The Rogers 46 makes no excuses for being a turbo charged race boat. She has been designed to be light, agile and very quick through the water, giving an exhilarating ride and ensuring lots of bang for the buck! She is probably best described as a small TP52 and there are a lot of owners and sailors alike who would love to get there hands on one…..only one small problem, they are expensive to buy and a King’s ransom to campaign!

The carbon Rogers 46, which at significantly less than half the price of a TP52, is a much more affordable option for most and will give an equally exhilarating experience….. couple this with a good IRC rating and one has a great boat to campaign in the IRC arena.

There is little doubt that the TP 52’s really have shown the way forward in IRC as light race boats and Rogers Yacht Design is delighted to have responded with this new more affordable design.

The Rogers 46s are being built by Composite Marine International (CMI) in Thailand. CMI is a joint venture between Cobra (the Worlds largest manufacturer of windsurfers and boards) and Pom Green and Green Marine from the UK. The quality of the work underway is superb and these carbon/foam/epoxy structures are second to none. The hull is moulded from a female mould ensuring a beautiful hull finish every time and the deck is male moulded giving an excellent internal finish, also ensuring minimum weight is achieved. There is no question these boats are more like a one off build but offered with a ‘production boat’ price tag.

The price tag for this Rogers 46 is extremely competitive with a very high specification which includes: a full carbon structure, an excellent B&G Hercules system with 4x 20/20s, a mast wand, performance boxes, Harken deck gear throughout and a deck layout that is ready to race; suffice to say, the Extras List is short….as most items are already included.

How about a bit of Winter sailing in the Far East. Have your boat delivered to Malaysia for the Raja Muda Regatta in November, then continue up the coast for the King’s Cup in December and then back down to Singapore for the Straits Regatta in Mid January. The boat will be fully race tuned by the end of those events, ship the boat back from Singapore ready for the new season in the Northern hemisphere.

This piece is more about wetting your appetite for this exciting new concept. There is a lot that lies behind this new design with much to explain. We suggest that if you are interested, then call RYD to discuss your requirements in more detail and we will also forward a full information pack.

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Rogers 46 review

rogers 46 yacht

A lean, mean, mini-TP52, the Rogers 46 sets out to provide both great IRC racing potential and a whole lot of fun. Andi Robertson went for a blast around the Solent to see how she performs.

Rogers 46 Review

The idea for the Rogers IRC 46 came about during Skandia Cowes Week 2005 when ‘Patches’ showed just what a decent, modern TP52 could do with a good crew under IRC.

For those who need reminding, Eamon Conneely’s ‘Patches’, with Ian Walker calling tactics for Shirley Robertson steering, made a clean sweep of the Rocking Horse Trophy, the Queens Cup, the Britannia Cup and the New York Yacht Club Challenge trophy, leaving some of the hottest IRC one-offs in her wake. That got Simon Rogers, and others, thinking. It was a clear illustration that the performance curve of a modern, light displacement raceboat diverged from IRC’s single number expectation as the breeze increased, particularly downwind. And besides the fact that ‘Patches’ cleaned up, the owner and crew were clearly having a lot of fun going very quickly in all directions.

While the TP52 was an obvious choice to do the job, Rogers believed there would be an international market for a series-build smaller boat, which would fit a niche between, say, the established cruiser-racer such as the DK46 and the balls-to-the-wall TP52.

Some would argue that such a contention was a brave belief, given the proliferation of stock production 45-47-footers which are eminently capable of a decent performance under IRC offshore and inshore.

The TP52, in all its modern glory, is a more significant undertaking both financially and practically, in terms of sailing one well and keeping it fully crewed to a good level. Of course the return on the additional cost of the TP52 is being able to compete on the most exciting and competitive grand prix raceboat circuit of the moment. However, the full running costs of a season’s top flight TP52 sailing would probably equate to the on-the-water price of the Rogers 46.

At the other end of the buying decision equation is the evergreen Farr 45, which in terms of domestic racing ‘bang per buck’, is really hard to beat. The downside is that you won’t be taking your Farr 45 to do any bluewater classics very often.

On the racecourse

Boat number one, ‘Danebury’, showed her potential winning the Garmin Hamble Big Boat Series over 10 races under both IRC and IRM up against some decent Farr 45s and John Shepherd’s Ker 46 ‘Fair Do’s’.

The second boat, David Aisher’s ‘Yeoman XXVII’, made her race debut at Key West with Ian Walker doing tactics and North’s Simon Fry trimming. Winds were uncharacteristically light and the 46 rated as the slowest boat in IRC Class 2, which made clear air on the first beat something of a battle. According to Fry they got the boat round the course well, and were usually ahead of polars, but could not live with the 52s in the lighter breeze.

The 46 is at her best in a stronger breeze — 12 knots plus — and a top speed of 24.7 knots on the delivery to Key West certainly gives an insight into the boat’s potential.

So far six boats have been sold. Boats three and four are being delivered to Melbourne and to Chicago, so the Rogers 46 will be on three continents. The next two boats are going to Australia and to San Francisco. Beyond that Rogers believes he has a further ‘five or six’ customers waiting to sign up.

The boat was conceived with a future as a onedesign as well as a competitive mixed fleet IRC raceboat. So the foils and rigs are identical as well as the hulls, the deck layouts are sufficiently similar. Sail areas are the only variations at the moment and these can be brought into line as required. The target is to launch a circuit which would be guaranteed and structured over the next three to five years and that is what some of the potential owners are waiting to have confirmed before they ink their cheques.

Design and build

The boat is built by CMI in Thailand in foam/carbon/epoxy. The facility is a joint venture between Cobra International, who are big producers of surf and windsurfing boards and carbon composites, and Green Marine.

Built with a full carbon wet laminate over foam in a female mould, the hull comes out at just a little lighter than a typical modern TP52 which uses the latest pre-preg technology. Total displacement is just 6,200kgs. The maxim Rogers pushes is one-off attention to detail, production boat price.

The 46ft length was chosen as theoretically being able to enjoy the fruits of clear air by being quicker than then conventional production 45-47-footers, and slower than the light displacement 50-52-footers so as not to be hampered by their dirty airs. This may prove tougher to live with in practice.

The build utilises a massive unidirectional top hat section keel grid and a central spine to accept the main rig and keel loads. Throughout the boat the level of detailing and finish looked excellent.

The hull shape needs little introduction. There are no overhangs, the entry is relatively fine and low volume, although there is sufficient buoyancy forward and the rounded stern sections clearly compromise between minimal drag and maximum dynamic lift. In essence it has the lean look of scaled-down TP.

The two spreader rig is in standard modulus carbon by King Composites of Argentina who are presently building two new TP52s. Longitudinal tracks are set to give a sheeting angle of between 6.5 and 7.5 degrees which, coupled with the slightly more moderate foils, knocks off the sharp edges making this boat less punishing for the owner-driver to steer. Below decks barber-haulers are neat as per Diverse’s usual high standards. All the deck gear is specified from Harken. The boom is in carbon sandwich, and the gooseneck and vang support are also in carbon.

Boats three and four have opted for bowsprits rather than conventional poles, and for powered backstays. For inshore racing the usual recommendation is for a conventional pole set up, but a gain of four points is made on the rating for going sprit.

Deck layout is relatively conventional in the realms of the modern raceboat, striving for simplicity and clean decks and cockpit wherever possible.

The wheels are well forward in the boat, and the mainsheet track is forward of the wheel to compress tactician, helm and mainsheet together and keep the weight forward. This also leaves a large, safe owner’s ‘patio’ where corporate guests can be kept out of harm’s way.

The mainsheet track on ‘Danebury’ is controlled by the Harken Pro-Trim system devised by Lou Varney. This is essentially a highly geared ‘magic wheel’-driven low footprint system which is reckoned to be lighter and smoother than a winchdriven or hydraulic system, offering finger tip control but keeping all of the hardware low in the boat below decks.

Most boats will stick with the single pedestal set up which is best for A-sail gybing. The standard winch package is 45STs for the backstays and 45 Quattros on the halyard/spinnaker sheets. The primaries are 65.3 TCRUDs.

On the water

We had something close to a perfect day for our test, which was really a chance to see the boat in action with a crack crew building up to the Winter Series, and giving the owner a chance to be on board while the boat was being wound up. We had between eight and 11-12 knots of breeze for a full jaunt around the Solent, out from Hamble and all the way up to Gurnard before a swift run down through the Squadron line for home.

Suffice to say it is hard not to be impressed by the Rogers IRC 46. In isolation it is quick and well balanced, remaining stiff upwind. It is a pure raceboat which will delight but test the appreciative, experienced owner who has moved through the spectrum of cruiser-racers.

Upwind it is very responsive without being finicky. In the few minutes I had on the helm it was relatively easy to find a productive groove. The boat clearly enjoying being urged into a higher mode, accelerating smoothly and quickly as a degree or two were offered to build speed again. Certainly in terms of outright fun and handling everything you would expect from a modern raceboat is there, on tap.

In about nine or 10 knots with a full crew on the rail upwind, even my prosciuotto-fisted efforts could keep the speedo troubling the high seven digits. Tacking is a delight, losing little speed and accelerating tidily and evenly.

On the run and reach back into the Hamble there was a definite urgency in the fading breeze. Down past Cowes Green, with the team working reasonably hard, the bow was desperate to pop. Heated up we could make 10 knots in 9 knots TWS and more with a push from what seaway there was, but broad reaching we were looking at between 8 and 9.2 knots. Fourteen knots TWS is when the boat will plane.

Aboard it is clear to see that the ergonomics and layout work just as they should.

The interior is both purposeful but well finished. The all-carbon nav station behind the companionway steps is excellent, with reasonable access. Only the middle of the boat is painted white, otherwise it is clear carbon.

The boat will sleep 10, with pipecots aft, but the middle of the boat has a fitted table with seating and a large galley.

Rogers 46 Review: Verdict

Choosing a Rogers IRC 46 will come down more to use and purpose than out and out performance. It has no silver bullet when it comes to IRC rating and needs to be sailed well to win in light to moderate winds, but it is a proper raceboat (as should be prevailing worldwide under a Grand Prix rule). Gut feeling is that this 46 will be a success as a fleet builds but at the moment it will be a slow burner, depending largely on success on the racecourse.

As an off-the-shelf boat for a typical offshoreinshore campaign to include RORC offshores, Cork, Cowes, Fastnet, Middle Sea Race, Round Britain, Round Ireland, plus occasional forays to the Caribbean or East Coast USA, there are few equals for the money. Certainly when the breeze is up on these longer reaches and runs, the 46 would very definitely be a weapon of choice.


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