malta private yacht code

Malta Ship registration – ultimate guide 2023

Procedure of registration under maltese flag for:.

⚓    Superyacht in commercial use. ⚓    Yacht registered in the name of incorporated company. ⚓    Private boat registered in the personal name of the individual.

Registration procedure for superyacht in commercial use.

Ships in commercial use, which do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers can be registered as Commercial Yachts .

All ships registered in Malta as a Commercial Yachts are issued with a Certificate of Compliance to trade. This certificate confirms that the yacht complies with the standards established in the Malta Commercial Yacht Code.

Compliance is verified through a survey carried out by an Appointed Government Surveyor or by a Classification Society recognised by Transport Malta, which are:

  • American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) b. Bureau Veritas (BV) c. China Classification Society (CCS) d. ClassNK (NK) e. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) f. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) g. Korean Register of Shipping (KR) h. Lloyd’s Register (LR) i. Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) j. Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
  • Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)

In accordance with the local maritime legislation in case of non-Maltese owners, the local resident registered agent has to be appointed at all time, that is the service our firm provide to the foreign clients.

To act as an appointed agent, we would need to be given a power of attorney (notarised with apostille, and translated in English, if issued abroad) to carry out the registration on behalf of the client. We could draft such document giving us mandate to do so.

Documentation applicable for the ship registration:

Provisional Registration:

  • Power of attorney authorising us to act on your behalf in all matters relating to the registration of the yacht;
  • Application for Registration by owner or authorised representative (must include hull identification number);
  • Proof of Qualification to own a Maltese ship, in case of body corporate the Memorandum and Articles of Association (see further – M&AA);
  • Declaration of ownership to be sign in front of Registrar by the owner or authorized representative;
  • Application for Ship Radio station Licence – if you already have a radio on board, a form would need to be completed where the technical details of the radio on board would need to be provided. So it is not a license per se but a registration;
  • A copy of the current International Tonnage certificate (for the ships over 24 metres);
  • Certificate of Compliance to Trade for yachts of 15 metres in overall length, not carry cargo and more that 12 passengers;
  • Application for Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (Ships of more than 24 metres);
  • Payment of registration fees. This varies depending on the gross tonnage of the vessel.

Upon presentation of the requested documentation, the Registrar will release:

  • The provisional certificate (valid for 6 months from the date of provisional registration);
  • Provisional Radio Licence;
  • Carving and Marking Note (this is first issued by TM and then completed and stamped by the Surveyor).

The following list of documents must be submitted within 6 months of the provisional registration in order for the permanent registration to be processed:

  • Deletion certificate from previous registry (if applicable);
  • Carving and Marking Note (This is first issued by TM and then completed and stamped by the Surveyor);
  • Original Bill of Sale or Builder certificate if applicable;
  • Copy of the last updated Continuous Synopsis Record issued by the Administration where the ship was last documented, in cases of commercial yachts over 500 gross tons;
  • Certificate of Survey and a copy of the international Tonnage Certificate issued by an approved ship’s surveyor;
  • Copy CE Marking Certificate (manufacture certificate) for the yacht, which is over 24 metres;
  • Return of Provisional Certificate.

Once the yacht is registered, the Surveyor will make contact with Transport Malta and they will communication whether all documents in terms of the Commercial Yacht Code are in order for the registration Certificate to be issued.

A certificate of Malta registry is subject to renewal on the anniversary of the Maltese registration.

Commercial yachts, which fly Maltese flag, and registered under commercial license, are exempt to pay income tax on their profits.

Registration fees paid to Malta Transport:

Tonnage tax – is being paid one time, when register a boat, and then annually to get certificate extended. It varies depending on the length and gross tonnage of the ship (follow Tonnage tax).

Procedure of registration for private boat registered in the name of incorporated company.

All EU/Non-EU nationals may establish a company in Malta and register the boat on behalf of this same company to use it for the sole purpose of the ship owner.

If the ship owner setups a Maltese limited company , the latter can own the boat without problems directly.

If the corporate entity is already established in the EU to acquire and operate sea faring ships and that the legal documents of such company (including a certificate of good standing) the ship may be registered under Maltese flag in the name of this establishment.

Documentation applicable for the boat registration.

  • Power of attorney authorising us to act on your behalf in all matters relating to the registration of the ship;
  • Application for Ship Radio station License – if you already have a radio on board, a form would need to be completed where the technical details of the radio on board would need to be provided. So it is not a license per se but a registration;
  • International tonnage certificate (for the yachts over 24 metres);
  • Payment of registration fees. This varies depending on the gross tonnage of the ship.

You would need to advise who will be carrying out the ship’s survey, with full details of person and also location of where the survey will be effected. Maltese registry only accepts surveys registered and licensed with any of the following authorities (other than obviously with Transport Malta itself):

  • American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • Bureau Veritas (BV)
  • China Classification Society (CCS)
  • ClassNK (NK)
  • Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
  • Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
  • Korean Register of Shipping (KR)
  • Lloyd’s Register (LR)
  • Polish Register of Shipping (PRS)
  • Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)

Once you advise on who the surveyor will be, upon application for the Provisional Certificate, we will inform Transport Malta who will write to the said surveyor and give the necessary go ahead.

  • Carving and Marking Note.

Permanent Registration:

The following list of documents must be submitted within 6 months of the provisional registration:

  • Certificate of Survey;
  • For the yacht, which is over 24 metres, Copy CE Marking Certificate (manufacture certificate);

Upon submission of the above documentation, the boat will be permanently registered under the Malta flag.

  • If the pleasure yacht is registered in EU and used in EU territorial water, it needs to be VAT paid.
  • If the pleasure yacht is registered in the EU and its use is in non-EU territorial water, it does not need to be VAT paid.
  • Once, the company with the non-resident shareholding ends the financial year with the profit, Maltese taxation and legal system give those clients the opportunity to apply for the Tax refund, and in essence enable an effective income tax rate of 5% in Malta.
  • Possibility of tax consolidation for Maltese groups, to eliminate the need to claim tax refunds as aforesaid and wherein to pay directly the effective rate of 5% (when tonnage taxes do not apply)

Tonnage tax – is being paid one time, when register a boat, and then annually to get certificate extended. It varies depending on the length and gross tonnage of the ship (follow Tonnage Tax section).

Private boat registered in the personal name of the individual.

It is possible to register a boat in the personal name of the EU citizen to use it for the sole purpose of the owner.

  • Power of attorney authorising us to act on your behalf in all matters relating to the registration of the boat;
  • Proof of Qualification to own a Maltese ship (builder certificate and bill of sale);
  • A copy of the current International Tonnage certificate (for the boat over 24 metres);
  • Payment of registration fees. This varies depending on the length and gross tonnage of the ship.
  • Carving and Marking Note
  • Deletion certificate from previous registry;
  • If the pleasure yacht is registered in EU and its use is in EU territorial water, it needs to be VAT paid.

Tonnage tax – is being paid one time, when register a boat, and then annually to get certificate extended. It varies depending on the length and gross tonnage of the ship (follow  Tonnage Tax section).

Author: © By Liudmyla Skryvanek

  • Corporate Services Malta
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Commercial Yacht Registration Malta

In order to qualify as a Maltese commercial yacht, the yacht in question must be coded in line with the Maltese Commercial Yacht Code, as per the following link.

Furthermore, although Maltese commercial yachts of less than 500 GT do not require to be certified in line with the Maritime Labor Convention (MLC), all Maltese commercial yachts require to be MLC compliant, and Certificates of Insurance issued in accordance with the MLC would have to be obtained for all Maltese commercial yachts of any size.

The Maltese Registry of Shipping (Transport Malta) launched the 3rd edition of the Commercial Yacht Code in 2015, which regulates the registration of all commercial yachts starting off from a minimum length of 15 meters, carrying not more than twelve (12) passengers and not any kind of cargo aboard.

All yachts covered by the Code must be surveyed, certified and maintained according to the applicable category requirements. An Initial Survey should be conducted when initially joining the Flag, and after completion Transport Malta will issue a Certificate of Compliance (COC) valid for five (5) years.

All Maltese commercial yachts under 24 meters should undergo an intermediate survey between the 2nd-3rd year and after joining the Flag. A Renewal one should be conducted within three (3) months before expiration of the Certificate of Compliance (COC), whereas all those over 24 meters should be undergoing an annual survey each year, and within this 5-year period.

All those surveys should be conducted either by recognized Classification Societies or Maltese Government approved surveyors.

Crew certification is subject to the yacht's length and gross tonnage. A Minimum Safe Manning Certificate (MSMC) should be compulsory for crafts over 24 meters. Any nationality of the crew should be acceptable.

According to the Commercial Yacht Code, all Maltese-flagged commercial yachts should be carrying onboard adequate transmitting/receiving radio equipment for the kind of commercial operation they are involved.

Provisional Registration could be done either under a Maltese Registered entity or a non-Maltese one (in the latter case this entity should be registered as an International Owner with the Registrar of Shipping and appoint a Resident Agent). For applying provisionally a proper application, complete with Declaration of Ownership, full list of radio equipment, certificate of insurance, MLC compliance, Builder's Certificate or the yacht's Certificate of Conformity (CE Marking) should be also submitted.

And for vessels over 24 meters additional documentation should be also submitted (anti-fouling, International Tonnage Certificate, Certificate of Class, ISM, Continuous Synopsis Record, etc).

Provisional registration should be granted initially for six (6) months, extended thereafter to another three (3), other two (2) and finally one (1).

Permanent registration should require original Bill of Sale, Carving & Marking, Certificate of Survey and original Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry/Flag.

Transport Malta fees for registration are dependent on the yacht's year of build, length & tonnage. Once we receive these details we will prepare our quotation which would include the applicable fees and costs for the first year of registration etc.

Malta Maritime Law Association

Member of the Comité Maritime International

Commercial yacht code 2020.

December 1, 2020 Leave a Comment

We are pleased to announce that the Merchant Shipping Directorate within the Authority of Transport in Malta has rolled out its 4th edition of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code 2020 (Code) which updates and replaces the Commercial Yacht Code 2015 (CYC 2015).

The substantial increase in the number of superyachts which the Malta flag has continued to lure to its Register has seen the Merchant Shipping Directorate being sensitive to the fast-changing technological developments which this particular industry attracts. Drawing on its own experience of an already well established yachting industry and heeding the technical and commercial advice of yacht builders, repair yards, Classification Societies and industry stakeholders at large, the Merchant Shipping Directorate has come up with an improved Code that mirrors the yachting industry’s realities and ensures a greener and safer commercial yacht fleet for the Malta flag.

The Code comes into effect as of the 1st January 2021 however for existing yachts certificated in accordance with the CYC 2015, compliance with the new Code shall be by not later than the yacht’s first periodical survey carried out after the 1st June 2021.

The amendments and additions introduced by the Code are several and varied and largely seek to enhance the safety aspects of commercial yachting as well as to cater for the particular technological market demands of the industry – all this in conformity with safety and international regulations and standards.

The revisions, all of which are conveniently listed in Annex 1 of the Code, provide, inter alia, for improvements on the safety of passengers at sea, the well-being of the seafarers engaged onboard, the enhancement of the structural aspects of yachts, the provision for innovative designs and requirements covering electrically powered and/or hybrid engines and plants. The Code further provides for the improvement of the protection of the marine environment by introducing the requirements of the Ballast Water Management Convention and furthermore dedicates a section of the Code to the design, construction and safety of Helicopter Landing Areas.

More specifically, amendments made relate to the following sections:

• Definitions (Section 2), • Application and Interpretation (Section 3), • Structural Strength and Watertight Integrity (Section 4), • Rigging on Sailing Yachts (Section 5) • Machinery (Section 6), • Electrical Installation (Section 7), • Intact and Damage Stability (Section 8), • Life Saving Appliances (Section 10), • Fire protection (Section 11), • Equipment (Section 12), • Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (Section 13), • Protection of Personnel (Section 14), • Navigation and Communication (Section 15), • Marine Pollution Prevention section (Section 16), • Manning and Crew Certification (Section 17), • Medical Stores (Section 19), • Survey and Certification (Section 20), • Tenders and Ancillary Craft (Section 22), • Static Chartering (Section 23), • Helicopter Landing Areas (Section 24).

By Rowena Grima and Stephanie Farrugia, Fenech & Fenech Advocates

Source: Lexology

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International Events

The CMI Assembly and Colloquium 2024 was held between 22-24 May in Gothenburg, Sweden. More information can be found here

The CMI Colloquium 2023 took place in Montreal, Canada from 14-16 June. More information can be found here

The 2022 CMI Conference took place in Antwerp, Belgium from 18-21 October when the Comite’ Maritime International celebrated its 125th anniversary. Find out more…

The CMI Assembly and Colloquium was held in Mexico City between 30 September – 2 October 2019: Find out more…

The CMI held the Assembly meeting and other events on 8./9. November 2018 in London. Find out more…

The Malta Colloquium on Judicial Sales was held on 27 February 2018 in Valletta. Find out more…

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  • SiGMA Europe -  11th - 14th November, Stand 1058, MMH, Malta. Meet us there to learn more about our iGaming Services.   |   
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The New Malta Passenger Yacht Code

July 7, 2021

The Merchant Shipping Directorate recently published Merchant Shipping Notice 171 announcing the entry into force of the Malta Passenger Yacht Code (hereinafter ‘PYC’) with effect from 25th May 2021. The drafting and issuance of the PYC is a clear indication of Malta’s commitment towards the super-yacht industry.

The PYC was drawn up in consultation with various industry stake holders including yacht designers, yacht builders, yacht managers, yacht builders’ associations, repair yards, specialised service providers, manufacturers, surveyors, and recognised organisations (ROs); as a wider representation of this industry.

Before the coming into force of the PYC, commercial yachts registered under the highly prestigious Malta flag and carrying more than twelve (12) passengers were obliged to satisfy requirements similar to those applicable to passenger ships due to the fact that such commercial passenger yachts did not fall within the scope of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code. As a result of the increasing size of commercial yachts and the burdensome requirements relating to passenger ships, the Merchant Shipping Directorate acknowledged the necessity to develop the PYC catering for larger commercial passenger yachts carrying more than 12 passengers.

The PYC has been made applicable to passenger yachts:

  • carrying more than 12 passengers and not more than 26 passengers;
  • carrying a total compliment of persons of not more than 200;
  • which do not carry cargo; and
  • which are engaged on international voyages.

The PYC defines a “Passenger” as including “every person other than:

  • the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship; and,
  • a child under one year of age.”

The PYC also provides guidelines for static chartering of passenger yachts , such that in instances where the passenger yacht will remain static; berthed or anchored at sea, the yacht may be allowed to carry more than 36 passengers. For a passenger yacht to be able to be chartered on a static basis, the yacht would need to be issued with a statement by Flag Authority, allowing static charters to be held onboard.

The PYC does not apply to:

  • commercial yachts carrying 12 or fewer passengers (the Malta Commercial Yacht Code applies in this case);
  • passenger commercial/cruise vessels engaged exclusively in domestic navigation;
  • passenger commercial/cruise vessels carrying more than 36 passengers;
  • vessels engaged in the ferrying of passengers;
  • military vessels;
  • vessels belonging to the State and used for non-commercial purposes;
  • pleasure craft and yachts not employed in commercial use;
  • fishing vessels;
  • vessels owned or operated on non-commercial services; and
  • Passenger ships whose total complement of persons onboard is greater than 200 persons.

Once owners comply with the standards set out in the PYC; that is, they submit the necessary documentation and complete the designated survey and inspections, the Maltese Flag Authorities would issue the vessel with a Statutory Certificate.

Additionally, all passenger yachts must be classed by a RO and must maintain valid classification throughout the validity period of the yacht’s statutory certificate. The applicable RO Rules for classification purposes are those used for the classification of passenger ships. Upon the satisfactory completion of all the required surveys or audits, the yacht’s RO would issue a certificate confirming compliance with the Malta PYC.

Passenger Yachts certified under the remit of the PYC may carry out International (Unrestricted) Voyages or Short International Voyages, as defined by SOLAS.

It should be noted that existing Commercial yachts registered with the Malta flag , may convert to passenger yachts subject that they meet all the requirements of the PYC and of the applicable passenger ship Conventions.

The introduction of the PYC is undoubtedly a welcome development for those who are desirous to register larger commercial yachts under the Malta flag as it tackles many of the technical issues and concerns which were previously faced by prospective registrants.

Should you require any assistance or advice relating to the PYC or the registration of a passenger yacht, please contact us on [email protected] and we will put you in touch with one of our legal professionals.

About the Authors

This article has been authored by Rachel Genovese, CSB Group Assitant Manager – Business & Regulated Industries, and Edward Meli, CSB Group Corporate & Business Advisor.

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Private  Yacht regulations in Malta extend Malta’s appeal

Transport Malta has introduced new guidelines that allow the carraige of more than twelve guests on board private superyachts.  Until recently, private yachts were limited to the carriage of twelve guests only insofar that they were built in accordance to SOLAS and PYC and registered with a Red Ensign Flag.  With the enactment of the new regulations, superyachts may be authorised to carry more than twelve passengers, insofar that the following requirements are met:

  • Yacht has a length in excess of 24m;
  • Yacht not navigate beyond 150 nautical miles from safe haven;
  • Craft be in class and in possession of necessary stability booklet;
  • Craft be in compliance with the Maltese Commercial Yacht Code and carry all appropriate saftey equipment, as well as a qualified crew;
  • Craft must have a 100% full life raft capacity;
  • Depending on tonnage requires a safety radio licence and valid class certificate (for yachts in excess of 500 gross tonnes)

Click Here to read more about Malta Yacht Registration Scheme

Although the aforesaid guidelines are intended to regulate vessels in excess of 500 gross tonnes, the aforesaid regulations, may, at the discretion of Transport Malta also be applied to crafts below the aforesaid tonnage.  In all cases, the approval in the carriage capacity, shall be dependant on a survey report undertaken by an approved surveyor that shall certify seaworthiness of the vessel and installation and/or attainment of all safety equipments and/or qualifications with the projected carriage capacity.

The recent legislative installations are designed to widen Malta’s appeal as a strong, reputable and flexible maritime jurisdiction.  The intention is to extend the highly advantageous fiscal and reputational advantageous of registering a yacht under the Maltese flag, with a holistic, logistical and operational regulatory framework.

We can Help you Registering your Private Yacht in Malta – Click Here to Start the Registration Process 

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Rules for the Charter of Yachts Over 24 Metres under the Malta Flag

The purpose of this guide is to provide information concerning the flag state rules applicable to Malta registered yachts over 24 metres in load line length that are operated for charter through the Malta Commercial Yacht Code.

The Malta Commercial Yacht Code was launched in 2006 and last updated in 2020 by Transport Malta.

Transport Malta are the authority of the Malta government holding responsibility and accountability for land, sea and air transport in Malta including the development and oversight of Maltese merchant shipping regulations and their enforcement.

A copy of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code 2020 can be accessed at the following link:

Malta Commercial Yacht Code CYC 2020

All commercial yachts over 24 metres in length are issued with a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. Transport Malta has, over the years, built considerable experience in this field. Malta recognises training and certification from the most reputable training establishments and countries. There are no restrictions on the nationality of the crew.

All yachts covered by the Code are required to be surveyed, certified and maintained in accordance to their respective category requirements. An Initial Survey is first carried out when a commercial yacht is joining the Malta flag for the first time. Upon satisfactory completion of the Initial Survey a 5 year valid Certificate of Compliance to Trade as a Commercial Yacht (COC) is issued.

Subsequent to Initial Certification, during the 5 year validity of the COC, yachts less than 24m length have to undergo an Intermediate Survey whilst yachts greater or equal to 24m in length have to undergo annual surveys. The COC is renewable every five years and surveys may be carried out by Appointed Surveyors or by Recognised Organisations.

Red Ensign large yacht coded vessels  and ‘Codice dell Noleggio’ certified charter yachts transferring to the Malta Registry may be issued with an operational Commercial Yacht Code Certificate, immediately, upon the initial application for a period of three months to complete any necessary surveys and formalities.

It should be remembered that the coding of a yacht used for charter is only one stage of the process and that advice should always be taken in respect of local legal and fiscal obligations prior to the commencement of any commercial activity.

Oceanskies in conjunction with our partner surveyors is able to provide a complete charter yacht registration package combining commercial Malta flag yacht registration with coding certification and the employment of crew through Oceanskies Crew Limited in a Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) environment and, where applicable, with deduction and payment of Malta social security contributions.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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Malta Passenger Yacht Code Overview

Passenger yacht code malta, PYC malta

The revised Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) was introduced by the Transport Malta Directorate on the 25th of May 2021, the code may be accessed here .

This code was born out of necessity to cater to the needs and realities of the ever-expanding yachting industry in Malta .  The code was drawn up by the Merchant Shipping Directorate within Transport Malta in close coordination with various major stakeholders in the industry, ranging from yacht manufacturers, appointed surveyors, and recognized organizations, aiming to serve as a widespread representation of the industry.

Which yachts fall under Malta’s Passenger Yacht Code?

This revised code is specifically designed for and applicable to passenger yachts which:

  • Carry more than 12 people but no more than 36 (no more than 200 total persons) ;
  • Do not carry cargo;
  • Are engaged in international voyages.

Requirements to be satisfied to be registered under PYC

Passenger yachts which are registered under the Malta flag are required to meet SOLAS and other applicable Conventions’ requirements.

Additionally, passenger yachts qualifying under the PYC must be surveyed, certified, audited, and issued with Class and Statutory Certificates by Recognised Organisations.

It is important to note that the revised PYC does not apply to:

  • Commercial yachts carrying 12 or less passengers (the Malta Commercial Yacht Code applies in this case);
  • Passenger commercial/cruise vessels engaged exclusively in domestic navigation;
  • Passenger commercial/cruise vessels carrying more than 36 passengers;
  • Vessels engaged in the ferrying of passengers;
  • Pleasure craft and yachts not employed in commercial use;
  • Fishing vessels;
  • Vessels owned or operated on non-commercial services;
  • Passenger ships whose total complement of persons onboard is greater than 200 persons.

Malta Passenger Yacht C ode (PYC) vs Malta Commercial Yacht Code (CYC)

In 2020, the Merchant shipping directorate along with Transport Malta, drew up a revised CYC which became effective as of 1 st January 2021.

The CYC distinguishes itself from the PYC by applying to:

  • Yachts engaged in commercial operations which do not carry 12 or more people;
  • Yachts ≥ 15 m in length overall and < 24 m in length;
  • Yachts ≥ 24 m in length and < 500 GT;
  • Yachts ≥ 500 GT.

Another difference can be seen when it comes to commercial yachts certified in accordance with CYC, where such yachts may be granted one of three navigation notations as follows:

  • Navigation within 60 miles from a safe haven (Short Range);
  • Navigation within 150 miles from a safe haven;
  • Unrestricted Navigation.

Whilst passenger yachts certified under the remit of the PYC may carry out International (Unrestricted) Voyages or Short International Voyages, as defined by SOLAS:

  • International (Unrestricted) Navigation is an unrestricted navigation notation;
  • Short International Navigation is a navigation notation concerning an international voyage in the course of which a ship is not more than 200 miles from a port or place in which the passengers and crew could be placed in safety.

To summarise

Prior to the Passenger Yacht Code introduction, yachts carrying more than 12 passengers that fell outside of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code’s scope had to satisfy similar requirements to those applicable to passenger ships. These requirements were often regarded as being impractical and limiting in functionality when considering a passenger yacht’s design and general operations.

This newly revised PYC shows that the Merchant Shipping Directorate is committed to keeping up with the requirements of the flourishing yachting industry in order to maintain Malta’s status as a quality flag, this indication of commitment to future growth is wholly welcome as it signifies the close eye Transport Malta along with the Merchant shipping directorate, are keeping on the practical needs and demands required to nurture long term growth in this sector .

The article is intended to serve as a general guide on the subject matter. For further information and guidance on the subject we recommend seeking professional assistance.

Yacht Registration with SMM

SMM Group team provides 360-degree support through the process of yacht registration in Malta. Get in touch with our specialists for assistance with the registration of your superyacht under the Malta flag. Book a face-to-face or online consultation by filling in the contact form  or call  +356 2123 7167 for immediate assistance.

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Adoption Of The Maltese Passenger Yacht Code


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The Malta Merchant Shipping Directorate has announced the entry into force of the Passenger Yacht Code (PYC), with effect from the 25 th  of May 2021.

It is widely recognised that when considering the operational pattern and risk profile of commercial yachts, the requirements for commercial passenger ships are in some instances disproportionately onerous and impracticable in terms of design and operations. Moreover, as large commercial yachts grow in size, the 12 passenger limitation has become more and more perceptible and the Maltese Merchant Shipping Directorate, spurred on by encouragement from the industry, have developed equivalent arrangements in the form of a Passenger Yacht Code.

The Malta Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) has been drawn up in consultation with various industry stake holders including yacht designers, yacht builders, yacht managers, yacht builders' associations, repair yards, specialised service providers and manufacturers and Appointed Surveyors and Recognised Organisations, as a wider representation of the industry.

A Passenger Yacht, registered under the Malta Flag, shall meet SOLAS and other applicable Conventions' requirements. In lieu of certain disproportionally onerous Conventions' requirements the Passenger Yacht may meet the requirements of the PYC which includes a number of dedicated equivalencies. This Code is specifically designed and intended for Passenger Yachts, which carry more than 12 passengers up to 36 passengers, which carry not more than 200 persons, which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on international voyages.

The proactive approach taken by the Maltese Shipping Registry in fine tuning its regulations, give testimony to the fact that the Malta Flag is further consolidating its reputation as the primary Flag of Confidence of choice.

The Passenger Yacht Code and a Synopsis of the code, may be downloaded from the following links:-

  • Passenger Yacht Code
  • Passenger Yacht Code – Synopsis

Originally Published 24 May 2021

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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  • Transport Malta launches consultation on the Malta Passenger Yacht Code

The Authority for Transport in Malta has launched a consultation process aimed at revising the 12 passenger limitation on board yachts.

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As part of the Consultation process Transport Malta launched the Malta Passenger Yacht Code 2020.

The Malta Passenger Yacht Code 2020 is aimed and intended for Passenger Yachts ≥ 500 GT, carrying between 12 to 36 passengers and not more than 200 persons, which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on international voyages. 

The Malta Passenger Yacht Code 2020 has been drawn up by the Authority for Transport in Malta, in consultation with various industry stakeholders including yacht designers, yacht builders, repair yards, specialised service providers and manufacturers and Appointed Surveyors and Recognised Organisations, as a wider representation of the industry

E-mails with feedback/suggestions may be sent to [email protected] . The consultation process will end on February 2021.

Anthony Pace

Partner, Head of Tax

KPMG in Malta

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Simon Xuereb

Partner, Private Client and Global Mobility Services

Email [email protected]

Paul Pace Ross

Director, Tax Services

Email [email protected]

Shipping and Yachting

The Shipping Sector represents one of the main pillars of the economy in Malta.


  1. Commercial Yacht Code

    The Commercial Yacht Code was developed in line with international regulations and other industry standards and caters for yachts of 15 metres in overall length and that do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers. Over the years the Code has been proving very successful with leading IACS recognised Classification Societies and ...

  2. Merchant Shipping Directorate

    Malta T: +356 2291 4200 F: +356 2124 1460 E: [email protected] W: www.transport.gov.mt. 4 SECTION 1 FOREWORD. 5 1.1 This fourth edition of the Commercial Yacht Code has been drawn up by the Merchant Shipping Directorate, within Transport Malta, in consultation with various industry stake holders ... In order to change from a Private Yacht ...

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    Registration of a commercial yachts is regulated by the Commercial Yacht Code, developed by the Merchant Shipping Directorate. A Commercial yacht is defined by the Code as a yacht: ... Yachts can be registered under the Malta Flag either as private or as a commercial yachts. Connect with us Find office locations kpmg.findOfficeLocations; Email ...

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  7. PDF Merchant Shipping Directorate

    1.1 This Second edition of the Commercial Yacht Code has been drawn up by the Merchant Shipping Directorate, within the Authority for Transport in Malta. 1.2 This Code is drawn up for yachts which do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers and are operated by the owner or the body corporate owning the vessel for

  8. Malta Yacht Code

    The Malta Passenger Yacht Code was published in response to the increasing size of commercial yachts, and the need for larger yachts to accommodate more than 12 guests. A Passenger Yacht, registered under the Malta Flag, shall meet SOLAS and other applicable Conventions' requirements. In lieu of certain disproportionally onerous Conventions ...

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    The Maltese Registry of Shipping (Transport Malta) launched the 3rd edition of the Commercial Yacht Code in 2015, which regulates the registration of all commercial yachts starting off from a minimum length of 15 meters, carrying not more than twelve (12) passengers and not any kind of cargo aboard.

  10. Malta Commercial Yacht Code Amendments

    The Authority for Transport in Malta has launched the revised version of the Commercial Yacht Code (CYC) 2015. The new revised Commercial Yacht Code 2020 is applicable to all commercial yachts and is effective as from 1 January 2021. The CYC 2020 is meant to better serve the needs of the yachting industry as it aims to optimise the regulatory ...

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  12. Commercial Yacht Code 2020

    December 1, 2020 Leave a Comment. We are pleased to announce that the Merchant Shipping Directorate within the Authority of Transport in Malta has rolled out its 4th edition of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code 2020 (Code) which updates and replaces the Commercial Yacht Code 2015 (CYC 2015). The substantial increase in the number of superyachts ...

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    MEDIA ROOM. July 7, 2021. The Merchant Shipping Directorate recently published Merchant Shipping Notice 171 announcing the entry into force of the Malta Passenger Yacht Code (hereinafter 'PYC') with effect from 25th May 2021. The drafting and issuance of the PYC is a clear indication of Malta's commitment towards the super-yacht industry.

  14. Malta approves the Malta Passenger Yacht Code

    Maltese authorities for transport recently launched the Malta Passenger Yacht Code (the "Code"). This came in force on 25 May, 2021 and is a tangible sign of Malta's commitment towards the super-yacht industry. The Malta Passenger Yacht Code 2020 is aimed and intended for Passenger Yachts ≥ 500 GT, carrying between 12 to 36 passengers ...

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  16. Oceanskies

    A copy of the Malta Commercial Yacht Code 2020 can be accessed at the following link: Malta Commercial Yacht Code CYC 2020. All commercial yachts over 24 metres in length are issued with a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. Transport Malta has, over the years, built considerable experience in this field.

  17. Malta Passenger Yacht Code Overview

    The revised Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) was introduced by the Transport Malta Directorate on the 25th of May 2021, the code may be accessed here.. This code was born out of necessity to cater to the needs and realities of the ever-expanding yachting industry in Malta.. The code was drawn up by the Merchant Shipping Directorate within Transport Malta in close coordination with various major ...

  18. Passenger Yacht Code (PYC)

    The PYC is effective and comes into force on the (date to be assigned). 1.1.5. This Code is specifically designed and intended for Passenger Yachts ≥ 500 GT, which carry more than 12 passengers upto 36 passengers, which carry not more than 200 persons, which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on international voyages. 1.1.6.

  19. Adoption Of The Maltese Passenger Yacht Code

    The Malta Merchant Shipping Directorate has announced the entry into force of the Passenger Yacht Code (PYC), with effect from the 25 th of May 2021.. It is widely recognised that when considering the operational pattern and risk profile of commercial yachts, the requirements for commercial passenger ships are in some instances disproportionately onerous and impracticable in terms of design ...

  20. Malta Charters

    Malta Charters is one of the largest private sailing & RIB charter operators in the Mediterranean which owns all its vessels. Malta Charters was established in 2006 while pursuing a vision to tap into the growing niche of yacht chartering and boat rental in the Maltese Islands. Our company's motto is "Bringing friends together for a great ...

  21. Passenger Yacht Code

    A Passenger Yacht, registered under the Malta Flag, shall meet SOLAS and other applicable Conventions requirements. In lieu of certain disproportionally onerous Conventions requirements the Passenger Yacht may meet the requirements of the PYC which includes a number of dedicated equivalencies. This Code is specifically designed and intended for ...

  22. Consultation on Malta Passenger Yacht Code

    The Malta Passenger Yacht Code 2020 is aimed and intended for Passenger Yachts ≥ 500 GT, carrying between 12 to 36 passengers and not more than 200 persons, which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on international voyages. ... Partner, Private Client and Global Mobility Services. KPMG in Malta +356 2563 1147 Simon Xuereb Phone number ...

  23. Merchant Shipping Directorate Passenger Yacht Code (PYC)

    The Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) is applicable to Passenger Yachts, which carry more than 12 passengers up to 36 passengers, which carry not more than 200 persons, which do not carry cargo and which are engaged on ... 1.1.2 The Malta Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) has been drawn up by the Merchant Shipping Directorate, within Transport Malta, in ...