• Internet Culture

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs Explained

This collection of 10,000 cartoon apes has become the poster child of NFTs. Right now, the cheapest you can buy one for is $150,000.

bored ape yacht club nft

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs cost $190 at launch last April. Now they go for over $400,000.

NFTs have been around for five years, but the nonfungible token boom only truly began in 2021. It coincided almost perfectly with the launch of Bored Ape Yacht Club, a collection of 10,000 cartoon ape NFTs that's come to embody the whole industry. BAYC has over the past year become a bellwether for NFTs, just like bitcoin is for the crypto market at large. 

When NFTs were at their hottest, in April , the entry price for Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs was $400,000. Following the crypto crash, caused by the Federal Reserve's hiking of inflation rates to tackle inflation , that's fallen closer to $150,000. Far from the all-time-high, but insane considering these NFTs sold for about $200 apiece last April. 

You've probably seen a BAYC, even if you didn't realize you were looking at one.

Bored Ape owners currently using their NFT as a Twiter profile picture include Timbaland (1.6 million followers), Eminem (22.6 million followers) and footballer Neyman Jr. (55 million followers). Jimmy Fallon and Paris Hilton are also BAYC holders, discussing their Apes in a (cringey) Tonight Show segment . Justin Bieber made headlines with his purchase of a $1.29 million Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT in February. 

In June, Eminem and Snoop Dogg released a video clip in which the rappers are depicted by their respective Bored Apes . 

Name my ape! Drop your suggestions below 👇 @BoredApeYC #BAYC #BoredApeYachtClub #NFTs pic.twitter.com/pwFynGy9QJ — jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) November 17, 2021
BREAKING: @Eminem just bought BAYC #9055 for 123.45 ETH ($461,868.42) WELCOME to the BAYC 🤗 pic.twitter.com/UvQFntDa8Q — m0rgan.ethᵍᵐ 💎🙆🏼‍♀️🆘 (@Helloimmorgan) December 31, 2021

Yuga Labs, the company behind the NFT collection, has already expanded the ecosystem to include a cryptocurrency (Ape Coin). More importantly, it's developing a "metaverse" MMORPG game called "Otherside." People holding Bored Ape NFTs are betting that the brand will completely break through and go mainstream. Already it's collaborated with brands like Adidas and Gucci, and last year a Bored Ape  graced the cover of Rolling Stone magazine . 

Like everything else to do with NFTs, the Bored Ape Yacht Club is contentious. Apes inspire jealousy among those who own and trade NFT art but confusion and suspicion among people who don't. Their value is instrinsically tied to ether, the second biggest cryptocurrency. That means NFTs like BAYC are likely to lose their lustre if crypto collapses -- something critics have prophesized for years. 

Here's what you need to know about the collection.

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs listed on NFT marketplace OpenSea.

10 of the 10,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs. Each has different attributes, some rarer than others, that makes them unique. 

Wait, what are NFTs again?

NFT is short for nonfungible token. These are tokens verify ownership on the blockchain. In essence, an NFT is like a certificate of authenticity for a fancy watch or the deed to a house. It certifies that the digital asset -- in this case a cartoon picture of an ape -- is legitimate, and denotes who the owner is.

The most ubiquitous criticism of NFTs is that they're useless because pictures can simply be right-clicked and saved for free. The point of NFT technology is that it makes public who the owner of an asset is. The idea is that anyone can buy a Mona Lisa print for a few bucks, but only one person or institution can own the original. Everyone in the world can save a BAYC jpeg on their computer, but only one person can own the NFT. 

Whether that makes NFTs valuable is a judgement call. Some people think they'll revolutionize the internet, at last allowing digital goods to be bought and sold like real-world, physical products. Others think they're an environmentally-costly ponzi scheme. 

Why are there 10,000 Bored Apes?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of NFT art. First, you have one-off visuals that are sold as non-fungible tokens, just like paintings in real life. Think the  Beeple NFTs that were sold at Christie's for as high as $69 million. Second, you have NFT collections like the Bored Ape Yacht Club, which are mostly designed to be used as profile pictures on social media. The latter have become the dominant style, where most of the money is spent. 

Pioneered by CryptoPunks in 2017, NFT collections are a little like Pokemon cards. You have a set amount -- usually between 5,000 and 10,000 -- which all have the same template, but each has different attributes that make them unique. In the case of BAYC, there are 10,000 apes, each with varying fur types, facial expressions, clothing, accessories and more. Each attribute has a rarity component, which makes some much more valuable than others. 

These properties are displayed on OpenSea, the main platform where NFTs are traded. On any given NFT's page, its properties will be listed as well as the percentage of NFTs in the collection that share the property. Usually, anything under 1% is considered rare. For instance out of 10,000 apes only 46 have solid gold fur, making these particularly valuable.

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT properties

Each NFT has traits which are ranked by rarity, making some more valuable than others. 

As noted, the "floor price" for the project -- what you'll pay for an ape with common traits -- is currently about $150,000 (85 ether). Apes with the golden fur trait are rare, and so sell for much more. One sold in January for $1.3 million . Another  with gold fur and laser eyes , two sub-1% traits, went for $3 million.

BAYC is the biggest NFT project of this kind, recently eclipsing CryptoPunks , which is credited as the first "pfp" (profile picture) collections. Other notable sets include CyberKongz, Doodles and Cool Cats .

What makes Bored Ape Yacht Club valuable?

This is a complicated question. The short answer is that they're status symbols , and like all status symbols their value comes from perception and branding rather than utility. Just like a CEO may try to communicate business acumen with a Rolex or a luxury suit, people who trade NFTs display their success with a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. Their argument is that NFTs are better status symbols than real-world items, since when used as profile pictures they can be seen by millions of people on Twitter and Instagram.

Let's start at the beginning. Bored Ape Yacht Club was launched last April. It took 12 hours for all 10,000 to sell out at a price of $190 (0.08 ether). The price of Bored Ape NFTs rose steadily until July, when they spiked dramatically and the collection became a blue-chip set.

What makes an NFT collection successful is highly subjective. Broadly, it's a mix of four things: Influencer or celebrity involvement, mainstream potential, utility for members and community appeal.

The first and second are obvious. When famous people own an NFT, it makes others want to own one too. When celebrities like Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber bought into Bored Ape, it caused a run in sales and hype -- and hype is what the NFT market is all about. People buying into BAYC today, at a steep price of over $150,000, are likely to believe that the brand could one day adorn more than celebrity social media accounts: Netflix shows, popular games and Hollywood movies are the goal. 

Thirdly, utility. Most NFT projects claim to offer a utility of some sort, which means it does something other than act as a profile picture. That can be access to play-to-earn games or the option to stake an NFT in exchange for an associated cryptocurrency. 

Bored Ape Yacht Club has done a few things to keep owners interested. First, it created the Bored Ape Kennel Club , offering owners the opportunity to "adopt" a dog NFT with traits that mimic those of the Bored Apes. Another freebie came in August of 2021: Digital vials of mutant serum. Owners could mix their Bored Ape with the serum to create a Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT (see below). 

The advent of this second collection last August is when the Bored Ape brand really popped. Seen as doing innovative things with NFT technology, and coinciding with a huge amount of money entering the space that month, Bored Ape Yacht Club started to be seen as the premiere NFT brand. 

Both Kennel Club and Mutant Ape NFTs now sell for a lot. The Mutant Ape Yacht Club collection entry point is about $30,000, while Bored Ape Kennel Clubs are selling for about half that. (Remember, these were free to BAYC holders.)

A Bored Ape and a Mutant Ape.

A Bored Ape and its Mutant Ape counterpart. 

Last but not least is the community that's built around a collection. NFTs double as membership cards to holder groups. The more valuable people find belonging to that community, the less they'll want to sell their NFT. Bored Ape Yacht Club has organized meetups in New York and California, and there have been Bored Ape get-togethers in Hong Kong and the UK, too. This past June, BAYC holders were treated to "Ape Fest", a festival that included performances from Eminem, Snoop Dogg, LCD Soundsystem and Amy Schumer.

But "community value" also extends to financial self interest. The higher the floor price on a collection, the more crypto-rich traders you can expect to be holders. These savvy investors trade information within locked Discord groups, providing valuable (sometimes insanely valuable) tips to one another. Sell your NFT and you'll no longer be privvy to such tips. 

Eminem's Twitter profile, showing a Bored Ape Yacht Club as his profile picture.

Eminem is the latest celebrity to flaunt a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT as a social media profile picture.

Who's behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club?

The Bored Ape Yacht Club was developed by Yuga Labs. At the time, Yuga Labs consisted of four people, all of whom went by pseudonyms. There's Gordon Goner and Gargamel, who are the two co-founders, and two friends who helped on the development side, No Sass and Emperor Tomato Ketchup.

Got doxxed against my will. Oh well. Web2 me vs. Web3 me pic.twitter.com/uLkpsJ5LvN — GordonGoner.eth (@GordonGoner) February 5, 2022
Got doxed so why not. Web2 me vs Web3 me. pic.twitter.com/jfmzo5NtrH — Garga.eth (@CryptoGarga) February 5, 2022
Seems like the cat is out of the bag anyway, so... Hi, I'm Kerem 👋🍅 web2 me vs. web3 me pic.twitter.com/v7i4JDCTlc — EmperorTomatoKetchup (@TomatoBAYC) February 8, 2022
Welp, here we go... Hey, I'm Zeshan. Nice to meet y'all (: Web2 me vs. Web3 me pic.twitter.com/0AnqurQ1el — Sass (@SassBAYC) February 8, 2022

All four went exclusively by their pseudonyms until February, when BuzzFeed reported the identities of Gordon Goner and Gargamel. Gargamel is Greg Solano, a writer and book critic, and Gordon Goner is 35-year-old Wylie Aronow. Both went on to post pictures of themselves on Twitter alongside their Bored Apes. Following that, Emperor Tomato Ketchup and Sass both "doxxed" themselves -- that is, revealed their identity -- by doing the same. 

The actual art was created by freelance artist Seneca , who's not part of Yuga Labs. 

What's next?

Yuga Labs has big plans for its Bored Ape Yacht Club brand, plans that are both on- and offchain. (That is, both on the blockchain and in the real world.)

Start with more blockchain stuff. In March, Yuga Labs released Ape Coin, its own cryptocurrency. All Bored Ape holders were airdropped just over 10,000 Ape Coins at launch, worth around $100,000 at the time (now about $70,000). Ape Coin will be the primary currency in Otherside, the metaverse Yuga Labs is building .

Metaverses are big, virtual spaces shared by hundreds or thousands of people at a time. They've existed for a long time, think Second Life or even Fortnite. Blockchain-integrated metaverses are different only in the sense that the land, building and items within the world are owned by users as NFTs. Yuga Labs has already sold land for the metaverse, making over $300 million in just a few hours of sales .

Out in the physical world, the Bored Apes are integrating themselves into fashion. Adidas launched its first NFT project, Into The Metaverse, in collaboration with several NFT brands, Bored Ape Yacht Club chief among them. Collaborations between Adidas and BAYC on both virtual and physical clothing are coming soon. 


Adidas is also a member of the Bored Ape Yacht Club. 

The Bored Ape Yacht Club brand has popped up in other industries too. Literally in the case of food: A pop-up restaurant in Los Angeles was recently turned into a permanent burger spot. In January, a mobile game, Apes vs. Mutants , launched on both the App Store and Google's Play Store. (Reviews have been unkind.) Another mobile game is in production , scheduled for Q2. Bored Ape figurines by Super Plastic are on the way too.

More unusual, though, is what people are doing with their apes. Owning a Bored Ape NFT gives you full commercial rights to it, and holders are taking advantage of that in some creative ways. One Bored Ape owner set up a Twitter account for his ape where he created a backstory, turning him into Jenkins, a valet that works for the Yacht Club. Jenkins is now signed to a real-world agency, and has a biography written by New York Times bestseller Neil Strauss . Universal Music Group has invested by  signing a band consisting of three Bored Apes and one Mutant Ape . 

You might think NFTs are silly -- and terrible for the environment -- but don't expect the Bored Apes to disappear anytime soon.

Bored Ape Yacht Club

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Bored Ape Yacht Club: A complete and up-to-date overview of the revolutionary and leading NFT project

Bored Ape Yacht Club: A complete and up-to-date overview of the revolutionary and leading NFT project

Table of contents

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is arguably the most influential NFT project in the world. For almost a year, it remained second only to CryptoPunks in terms of turnover. This collection led to the creation of other equally popular and large-scale projects: BAKC, MAYC, Otherside metaverse, ApeCoin. The history of BAYC is a living testament to how a couple of successful deals can change an entire market. If not for one prominent NFT influencer, BAYC might not exist at all. But more on that later.

Today’s review is about an amazing global success story that has led to over $2 billion in sales, NFT market dominance, and elite status.

Bored Ape Yacht Club Official Links

  • Official site: https://boredapeyachtclub.com
  • Twitter @BoredApeYC: over 1M followers,
  • Discord @BoredApeYachtClub : over 209K subscribers,
  • Instagram @boredapeyachtclub : over 700K subscribers.

What is Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)?

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is a fusion of digital collectibles and an exclusive online community. Each Bored Ape is a unique digital character, created with over 170 distinct traits such as clothing, expressions, and headwear.

Moreover, owning a Bored Ape grants membership to the elite community, unlocking exclusive benefits. The value of these perks depends on an individual’s engagement with the concept. For instance, members can access The Bathroom, a collaborative art space within the cryptosphere, allowing them to contribute to a digital wall painting experience.

A more substantial advantage is that Bored Ape NFT holders possess complete commercialization rights for their apes. This means if you own a Bored Ape, you have the freedom to use it for various commercial purposes. In addition, each community member has exclusive access to the annual IRL ApeFest and participates in the project’s airdrops. And this, believe us, turns this valuable investment asset into 2-3-4 additional digital assets.

What is BAYC

In general, we won’t tell you everything at once. Therefore, this comprehensive, up-to-date guide to the most prestigious ecosystem is for you.

Bored Ape Yacht Club in numbers

  • The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) comprises a limited collection of 10,000 unique NFTs, launched on April 29, 2021, at a mint price of 0.08 ETH (equivalent to $190).
  • Presently, the collection is under the ownership of 5,546 distinct wallets, with 55% being unique owners.
  • Notably, the floor price for these exclusive NFTs currently stands at around 26 ETH, translating to approximately $40,000.
  • The sales volume of BAYC has surpassed a remarkable 1.3 million ETH, equivalent to a staggering $2.17 billion.
  • The peak of its popularity was evident when the most expensive BAYC, numbered #8817, was sold at Sotheby’s for an astounding $3.4 million in late October 2021. In another remarkable auction, the Yuga Labs team successfully sold a lot of 101 NFTs for an impressive $24.4 million at Sotheby’s in September 2021.
  • During the peak of the NFT craze in April 2021, the entry price for BAYC was as high as $400,000.
  • Demonstrating its widespread appeal, a special edition of Rolling Stone magazine featuring a Bored Ape on the cover, limited to 2,500 copies, sold out within a mere four minutes at the beginning of November 2021.
  • Interestingly, only a small fraction of the collection, approximately 2% (244 pieces out of 10,000), is currently available for sale. These listings range from 26 ETH to 5,000 ETH, indicating that the majority of holders view their BAYC assets as valuable long-term investments, showing no haste in parting with their prized possessions at lower prices. This steadfast confidence underlines the collective belief in the project’s enduring potential.

Thanks to all these records, the project is included in the TOP of the best NFT collections .

Data (including exchange rates) are given at the time of publication (October 18, 2023)

Bored Ape Yacht Club attributes

Every BAYC possesses distinct features (168), categorized into 7 main attributes, each having various versions:

  • The background

Some attributes are rarer than others, which makes these monkeys more collectible. Therefore, they are more expensive than others. For example, apes with Solid gold fur are rarer and more expensive than others. The floor price for these NFTs has consistently remained above 330 ETH throughout their sales history, having been offered for sale only twice. This rarity is attributed to their substantial investment potential, promising far greater returns in the future compared to a quick but less rewarding sale.

BAYC nft attributes

What sets this collection apart? It stands as one of the initial projects meticulously hand-drawn by artists, deviating from the algorithm-generated images prevalent in other collections like the renowned CryptoPunks. This distinction marks their first and most significant departure from the CryptoPunks phenomenon.

Who created the Bored Ape Yacht Club?

Let’s delve into the origins of this journey. In a twist of fate, a group of friends came together to establish their startup venture. They named their team Yuga Labs , driven by the ambition to construct a media empire exclusively dedicated to NFTs. Crafting Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) marked their inaugural stride toward achieving this ambitious vision.

Initially, all developers at Yuga Labs operated under pseudonyms, a practice they maintained until BuzzFeed unmasked two of them in a February 2022 article.

And the aliases are:

  • Gordon Goner @GordonGoner ,
  • Gargamel @CryptoGarga ,
  • Sass @SassBAYC ,
  • Emperor Tomato Ketchup @TomatoBAYC .

bored ape yacht club nft

It was revealed that Gargamel is, in fact, Greg Solano, an author and literary critic, while Gordon Goner goes by Wiley Aronov. Sass and Emperor Tomato Ketchup, whose real names are Zeshan and Kerem respectively, both work as software engineers.

Prior to their involvement with BAYC, Gargamel and Gordon Goner had minimal presence in the crypto community, lacking any prior development experience in the field. Despite their lack of experience, both individuals had been active traders since 2017. Tomato and Sass were newcomers to the world of NFTs and cryptocurrencies. Nevertheless, the four of them collaborated, forming Yuga Labs, and subsequently launched BAYC under this banner.

Regarding the creation of actual art, none of the founders were responsible. The primary artist for the original BAYC collection is a woman known by the pseudonym Seneca, or the All-Seeing Seneca. Additional contributors included artists such as Thomas Dugley, Migwasher, and a couple who preferred to remain anonymous.

Bored Ape Yacht Club success story

Before the inception of BAYC concept, the team at Yuga Labs was already immersed in project development. Yuga Labs realized that traditional art market concepts did not translate well into the digital realm. While paintings adorn living room walls, NFTs serve as social media profile pictures. Recognizing this shift, the team sought an “exclusive” feature for club members, giving rise to the idea of a yacht club.

Yuga Labs envisioned the club as a haven for early crypto and NFT pioneers, individuals who had ventured into the world of cryptography during its nascent stages. These early “apes,” having reaped the benefits of their earlier investments, found themselves in a leisurely state, spending their days on yachts or socializing in bars.

Reportedly, Yuga Labs swiftly attracted prominent crypto investors who backed this vision with their savings. With investments secured, the team commenced collection development, determining attributes, crafting illustrations, and securing a minting contract. The official release occurred on April 29, 2021, with NFTs initially priced at 0.08 ETH per ape (approximately $190 at that time). Initial sales were gradual, and by May 1, the momentum was still low.

However, the narrative took a dramatic turn when influential NFT personality, Pranksy , acquired nearly all the monkeys, announcing the purchase to his extensive Twitter following. This event catalyzed a rapid transformation; BAYC’s collection completely sold out within 12 hours.

Remarkably, the BAYC team emphasized in interviews that they had no prior contact with Pranksy before the sale. In the subsequent month, BAYC experienced a surge in secondary sales, marking the beginning of its rapid ascent.

Why is Bored Ape Yacht Club popular?

The widespread appeal of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) can be attributed to several key factors:

Celebrity and Mass Appeal

When influential figures or celebrities own NFTs, it creates a desire for others to own them too. Notable personalities such as Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber owning Bored Ape NFTs triggered a surge in sales and excitement. This celebrity endorsement generates hype, a driving force in the NFT market. People purchasing BAYC at high prices today anticipate its potential expansion beyond celebrity social media profiles, envisioning its presence in popular media like Netflix shows, renowned games, and Hollywood movies.

Community Engagement

The community surrounding the collection serves as a vital driving force. Members are drawn not only to the project’s existence but also to the exclusive privileges it offers, providing them a sense of belonging to an elite society alongside stars and celebrities. NFTs function as membership cards, granting access to exclusive groups. The more valuable people perceive their membership, the less inclined they are to sell their assets. Additionally, higher floor prices attract wealthy crypto traders, enhancing the community’s financial dynamics.

Long-term Project Viability

Unlike many projects in the market consisting solely of visual images and minimal backstory, BAYC stands out. After the initial collection release, the team expanded their initiatives, introducing two more collections, a governance token, and eventually, a metaverse. These interconnected projects are meticulously designed around the concept of monkeys, amplifying their value, significance, and impact. Notably, BAYC boasts a detailed project whitepaper outlining the team’s plans, providing transparency and assurance to investors about the project’s future trajectory.

BAYC’s value extends beyond mere collectibility, encompassing a robust social component.

Upon purchasing a BAYC token, buyers gain membership not just in the form of a token, but in an exclusive community of like-minded crypto enthusiasts. Membership privileges within this closed club continue to expand and currently include:

  • Access to Exclusive Discord Server. Members join a private Discord server comprising over 30,000 individuals, including token holders and celebrities. This platform allows interaction and communication among the BAYC community members.
  • Ownership and Commercial Use Rights. Owners of BAYC NFTs possess not only the rights to their virtual apes but also the commercial freedom to monetize these assets. Owners can generate income by licensing the images or creating products based on their NFTs. For instance, a BAYC member created a Twitter account for their monkey, inventing a backstory. This narrative led to the creation of a biography by New York Times author Neil Strauss, detailing the virtual valet Jenkins, an employee of the yacht club.
  • Participation in Online and Offline Activities. BAYC members enjoy opportunities for both virtual and real-world engagement. They can attend exclusive events, including private parties. A notable offline event, Ape Fest, took place from October 31 to November 6, 2021, in New York. The festival featured diverse activities for monkey owners across the city, including a yacht party, charity dinners, and a concert featuring renowned personalities like Chris Rock, Aziz Ansari, and the Strokes. Over 700 attendees participated in these events. In June 2022, Ape Fest featured performances by artists like Eminem, Snoop Dogg, LCD Soundsystem, and Amy Schumer, further enhancing the unique experiences available to BAYC members. In 2023, ApeFest will be held in Hong Kong from November 3 to 5.

  • The Bathroom serves as a digital canvas for Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) graffiti holders. Each NFT owner has the opportunity to contribute by drawing one pixel every fifteen minutes on a designated virtual wall.
  • Access to derivative NFT collections. BAYC members gain exclusive entry to other NFT collections curated by Yuga Labs. Furthermore, they are eligible for free airdrops (we will talk about them below).

Remarkably, the creators managed to transform their monkeys into a cultural phenomenon. BAYC has transcended being merely an image; it now functions as a key to an exclusive community and serves as a status symbol. This transformation has led many individuals to invest substantial sums, ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, in these digital images.

Which celebrities own BAYC NFT?

Notably, BAYC has garnered significant attention from celebrities. A-listers prominently feature NFTs as their avatars on social media platforms, incorporate them into videos, and even participate in events dedicated to these digital creations. This widespread celebrity endorsement has introduced BAYC to hundreds of millions of people, further enhancing its popularity and reach.

Celebrity own BAYC

Bored Ape owners include:

  • American singer and show woman Paris Hilton,
  • Pop legend Madonna,
  • Singer Justin Bieber,
  • Actor Kevin Hart,
  • Broadcaster Jimmy Fallon,
  • Musician Lil Baby,
  • Rappers Snoop Dogg and Eminem, Post Malone and Jermaine Dupri,
  • Billionaire Mark Cuban ,
  • Basketball players Shaquille O’Neal, Stephen Curry, Josh Hart, LaMelo Ball and Tyrese Haliburton,
  • American football stars Dez Bryant, Tom Brady and Von Miller,
  • Musical groups The Chainsmokers and Waka Flocka Flame.
  • Post Malone even managed to show the process of buying Bored Ape through the MoonPay app in a recent clip from The Weeknd – One Right Now. At the time of writing the video has received more than 106 million views on YouTube.

Imagine, we have listed only a small part of the celebrities who have invested large sums in these bizarre works.

Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ecosystem is a thriving digital universe that combines exclusive NFT collectibles, vibrant community engagement, and innovative utility. With celebrities endorsing these NFTs and an expanding range of interactive experiences, the BAYC ecosystem stands as a pinnacle of creativity and community within the NFT space.

Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC)

Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) introduces a collection of 20,000 uniquely mutated apes, each boasting an array of distinctive physical flaws. These mutations range from eerie rotting features to curious growths and even blurry snouts, making each mutant ape a truly one-of-a-kind creation. Upon the launch of the Mutant Ape Yacht Club, owners of Bored Apes were gifted a unique “serum.” This serum could be fused with their existing Bored Ape, resulting in the creation of an entirely new Mutant Ape character.

The purpose behind their creation was to acknowledge the enthusiasm of BAYC owners for the community, while also enticing more collectors to join the ecosystem. The initial price of MAYC stood at 3 ETH, and astonishingly, the entire collection was sold out within just one hour in August 2021, generating a staggering $96 million for the project team.

What sets MAYC apart is the introduction of innovative “serums,” randomly distributed among users. These serums hold the power to transform ordinary Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) monkeys into unique MAYC mutants. The serums come in three distinct levels:

  • M1 and M2 Serums: These serums allow users to create a mutant monkey with some resemblances to the original BAYC character. The mutations are noticeable yet maintain a connection to the ape’s origins.
  • M3 Serum: The coveted M3 serum takes the concept further by enabling the creation of an entirely new mutant monkey. This serum enhances the ape’s uniqueness, resulting in a mutant creation that stands apart from the rest, making it a highly prized asset in the NFT realm.

Most Expensive Sales MAYC

  • You can buy a token for a minimum of 4.8 ETH,
  • Total sales exceeded 988K ETH (Over $1.5 billion),
  • The most expensive MAYC #30002 was sold for 500 ETH,
  • Over 11K unique owners (58%).

You can also check out our ranking of the rarest MAYC tokens.

Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC)

Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) comprises 10,000 unique NFT dogs, each possessing distinctive traits. The collection is designed around a particular theme: a bored ape’s melancholy can be comforted by the presence of a faithful companion dog, bringing warmth and joy. Unlike the MAYC, the BAKC was exclusively offered to existing BAYC members. In June 2021, digital dogs were randomly distributed to BAYC owners for free as part of their perk – one dog for each BAYC. Within a limited timeframe, these members had the opportunity to “adopt” one of these 10,000 charming dogs. Notably, during the initial six weeks, a 2.5% royalty fee from secondary market sales was directed towards supporting no-kill animal shelters, adding a philanthropic aspect to the endeavor.

bored ape yacht club nft

  • You can buy a token for a minimum of 1.5 ETH,
  • Total sales exceeded 273K ETH (Over $430k),
  • The most expensive BAKC #5908 was sold for 50 ETH,
  • Over 5K unique owners (53%).

ApeCoin Governance Token

ApeCoin ( $APE ) serves as the economic management token within the BAYC ecosystem, fostering community development. It operates as an ERC-20 token specifically designed to empower the community of bored monkeys. Yuga Labs, the brains behind the BAYC collection, has integrated ApeCoin across all its products and services.

Why is this relevant in our article? Well, 15% of the total coin supply was distributed to BAYC holders, enabling them to engage in lucrative trading activities on various prominent cryptocurrency exchanges.

  • The total supply of $APE stands at 1 billion coins;
  • The cryptocurrency’s market capitalization has surpassed $420 million;
  • The value of a single Apecoin recently ranged from $1.1 to $2;
  • The token reached its peak value on April 29, 2022, hitting $23.

Otherside Metaverse

On March 19, 2022, Yuga Labs took the virtual world by storm, unveiling a captivating trailer for the highly anticipated Otherside metaverse via their official Twitter account. Unlike anything seen before, this metaverse is a masterpiece of gamification, combining elements of role-playing games with iconic characters from popular NFT collections including BAYC, MAYC, CryptoPunks, Meebits , World of Women , Cool Cats and others blue chips.

What sets Otherside apart is its unique collaboration with industry giants Animoca Brands and Improbable, promising a groundbreaking virtual experience. In this immersive metaverse, NFT enthusiasts can interact with digital assets from well-known collections, creating an interconnected universe of creativity and innovation.

However, what truly sets Otherside apart from the rest is its ambitious endeavor to create a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) metaverse. This bold step aims to seamlessly integrate diverse NFT universes, providing players with an unparalleled gaming experience that transcends traditional boundaries.  

Today, Otherside is a strategic priority for the entire ecosystem, as recently confirmed by the company’s CEO, pointing out strategic focuses .

How much do BAYC cost?

In April, 2021 the mint price was 0.08 ETH ($190). To visualize the price growth, we made a cut at the average price for 1 NFT:

  • In August 2021: 24 ETH;
  • In October 2021: 62 ETH;
  • In January 2022: 116 ETH;
  • In May 2022: 159 ETH;
  • In August 2022: 120 ETH;
  • In January 2023: 75 ETH;
  • In August 2023: 28 ETH.

Now (October 2023) the floor price is 26 ETH. On average, the latest sales are in the range of 24-40 ETH. To date, the sales volume has surpassed a remarkable 1.3 million ETH, equivalent to a staggering $2.17 billion.

The most expensive BAYC sales

  • In September 2021, Yuga Labs achieved a significant milestone by selling a collection of 101 NFTs for an impressive $24.4 million at Sotheby’s.
  • #8817 fetched an astonishing $3.4 million at Sotheby’s by the close of October 2021, further solidifying the club’s status as a coveted and valuable collection in the NFT market.
  • #7537 sold on June 15, 2022 for 1024 ETH ($1.2M at time of purchase).
  • #6388 sold on July 9, 2022 for 869.69 ETH ($1M at time of purchase).
  • #232 sold on November 23, 2022 for 800 ETH ($947k at time of purchase).

Most Expensive Sales NFT BAYC

You can also see our ranking of the most expensive , rarest and most popular BAYC NFTs.

Where to buy Bored Ape Yacht Club?

In early April 2021, the NFTs were at their peak and quickly sold out. Now they can only be bought in secondary markets. You can see all NFTs available for sale on their page only on the marketplaces:

  • LooksRare ,

How to buy Bored Ape Yacht Club?

Wondering how to become a part of the Bored Ape Yacht Club community? Here’s a simple guide:

  • Connect Your Crypto Wallet: Start by linking your crypto wallet, ensuring secure storage for your digital assets.
  • Visit the Official Collection: Locate the official Bored Ape Yacht Club collection. You can find links to official accounts in the previous paragraph.
  • Choose Your NFT: Explore the collection to find the specific NFT you wish to purchase. Click on the NFT and then hit the “Buy” button.
  • Place a Bid (Optional): Alternatively, you can place a bid on the token you like. Ensure you have enough ETH to cover gas or transaction fees. If the seller accepts your bid, the transaction will proceed.
  • Congratulations!: Once the deal is confirmed, you officially become a valued member of the Yuga Labs community. Enjoy your newfound privileges!

Collaborations and news about BAYC

This extensive review would be incomplete if we did not touch on important news about the project itself. So, below are the largest of them.

  • In October 2021, Yuga Labs inked a deal with renowned music manager Guy Osiri, known for his collaborations with Madonna and U2. Osiri’s agency, Maverick Records, will serve as the representative for BAYC in the realms of film, television, and music.
  • Following suit, in November 2021, music powerhouse Universal Music revealed its intentions to create a virtual metaverse centered around NFT apes. Additionally, they announced the promotion of a virtual group named Kingship, comprised of three rare Bored Ape members and one Mutant Ape.

  • In November 2021, American rapper and producer Timbaland made a significant move by purchasing multiple BAYCs and establishing Ape-In Productions. This company and platform are dedicated to crafting content for various metaverse applications, specifically those incorporating BAYC visuals. Timbaland’s venture introduced TheZoo, a virtual group comprised of six Bored Ape members. The label debuted their inaugural track, “ApeSh!t,” accompanied by a music video in March 2021.

  • In early November 2021, the renowned magazine Rolling Stone unveiled an exclusive NFT cover showcasing a Bored Ape. Limited to 2,500 copies, this special edition sold out within a mere four minutes, emphasizing its immense popularity.

Rolling Stone Bored Ape NFT BAYC

  • In December, 2021, Adidas launched its first NFT project, Into The Metaverse , in collaboration with several Bored Ape Yacht Club, Punk Comics, and NFT influencer Gmoney . Collaboration between Adidas and BAYC is coming soon on both virtual and physical wear.
  • In June 2022, Snoop Dogg and Eminem launched a fresh track and music video featuring the Bored Apes collaboration. Both artists took on the persona of animated monkeys in the video. As of the latest update, the official channel has amassed over 88 million views for this captivating collaboration.

  • In July, 2023, Yuga Labs launched network licensing for BAYC and MAYC brands called “ Made by Apes ”. Owners of these NFTs can officially register their goods, services or company under the NFT brand based on a unique online license.
  • On August, 2023, Snoop Dogg and the world-famous shoe brand Skechers presented a collaboration in the form of a limited collection of street shoes called Dr. Bombay featuring a leopard BAYC. A total of 5 models in the collection with elements of leopard style and a large image of a leopard NFT ape. The cost is from 75 to 100 dollars.
  • In September, 2023, the team has revealed its latest collaboration with the legendary Japanese streetwear brand BAPE . The collaboration will feature an extremely limited collection available exclusively to the community. The collaboration will feature an extremely limited collection available exclusively to the community. The premiere will take place at ApeFest 2023 in Hong Kong.
  • In September, 2023, Yuga Labs announced The Yacht Club Open House IRL event. This inaugural event, designed to welcome non-members, promises a day filled with panel talks, immersive encounters, and the chance to connect with web3 creators, collectors, and the crypto-curious.

The Future of Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) has undeniably made its mark on the NFT and blockchain landscapes, but its journey is far from over. Looking ahead, we can expect BAYC to not just maintain its momentum but also soar to even greater heights.

BAYC has transcended into a cultural phenomenon, and its popularity is set to surge as more individuals get acquainted with its unique appeal. Several factors, such as the growing acceptance of NFTs, the metaverse’s rising popularity, and the steadfast support from its vibrant community, will act as the driving force behind its continued expansion.

In the realm of blockchain, BAYC is positioning itself as the most major player. The club’s potential lies in its ability to innovate, constantly introducing groundbreaking products and services. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, BAYC could reshape how we engage with digital assets and virtual experiences, setting new standards in the industry.

BAYC’s future is remarkably promising. Its current success, combined with ongoing innovations, suggests a future where BAYC will wield significant influence over the NFT and blockchain sectors. Keep an eye on this space; exciting developments are undoubtedly on the horizon.

Should you invest in Bored Ape Yacht Club?

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, the Bored Ape Yacht Club has emerged as a significant player, capturing the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. The question on many minds is: Should you invest in Bored Ape Yacht Club?

At its core, BAYC is not just a collection of unique and artistic NFTs; it represents a thriving community and a cultural phenomenon. The exclusivity and creativity embedded in each Bored Ape make them highly coveted digital assets. With celebrities, influencers, and notable personalities endorsing BAYC, its popularity has skyrocketed, leading to substantial market demand.

Investing in these NFTs offers the allure of potential profits, especially given its historical price trends and the ever-expanding NFT market. The limited supply of 10,000 Bored Apes ensures their rarity, a key factor driving their value. Additionally, BAYC’s foray into the metaverse and collaborations with renowned artists and musicians hint at its potential for long-term growth and innovation.

However, like any NFT investment , BAYC comes with risks. The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market means prices can fluctuate rapidly. Potential investors must conduct thorough research, understanding the market trends, community dynamics, and the overall utility of BAYC within the NFT ecosystem.

In conclusion, investing in Bored Ape Yacht Club can be a lucrative venture for those willing to navigate the complexities of the crypto world. With its strong community, unique value proposition, and continuous developments, BAYC stands as a compelling investment opportunity. As always, diversification and a well-informed approach are key when considering any investment in the digital realm.

Opinion of NFTmetria

In the vast sea of NFT collections, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) has emerged as a beacon of exclusivity and innovation. While countless NFT projects come and go, only a select few truly capture the public’s imagination, and BAYC stands firmly among them. Its unprecedented popularity can be attributed to several key factors, making it a standout choice for both collectors and investors.

  • Celebrity Allure and Social Status: One of the driving forces behind BAYC’s meteoric rise is the endorsement by celebrities and influencers. When influential figures, like Jimmy Fallon and Justin Bieber, proudly display their Bored Apes, it creates a hype that resonates far beyond the crypto community. BAYC serves not just as a digital art collection, but as a social symbol, a pass to an exclusive club where social status intertwines with digital ownership.
  • Active Community and Social Component: BAYC has redefined the concept of NFT ownership. It’s no longer just about owning a piece of digital art; it’s about being part of a thriving community. The active engagement within the BAYC community fosters a sense of belonging, turning mere token holders into active participants in a digital society. This social component, where digital assets mirror real-world social interactions, is reshaping the way we perceive ownership in the digital realm.
  • A Glimpse into the Future: While BAYC is undeniably a form of conspicuous consumption, it also serves as a trailblazer for the crypto sector. Its success raises an intriguing question: Could blockchain technology find its true calling in the realm of entertainment, paving the way for a future where digital experiences hold as much value as physical possessions? As mass adoption of blockchain technology inches closer, BAYC’s unique blend of art, social interaction, and celebrity endorsement might very well point the way forward.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, Bored Ape Yacht Club stands as a testament to the potential of digital assets beyond financial investments. Its allure goes beyond monetary value; it represents a cultural shift where the digital and physical worlds intersect. As we witness the unfolding chapters of blockchain technology, BAYC offers a tantalizing glimpse into what the future might hold – a future where our digital lives are as rich and meaningful as our physical ones. Only time will reveal the full extent of this transformative journey.

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How Four NFT Novices Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of Cartoon Apes

By Samantha Hissong

Samantha Hissong

J ust last year, the four thirtysomethings behind Bored Ape Yacht Club — a collection of 10,000 NFTs, which house cartoon primates and unlock the virtual world they live in — were living modest lifestyles and working day jobs as they fiddled with creative projects on the side. Now, they’re multimillionaires who made it big off edgy, haphazardly constructed art pieces that also act as membership cards to a decentralized community of madcaps. What’s more punk rock than that?

The phenomenal nature of it all has to do with the recent appearance, all over the internet, of images of grungy apes with unimpressed expressions on their faces and human clothes on their sometimes-multicolored, sometimes-metal bodies. Most of the apes look like characters one might see in a comic about hipsters in Williamsburg — some are smoking and some have pizza hanging from their lips, while others don leather jackets, beanies, and grills. The core-team Apes describe the graffiti-covered bathroom of the club itself — which looks like a sticky Tiki bar — in a way that echoes that project’s broader mission: “Think of it as a collaborative art experiment for the cryptosphere.” As for the pixel-ish walls around the virtual toilet, that’s really just “a members-only canvas for the discerning minds of crypto Twitter,” according to a blurb on the website, which recognizes that it’s probably “going to be full of dicks.”

(Full-disclosure: Rolling Stone just announced a partnership with the Apes and is creating a collectible zine — similar to what the magazine did with Billie Eilish — and NFTs.)

“I always go balls to the wall,” founding Ape Gordon Goner tells Rolling Stone over Zoom. Everything about Goner, who could pass for a weathered 30 or a young 40, screams “frontman,” from his neck tattoo to his sturdy physique to the dark circles under his eyes and his brazen attitude. He’s a risk taker: Back during his gambling-problem days, he admits he’d “kill it at the tables” and then lose it all at the slot machines on the way to the car. He’s also the only one in the group that wasn’t working a normal nine-to-five before the sudden tsunami of their current successes — and that’s because he’s never had a “real job. Not bad for a high school dropout,” he says through a smirk. Although Goner and his comrades’ aesthetic and rapport mirror that of a musical act freshly thrust into stardom, they’re actually the creators of Yuga Labs, a Web3 company. 

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Goner and his partners in creative crime — Gargamel, No Sass, and Emperor Tomato Ketchup — were inspired by the communities of crypto lovers that have blossomed on platforms like Twitter in recent years. Clearly, people with this once-niche interest craved a destination to gather, discuss blockchain-related developments, and hurl the most inside of inside jokes. Why not, they thought, give NFT collectors their own official home? And Bored Ape Yacht Club was born.

This summer, 101 of Yuga Labs’ Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens, which were first minted in early May, resold for $24.4 million in an auction hosted by the fine-art house Sotheby’s. Competitor Christie’s followed shortly thereafter, auctioning off an art collectors’ haul of modern-day artifacts — which included four apes — for $12 million. Around the same time, one collector bought a single token directly from OpenSea — kind of like eBay for NFTs — for $2.65 million. A few weeks later, another Sotheby’s sale set a new auction record for the most-valuable single Bored Ape ever sold: Ape number 8,817 went for $3.4 million. At press time, tokens related to the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem — this includes the traditional apes, but also things called “mutant” apes and the apes’ pets — had generated around $1 billion. “My name’s not even Gordon,” says Goner, who, like the rest of Yuga Labs’ inner circle, chooses to hide his true identity behind a quirky pseudonym. “Gordon Goner just sounded like Joey Ramone. And that made it sound like I was in a band called the Goners. I thought that was fucking cool. But when we first started, I kept asking, ‘Are we the Beastie Boys of NFTs?’ Because, right after our initial success it felt like the Beastie Boys going on tour with Madonna: Everyone was like, ‘Who the fuck are these kids?’ ” (Funnily enough, Madonna’s longtime manager, Guy Oseary, signed on to rep the foursome about a month after Goner made this comment to Rolling Stone .) He’s referring to the commotion that immediately followed the first few days of Bored Ape Yacht Club’s existence, when sales were dismal. “Things were moving so slowly in that weeklong presale,” recalls Goner’s more soft-spoken colleague, Emperor Tomato Ketchup. “I think we made something between $30,000 and $60,000 total in sales. And then, overnight, it exploded. All of us were like, ‘Oh fuck, this is real now.’ ” The 10,000 tokens — each originally priced at 0.08 Ethereum (ETH), around $300 — had sold out. While the crypto community may have been asking who they were, the general public started wondering what all the fuss was about. Even Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry started using his ape as his Twitter profile picture, for all of his 15.5 million followers to behold. 

Bored Ape art isn’t as valuable as it is because it’s visually pleasing, even though it is. It’s valuable because it also serves as a digital identity — for which its owner receives commercial usage rights, meaning they can sell any sort of spinoff product based on the art. The tokens, meanwhile, act like ID cards that give the owners access to an online Soho House of sorts — just a nerdier, more buck-wild one. Noah Davis, who heads up Christie’s online sales department for digital art, says that it’s the “perennial freebies and perks” that solidify the Bored Ape Yacht Club as “one of the most rewarding and coveted memberships.” “In the eyes of most — if not almost all of the art community — BAYC is completely misunderstood,” he says. However, within other tribes of pop culture, he continues, hugely prominent figures cherish the idea of having a global hub for some of the most “like-minded, tech-savvy, and forward-thinking individuals on the planet.” Gargamel is “a name I ridiculously gave myself based off the fact that my fiancée had never seen The Smurfs when we were launching this,” says Goner’s right-hand man, who looks kind of like a cross between the character he named himself after and an indie-music-listening liberal-arts school alum. He’s flabbergasted at the unexpected permanence of it all. “Now, I meet with CEOs of billion-dollar companies, and I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m Gargamel. What is it that you would like to speak to me about?’ ” 

The gang bursts out in laughter.

In conversing, Gargamel and Goner, whose relationship is the connective tissue that brought the others in, are mostly playful — but they do bicker, similar to how a frontman and lead guitarist might butt heads in learning to share the spotlight. They first met in their early twenties at a dive bar, in Miami, where they were both born and raised, and immediately started arguing about books. “He doesn’t like David Foster Wallace because he’s wrong about things,” Goner interjects, cheekily, as Gargamel attempts to tell their story. “He hasn’t even read Infinite Jest . He criticizes him, and yet he’s never read the book! He’s like, ‘Oh, it’s pretentious MFA garbage.’ No, it’s not.” Gargamel then points out that he has read other books by Wallace, while No Sass, who still hasn’t chimed in, flashes a half-smile that suggests they’ve been down this road more than once before. “I think, on the whole, he was the worst thing to happen to fucking MFA programs, given all the things people were churning out,” says Gargamel. They eventually decide to agree that Wallace, like J.D. Salinger, isn’t always interpreted correctly or taught well, and we move on — only after Goner points out the tattoos he got for Kurt Vonnegut and Charles Bukowski “at like 17,” but before diving too deep into postmodernist concepts. Goner and Gargamel’s relationship speaks to how the group operates as a whole, according to No Sass, whose name is self-explanatory. “There’s always a yin and yang going on,” he says. Throughout the call, No Sass continues to make sense of things and keep the others in check in an unwavering manner, positioning him as the backbone of the group — or our metaphorical drummer. “It’s like, I’ll come up with the idea that wins us the game,” Goner says, referencing his casino-traversing past. “And his job is to make sure we make it to the car park.” No Sass’ rhythm-section counterpart is clearly Tomato, the pseudo-band’s secret weapon who’s loaded with talent and harder to read. (He picked his name while staring at an album of the same name by English-French band Stereolab.) The project’s name, Bored Ape Yacht Club, represents a club for people who got rich quick by “aping in” — crypto slang for investing big in something unsure — and, thusly, are too bored to do anything but create memes and debate about analytics. The “yacht” part is coated in satire, given that the digital clubhouse the apes congregate in was designed to look like a dive bar in the swampy Everglades. 

Gargamel, whose college roommate started mining Bitcoin back in 2010, got Goner into crypto in 2017, when the latter was bedridden with an undisclosed illness, bored, and on his phone. “I knew he had a risk-friendly profile,” Gargamel says. “I said, ‘I’m throwing some money into some stupid shit here. You wanna get in this with me?’ He immediately took to it so hard, and we rode that euphoric wave of 2017 crypto up — and then cried all the way down the other side of the roller coaster.” At the start of 2021, they looked at modern relics like CryptoPunks and Hashmasks, which have both become a sort of cultural currency, and they looked at “crypto Twitter,” and wondered what would happen if they combined the collectible-art component with community membership via gamification. The idea was golden but they weren’t technologically savvy enough to know how to build the back end. So, Gargamel called up No Sass and Tomato, who both studied computer science at the same university he had attended for grad school. “I had no idea what was involved in the code for this,” Gargamel admits. “I read something that said something about Javascript, so I called them and said, ‘Do you guys know anything about Javascript?’ And that couldn’t be further from what you’re supposed to know.” While they were tech-savvy, No Sass and Tomato were not crypto-savvy. They both wrote their first lines of solidity code — a language for smart contracts — in February of this year. “I was like, ‘Just learn it! It’s going to be great. Let’s go,’ ” recalls Gargamel. “From a technical perspective, some of the stuff that we’ve built out has had relatively janky workflows, which people then seize upon, asking us how we did it,” says Tomato. “It’s actually stake-and-wire or whatever, but nobody else has done it.” A lot of “stress and fear” went into the first drop, according to No Sass: “We were constantly on the phone going, ‘Oh, shit, is this OK? Is it going to explode?’ ” He shakes his head. “I wish we still had simple NFT drops. We can pump those out superfast now.” “Every single thing we do scares the shit out of me,” adds Tomato.

They started out with unsharpened goals of capitalizing on a very clear trend. But a fter one particularly enervating night of incessant spitballing, Goner realized that all he really wanted was something to do and for like-minded people to talk to in an immersive, fantastical world. Virtual art was enticing, but it needed to do something too. “We’d see these NFT collections that didn’t have any utility,” Goner says. “That didn’t make any sense to me at the time, because you can cryptographically verify who owns these things. Why wouldn’t you offer some sort of utility?”

Gargamel told him the next day he loved the clubhouse idea so much that he’d want to do it even if it was a failure. They realized they just craved “a hilarious story to tell 10 years later,” Gargamel says. “I figured we’d say, ‘Yeah, we spent 40 grand and six months making a club for apes, but it didn’t go anywhere.’ And that’s how we actually started having fun in the process.” Goner chimes in: “Because at least we could say, ‘This is how we spent our summer. How ridiculous is that? We made the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and it was a total disaster.’ ”  Gargamel interjects to remind everyone that Tomato ended up reacting to their springtime victory by buying a Volvo, the memory of which incites another surge of laughter. They haven’t indulged in too many lavish purchases since then, but they all ordered Pelotons, Tomato bought a second Volvo, and they all paid their moms back for supporting them in becoming modern-day mad scientists. “I’ll never forget the night that we sold out,” says No Sass. “It was like two or three in the morning, and I hear my phone ring. I see that it’s Tomato and think something has gone terribly wrong. I pick up the phone and he’s like, ‘Dude, you need to wake up right now. We just made a million dollars.’ ” Nansen, a company that tracks blockchain analytics, reported that for one night Bored Ape Yacht Club had the most-used smart contract on Ethereum. “That’s absurd,” says Gargamel. “Uniswap [a popular network of decentralized finance apps] does billions and billions of transactions. But for that one night, we took over the world.” At press time, the foursome — let’s just go ahead and call them the Goners — had personally generated about $22 million from the secondary market alone. “Every time I talk to my parents about how this has blown up, they literally do not know what to say,” adds Tomato, whose mom started crying when he first explained what had happened.

Since its opening, the group has created pets for the apes via the Bored Ape Kennel Club, as well as the Mutant Ape Yacht Club. The latter was launched to expand the community to interested individuals who weren’t brave enough to “ape in” at the beginning: Yuga Labs unleashed 10,000 festering, bubbling, and/or oozing apes — complete with missing limbs and weird growths — via a surprise Dutch auction, which was used to deter bots from snatching up inventory by starting at a maximum price and working its way down. With a starting price of 3 ETH — or about $11,000 — this move opened up the playing field for about an hour, which is how long it took for the mutants to sell out. (The team also randomly airdropped 10,000 “serums,” which now pop up on OpenSea for tens of thousands of dollars, for pre-existing Apes to “drink” and thusly create zombified clones.) When they sold 500 tangible hats to ape-holders in June, the guys spent days packaging products in Gargamel’s mom’s backyard in Florida. “Immediately, some of them sold for thousands of dollars,” Gargamel exclaims. “It was a $25 hat. We were like, ‘Holy shit, we can be a Web3 streetwear brand. What does that even look like?’ ”

bar interior mutant arcade bored apes yacht club

But the team is still searching for ways to create more value by building even more doors that the tokens can unlock. They recently surprised collectors with a treasure hunt; the winner received 5 ETH — worth more than $16,000 at press time — and another ape. And on Oct. 1, they announced the first annual Ape Fest, which runs from Oct. 31 through Nov. 6 and includse an in-person gallery party, yacht party, warehouse party, merch pop-up, and charity dinner in New York. Goner tells Rolling Stone that they’re currently discussing partnership ideas with multiple musical acts, but he refuses to reveal additional details in fear of jinxing things. Further down the line, the Goners see a future of interoperability, so that collectors can upload their apes into various corners of the metaverse: Hypothetically, an ape could appear inside a popular video game like Fortnite , and the user could dress it in digital versions of Bored Ape Yacht Club merch. “We want to encourage that as much as possible,” says Gargamel. “We’re making three-dimensional models of everybody’s ape now. But, y’know, making 10,000 perfect models takes a little bit of time.” At the start of the year, the guys had no idea their potentially disastrous idea would become a full-time job. They were working 14 hours a day to get the project up and running, and after the big drop, they decided to up that to 16 hours a day. “None of us have really slept in almost seven months now,” says Goner. “We’re teetering on burnout.” To avoid that, Yuga Labs has already put a slew of artists on staff and hired social media managers and Discord community managers, as well as a CFO. “We want to be a Web3 lifestyle company,” says Goner, who emphasizes that they’re still growing. “I’m a metaverse maximalist at this point. I think that Ready Player One experience is really on the cusp of happening in this world.” If Bored Ape Yacht Club is essentially this band of brothers’ debut album, there’s really no telling what their greatest hits will look like.

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bored ape yacht club nft

A BATHING APE® x Bored Ape Yacht Club

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BAPE® x BAYC SHARK STA - Available October 12th 

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What Is Bored Ape Yacht Club?

  • Understanding BAYC
  • BAYC's High Value
  • More Than an NFT

The Bottom Line

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Strategy & Education

bored ape yacht club nft

Erika Rasure is globally-recognized as a leading consumer economics subject matter expert, researcher, and educator. She is a financial therapist and transformational coach, with a special interest in helping women learn how to invest.

bored ape yacht club nft

Bored Ape Yacht Club, popularly called BAYC, launched in 2021, is a collection of 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain . These NFTs are graphical representations of cartoon-like apes with specific traits. The characters have combinations of backgrounds, earrings, clothes, fur, eyes, expressions, and more that make them all unique.

Key Takeaways

  • Bored Ape Yacht Club is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection of 10,000 cartoon-like apes.
  • At launch, each Bored Ape Yacht Club token cost 0.08 Ether (ETH), or $220; by mid-October 2022, they cost 76 ETH, or approximately $100,418.
  • BAYC was developed in April 2021 by Yuga Labs, whose founders use the pseudonyms Gordon Goner and Gargamel.
  • Rarity and celebrity endorsement drove the high price of the BAYC collection. 
  • Some consider BAYC a status symbol, and celebrities like NBA star Stephen Curry, singers Eminem and Snoop Dogg, and late-night show host Jimmy Fallon own one.

History of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)

The Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT was launched in 2021 at the pinnacle of the cryptocurrency bull market. Yuga Labs developed the Bored Ape Yacht Club. The Yuga Labs team comprised four core members who appeared under these pseudonyms in the early days of the launch: Gordon Goner and Gargamel (co-founders), No Sass, and Emperor Tomato Ketchup, who handled the technical aspects of BAYC.

BuzzFeed, a news publication, broke a story in February 2022 revealing two of the co-founders’ identities. This led the other two core members to also give up their incognito status and post pictures of themselves on X (formerly Twitter).

On March 11, 2022, Yuga Labs acquired the intellectual property for rival NFT collections CryptoPunks and Meebits, giving it ownership of the brand and logo of each of those NFT collections. CryptoPunks is one of the earliest NFT projects and was among the most valued NFT collections on the NFT marketplace OpenSea. It had a total trading volume of 1 million ETH before it was delisted in February 2022 for a copyright violation.

In a historic moment in September 2021, Sotheby’s , one of the world’s largest auction houses, closed its online auction for 101 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs at a price of $24.4 million.

Early Fundraising and Interest

In a fundraising round led by venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, the Yuga Labs team raised $450 million. In March 2022, it was reported to be valued at $4 billion. Yuga Labs planned to use the capital to expand its activities and accelerate brand growth.

When launched, a BAYC NFT cost 0.08 Ether (ETH), the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum platform. That was equivalent to $220 at the time. It sold out within 12 hours. By mid-October 2022, it had climbed to a “floor price” of 76 ETH, or approximately $100,418. An NFT's floor price is the minimum price allowed for an NFT within a collection.

BAYC garnered interest from a few celebrities, who purchased the NFTs at inflated prices. Some high-profile stars who flaunt their BAYC include “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon, who bought Bored Ape #599; NBA champions Steph Curry and Shaquille O’Neal; singers Snoop Dogg, Eminem, and Justin Bieber; and world-class soccer player Neymar Jr.

Contrary to popular belief, the images are not the non-fungible tokens. The tokens are a hashed version of the image's metadata, and the images are stored (hosted) elsewhere. The tokens are transferred when rights to the images are sold.

What Makes BAYC Valuable?

Whether the Bored Ape collection is truly worth millions of dollars has been hotly debated. Some believe the high valuations are simply based on speculation. But, in fact, rarity, demand, celebrity endorsements, perks, and project development have driven the collection’s value.

The array of BAYC’s unique traits and accessories are used to measure its value. The term “rarity” gauges how unusual an NFT is within a collection with an assigned number. In the BAYC collection, there are more than 160 traits, and each ape may have four to seven trait categories. These traits are background, clothes, earrings, eyes, fur, hat, and mouth.

The most expensive Bored Ape in the collection, BAYC #8817, was auctioned in October 2021 for $3.4 million on Sotheby’s Metaverse marketplace, an online platform dedicated to rare and extraordinary NFTs. BAYC #8817 had the Solid Gold Fur trait—making it a relatively rare variety of the NFT. Other characteristics of the #8817 token are the Silver Hoop Earrings and the Wool Turtleneck.

Celebrity Endorsement

BAYC has enticed several celebrities and brands to own pieces of its NFT collection. Adidas contributed to the hype surrounding the NFT collection by launching “Into the Metaverse,” its native digital collectible, in partnership with Bored Ape Yacht Club, Gmoney, and PUNKS Comic.

Following the partnership launch, BAYC uploaded an image of a Bored Ape wearing an Adidas jacket on X. Gmoney tweeted a silhouette picture that displayed the Adidas logo. PUNKS Comic tweeted a picture of a character wearing a shirt bearing the Adidas logo.

Other celebrities, beyond those already mentioned, who bought BAYC include billionaire Mark Cuban, prominent X personality and DJ Steve Aoki, X personalities and musicians Post Malone and Mike Shinoda, and producer and songwriter Timbaland.

Perks and Development 

One of the distinctive features of the Bored Ape NFT, compared with other NFT collections, is the perks. Owners of Bored Apes have exclusive access to a private Discord group where they chat, network, and build relationships with other Bored Ape members, including celebrities who own a Bored Ape. Ape holders also have access to “The Bathroom,” letting them draw whatever comes to mind on a virtual bathroom wall every 15 minutes.

ApeCoin is the official currency for the Bored Ape ecosystem and is used to purchase BAYC merchandise, event tickets, and more. ApeCoin DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization whose members—every ApeCoin holder—govern the DAO’s treasury and decide on future projects by voting on proposals.

Also, owning a Bored Ape is considered a status symbol among many individuals, contributing to its popularity among a certain crowd.

The Future of Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club has a community of active members, and the NFTs are actively traded on marketplaces. The ApeDAO consistently votes on funding for different project proposals and is searching for ways to further involve itself in Web3 development.

As of July 2024, the BAYC appears to be positioning itself for the future, but what that future entails is anyone's guess. While funded and apparently popular among a specific crowd, the project has somewhat faltered in finding its place in the market after its initial successes.

How Much Are Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs Worth?

The price floor for BYAC on July 25, 2024, was 9.30 ETH, which was about $30,000.

What Does a Bored Ape Give You Access To?

A Bored Ape NFT gives you access to the project's Discord channel and ApeCoin, which can be used in governance activities within the ApeDAO.

What Happened to Bored Ape Yacht Club?

The NFT collection still exists, and there is trading activity, but the NFTs in the collection have dropped in value compared to their highs in 2021. In July 2024, many were priced between $28,000 and $36,000, with a few in the $40,000 range.

BAYC has evolved into more than a profile-picture (PFP) NFT. It has set a new standard and pace for other NFT collections with the various additions and the project's evolution. Yuga Labs has introduced products built on the blockchain as well as physical products from the Bored Ape collection.

The comments, opinions, and analyses expressed on Investopedia are for informational purposes online. Read our  warranty and liability disclaimer  for more info.

OpenSea. “ Bored Ape Yacht Club .”

Yuga Labs. “ Let’s Make a NFT .”

Decrypt. “ The Biggest Celebrity NFT Owners in the Bored Ape Yacht Club .”

X. “ @BoredApeYC: Apr. 23, 2021 .”

BuzzFeed News. “ We Found the Real Names of Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Pseudonymous Founders .”

X. “ @TomatoBAYC: Feb. 8, 2022 .”

X. “ @SassBAYC: Feb. 8, 2022 .”

X. “ @yugalabs: Mar. 11, 2022 .”

OpenSea. “ CryptoPunks .”

Sotheby’s. “ Samsung’s State-of-the-Art 98 Inch Neo QLED TV on View at Sotheby’s .”

X. “ @Sothebysverse: Oct. 26, 2021 .”

X. “ @BoredApeYC: Nov. 28, 2021 .”

X. “ @gmoneyNFT: Nov. 28, 2021 .”

ApeCoin. “ ApeCoin Is for the Web3 Economy .”

Animoca Brands. " Animoca Brands Update on Financial Position as of 31 March 2024 ."

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We Found The Real Names Of Bored Ape Yacht Club’s Pseudonymous Founders

The buzzy NFT collection has raked in millions and the eager support of dozens of celebrities. But its founders’ anonymity raises questions about accountability in the age of crypto.

Katie Notopoulos

BuzzFeed News Reporter

bored ape yacht club nft

In late January , Paris Hilton appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show . In a segment that was widely mocked for its boosterism, Hilton and host Jimmy Fallon each pulled out printouts of their “Bored Apes” — digital images from a collection of 10,000 unique drawings. Fallon had purchased his last fall for around $216,000, and Hilton had just bought hers for over $300,000. Together the pair had spent half a million dollars on nonfungible tokens, or NFTS: unique digital assets that exist only on the blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger with no trusted intermediary.

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), a collection of simian avatars created by four pseudonymous founders, has quickly become an extremely lucrative venture in a fast-growing space. It recently surpassed competitors to become the most expensive NFT collection — the floor price to buy the cheapest ones is now over $280,000 , and the collection currently has a market cap of about $2.8 billion. Yuga Labs, the company that makes BAYC, is reportedly in talks with venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz about an investment that would value it at $5 billion (Horowitz, also an investor in BuzzFeed, did not respond to a request for comment).

{ "id": 128692181 } How do you hold them accountable if you don’t know who they are?

BAYC makes money not just from the initial sale (approximately $2 million) of its NFT apes, but also from a 2.5% royalty on future trades. It has real-world licensing deals with the likes of Adidas and was involved in a concert event with Chris Rock and the Strokes. Now held by dozens of celebrities, the Bored Apes have become a flashpoint for both excitement and skepticism about NFTs, which boosters say will revolutionize art and commerce by creating a level playing field free of race and gender, and detractors say are a speculative bubble at best and a scam at worst.

As the value of the asset they produced has skyrocketed, the identities of BAYC’s founders have become the subject of intense interest — not all of it positive . People have pointed out that apes in streetwear-inspired outfits and gold teeth is a racist trope (representatives for Yuga Labs vigorously denied this). Others have expressed concern that Seneca, the young Asian American artist who actually drew the main artwork , has been underacknowledged and undercompensated for her work. Nicole Muniz, the public-facing CEO of Yuga Labs, told BuzzFeed News, “Every single artist of the original five were compensated over a million dollars each." (Seneca did not respond a request for comment.) This reveals a unique problem with the idea of a billion-dollar company run by an unknown person: How do you hold them accountable if you don’t know who they are?

BuzzFeed News can now reveal the identities of BAYC’s two main founders: Greg Solano, a 32-year-old writer and editor, and Wylie Aronow, a 35-year-old originally from Florida.

Neither man immediately responded to a request for comment.

bored ape yacht club nft

Jimmy Fallon shows a printout of Paris Hilton’s Bored Ape on The Tonight Show .

BuzzFeed News searched public business records to reveal the identities of the two core founders, who go by the pseudonyms “Gordon Goner” and “Gargamel.” According to publicly available records, Yuga Labs, the company name behind BAYC, is incorporated in Delaware with an address associated with Greg Solano. Other records linked Solano to Wylie Aronow. Yuga Labs CEO Nicole Muniz confirmed the identities of both men to BuzzFeed News.

Speaking as Gordon Goner and Gargamel, the founders have given interviews to outlets like Rolling Stone and the New Yorker discussing the origin story of the idea of a group of rich apes living in a swamp clubhouse. The broad strokes of their biographies fit Solano and Aronow: They’re both in their 30s, met while growing up in Florida, and both had literary aspirations (one completed an MFA degree in creative writing, the other dropped out for health reasons, according to their interview in CoinDesk ). They both were interested in crypto and wanted to create some sort of NFT collection. They came up with the concept of rich apes living in a swamp clubhouse, hired a freelance illustrator to draw the apes, and partnered with two engineers as cofounders to execute the collection. The identities of the two engineer cofounders, “Emperor Tomato Ketchup” and “No Sass,” remain unknown.

Greg Solano, or “Gargamel,” appears as an editor and book critic on a few literary websites , and attended the University of Virginia. He coauthored a book about World of Warcraft along with one of the game's designers.

Wylie Aronow, 35, is also from Miami. Aronow lived in Chicago for a while, where he was interviewed by the Chicago Tribune in a “Readers of the Week” story where he and a friend were asked about what books they were reading (he said he had recently enjoyed a translation of the work of Russian author Nikolai Gogol).

In May 2021, a crypto company called Bitmex took Aronow to arbitration over a disputed domain name. Aronow had bought the domain name bitmex.guru in 2018, which Bitmex argued was clearly designed to trick people looking for the real Bitmex website. Aronow did not appear, and the arbitrator ordered that the domain name be transferred after his default in the proceeding.

Pseudonymity is an ingrained part of Web3, the umbrella term for a vision of a decentralized, user-owned internet with cryptocurrency payments and NFTs at its core. Proponents of Web3 see this as a chance to cure some of the ills of Web2’s toxic social platforms. Holyn Kanake , a former Twitter employee and influential crypto enthusiast, wrote in her Substack newsletter about the potential for communities not required to use their legal names — but held accountable by their blockchain reputation — to reduce harassment.

Playing with the concept of identity has also been a wellspring of creativity for NFT artists. One popular NFT artist who only goes by “ shl0ms ” sold an NFT of an image revealing his true identity details — but all that information was written in illegible white font. Other artists have used this to toy with the concepts of traditional copyright, from things like copying Damien Hirst’s famous polka dot s to selling images of Olive Gardens. (Disclaimer: This reporter owns one of those Olive Garden NFTs.)

Artistic value aside, the people behind BAYC are courting investors and running a business that is potentially worth billions.

bored ape yacht club nft

People walk by a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT billboard in Times Square on Jan. 25, 2022.

As NFTs continue to expand into popular culture and Web3 goes mainstream, the issue of pseudonymously run companies dealing with real money — and lots of it — is a new economic and legal reality.

There are reasons why in the traditional business world, the CEO or founder of a company uses their real name and not a pseudonym. For publicly traded companies, executives must be named in Securities and Exchange Commission disclosures and reports. For even smaller private companies, there are banking regulations and “know your customer” laws that require real names for banks lending money or holding accounts for companies. These laws are in part to prevent terrorists, criminals, or sanctioned nations from doing business in the US.

Solano and Aronow don’t appear to have any particular red flags (apart from Aronow domain name squatting ). But what if in a different NFT collective, the founders turn out to have a long criminal history or extreme political leanings that might make collectors regret spending huge sums of money on their products?

“It should not be difficult to know who you are dealing with,” Gary Kalman, director of the US office of the advocacy group Transparency International, told BuzzFeed News. “This is a pretty basic thing.” While a fancy VC firm might be able to find out more about who is really behind a company, the average NFT holder can’t. “Without transparency and openness, then everyday people that can’t do the due diligence that major corporations are doing, then that can create problems — and there’s no reason for it.”

{ "id": 128692195 } “It will meaningfully open up opportunities for people who otherwise have the odds against them.”

Some believe that the blockchain heralds a new and improved form of corporate transparency. “Yes, there can be accountability,” said Mark Cuban , entrepreneur and owner of two Bored Apes. “The reason is that all transactions are based on smart contracts and written to the blockchain, which is the antithesis of traditional business. What other collectibles business publishes all their sales and business processes?”

It’s possible that pseudonymous companies could become our new reality. Soona Amhaz, a partner at crypto-focused venture capital firm Volt Capital, believes there might be some benefit in that. Unlike the traditional startup world, it frees founders from judgments of their physical appearance, where they went to school, and their social class, gender, or race. “It will meaningfully open up opportunities for people who otherwise have the odds against them because they didn’t come from the right school, right corporations, or because they live in a place where unstealthing yourself could mean becoming a target,” she told BuzzFeed News.

According to Amhaz, it’s possible for investors to learn how to do due diligence with pseudonymous founders; they just need to adjust and adapt. In the recent case of a founder of a decentralized finance protocol being revealed to be someone previously convicted of fraud, the information had been sitting there in the blockchain if someone had just pieced together the links. “It’s an unfamiliar way of doing things and relatively new,” Amhaz said, “but I truly believe it will be a meaningful part of the future of work.” ●

Emily Baker-White contributed reporting to this story.

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A BATHING APE® X Bored Ape Yacht Club

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A BATHING APE®(ア ベイシング エイプ®、以下 BAPE®)と NFT制作スタジオのYuga Labsは再びタッグを組み、 Bored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ、以下 BAYC)の第2段となるコラボコレクションをローンチします。 今回のリリースでは、“Bored Ape Beach Club”をテーマにしたコレクションを展開します。

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bored ape yacht club nft

今年20周年を迎えるSHARK FULL ZIP HOODIEと今回リリースされる新たなSHARK STAは、今回のコラボレーションでハイライトとなるアイテムです。 シャークフーディーのデザインを取り入れたSHARK STAは、ユニークで躍動感のあるデザイン。マイクロファイバーやリフレクターで作られたサメの歯のデザインのオーバーレイや、アウトソールのTPU製BAPE STAロゴなどの異素材を組み合わせたディテールにも注目です。

GREENのSHARK STAはBAPE® CARD GOLD会員限定発売。 BLUEはオンラインと店舗で世界同時発売されます。 各色とも世界限定1,000足で、一足一足にナンバリングが施された特別仕様です。 (SHARK STAは10月12日発売予定。)

bored ape yacht club nft

「BAPE®は、大胆不敵な自己表現の世界を育み、カルチャーを形成するはみ出し者たちと共に共創するために存在しています。Yuga LabsとBAPE®は共に、常識を覆すというビジョンを共有しており、このコレクションは両ブランドのエッセンスを体現しています。BAPE® x BAYC SHARK STAは、この新しいシルエットをフィーチャーした初のコラボレーションであり、Yuga Labsは、前進する勢い、大胆な表現、そして反抗的な個性を支持する理想的なパートナーであると確信しています。我々は共に、このフィアレス エクスプレションを、ファッションとカルチャーの展望を変える重要な力として讃えます。」


本コレクションはA BATHING APE®正規取り扱い店舗およびBAPE.COM WEB STOREにて2024年9月28日(土)発売開始。 SHARK STAは10月12日発売。

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bored ape yacht club nft

BAPE® X BAYC - HAWAIIAN SHIRT COLOR: BLUE, GREEN ¥27,500- (税込) * GREENは 青山店限定カラーとなります。

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bored ape yacht club nft


bored ape yacht club nft

BAPE® X BAYC - SHARK FULL ZIP HOODIE COLOR: BLACK, GRAY ¥42,900- (税込) *GRAY は 青山店限定カラーとなります。

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bored ape yacht club nft


bored ape yacht club nft


bored ape yacht club nft

【10月12日発売予定】 BAPE® X BAYC - SHARK STA COLOR: BLUE, GREEN MENS:¥41,800- (税込) LADIES':¥41,800- (税込) *GREENはBAPEXCLUSIVE™青山店限定となり、BAPE® CARDGOLD会員限定のみご購入いただけます。

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bored ape yacht club nft

BAPE® X BAYC - TOWEL COLOR: BLUE ¥11,000- (税込)

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ABOUT: Yuga Labs Yuga Labsは、クリエイティブなブランドIP/NFTプロジェクト、およびゲームを通じてコミュニティ体験を提供する、Web3のライフスタイルとメディアをリードしている企業です。 Web3 の可能性は、限界を感じることなく、想像力から始めることで実現できるという信念に基づき、Yuga Labs の取り組みは、NFT のあり方を刷新し、スペース全体を前進させることを目指しています。Yuga Labsの使命は、ブロックチェーン上で文化を構築することであり、Bored Ape Yacht Club、MAYC、CryptoPunks、10KTF、Meebits、PROOF Collectiveなど、web3で最も重要なプロジェクトのIPを所有している。


  • ア ベイシング エイプ
  • その他(A Bathing Ape Other Models)
  • ボアードエイプヨットクラブ × アベイシングエイプ シャークスタ "ブルー"(Bored Ape Yacht Club × A BATHING APE® SHARK STA "Blue")

9/28・10/12発売|A BATHING APE® × Bored Ape Yacht Club collection|抽選/販売/定価情報

ア ベイジング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクション

2024年9月27日 更新



9/28・10/12発売|A BATHING APE® × Bored Ape Yacht Club collection|抽選/販売/定価情報 1枚目

ア ベイジング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクションについて

「A BATHING APE®(ア ベイシング エイプ)」と「Bored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ)」のコラボコレクションが登場!A BATHING APE® × Bored Ape Yacht Club collection(ア ベイシング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクション)が2024年9月28日、10月2日発売!


この投稿をInstagramで見る A BATHING APE® OFFICIAL(@bape_japan)がシェアした投稿

NFT制作スタジオ「ユガラボ」の猿をモチーフにしたコレクション「ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ」と「アベイシングエイプ」のコラボコレクションがリリースされる。今回はリゾートウェアを中心としたジップフーディー、ライトウェイトジャケット、ハワイアンシャツなどのアパレルアイテムや、シャークスタ、サングラス、フィギュアなどがラインナップ。リリースから20周年を迎えるシャークフルジップフーディーはグレーとブラックの2色展開。フード部分にはそれぞれグリーンとブルーのカモ柄を配し、左胸に両者のアイコンを施した存在感抜群のデザインだ。また、同アイテムのデザインを落としこんだシャークスタは、サメの歯を模したオーバーレイやアウトソールのロゴなど、ユニークなディテールが魅力。グリーンとブルーの2色展開で、各色限定1000足となっている。各業界をリードする両者のコラボは、国内外を問わず注目を集めるだろう。

その他ア ベイジング エイプの関連記事

▶︎ア ベイシング エイプ × コムデギャルソン コレクション ▶︎ア ベイシング エイプ × マスターマインドジャパン コレクション ▶︎ア ベイジング エイプ × アディダス デイム9 2カラー

ア ベイジング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクションの定価/発売日/品番

発売日 2024年10月12日
定価 ¥41,800(税込)

アベイシングエイプ x ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ 青山限定発売 リゾートTシャツ "ホワイト"の定価/発売日

発売日 2024年9月28日
定価 ¥11,000(税込)

ア ベイジング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクションの抽選/販売店舗

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ボアードエイプヨットクラブ × アベイシングエイプ シャークスタ "ブルー"

出品0 / オファー0

Bored Ape Yacht Club × A BATHING APE® SHARK STA "Blue"

ボアードエイプヨットクラブ × アベイシングエイプ シャークスタ "グリーン"

Bored Ape Yacht Club × A BATHING APE® SHARK STA "Green"

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10/1発売|Nike Shox Ride 2 "Light Bone/Turf Orange/Phantom"|抽選/販売/定価情報

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8/30発売|Puma Speedcat LTH 3colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

8/30発売|Puma Speedcat LTH 3colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

大人気「Puma(プーマ)」のSpeedcat(スピードキャット)から新作が登場!Puma Speedcat LTH 3colors(プーマ スピードキャット LTH 3カラー)が2024年8月30日発売! 目次

10/4発売|Y's × Dr. Martens 2024AW collection|抽選/販売/定価情報

10/4発売|Y's × Dr. Martens 2024AW collection|抽選/販売/定価情報

「Y's(ワイズ)」と「Dr. Martens(ドクターマーチン)」の最新コラボモデルが登場!Y's × Dr. Martens 2024AW collection(ワイズ × ドクターマーチン 2024秋冬 コレクション)が2024年10

予約受付中|BEAMS Exclusive Birkenstock London "Bone Pattern"|抽選/販売/定価情報

予約受付中|BEAMS Exclusive Birkenstock London "Bone Pattern"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「BEAMS(ビームス)」から「Birkenstock(ビルケンシュトック)」の別注モデルが登場!BEAMS Exclusive Birkenstock London "Bone Pattern"(ビームス別注 ビルケンシュトック ロンドン

最新リーク|Bodega × Crocs All-Terrain Clog 2.0 "Nict Tech"|抽選/販売/定価情報

最新リーク|Bodega × Crocs All-Terrain Clog 2.0 "Nict Tech"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「Bodega(ボデガ)」と「Crocs(クロックス)」のコラボモデルがリーク!Bodega × Crocs All-Terrain Clog 2.0 "Nict Tech"(ボデガ × クロックス オールテレイン クロッグ 2.0 "エヌ

最新リーク|GANNI × New Balance T500|抽選/販売/定価情報

最新リーク|GANNI × New Balance T500|抽選/販売/定価情報

「GANNI(ガニー)」と「New Balance(ニューバランス)」のコラボモデルがリーク!GANNI × New Balance T500(ガニー × ニューバランス T500)が海外2024年9月20日発売予定! 目次

8/24発売|Skepta × Puma Forever "Black Ice"|抽選/販売/定価情報

8/24発売|Skepta × Puma Forever "Black Ice"|抽選/販売/定価情報

UKグライムシーンを代表するSkepta(スケプタ)氏と「Puma(プーマ)」の最新コラボモデルが登場!Skepta × Puma Forever "Black Ice"(スケプタ × プーマ フォーエバー "ブラックアイス")が2024年

8/16発売|Nike KD 17 "Vivid Purple"|抽選/販売/定価情報

8/16発売|Nike KD 17 "Vivid Purple"|抽選/販売/定価情報

ケビン・デュラント氏のシグネイチャーモデル「KD17」の新色が登場!Nike KD 17 "Vivid Purple"(ナイキ KD17 "ヴィヴィッド パープル")が2024年8月16日に発売! 目次

8/9発売|KITH × Marvel Super Villains × Asics 5types|抽選/販売/定価情報

8/9発売|KITH × Marvel Super Villains × Asics 5types|抽選/販売/定価情報

「KITH(キス)」「Marvel Super Villains(マーベル スーパーヴィランズ)」「Asics(アシックス)」のトリプルコラボモデルが登場!KITH × Marvel Super Villains × Asics 5type

9/14発売|Vans Tokyo Design Collective "VANS VARSITY"|抽選/販売/定価情報

9/14発売|Vans Tokyo Design Collective "VANS VARSITY"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「VANS(バンズ)」から「Tokyo Design Collective(東京デザインコレクティブ)」の最新コレクションが登場!Vans Tokyo Design Collective "VANS VARSITY"(バンズ 東京デザインコ

9/13発売|Salehe Bembury × Crocs Juniper "Tahini"|抽選/販売/定価情報

9/13発売|Salehe Bembury × Crocs Juniper "Tahini"|抽選/販売/定価情報

Salehe Bembury(サレへ・ベンバリー)氏と「Crocs(クロックス)」の最新コラボモデルが登場!Salehe Bembury × Crocs Juniper "Tahini"(サレへ・ベンバリー × クロックス ジュニパー "タ

8/29発売|Nike Field General '82 "White and Gorge Green"|抽選/販売/定価情報

8/29発売|Nike Field General '82 "White and Gorge Green"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「Nike(ナイキ)」から フィールドジェネラル '82の新色が登場!Nike Field General '82 "White and Gorge Green"(ナイキ フィールドジェネラル '82 "ホワイト アンド ゴージグリーン")

予約受付中|UNITED ARROWS Exclusive Clarks 別注 Desert Khan 2colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

予約受付中|UNITED ARROWS Exclusive Clarks 別注 Desert Khan 2colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

「UNITED ARROWS(ユナイテッドアローズ)」から「Clarks(クラークス)」の別注モデルが登場!UNITED ARROWS Exclusive Clarks Desert Khan 2colors(ユナイテッドアローズ別注 クラ

9/27発売|Asics One "Black/Black"|抽選/販売/定価情報

9/27発売|Asics One "Black/Black"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「Asics(アシックス)」の最新モデルが登場!Asics One "Black/Black"(アシックス ワン "ブラック/ブラック")が2024年9月27日発売! 目次 ワンオクロックのタカ氏着用

9/26発売|Asics Gel-Terrain "Truffle Grey/Seal Grey"|抽選/販売/定価情報

9/26発売|Asics Gel-Terrain "Truffle Grey/Seal Grey"|抽選/販売/定価情報

「Asics(アシックス)」からゲルテレイン の新色が登場|Asics Gel-Terrain "Truffle Grey/Seal Grey"(アシックス ゲルテレイン "トリュフグレー/シールグレー")が2024年9月26日発売!

9/17発売|adidas Originals WMNS Taekwondo 2colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

9/17発売|adidas Originals WMNS Taekwondo 2colors|抽選/販売/定価情報

「adidas(アディダス)」からトレンドのロープロファイルシューズが登場!adidas Originals WMNS Taekwondo 2colors(アディダス オリジナルス ウィメンズ テコンドー 2カラー)が2024年9月17日に


bored ape yacht club nft

  • My Cloudトップ
  • @niftyニューストップ

A BATHING APE(R) X Bored Ape Yacht Club

2024年09月29日 11時30分 ラブすぽ

Robot Icon

  • A BATHING APE(R)とBored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)が、「Bored Ape Beach Club」をテーマにした新コラボコレクションをリリース。定番のTシャツやハワイアンシャツ、ポロシャツなどのリゾートウェアが展開される。
  • 今回のコラボレーションのハイライトは、20周年を迎えるSHARK FULL ZIP HOODIEと新たに登場するSHARK STA。サメの歯デザインや異素材の組合せで特徴的なSHARK STAは、限定1,000足で発売される。
  • この新コレクションは、BAPE(R)とYuga Labsが共有する「常識を覆す」というビジョンを体現したものだと、BAPE(R)の最高経営責任者が述べている。9月28日より販売開始、SHARK STAは10月12日に発売予定。


bored ape yacht club nft

日経平均 一時1800円超急落

台風17号 小笠原諸島に接近


コンビニ配送車 厳しい実態


大谷2冠決定的 愛妻らに感謝


藤井貴彦アナ フジ系で初MC


石破総裁誕生 番記者も驚き



大谷54-59 三冠王は届かず




総裁選で高市氏が失速 なぜ

  • MLB(メジャーリーグ)

PR TIMESのご利用について

A BATHING APE® X Bored Ape Yacht Club

bored ape yacht club nft

A BATHING APE®(ア ベイシング エイプ®、以下 BAPE®)と Bored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ、以下 BAYC)が再びタッグを組み、新たなコラボコレクションをローンチします。 今回のリリースでは、“Bored Ape Beach Club”をテーマにしたコレクションを展開します。

bored ape yacht club nft


bored ape yacht club nft

今年20周年を迎えるSHARK FULL ZIP HOODIEと今回リリースされる新たなSHARK STAは、今回のコラボレーションでハイライトとなるアイテムです。 シャークフーディーのデザインを取り入れたSHARK STAは、ユニークで躍動感のあるデザイン。マイクロファイバーやリフレクターで作られたサメの歯のデザインのオーバーレイや、アウトソールのTPU製BAPE STAロゴなどの異素材を組み合わせたディテールにも注目です。

bored ape yacht club nft

GREENのSHARK STAはBAPE® CARD GOLD会員限定発売。 BLUEはオンラインと店舗で世界同時発売されます。 各色とも世界限定1,000足で、一足一足にナンバリングが施された特別仕様です。 (SHARK STAは10月12日発売予定。)

「BAPE®は、大胆不敵な自己表現の世界を育み、カルチャーを形成するはみ出し者たちと共に共創するために存在しています。Yuga LabsとBAPE®は共に、常識を覆すというビジョンを共有しており、このコレクションは両ブランドのエッセンスを体現しています。BAPE® x BAYC SHARK STAは、この新しいシルエットをフィーチャーした初のコラボレーションであり、Yuga Labsは、前進する勢い、大胆な表現、そして反抗的な個性を支持する理想的なパートナーであると確信しています。我々は共に、このフィアレス エクスプレションを、ファッションとカルチャーの展望を変える重要な力として讃えます。」


本コレクションはA BATHING APE®正規取り扱い店舗およびBAPE.COM WEB STOREにて2024年9月28日(土)発売開始。 SHARK STAは10月12日発売。

bored ape yacht club nft

商品詳細はBAPE.COM 特設ページをご覧ください。

BAPE.COM 特設ページ:


ABOUT: Yuga Labs Yuga Labsは、クリエイティブなブランドIP/NFTプロジェクト、およびゲームを通じてコミュニティ体験を提供する、Web3のライフスタイルとメディアをリードしている企業です。 Web3の可能性は、限界を感じることなく、想像力から始めることで実現できるという信念に基づき、Yuga Labsの取り組みは、NFTのあり方を刷新し、スペース全体を前進させることを目指しています。Yuga Labsの使命は、ブロックチェーン上で文化を構築することであり、Bored Ape Yacht Club、MAYC、CryptoPunks、10KTF、Meebits、PROOF Collectiveなど、web3で最も重要なプロジェクトのIPを所有している。

About A BATHING APE®(BAPE®) / アベイシングエイプ®(ベイプ)

東京に拠点を構え、日本発信のトレンドを提案。1993年のブランド設立以来、ストリートファッションのシンボルであり続け、30年以上にわたってシーンを牽引。これまでに「エイプヘッド」「ベイプカモ」「ベイプスタ™」「シャークフーディー」「ベイビーマイロ®」といったアイコニックなデザインやアイテム、オリジナルパターン&キャラクターを発表してきた。現在はメンズ、レディース、キッズとラインを拡充させ、日本国内およびアメリカ、イギリス、フランス、中国、 更にアジア諸国に店舗を展開し世界中の幅広い層からの高い支持を獲得している。 また名立たるインターナショナルブランド、著名アーティストとのコラボレーションも数多く成功させ、ファッションやアパレルといったカテゴリーにとらわれない、ジャンルレスでフレキシブルな活動を行っている。

Instagram:  @bape_japan



LINE:  @bape

お問い合わせ先 / For more information :


Tel: 03-3407-2145

プレス関係者お問い合わせ先 / Press Inquiries

マーケティング部/ Marketing Department Tel:03-5410-6310

株式会社ノーウェア/ NOWHERE CO., LTD.

bored ape yacht club nft



A BATHING APE(R) X Bored Ape Yacht Club


  • Facebookでシェア

イヤーピース 使える組み合わせ?

イヤーピース 使える組み合わせ?

  • オーストリア総選挙 極右第1党?
  • ヒズボラ 幹部など20人超死亡
  • 教皇 イスラエル軍の攻撃不道徳
  • バイデン氏 全面戦争の回避を
  • 痴漢抑止を 生まれた缶バッジ
  • ドン・キホーテ 調布駅前店開店
  • 大谷翔平 今季を振り返らない
  • オールMLB 鈴木誠也ら候補に
  • 5人組アイドル 全員契約解除
  • 学園ドラマ ゲストに武田鉄矢


  • 辞職を行わず 兵庫知事が失職
  • 警視庁 単独テロの専門課を設置へ
  • ウクライナ名誉領事館 10月開設へ
  • ノロ検出の滝 誰かの嘔吐が原因?
  • 袴田巌さん姉 ねぎらい嬉しかった
  • 国民民主代表 心配なのは経済
  • 250kgの不発弾 処理作業が終了
  • 作業員の男性死亡 点検中に感電か
  • 畑で性別不明の焼死体を発見
  • 強盗疑いで男逮捕 闇バイトに応募?

イスラエル軍の攻撃 不道徳

イスラエル軍の攻撃 不道徳

  • ネパールの雨 死者150人超える
  • 米ハリケーンの死者 最低90人
  • イスラエル軍空爆 死者100人超
  • 指導者殺害 バイデン氏正当と評価
  • 仏 日本人三つ星シェフ宅に強盗か
  • 露 日本の常任理事国入りを否定
  • 中国大使館 留学生らに注意喚起

米カントリー歌手 死去

米カントリー歌手 死去

  • 藤井貴彦アナ フジ系番組のMC
  • Oha!4 市來アナ新キャスターに
  • めざましTV 伊藤利尋アナ出演
  • 櫻坂メンバーら ドラマゲスト
  • サンデーLIVE!! 7年の放送に幕
  • 窪田正孝 撮影現場の銃に興奮
  • 橋本環奈 優れている感覚が?
  • 23歳のフジアナ 毎日が楽しい


  • 今永昇太 15勝3敗で今季終了
  • 最終戦 タイガース前田7敗目
  • Rソックス吉田 米で近日手術?
  • ヤンキース最終戦 2人が欠場
  • 大谷翔平 打率が1位に届かず
  • J3で19敗 岩手オーナー退任へ
  • ラグビー南半球 南アフリカが優勝
  • 通算14アンダー 西郷真央4位

Galaxy AIの新機能が

Galaxy AIの新機能が

  • 2度目 富士ソフトTOB応募推奨
  • Dellの営業部門 週5日出社に
  • SBGが出資の企業 印でIPO申請
  • Galaxyタブレット 新製品発表
  • 米司法省 サーバーメーカー調査
  • iPhone 16比較 不可解な結果?
  • 眼鏡型のARデバイス 作る理由
  • TETRIS 99開発元 新作制作へ
  • PS5 Proの実機 15分間プレイ
  • VTuber事務所 UUUMと同じ道?



  • クイズ挑戦のVTuber 大喜利に?
  • 「詳らか」正しい読み方は?
  • JR山陰本線 温泉津駅 なんて読む?
  • 島根の難読地名 母衣町読める?
  • 「頗る」正しい読み方は?
  • 正解はどっち? 英単語2択クイズ
  • 全14問 わかる?千葉県の難読地名
  • 図式問題 角度当てクイズ
  • わかったら神 漢字探し問題
  • 秋田県の難読地名クイズに挑戦



  • 無糖の市場 右肩上がりの理由
  • デリバリー限定 27日からピザ半額
  • 昨秋販売 スタバのラテ復活へ
  • ペペロンチーノ牛めし 来月発売
  • 単価増と販売増 達成した味の素
  • 健康診断で脱衣 プロセス形骸化
  • 丸亀うどーなつ ピザ味発売へ
  • ビアードパパ ゴディバと初コラボ



  • 漫画「妻は娘に無頓着」連載特集
  • 漫画「義父母と義妹親子が嫌だ…
  • 漫画「マウント義姉にやり返し…
  • 漫画「不倫を知った瞬間私のドS…
  • 漫画「内気な彼氏が束縛モンス…
  • 漫画「妊娠したら夫が行方不明…
  • 漫画「避妊イヤイヤ夫」連載特集
  • 漫画「うちの夫と浮気したママ…
  • 漫画「何もしない出戻り義姉が…
  • 漫画「あの日わたしは、誘拐さ…

ヴァレンティノ、2025年春夏コレクション 'パヴィヨン デ フォリ' を発表

ヴァレンティノ、2025年春夏コレクション 'パヴィヨン デ フォリ' を発表







  • Yahoo!ショッピング


  1. Rare Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Sells for Record $3.4 Million

    bored ape yacht club nft

  2. 'Bored Ape Yacht Club' Tops $70m Sales In Latest NFT Empire

    bored ape yacht club nft

  3. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Sold for $2.85 million in ETH

    bored ape yacht club nft

  4. Black & White Bored Ape

    bored ape yacht club nft

  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    bored ape yacht club nft

  6. The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT Collection: Everything You Need to Know

    bored ape yacht club nft


  1. On what date was the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection first minted? Time Farm 17 August 2024

  2. The Rise of Bored Ape Yacht Club: Exploring the Hype Behind NFTs

  3. On what date was the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection first minted?

  4. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection Floor Price Sinks to 20-Month Low

  5. BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) v/s $2000 Cash

  6. ApeFest 2022


  1. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  2. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    Bored Ape Yacht Club - Welcome to the BAYC Clubhouse. BA. YC. Welcome to the official home of BAYC and MAYC. Log in if you're a member or learn more about the collections, perks, unique IP rights, and more.

  3. Bored Ape

    Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), often colloquially called Bored Apes or Bored Ape is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection built on the Ethereum blockchain with the ERC-721 standard.The collection features profile pictures of cartoon apes that are procedurally generated by an algorithm.. The parent company of Bored Ape Yacht Club is Yuga Labs. [1] The project launched in April 2021. [2]

  4. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs Explained

    Learn what Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs are, how they became the poster child of NFTs, and why they cost so much. Find out about the BAYC ecosystem, the celebrities who own them, and the controversies they face.

  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club

    A limited NFT collection where the token itself doubles as your membership to a swamp club for apes. The club is open! Ape in with us. The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants ...

  6. 8817

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  7. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Floor Price Chart

    Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is an NFT collection. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) price floor today is $30,239, with a 24 hour sales volume of 11.69 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 9,998 NFTs minted, held by 5,472 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $302,329,367.

  8. 10.7443 Ξ Bored Ape Yacht Club

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  9. Bored Ape Yacht Club: A complete and up-to-date overview of the

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ecosystem is a thriving digital universe that combines exclusive NFT collectibles, vibrant community engagement, and innovative utility. With celebrities endorsing these NFTs and an expanding range of interactive experiences, the BAYC ecosystem stands as a pinnacle of creativity and community within the NFT space.

  10. A Guide to Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs: What is BAYC?

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is arguably the most influential NFT project in the world. For nearly a year, it remained second to CryptoPunks in the race for the world's . But as the start of 2022 came and went, the price of BAYC NFTs soared. Today, if you took all the NFTs in the collection and sold them, you'd make.

  11. What is Bored Ape Yacht Club?

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a unique project that combines art, membership clubs, and cryptocurrency with recent expansion into the metaverse and other projects. It began in April 2021 as a series of 10,000 distinct, hand-drawn illustrations of unique apes, each playing on the trope of crypto fans "aping in" to crypto and NFT projects.

  12. How Bored Ape Yacht Club Created a Billion-Dollar Ecosystem of NFTs

    Learn how four NFT novices created a virtual world of grungy apes that unlocks exclusive perks and community access. Discover how Bored Ape Yacht Club tokens became internet rock stars and sold for millions at auctions.

  13. A BATHING APE® x Bored Ape Yacht Club

    A BATHING APE® (BAPE®) and NFT production studio Yuga Labs have teamed up again to launch the second collaborative collection of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). This release will feature a collection themed around the "Bored Ape Beach Club." In addition to classic T-shirts, the collection includes a lineup of unique resort wear that can only be found through this collaboration, such as ...

  14. What Is Bored Ape Yacht Club?

    Bored Ape Yacht Club is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection of 10,000 cartoon-like apes. At launch, each Bored Ape Yacht Club token cost 0.08 Ether (ETH), or $220; by mid-October 2022, they cost ...

  15. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection Fetches $19M Bid at ...

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club took the NFT world by storm earlier this spring, selling out all 10,000 original Bored Apes upon launch and touting celebrities and athletes as collectors.

  16. 8585

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through roadmap ...

  17. BoredApeYachtClub NFT Collection Latest Price, Sales ...

    The Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Ape doubles as your Yacht Club membership card, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to THE BATHROOM, a collaborative graffiti board.

  18. We Found The Real Names Of Bored Ape Yacht Club's Pseudonymous Founders

    Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), a collection of simian avatars created by four pseudonymous founders, has quickly become an extremely lucrative venture in a fast-growing space. It recently surpassed competitors to become the most expensive NFT collection — the floor price to buy the cheapest ones is now over $280,000 , and the collection ...

  19. Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC), the NFTs Once Shilled By ...

    The Bored Apes Yacht Club NFT collection experienced a significant price decline of over 90%, dropping from a peak of 120 ETH to just over 10 ETH. This decline reflects a broader waning interest ...

  20. A BATHING APE® X Bored Ape Yacht Club

    A BATHING APE®(ア ベイシング エイプ®、以下 BAPE®)と NFT制作スタジオのYuga Labsは再びタッグを組み、Bored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ、以下 BAYC)の第2段となるコラボコレクションをローンチします。今回のリリースでは、"Bored Ape Beach Club"をテーマにしたコレクションを展開 ...

  21. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection, Floor Price and Market Data ...

    Get detailed information about Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection, such as prices across time, rarest items, recent sales, owners in the last 24 hours, etc. ... Bored Ape Yacht Club was the highest sale ever with a sale price of -Assets. Holdings. Alerts. Coming Soon. 5268. 10.699. $28,640.5. 1972. 10.74993. $28,776.84. 6471. 10.74993. $28,776.84.

  22. Bored Ape NFT Creator Yuga Labs Joins Adidas To Add Dignity To Its

    In a September 27 site publication, Adidas confirmed that they have partnered with the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection creators Yuga Labs and Faraway to add grace to their new Dookey Dash ...

  23. 【PIC UP】A BATHING APE X Bored Ape Yacht Club

    A BATHING APE®(ア ベイシング エイプ®、以下 BAPE®)と NFT制作スタジオのYuga Labsは再びタッグを組み、Bored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ、以下 BAYC)の第2段となるコラボコレクションをローンチします。 今回のリリースでは、"Bored Ape Beach Club"をテーマにしたコレクションを展開 ...

  24. 9/28・10/12発売|A BATHING APE® × Bored Ape Yacht Club collection|抽選/販売/定価

    A BATHING APE® × Bored Ape Yacht Club collection(ア ベイシング エイプ × ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ コレクション)が2024年9月28日、10月2日発売! ... NFT制作スタジオ「ユガラボ」の猿をモチーフにしたコレクション「ボアード エイプ ヨット クラブ」と「アベイ ...

  25. A BATHING APE(R) X Bored Ape Yacht Club

    A BATHING APE(R)とBored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)が、「Bored Ape Beach Club」をテーマにした新コラボコレクションをリリース。定番のTシャツやハワイアンシャツ、ポロシャツなどのリゾートウェアが展開される。

  26. A BATHING APE® X Bored Ape Yacht Club

    株式会社 ノーウェアのプレスリリース(2024年9月27日 10時20分)A BATHING APE® X Bored Ape Yacht Club. ... Yuga Labsの取り組みは、NFTのあり方を刷新し ...

  27. A BATHING APE(R) X Bored Ape Yacht Club

    Yuga Labsの使命は、ブロックチェーン上で文化を構築することであり、Bored Ape Yacht Club、MAYC、CryptoPunks、10KTF、Meebits、PROOF Collectiveなど、web3で最も ...

  28. Berdsk

    There are three stadiums, five sports schools, a musical school, a museum of history and culture, a park, and a yacht club. Students enroll in public school at age seven, and graduate eleven years later. Classes are about 40 minutes long. The school day begins at about 8:00 and ends between 12:00 and 14:00, depending on the age of the student.

  29. Coat of arms of Novosibirsk Oblast

    According to the law, adopted by the Oblast legislature in 2003, "The coat of arms of the Novosibirsk Region is a heraldic shield, in the silver (white) field of which there is a azure (blue) pillar and on top of it are two black sables facing each other with scarlet (red) tongues, silver (white) inner sides of the ears, noses , with throats ...

  30. Novosibirsk Reservoir

    Novosibirsk Reservoir or Novosibirskoye Reservoir (Russian: Новосиби́рское водохрани́лище), informally called the Ob Sea (Обско́е мо́ре), is the largest artificial lake in Novosibirsk Oblast and Altai Krai, Russian Federation.It was created by a 33 m high concrete dam on the Ob River built in Novosibirsk. [1] The dam, built in 1956, provides a water ...