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How to Draw a Sailboat

Learn how to draw a sailboat by following along with this fun & easy drawing guide!

Everyone will like this simple step by step lesson for learning how to draw a boat sailing at sea. This easy sailboat instruction guide is perfect for young students looking to get started with drawing.

All drawing steps are included here which make it fun and easy to follow! Expect this drawing to last about 30 minutes, but the drawing process may actually take more time if other nautical crafts are included in the artwork.

Art making is much more fun when you have a clear lesson to follow. Let’s get drawing!

  • Drawing Paper
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • Black Marker (optional)
  • How to Draw a Sailboat Printable PDF (see bottom of lesson)

How To Draw A Sailboat: All Steps

In this post, we are going to learn how to draw a sailboat with basic drawing tools. Be sure to observe the different sizes and shapes of each part of the sailboat. The pencil lines in each step is drawn out in blue so you can see the current parts that you will be illustrating.

Time Needed: 30 minutes

Draw The Hull

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 1

First, draw the top of the hull by creating a horizontal oval shape with two pointed edges similar to the illustration. Next, create the side of the hull by drawing a line attached to the pointed edges of the oval.

Add The Cabin

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 2

Add the cabin by forming a sloped rectangular box.

Draw Windows

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 3

Draw the windows by forming rectangular shapes as shown.

Attach The Mast

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 4

Attach the mast by drawing a long vertical pole.

Attach The Boom

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 5

Attach the boom to the right side of the mast by creating a shorter horizontal pole.

Draw The Sails

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 6

Let’s draw the sails of the sailboat! First, draw the mainsail by making a diagonal line connected to the mast and boom. Next, draw a triangular shape on the left side of the mast to form the jib.

Add The Burgee

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 7

Add the burgee by making a V-shaped line attached to the top of the mast.

Draw The Water

How To Draw A Sailboat: Step 8

Draw the body of water surrounding the sailboat by making wavy horizontal lines.

Complete The Sailboat Drawing

Complete the sailboat drawing by first coloring the mainsail with an orange crayon and the jib with a red crayon. Next, shade the burgee with a yellow crayon. Now, fill in the mast and boom of the sailboat with a brown crayon. Then, color the cabin with a white crayon and the windows with a blue crayon. Don’t forget to shade the hull of the sailboat with indigo. Finally, fill in the sky with a light blue crayon and the body of water with a dark blue crayon.

How to Draw a Sailboat PDF Download

Click the link below to view or download this drawing lesson. The PDF is a printable drawing lesson for How to Draw a Sailboat . The last page of the downloadable PDF includes a coloring book page with just the outlines and an extension exercise for prompting kids to get creative!

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Very nice, helped me very nice. Very nice

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How to Draw a Sailboat | 9 Super Easy Steps

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Thank you for joining our lesson. Today we will be learning how to draw a sailboat. You will be happy to know that this is the easiest and most fun drawing lesson you will ever take. But first, let’s understand what is a sailboat .

If you have been near a beach, you probably have had the chance to see a sailboat in action. Sailboats, also known as sailing boats, are boats that are entirely or partly propelled by sails. These boats are a lot smaller than sailing ships. Distinctions in what makes up a sailboat vary depending on maritime culture and region. Let’s get down to today’s lesson with that out of the way.

What You Will Need

  • A drawing piece of paper
  • Coloring supplies

How to Draw a Sail Boat

Learning how to draw a sailboat offers a great way to learn about sailing the open seas. Our tutorial will cover a relatively easy process of drawing a sailing boat. In the process, you will learn the different parts that make up a sailboat and what they are used for. To make it easier for you to draw , take a look at the steps we will be following.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 1: Draw the Hull

The main part of a sailboat is the hull. This is the main body that houses all the other components including the keel which sits below the body and helps with stability and the rudder which helps with steering . In our drawing, the first thing we are going to draw is the hull.

To draw the hull, we will start by drawing a horizontal rectangle close to the bottom of our drawing paper. The rectangle will serve as our guide. To convert the rectangle into a hull, we will start by curving the left and right parts of the rectangle. We will also make the bottom and top parts curved. Use your eraser to remove all the unused sections of the rectangle apart from the topmost part. Your drawing should look like this.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 2: Draw the Mast

A sailboat uses a sail which is a canvas that traps the wind to help the boat propel forward. The mainsail is usually attached to a vertical structure known as the mast. This is a vertical rod that rises from the hull. We will be adding it next.

To draw the mast, we will draw a straight line starting from the hull and rising vertically to almost the top of your drawing paper. Draw another line next to the first one to form a tube-like structure.

To make it possible for the mainsail to be spread out for maximum efficiency, we need a horizontal rod attached to the main mast. Add a tube-like structure close to the bottom of the mast . The structure should not be too long. We will also add a small line to serve as an attachment for the second sail. This attachment is known as the pulpit . It should look something like what we have below.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 3: Add the Right Sail

A sailboat usually has two sails . With the sail attachments ready, we need to start by adding the mainsail. This one is attached to the right side of the mast which is the windward side (the side of the boat closest to the wind). Simply add a curved line that starts from the top of the mast and curves towards the end of the horizontal rod we attached to the mast. To indicate that the sail is firmly attached to the mast, use a straight line to attach the curved line to the horizontal rod as shown.

how to draw a sailboat

Our drawing is starting to look more like a sailboat, isn’t it? Let’s keep going.

Step 4: Add the Left Sail

We are now going to add the left sail . This one sits on the leeward side which is the side of the boat that is furthest from the wind. Adding this sail will be very easy . We will not be attaching it directly to the mast. This time we will be drawing it parallel to the mast.

To draw the sail, start by drawing a horizontal line that starts above the left end of the hull , extends towards the right, and stops close to the vertical mast. Next, we will draw a vertical line that goes up to almost the height of the mast. The final step will be connecting the two lines using a slightly curved line that starts from the top of the vertical line to the left side of the horizontal line . You should have something that looks like this.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 5: Attach the Sail

The left sail needs to be attached to the mast and to the attachment we added to the left side of the hull. This is done using ropes. In our drawing, we are going to add straight lines which are meant to indicate there is tension on the sail.

We will start by adding a diagonal line at the top part of the left sail. The diagonal line should start from the top of the sail and attach to the mast. Next, we will add another diagonal line starting from the bottom right corner of the left sail and connecting to the bottom of the main mast .

Finally, we will add two lines that attach the bottom left corner of the left sail to the pulpit. One line should be horizontal starting from the base of the sail while the other one should start slightly above the bottom left corner.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 6: Decorate the Hull

Our sailing boat is almost ready. You would get away with it if you left it as it is. However, to indicate that we are great artists who pay attention to detail, we are going to add some lines on the hull to indicate that it is wooden. For that, we will add curved lines that are parallel to the bottom line of the hull.

how to draw a sailboat

Step 7: Refine Your Drawing

The sailboat is now ready! That was not so hard, was it? I bet not. Before we proceed, now is the perfect time to refine your drawing so that it looks exactly like ours or better. To do so, take a look at our drawing below and make changes to your drawing if there are areas that are way off.

how to draw a sailboat

Never allow frustrations to get to you. Even though it is a simple drawing, not everyone gets everything perfectly right the first time. Do not be discouraged if you feel your sailboat doesn’t look as good. It takes practice to perfect your skills . Now that you know what is required, you can simply start over and give it another try. Many people only get it right after the second or third try.

Take the Drawing to the Next Level

It is okay to leave the sailboat as it is now. However, if you truly want to become a superstar, you have to be willing to do more to make your drawing stand out . In this section, we will look at some of the things you can do to make your sailing boat more impressive.

Step 8: Add a Background

Sailboats sail on water, not space, lol. The first thing we are going to add is the water. For this, we will add a few wavy lines below the boat. They will serve as the surface of the water. You can also add a rough shape below the boat to serve as a rough reflection of the sailing boat. Take a look at what we have done.

how to draw a sailboat

You can take your drawing further by adding some clouds in the background. If you want, you can add a name on the main sail and some birds in the background. It is also okay if you wish to add some mountain ranges in the far distance.

The goal here is to demonstrate how creative you are. You must, however, never forget that the sailboat is the star of today’s drawing. You should, therefore, not add items that hide it.

Step 9: Color Your Drawing

When you are satisfied with your drawing and all the background details, you can take out your coloring supplies and add color to it. Coloring your drawing is a lot of fun. You can use any colors you want. Show us how creative you are. Here is what we did to ours. You can do more with yours.

how to draw a sailboat

As you can see , drawing a sailboat is quite easy . We were able to achieve a beautiful drawing by combining several shapes. We started by drawing the hull by first using a horizontal rectangle which served as our guide. We then converted the rectangle into a hull by curving the sides. Next, we added the mast and then the mainsails. We advanced our drawing by adding wavy lines for the water and added a few more details for the background before coloring.  

You can use our steps to draw a sailboat from a different perspective or from a real image. We believe you have grasped the concept of drawing a sailing boat now. These steps can also be used in sketching a sailboat using your favorite app on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

how to draw a sailboat

Thanks for reading & feel free to check out  more of our articles !

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Hey there, I'm Maria and I am an author at Edits 101. Art, fantasy and sports are my life.

Feel free to check the About Us section for more info :) @storybutter.com

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How to Draw a Sailboat

how to draw a sailboat

Have you ever dreamed of setting sail on a beautiful ship, the wind blowing through your hair? Maybe that dream is a bit far off, but what about bringing a part of it to life right now? Yes, I’m talking about learning how to draw a sailboat. It might not be the same as actually sailing one, but it’s a fun and creative way to bring the nautical vibes into your home. In this ‘how to draw a sailboat’ guide, we’ll help you navigate the artistic waters, guiding you step by step to create your own sailboat masterpiece. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or if you’ve drawn before, this sailboat drawing tutorial is simple enough for anyone to follow.

drawing of a sailboat

Step 1: Draw the Hull of the Sailboat

Start by drawing a long, narrow horizontal oval in the middle of your page. This will form the hull or body of the sailboat. It doesn’t need to be perfect – an uneven, slightly pointed oval can give the impression of a boat sitting in water.

Step 2: Draw the Deck of the Sailboat

Next, draw a straight line across the top third of your oval. This line will be the deck of the boat, where people would stand.

basic sailboat drawing

Step 3: Draw the Mast of the Sailboat

From the middle of your deck line, draw a vertical line upwards. This will be the mast of your sailboat, which holds the sails. Make sure this line is longer than your boat is tall – real sailboat masts are quite tall!

Step 4: Draw the Sails of the Sailboat

Now, draw two large triangles for the sails. One triangle should be on the right side of the mast, with the longest side of the triangle touching the mast. The other triangle should be on the left side of the mast, again with the longest side of the triangle touching the mast. These are your sails, catching the wind to push your boat forward.

beautiful drawing of a sailboat to help follow a sailboat drawing tutorial

Step 5: Draw the Boom

Underneath the right-hand sail, draw a small horizontal line protruding from the mast. This is the boom, a horizontal pole that extends from the bottom of the mast and controls the shape of the sail.

Step 6: Draw the Sea Underneath the Sailboat

To place your sailboat in a scene, draw wavy horizontal lines beneath your boat for the water. The waves can be small curved lines to give the impression of a calm sea.

cartoon drawing of a sailboat for kids

Step 7: Finishing Touches and Color Your Sailboat

Finally, you can add any additional details you like – a flag at the top of the mast, birds in the sky, maybe some people on the deck. Then, color your boat. The hull can be any color, though they are often white or blue. The sails are usually white, and the sea can be colored blue.

Sailboat Drawing

drawing of a sailboat to reference when you are learning how to draw a sailboat

FAQs for Drawing a Sailboat

What color is a sailboat.

A sailboat can be of any color, though they are often white, blue, or a combination of both. The sails are usually white or off-white, but they can also feature colorful designs. The color of a sailboat can depend on its design, function, or the owner’s personal preference.

What does a Sailboat look like?

A sailboat has a pointed front, called the bow, and a wider back, called the stern. It has a large vertical pole in the middle, called the mast, which holds up the sails. The sails are typically triangular and are attached to the mast. Underneath, the boat has a hull, which can be flat or rounded.

detailed drawing of a sailboat

Who should draw a Sailboat?

Anyone who enjoys drawing or has an interest in boats or nautical themes should try drawing a sailboat. It’s a fun activity for kids, who can learn about shapes and perspective. Adults can also enjoy this as a relaxing pastime or a way to improve their drawing skills.

How can I teach kids to draw a Sailboat easily?

To teach kids to draw a sailboat easily, you can break down the process into simple, manageable steps. Begin by explaining the basic shapes that make up a sailboat, such as triangles for the sails and an oval or rectangle for the hull. You can use a step-by-step guide, like the one above, to help them understand and follow along.

sailboat sketch with color

How do you draw a Sailboat for beginners?

Drawing a sailboat for beginners involves starting with basic shapes and lines. You can start by drawing the hull of the boat, then the deck and mast. Next, you add the sails, which are typically triangular, and a small horizontal line for the boom. Finally, add the sea and any additional details you wish. Remember, practice and patience are key when learning to draw.

VIDEO: How to Draw a Sailboat

External Links and Resources:

  • How to Draw a Sailboat: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
  • Easy How to Draw a Sailboat Tutorial
  • How to Draw A Sailboat – A Step by Step Guide
  • How to Draw a Sailboat | A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Kids

You’ve now learned how to draw a sailboat, and you should be very proud of your creative journey. Art is all about expression and practice, so don’t worry if your sailboat isn’t perfect on the first try. The most important thing is that you’ve taken the first step in your drawing journey. Remember to keep this sailboat drawing tutorial handy for the next time you want to draw a sailboat, or if you want to teach someone else.

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How To Draw a Sailboat

drawing of a sailboat

Learn the art of drawing a sailboat with easy step-by-step instructions. Sail away into creativity and master the seas on paper!

sailboat drawing

Ahoy, young artists! Embark on a thrilling artistic journey as we unveil a step-by-step guide on how to draw a sailboat.

Join us on a creative voyage, perfect for kids of all ages, as we navigate through simple and fun techniques to bring a charming sailboat to life on paper. So, grab your pencils and set sail into the world of imagination and artistry!

Don't miss our other transportation fun including our Airplane Drawing , Submarine Drawing , and School Bus Drawing .

benefits of drawing sailboats

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Sailboat Drawing

Drawing a sailboat can be super fun! It's like going on an exciting adventure with your art. First, imagine your perfect sailing ship – fast and sleek or a cool pirate ship. Then, you use a pencil to draw it on paper.

As you sketch the boat's shape and sails, you feel the joy of creating something amazing. It's like being the captain of your own artistic journey, where every stroke of the pencil guides you to a masterpiece.

But the fun doesn't stop there! You can make your sailboat unique. Add bright colors to the sails and create a beautiful ocean background with waves.

Don't forget the details that make it special. Draw friendly sea creatures or brave sailors on board. Your sailboat could be on a daring treasure hunt!

There are no right or wrong ways to draw a sailboat. It's all about letting your imagination go wild and having fun. Try different styles and art materials like watercolors or colored pencils.

Drawing a sailboat lets you explore your creativity and express yourself.

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sailboat drawing easy

Benefits of Drawing

Drawing is a fantastic activity for kids that comes with many benefits. When you draw, you get to show off your creative ideas and feelings. It helps you improve your small hand movements, like holding a pencil or doing other tasks.

Drawing also makes your eyes and hands work together better. When you draw things around you, it helps you notice details and shapes more. This allows your brain to become better at solving problems.

Drawing can also help you feel better emotionally. It lets you express your feelings in a safe and fun way. You feel proud and more confident when you practice drawing and get better at it. It's like solving a puzzle!

When you draw, you need to focus and be patient. It teaches you how to keep trying even if something is tricky. Drawing can also teach you about different cultures and history. You can draw things from different places and times, and it helps you learn more about the world.

Drawing can be a social thing, too. You can draw with your friends and share your ideas. It's a great way to connect with others.

So, have fun drawing! It's not just about making pretty pictures – it's about growing your skills, understanding yourself, and having a great time with your friends! Grab your art supplies and start drawing.

how to draw sailboat

Drawing of Sailboat Easy

Learning to draw is always fun for drawers of any age. We love breaking down each of the drawings into a step-by-step guide. I also think having the printable drawing guide helps in making the easy drawings come to life.

If you love drawing tutorials as much as we do, then you will not want to miss some of our other  fun drawing lessons .

  • Butterfly Drawing
  • Rose Drawing
  • Dragon Drawing
  • Airplane Drawing
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Before you start drawing, we also want to make sure you have the right tools. Here are the  drawing paper , and  drawing pencils  that we like to use.

simple sailboat drawing

The drawing is a cartoon sailboat and gives a basic idea of a sailboat sketch. You can later add more details to it and color it. Your kids will have a few good practice times, and soon they’ll be drawing boats like a pro!

Get your free printable tutorial now, and help your kids grow artistically! Grab a sheet of paper and a pencil and let's start drawing.

Drawing the Sail

step 1 how to draw a sailboat

The first step is to the bottom frame of the sail. Draw a straight line as the bottom of the sail. Then a curved line like a wide m shape with the left curved line slightly smaller than the second.

step 2 sailboat drawing

Next, draw a leaf shape in the v portion from the previous step. Add a straight line under the bottom of the sail.

step 3 drawing of a sailboat

Next step, draw a curved line from the bottom line around the outside up to the point of the leaf shape. Draw one on each side of the sails creating a full shape of the sail. Then draw two horizontal lines under the sail as the top of the boat.

step 4 drawing a sailboat

In the next step, draw a line through the bottom of the sail through the leaf shape, and out the top. Draw a small curvy line off the top and a small horizontal line between the top of the boat and the sail. Add a small curved line on both the front sail and back sail to add stripes to the sail. Then draw wavy lines under the top of the boat as the water.

Drawing the Body of the Sailboat

step5 how to draw sailboat

Draw a curved line as the bottom of the boat from each side of the boat down into the water. Then draw two slightly diagonal lines from the small horizontal line between the top of the boat and the sail down towards the top of the boat body creating a trapezoid shape as the top of the boat or helm. Draw a small curved line to complete the flag at the top of the sailboat.

step 6 easy sailboat drawing

Lastly, add the final details of the boat. Small details like three small circles on the boat body. Add two rectangles inside the helm.

sailboat drawing simple

The last step is to go over your drawing with a dark marker and then color in your sailboat. I love the idea of using basic colors.

Happy Drawing!

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You also do not want to miss our 101+ Coloring Pages  and 101+ Printables full of Crafts and Coloring Pages.

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Here are some other fun Summer Crafts that you are sure to enjoy!

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how to draw a sailboat

Download Sailboat Simple Steps Tutorial

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How to Draw a Sailboat

how to draw sailboat

  • Sailboat Drawing Tutorial
  • Drawing Pencils


step 1 how to draw a sailboat


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Drawing a Sailboat

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Discover a world of creativity and joy with Alli Ward, the creative mind behind Made with Happy. From DIY crafts to delicious recipes, Alli brings happiness to every project!

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How to Draw A Sailboat – A Step by Step Guide

Sailboat drawing in just 6 easy steps.

sailboat boat drawing

Sailing the seven seas is one of the most adventurous and liberating activities you can partake in, and if you wanted to do that then a sailboat would be your best bet!

These small watercraft can help you effortlessly glide across the ocean as you search for adventure.

Owning a sailboat isn’t something available to everyone, unfortunately, but learning how to draw a sailboat can be the next best thing.

By the end of this guide, you will know how to do just that!

how to draw a sailboat in 6 steps

How to Draw A Sailboat – Let’s get Started!

To get this guide on how to draw a sailboat going, we will begin with the sail first. You can start off by drawing the frame of the sail, which will be drawn using two straight lines very close to one another.

Then, we will be extending a curved line down from the top of this frame towards the base.

This will form the sheet of the sail. At the base of the sheet, you can add two more lines close to one another for the bottom frame of the sail.

Once you have drawn these, you are ready to continue to step 2!

Step 2 – Next, draw another sheet for the sails

Now that you have one sheet done for the sails of your sailboat drawing, we can add another one in this second step.

This sail will be similarly shaped to the previous one, except it will be reversed and won’t have the same vertical straight frame that the other one did.

It will also be smaller and lower down than the previous one was, but it will have a similar straight frame at the bottom of it.

Once you have drawn it and positioned it as it appears in our reference image we can move on to the next part.

Step 3 – Now, draw the boat itself

You’re finished with the ‘sail’ part of the sailboat, and now you can start on the ‘boat’ aspect in this step of our guide on how to draw a sailboat.

The boat will be seen from the top down, and to draw the outline you can use some curved lines for the side that culminate at the tip at the front. The back of the boat will be drawn with straight lines instead.

These outlines will then have a second outline close to those lines, and once you have that you can add some of the interior details.

These details will be drawn with some straight-edged shapes for the area sailors would be seated in along with some other details.

You can then finish off this step with two short curved lines at the front and back of the boat for the start of the base.

Step 4 – Next, draw some details for the sails

The next few steps of this guide will be all about adding the final details, elements and touches to your sailboat drawing.

For now, we will add some details to the sails, and these details will be quite easy to add! All you need to do is draw some slightly curved lines horizontally across the sails.

You could also decorate the sails with a different pattern if you would like to! What patterns can you think of for the sails?

Step 5 – Now, finish off your sailboat drawing

This fifth step of this guide on how to draw a sailboat will see you adding some final details and elements.

For this step, we will be using some curved and bumpy lines to show the water breaking underneath the boat. Once you have drawn these water details you have finished all of the details in the guide!

Before you move on, you can also add some details of your own to put your own spin on it. You could draw some people sitting in the sailboat or some different pattern details on the sails.

Perhaps you could also draw some dolphins or whales jumping out the water or draw a beautiful background for it.

These are just a few ideas you could go for and you should be sure to get creative and have fun with, so be sure to express yourself and see what happens!

Step 6 – Finish off your sailboat drawing with some color

For the final step of your sailboat drawing, you will be finishing it off by adding some amazing colors to your drawing.

In our reference image, we showed one set of colors that you could go for, but these colors are just a  suggestion.

For this step, you should feel free to incorporate any of your favorite colors to really bring this image to life!

There are no limits to the colors that you could use for this image, so be sure to get creative with it.

Once you know which colors you would like to use, you can then decide on the art mediums and tools you will use to add them.

You could use some acrylic paints and colored pens for some brighter colors that pop. Some watercolors or colored pencils would be ideal for more muted and subdued colors instead.

Either approach would look amazing, so what do you think you will go for?

5 Tips To Make Your Sailboat Drawing Even Better!

Get this sailboat sketch seaworthy with these helpful tips and tricks!

With this sailboat drawing, we kept the focus on the sailboat itself. That means we showed only a bit of the water surrounding the boat.

If you wanted to add more context to this artwork, you could add more water and waves around the sailboat. These could be calm and tranquil or rough and dangerous.

It all depends on what sort of scene you would like, and anything you choose will look cool!

Once you have worked on the water, you could then add even more to the background of this drawing of a sailboat. Even though you are depicting the sea, you would have many options!

There could be some desert islands, sea creatures or maybe even a bigger ship in the background. What are some other features you could add to this artwork?

With this sailboat as it appears now, there are no people on it to enjoy the sailing. It would be a small detail, but it could be fun to add some people on the sailboat!

Depending on how big you made the boat, they could be detailed or look like small dots on the boat. How many people would you add to the boat?

We showed a nice design for the sail featured on this sailboat sketch, but this is an area that you could have a lot of fun customizing!

This is your chance to create your very own sail design to show what your dream sailboat would look like. This design could use any shapes, images or text that you like.

What should this sail look like?

Finally, you can finish it all off with some colors. We showed you some you can use for your sailboat drawing, but these are far from the only ones you can go for!

Choosing the colors is just the first step, and choosing the art tools and mediums is the next. Mixing colors and mediums for different textures and sections can also make it look even cooler!

Your Sailboat Drawing is Complete!

You have completed all six steps of this guide on how to draw a sailboat, and you have a great picture to show for it!

We hope that you enjoyed this drawing adventure, and that this guide made taking on this drawing fun and easy for you to do!

Then, you can take this drawing even further with your own extra additions and elements. We mentioned a few ideas like adding some people in the boat or a background, but this is your chance to get creative! How will you put your own spin on this drawing?

When you’re ready for more fun, our website is full of awesome drawing guides for you to enjoy. We upload new ones often, so be sure to keep checking in!

how to draw a sailboat in 6 easy steps

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How to Draw a Boat – An Easy and Realistic Boat Drawing Tutorial

Avatar for Matthew Matthysen

Ahoy there! You are invited on an exciting voyage of artistic discovery today as we learn how to draw a ship, much like those used for the first around-the-world trips. We break this quite complex boat down into very easy-to-follow steps, making this tutorial suitable for artists of any level. If you are ready to set sail, gather your supplies and let us jump right in!

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Step 1: Shape the Main Body of the Boat Sketch
  • 1.2 Step 2: Outline Some Details
  • 1.3 Step 3: Draw the Sails
  • 1.4 Step 4: Add In the Railing and Ropes
  • 1.5 Step 5: Draw the Ocean and the Oars
  • 1.6 Step 6: Create Texture Within Your Realistic Boat Drawing
  • 1.7 Step 7: Add Some Light Texture to the Waves
  • 1.8 Step 8: Begin Coloring the Wood of Your Boat Sketch
  • 1.9 Step 9: Color the Sails
  • 1.10 Step 10: Add Some Color to the Ocean
  • 1.11 Step 11: Start Contouring Your Boat Drawing
  • 1.12 Step 12: Continue Shading Your Boat Sketch
  • 1.13 Step 13: Start Shading the Sails
  • 1.14 Step 14: Darken the Shading on the Sails
  • 1.15 Step 15: Apply Highlights To Your Drawing of a Boat
  • 1.16 Step 16: Create Three-Dimensions in the Water
  • 1.17 Step 17: Highlight the Ocean Waves
  • 1.18 Step 18: Finishing Your Boat Drawing
  • 2.1 How to Make Boat Drawing Easy?
  • 2.2 What Colors Do You Need for a Drawing of a Boat?

Step-by-Step Realistic Boat Drawing Tutorial

You can see from the main image that the boat sketch we are going to do today is quite complex. There are many small details and tricky elements, but we have tried to make boat drawing easy for all artists. We begin the tutorial with several simple steps that help us to build up the final shape of the boat drawing. We then begin to add the smaller details, before using color to bring our boat drawing to life.

You can see an outline of the different steps in the collage below. 

how to draw a ship

Most of the realism in our drawing of a boat comes from the coloring steps. Whenever you begin learning how to draw a new subject, we find it best to use a coloring medium that you feel most comfortable with. Whether you are a digital artist or prefer physical mediums, you can simply adjust the instructions to suit your needs. If you are using a physical medium, like paint, we suggest using a light pencil for the initial construction and outlining steps. For digital mediums, use a separate layer for these steps. 

If you are ready to dive right in, find somewhere comfortable to sit, and let us begin!

Step 1: Shape the Main Body of the Boat Sketch

We are going to begin our boat drawing by creating the basic shape of the hull. Start by finding the central point of your drawing area, and begin drawing the long curved shape. The shape is like a canoe, with a curve up and in on either end. 

boat drawing 01

Step 2: Outline Some Details

We are now going to begin adding some smaller details. Begin on the far left end of the boat sketch, drawing a curving canopy shape. Add a small narrow band around the base of the boat drawing below this canopy, and then add a small tear-drop shape in the front point of the boat. 

You can also add a small rope-like protrusion from the front (right side).   

boat drawing 02

Step 3: Draw the Sails

In this step, we are going to draw the main sail and the front sail of our boat sketch. Begin with the main sail, a large curving rectangle above the middle part of the boat. You can then draw a long mast behind this sail, extending from the base of the boat and up above the top of the sail. You can then draw a smaller and more angled sail above the front bow of the boat. 

Again, you can draw the mast which should be angled towards the right side of your canvas and extend slightly above the sail.   

boat drawing 03

Step 4: Add In the Railing and Ropes

There are two main objectives for this step. Firstly, we are going to draw the railing of the deck, and then we are going to add the sail ropes. Let us begin with the barrier, starting with a curving shape that extends along most of the length of the boat. Then, using equally spaced lines, create several support beams. To complete this step, you are going to add the ropes for the sail. Begin by adding a bar along the top of each sail, and then draw several ropes that extend from the top of the masts to each corner of the sails. 

You can also draw some ropes that join the sails to the deck of the boat. 

boat drawing 04

Step 5: Draw the Ocean and the Oars

We are now going to add some context to your boat drawing. Begin by creating some gentle ocean waves around the base of the boat drawing. You can then draw some oars that extend from the side of the ship down into these waves. Generally, the oars should be facing backward, but you can create some variation in their angles for additional realism. 

boat drawing 05

Step 6: Create Texture Within Your Realistic Boat Drawing

Things are starting to get exciting now. At this stage, we have the basic elements of our boat drawing complete, and we also have some of the finer details. We are now going to add some textural details to the sails and bow. Let us begin with the sails, using some fine horizontal and vertical lines to create a series of blocks. 

Within these blocks, add some fine texture lines to emphasize the three-dimensionality. 

Next, using fine and long strokes that follow the shape of the bow, create some wooden plank details. Create texture within these planks, and use fine lines to add more texture where you think it is necessary. As a final detailed touch, draw a wooden eye on the front of the boat sketch. 

boat drawing 06

Step 7: Add Some Light Texture to the Waves

We are now going to add some final texture to our sketch before we begin using color. Within the shape of the waves, create some fine arched lines that represent a realistic ocean wave texture. 

boat drawing 07

Step 8: Begin Coloring the Wood of Your Boat Sketch

In order to create our realistic boat drawing, we are going to build the color up gradually. In this step, we are going to add a base coat of color to the wooden parts of our boat sketch. Use a regular paintbrush and a light brown shade of paint for this.

Fill the base of the boat with an even coat of color, and then move on to the masts. 

boat drawing 08

Step 9: Color the Sails

We are now going to complete our base color coat by coloring the sails. Use a regular paintbrush and a light shade of cream paint to carefully color the main sail and the front sail. 

boat drawing 09

Step 10: Add Some Color to the Ocean

Let us now move on to the ocean, using some light blue paint to fill in the waves surrounding the base of your boat drawing. 

boat drawing 10

Step 11: Start Contouring Your Boat Drawing

Now that we have the base colors down, we are going to begin adding more structure. For this step, you are going to need a small blending brush and a touch of black paint. Begin to add some definitions between the panels of wood on the side of your boat drawing. You can also add some shading to the masts, the oars, and the back curve of your ship. 

Tip: When using black for contouring or shading, always begin very lightly and darken as you need to. Black is almost impossible to remove once you have applied it.   

boat drawing 11

Step 12: Continue Shading Your Boat Sketch

We are now going to continue shading our drawing of a boat with a slightly finer tough. Use a sharp detailing brush and some black paint to add some fine shading along the details on the side of your boat. This will include things like shading around the eye, between each of the planks of wood, and within the canopy. 

boat drawing 12

Step 13: Start Shading the Sails

Let us now move on to the sails. With a blending brush and the same brown that you used as the base coat for the boat, create a gentle blend of color up the sails. The bottom and sides of the sails should be slightly darker, and blend smoothly into the lighter cream color at the top. 

Tip: For an extra smooth transition, you can use a clean blending brush to carefully all of these colors together. 

boat drawing 13

Step 14: Darken the Shading on the Sails

As we did with the body of our boat drawing, we are now going to add more detailed shadows to the sails. With a small blending brush and some dark grey paint, add shadows on top of the textured areas. The grey shading should mostly be focused around the pleats in the sails, around the edges, and above the texture lines. 

boat drawing 14

Step 15: Apply Highlights To Your Drawing of a Boat

The last few steps have focused on creating darkness within our boat drawing. We are now going to begin to contrast these shadows with a  touch of highlighting. With a blending brush and some white paint, begin by creating a faded highlight on the lightest areas of the sails. Then, with a more detailed brush and white paint, apply highlights to the areas of the boat that are most likely to catch the light. These areas include the top of the canopy, the top of the masts, the railing, and on top of the ores. 

Tip: When creating highlights, it is easiest to pick a light source. You can then imagine where the light would hit from that angle.   

boat drawing 15

Step 16: Create Three-Dimensions in the Water

We are now going to shift our focus to creating structure within the waves. With a small blending brush and a touch of black paint, apply some light shading along the edges of the water. You can shade beneath the wave lines that you drew previously, giving the impression of moving water. 

boat drawing 16

Step 17: Highlight the Ocean Waves

Just before we finish our realistic boat drawing, we are going to add a few spots of highlight to the water surface. Use a small blending brush and some white paint to apply short strokes of light onto the water surface. 

boat drawing easy

Step 18: Finishing Your Boat Drawing

In this last step, we are going to add some final spots of water spray and then remove the outline. Begin by using a small blending brush and some white paint to create some realistic water splashes against the side of the boat. You can then remove the dark outline form your boat drawing, leaving you with a seamlessly realistic sketch. Use a fine detailing brush and the corresponding color at each point of the outline to carefully trace over it. You can do the same for any inner texture lines. 

realistic boat drawing

We really hope you have enjoyed your voyage of discovery today! As with all of our drawing tutorials , we hope that we have made boat drawing easy for artists of any levels. You now know how to draw a ship of any kind, following the same basic process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make boat drawing easy.

Learning how to draw a ship can seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, we make it really easy by breaking the process down into easy-to-follow steps. We begin with simple shapes, creating the basic outline of our boat sketch. We then build up a realistic boat drawing by using color to create detail and dimension. 

What Colors Do You Need for a Drawing of a Boat?

You only need a few basic colors for this easy and realistic boat drawing. Firstly, you will need several different shades of brown , including one very light cream and a slightly darker shade. You will then also need white, black, and grey for the contouring, Finally, you will need a sea blue shade for the ocean waves around the base of your boat. 

matthew matthysen

Matthew Matthysen is an educated multidisciplinary artist and illustrator. He successfully completed his art degree at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, majoring in art history and contemporary drawing. The focus of his thesis was to explore the philosophical implications of the macro and micro-universe on the human experience. Matthew uses diverse media, such as written and hands-on components, to explore various approaches that are on the border between philosophy and science.

Matthew organized various exhibitions before and during his years as a student and is still passionate about doing so today. He currently works as a freelance artist and writer in various fields. He also has a permanent position at a renowned online gallery (ArtGazette) where he produces various works on commission. As a freelance artist, he creates several series and successfully sells them to galleries and collectors. He loves to use his work and skills in various fields of interest.

Matthew has been creating drawing and painting tutorials since the relaunch in 2020. Through his involvement with artincontext.org, he has been able to deepen his knowledge of various painting mediums. For example, watercolor techniques, calligraphy and lately digital drawing, which is becoming more and more popular.

Learn more about Matthew Matthysen and the Art in Context Team .

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Online Art Lessons

How to Draw a Sailboat

sailboat boat drawing

Skill Level : 1 Beginner , 2 Intermediate

Medium : Pencil Drawing

Subject : Seascapes , Transport

Tutor : Nolan Clark

Class Length : 2 hours 10 minutes

Avg Rating : No Ratings Yet

Silver Level or Higher Class

Class Description

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In this lesson we will draw a sailing boat.

During the class you will learn:

1) How to draw clouds 2) How to draw the sails so they look like they have various amounts of wind 3) How to draw reflections in the water 4) How to show the land in the distance 5) and much more...

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Unlock the follow along class here, short class video.

Class Tutorial

Reference photo - how to draw a sailboat

In this tutorial we will draw a sailboat. This is the reference photo I will be working from.

Drawing the Sky

Cloud reference photo - how to draw a sailboat

Our sailboat reference photo doesn't have nice clouds in it so I have found this photo which does have nice clouds.

We will use our artistic license to add clouds similar to these into our drawing. That should add extra drama and interest to the scene.

Cover scrap paper in graphite - how to draw a sailboat

Start off by covering a spare piece of paper with graphite.

We will use this and a cloth to draw with.

Mask off the horizon - how to draw a sailboat

We don't want to lose the horizon so we mask it off.

Use cloth to draw clouds - how to draw a sailboat

Now rub the cloth over the graphite paper, then onto your drawing to draw the clouds.

In a circular motion rub the shadows of the clouds onto the paper.

Erase cloud highlights - how to draw a sailboat

What I am trying to do is create the gradual shadings formed by the clouds.

To ensure I don't loose the shape of the boat I use an eraser to keep the edges of the sails defined.

The clouds give us the contrast we need for the white sails to be visible so don't be shy with the contrast you add to the clouds.

Drawing the Sails

Sail with smooth shadings - how to draw a sailboat

Now we can move over to the sails.

Each sail has a different shading because of its shape so you need to carefully look at how the light reflects off of each sail.

This one here is round so it has a gradual shading.

Sail with cast shadow - how to draw a sailboat

The one behind it is also round so will also get that gradual shading.

This time however the first sail is casting a shadow on it so the tonal values of these shadings are different.

To draw these tonal values and shadings correctly vary the pressure you apply to the pencil as well as use harder and softer pencils.

Sail with creases - how to draw a sailboat

This sail is full of creases, just suggest these creases by creating a series of contrasting lines.

Look very carefully at the direction of these lines through as they follow the shape of the sail.

Do the same with the other sails as well.

Sail details and rigging - how to draw a sailboat

Now we can start to add the detail to the sails.

For this use a very sharp pencil or a mechanical pencil to add in all the rigging and to suggest the stitching work on each sail.

Draw the masts - how to draw a sailboat

To ensure you draw the masts accurately use a ruler to draw the outside edges. Then color in the insides.

To show the mast is round darken the right hand edge on each mast.

Now we can gently remove the masking tape in order to draw the water.

Drawing the Water

Using a ruler to keep horizon straight - how to draw a sailboat

There is a dark edge to the horizon so I use the ruler to establish the edge of the boat so I don't lose it's shape.

Blocking in the water - how to draw a sailboat

Now use your cloth and the graphite paper to lay down a basic tonal value on the water.

Draw the ripples on the water - how to draw a sailboat

Erase the ripples on the water using a kneaded eraser.

To show perspective, make the ripples in the distance short and close to each other and the nearby ripples large and further apart.

Draw the water reflections - how to draw a sailboat

The reflections are broken vertical lines so put in the dark vertical lines using the cloth first.

Then squiggle out the lighter reflections.

I have also used the pencil to squiggle a few extra contrasts here and there which completes the water.

Drawing the Boat

Shade the hull - how to draw a sailboat

Now shade in the shape of the boat.

Draw the people and detail - how to draw a sailboat

And use a dark pencil to suggest the people and detail on the boat.

Don't draw fine detail here. Suggestions and basic shapes are good enough. Your brain will imagine the rest of the detail when looking at the completed artwork.

Draw the birds - how to draw a sailboat

This is what the final sailboat drawing looks like:

Learn how to draw a sailboat with this online art lessons by the Paint Basket and Nolan Clark

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Learn how to draw a sailboat with this pencil drawing tutorial by Online Art Lessons

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4 Easy Ways to Draw a Boat

Last Updated: April 6, 2023

  • Traditional Ship
  • Wooden Boat

Things You'll Need

This article was co-authored by Kelly Medford . Kelly Medford is an American painter based in Rome, Italy. She studied classical painting, drawing and printmaking both in the U.S. and in Italy. She works primarily en plein air on the streets of Rome, and also travels for private international collectors on commission. She founded Sketching Rome Tours in 2012 where she teaches sketchbook journaling to visitors of Rome. Kelly is a graduate of the Florence Academy of Art. This article has been viewed 379,673 times.

Want to go sailing but don't have a boat? Don't sweat over it. Chill out and follow this tutorial to learn how to draw a kayak, draw a yacht, draw a rowboat, and draw a sailing ship. If you want to draw a boat, draw an imaginary one or copy a picture from a book or online image.

Note: follow the red line for each step.

Things You Should Know

  • Start by drawing the outline of the boat using basic shapes and guidelines.
  • Add details to your drawing, like sails, masts, and siding.
  • Clean up your drawing by erasing any guidelines.

Drawing a Sailboat

Step 1 Sketch the main body of the sailboat.

Drawing a Kayak

Step 1 Sketch a long oblong.

Drawing a Traditional Ship

Step 1 Sketch an upside-down, truncated triangle in the middle of the page.

Drawing a Realistic Style Wooden Boat

Step 1 Sketch a big teardrop shape in the middle of the page.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Learning to draw is really about learning to see. Study boats each day and draw them until you can get them as close as you can to the real objects you're observing. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
  • To get better at drawing, make sure to practice blind contour drawings observing objects and people. Do not worry about the results, as the idea is to train your eye to slow down and to work in tandem with your hand. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

sailboat boat drawing

  • Sharp Sketching Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors

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About This Article

Kelly Medford

One way to draw a boat is by sketching a sailboat. Start by making the outline of a trapezoid to sketch the main body of the boat. Then, draw a smaller trapezoid in the middle of the boat, with a long line running perpendicular to the body of the boat. Next, draw a right triangle off of the right side of the line, and another, slightly smaller triangle off of the right side of the line. You can make the body of the boat 3-dimensional if you’d like. Once you have the basic shapes, trace the outline and erase the extra pencil marks before filling it in with color. If you want to learn how to draw other kinds of boats, such as a canoe or kayak, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Easy Drawing Guides

How to Draw a Boat

Learn how to draw a great looking Boat with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Boat.


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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Boat

How to Draw a Boat Featured Image

How to Draw a Great Looking Boat for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin the cartoon boat outline by drawing the hull. Outline the top of the hull with a short straight line and two long curved lines that meet at a sharp point, forming a flattened teardrop shape.

Then, enclose a nearly parallel shape around the first.

Easy Boat Drawing - Step 2

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Extend two curved lines below the top of the boat, one diagonal and one nearly vertical. Then texture the wood with horizontal curved lines.

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Easy Boat Drawing - Step 3

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Enclose the shape of the hull with waves beneath it. Use a series of curved lines that meet at points. Draw more waves at the front and back of the boat.

Easy Boat Drawing - Step 4

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Draw a straight, horizontal horizon line above the boat's hull. Then, draw more waves on the water's surface, using curved lines that meet at points.

sailboat boat drawing

Easy Boat Drawing - Step 5

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. Extend two vertical straight lines from the middle of the boat. Connect them at the top with a short line, and erase lines from between them.

This is the mast that supports the sails. Then, draw rectangle-shaped seats inside the hull. Draw a straight line from the back corner of the hull to give the boat a three-dimensional shape.

Easy Boat Drawing - Step 6

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Extend two vertical straight lines from the middle of the boat. Connect them at the top with a short line, and erase lines from between them. This is the mast that supports the sails.

Then, draw rectangle-shaped seats inside the hull. Draw a straight line from the back corner of the hull to give the boat a three-dimensional shape.

Easy Boat Drawing - Step 7

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Use long curved lines to enclose the first of the triangular sails between the mast and the boom.

Add More Details to Your Boat Picture - Step 8

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Draw the second triangle-shaped sail using long curved lines between the mast and the boom. Then, stripe the sail with horizontal curved lines.

Complete the Outline of Your Boat Drawing - Step 9

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Use curved lines to enclose fluffy cumulus clouds in the sky.

Color Your Boat Drawing

Boat step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 11

Your cartoon boat outline is now complete. Color your sailboat. We've shaded the hull with brown like wood. Often the sails are white or brightly colored.

How to Draw a Boat Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Boat Drawing

Would you like to sail away on your own boat? This easy, step-by-step boat drawing guide is your dream come true.

The boat in this drawing is called a sailboat because it is powered by the wind and two large, triangle-shaped sails.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

There are lots of other types of boats, like this fishing boat drawing which is powered by a motor, or this canoe drawing , which is driven by human power - moving the rectangle-shaped paddles.

Did you know? Boats are usually less than 45 feet or 14 meters in length. Larger boats are known as ships. You can learn how to draw a ship here.

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We've been creating high-quality, easy-to-follow drawing tutorials since 2016. Rauno and the team of experienced artists are dedicated to helping people of all ages and skill levels learn to draw.

We've carefully crafted over 1,900 step-by-step tutorials, ensuring that each one is safe, beginner-friendly, and engaging. We expand our library with new drawing guides every week, adding more drawing ideas and staying up-to-date with new trends.

Our commitment to quality and accessibility has earned the trust of more than 1,700 satisfied paid members who have access to the huge library of drawing printables and ebooks, in addition to the regular step-by-drawing tutorials that are available for all readers.

You can trust Easy Drawing Guides to provide you with some of the best drawing tutorials available online.

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How to Draw a Sailboat

Sail away into the world of art with our fun and easy tutorial on how to draw a sailboat! Sailboats are unique watercraft that rely on the wind to propel them across the water. Grab your art supplies and let’s start drawing your very own sailboat masterpiece!


Materials Needed:

Perfect For:

  • Draw a horizontal line for the water’s surface.
  • Sketch the hull of the sailboat by drawing a long, curved trapezoid shape.
  • Draw a vertical line from the center of the hull to represent the mast.
  • Add a diagonal line from the top of the mast down to the stern of the boat for the boom.
  • Sketch in the mainsail by connecting the mast and the boom with two curved lines.
  • Draw the jib sail by connecting the top of the mast to the bow of the boat with a curved line.
  • Add details like the rudder, portholes, and ropes.
  • Outline your drawing in ink or with a darker pencil.

Easy Sailboat Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial


Bravo! You’ve completed our how to draw a sailboat tutorial, and now you have a beautiful sailboat illustration to show off. Keep practicing and have fun exploring more watercraft drawing guides!

👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Boats/Watercraft 👇

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  • How to Draw a Canoe
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About the sailboat.

A sailboat is a type of boat that is powered by wind. They have sails that catch the wind and propel the boat forward.

Sailboats can come in many different sizes, from small one-person boats to large yachts.

They are often used for recreation, such as for sailing on lakes or oceans. Some people even use sailboats for racing or for traveling long distances.

Sailboats can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to travel on the water, but they can also require some skill and knowledge to operate.

sailboat boat drawing


How to Draw Boats

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How to Draw Sailboats

sailboat boat drawing

Sailboats travel far and wide, exploring the ocean and seeking out tropical locales. Use our step-by-step instructions to create your own sailboat scenes.

In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above sailboat. Either draw it freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step.

Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray. Here, we'll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to draw it.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 1: Start the sailboat with two big curved triangles for the sails. Add a pointed shape for the hull.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 2: Draw a curved line to form the side of the hull. Sketch a rectangle with a rounded end for the seating area. Add a fat bracket shape on top of it.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 3: Draw the mast between the sails. Add edge lines following the hull. Sketch a V-shape bar to create deck detail, and add lines for depth in the seating area. Draw a small post on the front of the boat.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 4: Add rectangular crossbars at the bottom of both sails. Draw detail lines on the V shape and in the seating space. Add detail lines to each sail.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 5: Draw wavy lines under the boat for the water.

sailboat boat drawing

Step 6: Use a felt-tip pen to trace the lines you want to keep. Erase any extra pencil lines.

Explore the ocean's depths with our next drawing project. On the following page, learn to draw a submarine.

Want more help learning to draw? See:

  • How to Draw
  • How to Draw People
  • How to Draw Dinosaurs
  • How to Draw Flowers and Plants
  • How to Draw Faces
  • How to Draw Cartoons
  • How to Draw Animals
  • How to Draw Planes
  • How to Draw Trains
  • How to Draw Cars

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Art Projects for Kids

Easy How to Draw a Sailboat Tutorial and Sailboat Coloring Page

Below you’ll find an easy step-by-step tutorial for how to draw a sailboat and a sailboat coloring page. the simplicity allows students extra time to color carefully to make all those colors pop..

sailboat boat drawing

Use the Button below to Download a PDF Tutorial

A step by step tutorial for how to draw an easy sailboat, also available as a free download.

This sailboat drawing started off years ago as a watercolor resist project, as it was so easy for students to draw. They could get the shapes down in no time, trace with a permanent black marker, add crayon texture lines to the water and trees, and then paint away. An example is included below. (Please note, those bright and pretty colors come from using real watercolor paper. It can be a bit pricey, but if you’re working on something for a special occasion, it’s worth it.)

To make things more flexible for non-painters though, I’ve made this version that just uses crayon. The super easy shapes still make it a good match for kinders and up, and the layering of the boat in front of the trees is good practice for young artists. It’s the step that comes after drawing things side by side.

Sailboat Coloring Page

sailboat boat drawing

Sailboat Tracing Page

sailboat boat drawing

Materials to draw a Sailboat

  • Drawing Paper . This is the good stuff you can buy in bulk for a good price.
  • Pencils. I like how this brand always makes nice dark lines.
  • Black Marker. A permanent marker will give you a dark black color.
  • Crayons . The larger packs are nice for more color choices.
  • Note: All of the above are Amazon affiliate links.

Step by Step Directions for a Sailboat Drawing

Time needed:  17 minutes

How to Draw a Sailboat

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Art For Kids Hub

Art projects for kids and the whole family!

How To Draw A Sailboat (for young artists)

How to draw a sailboat! This is a great project for learning how to draw triangles! We use a marker and oil pastels, but you can use crayons or markers.

Also, we fast forwarded through the details and coloring. Use this time to draw your own details and color your sailboats the way you want to. And remember to have fun!

Watch How To Draw A Sailboat

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  6. Easy How to Draw a Sailboat Tutorial and Sailboat Coloring Page

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  8. How to Draw a Sailboat

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