
Yachttransport: Aufwand, Kosten & was dahinter steckt

  • 19. Juli 2018

Wir möchten Ihnen ausführlich zeigen, was mit Ihrer neuen Yacht eigentlich alles passiert , bevor diese mit Ihnen auf die Reise geht. Sie werden staunen: Das neue Boot hat schon Einiges erlebt, bevor Sie am Steuer sind! In unserem ersten Teil haben wir Ihnen gezeigt, wie eine Eigner-Übernahme der Yacht bei einem French Leasing aussieht. Nun geht es weiter: Der Yacht-Transport steht an. Spannend!

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Viele unserer Kunden wundern sich in den Angeboten, die wir ihnen unterbreiten, über den Posten “Yacht-Transport”. Dieser erscheint manchen oft recht hoch: In Zeiten der kostenlosen Lieferungen bei den einschlägigen Online-Versandhäusern auch kein Wunder, dass Sie sich wundern. Wir möchten Ihnen einmal transparent machen, was bei einem Yachttransport eigentlich alles an Aufwand betrieben wird, damit das neue Boot im Hafen Ihrer Wahl auch wohlbehalten, sicher und ohne Transport-Schäden ankommt.

Das passiert alles, bevor Ihre Yacht transportiert werden kann

Bevor Ihre Yacht die Werft verlässt, wird es durch die eigene Qualitätskontrolle peinlich genau gecheck t: Ist alles so verbaut, wie es sein muss? Sind auch alle durch Sie in der Bestellung angegeben Einbauteile an Bord? Segel? Bügel? Wenn das geschehen ist, wird die neue Yacht in spezielle Folie verpackt. Diese Folie kann bei einer BENETEAU Oceanis 51.1 – wie hier zu sehen – schon einmal die Grundfläche einer großen 4-Zimmer-Wohnung haben.

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Die Folie schützt die Yacht später auf ihrer Reise vor unschönen Kratzern, die durch Äste der Straßenbäume leicht in den Rumpf gelangen können. Entsprechend dick ist sie ausgelegt. Ein Mitarbeiter der Werft benötigt für eine Oceanis 51.1 etwa zwei Stunden – ausgerüstet mit einer Profi-Heißluftpistole, die direkt mit einem Propangas-Brenner ausgestattet ist – um die extradicke Schrumpffolie peinlich genau und bombensicher an der Yacht zu befestigen: “Hauteng” sozusagen.

Wenn der Schwertransport dann am Tag der Abholung in der Werft eintrifft, hängt die Yacht meist schon am Kran. Es kann losgehen!

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Nein, kann es noch nicht wirklich: Nun sind die Profi-Trucker am Start. Die Schwerlast-Auflieger sind technische Wunderwerke, vollgestopft mit Elektrik und Hydraulik. Denn so ein Hänger muss für alle möglichen Yachten passen . Motoryachten haben flache Gleiter-Rümpfe und sind eher breiter, als Segelyachten. Segelyachten können sehr tiefe oder sehr flache Kiele haben – und dann kann eine Yacht von 30 bis über 60 Fuß lang sein. Der Auflieger kann dementsprechend angepasst werden: In Länge und Breite sowie die Stelzen, auf denen die Yacht später aufgelegt wird, in der Höhe. Für unsere Oceanis 51.1 dauerte diese Feinjustage eine knappe Stunde: Immer wieder nachmessen, justieren, einstellen. Schwerstarbeit für den Trucker!

Yacht am Kran: Das Verladen auf den Yacht-Transporter

Gekonnt fährt nun der Truck rückwärts unter die Yacht. Dabei kann der Trucker von vorn die beiden hintersten Achsen des langen Aufliegers ebenfalls lenken . Später wird dies noch wichtig werden. Während der Truck langsam rückwärts angefahren kommt, wird ein Mitarbeiter der Werft den Kran mit der Yacht daran millimetergenau hoch- und herunterfahren  – bis es passt.

yacht transport kosten

Nun setzt der Kran die Yacht ab. Wussten Sie, dass eine Segelyacht auf dem Kiel steht? Etwa 90 Prozent des Gewichtes des Bootes stehen auf dem Kiel. Die Stelzen zur Seite dienen nur zur Absicherung , damit das Boot nicht umkippt. So stabil sind die Yachten gebaut! Die Stempel werden extra abgepolstert, dass auch ja nichts passieren kann. Nun dauert es nach dem Absetzen etwa 45 Minuten, bis die 4 Mann starke (!) Verlademannschaft dicke Gurte um die Yacht gezogen hat und am Hänger festlascht. Bombenfest muss alles sitzen für die Reise.

Yachttransport-Kosten: Wofür?

Dann endlich, nach etwa 3 Stunden harter Arbeit, kann der Zug das Werftgelände verlassen. Doch es fährt nicht “nur” ein LKW alleine – Yachttransporte sind Spezialtransporte und zunächst genehmigungspflichtig . Die Planung der Strecke sowie die Anmeldung übernehmen die Profi-Transporteure: Sie können sich denken, dass es umso aufwändiger ist, je weiter so ein Transport geht. Wenn alle Genehmigungen da sind und der Transport abfährt, wird er von Begleitfahrzeugen gesichert. Das können Motorräder sein, welche vorwegfahren, oder Transporter – wie in unserem Fall der Oceanis 51.1.

yacht transport kosten

Hinter dem Transporter fährt ein zweites Geleitfahrzeeug. Beide, “Vorhut” und hinterer Begleiter haben ganz klare Aufgaben . Ständig über Funk untereinander verbunden, fährt das Vorausfahrzeug vor: Bei besonders schmalen Straßen, fordert es den entgegen kommenden Verkehr auf, an die Seite zu fahren – Winken, Lichthupe, Zeichengeben. Die Vorhut sperrt auch kurzzeitig Kreisverkehre oder Kreuzungen. Bei manchen Transporten muss auch die Polizei dabei sein (wie bei uns in Deutschland), dann übernehmen die Beamten dies.

yacht transport kosten

Das hintere Fahrzeug ist nicht nur Signal für den auffahrenden Verkehr, sondern maßgebliche das “Auge” des Truckers im Fahrstand: Bei engen Ortsdurchfahrten beispielsweise wird der Fahrer des hinteren Begleitfahrzeuges dem Trucker wertvolle Hinweise geben , ob das Boot um eine Kurve kommt, wie viel Platz hinten noch zu einer Ampel ist oder wo der Bordstein kommt. Das sieht oft hektisch aus: Das hintere Fahrzeug zuckt meist wie wild von links nach rechts. Stellen Sie sich das durch ganz Frankreich einmal vor?! Anders als in Deutschland, dürfen Yachten in Frankreich nicht auf die Autobahn …

yacht transport kosten

Und dann die Kreisverkehre! Frankreich liebt seine Kreisverkehre. Und was sicher viele Kosten für den Betrieb einer Ampel spart, den Verkehr quasi intuitiv regelt, ist ein wahrer Alptraum für die Yacht-Transporteure: Hier ist Millimeterarbeit gefragt. Kein Wunder, dass sich bei einem langen Transport oftmals zwei Fahrer abwechseln, denn dieses Level an höchster Konzentration gepaart mit physischer Arbeit am Steuer hält man nicht wirklich lange durch.

yacht transport kosten

Und so schlängelt sich das Gespann aus mindestens 3 Fahrzeugen und mindestens 4 Personen Kilometer um Kilometer durch die Lande. Der Transport unserer BENETEAU Oceanis 51.1 von der Werft in das nur 25 Kilometer entfernte Les Sables d´Olonne, wo wir das Boot kommissionieren und aufriggen werden, dauert mehr als 2 Stunden – kein Wunder also, dass ein Yacht-Transport von Frankreich an die Ostsee oder an das Mittelmeer mehrere Tage dauert. (Dann allerdings außerhalb Frankreichs schneller, weil auf den Autobahnen).

Sie sehen: Ein enormer Aufwand wird betrieben, um Ihre Yacht sicher und heil an den Hafen zu bekommen. Bei ENJOY YACHTING arbeiten wir deshalb nur mit absolut professionellen und auf den Yacht-Transport spezialisierten Unternehmen zusammen. Das hat sicher seinen Preis – aber nur so sind wir uns sicher, dass Sie am Ende ein Boot in einwandfreiem Zustand übergeben bekommen.

Ápropos “übergeben” – was bei einer Kommissionierung passiert, dass zeigen wir in einem der nächsten Blogbeiträge.

„Wir fahren Ihre Yacht ausschließlich mit zertifizierten Fach-Speditionen , damit Ihr Boot nicht nur pünktlich, sondern sicher und unbeschädigt ankommt.“

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The Dockwalk Guide to Yacht Transport

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Louisa Beckett is the former editor of Motor Boating, ShowBoats International, and Southern Boating magazines, and a longtime contributor to Dockwalk. Over her career, she has written about a wide variety of vessels ranging from Sea-Doos to superyachts, and has had many adventures on the water, including riding in a U.S. Coast Guard “rollover” boat in heavy surf off Cape Disappointment, Washington.

Even now, in the third year of the pandemic, we’re seeing headlines about global supply chain disruptions caused by worker shortages and other factors related to COVID-19. In particular, the maritime shipping industry has been affected, with long lines of cargo ships frequently sitting idle as they wait to be unloaded in port.

“It’s a very difficult marketplace at the moment. The freight rates are higher than they’ve been in decades. Congestion in ports is at an all-time high, all these things are affecting our ability to get ships where they need to be on time, and space on ships is at a massive premium,” says Simon Judson, CEO of global logistics firm Peters & May , which organizes passage for yachts on board a wide variety of commercial cargo ships.

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Right from the start, the pandemic dramatically transformed the yacht transportation industry. In early 2020, the number of bookings by the usual clients, including owners and captains wanting to move their yachts to seasonal cruising grounds and sailing yacht owners and captains following the regatta circuit, fell off dramatically. At the same time, bookings increased from yacht owners who were unable to travel to their vessels and wanted to have them shipped home instead. Then, as COVID-related lockdowns and sheltering began to fuel the demand for new and brokerage boats, yacht manufacturers, dealers, and brokers around the world began to use yacht transport companies to ship boats to clients who couldn’t get to the vessels or send crew to pick them up. “I think COVID has changed everybody’s way of doing business,” says General Manager Laura Tempest of DYT , which owns and operates semi-submersible yacht-transport ships.

Port closures and travel restrictions also made it difficult for yacht transport companies to move their loadmasters into position around the world in order to supervise loading and unloading. In addition, “We have had a shortage of loadmasters at times when they came down with COVID,” said Uta Scarlata, who handles transatlantic and Caribbean sales for Sevenstar Yacht Transport , which operates its own fleet of 120 cargo vessels.

“Everything about the logistics of shipping a yacht from A to B is ten times harder,” Judson says, but he adds, “As we moved through the pandemic, we learned a little bit about how to adapt. Today we are using what we’ve learned to be better placed. That means making sure we’ve got the right people in the right places a lot further in advance [and] thinking about relocating our cradling and lifting equipment and everything we need to load the boats a lot further in advance.”

While internal logistics such as these typically are handled by a yacht transportation company behind the scenes without affecting its clients, industry experts agree that this year, yacht captains are going to have to act earlier than usual in order to secure transportation for their yachts.

If you do need to ship a yacht overseas, there are two basic means of transport: on the deck of a commercial ship or inside a semi-submersible vessel.

“It’s kind of going back to old days when if you didn’t book well in advance, you are not going to have a space…. People are done [with sheltering]. They are going to start using their yachts whether it be in the Med or in the Caribbean,” says Tempest. “We are seeing all of our repeat customers coming back, and the ones we met in the last year and a half that we didn’t know before are coming back.”

“Every ship that we’ve put on from the middle of last year has been fully booked probably a month before it comes to port. That was never the case before. We would always have some space a week before,” says Judson, who also predicts that demand for yacht transportation will increase in 2022 as owners return to pre-pandemic levels of cruising and racing. “If there’s a reason to book early, it would be to avoid disappointment in the fact that there may not be space,” he says. “To be safe, you should be thinking at least two months out.”

Cargo Ship vs. Semi-Submersible

There are a variety of reasons why an owner or captain would want to arrange to have a yacht transported from one location to another. It might be to change cruising grounds with the seasons, or to take the yacht to an event. Some yachts are able to make the voyage on their own bottom, but others must be shipped because they may be too small or have an insufficient fuel capacity to make the trip, their owner wants to avoid wear and tear on the vessel, or the yacht is booked for a charter in the new destination and the timing is just too tight.

Booking space on a cargo ship gives you the advantage of being able to transport a yacht pretty much anywhere around the globe where that vessel is scheduled to deliver freight.

If you do need to ship a yacht overseas, there are two basic means of transport: on the deck of a commercial ship or inside a semi-submersible vessel. Which method to pick depends on a variety of considerations, including the location where you want to ship the yacht, the flexibility of your schedule, whether or not you want to use the transit time to get work done on board, and the price.

In the most common scenario, the yacht is lifted by crane onto a commercial ship and secured in a custom-built cradle on its deck, where it shares space with other cargo for the duration of the passage. Since cargo ships typically make multiple stops and can experience delays in loading and unloading cargo, it’s important to have a flexible schedule. “Shipping is not an exact science. You can’t expect to ship on a certain day and unload on a certain day. You have to give yourself flexibility,” Judson says.

On the other hand, booking space on a cargo ship gives you the advantage of being able to transport a yacht pretty much anywhere around the globe where that vessel is scheduled to deliver freight.

The other yacht-transport method, pioneered by Dockwise Yacht Transport (now DYT) in the 1980s, is “float on/float off.” DYT’s semi-submersible ships are partially submerged in the water; the yacht floats into it and is secured in a cradle on the deck by divers. Then, the water is drained from the hold. At the end of the voyage, the process is reversed and the yacht floats out.

“When the world woke up with a bang, the amount of consumer goods to be shipped outweighed the space available to ship them. That will take some time to stabilize,” he says.

DYT offers a limited number of routes designed to match typical yacht-shipping patterns, such as from the Mediterranean to Fort Lauderdale and the Caribbean and back. “What I think sets us apart from anyone else is that we have a set schedule — there is no deviation; there is no change. That is why charter yachts depend on us,” Tempest says.

When clients want to ship their yachts off the beaten path, DYT will refer them to its sister company, Sevenstar Yacht Transport, for bookings on board its cargo ships.

DYT recently launched a third ship, Yacht Servant , which was built in China and is scheduled to start transporting yachts in May. For a short window in 2022, DYT will have three semi-submersible vessels in operation, which should help to meet the rising demand for yacht transportation.

Riding Along

Before the pandemic, captains typically could send one or two crewmembers along with the yacht during either type of transportation, enabling them to use the passage as a mini yard period to get a variety of jobs done on board.

While most cargo ships do not permit riders to sleep in their yachts while in transit, before the pandemic, they often would assign them cabins in the ship and let them eat in the mess hall and recreate with the ship’s crew. However, when COVID-19 hit, most ship operators suspended this courtesy in order to reduce the risk of the disease spreading on board, which could lead to serious delays if the ship was forced to quarantine before unloading in a port.

“When things calm down, we will accept riders again,” Scarlata says. On DYT, “We still allow riders as it’s such a crucial part of the service that we offer,” Tempest says. In fact, the semi-submersible ships provide power to the yachts so that riders can sleep and work on board. At the height of the pandemic, however, the company limited the riders’ interaction with the ship’s crew. “They needed to provision their yacht for the duration of the voyage. They had to stay in the yacht and on the deck of the ship; they could not go into the ship’s superstructure.”

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One thing that has not changed in the yacht transportation industry is the need for owners and captains to ensure their vessel is properly insured for the passage. “Some people get caught out on this. They think their hull and machinery insurance will automatically cover them. They need to take out a separate marine cargo insurance policy,” Judson says.

Both Sevenstar and DYT include an all-risk insurance policy in the rate they quote for yacht transport. “Usually, one of the questions we get is, ‘Can we leave it out?’ It’s not optional,” Tempest says. “It covers everyone on board and eliminates the need for multiple underwriters.”

Price Increases

Captains booking transport for their yachts today are finding that insurance rates have gone up. “The whole insurance market has hardened over the last couple of years,” Judson says.

As for shipping, no matter what method you choose, you are bound to see a COVID-related price increase. “DYT rates have increased over the past six months. Many factors have attributed to this but certainly a large portion is a consequence of the global pandemic,” Tempest says.

“In the last ten years, freight rates have been very low…. Now the market has flipped a little bit,” Judson says. While there are a number of reasons behind this, the main one is the reduced amount of cargo space currently available.

As for shipping, no matter what method you choose, you are bound to see a COVID-related price increase. 

In early 2022, Judson reported that his company had seen rates for shipping yachts between the U.S. and the Caribbean go up 15 to 20 percent; transatlantic shipping rates had increased a 60 to 80 percent, and rates to and from the Far East had gone up 200 to as high as 300 percent. “Coming out of Asia, every ship is full to the gunwales and if you want some space, you have to pay through the nose for it,” he says.

“There are not as many people who are prepared to pay the increased freight rates we are seeing at the moment. There are a lot of people who are holding back…,” Judson continues. “Not everyone who ships a yacht is a multi-millionaire. We’ve got lots of clients who are dealers, brokers, and manufacturers who are moving their boats where they need to be to be sold as new boats…. I think the people and companies who are shipping their boats now are the ones who have more of a commercial need.”

This feature originally ran in the April 2022 issue of Dockwalk.

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Yacht transport prices: Unveiling Competitive Rates

Affordable Pricing and Instant Quotes

Yacht transport is crucial in the seamless movement of luxurious vessels across various destinations. At Ship Vehicles , we understand the significance of transporting yachts and boats securely and efficiently. As a leading transport company specializing in shipping vehicles, including yachts and boats, we take pride in delivering exceptional services that cater to the unique needs of our clients.

With the increasing popularity of yacht ownership and the desire to explore different waterways and coasts, the demand for professional yacht transport has soared. Yacht owners often seek reliable solutions to transport their prized possessions, whether for maintenance, relocation, or participation in international events. This is where Ship Vehicles steps in, offering a seamless and trustworthy solution for all yacht transport needs.

As experts in the field, we possess extensive knowledge and experience in handling the intricate logistics involved in yacht transportation. Our dedicated team of professionals is well-versed in the specialized requirements of handling yachts, ensuring their safe and timely delivery to the desired destinations.

Each yacht is unique, and its transportation requires personalized attention. Our team works closely with clients to assess their specific requirements and create customized transport solutions tailored to their needs. From comprehensive insurance coverage to meticulous route planning, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring a smooth and secure journey for your prized yacht.

Factors Affecting Yacht Transport Costs

Factors Affecting Yacht Transport Costs

Regarding yacht transport costs, distance plays a significant role in determining the overall price. Whether you require long-distance or shorter transport, Ship Vehicles has you covered. Our comprehensive services cater to clients across various locations, ensuring a seamless shipping experience.

Long-Distance Transport vs. Shorter Distances

For longer distances, the cost of yacht transport tends to be higher. Factors such as fuel consumption, driver accommodations, and travel time contribute to the overall expenses. We utilize efficient routing and strategic planning to optimize costs for long-distance transport, offering competitive rates that save you money.

Per Mile Rates and Their Relevance to Cost Estimation

To estimate the cost of yacht transport, per-mile rates serve as a useful metric. Ship Vehicles calculate pricing based on the distance covered, providing transparency and accuracy in cost estimation. Our competitive per-mile rates are designed to ensure affordability without compromising on the quality of service.

Boat Size and Specifications: Analyzing How Boat Size and Dimensions Affect Transportation Costs

The size and specifications of your boat significantly influence transportation costs. We understand the intricacies of handling boats of different sizes and dimensions, offering tailored solutions to meet your requirements.

Beam Width, Height, and Other Dimensions

Boat size, including beam width and height, affects the transportation complexity and the necessary equipment for safe delivery. Larger boats with wider beams and higher heights may require specialized handling and equipment, impacting the overall transport cost. Our company has the expertise and resources to handle boats of various sizes, ensuring their secure transportation at competitive rates.

Implications of Transporting Larger Vessels or Small Boats

Transporting larger vessels generally incurs higher costs due to the increased logistics involved. Specialized equipment, permits, and arrangements are required to accommodate these larger boats. Conversely, transporting small boats may have lower associated costs. Ship Vehicles offers comprehensive services for vessels of all sizes, providing cost-effective solutions tailored to your boat’s unique specifications.

Transportation Route and Destination

The transportation route and the destination port play a significant role in determining yacht transport ship costs. We understand the nuances of different routes and destination ports, allowing us to optimize logistics and provide competitive pricing.

Understanding the Role of Destination Port and Associated Costs

The destination port often incurs additional costs, including port fees, customs duties, and handling charges. We have a vast network of partnerships and expertise in navigating various destination ports, ensuring a smooth and efficient process while minimizing additional expenses.

Highlighting the Varying Costs Depending on the Transportation Route

The chosen transportation route can also impact the overall cost of yacht transport. Factors such as tolls, road conditions, and permit requirements can vary depending on the route. Ship Vehicles analyzes multiple route options to determine the most cost-effective and efficient path for transporting your yacht.

Additional Factors: Discussing Other Variables Influencing Yacht Transport Costs

In addition to distance, boat size, and transportation route, several other factors can influence yacht transport costs. We consider these variables to provide accurate and competitive pricing for our clients.

Insurance Coverage and Cargo Insurance

Ship Vehicles understands the importance of protecting your valuable investment. We offer comprehensive insurance coverage options to safeguard your yacht during transportation. Our cargo insurance covers any unforeseen events, providing peace of mind throughout shipping.

Customs Clearance and Special Permits

International yacht transport may involve customs clearance and special permits. our company extensive experience in handling customs procedures and can guide you through the necessary documentation, minimizing delays and associated boat transportation costs.

Water Tanks and Loose Items Within the Yacht

Water tanks or loose items within the yacht may affect the weight and stability during transport. Ship Vehicles considers these factors and provides professional guidance on securing and preparing your yacht for safe transportation.

We recognize the importance of delivering exceptional service while managing costs. Our transparent pricing structure and our commitment to customer satisfaction ensure you receive the best value for your yacht transport needs.

Yacht Transport Companies and Services

Yacht Transport Companies and Services

Regarding yacht transport, various boat shipping or boat transport companies offer specialized services to meet the unique needs of yacht owners. These boat transportation companies play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of yachts and boats across different locations.

We take pride in being a trusted and reliable boat transport company at Ship Vehicles . Our comprehensive range of services caters to the diverse requirements of yacht owners, providing peace of mind throughout the shipping process.

Ship Vehicles offers a dedicated and professional yacht transport service designed to handle all aspects of your yacht transportation needs. We understand the significance of your yacht as a valuable possession, and our team is committed to delivering it safely and efficiently to the desired destination.

Our experienced professionals possess in-depth knowledge of the intricacies involved in yacht transport. With state-of-the-art equipment and specialized techniques, we ensure that your yacht is handled with the utmost care and attention throughout transportation.

Emphasizing the Expertise and Reliability of Ship Vehicles in Transporting Yachts and Boats

We pride ourselves on our expertise and reliability in transporting yachts and boats. Our team of skilled professionals has extensive experience handling vessels of all sizes and specifications, making us well-equipped to cater to a wide range of yacht transportation requirements.

We understand the importance of trust and dependability when choosing a yacht or boat shipping company. Ship Vehicles has built a solid reputation for providing exceptional service, earning the trust of countless satisfied clients. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our attention to detail, clear communication, and efficient execution of every transport project.

When you choose us, you can expect a seamless and stress-free experience from start to finish. We prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure your yacht is transported safely, securely, and on time. With our reliable and professional services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your valuable investment is in capable hands.

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How to Save Money on Yacht Transport

Safe and Timely Delivery: Ship Vehicles' Commitment

When it comes to yacht transport, there are several strategies you can employ to save costs while ensuring a smooth and secure shipment. Ship Vehicles is here to provide expert advice and cost-effective solutions to make the most of your yacht shipping budget.

Comparing Different Companies and Their Shipping Rates

One of the most effective ways to save money on yacht shipping is to compare the services and rates offered by different companies. We understand the importance of transparency and competitive pricing. By requesting quotes or boat shipping quotes from multiple companies, including Ship Vehicles, you can evaluate the cost differences and select the option that best suits your budget and requirements.

Proper Planning and Preparation to Minimize Costs

Proper planning and preparation are crucial in minimizing yacht transport costs. Here are some tips to consider:

Timing: Plan your yacht shipping in advance to secure better pricing options and avoid peak seasons with higher rates.

Flexibility: If possible, be flexible with your transport schedule. This can allow for more efficient routing and potentially lower costs.

Documentation: Ensure all necessary paperwork, permits, and clearances are to avoid delays or additional expenses.

Packaging and Preparation : Properly secure loose items and consider removing non-essential equipment to reduce weight and lower transportation costs.

Utilizing Ship Vehicles’ Services to Ensure a Cost-Effective and Safe Shipment

Regarding cost-effective yacht shipping, Ship Vehicles offers a range of services designed to meet your needs while providing competitive rates and ensuring the safety of your yacht.

Offering Competitive Rates and Transparent Pricing Options

We believe in providing competitive rates without compromising on quality. Our pricing is transparent, allowing you to understand the breakdown of costs and make informed decisions. By choosing us, you can know you’re getting the best value for your money.

Showcasing Positive Customer Reviews and Trust Pilot rating

Don’t just take our word for it – the positive feedback from our satisfied customers speaks volumes. We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction, and our Trustpilot ratings reflect our dedication to delivering exceptional service. We encourage you to explore the reviews and testimonials on our website to gain further confidence in our reliability and expertise.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the difference between yacht shipping and yacht transport.

Yacht shipping and yacht shipping refers to moving a yacht from one location to another. They involve using specialized carriers, such as cargo ships or container vessels, to safely and securely transport the yacht.

How much does it cost to yacht transport typically amount?

Yacht transport costs can vary depending on several factors, including the distance, boat size, transportation route, and insurance coverage. As a reputable transport company, Ship Vehicles offers competitive pricing options and transparent breakdowns of costs to help you understand the expenses involved.

Why should I choose a reputable transport company for yacht transport?

Opting for a reputable transport company, such as Ship Vehicles , ensures the expertise, reliability, and adherence to safety standards necessary for a smooth and secure yacht delivery experience. The company’s extensive experience in yacht transportation minimizes risks and provides peace of mind.

Does insurance coverage play a role in yacht transport?

Yes, insurance coverage is essential when transporting a yacht. Ship Vehicles offers comprehensive insurance options, including cargo insurance, to protect your yacht during transport against any unforeseen events or damage that may occur.

How are transportation costs calculated for yacht transport?

Yacht transportation costs are determined by various factors, including the distance, boat size, transportation route, and any additional services required. Ship Vehicles provides detailed cost breakdowns, including transportation costs, insurance fees, and any applicable permits, ensuring transparency in pricing.

Is overland transport available for yachts?

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How To Ship A Yacht and Average Costs Associated With Yacht Transport Services

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Shipping a yacht can be a complex and costly endeavor, requiring careful planning and coordination. Whether you’re relocating your vessel to a new sailing destination or participating in international yacht races, understanding the process and associated costs of yacht transport services is crucial.  Here, you will learn a few steps involved in shipping a yacht and  we will also provide insights into the average costs you can expect to encounter during the process.

Choosing the Right Yacht Transport Method

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The first step in shipping a yacht is determining the most suitable method of transport. There are two primary options available: yacht shipping via cargo ship or yacht delivery by a professional yacht transport company. Cargo ships are commonly used for long-distance transport, while yacht delivery services are preferred for shorter distances. Cargo ships offer secure and reliable transport but are generally slower and require adherence to shipping schedules. On the other hand, yacht delivery services provide more flexibility, allowing you to sail your yacht directly to the desired destination. Factors such as distance, time constraints, and budget will influence your decision.

Read also: 13 Must-Have Boat Accessories For Your Next Sailing Adventure

Preparing Your Yacht for Transport

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Before shipping your yacht, thorough preparation is essential to ensure its safety and minimize potential damage. Here are a few tips for preparing your yacht for transport:

  • Thorough Cleaning and Inspection 

Before shipping your yacht , conduct a comprehensive cleaning to remove dirt, debris, and marine growth. Inspect the vessel thoroughly, paying attention to the hull, engine, and other critical components. Document any existing issues or damages and take detailed photographs for insurance purposes.

  • Securing Loose Items and Removing Personal Belongings 

To prevent damage and ensure a smooth transport, secure all loose items on board. This includes removing personal belongings, such as furniture, decorations, and equipment. Store them safely onshore or in designated storage areas to avoid shifting or potential loss during transport.

  • Compliance with Transport Company Requirements

Consult with a professional yacht transport company such as A-1 Auto Transport to understand their specific requirements. They may provide guidelines on reducing the height of antennas, removing sails, and securing rigging. Take necessary precautions to protect fragile components, such as wrapping them securely or using protective covers. Disable or secure sensitive equipment to avoid damage from motion-induced vibrations. 

By following these preparation steps, you can ensure that your yacht is well-prepared for transport, reducing the chances of any mishaps during the shipping process.

Read also: Best yachts for transatlantic: our selection and advices for 2023

Understanding Average Yacht Transport Costs

The cost of shipping a yacht can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the distance, destination, vessel size, and transport method. On average, yacht transport via cargo ship can cost between $20 and $25 per nautical mile. For example, transporting a 40-foot yacht from Florida to the Mediterranean, covering approximately 4,500 nautical miles, would typically cost around $90,000 to $112,500. Yacht delivery services, which charge a daily rate or flat fee, can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per day, depending on the yacht’s size and crew requirements. Additional expenses may include fuel, insurance, permits, and customs fees. It’s important to request detailed quotes from multiple transport providers to compare prices and services.

Researching and Selecting a Yacht Transport Service

Choosing a reputable yacht transport service is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free shipping experience. Begin by researching different companies and their track records in the industry. Look for providers with experience in transporting yachts similar in size and type to yours. Check customer reviews, ask for references, and inquire about insurance coverage. It’s also essential to verify their licenses, certifications, and compliance with international shipping regulations. Engage in detailed discussions with potential transporters to clarify any concerns or specific requirements you may have. Ultimately, select a company that not only offers competitive pricing but also provides reliable communication, excellent customer service, and a proven track record of safe and efficient yacht transport.

Final Thoughts

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Global Yacht Transport

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much will it cost to ship my yacht.

Costs for transporting a yacht are based on numerous factors making it difficult to provide a reliable quote without certain information. Factors influencing pricing range from yacht dimensions and shipping destinations, to seasonality and requirements for added services such as divers, insurance and surveys. To learn more read our guide to  yacht transport pricing  or submit your details to speak to our experts and  request a quote .

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The Complete Guide to Yacht Transportation: Moving Your Vessel with Care

Discover the insider’s guide to yacht transportation. Uncover the secrets to moving your vessel with care, saving time and money with Compare The Carrier.

The Complete Guide to Yacht Transportation: Moving Your Vessel with Care

Delving into the complexities of yacht transportation can seem like an insurmountable challenge, particularly if it’s your maiden voyage into this realm.

But worry not, for this comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process, allowing you to transport your vessel safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

Understanding the Importance of Proper Yacht Transportation

Proper Yacht Transportation

As a yacht owner, you are no stranger to the investment, both emotional and financial, that you’ve made in your vessel. It isn’t merely an asset but a representation of a lifestyle, passion, and often, a significant achievement. Hence, when it comes to moving your yacht, a proper yacht transportation service becomes critical.

Firstly, it’s about safety. Yachts are complex, expensive structures that require specialist handling. Incorrect or careless handling during transportation can lead to damage, sometimes severe, that could render your yacht unusable or depreciate its value. The safety of your yacht during transit is a top priority that can’t be compromised. Thus, entrusting this task to professional yacht carriers who understand the nuances and apply the utmost care is essential.

Secondly, professional yacht transportation alleviates the stress and burden off your shoulders. Moving a yacht involves several factors, such as securing the necessary permits, planning the best route, considering the weather conditions, and more. A proficient vehicle transport service provider will take care of these aspects, allowing you to focus on other important matters.

Finally, proper yacht transportation helps maintain the condition and value of your vessel. It ensures that your yacht arrives at the destination in the same pristine condition as it left, without any unnecessary wear and tear or mileage, thus helping preserve its resale value. That’s where Compare The Carrier steps in, offering a platform to compare boat transport services from reliable, licensed, and professional carriers. With Compare The Carrier , you can rest assured that your yacht transportation will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism, giving you peace of mind.

Understanding the importance of proper yacht transportation is key to ensuring the safety and longevity of your vessel. When it comes to effectively transporting your yacht, there’s more to it than meets the eye. From the initial preparation to choosing the right carrier and ensuring the right insurance coverage, every detail counts. Check out this video to gain a deeper understanding of each step of the process.

Preparing Your Yacht for Transportation

Moving your yacht doesn’t have to be a Herculean task if you approach it systematically. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your yacht for transportation.

Preparing Your Yacht for Transportation

A well-prepared yacht ensures a smooth and worry-free transportation process. With Compare The Carrier , you can easily compare quotes from the best yacht carriers, who will guide and assist you through each of these steps, ensuring your yacht is ready for its journey.

For a more visual guide on boat preparation, check out our YouTube video – ‘Ultimate Boat Prep Guide for Fishing & Boating Season’ .

In this video, we will walk you through boat inspection, cleaning, checking the battery and electrical systems, fuel system maintenance, and safety equipment. Plus, it provides more information on how Compare The Carrier can take care of your transportation needs.

Unpacking the Costs of Yacht Transportation

When it comes to yacht transportation, understanding the cost is vital. However, the price is not a one-size-fits-all matter as it is influenced by various factors. Let’s break them down to help you anticipate what to expect.

Unpacking the costs of yacht transportation

It’s important to remember that the cheapest service may not always be the best. Choosing a professional yacht carrier based on their reputation, reliability, and the services they provide is vital to ensuring the safety of your vessel during transit.

Common Mistakes in Yacht Transportation and How to Avoid Them

The process of moving your yacht may seem daunting and is often laden with potential pitfalls. Let’s highlight some of the common mistakes yacht owners make during transportation and how to avoid them.

Common mistakes in yacht transportation and how to avoid them

Choosing the Cheapest Quote

It might be tempting to opt for the cheapest yacht transportation quote. However, remember that lower cost can sometimes equate to lower quality service. The key is to balance cost with the reputation and reliability of the carrier.

Avoidance Tip: Utilize Compare The Carrier to review multiple quotes, comparing not just prices, but also the services, credibility, and reviews of each carrier.

Insufficient Preparation

Neglecting proper preparation of your yacht for transportation can lead to damage during transit.

Avoidance Tip: Refer back to our step-by-step guide to prepare your yacht effectively. Consulting with your chosen professional carrier can also be beneficial.

Ignoring Insurance

Overlooking the importance of having adequate insurance coverage during transportation is a common, yet potentially costly, mistake.

Avoidance Tip: Ensure your existing insurance covers yacht transportation. If not, discuss with your carrier about purchasing additional coverage.

Providing Inaccurate Yacht Specifications

Incorrectly stating your yacht’s dimensions can result in the use of inadequate equipment or transportation methods, leading to possible damage or increased cost.

Avoidance Tip: Double-check and provide accurate specifications of your yacht to your carrier.

Last-Minute Booking

Booking yacht transportation at the last minute might result in higher costs and fewer carrier options.

Avoidance Tip: Plan your yacht transportation well in advance. This allows you time to evaluate multiple options and lock in the best deal.

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly improve your yacht transportation experience, ensuring a smooth, efficient process that safeguards your valuable vessel. As a yacht owner, your vessel is likely more than just an asset; it’s a passion and a lifestyle. So, take these precautions seriously, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful yacht transportation, ready for many more voyages ahead.

Navigating through yacht transportation may seem complex, but understanding its significance, adequate preparation, realistic cost expectations, and avoiding common mistakes can make it a smooth sail. In this journey, Compare The Carrier stands as a reliable partner, helping you select professional carriers and the best quotes for your specific needs. Embark on your yacht transportation journey with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you’re well-prepared and well-supported. Happy sailing!

How is the yacht loaded onto the carrier?

The method depends on the size of the yacht and the carrier’s capabilities. Smaller yachts can be loaded using a trailer with a hydraulic lift. Larger yachts may require a crane or a marina lift.

Can the yacht be transported with the mast up?

For safety and ease of transportation, it’s generally recommended to unstep the mast for the duration of the transport. However, depending on the carrier’s equipment and your yacht’s size, it may be possible to transport with the mast up.

What are my options if my yacht is too large for road transport?

If your yacht is too large for road transport, you can explore options like sea or air freight. Lift-on/lift-off and float-on/float-off are common methods for sea transport.

How do I check the carrier’s license and insurance?

You can verify the carrier’s license and insurance information through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This ensures you’re dealing with a legitimate, insured carrier.

What should I do if the delivery location doesn’t have a marina or suitable unloading area?

Discuss the delivery location with your carrier. They may be able to suggest alternatives or offer a solution, such as transporting the yacht to the nearest marina or suitable unloading point.

Do I need to winterize my yacht for transport in cold weather?

Yes, if your yacht will be transported in freezing temperatures, it’s recommended to winterize it to protect the engine and other systems from freezing damage.

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Your trusted partner for global yacht transport & delivery.

We take immense pride in being the leading name for all your luxury yacht transporter and global boat shipping needs. With our extensive knowledge and experience in yacht logistics, we offer first-class solutions for yacht relocation services, superyacht shipping, sailboat transport, and much more.

We redefine yacht transport and logistics through a commitment to excellence. Our dedication to safety, reliability, and personalized service sets us apart as industry leaders. Reach out today for a comprehensive quote and embark on a journey characterized by first class service.


Cross Chartering Yacht Transport is the largest yacht transporter to and from North America and focuses exclusively on the transportation of yachts. Through our highly skilled and experienced management and operations team, we are able to provide, safe, reliable, and cost-effective yacht transport solutions worldwide. Our teams specialize in heavy lift and customized yacht transport logistics.

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Cross Chartering Yacht Transport works hand-in-hand with boat/yacht manufacturers, brokers, captains, and private yacht owners to provide the best custom-designed shipping options to fit any scenario or requirements.

This allows us to provide the safest, fastest, and most secure yacht delivery services for your needs and budget, no matter the destination.

We have a track record of successful transport and delivery, making us the preferred choice for owners who demand excellence.


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Your Global Leader in Yacht Transport

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Cross Chartering Yacht Transport combines technology, innovation, and logistics to ensure your vessel arrives at its destination safely and on time anywhere in the globe.

Our experienced crew is composed of yacht shipping professionals who know the marine industry inside and out and are master troubleshooters, problem solvers, and communication experts. Our custom-built cradles are used to ensure that your vessel always arrives safe and secure.

You can rely on us to deliver your superyacht to its destination with the utmost care, despite possible time constraints.


Our specialized yacht delivery service is designed to ensure the secure and dependable transportation of your cherished vessel. Whether you’re seeking international yacht shipping or yacht transport within your own country, our team of experts is committed to guaranteeing a seamless journey for your yacht.

Global Boat Shipping Tailored to Your Needs

Navigating the intricate landscape of international yacht shipping can be a daunting task. That’s where our expertise shines. With tailored solutions for yacht logistics, our global yacht shipping services remove the complexities. From managing customs and regulations to overseeing the entire logistical process, we ensure a smooth voyage from port to port.

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Unrivaled Expertise in Superyacht Transport

Reliable sailboat transport across continents.

Embarking on a sailing adventure across the world? Our sailboat transport services have got you covered. With a deep understanding of sailboat handling, we ensure your vessel reaches new waters efficiently and safely.

Logistics Mastery: Orchestrating Every Detail of Your Vessel’s Journey

We stand at the forefront of superyacht shipping and sailboat transport, setting the bar for excellence in yacht logistics. Our team’s expertise, combined with our state-of-the-art equipment, ensures that your yacht’s journey during yacht transport is smooth and secure. Whether you’re relocating a sailboat or arranging global boat shipping, we’re committed to delivering results that speak of quality, precision, and a customer-focused approach.

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We transport over 2,000 yachts annually to worldwide destinations


What our customers say, yacht transport news.

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Boat Hauling and Transport Services in the USA.

We move boats in the usa..

We transport Boats on a Trailer or Boats not on a trailer up to 12ft wide.

     Boat Hauling  is our specialty.  We have been shipping and hauling boats all across the USA since 1994.  From State to State, City to City anywhere in the continental USA.  We can transport a boat up to 12ft wide anywhere in the continental USA.  We move boats that are on trailer or boats that are not already on a trailer.  We are licensed, insured, bonded and a proud member of the BBB.  If you need to hire a professional affordable company to haul or tow your boat call 800-462-0038 for a free boat delivery rate quote.   Get a quote

Getting your boat there safely.

Below is a only few examples of boats we have moved in the past..

Boat Haulers

B oat Haulers

Professional Boat Movers

Get your boat moved Safely.

In business since 1994, your boat delivered., hire a professional boat hauling service. get a quote, list of states we can transport a boat to, in or from..

Alabama (AL) • Arizona (AZ) • Arkansas (AR) • California (CA)  • Colorado (CO) • Connecticut (CT) • Delaware (DE) • District of Columbia  (DC) • Florida (FL) • Georgia (GA) • Idaho (ID) • Illinois (IL) • Indiana (IN) • Iowa (IA) • Kansas (KS) • Kentucky (KY) • Louisiana (LA) • Maine (ME) • Maryland (MD) • Massachusetts (MA) • Michigan (MI) • Minnesota (MN) • Mississippi (MS) • Missouri (MO) • Montana (MT) • Nebraska (NE) • Nevada (NV) • New Hampshire (NH) • New Jersey (NJ) • New Mexico (NM) • New York (NY) • North Carolina (NC) • North Dakota (ND) • Ohio (OH) • Oklahoma (OK) • Oregon (OR) • Pennsylvania (PA) • Rhode Island (RI) • South Carolina (SC) • South Dakota (SD) • Tennessee (TN ) • Texas (TX) • Utah (UT) • Vermont (VT) • Virginia (VA) • Washington  (WA) • West Virginia (WV) • Wisconsin (WI) • Wyoming (WY)

How much does it cost to ship a boat on average?

The cost to transport a boat depends on what type of boat it is, the popularity of the route aswell as the locations.  The rate also depends on the size of the trailer.  The length, width, height and weight.  Is the boat over 8ft 6in wide.. If so, in every state in america it will require an overwide permit.  If the boat on the  trailer is over 13ft 6in high it will also require overwide permits and possibly escorts. Our rates per mile to transfer a boat from one location to another varies.  In general the more miles it goes the less per mile the fee for transporting is. The easiest way to find out how much it is going to cost is to call us at 800-462-0038 to receive a trailer delivery price estimate. Or  fill out a quote by clicking here

We have drivers availble within 200 miles of these cities.

Akron, Ohio - OH Albuquerque, New Mexico - NM Anaheim, California - CA Anchorage, Alaska - AK Arlington, Texas - TX Arlington, Virginia - VA Atlanta, Georgia - GA Aurora, Colorado - CO Austin, Texas - TX Bakersfield, California - CA Baltimore, Maryland - MD Baton Rouge, Louisiana - LA Birmingham, Alabama - AL Boise, Idaho - ID Boston, Massachusetts - MA Buffalo, New York - NY Chandler, Arizona - AZ Charlotte, North Carolina - NC Chesapeake, Virginia - VA Chicago, Illinois - IL Chula Vista, California - CA Cincinnati, Ohio - OH Cleveland, Ohio - OH Colorado Springs, Colorado - CO Columbus, Ohio - OH Corpus Christi, Texas - TX Dallas, Texas - TX Denver, Colorado - CO Detroit, Michigan - MI Durham, North Carolina - NC El Paso, Texas - TX Fort Wayne, Indiana - IN Fort Worth, Texas - TX Fremont, California - CA Fresno, California - CA Garland, Texas - TX Gilbert, Arizona - AZ Glendale, Arizona - AZ Greensboro, North Carolina - NC Henderson, Nevada - NV Hialeah, Florida - FL Honolulu, Hawaii - HI Houston, Texas - TX Indianapolis, Indiana - IN Irvine, California - CA Jacksonville, Florida - FL Jersey City, New Jersey - NJ Kansas City, Missouri - MO Laredo, Texas - TX Las Vegas, Nevada - NV Lexington, Kentucky - KY Lincoln, Nebraska - NE Long Beach, California - CA Los Angeles, California - CA Louisville, Kentucky - KY Lubbock, Texas - TX Madison, Wisconsin - WI Memphis, Tennessee - TN Mesa, Arizona - AZ Miami, Florida - FL Milwaukee, Wisconsin - WI Minneapolis, Minnesota - MN Modesto, California - CA Montgomery, Alabama - AL Nashville, Tennessee - TN New Orleans, Louisiana - LA New York, New York - NY Newark, New Jersey - NJ Norfolk, Virginia - VA North Las Vegas, Nevada - NV Oakland, California - CA Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - OK Omaha, Nebraska - NE Orlando, Florida - FL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - PA Phoenix, Arizona - AZ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - PA Plano, Texas - TX Portland, Oregon - OR Raleigh, North Carolina - NC Omaha, Nebraska - NE Orlando, Florida - FL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - PA Phoenix, Arizona - AZ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - PA Plano, Texas - TX Portland, Oregon - OR Raleigh, North Carolina - NC Reno, Nevada - NV Richmond, Virginia - VA Riverside, California - CA Rochester, New York - NY Sacramento, California - CA San Antonio, Texas - TX San Diego, California - CA San Francisco, California - CA San Jose, California - CA Santa Ana, California - CA Scottsdale, Arizona - AZ Seattle, Washington - WA Spokane, Washington - WA St. Louis, Missouri - MS St. Paul, Minnesota - MN St. Petersburg, Florida - FL Stockton, California - CA Tampa, Florida - FL Toledo, Ohio - OH Tucson, Arizona - AZ Tulsa, Oklahoma - OK Virginia Beach, Virginia - VA Washington, District of Columbia - DC Wichita, Kansas - KS Get a Quote

Why Choose Showroom Transport to ship your boat.

Showroom Transport has been in business since 1994.  We are open 24 hours a day every day of the year.  You can always call us to check on the status of your boat move.   We are licensed, insured and bonded.  We are a proud member of the better business bureau.  Our drivers have years of experience moving and transporting boats all around the country.  Everyday we work hard to improve our customer relations.  We want every single customer satisfied with our service.  We believe if our customers are happy they will call us again or refer us to many others.  We love repeat business!   Get a quote 

Types of boats we move.                                     

Power Boats Pontoon Boats Sail Boats Boat that is already on a trailer Boats not on a trailer Single Jet Ski on Trailer or 2 Jet Skis on a Double Jet Ski Trailer Get a quote

Boat Hauling Safety Guide. (Inspecting your load before and during travel)                                    

When moving a boat on a  trailer our safety guide will work.   Our drivers are trained to do a walk around inspection on the trailer before hooking up to it, during travel and after the delivery has been made.   We start out by looking at the overall appearence of the trailer.   Inspecting the Trailer 1.  Look at the appearance of the trailer:  Look for the obvious: loose siding or panels, broken or missing lights, or anything out of the ordinary. 2.  Tires: Check the tire pressure of the trailer tires.  Kicking the tires is not the best way to check for proper air pressure.  Use an air gauge!  Look foor dry rot, cracks, rips or buldges on the tires.  When a tire blows it can cause damage to your trailer,or boat,  slow your trip down and also pieces of your tires could hit another vehicles on the road.  When in doubt, change your tires. It will save you money in the long run. 3.  Lights: Trailers are required to have lights on all sides.  The back lights, the side marker lights and the lights at the top front of the trailer called the center lights.  Every state, city, county lights on trailers are mandatory.  Clean the the light caps, replace bulbs if needed. Check wiring.  You want all lights working. 4. Brakes: Electric Brake Trailers must have a break away switch on them. Before driver pulls away the driver should make sure the break away switch works. The driver should also make sure the trailer brakes are working properly too.  To do so the driver should place the vehicle shifter in drive and move the lever on the electric brake controller inside vehicle without stepping on brakes.  The trailer should immediately stop or slow down progress.  For air brake trailers, there is a hand valve that can be applied with the same respect.  Yet for semi trailers, driver should know how to check for brake adjustment. Inspecting the Boat   1.  Make sure all loose items are secure.  Seat cushions can fly out during transport from wind. 2. If boat has outboard motors make sure they are in safe or locked position for transport. 3. For inboard boats make sure the props are either taken off or in a position they will not get damaged from loading and unloading the boat onto the trailer 4. Remove any boat cover from boat as there is a huge chance it will rip and come apart durning travel especially in high cross wind states.  Even boat covers designed for transport will come apart.  We advise shrink wrap or nothing at all on boat. Securing the boat to the Trailer - make sure the saftey cable is attached, the winch line and for most boats motorcycle straps to the eye sockets in the back of the boat to the frame of the trailer.  Also a tie on the stern to the tounge of the trailer.  If you straps across the whole boat make sure you put soft cloth so the strap does not rub against the boat itself.  Also, do not tighten to the extreme as it could crack the boat. Pull over in a safe place during travel multiple times to make sure the ties are not losing up and the boat is secure. The above information is only a few major things to look for before and during travel. For more information of the safety of moving boats please call us at 800-462-0038. To get a quotes for us to transport your trailer click here

Boat Relocation

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Legend Yacht Transport - Best Yacht Transport Company

Transporting Your Yacht Just Got Easier


World-Class Yacht Transportation & Boat Shipping

Legend Yacht Transport is a premier international logistics provider specialized in custom marine transportation of motor yachts , sailing yachts ,  racing yachts , superyachts , commercial vessels , and more .

Motor Yacht Transport

Sailing yacht transport, superyacht transport, racing boat transport, commercial transport, other vessel transport.


Years of Experience

Clients served, countries covered, satisfaction guaranteed, transport your boat today.

Trust your go-to expert for boat and yacht transport and get stress-free delivery worldwide.

Delivering Excellence Everywhere, Everytime

Among the world’s leading yacht transportation companies, Legend Yacht Transport offers turn key solutions to the marine industry with concierge yacht and boat transport logistics.

We have been trusted by some of the largest global yacht manufacturers, owners, and racers with managing the safe and streamlined delivery of boats and yachts to worldwide destinations, including: North America, Central America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia, and more.

A Global Leader In Marine Transport & Logistics

Experienced team.

Legend Yacht Transport possesses significant experience in all aspects of global marine transport and logistics.

Flexibility & Customization

We offer a variety of custom transport and shipping options for the delivery of private and commercial marine vessels.

Integrated Solutions

Comprehensive vessel insurance, logistics tracking, and licensed staff available 24/7--for stress-free delivery worldwide.

Ocean Transportation Knowledge & Resources

Legend Yacht Transport prides itself on making it easy for clients to get their vessel where it needs to be, on-time and on-budget.

We leverage our extensive experience, exceptional loadmaster team, customized freight software, and large network of resources to handle even the most complex logistics challenges.

Class A Insurance

Fully certified staff.

  • Expert Loadmasters

In-House Engineers

Large carrier fleet, cradling system, freight software, 24/7 global service, custom transport solutions, dedicated & certified team, on-demand global support, our management team.

The team at Legend Yacht Transport has been trusted by thousands of clients worldwide to provide customized marine logistics and manage the international transport of motorboats , sailboats , raceboats , superyachts and megayachts , and commercial vessels . They are led by some of the most respected professionals in the industry.

David Holley

David Holley

Gail Ryan

Chelsea Renn

Christina Ely

Christina Ely

Mickey Annese

Mickey Annese

Mayrel Black

Mayrel Black

Elena Brokhin

Elena Brokhin

Yacht transport & boat delivery services.

For almost 30 years, the team at Legend Yacht Transport has made it easy to transport any yacht or boat, anywhere, anytime. Our experienced logistics team is ready 24/7.

Yacht Transport

  • Independent & Trusted
  • Fully Insured & Staffed
  • Fast & Custom Solutions
  • Industry Best Practices
  • Less Engine Hours
  • Lift-On/Lift-Off & More
  • Qualified Team
  • Cribbing & Lashing
  • Liner & Charter Options
  • Live Global Tracking
  • Float-On/Float-Off & More
  • On-Time & Safe Transport
  • Racing Circuit Specialists
  • Point-To-Point Delivery
  • Heavy Lift & Load Experts
  • Licensed & Insured
  • Roll-On/Roll-Off & More

Worldwide Service & 24/7 Support

At Legend Yacht Transport , we deliver more than just boats and yachts. We deliver comprehensive logistics management and personal attention with the best customer service in the marine transport sector.

To learn more, see below or call us directly for immediate assistance at +1 (954) 727-8260 .

What kinds of transport do you offer?

Legend Yacht Transport specializes in the ocean transport of marine vessels and equipment. This includes both charter and liner services.

Charter Services Where the vessel is lifted from the water and secured on our custom cradling system aboard deck of one of our charter vessels, which then travels to the assigned port.

Liner Services Where a scheduled sailing is provided on either a container vessel (as Containerized, Out-of-Gauge or Break Bulk) or on a Roll-On/Roll-Off ship as rolling cargo.

Where can I transport my yacht or boat?

Anywhere. Legend Yacht Transport is a leading global shipping and logistics company serving the marine industry as well as private yacht and boat owners, operators, and captains. Our large fleet network and shipping infrastructure provides access to all the world's premier ports and cruising grounds throughout North America, Central America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands.

Why choose Legend Yacht Transport?

As one of the most trusted, forward-thinking, and client-focused yacht transporters in the industry, Legend Yacht Transport has the expertise and resources to make transporting your vessel easy and affordable.

What payment methods do you accept?

Legend Yacht Transport accepts ACH and wire transfer.

If You Have Questions We're Here

Need help planning a transport or just need some guidance? Our team is happy to assist.

Our Latest News

As one of the world’s leading yacht transportation and boat shipping companies, we definitely get around. Stay connected as we continue to move what moves you.

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Cargorouter is a digital platform for planning international shipments of containerized goods and other types of general cargo. At its core lies an intelligent routing algorithm for estimating best routing alternatives based on three criteria — transport costs, transit time and CO2 emissions . In addition to instantly generated shipping alternatives, Cargorouter provides trade leads to relevant service providers to foster effective collaboration between shippers and logistics service providers.

Logistics service providers have the opportunity to submit information about their services to Cargorouter. Cargorouter integrates this information in route calculations and displays relevant service providers in routing results, thereby serving as a unique marketing platform for transport services with highly targeted exposure. Register as service provider

Cargorouter aims to help businesses increase supply chain efficiency and reduce environmental imprint . This is why every route suggestion includes a relative CO2 estimation — to help responsible businesses take a step forward in the right direction.

Shipping from Africa Shipping from Americas Shipping from Asia Shipping from Europe Shipping from Oceania

Logistics reference guide to sea ports, cargo airports, rail terminals + helper tools.

Global cargo port directory with information on port codes, location and liner connections covering 800+ ports around the world

Growing international rail yard directory, currently covering 20+ countries on 3 continents

Global airport directory with IATA airport codes and location information

A convenient tool for checking container numbers to help avoid documentation mistakes. Check single or multiple container numbers with a click of a button.

Check container type and technical specifications of container by container ISO code

In order to provide members with best user experience we limit resources available to guest visitors. As part of this limitation, we offer guest visitors three routing requests per day and reserve customer service for members only. Becoming a registered member removes guest limitations. In addition, registration enables transport service providers to promote relevant services to thousands of prospective clients via Cargorouter network. Become a member

  • Freight Shipping Rates Index Calculator

Freight Calculator : Sea & Ocean Shipping Cost & Rates

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Port congestion - origin, port congestion - destination, sailing schedule.

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Whether you ship goods by air or sea, getting competitive prices each time is crucial to your bottom line. While the traditional negotiation system has stifled the ability of shippers to negotiate effectively for ages, today, there are better ways to...

How Gocomet Freight Rate Calculator work?

Our tool captures real-time, best market prices quoted and honored by vendors/freight forwarders over the selected port pair. our proprietary algorithm "gocomet freight index" takes into account aggregated freight shipping costs provided by vendors to gocomet's clients and provides the lowest freight costs with vendors trusted by companies like motul, acg, skyworks, pidilite and more. with our market rates index you will be able to negotiate with your vendors better and get the best price to ship your international freight, today gocomet freight shipping calculator helps to calculate ocean & sea container shipping rates instantly. you can check real-time cost, price, rates and more with our international freight shipping calculator. try it now, data sourced from the world’s leading shippers & freight forwarders, proprietary machine learning algorithms create the freight price index., factors like major world events, supply-demand dynamics and market sentiment taken into consideration to estimate freight costs., frequently asked questions, what is gfi (gocomet freight index).

GFI stands for GoComet Freight Index. It is a shipping freight index that helps you benchmark freight rates for major ports across the world.

How are container shipping prices, rates & transport costs calculated?

  • GoComet Freight Cost Calculator calculates freight rates by considering over 25,000 quotes submitted on the GoComet platform every month by more than 4,000 vendors from across the world. These are actual quotes for bookings made by shippers across the globe.
  • To estimate freight shipping costs, the system considers the top-rated and lowest quoting vendors on each route. Then, it runs machine learning algorithms to create the ocean freight index for a particular shipment. The proprietary algorithms are similar to those used by the World Container Freight Index and Shanghai Freight Index.

How do you calculate freight rates?

GoComet’s freight index calculator factors in real time bidding data from it’s own freight procurement platform by analysing top rated vendors on multiple routes and factors in market data through a proprietary machine learning algorithm that outputs the current market average rate for the given port pair.

How is ocean freight calculated?

Ocean freight can be broken down into a base charge and multiple add-on charges. The base can vary depending on the nature of the shipment. In FCL the base charge would be a flat fee on the type of container in transit like 20 feet container, 40 feet container, etc. In case of LCL the cost is decided based on the whichever is greater between the weight of the cargo per 1000kgs or it’s volume per 1 cubic meter, known as weight or measure(w/m).

What is included in ocean freight charges?

Ocean freight charges include the per unit cost of the containers being transported in case of FCL or the cost of the weight or volume as per W/M measure of cargo in case of LCL. These charges are then amended by certain fixed and variable charges like Environmental Fuel Charges, General Rate Increase Charges, Peak Season Surcharge, Low Sulphur Surcharge, etc.

Is there a website to check average international freight rates?

Yes, GoComet Freight Index is a free website which aggregates best international freight market rates for a particular lane instantly. These are real-time rates offered by vendors on GoComet Platform. Shippers can also refer to alternate sources like Freightos' Baltic Index and Shanghai Containerized Freight Index to get some idea on the current market trends too.

Major Carriers like MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag Lloyd, OOCL and more alike also have online portals where shippers can check the freight booking costs but this is only specific to that carrier and not the market's average rate offered by multiple vendors.

Why is the GFI public?

GFI has proved to be of immense help to our customers. They have been using it regularly to benchmark rates, and it has enabled them to show their management that they are getting the best possible prices for all shipments and negotiating with a substantial number of vendors.

To extend this benefit to the broader community, GoComet decided to make GFI publicly available.

Is GFI based on spot rates or contract rates?

GoComet uses both spot as well as contract rates to calculate GFI.

Why is there a GFI demarcation for 20’ and 40’ Container Loads?

There is a considerable difference between the rates of 20’ and 40’ containers. The prices of 40’ containers aren’t necessarily twice that of 20’ containers. Hence, for clarity, it is crucial to mention the costs of the two container types separately.

Case study

Top 15 Freight CRM Software of 2024

Case study

Freight Negotiation With Shipping Companies: A Smart Approach


  1. Transporting Your Yacht : How Much Does It Cost

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  2. Yacht Transport Cost

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  3. Transporting Your Yacht : How Much Does It Cost

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  4. How To Ship A Yacht and Average Costs Associated With Yacht Transport

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  5. The Cost of Yacht Transportation

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  6. Yachttransport

    yacht transport kosten


  1. Yacht Transport Costs: What You Need To Know

    Larger boats tend to incur higher expenses per mile compared to smaller ones. For example, average prices for boat moving services typically range from $1.50 to $3.75 per mile, with larger yachts falling on the higher end of this spectrum due to their size and weight.

  2. Yachttransport: Aufwand, Kosten & was dahinter steckt

    Yachttransport-Kosten: Wofür? Dann endlich, nach etwa 3 Stunden harter Arbeit, kann der Zug das Werftgelände verlassen. Doch es fährt nicht "nur" ein LKW alleine - Yachttransporte sind Spezialtransporte und zunächst genehmigungspflichtig. Die Planung der Strecke sowie die Anmeldung übernehmen die Profi-Transporteure: Sie können sich ...

  3. Yacht Shipping Pricing

    Yacht Shipping Pricing. Determining the cost to ship a yacht involves a variety of factors such as size, origin, destination, and the time of transportation. Due to the complexity of these variables, providing a precise estimate, like a cost per mile, is challenging. Peters & May, with global offices and expert staff, offers personalized advice ...

  4. The Dockwalk Guide to Yacht Transport

    The other yacht-transport method, pioneered by Dockwise Yacht Transport (now DYT) in the 1980s, is "float on/float off.". DYT's semi-submersible ships are partially submerged in the water; the yacht floats into it and is secured in a cradle on the deck by divers. Then, the water is drained from the hold. At the end of the voyage, the ...

  5. Yacht transport prices: Unveiling Competitive Rates

    Yacht transport is crucial in the seamless movement of luxurious vessels across various destinations. At Ship Vehicles, we understand the significance of transporting yachts and boats securely and efficiently.As a leading transport company specializing in shipping vehicles, including yachts and boats, we take pride in delivering exceptional services that cater to the unique needs of our clients.

  6. How To Ship A Yacht and Average Costs Associated With Yacht Transport

    On average, yacht transport via cargo ship can cost between $20 and $25 per nautical mile. For example, transporting a 40-foot yacht from Florida to the Mediterranean, covering approximately 4,500 nautical miles, would typically cost around $90,000 to $112,500. Yacht delivery services, which charge a daily rate or flat fee, can range from ...

  7. Boot transportieren: Kosten & günstige Angebote

    Im Durchschnitt können die Kosten zwischen 500 und 5000 Euro liegen. Es ist ratsam, mehrere Angebote einzuholen und zu vergleichen. Jetzt Angebote erhalten. Die besten Preise zum Boot transportieren: Kosten zwischen 200 - 1000 € Infos zur Planung und Tipps. Jetzt auf MyHammer Angebote vergleichen und sparen.

  8. Preise für den Yachtversand

    Die Kosten für Dienstleistungen wie Stevedores können je nach Hafen oder Region enorm variieren, was zu erheblichen Preisschwankungen führt. Jahreszeit Peters & May bietet regelmäßig Kreuzfahrten auf beliebten Routen an, abgestimmt auf den Beginn und das Ende der Segelsaison in Regionen auf der ganzen Welt.

  9. Yacht Transport: Everything You Need To Know About Shipping A Yacht

    Yacht transport durations vary based on distance, country, shipping method, customs procedures, time constraints, and seasonal considerations. Customs paperwork must be filed a minimum of 72 hours before loading. International yacht transport ports and customs information, including necessary clearances and formalities, are provided.

  10. How much will it cost to ship my yacht?

    Costs for transporting a yacht are based on numerous factors making it difficult to provide a reliable quote without certain information. Factors influencing pricing range from yacht dimensions and shipping destinations, to seasonality and requirements for added services such as divers, insurance and surveys. To learn more read our guide to yacht transport pricing or submit your details to ...

  11. Boat Shipping Cost Calculator

    Enter a start address, end address, and boat dimensions to calculate a shipping cost estimate. Boat Width. ft.

  12. Professional Yacht Transportation [2024]

    Step 6: Cover Your Yacht. While not always necessary, a good-quality cover can provide extra protection to your yacht during transit. Step 7: Check Insurance Coverage. Ensure your insurance coverage extends to the transportation of your yacht. If it doesn't, consider purchasing additional coverage for the move.

  13. Boat transport: international shipping, towing and deliveries

    Boat transport is a thriving industry across three main modes - transport on a ship, towing a yacht by road and yacht delivery under her own steam. In many cases the departure and end points of the route will point towards a particular solution. For instance, moving a boat from Croatia to an English Channel port would involve a 2,800 voyage ...

  14. How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Yacht with Legend Yacht Transport?

    Legend Yacht Transport explains the various factors impacting the cost of shipping a yacht, shedding light on why we cannot provide pricing until you have spoken to one of our experts. Bespoke Solutions. At Legend Yacht Transport, we pride ourselves on providing bespoke boat transport solutions to every customer. Each project is unique, based ...

  15. Legend Yacht Transport

    Legend Yacht Transport is the leading provider of yacht transportation services throughout North, South, and Central America, Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and Asia. Our seasoned team of industry professionals is dedicated to providing a dependable service every time. We are 100% dedicated to providing safe, affordable, and reliable ...

  16. Cross Chartering Yacht Transport

    Cross Chartering Yacht Transport works hand-in-hand with boat/yacht manufacturers, brokers, captains of vessels, and private yacht owners to provide the best custom-designed shipping options to fit any scenario or requirement. This allows us to provide the safest, fastest, and most secure yacht delivery services for your needs and budget ...

  17. Boat Haulers

    BoatHaulers.net is a division of Showroom Transport. We transport a variety of type of boats from power boats, pontoon boats, fishing boats, sail boats, rescue boats, jetskis and so much more. For a free boat transport cost estimate call us at 800-462-0038. Get your boat delivered by a professional company.

  18. Legend Yacht Transport

    Worldwide Service& 24/7 Support. At Legend Yacht Transport, we deliver more than just boats and yachts. We deliver comprehensive logistics management and personal attention with the best customer service in the marine transport sector. To learn more, see below or call us directly for immediate assistance at +1 (954) 727-8260.

  19. CargoRouter

    Cargorouter is a digital platform for planning international shipments of containerized goods and other types of general cargo. At its core lies an intelligent routing algorithm for estimating best routing alternatives based on three criteria —. In addition to instantly generated shipping alternatives, Cargorouter provides trade leads to ...

  20. Freight Calculator: Air & Sea Shipping Cost Calculator

    Freightos — The Digital Freight Shipping Platform With a Free Freight Quote Calculator. Instantly compare air, ocean, and trucking freight quotes from 75+ providers with the perfect balance of price and transit time. Refreshingly easy logistics management with milestone tracking and proactive issue resolution from vetted providers you can trust.

  21. Freight Rate Calculator

    Freight Rate Calculator | 20 / 40 Ft Sea Container Shipping Cost. Home. Freight Shipping Rates Index Calculator. Laem Chabang, Thailand Shimizu, Japan $622.17 7.83%. Laem Chabang, Thailand Hakata, Japan $675 45.32%. Laem Chabang, Thailand Busan, Busan $400.42 3.60%.

  22. Transit & Shipping Time Calculator

    Freight shipping transit time is impacted by factors including distance, shipping mode, route, and season. In very rough estimates: express can take as little as 1-3 days, air freight is typically 5-10 days, and sea shipping can range anywhere from 20-45 days or more. The complexity of customs procedures and potential delays at border crossings ...