StandOut CV

Marine Engineer CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Build your CV on this template 

CV news features

If trying to write a marine engineer application has left you feeling like a fish out of water, you’ve come to the right place.

In the guide below, we’re going to teach you how to create an impressive CV that is sure to make waves.

We’ll also share a marine engineer CV example to help you craft your own.

Article contents

Marine Engineer CV example

Marine Engineer CV 1

CV templates 

Marine Engineer CV 2

This example CV demonstrates how to structure and format your own Marine Engineer CV, so that it can be easily digested by busy hiring managers, and quickly prove why you are suitable for the jobs you are applying to.

It also gives you a good idea of the type of skills, experience and qualifications that you need to be highlighting in your CV.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Marine Engineer CV format and structure

Your CV is the first impression you’ll make on anybody who reads it.

A disorganised, cluttered and barely-readable CV could seriously decrease your chances of landing interviews, so it’s essential to make sure yours is slick, professional and easy to navigate.

You can do this by using a clear structure and formatting your content with some savvy formatting techniques – check them out below:

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Marine Engineer CV

  • Length: Whether you’ve got one year or three decades of experience, your CV should never be more than two sides of A4. Recruiters are busy people who’re often juggling numerous roles and tasks, so they don’t have time to read lengthy applications. If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much industry experience, one side of A4 is fine.
  • Readability : By clearly formatting your section headings (bold, or a different colour font, do the trick) and breaking up big chunks of text into snappy bullet points, time-strapped recruiters will be able to skim through your CV with ease.
  • Design & format: It’s generally best to stick to a simple CV design, as funky or elaborate designs rarely add any value to your application. A clear, modern font and a subtle colour scheme work perfectly and allow your skills, experience and achievements to speak for themselves.
  • Photos: Headshot photos aren’t required in a CV by most employers, but some creative and artistic industries like to see them. If you decide to include one, make sure you look smart and professional in the picture.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

When writing your own CV , break up your CV content into the following key sections:

  • Name and contact details – Place them at the top of your CV, so that employers can easily get in touch.
  • CV profile – A punchy sales pitch of your key experience, skills and achievements to reel readers in.
  • Core skills section – A bullet-pointed snapshot of your abilities.
  • Work experience – A well-structured list of your relevant work experience.
  • Education – An overview of any relevant qualifications or professional training you have.
  • Hobbies and interests – A short description of any relevant hobbies or interests (optional).

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Write your contact details in the top corner of your CV, so that they’re easy to find but don’t take up too much space.

You only need to list your basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Location – Don’t list your full address. Your town or city, such as ‘Norwich’ or ‘Coventry’ is perfect.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update these before listing them on an application.

Marine Engineer CV Profile

Your CV profile is basically a short introductory paragraph, which summarises your key selling points and highlights why you’d make a good hire.

So, write a well-rounded summary of what you do, what your key skills are, and what relevant experience you have.

It needs to be short, snappy and punchy and, ultimately, entice the reader to read the rest of your CV.

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: The best CV profiles are short, sharp and highly relevant to the target role. For this reason, it’s best to write 3-4 lines of high-level information, as anything over might be missed.
  • Tailor it: If recruiters don’t see your suitability within a few seconds, they may close your CV straight away. Your CV profile should closely match the essential requirements listed in the job ad, so make sure to review them before you write it.
  • Don’t add an objective: If you want to discuss your career objectives, save them for your cover letter , rather than wasting valuable CV profile space.
  • Avoid generic phrases: Clichés like “ blue-sky thinker with a go-getter attitude” might sound impressive to you, but they don’t actually tell the recruiter much about you. Concentrate on highlighting hard facts and skills, as recruiters are more likely to take these on board.

Example CV profile for Marine Engineer

What to include in your marine engineer cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Start with a brief summary of your relevant experience so far. How many years experience do you have? What type of companies have you worked for? What industries/sectors have you worked in? What are your specialisms?
  • Targeted skills: Make your most relevant Marine Engineer key skills clear in your profile. These should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for – so make sure to check the job description first, and aim to match their requirements as closely as you can.
  • Important qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant Marine Engineer qualifications, so that anyone reading the CV can instantly see you are qualified for the jobs you are applying to.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Marine Engineer CV

Marine Systems Maintenance – Maintaining and repairing various marine systems and equipment, including engines, propulsion systems, and auxiliary machinery.

Ship Design and Construction – Maintaining knowledge of ship design principles and knowledge of shipbuilding processes, materials, and welding techniques.

Navigation and Seamanship – Utilising knowledge of navigation systems, maritime regulations, and seamanship skills for safe vessel operation.

Diesel Engine Repair – Repairing and maintaining marine diesel engines, including troubleshooting issues related to fuel systems, cooling systems, and exhaust systems.

Electrical and Electronics – Maintaining familiarity with electrical systems on board ships, including electrical distribution, communication equipment, and navigation systems.

Welding and Metal Fabrication – Maintaining proficiency in welding techniques, metal fabrication, and repair of ship structures and components.

Safety Procedures – Adhering to safety protocols and practices to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of crew members and vessels.

Hydraulics and Pneumatics – Maintaining knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic systems used in marine applications, including steering systems and cargo handling equipment.

Environmental Regulations – Understanding and complying with environmental regulations and sustainability practices related to marine operations.

Emergency Response – Responding effectively to emergencies at sea, including fire-fighting, first aid, and emergency evacuation procedures.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

Now that recruiters have a good overview of your skills and abilities, you need to jump into the detail of your career history.

Give them a more thorough insight into what you can do by creating a detailed list of your relevant experience.

Start with your current role, and work backwards through all the relevant positions you’ve held. This could be freelance, contract or voluntary work too; as long as it’s related to the role you’re applying for.

Work experience

Structuring each job

The structure of your work experience section can seriously affect its impact.

This is generally the biggest section of a CV, and with no thought to structure, it can look bulky and important information can get lost.

Use my 3-step structure below to allow for easy navigation, so employers can find what they are looking for:

Role descriptions

Firstly, give the reader some context by creating a punchy summary of the job as a whole.

You should mention what the purpose or goal of your role was, what team you were part of and who you reported to.

Key responsibilities

Using easy-to-read bullet points, note down your day-to-day responsibilities in the role.

Make sure to showcase how you used your hard sector skills and knowledge.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for Marine Engineer CV

Serve as a vital member of the engineering team at a prestigious UK marine manufacturing company, designing, testing, and refining components to enhance the performance and functionality of commercial vessels and submarines.

Key Responsibilities

  • Utilise CAD software to create detailed 3D models for mechanical and electrical yacht components and systems, optimising efficiency, and minimising production costs
  • Conduct comprehensive testing and analysis of propulsion systems, identifying potential improvements and implementing modifications for optimal performance
  • Collaborate with design engineers to conceptualise and develop innovative vessel systems
  • Perform troubleshooting and maintenance tasks on electrical and mechanical systems, ensuring smooth operations during sea trials and charter periods

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

After your work experience, your education section should provide a detailed view of your academic background.

Begin with those most relevant to Marine Engineer jobs, such as vocational training or degrees. If you have space, you can also mention your academic qualifications, such as A-Levels and GCSEs.

Focus on the qualifications that are most relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

Hobbies and interests

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests which are related to the sector you are applying to, or which show transferable skills like leadership or teamwork, can worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like “going out with friends” won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

An interview-winning CV for a Marine Engineer role, needs to be both visually pleasing and packed with targeted content.

Whilst it needs to detail your experience, accomplishments and relevant skills, it also needs to be as clear and easy to read as possible.

Remember to research the role and review the job ad before applying, so you’re able to match yourself up to the requirements.

If you follow these guidelines and keep motivated in your job search, you should land an interview in no time.

Best of luck with your next application!

How to write a yacht CV in 2023 [with tips, instructions, and examples]

How to write a yacht CV in 2023 [with tips, instructions, and examples]

Ben Temple

Whether you want to work as a deckhand on a small private vessel or join the large service staff of a superyacht, it’s important to learn how to write a yacht CV.

Working on a yacht can be a fulfilling career. It is a great way to experience the sea, visit different places, meet important people, and have unique experiences. It is also, however, a difficult career. The employee quarters on a yacht typically have little privacy, the days can be long, and the work can be difficult. Further, when you are working on a yacht, you are at sea. You can’t go home until the voyage is over, which could be weeks or even months.

This means that your yacht CV needs to show that not only are you skilled, you have the personality and constitution for working on a yacht.

But if you, like Moby Dick’s Ishmael, find yourself with little or no money in your purse, and nothing particular to interest you on shore, it may be time to write a great yacht CV and see the watery part of the world.

This article will explore all aspects of writing a yacht CV, including:

  • What is a yacht CV?
  • Yacht CV requirements

Yacht CV certifications

  • Yacht CV qualifications
  • How to write a yacht CV

A yacht CV is a document describing your yachting skills and experience that you submit to employers as a part of a job application. It will contain details like personal information, work experience, education, and skills.

The yacht experience can vary greatly. Some yachts may have only a single captain on board and a handful of passengers. Others, such as enormous superyachts, may have a large dedicated staff and crew. Yacht jobs can include captain, crew, bosun, mate, deckhand, dock worker, marina worker, chef, sous chef, stewardess, engineer, and more.

The exact details of your yacht CV will depend on your specific career. There are several different paths that might take you to a yacht, and it’s important that your CV has the right details for your specific goals.

  • Yacht CV Requirements

If you want to become a yacht employee, sometimes called a “yachtie”, your yacht CV will need to show that you have all the certifications and accreditations for the position you are applying for.

The specific requirements of a yacht CV may depend on what country the yacht company is based in and what countries it will travel to. Because most yacht jobs will require sailing to and from different countries, you will have to be conscious of where the particular yacht job is based and what the hiring requirements are.

Further, the specific qualifications, certifications, and skills that you need will depend on what specific yacht role you are applying for.

If you are looking to work in the kitchen of a yacht, for example, or as wait staff, you will want to list your food safety certifications, your culinary education, and your experience serving.

If you are looking to work as a member of the deck crew, you will need appropriate safety certifications.

Will you be working as a tour guide? Will you have to use the helm, or do any navigation? Will you be dealing directly with customers, clients, or passengers? If so, make sure your yacht CV reflects this.

Yacht CV Certifications

Certain certifications are required to become a yachtie. When you apply for a yacht job, you must ensure that you have the right certifications for your role.

Anyone who works on a commercial ship will need a Standard for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) certification.

Also required is an ENG1 Medical or equivalent, which is a certificate confirming that you are medically able to work on a yacht and at sea.

Other certifications, while not strictly mandatory, can improve your CV, such as deckhand training courses and boating certifications like Power Boat 2.

If you are applying for a role in the kitchen or in a hospitality role, you can also look for stewardess training courses, food safety and hygiene certifications, hospitality courses, silver service courses, and more.

It’s important to think carefully about exactly what type of career you are pursuing and what certifications can help you.

Once you have the certifications you need, you can get to work writing your yacht CV. Yacht CV sections include:

Yacht CV personal information

At the beginning of your CV, make sure to add your personal information.

This should begin with your contact details. In your contact information section, include your:

  • Email address
  • Phone Number
  • City of residence

In the USA and Canada, you are not expected to include a picture with your yacht CV. In most European countries, however, a picture will be expected, especially if your position will be guest-facing. Make sure to study the CV requirements of your specific country when preparing your CV. If you provide a picture, make sure it is professional and appropriate.

Some yacht companies also require you to state whether you are a smoker, and whether you have tattoos. You can include this alongside your contact information, or in a separate Personal Details section.

Yacht CV summary

At the top of your CV, begin with a brief professional summary. A summary is a short section, usually only a few sentences or bullet points, that briefly describes you and your experience. It should have a few key highlights, either of key skills that make you a great candidate, or some important achievements from other roles that show what you can do.

A great summary can be what convinces a hiring manager to read the rest of the CV.

Yacht CV Summary

Yacht CV work experience

Your Work Experience section is the most important part of your CV. It is the longest section, and the section containing the most detail.

In a Work Experience section, list previous positions in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your current or most recent job and working backwards. In each role, provide a job description that details your responsibilities and achievements in that position.

For each entry, include:

  • Company name
  • Dates worked
  • Job description

If you have experience working on a yacht, you should emphasize your yacht positions, providing them with more detail than you do to other positions. Work Experience entries for yacht jobs can also be formatted differently. For yacht positions, list the name of the vessel, its size, and whether the yacht was private or charter.

For example:

Deep Blue | 103’ | Private Stewardess June 2021 - August 2022

This gives yacht employers a clear idea of what kind of yacht experience you have.

When writing your job descriptions for each role, try to focus on concrete examples of your experience, including achievements and accomplishments. Describing only your basic duties makes for a boring CV.

To come up with achievements, try to brainstorm concrete successes that you contributed to. It can help to consider quantifiable aspects of your job. If you can provide verifiable numbers, your experience will seem more credible and more impressive. For a yacht CV, measurable aspects of previous positions could include the size of the vessel, the length of the voyage, the number of passengers or rooms, event attendance, provisioning budgets, and more.

Further, be sure to use active language as much as possible when describing past experience. Action words make your work experience seem more dynamic, and make you sound like an independent worker who takes initiative and gets the job done. Action words like organized , managed , hosted , spearheaded , and navigated all indicate an employee that employers would be happy to hire.

Yacht CV Example: Work Experience

Yacht CV education

The importance of your education will depend on your specific role. If you are applying to work as a server or deckhand, a post-secondary degree won’t be necessary (as long as you have the right certifications). If you are applying as an engineer, however, you will need to show that you have the right academic credentials.

In your Education section, list your degrees in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your most recent degree and working backwards. For each entry, include the:

  • Degree name
  • School name
  • Date of graduation

Generally, a description isn’t needed in an Education entry. If there are particular aspects of your education that you would like to highlight, however, such as GPA, specializations, or a key project, they can be included.

Yacht CV Example: Education section

Certain certifications are integral to your yacht CV. If you want to work on a yacht, or any commercial vessel, you will need to show that you have the right safety training and health certification.

This usually means that you need to list your STCW certification and ENG 1 Medical certification. You may also want to include your Power Boat 2 certification. First aid certifications can also be an asset.

However, those certifications may not be enough. Be sure to study the job posting and research the position as much as possible so you know exactly what certifications will be required.

Yacht CV skills

A Skills section is a section of your CV where you list your most important and most relevant competencies. This can include soft skills , like communication and people skills, and hard skills , like electrical engineering or navigation.

A Skills section, while not strictly mandatory, is a great way to make your yacht CV more impressive. Listing all your skills in one place makes it easy for employers to quickly glance at your CV and see exactly what your expertise is.

The easiest way to format your skill section is to simply list your skills in a bulleted list. Sort the list so that your most relevant skills are at the top.

If you would like to draw more attention to your skills, you can make each skill or skill area a heading, and provide a more detailed description of the skill below. With VisualCV, you can even add strength ratings to each skill. This method works great for skills-based CVs .

Yacht CV skills can include:

  • Customer Service
  • Maintenance
  • Firefighting

Yacht CV interests

When you work on a yacht, you will be sharing cramped quarters with all of your coworkers, with very little privacy and no time to yourself. For this reason, it’s important to make sure you are a good culture fit for the vessel. While not mandatory, it can be a good idea to include a brief selection of your interests and hobbies in your yacht CV so the employer can see if you will fit in with the rest of the crew.

  • Customize your Yacht CV

Even if you are only applying for yacht jobs, it’s important to customize your yacht CV for every application. Different job postings will have specific requirements and specific skills they are looking for, so it’s important to make sure your CV is a perfect fit. A generic CV won’t be perfect for every application.

To do this, study the application closely, and research the company and vessel to learn as much about it as you can. Then, use what you have learned to carefully customize your CV so that the right skills, experience, and personality are emphasized. Remain truthful, but edit your experience so that it matches the job description as closely as possible.

  • Yacht CV example

A dedicated and enthusiastic steward with extensive experience working on yachts and superyachts. Capable of achieving the most demanding targets and objectives whilst remaining focused on delivering a high standard of service at all times. Naturally strong interpersonal skills give me the ability to communicate concisely and articulately with crew and guests. I enjoy being a part of a successful and productive team and have the ability to shine in high pressure environments. I am certified in first aid, ship safety, and health standards.

Work Experience

Steward Deep Blue | 103’ | Private

  • Hosted cocktail parties of 100+ guests.
  • Managed galley to ensure organization of food and service.
  • Led galley training for new hires, including plating and presenting meals.
  • Delivered a 5-star service to our guests.
  • Provided care for passengers who require special assistance.
  • Organized meal service, including serving hors d'oeuvres, drink service, and bartending.
  • Received multiple commendations for customer service and communication.
  • Ensured the highest level of safety by inspecting safety equipment, making safety announcements, and demonstrating safety procedures.
  • Provided excellent VIP enhanced service to important guests on board.
  • Gave tours and passed appetizers.

Senior Steward Demeter | 100' | Charter

  • Organized interior stewardess duties.
  • Made sure the company's SOPs were followed and respected on every voyage.
  • Managed catering orders when sailing as a single operator.
  • Organized VIP catering on the vessel, meeting preferences of guests.
  • Assisted cooking crew and chef in galley when needed
  • Organized food provisioning for crew and guests.
  • Provided excellent VVIP enhanced service to important guests on board.
  • Ensured safety and wellbeing of VIP guests during voyages to various destinations.
  • Conducted safety demonstrations prior to voyages and carried out checks throughout the vessel.
  • Laundry, cabin service, interior detailing.

Steward Ranger | 60' | Private

  • Made beds, including turn downs and fluff ups.
  • Led laundry and ironing services for guests and crew.
  • Cleaned and maintained heads.
  • Prepared yacht for 3 boat shows and multiple cocktail parties with 50+ guests.
  • Verified passengers' compliance with safety regulations throughout all stages of voyage.
  • Assisted exterior crew support when needed.
  • Rostered on various short and long haul routes.

Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management University of Texas

  • Provisioning
  • Drink service
  • Meal service
  • Galley management
  • Safety demonstrations
  • Scuba Diving
  • Learning Languages


  • ENG 1 Medical

Yacht CV Example

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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Seaworthy Secrets

How to Write the Perfect Yacht CV [With Template]

If you’re looking to craft the perfect yacht CV, you’ve come to the right place. As the Chief Stewardess onboard a 50m Super Yacht, I’ve been assisting Captains with hiring crew and gathering yacht crew CVs for 8 years.

With my experience, I am familiar with the type of yachting CVs that Captains prefer to see. It is crucial to make a great first impression to ensure that your yacht resume is given proper consideration.

In this article, I break down the essential do’s and don’ts of a Yacht CV.

Scroll down to the end of this article to find a basic Yacht CV Template to help get you started. And yes, it’s free!

You can use this template and edit it accordingly to create your own Yacht Captain CV, Deckhand CV, Yacht Stew CV, as well as an Engineer or Chef Resume. All that’s left is for you to email it to recruiters or hand out physical copies when dock walking.

Table of Contents

What is a CV in Yachting?

There are a few distinct differences between a regular CV and a CV in yachting.

  • The main one is that you need to include a photo of yourself! If you do not include a photo, it is likely your yacht CV will be tossed in the bin
  • Unlike other CV’s, you also need to include your date of birth
  • You will be highlighting your skills and attributes specific to the job you are applying for. It is a great idea to make these edits to highlight what you have to offer
  • As you travel to seek work, you will need to edit your location and availability

yacht engineer cv

Layout of a Yacht CV

When a Captain has 20 to 50 yachting resumes on his desk, there is a general easy-to-read layout that they prefer to see.

  • It is very important to keep your CV to 2 pages
  • Use a simple, easy-to-read font
  • If you want to be creative with your colors, go for it. Just make sure the Captain can easily read the font
  • Keep your layout clear and simple, making sure to include all of the required information listed in this article
  • There are numerous Yacht CV examples online for you to decide your preference. A great tool to use is Canva .

Your Photo for a Yachting CV

You may not be a Yachtie yet, but you need to act the part and look like one. Follow these guidelines for the perfect photo:

  • SMILE! You want to look like someone the crew would enjoy having onboard
  • Dress in something smart/appropriate, and sell yourself as the professional yacht crew member you want to be seen as. Ideally, a polo so you look like a Yachtie
  • Take the photo from about the mid-waistline up
  • Stand by a natural background of either a marina, the ocean, or some greenery
  • Do not take a selfie! Have someone take this photo for you


This is a short paragraph highlighting the position you are looking for and any attributes and skills that make you a good fit for the job. Be very specific about what you write here, and be sure to include attributes that are beneficial to the job you are applying for!

This is the moment the Captain will decide if they continue to read the rest of your Yacht CV or not.

man standing next to a jetski

Personal Information to Add to your Yachting CV

Most yachts have very specific requirements when hiring crew, so do not leave out any of the below points:

  • Nationality
  • Visa’s held
  • Tattoo (visible or not)
  • Health Status & Smoker (Y/N)
  • Languages spoken
  • Drivers License
  • Email & phone number
  • Availability and current location

Yachting Experience

Here, you need to list all of the Yacht Jobs you have held. Be sure to include:

  • The name and size of the Yacht
  • The dates you were onboard
  • The position you held
  • Your basic roles, responsibilities, and duties while onboard
  • If you have the space, you can include the locations where the vessel cruised

Some of you may not have any maritime experience, and that is ok. If you have done any day work, be sure to include that here and highlight your duties and the dates you were onboard.

Other Non-Yachting Experience

Here, you want to include any experience prior to yachting, even if it is not yachting-related.

Captains like to see any jobs/positions you have held in the past, as skills are always transferable. This gives some insight into what you have been doing leading up to the point of finding a job in yachting.

a template of a yacht cv

Qualifications to Include on your Yacht CV

List all qualifications you have relevant to yachting in your Yacht resume.

Remember that yachts like to see add-on skills, so things such as Scuba Diving Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Masseuse, and any other certifications you hold should be included.

Here, you just want to include your highest level of education and when you graduated.

Other Interests/About me/Hobbies

This section of your Yacht CV is your chance to list out a few additional standout qualities, attributes, or hobbies. This gives a bit of insight into who you are as a person and what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

This is very important, as anyone can write anything on a piece of paper, but a reference speaks volumes.

Even if the position you held was not maritime-related, a reference is also a good indication of your character and work ethic in any position you have held in the past.

You really want to get written references wherever possible.

man driving a tender

How to Make sure your CV doesn’t get Trashed

  • Take the time to write up a good Yacht CV. I can’t tell you how often I haven’t read further than the first line because of a sloppy, disorganized Yacht resume.
  • SPELL CHECK! In an industry where you have to be meticulous in everything that you do, spelling and grammatical issues in your Yacht CV are not a good start.
  • When you save and email your Yacht CV, be sure to have it saved in a Word and PDF format.
  • When you are responding to a job posting, write a short and clear email to the person who put up the post and highlight why you are a good fit for the position and why you want to become a yachtie .

How to Introduce Yourself in an Email

Dear Captain/To Whom it may concern

Please find attached my resume and references in my application for the position of “Deckhand on a 50m Superyacht”. Although I am new to the industry, I believe I would be an asset to your team as I am motivated and driven to succeed in the yachting industry. I am also an avid wakeboarder and love being on the ocean, so I believe I will adapt well and learn quickly. I am not afraid of hard work, and I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you further.

Thank you for taking the time to view my application.

Kind regards

Downloadable Yacht CV Template

Use this Yacht CV link to download a basic yachting resume, fill in your personal information, and get ready to land your dream job!

Now that you have crafted the perfect Yacht CV, it is time to land your dream job. For those of you wanting to know how to become a yacht deckhand , read here for more information.

For those of you looking to find out how to become a yacht stewardess, read this insider’s guide!

yacht engineer cv

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

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The Quick and Easy Guide to Superyacht Engineering Careers

yacht engineer cv

Following on from our guides on superyacht deck and interior careers, it’s time to get our technical hats on and lay out the career pathways for engineering, whether you’re transitioning from another sector or gunning for a chief engineer role. 

As always, to keep us on track with the latest training requirements for superyacht engineers, we follow guidance from the experts at the careers guidance platform, Academy by Ephemeris .  

What does a superyacht engineer do?

The role of a superyacht engineer varies depending on the size, type and usage of the yacht, and you might be working as a sole engineer, or as part of a team of six or more.

On smaller yachts you will be responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all mechanical, electronic, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic systems, and in some instances, also the structural systems and appendages on board. 

Notably, on larger yachts there is usually a separation of function between the engineer and the electro-technical officer (ETO) who is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and operation of all electronic, electrical, communications and audio-visual equipment. This could include radio, radar, telephones, satellite communications (including internet), navigation systems, email servers, TV, sound systems, and security equipment. We will cover how to get ahead on the superyacht ETO careers pathway in our next article.

How do I become a superyacht engineer?

There are two common routes for becoming a superyacht engineer. Firstly, you can enroll in the courses set out by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and work your way through them from the bottom up. These include the Approved Engine Course (AEC), the Marine Engine Operator License (MEOL), and the Yacht 4, 3, 2 and 1 qualifications (with Yacht 4 being the lowest of the four). 

Before taking on the Yacht 4 qualification, candidates must already have the MEOL and AEC certificates, or hold an eligible amount of previous experience in another sector first, after which they can progress through the other levels. This is the ideal route if you are totally new to the industry and don’t yet have any practical experience.  

The second route to becoming a superyacht engineer involves gaining a relevant qualification, such as a degree in maritime, aerospace or mechanical engineering, before embarking on your yachting career. 

The advantage of this option is that you will have a degree under your belt if you decide to change careers later in life. The disadvantage is that it takes longer and will not necessarily offer you any shortcuts in your training to become a superyacht engineer.  

What if I already have relevant experience? 

If you already have a large amount of sea-service banked, non-yachting certificates or other relevant employment experience, you can apply to the MCA for a Letter of Initial Assessment. 

The MCA will then assess the level at which you can enter the yachting certification process, so you can enroll for the relevant engineering courses, oral exams and ancillary courses to progress in your career.  

Ephemeris Engineering 3

Which entry level qualifications will I need?

As for all crew working on board, to be a superyacht engineer you need to have completed your STCW basic safety training (a five day course) and have a valid ENG1 medical certificate. Assuming you follow the standard route into engineering, once you have both the STCW and ENG1, you will need to complete the AEC 1 and 2. 

AEC 1 provides students with basic theoretical knowledge, as well as some practical hands-on experience of diesel engines/systems to enable you to meet the MCA’s requirements. This covers the basic operation of engines and their support systems, as well as checks and fault finding. 

You can then progress to the AEC 2 course, which covers topics as diverse as refrigeration, legislation (books and records), maintenance systems and techniques, lifting and slinging, safe systems of work, electrical distribution, basic hydraulic systems, fresh water and sewage systems, and much more. 

What are the different roles within the engineering pathway?

Although this varies depending on the needs of the individual vessel, the engineering roles on board a superyacht typically range from fourth engineer through to third, second, first and then chief engineer. The key difference between these positions is found in the level of leadership and management responsibility attributed to each role.

Fourth engineer As the most junior engineering officer on board, the fourth engineer is still learning the ropes, and you will need to demonstrate a willingness to learn and get stuck in straight away in order to succeed in this role. Chances are, you will be splitting your time between phases at sea and phases ashore to attend the courses necessary to progress in your career. Third engineer With responsibilities varying from yacht to yacht, the duties of a third engineer are diverse and could include the maintenance of lifeboats, tenders, toys, jet skis and deck equipment such as winches, davits, and hatchways, as well as interior maintenance. Second engineer Typically the deputy to the chief engineer, the 2nd engineer has responsibility for the maintenance of the engine room, often taking on more challenging repair and maintenance tasks, as well as supervising more junior crew members.

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Chief engineer The chief engineer (often a sole engineer on smaller yachts), commands all engineering operations on board and will act as the senior advisor to the captain on all issues relating to the condition and serviceability of the engines, propulsion, ancillaries and interior systems. 

Working closely with the captain to always ensure onboard safety, chief engineers are also responsible for maintaining compliance of the yacht’s systems and equipment with relevant laws and regulations to ensure that the vessel passes flag state and other surveys and inspections.

How do I rise up the ranks?

Progressing through the ranks requires you to apply for a certificate of competency (CoC) for each stage. 

In order to qualify for the relevant CoC, there are various requirements for each role. These include attaining a certain amount of seagoing service, passing selected examinations (oral and written), and holding the applicable ancillary and safety course certificates. To discover the level of experience and exact qualifications required for each individual CoC, as well as other useful courses and qualifications to help you stand out from the crowd, visit the Academy by Ephemeris website and explore the engineering pathways . 

A spokesperson from Academy by Ephemeris highlights: “The yachting industry is always in need of fantastic, tech savvy engineers. It is a fulfilling, challenging and stimulating career, and we are delighted to have helped scores of enthusiastic candidates to achieve their career goals by following the guidance laid out on our platform.”

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How Do I Become A Yacht Engineer – Qualifications and Requirements

If you are looking for a career as a yacht engineer, we’ve compiled a breakdown of the qualifications and requirements needed to start out, insight into the job day-to-day and how to effectively land your dream position.

What Does a Yacht Engineer do?

Depending on type, size and usage of the yacht, the Engineering department (be that a Sole Engineer or a department of 6 or more Engineers) are responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic and in some cases, structural systems and appendages found on board a modern yacht and superyacht.

Skills Needed to be a Successful Yacht Engineer

The role requires a keen eye for planning and organisation, as planned maintenance (carrying out preventative and explorative maintenance before failures occur) is a very important aspect in modern marine engineering. Skills in project management, resource allocation and time management are very desirable in addition to extensive and diverse technical ability. Many yachts employ software programs to aid a methodical approach to planned and preventative maintenance and to record failures and repairs as they occur as well as keeping an accurate inventory of spares held on board. Being able to efficiently use such software programs efficiently would be highly advantageous. Examples of these asset management programs are  AMOS  and  IDEA .

Challenges as an Engineer Onboard a Yacht

Engineering on a superyacht has particular challenges as some yachts (particularly charter yachts) can be very busy, meaning a very fast paced and demanding environment. High expectations from owners and guests in regards to service and entertainment also puts a keen onus on engineering departments to keep all systems working to minimise or eliminate down time and negative impacts on the itinerary. Of course, when the yacht is at sea, many of these systems are safety critical and break downs and failures offshore bring a whole new set of challenges and risks.

Which qualifications do I need to get in to superyacht engineering?

There are really two main entry routes in to yacht and superyacht engineering which follow two distinct certification pathways – entering from commercial shipping, or working through yacht-based certification routes.

Commercial Shipping Route of Training for Yacht Engineering

The Commercial Shipping route most commonly begins with a sponsored cadetship with a shipping company working in partnership with maritime training provider. Candidates must apply to one of a number of cadetship schemes and if accepted will undertake usually 3 years of study and work experience on the sponsoring companies’ vessels, culminating very often in the Officer of the Watch (Engineering) or ‘EOOW’ ticket and usually either an HND or BSc Degree in Marine Engineering or similar.

Once the EOOW certificate is in hand, candidates can be considered suitably qualified and experienced for junior engineering officer roles on large yachts. A common first yachting job for EOOW qualified candidates is 3 rd  Engineer. The main advantage of a cadetship is that seatime is gained quickly and on vessels over 3000 GT, allows for a ticket which is ‘unlimited’ by tonnage as all yacht engineering certificates are. This opens the door to working on the world’s largest mega and superyachts.

Also, the sponsoring company pays for all courses and examinations which would be extremely expensive if self-sponsored, and very often a small training bursary is paid on top (some as much as €11,000 / year). The biggest disadvantage is that candidates who ultimately want to work on superyachts will have to commit to different types of vessel for the duration of the cadetship – these are likely to be chemical tankers or containerships, but most of the large luxury cruise ship companies also offer cadetships which is in some ways closer to the yachting industry. One facilitator of maritime cadetships is the Warsash Maritime Academy –  see here .

Yacht Certification Route of Training for Engineering

This route is made up of 6 key certificates:

The Approved Engine Course (AEC)  – often seen as the base-minimum for superyacht engineers who wish to work on yachts over 24m LOA.  Usually a 4-day course covering the theory of compression-ignition (diesel) engines and includes a large amount of practical workshops.  View the full syllabus for the Approved Engine Course (AEC) . One common provider of AEC courses is Bluewater Yachting in Antibes –  see here .

The Marine Engine Operators Licence (MEOL)  – This is the first certificate in the yacht route that requires sea service, specific shore based learning and an oral exam.  View further details on MSN 1859 here .

Y4 Engineer  – The first of what is commonly referred to as the ‘Y Tickets’ – Y4 allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts between 200 and 500GT and up to 1500Kw in propulsive power.

Y3 Engineer  – Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 3000KW in propulsive power.

Y2 Engineer  – Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 6000KW in propulsive power.

Y1 Engineer  – Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 9000KW in propulsive power.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency have simplified the Y ticket structure however, and  page 19 of MIN 524  provides a simple conversion table from Y tickets to the new standard –  Small Vessel (or SV) tickets.

Some course providers are now offering yachting cadetships – one example is this one provided by  the UKSA in Cowes on the Isle of Wight .

How are Engineering Departments Structured on Yachts?

Engineering departments vary widely according to the type, size and usage of the yacht in question, but most large yachts will have some or all of the following roles on board:

Chief Engineer (or Sole Engineer on smaller yachts with only one engineer) The Chief Engineer is in overall command of all Engineering operations on board and is the senior advisor to the Captain on all matters related to the condition and serviceability of the yachts engines, propulsion, ancillaries and hotel systems. Although Captains always retain supreme responsibility for the safety of the vessel, all the best captains will work very closely with the Chief Engineer and take heed of any advice and requests they make – after all, they are highly trained, experienced and knowledgeable subject matter experts. Chief Engineers are responsible for ensuring that the Yacht is in all respects compliant with the relevant laws and regulations governing the serviceability of the yachts systems and equipment. They are pivotal in ensuring the yacht passes any relevant flag state, port state or P&I club surveys and inspections.

1 st  Engineer Some of the very largest yachts afloat employ a 1 st  Engineer similar to those employed on Cruise Ships. If a 1 st  Engineer is employed, they will take operational (day-to-day) command of the engineering team, supervising engineering tasks and allocating work as appropriate. This allows the Chief Engineer to concentrate on the large amount of paperwork and business management necessary on board a very large yacht.

2 nd  Engineer The more common understudy to the Chief Engineer, the 2 nd  Engineer often has responsibility for Engine Room maintenance and will take on many of the more challenging maintenance and repair tasks as required. The 2 nd  Engineer acts as a supervisor for more junior crew, and in some cases will be able to deputise for the Chief Engineer if required.

3 rd  Engineer The 3 rd  Engineer will have specific duties, which may include maintenance of the ship’s lifeboats, tenders, jet skis, toys and deck equipment like winches, davits and hatchways. Very often 3 rd s are responsible for interior maintenance. Again, areas of responsibility vary from yacht to yacht.  3 rd  Engineers are often focused on gaining the requisite experience and ‘seatime’ to progress to 2 nd  Engineer.

4 th  Engineer The most junior engineering officer on board, the 4 th  is very often new to Marine Engineering and is learning the trade.  4 th  Engineers are often engaged in structured learning programs, or at least splitting their time between phases at sea learning on the job with phases ashore attending courses. Again, this can vary widely across the industry.

Motorman A junior, but important role found almost exclusively on large yachts in excess of around 100m, the motorman (not gender-specific!) is responsible for the operation and basic maintenance of the yachts main engines and engine room systems. They may assist in starting and stopping large engines and generators, operating switch panels under the supervision of an officer or senior engineer and reporting anything unusual. Engine room cleanliness and order will be an important part of the role.

Wiper / Oiler On the largest yachts, especially those operating medium speed diesels or older conventional ship propulsion technology, a wiper and oiler may be employed in addition to the above with a focused role keeping engines and machinery spaces clean, and keeping greased bearings fed or keeping open rockers oiled etc.  An ability to access confined spaces is often useful, and a keen eye for cleanliness in bilges and bunded tanks etc is often a must.

How To Find a Job as a Superyacht Engineer

Once you have the relevant qualifications, then comes the time to start looking for your first position. Of course, word of mouth and personal connections made through training are a fantastic way to gain knowledge on current positions available however, also consider the following:

Dockwalking – travel to one of the main superyacht hubs like Palma, Antibes or La Ciotet and walk the docks asking yachts if they need engineering crew. Make sure you take a proper CV, written references and go well presented. Be polite and be prepared for a good deal of face-to-face rejection, however don’t take it personally.

Use a reputable crew agent such as wilsonhalligan who is MLC 2006 compliant, vastly experienced and a well respected crew recruitment agency in the industry who does the dock walking for you!

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How to Become A Yacht Engineer

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Are you looking for a career as a yacht engineer?

Wilsonhalligan have compiled a breakdown of the qualifications and requirements needed to start out as a yacht engineer. As well as insight into the job day-to-day and how to effectively land your dream position.

What does a Yacht Engineer do?

It depends on the type, size and usage of the yacht. But, the Engineering department are responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all:

  • electricals
  • electronics
  • as well as in some cases, structural systems and appendages found on board a modern yacht and superyacht.

Skills needed to be a successful Yacht Engineer:

The role requires a keen eye for planning and organisation. Planned maintenance (carrying out preventative and explorative maintenance before failures occur) is a very important aspect in modern marine engineering. Skills in project management, resource allocation and time management are very desirable, in addition to extensive and diverse technical ability. Many yachts employ software programmers to aid a methodical approach to planned and preventative maintenance, as well as to record failures and repairs as they occur. As well as keeping an accurate inventory of spares held on board. Being able to efficiently use such software programs efficiently would be highly advantageous. Examples of these asset management programs are AMOS  and  IDEA .

Challenges as an Engineer Onboard a Yacht:

Engineering on a superyacht has particular challenges. Some yachts (particularly charter yachts) can be very busy, meaning a very fast paced and demanding environment. High expectations from owners and guests in regards to service and entertainment also puts a keen onus on engineering departments. They are expected to keep all systems working to minimise or eliminate down time and negative impacts on the itinerary. Of course, when the yacht is at sea, many of these systems are safety critical. Break downs and failures offshore bring a whole new set of challenges and risks.

Which qualifications do I need to get in to Superyacht engineering?

There are really two main entry routes in to yacht and superyacht engineering. They follow two distinct certification pathways – entering from commercial shipping, or working through yacht-based certification routes.

Firstly, the Commercial Shipping Route of Training for Yacht Engineering:

The Commercial Shipping route most commonly begins with a sponsored cadetship with a shipping company. Who, are working in partnership with maritime training providers. Candidates must apply to one of a number of cadetship schemes. And, if accepted will undertake usually 3 years of study and work experience on the sponsoring companies’ vessels. Culminating very often in the Officer of the Watch (Engineering) or ‘EOOW’ ticket. And, usually either an HND or BSc Degree in Marine Engineering or similar.

Once the EOOW certificate is in hand, candidates can be considered suitably qualified. As well as experienced for junior engineering officer roles on large yachts. A common first yachting job for EOOW qualified candidates is 3 rd Engineer. The main advantage of a cadetship is that seatime is gained quickly and on vessels over 3000 GT. It also allows for a ticket which is ‘unlimited’ by tonnage as all yacht engineering certificates are. This opens the door to working on the world’s largest mega and superyachts.

Also, the sponsoring company pays for all courses and examinations which would be extremely expensive if self-sponsored. And, very often a small training bursary is paid on top (some as much as €11,000 / year). The biggest disadvantage is that candidates will have to commit to different types of vessels during the cadetship. These are likely to be chemical tankers or containerships. But most of the large luxury cruise ship companies also offer cadetships. Which, is in some ways closer to the yachting industry. One facilitator of maritime cadetships is the Warsash Maritime Academy – see here .

Secondly, the Yacht Certification Route of Training for Engineering:

This route is made up of 6 key certificates:

The Approved Engine Course (AEC). Often seen as the base-minimum for superyacht engineers who wish to work on yachts over 24m LOA.  Usually a 4-day course covering the theory of compression-ignition (diesel) engines and includes a large amount of practical workshops. View the full syllabus for the Approved Engine Course (AEC) . One common provider of AEC courses is Bluewater Yachting in Antibes –  see here .

The Marine Engine Operators Licence (MEOL). This is the first certificate in the yacht route that requires sea service, specific shore based learning and an oral exam.  View further details on MSN 1859 here .

Y4 Engineer. The first of what is commonly referred to as the ‘Y Tickets’. Y4 allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts between 200 and 500GT. And, up to 1500Kw in propulsive power.

Y3 Engineer. Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 3000KW in propulsive power.

Y2 Engineer. Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 6000KW in propulsive power.

Y1 Engineer. Allows engineers to work as Chief Engineer on yachts up to 3000GT and up to 9000KW in propulsive power.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency have simplified the Y ticket structure however, and  page 19 of MIN 524  provides a simple conversion table from Y tickets to the new standard –  Small Vessel (or SV) tickets.

Some course providers are now offering yachting cadetships – one example is this one provided by  the UKSA in Cowes on the Isle of Wight .

How To Find a Job as a Superyacht Engineer

Once you have the relevant qualifications, then comes the time to start looking for your first position. Of course, word of mouth and personal connections made through training are a fantastic way to gain knowledge on current positions available however, also consider the following:

Dockwalking – travel to one of the main Superyacht hubs like Palma, Antibes or La Ciotat and walk the docks asking yachts if they need engineering crew. You   should   take a proper CV ,  references ,  and  make sure you  are well – presented. Be polite and  prepare   yourself  for  some   face-to-face rejection .  However, don ‘ t take  things  personally .

Use a reputable crew agent such as wilsonhalligan who are MLC 2006 compliant, vastly experienced and a well respected crew recruitment agency in the industry who does the dock walking for you!

We hope you find this helpful! And, we wish you luck on all your career endeavours.

Check out the latest yacht crew jobs available with wilsonhalligan. also, like their facebook page where they post featured yacht engineer jobs as well as the latest jobs available..

For the latest Superyacht Content career and training news, click here.

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Do you have any other questions about yachting, is yachting for me.

10 key attributes you must have to be a successful yachtie

How Much Money Will I Make?

Let’s be real, this is important. Find out how much you can earn working in yachting before you fork out for those expensive courses

Interview Questions you might get asked

Don’t mess up your chances to land that first yacht job with a bad interview. Be prepared with these tips.

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Rachel Cunningham

Yacht chef and cv writer.

I am a Kiwi yacht chef with over 8 years experience in the industry. I have a passion for tech, graphic design, and helping crew navigate superyachting. I have a background in tech journalism and I build websites "for fun". I know, I'm an unconventional yachtie- but I love this industry, and I love being able to show green crew that they can do it!

How to write a CV for a yacht job

Here at Viking Crew, we have all you need to know how to write a CV for a yacht job. When writing a CV in preparation for the yachting industry, whether you are an entry-level crew member or a senior Officer, it isn’t always a walk in the park.  Your CV is an important tool for agencies, senior crew, management companies and even Owners when considering you for potential vacancies.

Your CV is your chance for you to sell yourself on first impression, so ensure it does. Yachting is about attention to detail, so ensure that your CV is a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, experience and attributes.

You should target your CV towards the job you are applying for, giving the reader a clear understanding of the position that you really want, you do not want to look undecided. Ensure that all grammar and spelling is checked prior to submission.

It is important that you express your experience in an easy to follow format that is well presented, you do not want to confuse anybody. Flashy colour schemes, crazy fonts and numerous yacht photographs can detract from what is vital information for the reader.

Ideally keep the CV to two pages and when sending to an agency a word or PDF file are usually preferred.

What to include:

Photograph- This should be of good quality and kept professional, whilst keeping a friendly demeanour. A clear head and shoulders shot is fine, ideally wearing a polo shirt.  You will need to look presentable and well groomed.

Personal Details:

This should include: • Full name • Nationality & other passport details. • Contact details: Phone number and a professional email address. • Date of birth • Marital Status • Any Visas held • Smoker Status/Declare any visible tattoos (visible in Polo Shirt and Shorts) • Medical Certificate.

• This should include a brief summary of your career goals and special skills, a few sentences are enough.


This should include: • All relevant school, maritime college or universities attended, along with dates • All relevant shore-based certificates • All seagoing certification


We recommend keeping this short and concise but making sure all aspects are covered. • Present your work history in chronological order (most recent employment to the oldest employment) • You should include dates to and from • Include vessel type and size including whether the vessel is private/charter • Vessel cruising programme • Rank held and brief duties with each position. For Senior Ranks, include number of crew managed etc. • Reasons for leaving: this is a small industry, ensure resasons are genuine.

Hobbies and Interests: Include any sports, activities, interests and other info that could be relevant to the industry.

References: Include at least two employment reference contacts. Ensure you check first with them if they are happy to be contacted by future employers.

For more information and tips, click here or register now to be the first to know about new vacancies.

If you're interested in starting a career in this industry, check out the courses we offer at  The Maritime Skills Academy .

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Free Editable CV Templates for Yacht Crew

How to fill out the templates?

The CV templates you can find below are editable Microsoft Word documents that you can fill in with your personal details. Once completed, save the document as a PDF and upload it to your YPI CREW profile .

Below you will also find examples of filled out CVs to help you get an idea of what the final version should look like. If you need additional tips on how to write your CV, have a look at our guide on ‘ How to write a memorable yachting CV ’.

Some examples of good yacht crew CV photos:

Remember that looks are not important, what matters is the photo should capture a glimpse of your character. A smiley photo with a nice light, wearing a plain white polo or collared shirt (for chef's whites or blacks for chefs), no cap, no sunglasses, neat and tidy. No selfies. If possible try to take a picture outdoors, with yachts in background but this is not mandatory.

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Download free yacht crew cv templates, deck department.

Free yacht captain CV template

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Free yacht officer CV template

Bosun/Deckhand CV

Engineering Department

yacht engineer cv

Engineering CV

Interior Department

Free yacht chef CV template

Yacht Chef CV

Free yacht chief stewardess, stew, purser CV template

Chief Stew CV

Free yacht stewardess, stew, specialist CV template

Stew and Specialist CV

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Download the full ypi crew recruitment market report.

Download the YPI CREW Recruitment Market Report for an in-depth analysis of current trends in superyacht crew recruitment. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and trends specific to each department, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape.

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Mind the Gaps: How to Explain Employment Breaks on Your Yacht Crew CV

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Learn about different positions on board a yacht.

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Let’s get started. call us on +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 or email us., our mission, vision and values, mlc 2006 compliance, essential guides, yacht crew positions.

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Mandatory Certificates

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My Crew Kit

Superyacht Crew CV

Write a Great CV to Secure Your Dream Job on a Superyacht

Superyacht CV Guide

As an inexperienced crew member seeking your first job on board a superyacht, it is imperative to have a good CV. Yacht crew CV's are very different from those used in the traditional business world. It is important to make sure your CV professional and relevant.

We highly recommend you follow the tips below, but don’t be afraid to make some adjustments that reflect your personality and style. It is important to strike a balance between being unique and professional.

Yacht Crew CV Photograph:

Your photograph is an important aspect of your CV. Unlike other industries, your CV will most likely be completely ignored without a photograph. Vessel owners and captains like to hire presentable crew members and it is important to portray the correct image in your photograph. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • The photograph should be placed in the top corner of the CV.
  • It should in colour, be a JPEG file and less than 500KB.
  • Your head and shoulders should be visible in the photo and you should ideally be wearing a white or blue polo shirt or a shirt with epaulettes.
  • Your hair should be neat and presentable.
  • No hats, caps, sunglasses or large earrings.
  • Look professional and friendly – SMILE.
  • You should take the photograph with the sea or a marina in the background.
  • You should be clean-shaven although there may be exceptions to this based on your role. Generally, guests facing staff should be clean-shaven.

Yacht Crew CV Example

Yacht Crew CV Tips

  • Keep it concise. The CV should be no longer than two pages (1 page if you have minimal industry experience). Short and sweet is the trick here – potential employers will be reading through numerous CVs and don’t want to read unnecessary information.
  • Ensure your qualifications, location, passport/visas and availability are clearly visible.
  • Always spell-check your CV! Allow family and friends proofread it to make sure it is grammatically correct.
  • Write professionally and do not use slang.
  • Always print your CV out before sending it off, sometimes the layout and format may appear different once printed. Most potential employers will print out the CVs they are interested in – make sure you are happy with the printed version.
  • NEVER LIE on your CV – some crew may be tempted to lie on their CVs in order to appear more experienced. Interviewers and employers are able to tell and you will be caught out.
  • List all relevant experience and/or transferrable skills from your previous careers and/or upbringing.
  • When applying for a job online you should attach a cover letter along with your CV.
  • You will often hand your CV out whilst ‘dock walking’, it can be a good idea to staple a business card to your CV and to hand your CV out in a plastic sleeve.
  • Save your CV under a professional file name, eg. John Smith CV, as it will appear that way for potential employers to download.
  • Ensure the name in your email address is sensible.
  • Get feedback and help from professional yachting CV services.

Superyacht CV Template Download

Create a yacht CV by using the template provided below. This template is appropriate for deckhands, steward(ess)s, yacht chefs, engineers as well as other roles. Remember to export your yachting resume into PDF before applying for yacht jobs.

Complete the form below and we will email the template to you. 

  • Name * First
  • What position are you applying for? *
  • Have you used the My Crew Kit Job Board, Training Course Finder & Services Directory? * I didn't realize i could find all of the above here Yes No
  • Yes, please include me as long as it is not spammy and I can opt out at any stage.

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