the EU value added tax (VAT) laws, meaning that there is no sales tax when purchasing goods or services.

As is the case with the Cayman Islands and Malta, the Red Ensign Group flag grants protection by the British Royal Navy to those vessels registered under the British Virgin Islands flag. Similar to the other countries listed, you can register under the BVI flag even if you are not a citizen and even if you do not own a company there; you will need to register a company in the BVI to do so, but this can be completed in a matter of hours.

When it comes to the registration process, it usually takes two to six months, meaning that it is not as short as some of the other countries, but it’s still not too terribly long.

As I have mentioned in previous articles, the British Virgin Islands has one of the most stable governments and economies in the world, which makes ship owners who register there feel very safe and secure when compared to other countries who have more enemies or corruption within the government.

yacht registration-panama

Panama  is not only a popular place when it comes to offshore banking or getting a second passport, it also holds the largest ship registry in the world, having over 9,000 ships registered under the country’s flag.

Most countries require a minimum amount of weight, but Panama does not. The only exception to this rule is if your ship is older than 20 years, requiring that the ship is inspected in order to be registered.

There is usually some downtime when someone transfers their ship from one flag to another, but that is not the case when you are transferring to Panama. Panama has a very simple transferring process; for example, numerous other countries make you dry dock for inspection and Panama does not. Because their process is so easy, it eliminates the concern that ship and business owners have concerning downtime.

The good news for all the shipping companies, ship owners, and merchant shipping companies is that you can have dual ship registry in Panama, but if you were registered in the other country first, you must have consent from that country to register in Panama, too.

Instead of taking your ship’s size or tonnage into consideration, Panama charges a flat yacht registration fee to keep things simple. If you are not a Panamanian or an owner of a Panamanian business, you’ll pay a flat fee of $1,500 to register your yacht. If you are Panamanian, it costs $1,000 to register your yacht. Once you are registered, you will have access to Panama’s round-the-clock service.

Additionally, once you are assigned provisional yacht registration, you have six months to provide the proper vessel documentation to transfer your provisional yacht registration to permanent registration. Your yacht registration certificate is valid for two years and renewal costs are low.

Many countries require yacht owners to pay taxes when they register their ship, but Panama does not. There are also no taxes on profit that is made through international trade. You do not have to pay taxes on wages for your crew members either. The main reason people choose to register in Panama is this lack of taxes. When registering in Panama, people are legally reducing tax costs and that would not be the case if they were to register in many other jurisdictions.

There is no one best ship registry in the world, but there are many you can choose from to keep your investment safe. Finding the right one for you will depend on what you value when it comes to naval protection, taxes, privacy, and ease of travel.

If you have already registered your vessel, where did you choose to go for your yacht registration and would you recommend it to others? Feel free to comment below.

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Flag Charter Yacht

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Flag (ex: Fortunato)

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62.3m  /  204'5   feadship   2000 / 2022.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • Maintained and refitted to the highest standards
  • Timeless interior styling
  • Huge sundeck for unwinding and entertaining
  • A choice of dining, seating, relaxation and bar areas
  • Open-air cinema
  • Fully-equipped gym
Tranquil interior spaces and heavenly alfresco areas ensure luxury yacht charters of a lifetime are to be had on board Feadship superyacht FLAG

The 62.3m/204'5" 'Flag' (ex. Fortunato) motor yacht built by the Dutch shipyard Feadship is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 7 cabins. This multi-award winning yacht features interior styling by British designer RWD.

From bow to stern, Flag is brimming with an fantastic array of social and dining areas, both inside and out, making her the ideal yacht for relaxing and entertaining whilst on charter. She has sensational features such as an elevator and gym.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2000, Flag offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 7 suites comprising a master suite and six double cabins. The supremely spacious full beam master suite incorporates its own study and dressing room as well as a his and her bathroom. The bed configuration includes 5 king, 2 queen and 2 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 16 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

On your charter, you'll find plenty to keep you busy and entertained including a gym with all the latest equipment to maintain your fitness routine. Sit back with a glass of champagne in the deck jacuzzi.

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you including an elevator, making any part of the yacht quickly and easily accessible. Stay connected to the outside world on long voyages with satellite communications or with Wi-Fi connectivity you don't have to lose contact with the outside world, unless you want to. You can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, she offers greater on-board space and is more stable when at anchor thanks to her full-displacement hull. Powered by twin Caterpillar engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 16 knots with a range of up to 6,800 nautical miles from her 136,780 litre fuel tanks at cruising speed. Flag features at-anchor stabilizers providing exceptional comfort levels.

Flag knows a thing or two about fun on the water, with an extensive selection of action packed water toys and accessories for you and your guests to enjoy whilst on charter. Take to the sea on a Jet Ski offering you power and control on the water. Guests can feel the wind in their hair and jump the waves on one of the three WaveRunners. In addition there are towable toys offering fun and adventure. If that isn't enough Flag also features waterskis, scuba diving equipment, a seabob, wakeboards, fishing equipment and much more. When it comes to Tenders, Flag has you covered - with two tenders, including a 7.92m/26' Tender.

Flag and her crew are available for charter this summer for cruising within the Mediterranean. She is also accepting bookings this winter on request.

This ocean-going luxury charter motor yacht carries up to 16 professional crew who will cater to your every need.


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Flag Photos

Flag Yacht 11

Length 62.3m / 204'5
Beam 10.8m / 35'5
Draft 3.29m / 10'10
Gross Tonnage 1,078 GT
Cruising Speed 12 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Feadship
Model Custom
Exterior Designer De Voogt
Interior Design RWD, Chahan Interior Design

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Flag has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Flag is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 7.92m  /  26' Custom Tender
  • 1 x 8.23m  /  27' Novurania Tender

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Flag Awards & Nominations

  • International Superyacht Society Awards 2001 Best Power 43m+ Winner
  • The World Superyacht Awards 2013 Best Refitted Yacht Winner
  • + shortlist

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Flag' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€378,000 p/week + expenses Approx $420,500

High Season

€420,000 p/week + expenses Approx $467,500

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Montenegro

HOT SPOTS:   Amalfi Coast, Corsica, French Riviera, Ibiza, Mykonos, Sardinia, The Balearics

Winter Season

October - April

$448,000 p/week + expenses

$476,000 p/week + expenses

Please enquire .

Charter Flag

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Calypso charter yacht

62m | Amels

from $345,000 p/week

AHS charter yacht

66m | Oceanco

from $556,000 p/week ♦︎

Alfa G charter yacht

60m | Oceanco

from $445,000 p/week ♦︎

Apogee charter yacht

63m | Codecasa

from $360,000 p/week

Blue Moon charter yacht

60m | Feadship

from $395,000 p/week

Capri I charter yacht

59m | Lurssen

from $500,000 p/week ♦︎

Diamond charter yacht

57m | Abeking & Rasmussen

from $270,000 p/week

Dream charter yacht

60m | Abeking & Rasmussen

from $430,000 p/week

Galaxy charter yacht

56m | Benetti

from $350,000 p/week

Jaguar charter yacht

from $290,000 p/week

Katharine charter yacht

from $335,000 p/week

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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How to choose your yacht's flag state

If you consider buying a superyacht for international cruises and chartering in the Caribbean and the Med, your lawyer or broker will tell you to register and flag the yacht offshore.

The flag you choose to fly from your transom can have a direct bearing on your privacy, taxes, exposure to liability and boarding, the vessel’s success as a commercial enterprise, and, ultimately, your enjoyment of the yacht. So how do you decide which flag best serves your purposes? There is no simple answer that covers every owner, but some basic considerations do apply.

‘The choice of flag state has, over the last few years, become one of the most important decisions owners and/or their representatives must make,’ says Mike Dean of Isle of Man-based Döhle Yachts.

A flag state is the country or governmental entity under whose laws a vessel is registered or licensed. This can be the country in which the owner resides, or more commonly in the superyacht world, an offshore ship registry in a country with laws that are attuned to the complexities of yacht ownership and charter operations.

The flag state has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification and issuance of safety and pollution prevention documents.

Offshore flagging advantages

Owners who choose to flag offshore – especially those who plan to make their yachts available for charter in the EU – can benefit in many ways, including, but not limited to, mitigation of some tax burdens, confidentiality of ownership, and reassuring lenders and insurance companies. An owner who intends to operate his vessel as a private yacht and not charter might register the vessel in his home country.

However, many popular flag states have appealing and relatively simple avenues for setting up offshore corporate structures that offer favourable taxation and liability protections under a stable fiscal and legal system. In addition they have construction, inspection and regulatory compliance regimes that can streamline the process of owning and operating a large yacht.

The choice of flag state has, over the last few years, become one of the most important decisions owners and/or their representatives must make

Mike Dean, Döhle Yachts

Registering as a private yacht with a non-EU flag also allows an owner to operate under the Temporary Importation regime in Europe in which a yacht can operate for up to 18 months without the vessel being subject to customs duties or the EU’s Value Added Tax (VAT).

Owners who intend to actively pursue charter in the world’s most popular destinations – in particular, the Med, which is ringed by EU states – and the Caribbean, will generally choose to incorporate, flag offshore and register as a commercially operated vessel.

In addition to the benefits above, such structures can allow the vessel to operate within the VAT system. VAT on charters is still chargeable to the end consumer – the charterer – but the system allows operators of legitimate charter businesses to account for their input tax in the normal business sense. For instance, if a business buys food for a charter, it will pay input tax on the supply but can deduct it as an operating expense.

Good and bad flags

Registering a yacht to operate commercially subjects it to a broad range of regulations related mainly to safety.

A flag state will generally require a yacht to be in compliance with construction standards set forth by one or more of the main classification societies such as Lloyd’s Register, American Bureau of Shipping or Det Norske Veritas, as well as meeting safety and practice standards set forth by government agencies such as the UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), as applied by the relevant states’ national legislation.

Choosing a particular flag is a vastly complicated matter generally settled between an owner and his attorney, but there are some basic considerations, not the least of which is the potential for the yacht to be boarded and detained by authorities. In short, there are good flags and bad flags.

‘You need to be with a flag that can provide a solid commercial registration that’s accepted in the shipping industry and accepted by the governments of the world,’ says Ken Argent of Water’s Edge Consulting Ltd.

You need to be with a flag that can provide a solid commercial registration that’s accepted in the shipping industry and accepted by the governments of the world

Ken Argent, Water’s Edge Consulting Ltd

A wise starting point would be to choose a flag on the so-called ‘White List’ as maintained by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU).

The Paris MoU consists of 27 participating maritime administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal states and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe. Its mission is to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonised system of port state control. There are other MoU groups around the world, with similar aims.

Port officers inspect foreign ships in the Paris MoU ports, to ensure they meet international safety, security and environmental standards, and that crew have adequate living and working conditions.

Flags on the Paris White List have demonstrated strong performance in those areas and thus, are subject to fewer boardings when they enter foreign ports.

Flags on the Grey List and Black List have been deemed deficient and risk more boardings and possible detentions. Traditionally, yachts have been a low priority for Port State Control (PSC) inspections, but since the advent of the New Inspection Regime in Paris, this is no longer the case and so it is important to choose a flag with a good PSC record and a rigorous approach to safety and certification.

A wise starting point would be to choose a flag on the so-called “White List”

‘There are rogue states that remain outside the family of civilised nations, and yachts that fly those flags are not welcomed,’ says maritime attorney Michael T. Moore. ‘Generally speaking, most civilised countries have subscribed to a web of treaties designed to protect the world’s oceans from pollution, overfishing and various other unacceptable practices. Almost all seafaring nations are on the alert for out-of-pattern flags.’

Other considerations extend beyond the prospect of being boarded. ‘Lenders and insurance companies will review a flag state’s enforcement of international environment and safety and procedures and standards, compliance with international regulations and casualty record,’ says Dean. ‘A poor record will inevitably affect the decisions of the lenders and underwriters.’

The Red Ensign Group

The brokerage and management firm Edmiston Company estimates as many as 80 per cent of large yachts are flagged in the British overseas territories commonly known as the ‘Red Ensign Group’, in particular, the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man.

Factors influencing that, says Edmiston, include prestige, tradition and history; international recognition of high standards and adherence to the Large Yacht Commercial Code; ready availability of a large number of qualified surveyors; protection of British maritime law, consular services and navy; and commercial confidentiality (the owning companies can be registered in the flag state, rather than the person who owns the yacht).

As many as 80 per cent of large yachts are flagged in the British overseas territories commonly known as the Red Ensign Group

‘The Red Ensign Group uses the UK MCA’s Large Yacht Code (LYC) as the criteria for building and equipping commercial yachts,’ says Clive Harrison of Döhle Yachts. ‘The LYC has been submitted (and accepted) to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) as the UK’s equivalent provisions under the equivalence arrangements of several international conventions (Load Lines, SOLAS and STCW).

‘Yachts built and operated under the LYC do so under internally recognised standards,’ says Harrison, ‘whilst other jurisdictions operate their own codes, these have not been presented or accepted to the IMO. Compliance with LYC can have a positive impact on resale values.’

The Red Ensign registry with the largest number of yachts is the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry. According to Peter Southgate, Advisor, Maritime Policy and Legislation Development and Shipping Master of the Cayman Registry, service is one key to the flag’s popularity.

‘The various members of the Red Ensign Group offer a very high quality flag option for any owner, and we ensure that as a group, we do not compete on quality,’ Southgate says. ‘This leaves essentially only service and the possible effects of local restrictions. For example, the UK is an EU flag and hence, temporary importation would not be available to a UK-flagged vessel.’

Flags of different colours

Most flag registries, while either an agency of a government or acting on behalf of the government, are to some extent, in competition with each other for business and offer various angles that may benefit the needs of some owners.

The Marshall Islands allows qualified private yachts to charter up to 84 days a year, but subjects them to detailed surveys heavy on lifesaving, safety and fire fighting. They also have to have a minimum safe manning certificate for when they’re chartering.

‘We look at that as an owner trying to recoup some of his expenses – not putting his yacht into a commercial mode,’ says Eugene Sweeney, senior vice president, Yacht Operations for International Registries, Inc., which provides administrative and technical support to the Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Administrators.

The US flag has long been problematic for ship and yacht owners due in large part to onerous regulations and manning requirements. ‘The US flag has a very unwelcoming regime of laws and regulations that make it extremely difficult for a ship of any size to be registered,’ says Moore. Matt Ruane, director of JTC Marine and Aviation, cites some specific reasons a US flag may not appeal to owners of large yachts.

If you are tempted to use the flag of a state because you like the AK-47 image on it, resist.

Maritime attorney Michael T. Moore

‘US residents often wish to purchase yachts outside the US and register on to a non-US flag in order to avoid US sales and/or use tax,’ Ruane writes. ‘US Coast Guard legislation fails to differentiate between merchant vessels and commercial yachts, meaning most large yachts would fail to meet their “Seagoing Motor Vessel” requirements, which, in essence, apply SOLAS requirements to all vessels in excess of 300GT.

‘A US-resident master and crew are required for all large yachts, unless operating privately and outside of US waters. A US flag requires US corporate or private ownership, and the concept of nominee directors and shareholders is less understood and thus, less acceptable, essentially meaning that US corporate ownership is more transparent.’

The actual cost of flagging offshore is relatively low, provided your yacht meets class requirements, which is something an owner would want to consider especially when buying a brokerage yacht. The cost of bringing a yacht up to class can be substantial.

Choosing a flag is a matter best undertaken under counsel of a maritime attorney. There are many possible avenues depending on an owner’s intended use and other considerations, but at the end of the day, most advise sticking with the tried and true.

‘If for whatever reason you are tempted to use the flag of a state because you like the AK-47 image on it,’ says Moore, ‘resist.’

Originally published: Superyacht Owners’ Guide 2012.

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Cayman Company formation

Boat Registration in Cayman Islands

Boat Registration in Cayman Islands

Boat registration in the Cayman Islands is performed with the Shipping Registry (CISR), according to the type of vessel. The Registry is a division of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands and it offers a range of services to those who register merchant ships or yachts and other vessels. 

The Cayman Islands have a longstanding seafaring history and together with several other locations, they are part of the red Ensign Group of Category One British registries. This grants the ability to register vessels of all classes, from small ones to large ones. The only exception is for fishing vessels, a category restricted to the ones that are locally owned.  

When investors decide to open a Cayman Islands exempted company they may also be interested in registering a boat owned by the company. Our team answers some of the most common questions about this process and can provide boat owners with further assistance for George Town yacht registration , as needed.

Apart from assisting with boat and maritime law issues for those who own vessels in the Islands, our team is also highly qualified to assist investors interested in setting up a Cayman Islands company . We provide complete incorporation packages that can also include bank account opening (upon request), as well as guidance and assistance throughout the process or opening an offshore business.

Table of Contents

What are the advantages of registering a boat in the Cayman Islands?

Registering a boat in the Cayman Islands allows the owner to benefit from sailing under a recognized flag, and operating in a favorable environment. The jurisdiction is a favorable location for setting up a Cayman Islands company and for operating commercial or passenger’s vessels. The maritime legislation safeguards the rights of the operation of passenger yachts and that of merchant’s vessels.

What is the boat registration process?

Boat owners in the Cayman Islands can start by reserving a boat name. This can be an important step for those who wish to propose a specific name and it includes submitting a special form, with the name proposal and reservation as well as paying the name reservation fee.

The name of a vessel can be registered in one of the three ports – George Town, The Creek and Bloody Bay. The same applies for George Town yacht registration , meaning that if the port of choice does not have a name available, the other two may allow for that specific registration. When the name is available in all three ports, it can be registered across all three to allow the owner its single use. Names are reserved for 12 months and can be renewed and they are reserved and requested by the owner, the authorized person or the representative person. Another third party can also handle this step (the shipyard, for example, in case of new ships), however, such an action is subject to approval from the Registrar.

When registering a boat , it is important to fill in the appropriate forms including the details of the owner or the representative making the registration as well as provide the following documents:

  • boat certificate: this is the builder’s certificate for the boat for a new vessel or the bill of sale for one that has been purchased.
  • the Certificate of Good Standing: this is provided by the company owning the boat; for a Cayman Islands exempted company , or another resident company, the certificate of incorporation will suffice.
  • the Certificate of Survey: this, along with the International Tonnage Certificate will need to be carried out on the boat, depending on size and type, the use and number of passengers.
  • Others: included here are the Deletion Certificate for boats previously registered elsewhere, the registration fee and the tonnage fee.

An additional registration, however, one that is not carried out the by the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry but by the Utility Regulation and Competition Office is the ship radio station licensing. The operator of the radio is also required to have an Operator’s Certificate according to the equipment that is used on the vessel. Vessels also need to register their emergency position indicating radio beacon with appropriate maritime administration (for example, the NOAA in the USA).

One of our Cayman Islands incorporation agents can give you more information about the requirements to provide the company’s registration documents.

Other services offered by the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry include the change of vessel type, the registration of a mortgage, the deletion of a vessel, the transfer of ownership or the registration of a ship under construction. 

We invite you to watch the following video on boat registration:

Types of vessel registration in the Cayman Islands

There are two main categories of vessels that can be registered with the Cayman Islands authorities: George Town yacht registration and merchant vessel registration. For each of these two types, the individual who submits the registration needs to follow the steps described above, starting which choosing an available name, and then determine the ownership structure.

The ownership structure can be the following:

  • Companies: a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands, a country in the EU or EEA or a country included in the Third Schedule of the Cayman Islands Money Laundering Regulations; companies that do not fall under these categories may still register a vessel under the Cayman flag if they are registered in the Cayman Islands as foreign companies and have a place of business here;
  • Individuals: George Town yacht registration is possible for individual and joint users who are nationals of EU or EEA or a country included in the Third Schedule of the Cayman Islands Money Laundering Regulations; individuals who do not fall under these categories can be part-owners of a Cayman-registered vessel if the majority is owned by a qualified individual. This means that even though they do not qualify, individuals can still own 31 of the 64 shares in a vessel.

As far as the types of vessel registration are concerned, there are five possible cases:

  • Full: the complete registration of a vessel and the receipt of the Certificate of British Registry upon completion;
  • Interim: for the duration of a transfer of ownership for a foreign owner vessel to one that will be registered in the Cayman;
  • Term: a temporary exception to full vessel registration, to be used when the owner in Cayman is not yet in the possession of the Certificate of Survey;
  • Under construction: as the name suggests, when a vessel is still under construction;
  • Demise charter: demise charter out and demise charter in vessel registration (when the owner leases the vessel to the charterer for  a period during which the latter will be fully liable for the use and management of the vessel).

Our team can help you if you are interested in full George Town yacht registration .

How can our Cayman Islands company formation agents assist boat owners?

Our team provides regular services for setting up a Cayman Islands company , however, we can provide dedicated services to those entrepreneurs who are interested in registering a vessel owned by the Cayman Islands exempted company . The operating environment for boat owners is as favorable as for opening a company, in a tax-neutral jurisdiction where the principles of the English Common Law govern and locally registered vessels benefit from British Consular Services and Royal Naval Assistance.

Under the conditions for registration set forth by the Maritime Authority , it is important to appoint an authorized person at the very beginning of the process when the owner of the boat is not present for the process. The representative person and the authorized person for George Town yacht registration can be the same in some cases, however, their functions are separate. The difference derives from the manner in which the person is appointed: two different forms are used, and the representative person needs to accept their appointment by submitting a declaration. When the vessel is under joint-ownership, owe of the owners can act as the authorized person through a power of attorney and in this case he is appointed through the form designated for the authorized person (form CISR 855). The owner of the vessel is still allowed to deal with the Registry directly even if he has appointed a representative. One of our agents can assist you during this step.

In most cases, George Town yacht registration is a process that can be completed within 24 hours after the receipts of all the needed documents and after all of the fees have been paid. The Registry also offers an over-the-counter service for an additional fee, through which the registration is completed immediately, also dependent on whether or not the complete documentation is submitted. The documents can be submitted in printed form or by email, however, when the originals are not provided immediately, the individual undertakes that he will supply the originals within 7 days of registration.

The following statistics were issued by the Cayman Port Authority concerning passenger and cargo transportation:

  • the number of cruise ship passengers in January 2019 was 217,111 while for the same month in 2018 it was 218,430.
  • the total vessel calls (vessels that dock during the course of a voyage )  for January 2019 was 95, with an average of 76 for the month of January in the 2010-2019 period.
  • as far as the container value expressed in tons according to the port of origin, in January 2019 there were 12,137 tons on vessels from Port Everglades and 10,051 tons on vessels originating from Jamaica; shipments from Port Everglades also recorded a high value (in tons) for June 2019, at 12,468. 

Contact our Cayman Islands incorporation agents for more detailed answers to these questions as well as more information about the services we provide to investors and entrepreneurs. 

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Where to register your superyacht?

george town yacht flag

Why so many island flags?

george town yacht flag

If you passed by a luxurious marina in the south of France or a Spanish island, you'll notice a lot of superyachts. But almost none of them are carrying a known flag on the jackstaff.

The flag you choose for your superyacht will have a direct impact on your taxes, privacy and the vessel's success as a business. There are no simple answers here, but there are some general rules.

Choosing an offshore state to register your superyacht makes sense especially if you will charter the vessel as a business. Registering your vessel with an offshore flag can bring many benefits: a lighter tax burden, confidentiality of ownership, better rates from banking and insurance companies. If you choose to use the yacht only for private enjoyment and not charter it, you might register the vessel in your home country.

In choosing the flag, a good starting point is the so-called White List as maintained by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU).

The Paris MoU is made of 27 participating maritime administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal states and the North Atlantic basin. The states are ranked on three lists: white list, grey list and black list. The states on the White List have demonstrated strong performance in safety, security and environmental standards. Flags on the Grey and Black Lists are deficient and vessel risk inspections and even detentions.

Cayman Island flag

The favorite flags for the majority for superyacht owners are those of the British overseas territories, commonly known as the Red Ensign Group. Almost 80% of the yachts and superyachts are registered in the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and Isle of Man.

Sailing under one of these flags provides protection of the British maritime law, commercial confidentiality and adherence to the Large Yacht Code (LYC)

The registry with the largest number of yachts is the Cayman Island Shipping Registry. The port of George Town is the homeport of the majority of superyachts.

Also part of the Red Ensing Group are Guernsey, Jersey, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Falkland Islands, Montserrat, St. Helena and Turks & Caicos.

Out of the 13 members, only the UK and Gibraltar are EU-flags. Another popular flag with the superyacht owners is the one of the Pacific nation of Marshall Islands.

george town yacht flag

Cayman Islands Yacht Registration


The purpose of this guide to highlight the many advantages of the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry and to introduce the comprehensive range of Cayman Islands yacht registration services that we provide.

About the Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands are an autonomous British Overseas Territory in the western Caribbean Sea. The 264-square-kilometre (102-square-mile) territory comprises the three islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, which are located to the south of Cuba and northeast of Honduras, between Jamaica and the Yucatán Peninsula. 

About the Cayman Islands Registry of Ships

The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry is a Category 1 British Register of Ships and is a division of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands.

The Cayman Islands have maintained a shipping registry in the Cayman Islands since 1903.

The Cayman Islands are the number one offshore register for super yachts, with an estimated 15% of the world fleet of yachts over 30m (100ft).

In the range of yachts over 40m (130ft), some 20% of the world’s fleet is registered in the Cayman Islands.

Port of Registry

There are three Cayman Islands ports of registry, namely:

  • George Town
  • The Creek 

The Flag (‘Ensign’)

Cayman Islands registered vessels can fly either an undefaced red ensign or a red ensign defaced with the Cayman Islands crest 

The Certificate of British Registry

Upon completion of registration formalities a Cayman Islands registered yacht is issued with a Certificate of British Registry.

Eligibility – Yachts

The Cayman Islands will accept private pleasure yachts and commercial yachts of any size that are based and operated anywhere in the world.

Eligibility – Owners

The Cayman Islands Register of Ships is an international register meaning that the register is not just restricted to Cayman citizens or Cayman registered companies.

Citizens and companies from countries listed in the following table are able to register in the Cayman Islands directly in their own name:

Anguilla France Madeira
Argentina French Guiana Malta
Aruba Germany Martinique
Australia Gibraltar Marshall Islands
Austria Greece Monaco
Azores Guadeloupe Netherlands
Bahamas Guernsey New Zealand
Bahrain Hong Kong Norway
Barbados Hungary Peoples Republic of China
Belgium Iceland Portugal
Bermuda India Romania
Brazil Ireland Singapore
British Virgin Islands Isle of Man Slovakia
Bulgaria Israel Slovenia
Canada Italy Spain
Canary Islands Japan Sweden
Cyprus Jersey Switzerland
Czech Republic Kingdom of Netherlands United Arab Emirates
Denmark Latvia United Kingdom
Estonia Liechtenstein United States of America
Faroe Islands Lithuania  
Finland Luxembourg  

Summary of Features & Benefits of Yacht Registration in the Cayman Islands

  • The Cayman Islands are a neutral, politically stable and well-regarded jurisdiction that has been white-listed as a transparent and well-regulated offshore finance centre
  • Member of the coveted ‘Red Ensign Group’ of British ship registries and Cayman Islands yacht registration enables the prestigious red ensign to be flown
  • Government funded, operated, backed and staffed ship registry
  • Neutral port of registry marked on the vessel holding the reputation of a quality register that is familiar to port and customs authorities around the world
  • High service levels driven by a customer first service ethos resulting in quick turnaround of applications
  • The availability of a ‘Ship Under Construction’ registration allows yachts to be registered whilst under construction to provide owners with greater security during the build of their vessels 
  • Wealth of experience – many yachts current on the register
  • Competitive registry fees
  • No insurance premium tax (6% in UK)
  • International offices facilitate the ease of transacting in different time zones 
  • Cayman Islands registration is valid internationally and documentation issued in English so widely understood.
  • Cayman Islands registered yachts do not have to ever physically visit the Cayman Islands
  • The Cayman Islands Register of Ships provides proof of title and enables the owner to register a mortgage on the vessel
  • Yachts can be coded and operated as commercial charter yachts on the register
  • Entitlement to register includes a wide range of global citizens which can avoid the need for company formation for the majority of potential clients
  • Cayman Islands registered yachts are entitled to diplomatic protection, British consular assistance and Royal Naval protection (dependent on availability of assets/& nature of the threat)

Cayman Islands Yacht Registration By Oceanskies

Oceanskies provides a fixed fee yacht registration service to all yacht owners wishing to take advantage of the benefits of Cayman Islands registration for their yacht.

The registration service results in Oceanskies taking responsibility for the entire registration process on behalf of the owner.

Our fees include all registry fees and disbursements providing the internationally recognised Cayman Islands Certificate of British Registry and a lifetime radio licence allocating the vessel’s call sign and MMSI number.

Example Pricing

Our fixed fee yacht registration package for the Cayman Islands  registration of any  private yacht under 24 metres in registered length lying within the EU costs only £5,250.00 in year one and then £1,450.00 per annum in second and subsequent years and includes:

  • Full Certificate of British registry
  • Provision of Cayman Islands  representative person
  • Tonnage Survey Onboard vessel lying in EU
  • All registry fees
  • Radio licence allocating call sign & MMSI number

Crew Employment & Payroll for Cayman Islands Registered Yachts

Through Oceanskies Crew Limited we are able to provide crew payroll outsourcing services from for crew working onboard Cayman Islands registered vessels.

This service is a very popular ‘bolt on’ service for our clients as it simplifies the employment of the crew of their Cayman Islands registered yacht.

The yacht owner engages Oceanskies Crew Limited to employ and pay the crew of their vessel through a crew services agreement. As employers, Oceanskies Crew Limited issues the crew with contracts in line with the Marine Labour Convention guidelines, pays them, issues payslips, sea service testimonials etc.

For further information please refer to the crew employment and payroll section of our website .

Other Cayman Islands Registration Services by Oceanskies

Oceanskies are able to provide a range of stand-alone fixed fee additional registration services including:

  • Arrangement of Cayman Islands representative person facilities;
  • Registration of yachts under construction as ‘Ship Under Construction’;
  • Registration of new owner details in event of vessel transferring to a new owner qualified to maintain Cayman Islands registration;
  • Drafting of sale documents such as a Bill of Sale in the Cayman Islands format and any supporting documentation required by the Buyer of the vessel;
  • Transfers of vessel registration to the Cayman Islands from other British registries, (and vice versa);
  • Performance of tonnage surveys and issue of Certificates of Survey for Cayman Islands registration on vessels under 24 metres in loadline length;
  • Effect change of vessel name;
  • Make amendments to registered particulars of vessel;
  • Manufacture and supply of tonnage plates displaying official number for Carving & Marking purposes;
  • Registration / discharge of marine mortgages;
  • Arrange deletion / cancellation of Cayman Islands registration to provide a Closed Transcript of Registry (Deletion Certificate); and
  • Obtain Current Transcripts of Registry to provide at the time of issue a ‘snapshot’ of the register confirming: – Vessel dimensions and particulars such as the builder, length, breadth, tonnage, year of build and engine details; – Details of the current registered owner; and – Details of any mortgages or encumbrances such as a bank loan registered against the vessel.

Please do not hesitate to contact for a free no obligation proposal for any of our Cayman Islands yacht registration services or any general yacht registration query that you might have.

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Oceanskies Limited is registered in Guernsey (company number 56102) | Registered Office: Castle Emplacement, St.Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1AU, Channel Islands, Great Britain

Oceanskies Support Services Limited is registered in the United Kingdom (company number 14539527) | Registered Office: 80 Grove Lane, Holt, Norfolk, United Kingdom, NR25 6ED

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The finest fleet

  • Yachts for charter

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Rate from USD 3,000,000 per week

  • Length: 112m (367.4ft)
  • 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Built: 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain

george town yacht flag

Rate from EUR 1,700,000† per week

  • Length: 96.6m (318.2ft)
  • 12 guests in 7 cabins
  • Built: 2017 (refitted 2022), Feadship, De Vries Makkum, The Netherlands

george town yacht flag


Rate from EUR 645,000 per week

  • Length: 91.4m (299.9ft)
  • 36 guests in 18 cabins
  • Built: 2005 (refitted 2020), Neorion Syros Shipyards, Greece

george town yacht flag

Rate from USD 497,000† per week

  • Length: 90.1m (295.6ft)
  • 12 guests in 6 cabins
  • Built: 2007 (refitted 2021), Corsair Yachts, China

george town yacht flag

Rate from USD 1,100,000† per week

  • Length: 88.5m (290.4ft)
  • 12 guests in 8 cabins
  • Built: 2017, Oceanco, The Netherlands

george town yacht flag


Rate from EUR 490,000 per week

  • Length: 88m (288.6ft)
  • Built: 2006 (refitted 2023), Perini Navi, Italy

george town yacht flag

Rate from USD 945,000† per week

  • Length: 85.6m (280.9ft)
  • Built: 2010 (refitted 2016), Derecktor Shipyard, United States Of America

george town yacht flag

Rate from USD 960,000 per week

  • Length: 85.3m (279.8ft)
  • Built: 2022, SILVERYACHTS, Australia

george town yacht flag

Rate from EUR 1,000,000 per week

  • Length: 85m (278.8ft)
  • 12 guests in 9 cabins
  • Built: 2017 (refitted 2024), Lurssen-Werft, Germany

george town yacht flag


Rate from EUR 900,000 per week

  • 12 guests in 10 cabins
  • Built: 2018 (refitted 2024), Golden Yachts, Greece

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Motor & sailing yachts for charter

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Explore our portfolio of luxury motor and sailing yachts for charter. Our charter brokers draw on all of their experience to help you find the perfect luxury charter yacht that's ready to head to your dream destination.

Yacht charter themes

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Yachts are places of entertainment, discovery and relaxation. Many have spa facilities to help you unwind and make the most of your yacht charter holiday. All you need to think about is what you want to do next.

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Yacht charter chefs have a vast knowledge of produce, diets, allergies and how to provision in obscure parts of the world. This stimulating environment attracts some of the world’s most inventive talents.

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The watertoys on board today’s yachts available for charter wouldn’t be out of place in a James Bond film: from flyboards and SeaBobs to slides and entire water parks. No matter your age or experience, everyone can play.

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Bring your own tunes, access Airplay or browse extensive selections of movies and music on demand. We have yachts with cinemas on deck so that you can enjoy magical movie nights under the stars.

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With three, even four generations on board charter, choose family-friendly features like hydraulic swim platforms, elevators, shaded deck jacuzzis and zero speed stabilisers for comfort at anchor.

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From a treadmill on the sun deck to state-of-the-art gyms with air conditioning and entertainment, fitness is fun. We can even find you a charter crew with a qualified fitness instructor.

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Sports yachts

There is a yacht to suit every occasion and your destination will sometimes decide the best option. Fast sports yachts in the 20-35m (65-115ft) range are tailor-made for a week’s island hopping.

Yacht charter destinations

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  • Mediterranean

A yacht charter to the Mediterranean is anything you want it to be. From the Michelin stared restaurants of Naples, to the chic beach clubs, and luxury brands of Monaco and the French Riviera to the laid-back lifestyle, ancient ruins and deserted beaches of Mykonos and Santorini in the Greek islands, you can do it all.

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  • New Zealand

A world unto itself - culturally and geographically, New Zealand has a huge amount of biodiversity in plant and animal life. It also offers some of the most incredible landscapes from fjords to volcanos to glaciers and high mountains.

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Phuket provides a heady combination of palm-lined white-sand beaches, superb hospitality, land-based fun, exciting activities, cultural wonders and delicious cuisine. With year-round good weather, its rising popularity as a charter destination is no surprise.

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With shimmering white beaches fringed with sapphire seas and colourful coral reefs, the 700 or so islands and cays of the Bahamas are perfect for exploring by sea.

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  • Croatia & Montenegro

The coastlines and islands of Croatia and Montenegro offer world-class cruising with historic towns, stunning scenery and pulsating nightlife.

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An idyllic yacht charter to Greece offers an escape from busy modern life. From the Cyclades to the Ionian Islands, spend lazy days exploring wild landscapes and deserted sandy coves, pretty harbours and white-washed fishing villages.

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You could spend weeks getting lost in this breath-taking part of the world. Cruising on a yacht in Tahiti allows you to dive vibrant coral reefs with all manner of marine life, snorkel the clearest waters you’ve ever encountered or visit islets with not a soul in sight.

george town yacht flag

From fashionable resorts and modern marinas to heavenly white-sand beaches, secret sailing coves and ancient ruins, many only accessible by sea, the ‘Turquoise Coast’ of Turkey is the Mediterranean at its most exotic.

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  • French Riviera

From Monaco to Saint-Tropez, the French Riviera (Cote d’Azur) has long captured the hearts and souls of the yachting crowd.

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More than any other country, Italy encapsulates the variety the Mediterranean has to offer – and there is no better way to experience it than on a luxury Italian yacht charter with Burgess.

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Mykonos is the glamorous epicentre of the Cyclades Islands, and an essential part of any Greek island charter. From beach bars that rival Ibiza to 16th Century windmills, to sophisticated restaurants in the hinterland and tavernas that take no reservations at all – this is the juxtaposition and charm of Mykonos.

george town yacht flag

Enjoy outdoor experiences unlike any other on a yacht charter along this majestic coastline of North America. On a luxury yacht charter in Alaska you will cruise through sheltered waterways, passing national parks, shimmering glaciers and mountain peaks.

george town yacht flag

From dynamic cities and breathtaking unspoilt landscapes to sweeping beaches and stunning coastlines brimming with natural wonders, Australia offers extraordinary experiences.

george town yacht flag

The Caribbean has an intoxicating allure for the superyachting crowd. A luxury Caribbean yacht charter offers big blue skies and cooling trade winds for magnificent sailing and island-hopping.

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  • Corsica & Sardinia

A luxury yacht charter to Corsica is an excellent opportunity to explore this lush, mountainous island. Fringed by plunging cliffs and beaches lapped by the warm waters of the Mediterranean, you’ll have the chance to enjoy some of the best snorkelling and diving in the area.

george town yacht flag

The star of the Balearics, the island of Mallorca is the perfect yacht rental destination thanks to its beautiful beaches, rugged mountains, and lively local scene.

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Indonesia is the world's last unspoilt paradise, with 17,000 islands across 5,000km between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

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  • French Polynesia

Explore the islands of French Polynesia on a luxury French Polynesia yacht charter. The islands which are a string of tropical jewels set in the South Pacific, have an abundance of secluded anchorages and some of the most spectacular diving in the world.

george town yacht flag

Thailand is diverse and exotic, from the isolated beaches and lush forests to cultural shrines and the nine pristine Similan Islands. You'll find jaw-dropping scenery, unforgettable diving and some of the finest beaches in Asia.

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Embark on a luxury superyacht charter in Fiji to explore this tropical haven of 333 islands and discover secluded bays and uninhabited islands.

george town yacht flag

Located at the northern end of the Ionian chain, Corfu is full of charming towns with thriving shops, restaurants and an exuberant nightlife. All of this happily complements the abundance of secluded coves and anchorages enjoyed only by sea.

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  • British Virgin Islands

A yacht charter to the British Virgin Islands gives you the chance to explore 60 unspoilt volcanic islands. From the main island of Tortola to the smooth granite rocks of Virgin Gorda, or to tiny sandy islets that can be yours alone, with Burgess you’ll have the chance to explore at your leisure.

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  • US Virgin Islands

With 500 fish species, 40 corals, abundant wildlife in verdant interiors and stunning beaches, the US Virgin Islands have it all.

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It's 99 percent water and one percent land! The Maldives is a magical water kingdom in the Indian Ocean. You will be greeted by white beaches, coral reefs, relaxed bars with sunset views, beach BBQs on uninhabited islands, and gourmet dining.

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Lying 1,000km (600 miles) off the Ecuadorean coast, the Galapagos is a modern garden of Eden and a living laboratory of evolution.

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  • South East Asia

On a South East Asia yacht charter you can set sail from Thailand’s island of Phuket and cruise out to Phang Nga Bay for sea kayaking or rappelling on limestone cliffs.

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  • Caribbean - Leeward Islands

Scattered over 150 miles from Anguilla to Dominica, this group of Caribbean islands is fascinatingly diverse. Sailing the Leeward Islands is the perfect way to discover some of the Caribbean’s most notable beaches and adventures.

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  • New England

New England combines old-world charm and a proud maritime history with the pretty shorelines, picturesque harbours and historic towns and islands of Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine.

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The east coast of the Red Sea is a pristine wilderness, largely untouched and unexplored. It is a place where you can genuinely escape and make discoveries every day as you cruise your yacht from one secluded turquoise bay to the next, one sandy shored island to another.

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  • Indian Ocean

With easy sailing distances between the jungle-covered, mountainous main islands and an abundance of opportunities to explore the more remote Outer Islands, an Indian Ocean yacht charter around the Seychelles can be tailor-made for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

george town yacht flag

Famous as the party playground of the Med, Ibiza is today prized for its impressively varied offering. Any yacht charter in Ibiza will blend the sounds of international DJs in locations like Ibiza town with the tranquillity, bohemian vibe, stylish marinas and wellness scene in the north.

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  • The Balearics

Although famous – or is that infamous? – as the party playground of the Mediterranean, this Spanish archipelago offers so much more.

george town yacht flag

Imagine cruising amid the wild, romantic beauty of the Western Isles, some of the most stunning, unspoilt scenery Britain has to offer. Dramatic steep scree-sided lochs give way to rolling acres of Scots pine and sunlit golden sand beaches, deserted and inaccessible except by yacht.

george town yacht flag

  • Caribbean - Windward Islands

Explore the bejewelled chain of Caribbean islands that sweeps south from Martinique to Grenada on a luxury Caribbean Windward Islands yacht charter.

We are here to help

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Meet Captain Craig of RENAISSANCE

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8 absolute must-do things in Ibiza

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Discover the very best of Greece

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The ultimate guide to the islands of The Bahamas

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The ultimate holiday yacht charter

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Attending the America’s Cup

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The Burgess guide to Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

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The RENAISSANCE of charter

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Your guide to the lesser-known Greek Islands

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Yachts for Sale Flag: George Town

Unfortunately, we currently do not have any yachts with a flag of George Town listed in our inventory. However, our knowledgeable brokers can assist you in locating and acquiring the perfect vessel, even if it's not currently advertised on the market.

Don't hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. They have extensive connections and resources to help you find your dream yacht, tailored to your specific preferences and requirements.

Bluewater Yacht Sales

1996 Egg Harbor Convertible

Vessel Image #1

Get More Info

42' egg harbor 1996, georgetown, maryland.

  • Length Overall: 42'
  • Maximum Draft: 3' 10"
  • Dry Weight: 36,400 lbs

Tank Capacities

  • Fuel: 600.00 gal
  • Water: 115.00 gal
  • Holding: 40.00 gal

Engine Information

  • Engine 1 : 1996 Detroit Diesel 6V92 - 550hp
  • Engine 2 : 1996 Detroit Diesel 6V92 - 550hp

General Description

Shed kept on the Upper Chesapeake on the Sassafras River. Gorgeous, well-appointed and very cared for by her current owners since 2009. Although they did not fish her - her outriggers are available.

Seller comments: "Our 1996 42 Egg Harbor Convertible has Detroit 6V92 Engines, one has @1790 hrs. the other @1860, the previous owner used it a lot for fishing and trolled on one engine for the extra hours. The bottom was painted in June of this year 2024, I purchased the boat in November 2009...the boat was located in Baltimore at the time. 

The boat has a wet bar, and tuna door as extra options at the time, in 2010 rebuilt starboard engine, new head, valves and three cylinders, replaced 20-gallon water heater @ 2013, the entire interior was updated in 2011, new bolsters, carpeting, reupholstered furniture, wallpaper, upgraded lighting system to LED. Inverter for large refrigerator and one outlet was installed @ 2015. New Vacuflush system and waste hoses @ 2020. The boat has an extra set of props (one set is three blade the other 4 blade Michigan Nibral). The Chartplotter was upgraded to Raymarine e125 with new sonar @ 2015. New VHF radio and antenna installed @ 2014"

Introduced in 1995, the Egg Harbor 42 Convertible was a completely restyled version of the previous Egg Harbor 42 - a state-of-the art boat by the standards of her day, with as much (or more) eye appeal than anything in her class. The 42 was built on low-deadrise hull with a sharp bow entry, a solid fiberglass bottom, and a wide 15-foot beam. Her big 100-square-foot cockpit rivals many larger boats in both size and amenities, - Refrigerator, S/S sink, Live Bait Well & cabinets.

Below deck, features a Two stateroom, Two-head interior. The updated wet bar features an all-Granite countertop in the salon, where large windows offer panoramic views of the water. Updated Window Treatments include valances with Designer Blinds and recessed Lighting that create a luxurious Salon setting. Large L-Shaped Leather Settee, Flat Screen TV, and Stereo System all complete the look of a much newer Vessel.

One step down, to port, is a U-shaped galley with an all Granite serving counter, and updated refrigerator/freezer,S/S Sink and microwave. Additional features include a bow pulpit, central vacuum system, teak interior joinery, salon entertainment center with Flat Screen TV, a below-deck livewell, tackle drawers, cockpit bait freezer, insulated in-deck fish/storage box, transom door, and fresh/raw-water wash downs.


  • Attractive, spacious two-stateroom interior
  • Rich teak cabinetry with decorator fabrics throughout
  • Salon TV (recent)
  • Salon has been updated.
  • Forward stateroom with queen size island berth & TV
  • Guest stateroom has upper lower berths
  • Roomy head with stall shower
  • Central vacuum
  • Newer Stainless Whirlpool 110V refrigerator/freezer
  • Panasonic Genius Microwave
  • Designer sink and faucet
  • Teak and holly galley sole
  • Fiberglass bow pulpit with anchor roller
  • Lewmar remote control anchor windlass
  • Fiberglass hardtop w/electronics box
  • Full flybridge enclosure
  • Two helm chairs
  • Large, uncluttered cockpit
  • Cockpit Sunshade
  • Cockpit refrigerator
  • Tackle lockers. large fishbox and sea water washdown
  • Rod holders and rocket launchers (stored at sellers' home)
  • Transom/dive door
  • Fiberglass swim platform 


  • GPS chartplotter
  • Robertson autopilot AP-35
  • Raytheon Tridata
  • Horizon Eclipse VHF radio on flybridge
  • Horizon Eclipse VHF radio in salon
  • Flybridge AM/FM/CD stereo
  • Satellite TV antenna
  • Glendenning engine sychronizer
  • Engine oil changer pump system
  • 2 Reverse cycle air conditioning units
  • 8.5kw Onan generator (1600 hrs)
  • 30-amp battery charger
  • 2 8D batteries
  • New hot water heater

Listing MLS by

Boating's Best Brands

Viking Yachts

Waterfront Office Locations

  • Baltimore 410.342.6600
  • Annapolis 443.716.7965
  • Ocean City 410.390.3043
  • Hampton 757.723.0793
  • Virginia Beach 757.937.2570

North Carolina

  • Wanchese 252.216.2960
  • Beaufort 252.728.2645
  • Morehead City 252.728.2645
  • Wilmington 910.256.6643
  • South FL 561.845.0606

50th Anniversary Logo


Basic information.

  • Builder Grand Banks
  • Model 42 Motor Yacht
  • Category Motor Yachts
  • Condition Used
  • Maximum Speed 11 KN
  • Cruise Speed 8 KN
  • Fuel Type Diesel
  • Hull Material Fiberglass
  • LOA 42'
  • Beam 13' 7"
  • Max Draft 4' 2"
  • Fuel Tank 300 GAL
  • Fresh Water 256 GAL
  • Holding Tank 25 GAL
  • Displacement 37,400 LBS
  • Number of Engines 2
  • Make Ford Lehman
  • Model SP-135
  • Power HP 135.00 HP

Carolina Breeze 1989 Grand Banks 42 Motor Yacht (4696685)

"Carolina Breeze" 1989 Grand Banks 42'

1989 Grand Banks 42' Motor Yacht

Full Description

Powerboat guide description.

“Introduced in 1987, the Grand Banks 42 Motor Yacht is a traditional sundeck cruising yacht of uncommon beauty and elegance. She never came near the popularity of the 42 Classic, but enough were sold to make these boats fairly common on the brokerage market. With accommodations for up to three couples, the 42 Motoryacht was popular with those who entertain as well as cruise. Two interiors were offered; a standard three-stateroom layout with the galley up, or optional two-stateroom plan with the galley down. Behind the helm to starboard is an L-shaped dining area with teak table and settee. Steps at the aft end of the salon lead down to the elegant full beam master stateroom with walkaround queen bed, built- in desk, and generous storage. The aft deck is easily covered by a separate Bimini from the flybridge and makes a spacious outdoor entertaining area. In 1991, Grand Banks redesigned the hull of all of their 42-footers, expanding the width and length by six inches. Among several engine options, twin 210hp Cats cruise at 8–10 knots and twin 375hp Cats cruise at 14–15 knots.”

Vessel Details

  • GB Hull 1076
  • White gelcoat
  • Brightwork is in excellent condition
  • Teak decks in good condition
  • Multiple deck boxes for storage
  • Plow anchor
  • Mantas CQR anchor
  • Lewmar horizontal windlass with capstan
  • Foot pedals
  • Seawise davit system for dinghy
  • Full canvas enclosure with isinglass
  • Twin bench seats on the flybridge
  • Salon entry both port and starboard
  • Swim platform
  • Boarding ladder
  • Large L-shape settee to starboard
  • Drop leaf wooden dinette centerline
  • Port side fridge/freezer
  • Wine/bottle rack
  • Engine room access

Master Stateroom

  • Centerline island queen berth
  • Large wooden dressers run fore/aft on both sides
  • Wooden desk
  • Hanging locker
  • Dometic 12k BTU HVAC unit
  • Head and sink located to port
  • Dometic electric flush head
  • Separate shower stall on starboard
  • Tons of natural light

Guest Staterooms

  • V-berth forward
  • Double berth forward portside
  • Wooden cabinetry – drawers and hanging locker
  • Vanity and head; separate shower stall
  • MarinAire 9k HVAC
  • Twin basin stainless steel sink with covers
  • Separate refrigerator and freezer – Dometic compressor located in engine room
  • Princess three burner LPG stove with oven
  • Ample storage
  • Extra refrigerator and freezer on board


  • Raymarine chartplotter MFD – lower helm
  • Raymarine chartplotter MFD A Series – flybridge
  • Raymarine closed array radar
  • Standard Horizon Horizon Eclipse + VHF
  • Standard Horizon Explorer VHF - flybridge
  • Hummingbird depth gauge - flybridge

Engine Room/Mechanical

  • 1989 Ford Lehman SP-135hp diesel engines
  • Engine hours – 5,762-P; 5,735-S
  • Twin Disc Model S-10244 marine gears
  • Cruising speed 8 knots; max speed 10 knots
  • 1.5” stainless steel shafts
  • 4 blade bronze props
  • 2x 50A power inlets
  • Morse mechanical cable controls
  • Stuffing boxes on shaft
  • Bronze thru hulls and seacocks
  • Fuel manifold system
  • Racor fuel filtration
  • Westerbeke 8kw diesel generator – unknown hours
  • Raritan 12 gallons hot water tank
  • Jabsco diaphragm type water pump
  • Cable and pulley steering system
  • Bonding system
  • 600 gallons fuel – 2x 300 gallon steel tanks
  • 265 gallons water
  • 50 total holding
  • 600 RPM – 3.4 mph
  • 1,000 RPM – 6.5 mph
  • 1,500 RPM – 8.8 mph
  • 1,750 RPM – 10 mph
  • 2,000 RPM – 11.1 mph
  • 2,250 RPM – 11.8 mph
  • All boat related items convey
  • Spare parts/filters
  • Dinghy included
  • USCG equipment

Mechanical Disclaimer

Engine and generator hours are as of the date of the original listing and are a representation of what the listing broker is told by the owner and/or actual reading of the engine hour meters. The broker cannot guarantee the true hours. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or his agent to verify engine hours, warranties implied or otherwise and major overhauls as well as all other representations noted on the listing brochure.

The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.

Listing MLS by

Carolina Breeze is an excellent 1989 example of the popular Grand Banks 42 Motor Yacht version. This classic design boat has been well kept. Enjoy a large flybridge, or extend comfort onto the large aft deck. Three staterooms offer comfort for friends or storage for extended cruising. Ultra reliable and efficient Lehman diesels provide power in a well-kept engine room. Carolina Breeze is the perfect coastal cruiser or Great Loop boat. Come see her in beautiful and historic Georgetown, SC.  Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by United Yacht Sales. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

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Maritime Directory

Maritime Vessels Directory

  • The Cayman Islands (16)
  • GEORGE TOWN (16)
  • GAZTEC LLC (1)
  • IL DONO LTD (1)
  • Marine Electronics Solutions, Inc. (1)
  • Pishgaman Shipping (1)
  • TuanLe Corporation (1)
  • 502.83 - 508.9 (2)
  • 512.06 - 516 (3)
  • 527 - 528.9 (2)
  • 540 - 548.44 (3)
  • 571.21 - 571.8 (2)
  • 584 - 585.42 (3)


Yacht | Flag: The Cayman Islands | Port: GEORGE TOWN


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Maritime Reporter and Engineering News (September 2024)

Russia has questions to answer over response to Moscow terror attack

The national guard is capable of appearing within minutes at the slightest sign of protest on the streets of Moscow, but took an hour-and-a-half to mobilise to the attack - something does not add up, writes Dominic Waghorn.

george town yacht flag

International affairs editor @DominicWaghorn

Saturday 23 March 2024 23:33, UK

Russian authorities stand guard near the burning Crocus City Hall concert venue. Pic: Reuters

In the storm of speculation following Russia's worst terrorist attack in decades, 24 hours on certain facts stand out and questions need answering.

The Russians were warned by the US government two weeks ago that an attack by extremists was imminent on "large gatherings to include concerts".

Even with relations as strained as they are today, warnings about Islamist and other terrorist threats are still passed on.

More than 130 killed in concert attack; follow latest updates

Predictably President Vladimir Putin dismissed those warnings in public - you would expect that.

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Ivor Bennett Moscow Correspondent looking around Moscow’s Cold War bunkers (Bunker-42) which is now a museum.

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But behind the scenes you would also expect him to have ordered security to be tightened, to prepare for the worst. That does not appear to have happened. In fact quite the opposite.

Security at the event appears to have been lax. And the Rosgvardiya national guard base two miles away took an hour-and-a-half to mobilise to the attack once it had happened.

The same national guard is capable of appearing within minutes at the slightest sign of protest on the streets of Moscow deploying baton wielding goons to beat demonstrators. Something does not add up.

That has led to claims the Russian state was in some way involved in this attack. With most countries that would be an absurd hypothesis.

Russian special operations forces near the Crocus City Hall concert venue. Pic: Reuters

But it is important to point out that Russia has used false flag operations in the past, most notoriously a series of apartment bombings that killed 300 Russians at the start of Mr Putin's time in office.

The attacks are widely regarded to have been the work of the Russian security services.

The bombings help spark the Second Chechen war that in turn helped Mr Putin cement his grip on power and ascend to the presidency.

Crocus City Hall goes up in flames on Friday. Pic: Reuters

Did the government let the attack happen?

In this case most informed observers are leaning towards believing Islamic State's claim of responsibility rather than believing the Russian state engineered the attack.

But given the security failures, did the Russian government somehow let the attack happen deliberately?

Was it hoping that would keep the public terrified and compliant and allow the Kremlin to scapegoat the enemy?

Or was that failure more the product of incompetence and inertia in the Russian state. As ever, as we try and sift events in Russia cock-up jostles with conspiracy.

Russia attack at concert hall

In some ways it's academic. More important is the way Vladimir Putin intends to use this atrocity.

He is a master at manipulating events to suit his purposes. The Kremlin narrative is already clear. Ukraine is to blame.

It goes without saying Ukraine does not despatch gunmen to shoot innocent civilians.

No observer outside the Russian information space echo chamber is taking that claim seriously. But the Kremlin's fiction is not for foreign consumption.

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Moscow appears to be tilting towards further escalation in Ukraine.

Officials have begun using the word 'war' instead of 'special military operation'.

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The economy is being militarised. There will at some point be a need for more young Russian men to be sent to the front. Another mobilisation may become a necessity.

As the Kremlin softens up Russians for that possibility, it is arming itself with another false reason to continue this devastating war.

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  1. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht Charter Details, Shipworks Brisbane

    george town yacht flag

  2. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht Charter Details, Shipworks Brisbane

    george town yacht flag

  3. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht Charter Details, Shipworks Brisbane

    george town yacht flag


    george town yacht flag

  5. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht Charter Details, Shipworks Brisbane

    george town yacht flag


    george town yacht flag


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  1. Where to Register Your Yacht Offshore: the Ultimate Guide

    The flag state has the responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, so yacht registration under countries on the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) ... This ship registry has been at the Port of George Town, Cayman Islands since 1903. There are two other ports in the Cayman Islands as well: The Creek ...

  2. Flag Yacht Charter

    Open-air cinema. Fully-equipped gym. Tranquil interior spaces and heavenly alfresco areas ensure luxury yacht charters of a lifetime are to be had on board Feadship superyacht FLAG. The 62.3m/204'5" 'Flag' (ex. Fortunato) motor yacht built by the Dutch shipyard Feadship is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 7 cabins. This multi-award ...

  3. How to choose your yacht's flag state

    A flag state will generally require a yacht to be in compliance with construction standards set forth by one or more of the main classification societies such as Lloyd's Register, American Bureau of Shipping or Det Norske Veritas, as well as meeting safety and practice standards set forth by government agencies such as the UK's Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), as applied by the ...

  4. FLAG Yacht • Tommy Hilfiger $45M Superyacht

    The Flag yacht is owned by renowned fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger. Flying flags on yachts holds significant maritime tradition and serves various purposes. Stay informed about the current location of the Flag yacht through the provided link. The yacht's value is estimated at $45 million, with annual running costs of around $4 million.

  5. How to choose a flag for a yacht

    All major yacht flags have similar requirements to the ultimate beneficial owner of a yacht. None of these registers will take the yacht into account until it is clear who owns the company to which the yacht is registered (at least on paper). ... The ports of registry are George Town, The Creek, Bloody Bay. The most popular flag in yachting. It ...

  6. George Town Yacht Registration

    In most cases, George Town yacht registration is a process that can be completed within 24 hours after the receipts of all the needed documents and after all of the fees have been paid. The Registry also offers an over-the-counter service for an additional fee, through which the registration is completed immediately, also dependent on whether ...

  7. Where to register your superyacht?

    Sailing under one of these flags provides protection of the British maritime law, commercial confidentiality and adherence to the Large Yacht Code (LYC) The registry with the largest number of yachts is the Cayman Island Shipping Registry. The port of George Town is the homeport of the majority of superyachts.


    1/25. ALASKA OF GEORGETOWN is a 43.89m an exceptional motor yacht build by Shipworks Brisbane in 2004 to the highest standards. She was designed by Bernie Cohen with Burness Corlett developing the naval architecture. With a massive volume of 457GT she offers ample space for Owner and guests, she can accommodate up to 10 people with 9 crew members.

  9. Cayman islands yacht registration

    Example Pricing. Our fixed fee yacht registration package for the Cayman Islands registration of any private yacht under 24 metres in registered length lying within the EU costs only £5,250.00 in year one and then £1,450.00 per annum in second and subsequent years and includes: Full Certificate of British registry.

  10. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht For Charter

    ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN YACHT FOR CHARTER - 144ft / 43.9m luxury motor super yacht available for charter, built in 2004. View Video, Photos, Price.

  11. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN Yacht Price Summary

    1-954-525-5111. [email protected]. About us. I'm interested in: Chartering a yacht Buying a yacht Selling a yacht Charter marketing Building a yacht Other. Please contact me with more information. ALASKA OF GEORGE TOWN YACHT PRICE - View sale price & charter rate. Length 144ft / 43.9m. Built in 2004 by Shipworks-Warren.

  12. Yachts for charter

    British Virgin Islands. A yacht charter to the British Virgin Islands gives you the chance to explore 60 unspoilt volcanic islands. From the main island of Tortola to the smooth granite rocks of Virgin Gorda, or to tiny sandy islets that can be yours alone, with Burgess you'll have the chance to explore at your leisure.

  13. Maritime Directory

    Four seafarers have been abandoned without pay on a 60-year-old tugboat in Washington State.The vessel, Wycliffe, recently changed its flag to Vanuatu, and was scheduled to help tow two retired Washington State Ferries vessels for a 34-day transit to Ecuador - where the new owner is based - for scrap, but the contract was canceled after the tug experienced technical issues.The four crew ...

  14. Yachts for Sale: Flag

    View every yacht for sale with a george town flag in one place; through beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos. Primary Navigation. Purchase. ... Monaco Yacht Show 2024; Audrain Newport Concours & Motor Week 2024; Sausalito Boat Show 2024; Fort Lauderdale Boat Show 2024; Corporate Yacht Charter;

  15. Maritime Directory

    A 67-year-old tugboat converted to run on Amogy's cleaner-burning ammonia-to-power technology has set sail for the first time in upstate New York.The 105-foot tug, originally built in 1957 and recently renamed NH3 Kraken, is the first vessel globally fitted with the innovative, carbon-free power system, developed by Amogy to reduce emissions from hard to abate sectors such as maritime.The ...

  16. Maritime Directory

    12 hours ago. Initial examinations of four of the people killed when British tech tycoon Mike Lynch's family yacht sank off Sicily last month indicated they had died of suffocation as oxygen ran out on the stricken vessel, judicial sources said on Thursday.Lynch, his daughter Hannah, an onboard cook and four guests died when the Bayesian, a ...

  17. Flags of the federal subjects of Russia

    Map of the federal subjects of Russia with their flags. This gallery of flags of federal subjects of Russia shows the flags of the 89 federal subjects of Russia including 2 regions that, while being de facto under complete Russian control, are not internationally recognized as part of Russia (Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol), and 4 regions that, while not being fully controlled ...

  18. 1996 Egg Harbor 42' Convertible, IV J's, For Sale in Georgetown

    Shed kept on the Upper Chesapeake on the Sassafras River. Gorgeous, well-appointed and very cared for by her current owners since 2009. Although they did not fish her - her outriggers are available.Seller comments: "Our 1996 42 Egg Harbor Convertible has Detroit 6V92 Engines, one has @1790 hrs. the other @1860, the previous owner used it a lot for fishing and trolled on one engine for the ...

  19. Carolina Breeze 1989 Grand Banks 42 Motor Yacht for sale in Georgetown

    Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to offer this 1989 Grand Banks 42 Motor Yacht located in Georgetown, South Carolina. This yacht is offered at $219,000, and listed with United Yacht Sales. Whether buying or selling, the yacht sales professionals at Brewer Yacht Sales can make your boating dreams a reality.

  20. Crocus City Hall attack

    On 22 March 2024, a coordinated terrorist attack against civilians occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Crocus City, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia.The attack began at around 20:00 MSK (), shortly before the Russian band Picnic was scheduled to play a sold-out show at the venue. Four terrorists associated with Islamic State - Khorasan Province (IS-KP or ISIS-K) carried out a ...

  21. Maritime Directory

    the cayman islands- 502 - 596- yacht ships:alaska of george town, alexander again, applause, blind date, blue star, deep blue ii, dione sky, falcon, jems, lady Maritime Directory Companies

  22. Flag of Moscow

    The flag of Moscow, the capital of Russia, is a dark red banner of arms charged as the arms of the city in the centre. It displays Saint George wearing armor and a blue cape with a golden lance in his right hand riding on a silver horse. He is shown stabbing a zilant with the lance. The legend in which the flag came from originated in Jacobus de Voragine's Golden Legend.

  23. Russia has questions to answer over response to Moscow terror attack

    But it is important to point out that Russia has used false flag operations in the past, most notoriously a series of apartment bombings that killed 300 Russians at the start of Mr Putin's time in ...