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As with many vehicles, its use in combat has brought about many changes. During the Clone Wars, the Battle of Kashyyyk saw the Wookiees adapting the catamarans into service as airborne firing platforms, particularly along the coastal areas. Wookiee warriors fired their small arms or light blaster cannons from the passenger seats down onto the invading droid army in a series of quick strikes before retreating to the cover of the trees and coastal waterways. Following the war, many of these catamarans were refit as defensively oriented craft with the inclusion of an integrated blaster cannon. By the time of the Black Forest Massacre, six years after the Rebel Alliance declared war on the Empire, the armed variant had become the most common catamaran in service. Once again it was put to use in the defense of Kashyyyk, this time attempting to fight off the invading Imperial ground forces. While the greater firepower made it more effective against infantry than during the Clone Wars, the light blaster proved a minimal threat to the AT-ATs of the heavily mechanized Imperial force. Perhaps the greatest complaint with Wookiee commanders was the low survival rate among the crews manning the vehicle. This was due to the exposure of the crew, the limited air speed, and the inadequate protection of the Wroshyr wood against heavy blasters.

  • Quantum : 10
  • Meleenium : 12
  • Ardanium : 27
  • Tibannagas : 3
  • Lommite : 11
  • No affiliations
  • Max Speed: 420 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 0
  • Weight: 27 T
  • Volume: 56 m³
  • Length: 15 m
  • Party Slot: 1.00
  • Weight Cap: 32 T
  • Volume Cap: 50 m³
  • Max Passengers: 4
  • Blaster Cannons : 1
  • Deflectors: 0
  • Ionic Capacity: 15
  • Raw Value: 38,208 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 8
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 100
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , X7 Factory Station
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wookiee flying catamaran

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Wookiee Flying Catamaran

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15.14 meters long
Appazanna Engineering Works
Oevvaor Jet Catamaran
None Permanent; Typically Affixed with Blaster Cannon or Rifle Turret Mounts
Wookiee; Wookiee Flying Catamaran

Exotic flying watercraft developed by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, these flying catamarans skimmed the surface of the freshwater lagoons at terrific speeds, patrolling the shores and defending the beaches from invasion. Flying models with centrally mounted rotor heads provided air support, with the dual hulls providing protection from return fire for the Wookiee crews. Named for a predatory marine reptile of the Kashyyyk coasts, the Oevvaor jet catamarans are as aggressive and agile as the name implies. A compact twinned repulsorlift array lowers the overall weight of the catamaran, while Podracer-style jet engines provide forward acceleration of up to 370 kilometers per hour over water. Some models feature a central rotor head that lifts the entire assembly into the air. Rudders on the end of each hull provide maneuverability in both air and water. The Wookiee catamaran was not originally designed for modern combat, as is evident by its lack of armor and offensive weaponry. Instead, they are refitted sports and fishing craft, with affixed laser turrets. The hulls are nonetheless tough, handcrafted from wroshyr timber.

wookiee flying catamaran

List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

The following is a list of fictional Star Wars terrestrial vehicles, including armored fighting vehicles , military aircraft , and naval ships .

Vehicles appearing in the Original Trilogy

All terrain armored transport (at-at), all terrain scout transport (at-st), desert skiff.

  • Jabba's Sail Barge (Khetanna)


Sandcrawler, snowspeeder (t-47 airspeeder), speeder bike, vehicles appearing in the prequel trilogy, armored assault tank (aat), bongo submarine, clone turbo tank (havw a6 juggernaut), corporate alliance tank droid, dwarf spider droid, hmp droid gunship, flash speeder, gian speeder, hailfire droid tank, homing spider droid, multi-troop transport (mtt), republic assault gunboat, republic laat gunship, self-propelled heavy artillery (spha), single trooper aerial platform (stap), swamp speeder, wookiee flying catamaran, wookiee ornithopter, vehicles appearing in other star wars media, imperial assault tank, imperial troop transport, bibliography, external links.

The All Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT walker, is a quadruped mechanized infantry combat vehicle used by the Imperial ground forces. Standing over 20 metres (66   ft) tall with blast-impervious armor plating, these massive constructs are used as much for psychological effect as they are for tactical advantage. [1]

The AT-AT (pronounced either casually as 'at at', or using only the letters ' A.T. A.T. ') [2] was first introduced in The Empire Strikes Back (as the Galactic Empire 's main units against Rebel Alliance infantry during the Battle of Hoth ) and also appears in Return of the Jedi (as the vehicle used to transport Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to their shuttle on the forest moon of Endor ) and in Rogue One (in the AT-ACT variant, used to respond to the attacks of Rebel infantrymen of the Rogue One unit during the Battle of Scarif , although later defeated by the arriving Rebel Red Squadron of starfighers). The AT-AT also appears in a destroyed form in Star Wars: The Force Awakens , explained in the video game Star Wars Battlefront (2015) to be a residue of the Battle of Jakku, which was the Empire's last defeat and resulted in its dissolution. Modified forms appear in The Last Jedi (used by the First Order to attack Resistance forces in a former Rebel base).

The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) is a two-legged mech walker introduced briefly in The Empire Strikes Back and featured extensively in Return of the Jedi . These vehicles were designed to screen and protect the flanks of slower moving AT-ATs and the larger tanks used by the Empire. Due to their design and movement, they are often dubbed as a " chicken walker ". [3] The name Scout Walker is also used to refer to an AT-ST . This name was used for the official toy instead of the AT-ST name.

An AT-ST also appears briefly in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story , patrolling Jedha City following an attack by Saw Gerrera 's forces. A modified AT-ST later appears in The Mandalorian under the possession of a group of raiders, as the Empire has ceased to exist by the time of the series. An updated model of the AT-ST is used by the First Order in The Last Jedi . Shortly before the film's climax, an AT-ST is commandeered by BB-8 .

Cloud cars fly around Bespin 's Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi . Compositing the cloud cars into the original releases required multiple motion control passes to prevent the vehicles from standing out too distinctly from their cloudy background. Cloud cars were designed to have two cockpits that were interconnected with a small compartment block. It was often a red-orange color with each cockpit arranged in a "shoe-shape" with the glass being on the "tongue" of the cockpit. [4] Like the rest of Cloud City, cloud cars were designed to reflect a more refined art deco style. The scale models originally created for the movies were made of plastic parts using the then-new method of vacuum forming . [5] Cloud cars inserted into the films' Special Edition releases were computer-generated . [4]

Within the Star Wars universe, these cloud cars (formally identified as Storm IV Twin-Pod models) were built by Bespin Motors specifically as atmospheric patrol craft. The unusual vehicles consist of two separate pods connected together, one for a pilot and the other for a gunner. It can achieve low orbit and attain speeds of 1,500   km/h (930   mph) thanks to a combination of repulsorlift drive and ion engine . Each pod is armed with a light blaster cannon and protected with armor plating and an armored canopy. While normally the port-side pod houses the pilot and starboard-side houses the gunner, both pods contain all the equipment necessary to fulfill either role in the event one is damaged. [6] [7]

A pair of skiffs travel with Jabba's sail barge in Return of the Jedi . The skiff was originally conceived as a flying animal carrying strapped-on passenger modules. [8] It was modified to be a nautical-type vehicle, and then transitioned to become more utilitarian. [8] A full-size skiff was built alongside the sail barge in Yuma. An 81-centimeter miniature was also built, and it was "crewed" by poseable puppets. [8]

Skiffs are a common mode of transport on many Star Wars worlds as per in-universe sources, utilizing repulsorlift technology to move cargo and passengers on the cheap. The Bantha-II cargo skiffs seen in Return of the Jedi are also a favorite of various criminal organizations, which use them for raids and prisoner exchanges. Built by Ubrikkian Industries, they are 9.5   m (31   ft) long, with an armored bow to withstand head-on collisions, and can reach speeds of 250   km/h (160   mph) . [9] [10]

Jabba's Sail Barge ( Khetanna )

A sail barge delivers Jabba the Hutt and his entourage to the sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi . Illustrator Ralph McQuarrie designed the ship to appear more utilitarian in comparison to early designs, which made the ship reminiscent of a Baroque sea craft. Joe Johnston continued working on the design after McQuarrie stepped away from the project. [11] [12] A 30,000-square-foot (2,800   m 2 ) full-scale sail barge set was erected in Yuma, Arizona ; it was one of the largest Star Wars sets created. Measuring 150 feet long, 130 feet wide and 65 feet high, the sail barge set was supported by 130 wooden posts, each 27 feet high, which were deeply embedded into the ground. Underneath the barge were several offices and a commissary which could feed 150 people. In order to get to the set, a two-mile road made of compacted sand was built, requiring roughly 80,000 gallons of water to construct. [11] [12]

According to Star Wars references, Jabba's sail barge is named the Khetanna and was built by Ubrikkian Industries as a pleasure barge for the crime lord. At 30   m (98   ft) long, it is powered by a repulsorlift engine to reach a maximum speed of 100   km/h (62   mph) but can also use its two sails to slowly travel by air power. While designed purely as a pleasure barge, the Khetanna is fitted with a laser cannon turret and heavy blasters can be mounted on the railings. [10] [9]

Landspeeders are antigravity vehicles that appear throughout the films and Expanded Universe in both civilian and military roles. They appear in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope .

C-3PO ( Anthony Daniels ) and R2-D2 ( Kenny Baker ) are briefly held in a Jawa sandcrawler in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope . Shots of the sandcrawler at a distance were actually a matte painting ; only two of its treads and a 27-meter-long piece of its lower structure were actually built. [13] For shots involving the vehicle's movement, ILM used a 125-centimeter radio-controlled model. [13] A computer-generated sandcrawler briefly appears in The Phantom Menace , [13] and a sandcrawler also appears in Attack of the Clones . Sandcrawler-related merchandise include a Lego model, [14] card game items, [15] [16] and Hasbro and Micro Machines toys. [17] [18]

An Incom Corporation T-16 skyhopper appears in the background of the Lars residence in A New Hope , and Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ) races a skyhopper in National Public Radio 's radio adaptation of that movie ; a skyhopper also appears at the end of the Special Edition release of Return of the Jedi . The skyhopper model that Skywalker handles in A New Hope is the concept model Colin Cantwell built; budget limitations allowed only a partial full-size mock-up of the craft to be built. [19]

In Star Wars: Rebel Assault , skyhoppers are used by Rebel pilots to train in Tatooine's Beggar's canyon.

T-47 Airspeeder
First appearance
Created byIncom Corporation


General characteristics
Maximum speed1,100 km/h (680 mph)
Length5.3 m (17 ft)
Population volume

A T-47 airspeeder , better known as " snowspeeder ", is a Rebel Alliance vehicle featured in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and several books, comics, and video games in the Star Wars Expanded Universe and also in Atari game cartridges in the 80's . Snowspeeder models and replicas have been merchandised by several companies.

During production of The Empire Strikes Back , designer Joe Johnston conceived a ship that combined the body of an X-wing and the cockpit of the Y-wing . [22] However, this design was scrapped for the T-47, which featured no elements from previous craft. [22] Johnston's designs for the Snowspeeders have influenced later Star Wars designers, such as Tommy Lee Edwards . [23]

The models were built in three different scales by Steve Gawley , Charlie Bailey, and Mike Fulmer of ILM, with the smallest (20 inches) used for motion control photography, and the largest (2½ feet) for hero and pyrotechnic shots. [24] All models included motor-controlled flaps to imply maneuverability, and the largest version also possessed motor-articulated crew [24] Several full-scale props were built in London for the hangar, cockpit, and speeder crash scenes. [24]

According to background sources, the Rebel Alliance received a small squadron of modified T-47 airspeeders – aircraft which utilize repulsorlifts to achieve flight – shortly after establishing Echo Base on Hoth . These civilian speeders, originally meant for retrieving and hauling cargo sleds with their tow cables, were converted for military use by bolting on a pair of laser cannons with accompanying power converters and laser generator system. [21] Additional armor plating was also added on to increase protection; [21] this armor was originally carried by Y-wing starfighters but removed by Rebel technicians to ease maintenance. [25] These modifications made the T-47 a highly maneuverable short-range attack craft which uses its speed and agility to avoid being hit. [21] However, the intense environment of Hoth initially proved too hostile to these T-47s as the cold temperatures would cause their power generators to lock up. Only after Rebel mechanics modified the heat radiator fins at the back of the ships to make them less efficient was this problem resolved and they become more commonly known as snowspeeders. [21]

In The Empire Strikes Back , Rogue Squadron, led by Commander Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ), pilots snowspeeders against Imperial AT-AT walkers during the Battle of Hoth . [26] However, when the snowspeeders' weaponry proves incapable of piercing the assault walkers' thick armoring, Luke devises the unconventional strategy of using their tow cables to entangle the AT-ATs. [21] [26] Although Luke's gunner, Dak Ralter, is killed before he can try the maneuver himself, Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson succeed in tripping up an AT-AT with their snowspeeder and destroying it with a well-placed shot to its neck. [26] While ultimately the Rebels lose the Battle of Hoth, the snowspeeder earns an honored place in the history books for the role it played. [20]

Kenner released a toy snowspeeder in 1980. [27] Kenner re-released an updated version utilizing the same mold in 1995 for their new 'Power of the Force' line. [28] After Hasbro shut down the Kenner offices in 1999, it was released several times under Hasbro's brand name: in 2001 as a Wal-Mart exclusive in the "Power of the Jedi" collection, [29] in 2006 as a Target exclusive in the "Saga Collection" line, [30] and three versions of it in the 2010 "The Vintage Collection", including a Target exclusive packaged as the original 1980 Kenner version. [31]

LEGO has also sold snowspeeder models, [32] [33] and Snowspeeder models used in The Empire Strikes Back have been sold online. [34]

Hasbro's Star Wars Transformers line included a Snowspeeder that transformed into Luke Skywalker .

In 2009, Japanese model manufacturer Fine Molds released a 1/48 scale kit of the Snowspeeder.

Speeder bikes first appear in a chase scene in Return of the Jedi and have appeared in various other Star Wars media. Related vehicles called 'swoop bikes' have also appeared in Star Wars films and other media.

The AAT is a Trade Federation vehicle that appears in The Phantom Menace , Revenge of the Sith , and other Star Wars media . Early drafts of The Phantom Menace described the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo being led by "armored attack craft" that resembled helicopters . [35] [36] George Lucas narrowed down the AAT's design after looking at two different drawings from ILM design director Doug Chiang - one tank-like and the other shaped like a flying spade - and deciding it would be interesting to combine the two together. [36] The final version's forward curve is based on the curve of a shovel, and parts of it are intended to suggest animalistic traits. [35] LEGO released an AAT model in 2001. [37]

In-universe reference material describes the AAT as a battle tank designed specifically for head-on combat, with a very heavily armored front and a nose of almost solid armor so it can crash through heavy walls. [38] First manufactured for the Trade Federation by the Baktoid Armor Workshop, the AAT floats above the ground thanks to anti-gravity " repulsorlift " technology and can achieve a top speed of 55   km/h (34   mph) . [38] [39] At 9.75   m (32.0   ft) long, the AAT is crewed by four battle droids : a commander, a pilot and two gunners. Up to six additional battle droids can use handholds on either side of the tank's body to ride into battle . [38] It is heavily armed with a primary turret-mounted heavy laser cannon; matching pairs of anti-personnel laser cannons and laser rangefinders which extend out either side on stalks; and two forward-facing short-ranged blaster cannons in the tank's main body. [38] [40] The base of the tank also incorporates six energized projectile launchers which carry three main ammunition types: "bunker-buster" high explosive shells, armor-piercing shells and high-energy shells. When fired, these shells are cocooned in high-energy plasma which reduces air friction and improves penetration. In order to reload the launchers though, the entire "foot" of the AAT must be removed and a loaded replacement installed using mechanical facilities. [38]

The Gungan "bongo" submarine is a transport in The Phantom Menace . Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ), Qui-Gon Jinn ( Liam Neeson ), and Jar Jar Binks ( Ahmed Best ) use a bongo to travel from the underwater city of Otah Gunga to the Naboo capital of Theed.

Industrial Light & Magic 's Doug Chiang devised the submarine's squid-like propeller design. [41] This assembly was then merged with the design for a manta -shaped underwater transport written out of an earlier draft of the story. [41] This design replaced earlier concepts that depicted the Gungan vessel as an organic-looking diving bell . [41] Practical and CGI models of the Gungan vessel were built, as well as a full-size set for the actors to work in. [42]

Within the Star Wars universe, the Bongo is described as being organically grown by secret Gungan techniques and so no two are exactly alike. The submersible piloted by Jar-Jar, Obi-Wan and Qua-Gon was a Tribubble bongo 15   m (49   ft) long and manufactured by the Otoh Gunga Bongmeken Cooperative. It used hydrostatic bubble shields to keep the cockpit and cargo areas dry and filled with air. The cluster of semi-rigid electromotive tentacles at the submersible's rear could propel it to a top speed of 85   km/h (53   mph) . It was unarmed but in an emergency the cockpit section could detach from the rest of the submersible as an escape pod. [40] [43]

The turbo tank is a ten-wheeled battle tank and armored personnel carrier that appears in Revenge of the Sith and is based on designs done by Joe Johnston for use in The Empire Strikes Back . [44] West End Games based their "HAVw A5 Juggernaut" design on Johnson's sketches. The larger, more heavily armed vehicle that appears in Revenge of the Sith is labeled "HAVw A6". [44]

The clone turbo tank, more formally the HAVw A6 Juggernaut, is described in Star Wars sources as being built by Kuat Drive Yards to serve as a heavily armed and armored military transport for the Republic during the Clone Wars . [45] [46] Measuring 49.4   m (162   ft) long, 19.6   m (64   ft) wide and 30.4   m (100   ft) high, the massive tank can carry as many as 300 clone troopers into battle depending on internal configuration. Each of the Juggernaut's ten wheels consists of three independently spinning segments and utilize independent suspension to travel across nearly any terrain. [47] Designed to absorb enemy fire, they help the tank achieve a maximum speed of 160   km/h (99   mph) . [45] A crew of 12 operates the Juggernaut and can control it from cockpits located at either end of the tank. [45] [47] The Juggernaut's nearly impregnable armor plating is thermally superconductive to absorb and spread heat over a wider area. For weaponry it is equipped with a heavy laser cannon turret and rapid-repeating heavy laser cannon turret on the roof; two side-mounted medium antipersonnel laser cannons that extend out from either side of the hull; two twin antipersonnel blaster cannons under the 'forward' cockpit; and two retractable rocket/grenade launchers. [47]

After the end of the Clone Wars, the tank continues to serve the Galactic Empire . A later model, the HCVw A9, appears in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story being used as a prisoner transport carrying Jyn Erso ( Felicity Jones ). [45] [46]

Corporate Alliance tank droids appear in Revenge of the Sith and have appeared in other Star Wars media, including as playable vehicles in Battlefront II . This "snail droid" was originally designed for Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones for the climactic Battle of Geonosis, but they did not make it into the final cut of the film. [48]

Formally identified in background material as the NR-N99 Persuader -class droid enforcer, these tanks are manufactured by the Techno Union and primarily used by the Corporate Alliance, which sides with the Separatists during the Clone Wars . This 10.9   m (36   ft) -long tank is designed to function on its own with a built-in droid brain, though it can also be controlled by a pilot battle droid . Consisting of a huge central tread and forward-mounted outriggers , the tank droid can cross almost any terrain with ease and achieve a top speed of 60   km/h (37   mph) . Its weaponry includes two heavy repeating blasters, two ion cannons, and missile launchers. [49] [50]

The Dwarf spider droid is first seen being used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and have featured in other Star Wars media. Hasbro released a spider droid figure in 2003. [51]

The DSD1 dwarf spider droid, as it is identified in background material, is essentially a walking cannon with a droid brain, built by the Baktoid Armor Workshop to fight for the Separatists during the Clone Wars . Standing only 1.9   m (6   ft 3   in) tall, it is also known as the burrowing spider droid for its ability to fit in tight spaces. Its primary weapon is a long blaster cannon capable of firing at different intensities and rates of fire, though it can also willingly utilize a self-destruct device to blow up the enemy. A pair of infrared photoreceptors on the armored brain casing allow the spider droid to see its surroundings while four articulated legs are designed to affix to the sides of cliffs so it may climb difficult terrain. It can achieve a maximum speed of 90   km/h (56   mph) . [52] [46] [53]

Droid gunships appear at the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Battlefront II . Their circular shape is designed to be reminiscent of the Trade Federation ships seen in The Phantom Menace . [54] These ships were originally intended to appear in the movie's opening space battle, but were ultimately depicted as aircraft. [54]

Described by in-universe material as the Separatist counterpart to the Republic 's LAAT , the Heavy Missile Platform droid gunship (or HMP Predator) is a heavily armed repulsorlift airspeeder which can be adapted for a wide range of mission profiles. [55] [56] Mass-produced by Baktoid Fleet Ordnance on numerous worlds, the HMP is controlled by an advanced droid brain and measures 12.4   m (41   ft) long, 11   m (36   ft) wide and 3.1   m (10   ft) high. [57] The gunship possesses a top speed of 600   km/h (370   mph) . [55] However it is considered relatively slow and with average maneuverability, compensated for by its ability to unleash incredible firepower and strong deflector shields . [57] Its weaponry can be changed out depending on what's needed, but standard armament includes a chin-mounted medium laser cannon, two twin laser cannon turrets, wingtip-mounted light laser cannons, and fourteen missiles fitted with variable payloads including high explosive , EMP , incendiary and hard radiation . [57] The gunship can also be modified to serve as a troop carrier for battle droids . [56]

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Flash speeders in The Phantom Menace .

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Gian speeders in The Phantom Menace . They are larger, heavier counterparts to the NRSF Flash Speeders, and are used mainly for skirmishes against pirates and smugglers. However, they are still modified civilian landspeeeders, and prove relatively useless against Trade Federation tanks. They are painted purple, carry one medium blaster cannon, and have seating for four NRSF officers. They also have light armor plating for protection against hand-held blasters, but there is little protection for the vehicles occupants.

Hailfire droids are mobile missile platforms that appear in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and have featured in other Star Wars media associated with the Clone Wars . In-universe material identifies them as IG-227 Hailfire -class droid tanks produced by Haor Chall Engineering and commissioned for the InterGalactic Banking Clan prior to the Clone Wars to assist with debt collection. Standing 6.8   m (22   ft) tall and capable of 45   km/h (28   mph) , they consist of two large wheels with a low-fixed base on which is mounted a targeting photoreceptor , twin chin-mounted blaster cannons, and two missile launchers. Each launcher can carry up to 15 missiles, which have an effective range of less than one kilometer following deliberately evasive trajectories to their target. Although an effective platform against both ground and air targets, the Hailfire was phased out during the Clone Wars because of its limited ammunition supply. [53] [58] [59] [60]

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics , in analyzing several different Star Wars vehicles, gave a mixed review of the Hailfire droid. He praised it for being a wheeled vehicle instead of a walking vehicle and noted that having the robot body suspended between wheels is a popular real-world design which allows robots to right themselves. However he argues the design's wheel size is too big for effectively traversing large obstacles, citing research done by Caltech and NASA on the issue. He also criticized the negative camber of the wheels for having no discernable purpose. [61]

The OG-9 homing spider droid appears in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and features in other Star Wars media, including as a playable vehicle in Battlefront II . During post-production, the droid was referred to as "Commerce Guild droid B." [62] Referred to in source material as the OG-9 homing spider droid, these droid walking tanks were manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop for the Commerce Guild to enforce their contracts. It consists of an armored reactor core body attached to four armored legs, giving it a height of 7.3   m (24   ft) . While the legs are thin they are tougher than they look, allowing the droid to traverse nearly any terrain and achieve a top speed of 90   km/h (56   mph) . Its primary weapons are two dish-shaped laser cannons mounted on the top and bottom of the reactor core: the top-mounted cannon primarily releases sustains bursts to wear down deflector shields , while the bottom cannon suppresses enemy infantry. [53] [63] [64]

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics praised the design of the Homing spider droid for mirroring the design of a real-world robot, RoboSimian, designed by JPL for traversing rough terrain. However he criticized it's apparent slow speed during the final battle in Attack of the Clones and argues that destroying one of its legs would quickly knock the robot out of a fight. [61]

The Multi-Troop Transports or MTTs made their first appearance in The Phantom Menace , carrying and deploying Trade Federation battle droids during the invasion of Naboo . As with the AAT, parts of the MTT are intended to suggest animalistic traits. [35] [65] Lucas requested the MTT have locomotive -type qualities and be capable of knocking down everything in its path; consequently, the MTT has battering rams and locomotive components. [65] Although the MTT was primarily created using computer-generated imagery (CGI), a scale model was also built to film certain scenes of The Phantom Menace , combining elements of practical and digital special effects. [66]

Fictional background for the MTT explains it was originally produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop, the same manufacturer of the Trade Federation's AAT . Measuring 31   m (102   ft) long and 3   m (9.8   ft) tall, the MTT is designed to deploy in traditional battle lines, hence its strong frontal armor. [67] Although floating above the ground on heavy-duty " repulsorlift " engines, the MTT is a lumbering vehicle with a top speed of only 35   km/h (22   mph) . [68] A crew of five battle droids operate the MTT and it is armed with a pair of twin 17kv antipersonnel blaster cannons, but its primary purpose is to carry 112 battle droids into battle. These are stored folded-up on an articulated deployment rack, which extends forward out of the MTT's bulbous front end via troop deployment hatch. [68] [69] During the Clone Wars , MTTS were modified to carry larger Super Battle Droids as well. [68]

Podracers are high-speed one-man race craft. Anakin Skywalker ( Jake Lloyd ) enters and wins a podrace in The Phantom Menace . It consists of forward turbines attached loosely to the cockpit by a series of cables with the turbines attached to each other by an ion beam. It was frequently gambled upon and was considered by many, including Qui-Gon Jinn, to be a dangerous sport. The video games Star Wars Episode I: Racer , Star Wars: Racer Arcade and Star Wars Racer Revenge are based on The Phantom Menace's podracing scenes.

The Republic assault gunboat appears in Revenge of the Sith . The vehicle went through several changes over the course of its development: it was originally a Confederacy capital ship, then became the "Good Guy A" support ship for the Republic. [70] It became a Confederacy ship once more before being scaled down, turned into a speeder, and becoming a Republic craft. [70]

The Low-Altitude Assault Transports (LAATs) are Galactic Republic airborne attack transport and multirole - ground attack gunships that appears in Attack of the Clones , Revenge of the Sith , Star Wars: The Clone Wars , Star Wars: Battlefront , and Star Wars: Republic Commando , ferrying clone troopers , Jedi , and military hardware during battle. The Expanded Universe describes the LAAT as a versatile multi-role aerospace crafts capable of reconfigured for the gunship, transport, starfighter, and bomber combat roles. There are numerous LAAT variants: the LAAT/i infantry transport, the LAAT/c cargo carrier, the LAAT/s stealth special forces , the LAAT/le law enforcement for military police, and LAAT/v vehicle tactical airlift that carried AT-TEs . [71] [72]

Lucas turned to footage of helicopter-troop deployment when conceiving the LAAT; the vehicle was originally labeled the "Jedi attack helicopter", a versatile gunship platform combining the functions of a black hawk a chinook and an Apache . [73] The vehicle's ultimate appearance is based on the Russian Mil Mi-24 helicopter. [73] The craft's engine sounds are the modified sound of a Vickers Vimy , a World War I bomber. Both Hasbro and Lego released LAAT models in 2002; Lego released another LAAT in 2008. [74] [75] Code 3 Collectibles released a die-cast gunship two years later. [76]

Within the Star Wars universe, these repulsorlift gunships were built by Rothana Heavy Engineering to serve a vital role as atmospheric transports and escorts for the Republic during the Clone Wars . [77] [78] The standard LAAT/i gunship (Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry), measuring 17.4   m (57   ft) long (clearance with guns) and 6.1   m (20   ft) deep with a 17   m (56   ft) wingspan, can carry a platoon of 30 clone troopers with storage racks for several speeder bikes . [79] With a maximum air speed of 620   km/h (390   mph) , the LAAT was designed specifically with low-atmosphere flight in mind, giving it an advantage engaging enemy starfighters which give up their speed advantage when fighting below mountain level. [77] [79] Later models however were adapted to allow short trips in deep space. [77] The gunship's weaponry includes three antipersonnel laser cannons on swivel turrets, two forward and one rear; four composite-beam laser turrets, two mounted on the wings and two on ball turrets extending from either side; two mass driver missile launchers which can accelerate a variety of missiles at up to hypersonic velocities; and eight light air-to-air rockets carried on underwing hardpoints . [79] The LAAT/i is crewed by a pilot, copilot/gunner, and two auxiliary turret gunners. It also carries a variety of emergency supplies, including an IM-6 Battlefield Medical Droid, collapsible repulsor stretchers, and inflatable decontamination tents. [79]

Another variant, the LAAT/c (Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier), is crewed by a single pilot and armed with just the nose-mounted cannons, but features a pair of magnetic clamps that can quickly ferry cargo or AT-TEs into battle. [77] [78]

Self-propelled heavy artillery first appear in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis. The vehicle was initially designed on treads, but George Lucas suggested that it be equipped with legs like the AT-TEs that fight alongside it. [80] The SPHA was referred to as "Clone Tank A" during production. [80] Source material identifies the SPHA as one of the biggest ground guns in the Republic 's arsenals during the Clone Wars , operated by a crew of 30 clone troopers . At 140.2   m (460   ft) long, the SPHA is slow but steady, reaching speeds of up to 35   km/h (22   mph) on 12 articulate legs though it must remain stationary to fire its weapon. The SPHA-T is armed with a heavy turbolaser cannon powerful enough to destroy a starship, though firing it requires vast amounts of energy which can quickly drain the SPHA-T. [59] [81]

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics has criticized the design of the SPHA for using legs compared to wheels or treads which would be easier to maintain. [61]

STAPs, which first appeared in The Phantom Menace and have featured in other Star Wars media, are designed to appear reminiscent of the speeder bikes seen in Return of the Jedi . [82] The STAP's design also relates back to Lucas' 1973 idea of ridable "jet-sticks" which appeared in early drafts of the original Star Wars movie. [83] A draft of The Phantom Menace refers to the vehicles as STAPS, or Single Troop Armed Pogo Sticks . [82]

These lightweight reconnaissance vehicles are based in-universe on civilian vehicles called airhooks, modified for greater performance and to be piloted by the Trade Federation's battle droids . Floating above the ground thanks to " repulsorlift " technology, a pair of drive turbines on either side of the vertical stem gives it impressive speed and maneuverability. Though armed with a pair of blaster cannons , the STAP leaves its pilot completely exposed, making it ill-suit for heavy battle. [84]

Swamp speeders appear in Revenge of the Sith during battle scenes on Felucia and Kashyyyk . TJ Frame, who worked on the swamp speeder concept soon after joining the art department, initially designed the craft to be appear reminiscent of fanboats . [85] Within the Star Wars universe these vehicles are known as Infantry Support Platform (ISP) speeders, built for the Republic during the Clone Wars by Uulshos Manufacturing. ISPs use repulsorlifts and a powerful turbofan to patrol swampy regions, leading to their nickname, although they can be used on almost any terrain. Operated by two clone troopers and armed with a pair of twin swiveling blaster cannons, the ISP can move at speeds of up to 100   km/h (62   mph) . [81]

General Grievous rides a wheel bike in Revenge of the Sith during his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ). Grievous' vehicle is similar to another wheel bike that appears in the Star Wars: Droids cartoon. [86] One concept for Grievous' vehicle was for it to include "tank-like chariots"; at another point, the vehicle was going to be another droid. [86]

Grievous' wheel bike is identified in Star Wars source material as a TSMEU-6 personal wheel bike built by the Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation. Wheel bikes are described as being primarily used during mining operations, however they are also popular as modified weapons platforms on the second-hand market. The TSMEU-6 is 3.5   m (11   ft) long with a wheel diameter of 2.5   m (8   ft 2   in) and four retractable legs for navigating difficult terrain. With the legs retracted the wheel bike has a maximum speed of 330   km/h (210   mph) , while in walking mode the bike can only attain 10   km/h (6.2   mph) . Overall the bike has enough fuel to travel 500   km (310   mi) . While normally carrying a driver and passenger, Grievous' bike has had the passenger seat replaced with a heavy double laser cannon; both seat and cannon remain stable while the wheel rotates around them. [87] [88]

Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith . They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. [89] The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. [89]

Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith . The craft was originally known as the "dragonfly helicopter". [90] Although mostly depicted through computer-generated imagery, a full-size mockup of the gunner's seat was created for a closeup of the tail gunner. [90]

The Imperial Assault Tank is a ground vehicle which made its theatrical debut in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story patrolling the streets of Jedha 's Old City and has appeared in other media including Star Wars Rebels . [91] The life-sized model which appeared on the Rogue One set was based on a heavily modified flatbed Alvis Stormer piloted by experienced tank operators. Although the tank had initially been intended to be a hover vehicle, it was decided to keep the treads after production. [92]

Official sources identify the vehicle as the TX-225 "Occupier" combat assault tank manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering for the Galactic Empire . Measuring 7.3   m (24   ft) long and 1.82   m (6   ft 0   in) high, this ground assault vehicle (GAV) can reach a top speed of 72   km/h (45   mph) on open roads and is crewed by a tank commander, driver, and gunner/technician. [91] [93] Its armament includes a pair of elevating twin Dymek Mk2e/w medium laser cannons for antiarmor & antiaircraft use and a forward-locked twin Dymek MK 2e/w medium laser cannon for antipersonnel use. Composite laminate armoring makes the tank remarkably resilient without overtaxing its propulsion system. Two variants of the "Occupier" are employed by the Empire: the standard TX-225 GAVw utilizing a continuous track which makes it highly maneuverable in urban environments, and the TX-225 GAVr which hovers slightly above the ground on repulsorlifts . [93]

The Imperial Trooper Transport is a vehicle which made its television debut in Star Wars Rebels and has appeared in other Star Wars media including The Mandalorian . According to official sources, the K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport (ITT) is an armored troop transport which uses repulsorlift technology to deliver Stormtroopers into battle. Manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries, the ITT measures 8.7   m (29   ft) long and can achieve a top speed of 150   km/h (93   mph) . Although not designed specifically for combat, the ITT is armed with two forward-facing laser guns and a roof-mounted twin laser turret to defend itself. In addition to carrying troops the ITT is also used to ferry supplies or prisoners between locations; the cargo racks on either side of the ITT double as holding compartments for publicly displaying prisoners as a warning to others. [94] [95]

  • Barr, Patricia; Bray, Adam; Jones, Matt; Horton, Cole; Wallace, Daniel; Windham, Ryder (2019). Ultimate Star Wars New Edition . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-7900-6 .
  • Dougherty, Kerrie; Fry, Jason; Hidalgo, Pablo; Reynolds, David West; Saxton, Curtis; Windham, Ryder (2020). Star Wars Complete Vehicles New Edition . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-0-7440-2057-1 .
  • Luceno, James; Reynolds, David West; Windham, Ryder; Fry, Jason; Hidalgo, Pablo (2018). Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-7547-3 .
  • Lund, Kristin; Beecroft, Simon; Dougherty, Kerrie; Luceno, James; Fry, Jason (2016). Star Wars: Complete Locations . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-5272-6 .
  • Walker, Landry Q. (2018). Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   9781465482716 .
  • Walker, Landry (2019). The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Ships + Battles . United States: Abrams Books. pp.   54–55. ISBN   978-1-4197-3633-9 .
  • Windham, Ryder (2019). Star Wars Rebel Starfighters Owner's Workshop Manual . United States: Insight Editions. ISBN   978-1-68383-936-1 .

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  • ↑ Landry (2019), p. 49
  • ↑ Landry (2018), p. 21
  • ↑ Barr, et al (2019), p. 332
  • 1 2 3 "skiff (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
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  • 1 2 Walker (2018), p. 54-55
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  • ↑ "T-16 Skyhopper (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
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  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 162-163
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  • 1 2 3 Peterson, Lorne (2006). Sculpting A Galaxy – Inside the Star Wars Model Shop . San Rafael, California: Insight Editions. ISBN   1-933784-03-2 .
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  • ↑ "Corporate Alliance tank droid (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
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  • 1 2 Barr, et al. (2019), p. 303
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  • 1 2 Barr, et al. (2019), p. 301-302
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  • 1 2 "Self Propelled Heavy Artillery (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • 1 2 Walker (2018), p. 58
  • 1 2 "STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform) (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ↑ Walker (2018), p. 72
  • ↑ Walker, Landry (2018). Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles . United States: DK Publishing. p.   74. ISBN   9781465482716 .
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  • 1 2 "wheel bike (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
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  • 1 2 Barr, et al. (2018), p. 326
  • ↑ Walker (2018), p. 117
  • 1 2 Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 126-127
  • ↑ Walker (2018), p. 53
  • ↑ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 320
  • Index of Vehicle Archive at starwars.com
  • List of vehicles on Wookieepedia , a Star Wars wiki
  • Intricate Illustrations of Star Wars Spacecraft Cutouts Reveal Their Inner Mechanics by Leah Pellegrini April 23, 2016
Video games
  • The Clone Wars
  • The Mandalorian
  • The Book of Boba Fett
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Skywalker family
  • Max Rebo Band
  • Clone troopers
  • Stormtroopers
Republican factions
Imperialist factions
Independent factions
Humanoid species
Other creatures
  • Skeleton Crew
  • The Acolyte
  • The Mandalorian
  • Star Wars Outlaws
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Shaggy giants from an arboreal world, the tall and commanding Wookiee species is an impressive sight to even the most jaded spacer. Despite their fearsome and savage countenance, Wookiees are intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. Loyalty and bravery are near-sacred tenets in Wookiee society. When peaceful, Wookiees are tender and gentle. Their tempers, however, are short; when angered, Wookiees can fly into a berserker rage and will not stop until the object of their distemper is sufficiently destroyed.

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  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode I)
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII)
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • Star Wars Rebels
  • Galactic Republic
  • Jedi Youngling
  • Height: 2.0m
  • Blaster Rifle
  • Wooden command staff
  • Wookiee Catamaran
  • Wookiee Flying Catamaran

Battle of Kashyyyk

The Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk was part of the Republic , and the site of a showdown between Republic troops and invading Separatist droids in the final days of the Clone Wars.

Wookiees defend Kashyyyk

The Wookiees joined Republic clone troopers and the Jedi in mounting a spirited defense of their homeworld, but the Battle of Kashyyyk was most notable because Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66 during the fighting. The clones turned on their Jedi Generals, but Yoda sensed the threat and escaped execution.

Enslaved Wookies

Wookiees’ enormous strength made them useful laborers. The triumphant Empire subjected Kashyyyk to a brutal occupation, enslaving Wookiees and working them to death on planets such as Kessel , home to the infamous spice mines.

Han Solo and Chewbacca

The most famous Wookiee was Chewbacca, first mate of the Millennium Falcon and friend of the Corellian smuggler Han Solo . Chewie helped convince Han to intervene at the Battle of Yavin , spoiling Darth Vader ’s defense of the Death Star , and fought bravely at the Battle of Endor , where he helped ensure a new birth of freedom for the galaxy.

Let The Wookiee Win

Let The Wookiee Win

We'll Do It the Wookiee Way

We'll Do It the Wookiee Way

He's Only a Wookiee

He's Only a Wookiee

© 2015 Disney

wookiee flying catamaran

Wookiee History Gallery

Many in the galaxy saw Wookiees as little more than shaggy brutes to be avoided, dismissing them ...

  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars sets listed for ages 8+

7260 Wookiee Catamaran

Class 2 article

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7260 Wookiee Catamaran is a Revenge of the Sith set released in 2005 . It included Yoda , one Wookiee Warrior , Chewbacca , Luminara Unduli , and two Siege Battalion Trooper minifigures. It also included a Swamp Speeder, also known as an Infantry Support Platform (ISP). It has 376 pieces.

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Background
  • 4 LEGO.com Description
  • 5 Minifigures included
  • 8 External links

Description [ ]

The catamaran has a Technic missile launcher, a bomb-dropping mechanism, and a rotating propeller. The Swamp Speeder (ISP) includes movable blaster cannons and a rotating engine assembly. The catamaran is mainly composed of brown pieces, representing the wood used by the Wookiees to build their vehicles and weapons, while the Republic Swamp Speeder is mainly light grey and dark red.

Background [ ]

The Oevvaor jet catamaran was a Wookiee flying contraption seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith during the Battle of Kashyyyk. A combination of Wookie and Republic technologies defeated the Separatists. The catamaran was named after the Oevvaor, a predator of the Wookies. Originally made for fishing and sports, it was pressed into service during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Rudders in the front of the craft helped it steer in air or water.

  • Luminara Unduli is one of only five minifigures made with a light-up lightsaber.
  • The Siege Battalion Trooper is exclusive to this set, except for the 4269244 Yoda Magnet Set from 2006.
  • The Swamp Speeder in this set was redesigned and released in January 2010 as 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder .
  • Several LEGO catalog descriptions stated pressing on Luminara's head lets "his" lightsaber light up, although Luminara is female.

LEGO.com Description [ ]

Only the Wookiee catamaran can turn the tide against the Separatist forces invading Kashyyyk! And what role will the Clone Swamp Speeder play in the battle to come?

Minifigures included [ ]


Gallery [ ]


See also [ ]

  • 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder
  • 7258 Wookiee Attack

External links [ ]

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Wookiee Warrior Chewbacca Luminara Unduli


  • 1 List of themes
  • 2 List of BIONICLE sets
  • 3 Minifigures (theme)


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Wookiee vehicles

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This is a category for vehicles designed or used exclusively by the Wookiees of Kashyyyk .

Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry

All items (35)

Advanced Agr

List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

The following is a list of fictional Star Wars ground vehicles, including tanks, landspeeders, and assault units.

  • 1 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
  • 4 BARC speeder
  • 6 Clone turbo tank
  • 7 Cloud car
  • 8 Corporate Alliance tank droid
  • 9 Droid gunship
  • 10 Dwarf spider droid
  • 11 Flash speeder
  • 12 Gian speeder
  • 13 Hailfire droid
  • 14 Homing spider droid
  • 15 Landspeeder
  • 16 Multi-troop transport (MTT)
  • 17 Podracer
  • 18 Republic assault gunboat
  • 19 Republic attack gunship
  • 20 Sail barge
  • 21 Sandcrawler
  • 22 Self-propelled heavy artillery (SPHA)
  • 23 Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)
  • 25 Skyhopper
  • 26 Snowspeeder
  • 27 Speeder bike
  • 28 Swamp speeder
  • 29 Swoop bike
  • 30 Swoop Racer
  • 31 V-wing airspeeder
  • 33 Wheel bike
  • 34 Wookiee flying catamaran
  • 35 Wookiee ornithopter
  • 36 World Devastator
  • 37 References
  • 38 External links

Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

The AAT is a Trade Federation vehicle that appears in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace , Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith , the Star Wars expanded universe , and The Clone Wars . Early drafts of The Phantom Menace described the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo being led by "armored attack craft" that resembled helicopters . [1] The final version's forward curve is based on the curve of a shovel, and parts of it are intended to suggest animalistic traits. [1] LEGO released an AAT model in 2001. [2]

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BARC speeder

The BARC speeder appears in Revenge of the Sith and is a playable vehicle in Star Wars: Battlefront , Battlefront II and Star Wars Galaxies . They perform cavalry, scouting and mounted infantry roles and are armed with a single, or sometimes two, blasters. Inexpensive, lightweight, easy to maintain and able to fill various functions, they are a widespread mainstay of many armed organisations, governments and major armed forces.

The Gungan "bongo" submarine is a transport in The Phantom Menace . Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ), Qui-Gon Jinn ( Liam Neeson ), and Jar Jar Binks ( Ahmed Best ) use a bongo to travel from the underwater city of Otah Gunga to the Naboo capital of Theed.

Industrial Light & Magic 's Doug Chiang devised the submarine's squid-like propeller design. [3] This assembly was then merged with the design for a manta -shaped underwater transport written out of an earlier draft of the story. [3] This design replaced earlier concepts that depicted the Gungan vessel as an organic-looking diving bell . [3]

Clone turbo tank

The turbo tank is a ten-wheeled battle tank and armored personnel carrier that appears in Revenge of the Sith and is based on designs done by Joe Johnston for use in The Empire Strikes Back . [4] West End Games based their "HAVw A5 Juggernaut" design on Johnson's sketches. The larger, more heavily armed vehicle that appears in Revenge of the Sith is labeled "HAVw A6". [4]

Cloud cars fly around Bespin 's Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi . Compositing the cloud cars into the original releases required multiple motion control passes to prevent the vehicles from standing out too distinctly from their cloudy background. Cloud cars were designed to have two cockpits that were interconnected with a small compartment block. It was often an red-orange color with each cockpit arranged in a "shoe-shape" with the glass being on the "tongue" of the cockpit. [5] Cloud cars inserted into the films' Special Edition releases were computer-generated . [5]

Corporate Alliance tank droid

Corporate Alliance tank droids appear in Revenge of the Sith and are playable vehicles in Battlefront II . This "snail droid" was originally designed for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones for the climatic Battle of Geonosis, but they did not make it into the final cut of the film. [6] They are a large, amphibious heavily armored droid, mainly used for amphibibous assaults, troop transport, and as a main battle tank on worlds with rough terrain. They can be fitted with nearly any type of armament from heavy laser cannons, to blaster cannons, and even guided missiles to perform almost any combat function. When given voice modulators, they are put to use policing potentially rebellious worlds owned by the Corporate Alliance as well as to crush civilian insurrections.

Droid gunship

Droid gunships appear at the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Battlefront II . Their circular shape is designed to be reminiscent of the Trade Federation ships seen in The Phantom Menace . [7] These ships were originally intended to appear in the movie's opening space battle, but were ultimately depicted as aircraft. [7]

Dwarf spider droid

The Confederacy of Independent Systems uses dwarf spider droids in Attack of the Clones . These Spider Droids were designed to provide more agile artillery in the battlefield. Like the larger Confederate spider droid it has four legs, but this droid seems to have two optical receptors. Both the "eyes" and the main turret are red and glowing with the laser pulses that go through them. Hasbro released a spider droid figure in 2003. [8]

Flash speeder

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Flash speeders in The Phantom Menace .

Gian speeder

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Gian speeders in The Phantom Menace . They are larger, heavier counterparts to the NRSF Flash Speeders, and are used mainly for skirmishes against pirates and smugglers. However, they are still modified civilian landspeeeders, and prove relatively useless against Trade Federation tanks. They are painted purple, carry one medium blaster cannon, and have seating for four NRSF officers. They also have light armour plating for protection against hand-held blasters, but there is little protection for the vehicles occupants.

Hailfire droid

Hailfire droids are mobile missile platforms that appear in Attack of the Clones . They consisted of two large wheels with a low-fixed base that had two glowing red optical receptors and two large missile boxes to store its large arsenal of heat-seeking missiles, which glowed purple as they traveled through the air. It was large and towered over many infantry units in battle. Its main chassis was rounded and brown, while the wheels had ridges and were a gray shade.

Homing spider droid

The OG-9 homing spider droid appears in Attack of the Clones and is a playable vehicle in Battlefront II . During post-production, the droid was referred to as "Commerce Guild droid B." [9]


Landspeeders are antigravity vehicles that appear throughout the films and Expanded Universe in both civilian and military roles.They appear in episode four, A New Hope.

Multi-troop transport (MTT)

MTTs carry and deploy Trade Federation battle droids on Naboo in The Phantom Menace . As with the AAT, parts of the MTT are intended to suggest animalistic traits. [1] [10] Lucas requested the MTT have locomotive -type qualities and be capable of knocking down everything in its path; consequently, the MTT has battering rams and locomotive components. [10]

Podracers are high-speed one-man race craft. Anakin Skywalker ( Jake Lloyd ) enters and wins a podrace in The Phantom Menace . It consists of forward turbines attached loosely to the cockpit by a series of cables with the turbines attached to each other by an ion beam. It was frequently gambled upon and was considered by many, including Qui-Gon Jinn, to be a dangerous sport. The video games Star Wars Episode I: Racer and Star Wars: Racer Arcade are based on Phantom Menace's podracing scenes.

Republic assault gunboat

The Republic assault gunboat appears in Revenge of the Sith . The vehicle went through several changes over the course of its development: it was originally a Confederacy capital ship, then became the "Good Guy A" support ship for the Republic. [11] It became a Confederacy ship once more before being scaled down, turned into a speeder, and becoming a Republic craft. [11]

Republic attack gunship

Republic attack gunships, also known as low-altitude assault transports (LAATs) appear in Attack of the Clones , Revenge of the Sith , and Star Wars: Republic Commando , ferrying clone troopers and Jedi during battle. The Expanded Universe describes several LAAT varieties: the LAAT/i infantry transport, the LAAT/c cargo carrier, and a heavy LAAT that carries AT-TEs . [12] [13] Lucas turned to footage of helicopter-troop deployment when conceiving the LAAT; the vehicle was originally labeled the "Jedi attack helicopter". [14] The vehicle's ultimate appearance is based on the Russian Mil Mi-24 helicopter. [14] The craft's engine sounds are the modified sound of a Vickers Vimy , a WWI bomber. Both Hasbro and Lego released LAAT models in 2002; Lego released another LAAT in 2008. [15] [16] Code 3 Collectibles released a die-cast gunship two years later. [17]

A sail barge delivers Jabba the Hutt and his entourage to the sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi . Illustrator Ralph McQuarrie designed the ship to appear more utilitarian in comparison to early designs, which made the ship reminiscent of a Baroque sea craft. [18] A 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m 2 ), 60-foot (18 m)-tall full-scale sail barge set was erected in Yuma, Arizona ; it was one of the largest Star Wars sets created. [18]


C-3PO ( Anthony Daniels ) and R2-D2 ( Kenny Baker ) are briefly held in a Jawa sandcrawler in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope . Shots of the sandcrawler at a distance were actually a matte painting ; only two of its treads and a 27-meter-long piece of its lower structure were actually built. [19] For shots involving the vehicle's movement, ILM used a 125-centimeter radio-controlled model. [19] A computer-generated sandcrawler briefly appears in The Phantom Menace , [19] and a sandcrawler also appears in Attack of the Clones . Sandcrawler-related merchandise include a Lego model, [20] card game items, [21] [22] and Hasbro and Micro Machines toys. [23] [24]

Self-propelled heavy artillery (SPHA)

Self-propelled heavy artillery first appear in Attack of the Clones . The vehicle was initially design on treads, but Lucas suggested that it be equipped with legs like the AT-TEs that fight alongside it. [25] The SPHA was referred to as "Clone Tank A" during production. [25]

Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)

STAPs, which appear in The Phantom Menace , are designed to appear reminiscent of the speeder bikes seen in Return of the Jedi . [26] The STAP's design also relates back to Lucas' 1973 idea of ridable "jet-sticks"; a draft of The Phantom Menace refers to the vehicles as STAPS, or Single Troop Armed Pogo Sticks . [26] They were brown with one vertical stem and a horizontal foot stand and a higher horizontal handlebar. It had two twin engines directly underneath the handlebars with one on either side of the vertical stem. The STAP's allowed single droids to travel ahead and scout out the battlefield.

A pair of skiffs travel with Jabba's sail barge in Return of the Jedi . The skiff was originally conceived as a flying animal carrying strapped-on passenger modules. [27] It was modified to be a nautical-type vehicle, and then transitioned to become more utilitarian. [27] A full-size skiff was built alongside the sail barge in Yuma. An 81-centimeter miniature was also built, and it was "crewed" by poseable puppets. [27]

A skyhopper appears in the background of the Lars residence in A New Hope , and Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ) races a skyhopper in National Public Radio 's radio adaptation of that movie ; a skyhopper also appears at the end of the Special Edition release of Return of the Jedi . The skyhopper model that Skywalker handles in A New Hope is the concept model Colin Cantwell built; budget limitations allowed only a partial full-size mock-up of the craft to be built. [28]


Rebel pilots fly snowspeeders against the Galactic Empire 's walkers in The Empire Strikes Back .

Speeder bike

Speeder bikes first appear in a chase scene in Return of the Jedi , and later in the prequel trilogy.

Swamp speeder

Swamp speeders appear in Revenge of the Sith . TJ Frame, who worked on the swamp speeder concept soon after joining the art department, initially designed the craft to be appear reminiscent of fanboats . [29]

Swoop bikes are high-speed racing craft that appear in the films and Expanded Universe.They appear in episodes two and maybe four

Swoop Racer

The swoop racer is similar to the swoop bike, however, it was specifically designed for racing with. During a swoop race, the racers do not race together on the same track, but separately. Each racer gets timed individually and the times are compared after the event to determine the winner. The fatest time is the winner. The first appearance of the swoop racer was in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic .

V-wing airspeeder

An airspeeder that first saw service with the New Republic at the Battle of Mon Calamari .

General Grievous rides a wheel bike in Revenge of the Sith . Grievous' vehicle is similar to another wheel bike that appears in the Star Wars: Droids cartoon. [30] One concept for Grievous' vehicle was for it to include "tank-like chariots"; at another point, the vehicle was going to be another droid. [30]

Wookiee flying catamaran

Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith . They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. [31] The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. [31]

Wookiee ornithopter

Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith . The craft was originally known as the "dragonfly helicopter". [32] Although mostly depicted through computer-generated imagery, a full-size mockup of the gunner's seat was created for a closeup of the tail gunner. [32]

World Devastator

World Devastators appear in the Dark Empire comic series and the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron video game.

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  • ↑ 31.0 31.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  • ↑ 32.0 32.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

External links

  • Index of Vehicle Archive at starwars.com
  • List of vehicles on Wookieepedia , a Star Wars wiki
  • Star Wars vehicles
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LEGO Wookiee Catamaran set box

Wookiee Catamaran

The Wookiee Catamaran (7260-1) is a LEGO Star Wars set that was released in April 2005 and retired in December 2005 with a shelf life of 9 months .

This LEGO set has 376 pieces and had a RRP of $49.99 (£39.99 / -€) which equates to a price per piece of 0.13c (0.11p / 0.00€) . Since it retired it has grown in value by 852.2% and now has a value of $476.01 based on average sale price over the last 6 months .

Price over time


This set contains 6 minifigures with a combined value of $392.08 . 3 of the minifigures in this set are exclusive, meaning they don't appear in any other LEGO sets.

LEGO Luminara Unduli with Light-Up Lightsaber minifigure

Luminara Unduli with Light-Up Lightsaber

Value: $138.90

LEGO Clone Trooper Episode 3, Green Markings minifigure

Clone Trooper Episode 3

Value: $103.62

LEGO Yoda minifigure

Value: $23.19

LEGO Wookiee Warrior minifigure

Wookiee Warrior

Value: $17.75

LEGO Chewbacca (Reddish Brown) minifigure

Chewbacca (Reddish Brown)

Value: $4.99

Monthly sales

Value breakdown.

The current value of Wookiee Catamaran is $476.01

The 6 minifigures in this set make up 82% of the total set value.

The Luminara Unduli with Light-Up Lightsaber minifigure is the most valuable minifigure in this set who contributes 29% of the set value .

Expensive pieces

Brick, round corner 4 x 4 full brick.

Value: $17.32

Technic, Brick 6 x 8 Open Center

Value: $10.50

Cylinder 4 x 4 x 1 2/3 with Pin Holes and Center Bar

Value: $8.42

Technic, Pin Connector Plate with One Hole (Single on Bottom)

Value: $3.54

Technic Ball Joint

Value: $2.66

Plate, Modified 2 x 4 Thin with Bottom Struts to Pins

Value: $2.18

My collection

Set details.

Name: Wookiee Catamaran

Theme: Star Wars

Set number: 7260-1

Status: Retired

Retired for: 18 years, 10 months

Pieces: 376

Minifigures: 6

Released: April 2005

Retired: December 2005

Shelf life: 9 months

US Flag

Confidence: Medium

Current value: $476.01

Increase from RRP: 852.2%

Yearly ROI: 45.3%

Where to buy

Bricklink £221.29

The Wookiee Catamaran has 376 pieces and is ranked 2789 on the list of biggest LEGO sets ever made.

The most common colour in this set is Dark Bluish Gray

The most common part in this set is Technic, Pin with Friction Ridges

Other Star Wars sets

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Droid Fighter

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HH-87 Starhopper

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Knights of Ren Transport Ship

LEGO The Malevolence set

The Malevolence

Similar size sets.

LEGO Fire Engine set

Fire Engine

LEGO Mos Eisley Cantina set

Mos Eisley Cantina

LEGO Hulk vs. Red Hulk set

Hulk vs. Red Hulk

LEGO Beware the Vulture set

Beware the Vulture


List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

The following is a list of fictional Star Wars terrestrial vehicles, including armored fighting vehicles , military aircraft , and naval ships .

Vehicles appearing in the Original Trilogy

All terrain armored transport (at-at).

The All Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT walker, is a quadruped mechanized infantry combat vehicle used by the Imperial ground forces. Standing over 20 metres (66 ft) tall with blast-impervious armor plating, these massive constructs are used as much for psychological effect as they are for tactical advantage.

The AT-AT (pronounced either casually as 'at at', or using only the letters ' A.T. A.T. ') was first introduced in The Empire Strikes Back (as the Galactic Empire 's main units against Rebel Alliance infantry during the Battle of Hoth ) and also appears in Return of the Jedi (as the vehicle used to transport Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader to their shuttle on the forest moon of Endor ) and in Rogue One (in the AT-ACT variant, used to respond to the attacks of Rebel infantrymen of the Rogue One unit during the Battle of Scarif , although later defeated by the arriving Rebel Red Squadron of starfighers). The AT-AT also appears in a destroyed form in Star Wars: The Force Awakens , explained in the video game Star Wars Battlefront (2015) to be a residue of the Battle of Jakku, which was the Empire's last defeat and resulted in its dissolution. Modified forms appear in The Last Jedi (used by the First Order to attack Resistance forces in a former Rebel base).

All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)

The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) is a two-legged mech walker introduced briefly in The Empire Strikes Back and featured extensively in Return of the Jedi . These vehicles were designed to screen and protect the flanks of slower moving AT-ATs and the larger tanks used by the Empire. Due to their design and movement, they are often dubbed as a " chicken walker ". The name Scout Walker is also used to refer to an AT-ST . This name was used for the official toy instead of the AT-ST name.

An AT-ST also appears briefly in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story , patrolling Jedha City following an attack by Saw Gerrera 's forces. A modified AT-ST later appears in The Mandalorian under the possession of a group of raiders, as the Empire has ceased to exist by the time of the series. An updated model of the AT-ST is used by the First Order in The Last Jedi . Shortly before the film's climax, an AT-ST is commandeered by BB-8 .

Cloud cars fly around Bespin 's Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi . Compositing the cloud cars into the original releases required multiple motion control passes to prevent the vehicles from standing out too distinctly from their cloudy background. Cloud cars were designed to have two cockpits that were interconnected with a small compartment block. It was often a red-orange color with each cockpit arranged in a "shoe-shape" with the glass being on the "tongue" of the cockpit. Like the rest of Cloud City, cloud cars were designed to reflect a more refined art deco style. The scale models originally created for the movies were made of plastic parts using the then-new method of vacuum forming . Cloud cars inserted into the films' Special Edition releases were computer-generated .

Within the Star Wars universe, these cloud cars (formally identified as Storm IV Twin-Pod models) were built by Bespin Motors specifically as atmospheric patrol craft. The unusual vehicles consist of two separate pods connected together, one for a pilot and the other for a gunner. It can achieve low orbit and attain speeds of 1,500 km/h (930 mph) thanks to a combination of repulsorlift drive and ion engine . Each pod is armed with a light blaster cannon and protected with armor plating and an armored canopy. While normally the port-side pod houses the pilot and starboard-side houses the gunner, both pods contain all the equipment necessary to fulfill either role in the event one is damaged.

Desert Skiff

A pair of skiffs travel with Jabba's sail barge in Return of the Jedi . The skiff was originally conceived as a flying animal carrying strapped-on passenger modules. It was modified to be a nautical-type vehicle, and then transitioned to become more utilitarian. A full-size skiff was built alongside the sail barge in Yuma. An 81-centimeter miniature was also built, and it was "crewed" by poseable puppets.

Skiffs are a common mode of transport on many Star Wars worlds as per in-universe sources, utilizing repulsorlift technology to move cargo and passengers on the cheap. The Bantha-II cargo skiffs seen in Return of the Jedi are also a favorite of various criminal organizations, which use them for raids and prisoner exchanges. Built by Ubrikkian Industries, they are 9.5 m (31 ft) long, with an armored bow to withstand head-on collisions, and can reach speeds of 250 km/h (160 mph).

Jabba's Sail Barge ( Khetanna )

A sail barge delivers Jabba the Hutt and his entourage to the sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi . Illustrator Ralph McQuarrie designed the ship to appear more utilitarian in comparison to early designs, which made the ship reminiscent of a Baroque sea craft. Joe Johnston continued working on the design after McQuarrie stepped away from the project. A 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m 2 ) full-scale sail barge set was erected in Yuma, Arizona ; it was one of the largest Star Wars sets created. Measuring 150 feet long, 130 feet wide and 65 feet high, the sail barge set was supported by 130 wooden posts, each 27 feet high, which were deeply embedded into the ground. Underneath the barge were several offices and a commissary which could feed 150 people. In order to get to the set, a two-mile road made of compacted sand was built, requiring roughly 80,000 gallons of water to construct.

According to Star Wars references, Jabba's sail barge is named the Khetanna and was built by Ubrikkian Industries as a pleasure barge for the crime lord. At 30 m (98 ft) long, it is powered by a repulsorlift engine to reach a maximum speed of 100 km/h (62 mph) but can also use its two sails to slowly travel by air power. While designed purely as a pleasure barge, the Khetanna is fitted with a laser cannon turret and heavy blasters can be mounted on the railings.


Landspeeders are antigravity vehicles that appear throughout the films and Expanded Universe in both civilian and military roles. They appear in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope .


C-3PO ( Anthony Daniels ) and R2-D2 ( Kenny Baker ) are briefly held in a Jawa sandcrawler in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope . Shots of the sandcrawler at a distance were actually a matte painting ; only two of its treads and a 27-meter-long piece of its lower structure were actually built. For shots involving the vehicle's movement, ILM used a 125-centimeter radio-controlled model. A computer-generated sandcrawler briefly appears in The Phantom Menace , and a sandcrawler also appears in Attack of the Clones . Sandcrawler-related merchandise include a Lego model, card game items, and Hasbro and Micro Machines toys.

An Incom Corporation T-16 skyhopper appears in the background of the Lars residence in A New Hope , and Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ) races a skyhopper in National Public Radio 's radio adaptation of that movie ; a skyhopper also appears at the end of the Special Edition release of Return of the Jedi . The skyhopper model that Skywalker handles in A New Hope is the concept model Colin Cantwell built; budget limitations allowed only a partial full-size mock-up of the craft to be built.

In Star Wars: Rebel Assault , skyhoppers are used by Rebel pilots to train in Tatooine's Beggar's canyon.

Snowspeeder (T-47 Airspeeder)

T-47 Airspeeder
First appearance
Created byIncom Corporation


General characteristics
Maximum speed1,100 km/h (680 mph)
Length5.3 m (17 ft)
Population volume

A T-47 airspeeder , better known as " snowspeeder ", is a Rebel Alliance vehicle featured in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and several books, comics, and video games in the Star Wars Expanded Universe and also in Atari game cartridges in the 80's . Snowspeeder models and replicas have been merchandised by several companies.

During production of The Empire Strikes Back , designer Joe Johnston conceived a ship that combined the body of an X-wing and the cockpit of the Y-wing . However, this design was scrapped for the T-47, which featured no elements from previous craft. Johnston's designs for the Snowspeeders have influenced later Star Wars designers, such as Tommy Lee Edwards .

The models were built in three different scales by Steve Gawley , Charlie Bailey, and Mike Fulmer of ILM, with the smallest (20 inches) used for motion control photography, and the largest (2½ feet) for hero and pyrotechnic shots. All models included motor-controlled flaps to imply maneuverability, and the largest version also possessed motor-articulated crew Several full-scale props were built in London for the hangar, cockpit, and speeder crash scenes.

According to background sources, the Rebel Alliance received a small squadron of modified T-47 airspeeders – aircraft which utilize repulsorlifts to achieve flight – shortly after establishing Echo Base on Hoth . These civilian speeders, originally meant for retrieving and hauling cargo sleds with their tow cables, were converted for military use by bolting on a pair of laser cannons with accompanying power converters and laser generator system. Additional armor plating was also added on to increase protection; this armor was originally carried by Y-wing starfighters but removed by Rebel technicians to ease maintenance. These modifications made the T-47 a highly maneuverable short-range attack craft which uses its speed and agility to avoid being hit. However, the intense environment of Hoth initially proved too hostile to these T-47s as the cold temperatures would cause their power generators to lock up. Only after Rebel mechanics modified the heat radiator fins at the back of the ships to make them less efficient was this problem resolved and they become more commonly known as snowspeeders.

In The Empire Strikes Back , Rogue Squadron, led by Commander Luke Skywalker ( Mark Hamill ), pilots snowspeeders against Imperial AT-AT walkers during the Battle of Hoth . However, when the snowspeeders' weaponry proves incapable of piercing the assault walkers' thick armoring, Luke devises the unconventional strategy of using their tow cables to entangle the AT-ATs. Although Luke's gunner, Dak Ralter, is killed before he can try the maneuver himself, Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson succeed in tripping up an AT-AT with their snowspeeder and destroying it with a well-placed shot to its neck. While ultimately the Rebels lose the Battle of Hoth, the snowspeeder earns an honored place in the history books for the role it played.

Kenner released a toy snowspeeder in 1980. Kenner re-released an updated version utilizing the same mold in 1995 for their new 'Power of the Force' line. After Hasbro shut down the Kenner offices in 1999, it was released several times under Hasbro's brand name: in 2001 as a Wal-Mart exclusive in the "Power of the Jedi" collection, in 2006 as a Target exclusive in the "Saga Collection" line, and three versions of it in the 2010 "The Vintage Collection", including a Target exclusive packaged as the original 1980 Kenner version.

LEGO has also sold snowspeeder models, and Snowspeeder models used in The Empire Strikes Back have been sold online.

Hasbro's Star Wars Transformers line included a Snowspeeder that transformed into Luke Skywalker .

In 2009, Japanese model manufacturer Fine Molds released a 1/48 scale kit of the Snowspeeder.

Speeder bike

Speeder bikes first appear in a chase scene in Return of the Jedi and have appeared in various other Star Wars media. Related vehicles called 'swoop bikes' have also appeared in Star Wars films and other media.

Vehicles appearing in the Prequel Trilogy

Armored assault tank (aat).

The AAT is a Trade Federation vehicle that appears in The Phantom Menace , Revenge of the Sith , and other Star Wars media . Early drafts of The Phantom Menace described the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo being led by "armored attack craft" that resembled helicopters . George Lucas narrowed down the AAT's design after looking at two different drawings from ILM design director Doug Chiang - one tank-like and the other shaped like a flying spade - and deciding it would be interesting to combine the two together. The final version's forward curve is based on the curve of a shovel, and parts of it are intended to suggest animalistic traits. LEGO released an AAT model in 2001.

In-universe reference material describes the AAT as a battle tank designed specifically for head-on combat, with a very heavily armored front and a nose of almost solid armor so it can crash through heavy walls. First manufactured for the Trade Federation by the Baktoid Armor Workshop, the AAT floats above the ground thanks to anti-gravity " repulsorlift " technology and can achieve a top speed of 55 km/h (34 mph). At 9.75 m (32.0 ft) long, the AAT is crewed by four battle droids : a commander, a pilot and two gunners. Up to six additional battle droids can use handholds on either side of the tank's body to ride into battle . It is heavily armed with a primary turret-mounted heavy laser cannon; matching pairs of anti-personnel laser cannons and laser rangefinders which extend out either side on stalks; and two forward-facing short-ranged blaster cannons in the tank's main body. The base of the tank also incorporates six energized projectile launchers which carry three main ammunition types: "bunker-buster" high explosive shells, armor-piercing shells and high-energy shells. When fired, these shells are cocooned in high-energy plasma which reduces air friction and improves penetration. In order to reload the launchers though, the entire "foot" of the AAT must be removed and a loaded replacement installed using mechanical facilities.

Bongo Submarine

The Gungan "bongo" submarine is a transport in The Phantom Menace . Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ), Qui-Gon Jinn ( Liam Neeson ), and Jar Jar Binks ( Ahmed Best ) use a bongo to travel from the underwater city of Otah Gunga to the Naboo capital of Theed.

Industrial Light & Magic 's Doug Chiang devised the submarine's squid-like propeller design. This assembly was then merged with the design for a manta -shaped underwater transport written out of an earlier draft of the story. This design replaced earlier concepts that depicted the Gungan vessel as an organic-looking diving bell . Practical and CGI models of the Gungan vessel were built, as well as a full-size set for the actors to work in.

Within the Star Wars universe, the Bongo is described as being organically grown by secret Gungan techniques and so no two are exactly alike. The submersible piloted by Jar-Jar, Obi-Wan and Qua-Gon was a Tribubble bongo 15 m (49 ft) long and manufactured by the Otoh Gunga Bongmeken Cooperative. It used hydrostatic bubble shields to keep the cockpit and cargo areas dry and filled with air. The cluster of semi-rigid electromotive tentacles at the submersible's rear could propel it to a top speed of 85 km/h (53 mph). It was unarmed but in an emergency the cockpit section could detach from the rest of the submersible as an escape pod.

Clone turbo tank (HAVw A6 Juggernaut)

The turbo tank is a ten-wheeled battle tank and armored personnel carrier that appears in Revenge of the Sith and is based on designs done by Joe Johnston for use in The Empire Strikes Back . West End Games based their "HAVw A5 Juggernaut" design on Johnson's sketches. The larger, more heavily armed vehicle that appears in Revenge of the Sith is labeled "HAVw A6".

The clone turbo tank, more formally the HAVw A6 Juggernaut, is described in Star Wars sources as being built by Kuat Drive Yards to serve as a heavily armed and armored military transport for the Republic during the Clone Wars . Measuring 49.4 m (162 ft) long, 19.6 m (64 ft) wide and 30.4 m (100 ft) high, the massive tank can carry as many as 300 clone troopers into battle depending on internal configuration. Each of the Juggernaut's ten wheels consists of three independently spinning segments and utilize independent suspension to travel across nearly any terrain. Designed to absorb enemy fire, they help the tank achieve a maximum speed of 160 km/h (99 mph). A crew of 12 operates the Juggernaut and can control it from cockpits located at either end of the tank. The Juggernaut's nearly impregnable armor plating is thermally superconductive to absorb and spread heat over a wider area. For weaponry it is equipped with a heavy laser cannon turret and rapid-repeating heavy laser cannon turret on the roof; two side-mounted medium antipersonnel laser cannons that extend out from either side of the hull; two twin antipersonnel blaster cannons under the 'forward' cockpit; and two retractable rocket/grenade launchers.

After the end of the Clone Wars, the tank continues to serve the Galactic Empire . A later model, the HCVw A9, appears in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story being used as a prisoner transport carrying Jyn Erso ( Felicity Jones ).

Corporate Alliance tank droid

Corporate Alliance tank droids appear in Revenge of the Sith and have appeared in other Star Wars media, including as playable vehicles in Battlefront II . This "snail droid" was originally designed for Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones for the climactic Battle of Geonosis, but they did not make it into the final cut of the film.

Formally identified in background material as the NR-N99 Persuader -class droid enforcer, these tanks are manufactured by the Techno Union and primarily used by the Corporate Alliance, which sides with the Separatists during the Clone Wars . This 10.9 m (36 ft)-long tank is designed to function on its own with a built-in droid brain, though it can also be controlled by a pilot battle droid . Consisting of a huge central tread and forward-mounted outriggers , the tank droid can cross almost any terrain with ease and achieve a top speed of 60 km/h (37 mph). Its weaponry includes two heavy repeating blasters, two ion cannons, and missile launchers.

Dwarf spider droid

The Dwarf spider droid is first seen being used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and have featured in other Star Wars media. Hasbro released a spider droid figure in 2003.

The DSD1 dwarf spider droid, as it is identified in background material, is essentially a walking cannon with a droid brain, built by the Baktoid Armor Workshop to fight for the Separatists during the Clone Wars . Standing only 1.9 m (6 ft 3 in) tall, it is also known as the burrowing spider droid for its ability to fit in tight spaces. Its primary weapon is a long blaster cannon capable of firing at different intensities and rates of fire, though it can also willingly utilize a self-destruct device to blow up the enemy. A pair of infrared photoreceptors on the armored brain casing allow the spider droid to see its surroundings while four articulated legs are designed to affix to the sides of cliffs so it may climb difficult terrain. It can achieve a maximum speed of 90 km/h (56 mph).

HMP Droid gunship

Droid gunships appear at the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Battlefront II . Their circular shape is designed to be reminiscent of the Trade Federation ships seen in The Phantom Menace . These ships were originally intended to appear in the movie's opening space battle, but were ultimately depicted as aircraft.

Described by in-universe material as the Separatist counterpart to the Republic 's LAAT , the Heavy Missile Platform droid gunship (or HMP Predator) is a heavily armed repulsorlift airspeeder which can be adapted for a wide range of mission profiles. Mass-produced by Baktoid Fleet Ordnance on numerous worlds, the HMP is controlled by an advanced droid brain and measures 12.4 m (41 ft) long, 11 m (36 ft) wide and 3.1 m (10 ft) high. The gunship possesses a top speed of 600 km/h (370 mph). However it is considered relatively slow and with average maneuverability, compensated for by its ability to unleash incredible firepower and strong deflector shields . Its weaponry can be changed out depending on what's needed, but standard armament includes a chin-mounted medium laser cannon, two twin laser cannon turrets, wingtip-mounted light laser cannons, and fourteen missiles fitted with variable payloads including high explosive , EMP , incendiary and hard radiation . The gunship can also be modified to serve as a troop carrier for battle droids .

Flash speeder

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Flash speeders in The Phantom Menace .

Gian speeder

The Naboo Royal Security Forces use Gian speeders in The Phantom Menace . They are larger, heavier counterparts to the NRSF Flash Speeders, and are used mainly for skirmishes against pirates and smugglers. However, they are still modified civilian landspeeeders, and prove relatively useless against Trade Federation tanks. They are painted purple, carry one medium blaster cannon, and have seating for four NRSF officers. They also have light armor plating for protection against hand-held blasters, but there is little protection for the vehicles occupants.

Hailfire droid tank

Hailfire droids are mobile missile platforms that appear in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and have featured in other Star Wars media associated with the Clone Wars . In-universe material identifies them as IG-227 Hailfire -class droid tanks produced by Haor Chall Engineering and commissioned for the InterGalactic Banking Clan prior to the Clone Wars to assist with debt collection. Standing 6.8 m (22 ft) tall and capable of 45 km/h (28 mph), they consist of two large wheels with a low-fixed base on which is mounted a targeting photoreceptor , twin chin-mounted blaster cannons, and two missile launchers. Each launcher can carry up to 15 missiles, which have an effective range of less than one kilometer following deliberately evasive trajectories to their target. Although an effective platform against both ground and air targets, the Hailfire was phased out during the Clone Wars because of its limited ammunition supply.

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics , in analyzing several different Star Wars vehicles, gave a mixed review of the Hailfire droid. He praised it for being a wheeled vehicle instead of a walking vehicle and noted that having the robot body suspended between wheels is a popular real-world design which allows robots to right themselves. However he argues the design's wheel size is too big for effectively traversing large obstacles, citing research done by Caltech and NASA on the issue. He also criticized the negative camber of the wheels for having no discernable purpose.

Homing spider droid

The OG-9 homing spider droid appears in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis and features in other Star Wars media, including as a playable vehicle in Battlefront II . During post-production, the droid was referred to as "Commerce Guild droid B." Referred to in source material as the OG-9 homing spider droid, these droid walking tanks were manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop for the Commerce Guild to enforce their contracts. It consists of an armored reactor core body attached to four armored legs, giving it a height of 7.3 m (24 ft). While the legs are thin they are tougher than they look, allowing the droid to traverse nearly any terrain and achieve a top speed of 90 km/h (56 mph). Its primary weapons are two dish-shaped laser cannons mounted on the top and bottom of the reactor core: the top-mounted cannon primarily releases sustains bursts to wear down deflector shields , while the bottom cannon suppresses enemy infantry.

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics praised the design of the Homing spider droid for mirroring the design of a real-world robot, RoboSimian, designed by JPL for traversing rough terrain. However he criticized it's apparent slow speed during the final battle in Attack of the Clones and argues that destroying one of its legs would quickly knock the robot out of a fight.

Multi-troop transport (MTT)

The Multi-Troop Transports or MTTs made their first appearance in The Phantom Menace , carrying and deploying Trade Federation battle droids during the invasion of Naboo . As with the AAT, parts of the MTT are intended to suggest animalistic traits. Lucas requested the MTT have locomotive -type qualities and be capable of knocking down everything in its path; consequently, the MTT has battering rams and locomotive components. Although the MTT was primarily created using computer-generated imagery (CGI), a scale model was also built to film certain scenes of The Phantom Menace , combining elements of practical and digital special effects.

Fictional background for the MTT explains it was originally produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop, the same manufacturer of the Trade Federation's AAT . Measuring 31 m (102 ft) long and 3 m (9.8 ft) tall, the MTT is designed to deploy in traditional battle lines, hence its strong frontal armor. Although floating above the ground on heavy-duty " repulsorlift " engines, the MTT is a lumbering vehicle with a top speed of only 35 km/h (22 mph). A crew of five battle droids operate the MTT and it is armed with a pair of twin 17kv antipersonnel blaster cannons, but its primary purpose is to carry 112 battle droids into battle. These are stored folded-up on an articulated deployment rack, which extends forward out of the MTT's bulbous front end via troop deployment hatch. During the Clone Wars , MTTS were modified to carry larger Super Battle Droids as well.

Podracers are high-speed one-man race craft. Anakin Skywalker ( Jake Lloyd ) enters and wins a podrace in The Phantom Menace . It consists of forward turbines attached loosely to the cockpit by a series of cables with the turbines attached to each other by an ion beam. It was frequently gambled upon and was considered by many, including Qui-Gon Jinn, to be a dangerous sport. The video games Star Wars Episode I: Racer , Star Wars: Racer Arcade and Star Wars Racer Revenge are based on The Phantom Menace's podracing scenes.

Republic assault gunboat

The Republic assault gunboat appears in Revenge of the Sith . The vehicle went through several changes over the course of its development: it was originally a Confederacy capital ship, then became the "Good Guy A" support ship for the Republic. It became a Confederacy ship once more before being scaled down, turned into a speeder, and becoming a Republic craft.

Republic LAAT Gunship

The Low-Altitude Assault Transports (LAATs) are Galactic Republic airborne attack transport and multirole - ground attack gunships that appears in Attack of the Clones , Revenge of the Sith , Star Wars: The Clone Wars , Star Wars: Battlefront , and Star Wars: Republic Commando , ferrying clone troopers , Jedi , and military hardware during battle. The Expanded Universe describes the LAAT as a versatile multi-role aerospace crafts capable of reconfigured for the gunship, transport, starfighter, and bomber combat roles. There are numerous LAAT variants: the LAAT/i infantry transport, the LAAT/c cargo carrier, the LAAT/s stealth special forces , the LAAT/le law enforcement for military police, and LAAT/v vehicle tactical airlift that carried AT-TEs .

Lucas turned to footage of helicopter-troop deployment when conceiving the LAAT; the vehicle was originally labeled the "Jedi attack helicopter", a versatile gunship platform combining the functions of a black hawk a chinook and an Apache . The vehicle's ultimate appearance is based on the Russian Mil Mi-24 helicopter. The craft's engine sounds are the modified sound of a Vickers Vimy , a World War I bomber. Both Hasbro and Lego released LAAT models in 2002; Lego released another LAAT in 2008. Code 3 Collectibles released a die-cast gunship two years later.

Within the Star Wars universe, these repulsorlift gunships were built by Rothana Heavy Engineering to serve a vital role as atmospheric transports and escorts for the Republic during the Clone Wars . The standard LAAT/i gunship (Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry), measuring 17.4 m (57 ft) long (clearance with guns) and 6.1 m (20 ft) deep with a 17 m (56 ft) wingspan, can carry a platoon of 30 clone troopers with storage racks for several speeder bikes . With a maximum air speed of 620 km/h (390 mph), the LAAT was designed specifically with low-atmosphere flight in mind, giving it an advantage engaging enemy starfighters which give up their speed advantage when fighting below mountain level. Later models however were adapted to allow short trips in deep space. The gunship's weaponry includes three antipersonnel laser cannons on swivel turrets, two forward and one rear; four composite-beam laser turrets, two mounted on the wings and two on ball turrets extending from either side; two mass driver missile launchers which can accelerate a variety of missiles at up to hypersonic velocities; and eight light air-to-air rockets carried on underwing hardpoints . The LAAT/i is crewed by a pilot, copilot/gunner, and two auxiliary turret gunners. It also carries a variety of emergency supplies, including an IM-6 Battlefield Medical Droid, collapsible repulsor stretchers, and inflatable decontamination tents.

Another variant, the LAAT/c (Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier), is crewed by a single pilot and armed with just the nose-mounted cannons, but features a pair of magnetic clamps that can quickly ferry cargo or AT-TEs into battle.

Self-propelled heavy artillery (SPHA)

Self-propelled heavy artillery first appear in Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis. The vehicle was initially designed on treads, but George Lucas suggested that it be equipped with legs like the AT-TEs that fight alongside it. The SPHA was referred to as "Clone Tank A" during production. Source material identifies the SPHA as one of the biggest ground guns in the Republic 's arsenals during the Clone Wars , operated by a crew of 30 clone troopers . At 140.2 m (460 ft) long, the SPHA is slow but steady, reaching speeds of up to 35 km/h (22 mph) on 12 articulate legs though it must remain stationary to fire its weapon. The SPHA-T is armed with a heavy turbolaser cannon powerful enough to destroy a starship, though firing it requires vast amounts of energy which can quickly drain the SPHA-T.

Joe Pappalardo of Popular Mechanics has criticized the design of the SPHA for using legs compared to wheels or treads which would be easier to maintain.

Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)

STAPs, which first appeared in The Phantom Menace and have featured in other Star Wars media, are designed to appear reminiscent of the speeder bikes seen in Return of the Jedi . The STAP's design also relates back to Lucas' 1973 idea of ridable "jet-sticks" which appeared in early drafts of the original Star Wars movie. A draft of The Phantom Menace refers to the vehicles as STAPS, or Single Troop Armed Pogo Sticks .

These lightweight reconnaissance vehicles are based in-universe on civilian vehicles called airhooks, modified for greater performance and to be piloted by the Trade Federation's battle droids . Floating above the ground thanks to " repulsorlift " technology, a pair of drive turbines on either side of the vertical stem gives it impressive speed and maneuverability. Though armed with a pair of blaster cannons , the STAP leaves its pilot completely exposed, making it ill-suit for heavy battle.

Swamp speeder

Swamp speeders appear in Revenge of the Sith during battle scenes on Felucia and Kashyyyk . TJ Frame, who worked on the swamp speeder concept soon after joining the art department, initially designed the craft to be appear reminiscent of fanboats . Within the Star Wars universe these vehicles are known as Infantry Support Platform (ISP) speeders, built for the Republic during the Clone Wars by Uulshos Manufacturing. ISPs use repulsorlifts and a powerful turbofan to patrol swampy regions, leading to their nickname, although they can be used on almost any terrain. Operated by two clone troopers and armed with a pair of twin swiveling blaster cannons, the ISP can move at speeds of up to 100 km/h (62 mph).

General Grievous rides a wheel bike in Revenge of the Sith during his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ). Grievous' vehicle is similar to another wheel bike that appears in the Star Wars: Droids cartoon. One concept for Grievous' vehicle was for it to include "tank-like chariots"; at another point, the vehicle was going to be another droid.

Grievous' wheel bike is identified in Star Wars source material as a TSMEU-6 personal wheel bike built by the Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation. Wheel bikes are described as being primarily used during mining operations, however they are also popular as modified weapons platforms on the second-hand market. The TSMEU-6 is 3.5 m (11 ft) long with a wheel diameter of 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) and four retractable legs for navigating difficult terrain. With the legs retracted the wheel bike has a maximum speed of 330 km/h (210 mph), while in walking mode the bike can only attain 10 km/h (6.2 mph). Overall the bike has enough fuel to travel 500 km (310 mi). While normally carrying a driver and passenger, Grievous' bike has had the passenger seat replaced with a heavy double laser cannon; both seat and cannon remain stable while the wheel rotates around them.

Wookiee flying catamaran

Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith . They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component.

Wookiee ornithopter

Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith . The craft was originally known as the "dragonfly helicopter". Although mostly depicted through computer-generated imagery, a full-size mockup of the gunner's seat was created for a closeup of the tail gunner.

Vehicles appearing in other Star Wars media

Imperial assault tank.

The Imperial Assault Tank is a ground vehicle which made its theatrical debut in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story patrolling the streets of Jedha 's Old City and has appeared in other media including Star Wars Rebels . The life-sized model which appeared on the Rogue One set was based on a heavily modified flatbed Alvis Stormer piloted by experienced tank operators. Although the tank had initially been intended to be a hover vehicle, it was decided to keep the treads after production.

Official sources identify the vehicle as the TX-225 "Occupier" combat assault tank manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering for the Galactic Empire . Measuring 7.3 m (24 ft) long and 1.82 m (6 ft 0 in) high, this ground assault vehicle (GAV) can reach a top speed of 72 km/h (45 mph) on open roads and is crewed by a tank commander, driver, and gunner/technician. Its armament includes a pair of elevating twin Dymek Mk2e/w medium laser cannons for antiarmor & antiaircraft use and a forward-locked twin Dymek MK 2e/w medium laser cannon for antipersonnel use. Composite laminate armoring makes the tank remarkably resilient without overtaxing its propulsion system. Two variants of the "Occupier" are employed by the Empire: the standard TX-225 GAVw utilizing a continuous track which makes it highly maneuverable in urban environments, and the TX-225 GAVr which hovers slightly above the ground on repulsorlifts .

Imperial Troop Transport

The Imperial Trooper Transport is a vehicle which made its television debut in Star Wars Rebels and has appeared in other Star Wars media including The Mandalorian . According to official sources, the K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport (ITT) is an armored troop transport which uses repulsorlift technology to deliver Stormtroopers into battle. Manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries, the ITT measures 8.7 m (29 ft) long and can achieve a top speed of 150 km/h (93 mph). Although not designed specifically for combat, the ITT is armed with two forward-facing laser guns and a roof-mounted twin laser turret to defend itself. In addition to carrying troops the ITT is also used to ferry supplies or prisoners between locations; the cargo racks on either side of the ITT double as holding compartments for publicly displaying prisoners as a warning to others.


  • Barr, Tricia; Bray, Adam; Horton, Cole; Horton (2017). Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-5962-6 .
  • Barr, Patricia; Bray, Adam; Jones, Matt; Horton, Cole; Wallace, Daniel; Windham, Ryder (2019). Ultimate Star Wars New Edition . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-7900-6 .
  • Dougherty, Kerrie; Fry, Jason; Hidalgo, Pablo; Reynolds, David West; Saxton, Curtis; Windham, Ryder (2020). Star Wars Complete Vehicles New Edition . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-0-7440-2057-1 .
  • Luceno, James; Reynolds, David West; Windham, Ryder; Fry, Jason; Hidalgo, Pablo (2018). Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-7547-3 .
  • Lund, Kristin; Beecroft, Simon; Dougherty, Kerrie; Luceno, James; Fry, Jason (2016). Star Wars: Complete Locations . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   978-1-4654-5272-6 .
  • Walker, Landry Q. (2018). Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles . United States: DK Publishing. ISBN   9781465482716 .
  • Walker, Landry (2019). The Moviemaking Magic of Star Wars: Ships + Battles . United States: Abrams Books. pp. 54–55. ISBN   978-1-4197-3633-9 .
  • Windham, Ryder (2019). Star Wars Rebel Starfighters Owner's Workshop Manual . United States: Insight Editions. ISBN   978-1-68383-936-1 .
  • ^ "All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT walker) (Expanded Universe)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 8, 2007 .
  • ^ "Rebels Recon #2.03: Inside "Relics of the Old Republic" | Star Wars Rebels" . YouTube . Star Wars . Retrieved April 29, 2017 .
  • ^ Slavicsek, Bill (2000). A Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Third Edition . Del Rey and Lucas Books. pp.  14 . ISBN   0-345-42066-7 .
  • ^ a b "twin-pod cloud car (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Landry (2019), p. 49
  • ^ Landry (2018), p. 21
  • ^ Barr, et al (2019), p. 332
  • ^ a b c "skiff (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Landry (2018), p. 54
  • ^ a b Barr, et al (2019), p. 305
  • ^ a b "sail barge (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Walker (2018), p. 54-55
  • ^ a b c "Sandcrawler (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "LEGO Rolls Out the Jawa Sandcrawler on June 15" . Star Wars Collecting . Lucasfilm . June 2, 2005. Archived from the original on October 24, 2007 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "Tatooine Sandcrawler" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "Star Wars Customizable Card Game Complete Card List" (PDF) . Decipher, Inc. August 23, 2001. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 28, 2007 . Retrieved August 23, 2007 .
  • ^ "Sandcrawler with Jawas and Droid" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on June 30, 2007 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "Jawa Sandcrawler" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "T-16 Skyhopper (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c d e f Walker (2018), p. 20
  • ^ a b c d e f g h i j Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 162-163
  • ^ a b "snowspeeder (Behind the scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved August 12, 2007 .
  • ^ "Tommy Lee Edwards: Saga Artist" . Starwars.com. January 2, 2003. Archived from the original on August 14, 2007 . Retrieved August 12, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c Peterson, Lorne (2006). Sculpting A Galaxy – Inside the Star Wars Model Shop . San Rafael, California: Insight Editions. ISBN   1-933784-03-2 .
  • ^ Windham (2019), p. 10
  • ^ a b c Barr, et al. (2019), p. 330
  • ^ "Rebelscum.com: Photo Archive" . rebelscum.com . Retrieved January 4, 2017 .
  • ^ "Rebelscum.com: The Vintage Collection Photo Archive" . rebelscum.com . Retrieved January 4, 2017 .
  • ^ "Star Wars: Collecting: LEGO Goes Retro" . starwars.com. July 12, 2004. Archived from the original on December 12, 2007 . Retrieved July 20, 2007 .
  • ^ "Star Wars: Collecting: Free LEGO Mini-Building Set" . starwars.com. November 26, 2002. Archived from the original on August 14, 2007 . Retrieved July 20, 2007 .
  • ^ IGNFilmForce (July 6, 2005). "Star Wars for Sale" . IGN . Retrieved August 12, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c "Trade Federation AAT" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Walker (2018), p. 74
  • ^ "Trade Federation AAT" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c d e Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 46-47
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 47
  • ^ a b Barr, et al. (2019), p. 294
  • ^ a b c "Gungan bongo" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ Landry (2019), p. 75
  • ^ Landry (2018), p. 79
  • ^ a b "clone turbo tank (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c d Walker (2018), p. 193
  • ^ a b c Barr, et al. (2019), p. 311
  • ^ a b c Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 92-93
  • ^ "Corporate Alliance tank droid (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 69
  • ^ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 305
  • ^ "Spider Droid" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on August 13, 2007 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 57
  • ^ a b c Barr, et al. (2017), p. 130-131
  • ^ a b "droid gunship (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Walker (2018), p. 16
  • ^ a b Barr, et al. (2019), p. 308
  • ^ a b c Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 90-91
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 68
  • ^ a b Barr, et al. (2019), p. 303
  • ^ Lund, et al. (2016), p. 93
  • ^ a b c Pappalardo, Joe (October 30, 2015). "5 Reasons 'Star Wars' Tanks Make Absolutely No Sense" . Popular Mechanics . Retrieved January 19, 2022 .
  • ^ "homing spider droid (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 56
  • ^ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 301
  • ^ a b "Trade Federation MTT" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Landry (2019), p. 72
  • ^ Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 20-21
  • ^ a b c Walker (2018), p. 46
  • ^ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 293
  • ^ a b "Republic assault gunboat" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ "Republic attack gunship (Expanded Universe)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ "Republic attack gunship (The Movies)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ a b "Republic attack gunship (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ "LEGO Preview: Republic Gunship" . Star Wars Cargo Bay . Lucasfilm . February 1, 2002. Archived from the original on June 30, 2007 . Retrieved October 10, 2007 .
  • ^ "Republic Gunship" . Star Wars Collecting . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on October 29, 2007 . Retrieved October 10, 2007 .
  • ^ "Republic Gunships Approaching" . Star Wars Collecting . Lucasfilm . December 1, 2004. Archived from the original on December 29, 2007 . Retrieved October 13, 2007 .
  • ^ a b c d Walker (2018), p. 17
  • ^ a b Barr, et al. (2019), p. 301-302
  • ^ a b c d Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 70-73
  • ^ a b "Self Propelled Heavy Artillery (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Walker (2018), p. 58
  • ^ a b "STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform) (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 72
  • ^ Walker, Landry (2018). Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles . United States: DK Publishing. p. 74. ISBN   9781465482716 .
  • ^ "swamp speeder" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b "wheel bike (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 70
  • ^ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 310
  • ^ a b "Wookiee flying catamaran (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on March 3, 2008 . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b "Wookiee ornithopter (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Retrieved October 14, 2007 .
  • ^ a b Barr, et al. (2018), p. 326
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 117
  • ^ a b Dougherty, et al. (2020), p. 126-127
  • ^ Walker (2018), p. 53
  • ^ Barr, et al. (2019), p. 320

External links

  • Index of Vehicle Archive at starwars.com
  • List of vehicles on Wookieepedia , a Star Wars wiki
  • Intricate Illustrations of Star Wars Spacecraft Cutouts Reveal Their Inner Mechanics by Leah Pellegrini April 23, 2016
Video games
  • The Clone Wars
  • The Mandalorian
  • The Book of Boba Fett
  • Knights of the Old Republic
  • Skywalker family
  • Max Rebo Band
  • Clone troopers
  • Stormtroopers
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  • Star Wars vehicles
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wookiee flying catamaran

Instructions for LEGO set 7260-1 Wookiee Catamaran which was released in 2005

This set has 376 pieces and 6 minifigs.

wookiee flying catamaran

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Wookie Catamaran - Minifig Scale

This is not a physical product this is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements..

Instructions Only!

The Wookie Catamaran is a truly unique design. In-universe, this is essentially a flying wooden boat conscripted into the forest-yeti military service to fight off a giant alien robot invasion. What the catamaran lacked in firepower and armor it made up for in agility and pure Wookie tenacity. The payloads this often delivered were Wookie warriors armed with blasters and thermal detonators. 

This model can seat four minifigures and has a strong display stand design.

This purchase is for the instructions and part list ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.

Files:   PDF instructions and XML part list.

Wookie Catamaran+ Stand

  • BrickLink Price:   ~$100 - $130 USD (with stand)
  • Part Count:   392  pieces, (stand) 30 parts
  • Dimensions:  L ength 30cm, width 21cm, height  14 cm (on stand 17cm)

wookiee flying catamaran

Wookie Catamaran - Minifig Scale My cart

List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

The following is a list of fictional Star Wars ground vehicles, including tanks, landspeeders, and assault units.

  • 1 74-Z Military Speeder
  • 2 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
  • 3 Armored Hover Train
  • 5 Alliance AAC-1
  • 6 BARC speeder
  • 7 Clone Turbo Tank
  • 8 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
  • 9 Decimator
  • 10 Dwarf Spider Droid
  • 11 Flash Speeder
  • 13 Gian Speeder
  • 14 HAG (Heavy Artillery Gun)
  • 15 Hailfire Droid
  • 16 Homing Spider Droid
  • 17 Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank
  • 18 Landspeeder
  • 22 Naboo Destroyer
  • 23 NR-N99 Tank Droid
  • 24 Podracer
  • 25 Rebel Combat Landspeeder
  • 26 Rebel Gun Sled
  • 27 Rebel Hover Sled
  • 28 Rebel Personnel Carrier
  • 29 Sandcrawler
  • 30 Seismic Tank
  • 31 Speeder bike
  • 35 Swamp Speeder
  • 36 Swoop bike
  • 37 TIE crawler
  • 38 Trade Federation PAC
  • 39 "Treaded rebel vehicle"
  • 40 Spider Droid
  • 41 TIE Mauler
  • 42 Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike
  • 43 T2-B Repulsor Tank
  • 44 T4-B Heavy Tank
  • 45 TX-130 Fighter Tank
  • 46 TX-130T Fighter Tank
  • 47 TX-203 Advanced Scout Tank
  • 48 Wookiee flying catamaran
  • 49 Wookiee ornithopter
  • 50 World Devastator
  • 51 References

74-Z Military Speeder

The Aratech 74-Z speeder bike was the Republic’s primary reconnaissance and light scout/antipersonnel vehicle of the Clone Wars. It was much faster and more manoeuvrable than its Separatist equivalent, the STAP , and packed almost the same amount of firepower. It was primarily carried by LAAT/i or LAAT/v troop gunships and dropped when below the repulsor engines’ maximum height capability. The 74-Z could perform many roles, from scouting to antipersonnel ‘mop-up’ operations to getting information to and from isolated outposts with no comm capability, being used as a makeshift field ambulance and even performing hit-and-run sabotage missions against highly defended enemy targets. The 74-Z could also boost power to the repulsorlift engines for a short time, resulting in incredibly powerful quick bursts of speed used for things like getting out of a particularly sticky situation or catching up to a fast-fleeing enemy. However, if the pilot boosted for too long he could risk a complete engine burnout, and while boosting, power to other systems like the inertial compensator and blasters was dropped substantially.

Armored Assault Tank (AAT)

The Armored Assault Tank or AAT is a large repulsor tank used mainly by the Trade Federation . It was first seen in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace . It also appears in several video games, such as Clone Wars , Battlefront , Battlefront II , Battle for Naboo , and Phantom Menace . They were also seen very briefly in the far background alongside Homing Spider Droids in Revenge of the Sith , during the Order 66 sequence on Felucia .

The vehicle was designed by Baktoid Armor factories, with most important parts in the rear. It carries a payload of 55 missiles. When it runs out of ammo, it returns to its carrier to have its whole bottom replaced with a new one. Its energy weapons consist of two forward-firing, fixed blasters mounted on the craft's "wings", and a heavy blaster mounted on a dorsally-mounted turret with a 360-degree traverse. Its crew consists of 4 battle droids (commander, pilot, 2 gunners). While relatively quick compared to "walking" vehicles (such as the AT-TE ), it is slow compared to smaller floating craft, such as the Naboo Gian Speeder or single-droid STAP . The AAT continued to see action in the Clone Wars fighting on a multitude of worlds, including Muunilinst . Here, one such tank was hijacked and destroyed by an ARC trooper on a covert mission deep within the Muunilinst capitol.

According to the Clone Wars video game, AATs were also present on the rocky plains of Geonosis, and functioned just as well as they did on the plains of Naboo. They were also present on Kashyyyk, Thule, and Rhen Var.

Armored Hover Train

The armoured hover train is, as the name suggests, a long train of armoured carriages that run along what is apparently a maglev track. It appears in the Nintendo 64 & PC computer game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron , on the spice-mine asteroid Kessel, and is used to transport prisoners and cargo across the planetoid. There are three discernible carriage types on the Kessel train: a cargo carriage (a simple cuboid), a cockpit (a sloping cuboid) and a gun carriage with two turbolasers cannons and a missile launcher. According to Wedge Antilles (who was captured and taken to Kessel) "the food is good, but the service is lousy"

All-Terrain Walker series

A preview shot of an AT-AA Walker from Force Commander

The All Terrain Anti-Aircraft or AT-AA walker is a quick moving mobile anti-aircraft weapon used by the Empire . The AT-AA is a rigid slab without a neck and has four powerful legs, similar to the SPHA-T walker. The cockpit has three forward-facing viewports, similar to the AT-AT. Each is armed with a "flak pod" mounted on a dorsal turret, designed to attack aerial opponents. The AT-AA designed for defending Imperial Walker formations from aerial assault, but is useless against any ground vehicles.

The AT-AA first appeared in the Force Commander video game. [1]

An AT-AP on Felucia

The All Terrain Attack Pod is a three-legged evolution of the AT-PT walker. It wasn't suited for a particular type of combat, rather it could perform a variety of jobs. Its two primary legs were used for walking, while the third leg hung underneath the fuselage and would be extended during combat to help stabilize the walker when it took aim and fired its main cannon or when the walker was crossing uneven terrain.

The AT-AP is operated by 3 clone troopers at a time, two in the cabin and a third operating a top-mounted projectile cannon that could swivel 360 degrees that was similar to the one of the AT-TE. In addition, it is armed with a large projectile cannon fixed in the front of the craft and an anti-personnel blaster cannon at the bottom of the main fuselage. Beneath the top turret, there is a supply cage with tools and the drive motor.

Often issued with Republic mechanized infantry forces, walkers of this type saw action at the Battle of Felucia and the Battle of Kashyyyk , where it was seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith . For more information, see the Star Wars Databank Article .

The All Terrain Advance Raider (or AT-AR ) is shaped like the AT-ST . It has less firepower, though, with only one heavy laser cannon. It does, however, run faster than the AT-ST and is more heavily armoured. Larger than the AT-ST, it stands at 12 meters. This allows for two crewmen in a large cockpit, as large as an AT-AT ; and there is available space in the back for cargo, soldiers, or facilities for long trips for the crew. Deployed on jungle, forest, and ice worlds, this vehicle was deployed at the Battle of Hoth along with its fellow AT-ST, and AT-AT.

The All Terrain Armored Transport ( AT-AT ), also called the Imperial Walker , was a major part of the Galactic Empire 's army. They were assembled by Kuat Drive Yards , and evolved from the previous built AT-TE Walkers, made for the Clone Wars . Four AT-ATs where the main force of the assault on the Rebel base in Hoth and although the Rebels destroyed two of these giants, the AT-ATs where able to destroy the shield generator and end the Battle of Hoth in victory for the Empire.

The AT-HE (all terrain heavy enforcer) is a fictional walker from Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith . While similar to the AT-TE or AT-AT, it is slower than the AT-TE and smaller than the AT-AT. It was deployed in the Battle of Geonosis to assist gunships and mobile assault cannons (in this case the SPHA-T ). After the Clone Wars , they were deployed on Utapau with Obi-Wan Kenobi . Along with most of the republic's other heavy walkers, it was manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering , a subsidiary company under the KDY ( Kuat Drive Yards ) umbrella.

No official images of the AT-HE have been produced as of yet.

An AT-OT on Felucia

The AT-OT (All Terrain Open Transport) is a walker employed by the Grand Army of Republic for overland transport. It was first seen briefly in Revenge of the Sith on Felucia, while loaded with troops.

Designed almost exclusively for transport behind friendly lines, the AT-OT's passengers are vulnerable to attack from above but are protected from attacks from the sides. Though not meant for combat, the AT-OT has two forward mounted laser cannons and 2 rear mounted laser cannons. The bed is designed to fit 34 clone troopers, but can fit more if needed. For more information, see the Star Wars Databank Entry .

The AT-PT (All Terrain Personal Transport) is a single seat light anti-infantry walker developed and used during the latter years of the Old Republic era. It was developed and produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering for use during the Clone Wars , though it saw little actual service during the conflicts. After the Clones Wars ended, the Empire saw AT-PTs as a great use for their individual units as most of these machines were deployed in several planets Rogue Squadron went to before the Battle of Hoth ever began. Eventually, the Empire's use of AT-PTs decreased as a new and improved walker, the AT-ST, surpassed the AT-PT in nearly every way.

The AT-RT (for All-Terrain Reconnaissance Transport) is a fast, lightly armed and armoured scout walker used to reconnoitre the battlefield and provide vital tactical information as well as mobile anti-infantry support. Exuding speed, power and menace, the AT-RT was widely used by Republic forces throughout much of the Clone Wars , and was a precursor to the AT-ST .

Standing on 2 wiry legs, the spry AT-RT was a crucial part of the recon arm of the Grand Army. Capable of very high speeds, highly agile and able to unleash powerful anti-infantry laserfire from its main cannon the AT-RT excelled in its chosen role. While the open cockpit left the pilot highly exposed, improved body armour and the walker’s speed proved more than adequate defences on most occasions. While the laser cannon was deadly to any infantry units that crossed its path, it was underpowered when dealing with more significant threats. Anything above the size and power of a Dwarf Spider Droid was unable to be dealt with by this small craft, but it often scouted out targets and brought devastating air, artillery or ground strikes to bear on them before they could react. It was able to do this with its advanced scanner suite, mounted on the nose, and directly coupled to it its powerful rear-mounted communications gear.

For protection and more concentrated firepower, AT-RTs often travelled in squads of 3-6. This produced a frighteningly efficient anti-infantry killing machine that was highly mobile and coordinated due to the advanced communications equipment. AT-RTs were also often deployed as police units in captured territory. Their menacing presence made any resistance fighter think twice before mounting campaigns against Republic bases, equipment, personnel or vehicles. Certain AT-RT units were upgraded for front-line battlefield combat by the addition of heavier armour and a twin mortar cannon mounted above the engines. While still poor in combat with proper vehicles or larger combat droids, these advanced units could clear out spaces of infantry very quickly and made the task of advancing the front lines much easier for the hard-pressed Clone Troopers .

All Terrain Scout Transports are bipedal war machines used by the Galactic Empire . AT-STs were seen in the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor in the movies The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi . The AT-ST can be referred to (in science fiction terms) as a " chicken walker " because of its shape and walking motion.

Created for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones , the AT-TE ( All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) is an all-terrain assault walker, and the precursor of the Imperial AT-AT.The AT-TE is an armored vehicle usually a transport through harsh enviorements.It's firepower usually takes out transports preparing to land or turrets threatening troops

The All Terrain Experimental Transport or AT-XT is a predecessor of the Imperial AT-ST . A variant of this design was used during the Mandalorian Wars and later during the Thousand Year Sith War, but it was not armed with experimental weapons during the Clone Wars . It was commonly used by the Republic during the Dark Reaper Project, but due to its cost it was not used much afterwards. Offensively, the AT-XT is equipped with twin laser cannons and a long range mortar . Also, as a defensive measure, it is equipped with a shield capable of absorbing enemy fire for a short period of time. Despite its slow speed, it is capable of demolishing enemy columns and AATs . This walker was featured in the game Star Wars: The Clone Wars . The AT-XT can re-generate mortars and the head moves independently of the legs.

UT-ATs , or Unstable Terrain Artillery Transports , are nicknamed the "Trident" for their three forward weapons. They function as an attack craft and a transport for different munitions. The UT-AT is similer to the AT-TE Class walker. This medium transport was developed by KDY and Mekuun following a disastrous incident in the Mirgoshir campaign of the Clone Wars. The constant pounding created by thundering footfalls of Republic walkers caused the natural bridges they were traversing on Agamar to collapse, resulting in a catastrophic loss of personnel and armor. Armed with an artilliary cannon (similar to the one mounted on top of the AT-TE), 4 anti-infantry turrets, and 2 powerful of laser cannons that make it a formidable craft. It is powered by 18 repulser skies that allow it cling to unstable surfaces but at the sacrifice of speed and maneuverabilty at speed. It can hold twenty Clone Trooper plus a pilot and multiple gunners in the forward section. The rear section is a hold for varying munitions.

Though they proved to be effective during the Clone Wars, mainly the Battle of Mygeeto (Where one can be seen getting blown up by a Tri Droid) and the Battle of Cato Neimoidia to take down buildings and assist in ground assaults, they suffered heavy losses due to their slow speed.

Alliance AAC-1

The Alliance AAC-1 , also known as the Alliance Anti-Aircraft Speeder, is a type of hovertank used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The AAC-1 is manned by two pilots.

The AAC-1 is equipped with two twin laser cannons, two projectile cannons at the side of the tank's laser cannons and the cockpit, and two missile launchers. The missile launchers of the AAC-1 are manned by a second pilot. These missile launchers are similar to the missile launchers on the Hailfire Droid of the Confederacy of Independent Systems ; those on the AAC-1, however, can turn 360 degrees. The AAC-1 has quickly became rivals to the vehicles of the Galactic Empire especially the Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank , which is rivaled along with the Rebel Combat Landspeeder to be the main vehicle of the Rebel Alliance . AAC-1s were seen many times during the Galactic Civil War aiding the Rebel craft on many places such as Naboo or Utapau . An advanced version of the AAC-1 is the Alliance Commander AAC-2, which is invulnerable to slicing by Imperial Engineers and has more advanced weapons than its standard cousin. AAC-1s and AAC-2s are vulnerable at the black coolant tanks at the side of the tank, where Shock Troopers can damage the craft badly. The AAC-1 and AAC-2 are seen in Star Wars Battlefront II .

BARC speeder

The BARC speeder is a vehicle very similar to the Swoop variant of a speederbike. The only advantage besides a good looking chassis is its ability to navigate tough terrain and hills better than its counterparts. It is playable in the online game Star Wars Galaxies , and comes with the Total Experience pack. It was used by BARC Troopers in Revenge of the Sith . The BARC troopers killed Jedi Knight Stass Allie with it twin laser cannons when Clone Commander Neyo got the message from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. File:Barc speeder.jpg

Clone Turbo Tank

Also known as the A6 Juggernaut , this heavy assault vehicle was developed by Kuat Drive Yards and introduced in the later stages of the Clone Wars. During the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge of The Sith you can see 2 of them firing missiles and rolling at full speed. Actually intended to provide remote outposts with enough firepower to defend themselves against droid attack, its value was soon recognised by Republic tacticians as well. It soon all but replaced the AT-TE and TX-130S as the primary ground assault vehicle. Rolling across the ground on 10 massive wheels, it could transport up to 300 troops and/or up to 1000 tons of cargo in its heavily armoured interior. Powered by a huge reactor, sheathed in extremely heavy armour plate and loaded with multiple highly devastating weapons systems, the HAVw A6 Juggernaut was one of the most powerful and deadly assault vehicles ever made, superseded only by the Imperial All-Terrain Armored Transport ( AT-AT ). Droid commanders very rightly feared its presence on the battlefield.

Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

The Tank Droid is a war vehicle constructed by the Corporate Alliance to combat the Army of the Republic . The standard version of the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid was the Persuader -class Droid Enforcer. It was one of the many contributions of the Corporate Alliance to the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems . The Corporate Alliance used this deadly Droid Enforcer to punish local populations on Outer Rim worlds that opposed the Alliance or complained about unfair business. The tank droid was a 6 metre tall automaton with a huge central wheel supported by 4 small outrigger wheels. It could also roll on its single traction drive thread. The tank droid was also equipped with 4 arm-mounted blaster cannons. The droid's front featured several sensors above its two photoreceptor eyes. During the Clone Wars, the tank droid was dispatched across the Star Wars galaxy to defend Confederacy bases. They could also be used to accompany vehicles such as the Homing spider droid and the Hailfire droid . During a battle the tank droid could also crush to death any unfortunate enemy soldier that got into its path with its huge central wheel. Of all the Confederacy war vehicles, the Tank Droid was feared most by civilians and soldiers alike because of their destructive power and relentless nature. They would crush even unarmed civilians without any mercy and would fire their weapons with wild abandon. To make it even worse, the Corporate Alliance began equipping them with voice modulators to make these automatons even more frightening towards the end of the Clone Wars.

This article contains plot details about an upcoming episode.

The Tank Droid participated in the Battle of Geonosis but never made it into the film. They also appeared in Revenge of the Sith during the Battle of Kashyyyk where they crushed countless Clone troopers and Wookiees . Template:Endspoiler

The Decimator is a massive mechanized unit capable of destroying land, air, and sea units. Its main offensive weaponry is a small globe, similar to a lightning globe. The globe charges up power and unleashes a tight beam, not unlike the Death Star 's superlaser, and destroys its target. It also seems that this beam can be used to attack multiple opponents.

Dwarf Spider Droid

A dwarf spider droid in combat at the Battle of Geonosis .

The Dwarf spider droid is a ground vehicle manufactured by the Commerce Guild to support the cause of the Separatists . Its main weapon was a central laser cannon mounted on its face to look like a nose. The droid's small frame and four all-terrain legs made it suitable for warfare in dangerous mines.

Flash Speeder

The Flash Speeder is a small landspeeder used by the Naboo Royal Security Forces. It is actually a slightly modified version of the civilian Seraph -class landspeeder. It is used for street patrol, personnel transport and high-speed pursuit of criminals. Since Naboo is a fairly peaceful planet, it is not designed for combat. There is a rotating blaster mounted on the back of the speeder. The Flash speeder can comfortably seat two people, including the driver, and two more passengers can squeeze into the rear seats. The engines are tuned to give the pilot maximum control in the streets of Naboo and can use its repulsorlifts to attain a height of two meters.

The GAT ( G round A rmored T ank) was the Confederacy of Independent Systems ' equivalent of the Republic Fighter Tank as seen in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game. Its armament was two medium laser cannons and two missile launchers. It was built by the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

Gian Speeder

The Gian Speeder is a landspeeder used by the Naboo Royal Security Forces. It is similar to its cousin the Flash Speeder but is only used for serious situations. The Gian Speeder's weapons are 3 laser cannons, one of which is a heavy laser cannon which can charge energy, that can easily disable civilian vehicles and are also effective against military targets. It carries a pilot, gunner and 2 passengers. The Gian Speeder's hull is stronger than that of its civilian counterpart, the SoroSuub V-19. The Gian Speeder is 5.7 metres long and is equipped with thrust pods tucked in at its back to reduce target silhouette. It is faster than the more powerful, but sluggish Trade Federation Armoured Assault Tank . It first appeared in The Phantom Menace where the Naboo Security Forces used it to recapture Naboo from the Trade Federation. The vehicle may be named for Giancarlo Coppola, the deceased son of Lucas's friend and mentor Francis Ford Coppola, who, like both Lucas and Coppola, had a strong interest in cars.

HAG (Heavy Artillery Gun)

CIS Heavy Artillery Gun

The Trade Federation 's Heavy Artillery Gun or Mortar Tank as they are more commonly known within the ranks of the Republic military are an upgraded version of the AAT , or Armoured Assault Tank . As well as an armour upgrade, they also are refitted to fire mortars. Countless numbers of HAGs were used in the earlier stages of the Clone Wars and were used to bombard the enemy with a full load of 120 mortars. One shot from their guns could destroy a Republic troop transport, and in concentrated numbers they were deadly to any Republic armour. The Republic answer was the AT-XT , which did not get into mass-production but was deadly, with mortar grenades and plasma shields. Despite this, the HAGs continued to see action at conflicts like Battle of Thule . They were present at the Battle of Naboo and were firing on the Naboo Outpost and their turrets, but they were destroyed one by one by Rhys Dallows, Nym , Vana Sage, Reti and Jenkins. But before the AT-XT was deployed, it was a dangerous foe to ground-based stationary enemies and outposts.

This vehicle appeared in the video game Star Wars: Starfighter during the "Last Stand" level (Though the HAG seen in the Star Wars: Clone Wars video game was a variant of the one seen in the Starfighter video game. The one seen in Starfighter, however, looked more like a backwards facing MTT with a cannon sticking at an angle out of its back than the AAT variant of the Clone Wars video game).

Hailfire Droid

The Hailfire droid was a lethal war vehicle constructed by the Intergalactic Banking Clan . The hailfire droid was a self-aware mobile missile platform and was capable of destroying entire platoons of enemy soldiers. The hailfire droid is also known as the '"Wheel droid"' and is well equipped with missile launchers fitted on each side of its head. Each missile launcher could fire 30 rocket warheads, each of which had the destructive capability to destroy an AT-TE walker. If the Hailfire droid's supply of missiles ran out, it was also equipped with a long range medium-powered laser cannon. Hailfire droids worked extremely well as anti-aircraft weapons, and destroyed some of the Republic Gunships at the Battle of Geonosis. The hailfire droid also ran on large hoop-like wheels on either side of the body which enabled it to operate on every land terrain. Before the Clone Wars, the hailfire droid was used by the Intergalactic Banking Clan to punish customers who had declined to pay their debts. The hailfire droid first appeared in the Attack of the Clones during the Battle of Geonosis where they disabled or destroyed many AT-TEs and injured and killed countless Clone troopers before being destroyed by Republican Gunships . Later during the Clone Wars, the hailfire droids fought in many battles against the Old Republic . Near the end though, the Republic saw fewer numbers of Hailfire Droids due to their low durability and limited warheads. Probably the only time an army of Hailfire Droid were seen greatly was back in the Battle of Muunilinst. This vehicle was seen in only a few scenes in the movies but is a usable vehicle in Starwars Battlefront and Starwars Battlefront II.

For more information, please see the Star Wars Databank Entry on Hailfire Droid .

Homing Spider Droid

The OG-9 Homing Spider Droid is an automated droid vehicle. Built by the Commerce Guild , was one of the mainstays of the Confederacy armed forces. Deadly to both ground and air units, these dangerous droids were one of the biggest threats that the Grand Army of the Republic had to face. Striding across the battlefield on 4 huge, piston-like legs, it could traverse mountainous terrain, deserts, and forests and was only thwarted by swamps or deep water.

The armament was deadly in the extreme: 1 heavy-duty homing laser underneath for use against all manner of larger ground targets and one smaller top mounted laser to shoot down aircraft and smaller, faster ground vehicles like Speeder bikes . Not only was it powerful, it was also unusual: the armament was an actual laser instead of a blaster. Lasers are beams of extremely focused light, rather than blaster technology which uses magnetically-sealed ‘bolts’ of ionised gas and energy. This means that the destructive energy came out of the focusing dish as a beam which continued until it dissipated somewhere far off in the distance. It hit its target at light-speed, providing no chance for the target to dodge or avoid the beam, either. Lasers also assured accuracy – they did not move or jolt at all when fired and, as the term ‘laser-straight’ shows, they were perfectly aligned. When combined with the highly sensitive Parallax homing dishes, which detected with a high degree of accuracy the presence and position of enemies, the weapons placed on this droid were some of the most lethal used by a ground vehicle in the Clone Wars. Laser or not, the beam could tear through armour like tissue paper and in the Battle of Geonosis groups of Spider Droids managed to decimate whole contingents of Republic AT-TEs .

The OG-9 utilised a powerful reactor to supply the intense, sustained energy needs of its homing lasers. This reactor was kept safe inside the armoured central body core; however, if this was breached the reactor would destabilise and detonate in a massive explosion, vaporising anything in the immediate vicinity of the droid and dealing blast damage to things a bit farther away.

When this deadly machine was combined with the Dwarf Spider Droid a formidable advance attack could be made. This was because the lasers of the Homing Spider Droid were mounted on a body held high up in the air by the legs, so when it was positioned behind a line of it’s shorter cousins, Dwarf Spider Droids, it could fire without fear of hitting anything friendly. When combined with a battalion of infantry such as Battle and Super Battle Droids, it took seriously strong enemy lines to resist such an integrated, deadly wall of firepower.

They did have their weaknesses, though: more than once, groups of Clone Troopers on 74-Zs rushed at groups of Spider Droids too fast for their weapons to track and threw limpet mines onto their casing as they passed by. Otherwise, Spider Droids were one of the most lethal battlefield units ever to enter service in the Clone Wars.

Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank

Type Hover Tank

The IFT-T , or TX-130T Fighter Tank , is used by the Galactic Empire. It is equipped with missile launchers, laser cannons and a beam cannon on the top of the tank. This tank has grey markings and repulsorlift engines. An earlier model, the Republic IFT-X Hover Tank , was used early in The Clone Wars . Both variants appear in the game Star Wars Battlefront II .


Considered to be the Star Wars equivalent of the automobile , the landspeeder is able to travel across any terrain at high speed. Low-power repulsorlifts allow the vehicle to constantly hover one to two meters above the ground both in stationary and travelling modes. Turbine jet engines are responsible for propelling the vehicle forward at high speeds.

MPTL-2a Artillery in its deployed state

The Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher-2a Artillery is an artillery piece used by the Rebel Alliance . Loratus Manufacturing had created the MPTL for use by the rebels though it was slow and the Empire could exploit its sluggishness by destroying it with Imperial artillery before any damage could be done. Loratus then created a newer version of the MPTL: the MPTL-2a. The MPTL-2a was lighter and could deploy faster. It was still an artillery piece, not a direct combatant, so they were often acommpanied by ground vehicles or infantry. The MPTL-2a appears in Star Wars: Empire At War PC game. It is a useful anti-infantry vehicle, as it kills one platoon of stormtroopers with just one proton torpedo, but it is also good against small mechanized Empire units, such as the AT-ST and the IFT-X. It is 15 meters long, can function with 1 commander and a pilot, and travels at 18 mph. The MPTL can split its armoured shell to reveal 9 proton torpedo launchers. When deployed it can fire torpedoes over 20 kilometers with the help of a spotter droid. Most of this information came from the Star Wars.com databank entry.

Side View of an MT-AT walker

The Mountain Terrain Armored Transport is an arachnid -like walker designed to scale extremely steep cliffs. The design was created at the Imperial Remnant facility on Carida, and has seen action during the attempted kidnapping of Anakin Solo while Anakin was still a baby. It is probable the design perished soon after this in the destruction of the Caridan system at the hands of Kyp Durron and the destruction of all but one vehicle in service as a result of Alliance defenses in place to foil such attempts at kidnap. The chin-mounted guns on this craft have more power than the main guns on the AT-AT and the rotating laser cannons on the legs allow for excellent anti-infantry capabilities.

The Multi-Troop Transport or MTT is a vehicle used to transport battle droids by the Trade Federation . It was manufactured and designed by Baktoid Armour Workshop . It could carry 112 battle droids with their standard blaster rifles. They are 13 metres tall and 31 metres long. The MTT's face is reinforced and studded with case-hardened metal alloy studs and is designed to smash through enemy walls so that troops may be deployed into battle immediately. The MTT's control room is staffed by a battle droid pilot and a droid gunner/engineer. Its weapons are four 17kv anti-personnel blaster cannons mounted in ball turrets.

Naboo Destroyer

The Naboo Destroyer is an extremely large (for the Naboo Military) type of Combat Speeder. It features 3 - 5 medium blaster cannons, thick metal armour and can carry up to half a dozen people. Few of these speeders were ever produced and now they only exist in museums. Destroyers were used briefly in the Battle and the Defense of Naboo, but most were destroyed by Trade Federation AATs.

NR-N99 Tank Droid

The NR-N99 Tank droid , or Snail droid, was a droid designed and produced by the Corporate Alliance , to defend themselves. When they joined the Separatists, their immense armies of tank droids were added to the massive droid army of the separatists. The tank droid is a strong vehicle armed with two laser cannons on its sides. The tank droids move themselves with enormous tracks, which are not only effective for movement, but also in crushing the enemy. Its two red eyes make the droid look like a snail even more.

In the battle of Kashyyyk , the tank droids were used as quick transports by the battle droids . Although the tank droids were highly effective in battle, several wookiee commandos were able to blow some tank droids up by sticking time bombs to their sides.

A podracer is a small, one-man repulsorcraft composed of a floating anti-gravity pod propelled by dual (or sometimes quadruple) turbine engines . The engines are not physically connected to each other, but are linked by power couplings apparently consisting of plasma discharges of some kind; they are connected to the pods by long cables.

Rebel Combat Landspeeder

The Rebel Combat Landspeeder , or Combat Speeder , was a common craft during the Galactic Civil War which could be seen on places such as Tatooine or Rhen Var . After a bad night at the Sabaac tables, the designer of the speeder sold the blueprints to Sorosuub in order to pay off people who he bet with. This vehicle is equipped with two rapid firing laser cannons, a slow but powerful firing cannon on the top of the vechicle, and two proton torpedo launchers which fire two torpedoes at a time. This tank is similar to the Gian Speeder except it is red and beige and has a closed cockpit. Combat Speeders are manned by two pilots. It is a lethal tank to the Empire , especially to its rival, the Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank , the AT-ST , and even the menacing AT-AT walkers. Rebel Combat Landspeeders are commonly called Combat Speeders. They make appearances in Star Wars Battlefront .

Rebel Gun Sled

(The name is not official, as this vehicle has never been officially named.) Each of these Gun sleds is mounted with an anti-personnel cannon and used to protect the hangars of Echo Base . One of these units was briefly seen in the left corner of the screen when Han Solo rode into a hangar at the beginning of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back . In addition, a cut-scene showed Luke Skywalker using a sled of this type to fight off Wampas .

Rebel Hover Sled

The Hover Sled is a Rebel troop carrier. White repulsor-craft seen in the background in Echo Base and the main hangar of Home One . Was enclosed on all sides, but without a roof. Could carry passengers and cargo. During the evacuation of Echo Base, Rebel transport ships were loaded up with these troop carriers, and all fighter escorts were told to wait until each transport was filled up before taking off. A hover sled brought the Rebel strike force to their shuttle before the Battle of Endor .

Rebel Personnel Carrier

The Rebel Personnel Carrier is an open-air repulsor-craft used to carry personnel and some amounts of cargo around Rebel bases. The driver stood at the front of the vehicle, fully exposed, and all passengers sat on each side of the main platform, so this was not a vehicle meant for combat situations. When the Millennium Falcon reached the secret base at Yavin IV , two of these carriers brought the crew and passengers inside the main hangar.


Seismic tank.

The Seismic Tank is a massive weapon produced by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in their struggle against the Galactic Republic . The tank was developed by Haor Chall Engineering and labeled as a mining vehicle. The Tank's role was greatly different than what was stated in the legal papers when used on the world of Dantooine . The Seismic Tank utilises repulsorlift engines to hover over the battlefield until given the command to utilize its seismic driver which smashes into the ground causing massive shockwaves within the ground itself. This wave of damage effects all ground forces, spreading dust and wind which blows infantry to the ground. On occasions enemy infantry have not recovered from the attack which can be fatal when the seismic driver is sent crashing once again right on them. Beyond this the tank has no other weapon to defend itself.

The Seismic Tank was revealed to Jedi Master Windu during the battle of Dantooine. The menacing machine moved slowly over the battlefield and the battle stopped, causing all units, confederacy and republic alike, to stare up in awe and terror. After the first blow was struck, Master Windu successfully evaded the shockwave, but nearly all clone troopers were killed. After destroying some droids, the Jedi master was caught off-balance and blown aside. This made the master then leap up onto the tank itself and cut his way into the internal structure. Causing a serious blow to the repulsor systems, Windu escaped out of the cockpit and the monstrous weapon of terror was sent crashing to the ground.

The Seismic Tank is never seen in any of the Star Wars films , but rather in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series.

Speeder bike

The term speeder bike describes any of a variety of small personal transport vehicles that use repulsorlift engines to hover above the ground and move very rapidly. It can be compared to a motorcycle on Earth .

The SPHA-T (Self Propelled Heavy Artillery- Turbolaser) walker, commonly known as the Big Gun, was a machine deployed in the Mandalorian War , then later in The Clone Wars.

SPMA-T , an acronym for "Self-Propelled Medium Artillery, is a cousin design to the SPHA-T. Though it's lighter and faster it still packs the same punch as the SPHA-T . It makes it's appearance in the Star Wars: Empire At War PC game. The SPMA-T is an Empire unit, and it is usually accompanied by another two of it's kind. It is the Empire equivalent to the MPTL-2a. The SPMA-T cannot fire as far as its cousin, but is lighter, can move faster and still fire very far. Unlike the SPHA-T, which has twelve legs, the smaller SPMA-T requires only eight legs. The SPMA-T also is modular, having the ability to carry many other types of ordenance which fit the mission parameters.

For more information, please view Self-Propelled Medium Artillery on Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki

The Single Trooper Aerial Platform is an agile flying machine designed for use by the Trade Federation 's battle droids . The STAP is similar in design to personal repulsorlift airhooks use for both civilian and military use in the Star Wars galaxy. It is seen mostly in the beggings of star wars episode I.

Swamp Speeder

The ISP (standing for Infantry Support Platform, but the vehicle was most often called simply the Swamp Speeder) was a medium-weight, highly mobile and very fast repulsor vehicle deployed on many worlds to provide anti-infantry and limited anti-vehicle support. Manned by a crew of 2 highly-trained Clone Troopers , the Swamp Speeder zipped around on the battlefield delivering punishing blows from its dual twin blaster cannons and using its high manoeuvrability to dodge enemy fire.

Designed primarily for use on marshy or swampy worlds where conventional walkers would be less effective, the ISP came into use after the Republic suffered resounding defeats in their campaigns to take muddy Jabiim and similar worlds mid-way through the Clone Wars. Unaffected by the worst terrain due to its powerful repulsorlifts, it was primarily offensive in function as it relied on speed to keep out of harm’s way due to a substantial lack of armour. Fixing this craft to a static point often resulted in heavy losses.

While under equipped for defensive missions, the ISP excelled at hit-and-run attacks on slow moving infantry or light vehicle targets. Swooping in from apparently nowhere, the Swamp Speeder would zip past a target while showering it with laser blasts and zooming away before weapons could be brought to bear. While it was best when dealing with light ground troops, the slightly oversized laser cannons packed enough punch to penetrate the armour on such targets as Corporate Alliance NR-N99 Tank Droids and the vehicle was agile enough to take down even a HMP Droid Gunship that had its shields up. The ISP was also good at patrol duties, cruising along at up to 100 km/h thanks to its large primary turbofan engine (which could also reverse thrust to allow the vehicle to manoeuvre more easily) while the pilots scanned the terrain for threats. ISPs were deployed on such worlds as Kashyyyk and Felucia , though they were also used on many others.

The swoop is a variant of the speeder bike, but featuring faster and more sensitive engines.

TIE crawler

The TIE Crawler (also known as the Century Tank ) was a strange fusion of two vastly different vehicle types- the TIE fighter and the A5 Juggernaut . The TIE crawler was a cheap, mass-produced ground combat vehicle that saw some popularity during the Galactic Civil War that left Coruscant in ruins prior to the Emperor's resurrection in Dark Empire .

Trade Federation PAC

The Trade Federation PAC was used by the Trade Federation to carry battle droids . It can carry 112 battle droids folded into their space-saving configuration. It is piloted by two battle droid pilots. These transports first appeared in The Phantom Menace where they carried entire platoons of battle droids .

"Treaded rebel vehicle"

This vehicle has no official name. These vehicles towed the rebel artillery to the front lines before the Battle of Hoth , leaving thread-tracks on the snow and ice. Never actually seen in the movie, only known by their tracks, which littered the ground. In real life, these belonged to the industrial type snowmobiles used by the film crew, but as an in-universe explanation they could be anything from tanks to APCs.

Spider Droid

The spider droid was a gigantic, spider-like behemoth used by the Banking Clan during the Clone Wars. During the battle of Mygeeto, the spider droid dealt massive casualties to the infantry and armour of the Republic forces, which were being lead by Ki-Adi-Mundi. Their smaller cousin was the octupturra droid, which was used on Utupau and the Battle of Coruscant. These machines greatly resemble 1960's era War of the Worlds tripod designs.

The TIE Mauler was a fast light tank used by the Empire. To keep them cheap the engineers used the same ball cockpit as TIE Fighters and replaced the radiation panels with small treads. The TIE Mauler was specifically designed for infantry by using 3 laser cannons to shred infantry. It also appears in the Star Wars: Empire At War PC game. Their pilots soon learned that the treads could be used to crush enemy troops beneath them, thus giving it its name.

Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike

The Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike is a vehicle seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith . A Separatist ground craft resembling a giant wheel, with four clawed legs hanging from the sides. It could roll on the ground at great speed, crushing enemy soldiers in its path. The legs were engaged whenever the craft needed to climb steep cliffs, especially useful on the sinkhole-filled planet of Utapau . The driver was positioned in a seat on one side of the wheel, while a twin-barreled cannon occupied the other side. The wheel bike was based on technologies created for the hoop-wheeled hailfire droids used by the CIS and Designed by Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation in the Zug system. The Tsmeu-6 gets its stability from the gyroscopic effect produced by the massive counterspinning internal chains that drive the wheel. The chain-links feature built-in capacitors that store reserve energy to power the legs and the double blaster assembly that sits opposite the control chair.

General Grievous used a wheel bike while being pursued by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who rode on the Utapaun varactyl, Boga. Obi-Wan attempted to wrest control of the wheel bike from Grievous, but they were both knocked out of the spinning vehicle moments before it tumbled into one of the great sinkholes lining Utapau's surface.

T2-B Repulsor Tank

The T2-B Repulsor Tank is an Imperial vehicle used for a variety of tasks. When the Galactic Empire took over the mining operations on Aridus the Yutrane-Trakada board was willing to supply them with vehicles and other mining equipment solely for imperial use. Though not all were so willing to go along with the Empire and Rebels took advantage of this and asked them to leave a shipment of their repulsor tanks.

T2-B Tanks were one of these having four fire-linked light balsters and acute sensors. Though having a unique shielding system it was not intended as a direct combatant but more as a target painter for air and artillery stikes. Most of this information came from the star wars.com databank entry.

T4-B Heavy Tank

T4-B tanks were ulitised by the Rebel Alliance thanks to the Aridus Armor Manufacturer who supplied them with a compliment of T4-Bs.T4-B tanks are heavy armor units with two fire-linked heavy blasters and triple concussion missile launchers which work well against infantry.T4-B tanks were very expensive so the cash-strapped Rebels used them sparingly, but made up for in strength;they could survive heavy blaster shots from AT-ATs , and a single formation (3)could bring down one attacking it head on. Most of this information came from star wars.com databank entry.

TX-130 Fighter Tank

IFT-X Tank, as seen in Star Wars Battlefront

The IFT-X , or Saber Class TX-130 Fighter Tank is said to be used only by high-ranking Clone troopers and Jedi Knights . It is equipped with missile launchers , laser cannons and a beam cannon on the top of the tank. This tank has red markings and repulsorlift engines. It was used early in The Clone Wars , and was replaced later by the Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank model.

This vehicle appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars , Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II .

TX-130T Fighter Tank

The TX-130T Fighter Tank is an upgraded version of the TX-130S (see above), used by the Galactic Empire . It is very similar in appearance to the TX-130S, aside from its color scheme, which is drab grey instead of the TX-130S's dark red and white.

TX-203 Advanced Scout Tank

During the rise of the Galactic Empire, the need for a tank with more firepower and more cargo/crew capacity than the existing TX-130T resulted in the TX-203. Often deployed for longer durations than the fighter tank, the TX-203 was used primarily in the search for rebel occupation in the outer rim territories. The newly formed Rebel legion did not have the resources to heavily fortify the entry points to their bases, so they relied on camouflaged entrances to hide their location. As soon as the recon squad would locate the hidden entrance, the TX-203 would assault the entry point with its side mounted turbo-lasers, often sealing the rebels in their base. The squad would then call in heavy reinforcements, which included modified mining equipment and seismic tanks to finish the attack.

Wookiee flying catamaran

Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith . They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. [2] The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. [2]

Wookiee ornithopter

Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith . The craft was originally known as the "dragonfly helicopter". [3] Although mostly depicted through computer-generated imagery, a full-size mockup of the gunner's seat was created for a closeup of the tail gunner. [3]

World Devastator

World Devastators were gigantic machines with strong tractor beams attached to them, employed by a resurrected Emperor Palpatine .

  • ↑ Star Wars: Military Walkers
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 "Wookiee flying catamaran (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . Archived from the original on 2008-03-03 . https://web.archive.org/web/20080303084007/http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/catamaran/?id=bts . Retrieved 2007-10-14 .  
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 "Wookiee ornithopter (Behind the Scenes)" . Star Wars Databank . Lucasfilm . http://www.starwars.com/databank/vehicle/gnasp/?id=bts . Retrieved 2007-10-14 .  


  • 1 Thirteen (Transformers)
  • 2 Orion Pax
  • 3 List of Decepticons
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Product Key Features

  • Age Level 8+
  • LEGO Theme Star Wars
  • Number of Pieces 376
  • Release Year 2005
  • LEGO Set Number 7260
  • LEGO Set Name Wookiee Catamaran
  • Item Length 18.9 in
  • Item Height 2.8 in
  • Item Width 11.3 in

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Sovereign Protector

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:55 am    Post subject: STATS: Wookie catamaran skimmer.
These speeder like vessles, are a combination of once alive animals and technology, much like repulsor elevators used by the wookies in their tree cities. Its frame, backbone and wings, are the remains of a "Fsill fly", a huge creature, that gets to almost a bantas size accross. The remains are gutted out, leaving the spine, wings, ribs and forelimbs... All else, is taken.
To this, is placed on hull plating, seats, a moderate sized power generator (and small fuel cell), weapons and a control unit for its back up repulsor drive.
The Wookies, used these vessles to great effect during the clone wars, when the droid armies came to their planet, but almost all of them were destroyed (or taken) when the empire came to power.

Craft: Shrwoss Catamaran skimmer
Type: Wookie troop speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 6 Metres, 4 meters wide, with a 12 meter wingspan
Skill: repulsor ops: Fsill speeder
Crew: Pilot: 1, Gunner: 2,
Crew Skill: varies, usually around 5d in repulsor ops, 4d+2 in vehicle mounted bowcaster (new skill similar to vehiclular blasters).
Body: 2D+2
Passengers: 5 armed and armored wookies (equates to a full squad of human or human sized warriors)
Maneuverability: 3D (using the repulsors AND 'wings), 2D for just the repulsors only, and 1D if using the wings only.
Flight ceiling: 400 meters above ground or treetop level.
Atmosphere: 90 (wings only), 105 (repulsor only), 165 (both)
not sure what that would translate to in KMH

Single heavy 'Tricaster'
Fire Arc: Front - left - right
Skill: Vehicular 'bowcaster'
Fire Control: 1D+2
Atmosphere: 5-150m/300m/450m km
Damage: 4D+2
Fire rate: 5/1
Ammo: bandolier of 100 'quarrels'. Takes 3 rounds to reload.

Single Medium 'Tricaster'
Fire Arc: Rear-left-right
Skill: Vehicular 'bowcaster'
Fire Control: 2D+1
Atmosphere: 5-150m/300m/450m km
Damage: 4D
Fire rate: 5/1
Ammo: bandolier of 100 'quarrels'. Takes 3 rounds to reload.
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
  '); //-->
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 9:44 am    Post subject:
What is this? It's not the Wookiee Flying Catamaran seen in Ep3, right? Cause that is an "Oevvaor Jet Catamaran". So where is this from?
"He's Gry Sarth, of course he has the stats for them."

Last edited by Gry Sarth on Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:07 am; edited 1 time in total

wookiee flying catamaran

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:10 pm    Post subject:
DRAT. Did not know someone already statted that out...
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:43 pm    Post subject:
Yeah, well... Wizards already statted it, and I converted it for my Vehicles Stats book.

But yours are nice stats. Maybe you could assign them to an alternative wookiee vessel. Thos catamarans are very rustically-made, so there could be a lot of variation between each vessel.
"He's Gry Sarth, of course he has the stats for them."
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 8:33 pm    Post subject:
Thos catamarans are very rustically-made, so there could be a lot of variation between each vessel.
'); else document.write('  '); //-->
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:11 pm    Post subject:
That's right. This could either be a whole different type of vehicle, or could just be an individual one, if you go the "each one is a work of art" route.
Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:31 pm    Post subject:
That could work... So what are your thoughts then?
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:07 am    Post subject:
I like the idea of it being a different vehicle myself.
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:00 am    Post subject:
Well, I imagine the stats that WotC put out are probably intended to be the stock stats. Covert those to D6, then go from there. I'd imagine backstory would play a good part in the final stats of each vessel; some are going to be faster, some more heavily armed, others designed with defense as the priority. The personality of the Wookiee who created it (or the one for whom it's being built) ought to be incorporated into the stats, just as though it were a work of art.

What do you all think?
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:04 am    Post subject:
Here's my conversion of Wizards' stats:

Wookiee Flying Catamaran
Craft: Appazanna Engineering Works Oevvaor Jet Catamaran
Type: Exotic flying watercraft
Scale: Speeder
Length: 15.14 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation
Crew: 1, gunners: 1
Cargo Capacity: 20 kilograms
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Water level-200 meters
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 130; 370 kmh
Body Strength: 1D+2
Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Character
Crew: 1
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 3-75/200/500 meters
Damage: 6D
"He's Gry Sarth, of course he has the stats for them."
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:51 am    Post subject:
Looks real good, Gry!

And the blaster cannon could be replaced by a bowcaster, but I think that since you have to be a Wookiee (or of great strength, at least) to wield a regular bowcaster, it might become problematic to have a larger-scale caster on the vehicle. So the blaster cannon might be the way to go.
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:46 pm    Post subject:
And the blaster cannon could be replaced by a bowcaster, but I think that since you have to be a Wookiee (or of great strength, at least) to wield a regular bowcaster, it might become problematic to have a larger-scale caster on the vehicle. So the blaster cannon might be the way to go.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:28 am    Post subject:
I thought that's what the strength issue was about. I wonder what the strength requirement would be for a tricaster on a vessel like this... I imagine it'd be higher than a regular bowcaster.
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:28 pm    Post subject:
It is what the strength issue is about, but I guess even wookkies get tired of loading their Bowcasters.
"I take orders from just one person: Me!"

"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself."
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:42 am    Post subject:
Well, actually, my look for the Tricaster, would actually be that it is not a proper bowcaster, but more of a caster looking rapid firing weapon (like a 50 cal machine gun)...
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Rancor Pit Conversions Saga The Clone Wars - D6 Holocron

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Wookiee Flying Catamaran<br />

Craft: Appazanna Engineering Works Oevvaor<br />

Jet Catamaran<br />

Type: Exotic flying watercraft<br />

Scale: Speeder<br />

Length: 15.1 meters<br />

Skill: Repulsorlift<br />

operation<br />

Crew: 2<br />

Passengers: 2<br />

Cargo Capacity: 50 kilograms<br />

Cover: 1/2<br />

Altitude Range: Water level-1,000 meters<br />

Cost: 12,125 (new),<br />

2,700 (used)<br />

Maneuverability: 2D<br />

Move: 125; 370 kmh (water), 150; 430 kmh (air)<br />

Body Strength: 2D+2<br />

Source: Wizards Website, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong><br />

Campaign Guide (page<br />

219)<br />

Wookiee Ornithopter<br />

Craft: Appazanna Engineering Works Raddaugh<br />

Gnasp Fluttercraft<br />

Type: Patrol ornithopter<br />

Length: 7 meters<br />

Skill: Rotor vehicle operation: ornithopter<br />

Crew: 1, gunners: 1<br />

Cargo Capacity: 3 kilograms<br />

Cover: 1/4<br />

Altitude Range: Ground level-1,000 meters<br />

Cost: 14,750 (new), 3,200<br />

(used)<br />

Maneuverability: 3D+2<br />

Move: 110; 310 kmh<br />

Body Strength: 1D+2<br />

Weapons:<br />

Laser Cannon<br />

Fire Arc: Rear<br />

Crew: 1<br />

Skill: Vehicle<br />

blasters<br />

Fire Control: 1D<br />

Range: 10-50/200/500<br />

Damage: 4D<br />

Source: Wizards Website,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong><br />

Campaign Guide (page 219)<br />

DC0052 “Intergalactic”<br />

Speeder<br />

Craft: Daystar Craft DC0052 Airspeeder<br />

Type: Airspeeder<br />

Length: 2 meters<br />

Skill: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder<br />

Cover: Full<br />

Altitude Range: Ground level-170 kilometers<br />

Cost: 10, 000 (new), 2,000 (used)<br />

Maneuverability: 3D+1<br />

Move: 280; 800<br />

kmh<br />

Body Strength: 2D<br />

Source: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign<br />

Guide (page<br />

138)<br />

STAP<br />

Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop Single Trooper<br />

Aerial Platform (STAP-1)<br />

Type:<br />

Single trooper aerial platform<br />

Length: 1.9 meters<br />

Skill: Repulsorlift operation:<br />

Crew Skill: Repulsorlift<br />

operation 4D; vehicle<br />

blasters 4D<br />

Passengers: None<br />

Cargo Capacity:<br />

None<br />

Altitude Range:<br />

Ground level-500 meters

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Tales of the Jedi Companion 1996 WEG40082 0 ... - D6Holocron

Wookiee Flying Catamaran Craft: Appazanna Engineering Works Oevvaor Jet Catamaran Type: Exotic flying watercraft Scale: Speeder Length: 15.1 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation Crew: 2 Passengers: 2 Cargo Capacity: 50 kilograms Cover: 1/2 Altitude Range: Water level-1,000 meters Cost: 12,125 (new), 2,700 (used) Maneuverability: 2D Move: 125; 370 kmh (water), 150; 430 kmh (air) Body Strength: 2D+2 Source: Wizards Website, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 219) Wookiee Ornithopter Craft: Appazanna Engineering Works Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft Type: Patrol ornithopter Scale: Speeder Length: 7 meters Skill: Rotor vehicle operation: ornithopter Crew: 1, gunners: 1 Cargo Capacity: 3 kilograms Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground level-1,000 meters Cost: 14,750 (new), 3,200 (used) Maneuverability: 3D+2 Move: 110; 310 kmh Body Strength: 1D+2 Weapons: Laser Cannon Fire Arc: Rear Crew: 1 Skill: Vehicle blasters Fire Control: 1D Range: 10-50/200/500 Damage: 4D Source: Wizards Website, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 219) DC0052 “Intergalactic” Speeder Craft: Daystar Craft DC0052 Airspeeder Type: Airspeeder Scale: Speeder Length: 2 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation: airspeeder Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: 3 kilograms Cover: Full Altitude Range: Ground level-170 kilometers Cost: 10, 000 (new), 2,000 (used) Maneuverability: 3D+1 Move: 280; 800 kmh Body Strength: 2D Source: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 138) STAP Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP-1) Type: Single trooper aerial platform Scale: Speeder Length: 1.9 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation: STAP Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 4D; vehicle blasters 4D Passengers: None Cargo Capacity: None Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground level-500 meters

Cost: 2,500 Maneuverability: 3D Move: 105; 300 kmh Body Strength: 1D Weapons: 2 Blaster Cannons (fire-linked) Fire Arc: Front Skill: Vehicle blasters Fire Control: +2 Range: 50-400/900/3 Km Damage: 4D Source: d20 Core Rulebook (page 237), Secrets of Naboo (page 10), <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 202) Trade Federation Troop Carrier Craft: Baktoid Armor Workshop's Troop Carrier Type: Troop transport Scale: Speeder Length: 26 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation: repulsorlift sled Crew: 2 (droids); skeleton: 1/+5 Crew Skill: Repulsorlift operation 4D, vehicle blasters 4D Passengers: 112 (battle droids) Cargo Capacity: 4 tons Cover: 1/2 Altitude Range: Ground level-2 meters Cost: 37,000 Maneuverability: 1D Move: 18; 50 kmh Body Strength: 3D+2 Source: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 202) BARC Speeder Craft: Aratech Biker Advanced Recon Commando (BARC) Speeder Type: Speeder bike Scale: Speeder Length: 4.57 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation: speeder bike Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: 5 kilograms Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground level-150 meters Cost: 8,300 (new), 1,550 (used) Maneuverability: 2D Move: 180; 520 kmh Body Strength: 2D+1 Weapons: 4 Blaster Cannons (fire-linked) Fire Arc: Front Skill: Vehicle blasters Fire Control: 1D Range: 30-50/100/200 Damage: 4D+2 Source: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Clone</strong> <strong>Wars</strong> Campaign Guide (page 165) Swamp Speeder Craft: Uulshos Manufacturing Infantry Support Platform (ISP) Type: Light attack vehicle Scale: Speeder Length: 5 meters Skill: Repulsorlift operation: swamp speeder Crew: 2 Cargo Capacity: 55 kilograms Cover: 1/2 Altitude Range: Ground level-1.3 meters Cost: 11, 600 (new), 2,880 (used) Maneuverability: 1D+2 Move: 35; 100 kmh

  • Page 2 and 3: Alien Sppecies Chagrian Home Planne
  • Page 4 and 5: Kaleesh Home Planet: Kalee Attribut
  • Page 6 and 7: Skilled Phhysicians: PPolis Massaan
  • Page 8 and 9: Starships Dagger Starfighter Craft:
  • Page 10 and 11: Skill: Starship gunnery Fire Contro
  • Page 12 and 13: Source: The Clone Wars Campaign Gui
  • Page 14 and 15: Fire Control: 2D+1 Skill: Starship
  • Page 16 and 17: Weapons: 4 Laser Cannons (fire-link
  • Page 18 and 19: Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 k
  • Page 20 and 21: CR20 Trooop Carrier Craft: Coreelli
  • Page 22 and 23: Nu Attackk Shuttle Craft: Cyggnus S
  • Page 24 and 25: Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh Hull: 4D+2
  • Page 26 and 27: Scale: Capital Length: 1,088 meters
  • Page 28 and 29: Fire Control: 3D+1 Space Range: 1-5
  • Page 30 and 31: Laser Cannnon Fire Arc: Froont Skil
  • Page 34 and 35: Body Strenngth: 2D+1 Weapons: 2 Twi
  • Page 36 and 37: Weapons: Heavy Laseer Cannon Fire A
  • Page 38 and 39: Persuader Tank Droid Craft: Corpora
  • Page 40 and 41: Equipped WWith: -Repulsorlifft unit
  • Page 42 and 43: 5YQ Protoocol Droid Type: Cyboot Ga
  • Page 44 and 45: -Integrated multichanneel comlink -
  • Page 46 and 47: Move: 10 Size: 1.95 meters tall Cos
  • Page 48 and 49: Equipped WWith: -Integrated multich
  • Page 50 and 51: Creaturees Akk Dog Type: Reptoomamm
  • Page 52 and 53: Espo Riot Gun Model: BlasTech 500 R
  • Page 54 and 55: MM9 Wrist Rocket System Model: Kalv
  • Page 56 and 57: Equipment Camo Armor Model: Creshal
  • Page 58 and 59: Force Powers Pall of the Dark Side
  • Page 60: Technometry Control Difficulty: Eas

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  1. Wookiee Catamaran

    wookiee flying catamaran

  2. Oevvaor jet catamaran

    wookiee flying catamaran

  3. Wookiee

    wookiee flying catamaran

  4. Wookiee Catamaran

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    wookiee flying catamaran


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  1. Oevvaor jet catamaran

    The Oevvaor jet catamaran was a dual-purpose airspeeder that saw heavy use in the Battle of Kashyyyk. The catamaran was named for the oevvaor, a predatory marine reptile that prowled the coasts of Kashyyyk. The hulls of the craft were very tough, as they were handcrafted from the wood of wroshyr trees. The craft was also extremely quick and agile. They were powered by a compact twin ...

  2. Wookiee Catamaran

    Wookiee Catamaran. These slim, twin-hulled vehicles combine traditional Wookiee craftsmanship with advanced technology, joining carefully shaped wood with powerful repulsorlifts and engines. Catamarans are agile both in the water and in the air, and proved instrumental to the Wookiees' defense of Kashyyyk during the Separatist invasion in the ...

  3. Oevvaor

    The oevvaor was a predatory marine reptile that lived on the shores of Kashyyyk. The males of the species possessed an axe-like horn on their heads. The Wookiees named one of their military vehicles, the Oevvaor jet catamaran, after this beast. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia Wookiee flying ...

  4. ::Oevvaor Jet Catamaran (Barges)

    Designed originally for civilian use, such as sporting and fishing, this catamaran is a recreational vehicle that includes insect-like wings between the twin jet-propulsion pods for smooth and stable air performance. Famed both as an example of Wookiee humor and as a low-tech artificial horizon while in flight, a 'Hula Human' is mounted in the ...

  5. Wookiee Flying Catamaran

    Basic Information- Size: 15.14 meters long Manufacturer: Appazanna Engineering Works Type: Oevvaor Jet Catamaran Weapon: None Permanent; Typically Affixed with Blaster Cannon or Rifle Turret Mounts Associations: Wookiee; Wookiee Flying Catamaran Wookiee; Wookiee Flying Catamaran

  6. List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

    Wookiee flying catamaran. Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith. They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. [89] The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. [89] Wookiee ornithopter. Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith.

  7. Wookiee

    Shaggy giants from an arboreal world, the tall and commanding Wookiee species is an impressive sight to even the most jaded spacer. Despite their fearsome and savage countenance, Wookiees are intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. Loyalty and bravery are near-sacred tenets in Wookiee society. When peaceful, Wookiees are tender and gentle. Their tempers, however, are short; when ...

  8. 7260 Wookiee Catamaran

    The catamaran is mainly composed of brown pieces, representing the wood used by the Wookiees to build their vehicles and weapons, while the Republic Swamp Speeder is mainly light grey and dark red. Background [] The Oevvaor jet catamaran was a Wookiee flying contraption seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith during the Battle of ...

  9. Category:Wookiee vehicles

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  10. List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

    34 Wookiee flying catamaran; 35 Wookiee ornithopter; 36 World Devastator; 37 References; 38 External links; Armored Assault Tank (AAT) The AAT is a Trade Federation vehicle that appears in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, the Star Wars expanded universe, and The Clone Wars.

  11. LEGO Wookiee Catamaran (7260-1)

    Wookiee Catamaran. The Wookiee Catamaran (7260-1) is a LEGO Star Wars set that was released in April 2005 and retired in December 2005 with a shelf life of 9 months . This LEGO set has 376 pieces and had a RRP of $49.99 (£39.99 / -€) which equates to a price per piece of 0.13c (0.11p / 0.00€) . Since it retired it has grown in value by 850 ...

  12. List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

    2.19 Wookiee flying catamaran. 2.20 Wookiee ornithopter. 3 Vehicles appearing in other Star Wars media. 3.1 Imperial Assault Tank. 3.2 Imperial Troop Transport. 4 Bibliography. 5 References.

  13. LEGO 7260 Wookiee_Catamaran Instructions, Star Wars

    Instructions for LEGO set 7260-1 Wookiee Catamaran which was released in 2005 . This set has 376 pieces and 6 minifigs.

  14. Wookiee Flying Catamaran

    Wookiee Flying Catamaran Cost: 2,500 Maneuverability: 3D Move: 105; 300 kmh Body Strength: 1D Weapons: 2 Blaster Cannons (fire-linked)

  15. List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

    Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith. They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. [89] The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. [89] Wookiee ornithopter.

  16. Random set of the day: Wookiee Catamaran

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  17. Wookie Catamaran

    The Wookie Catamaran is a truly unique design. In-universe, this is essentially a flying wooden boat conscripted into the forest-yeti military service to fight off a giant alien robot invasion. What the catamaran lacked in firepower and armor it made up for in agility and pure Wookie tenacity.

  18. List of Star Wars air, aquatic, and ground vehicles

    Wookiee flying catamarans appear in Revenge of the Sith. They were originally conceived as strictly water vehicles. The addition of a rotor came late in production; some printed works do not depict this component. Wookiee ornithopter. Wookiee ornithopters appear in Revenge of the Sith.

  19. LEGO Star Wars: Wookiee Catamaran (7260) for sale online

    Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for LEGO Star Wars: Wookiee Catamaran (7260) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

  20. What if we replaced the LAAT on kashyyk with the Wookiee plane ...

    69 votes, 16 comments. and the a wing on Tatooine with a t-16 sky hopper... What do y'all think? A bit more immersive option.

  21. Wookiee Catamaran : Set 7260-1

    US $315.81. (EUR 285.00) Wookiee Catamaran. 100% complete w/ mini-figures, box, and instructions. Mini-figures are in excellent condition with little to no play wear and no cracks. Luminara's light saber lights up bright. Instructions are in nice shape, box has some damage but looks good overall.

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