rya advanced powerboat

Advanced Powerboat Syllabus

Aim: To teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar.

  • Practical Prepare the powerboat Carry our fuel and engine checks Stow and secure gear Differences for a twin engine vessel Characteristics of various hull forms and propeller configurations Action to be taken in rough weather Demonstrate a practical understanding and correct use of power trim and trim tabs Demonstrate an awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring, including: Steering in transits and in buoyed channels Turning in a confined space Berthing in various conditions of wind and tide Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy Demonstrate the use of an appropriate length of kill cord at all times The importance of pre-trip planning Planning and making coastal passages, taking into account the relevant navigational hazards, the type of boat and the strengths of the crew Chart plotters and radar, their advantages and limitations Organise the navigation, safety and welfare of the crew during a powerboat passage Navigate at higher speed using time / distance Use electronic navigational equipment for planning and undertaking a passage, including the use of waypoints, routes and XTE, SOG, COG, BTW, DTW Carry out pilotage plans and pilotage entry into or departure from harbour Use leading and clearing lines, transits, back bearings and soundings as aids to pilotage Use GPS and understands it limitations in pilotage Navigate using soundings Terms used in shipping forecasts, inclusing the Beaufort Scale, and their significance to small craft Sources of forecast information and interpretation of forecasts including synoptic charts The significance of meteorological trends Can interpret a synoptic chart Apply the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea How to change a propeller Propeller diameter and pitch Propeller ventilation and cavitation Checks to be made before starting, during running, amd afetr stopping for diesel and petrol engines Periodic checks on engines and electrical systems including spark plugs, water filters and pump impellers How to bleed the fuel system (diesel), change filters and pump impellers Transmission belts Spares to be carried Correct action to take in emergency situations Fire prevention and fighting Hull damage / watertight integrity What to do in a medical emergency Towing and being towed Helicopter rescue procedures Use of flares Search patterns Pick up a man overboard in all available conditions Take charge of a powerboat at night, including leaving and entering harbour Demonstrate ability at keeping a proper lookout and identifying lit and unlit marks by night

Advanced Powerboat Examination

  • Preparation for sea Preparation of vessel Safety brief Stowing and securing gear for coastal passages Engine operations and routine checks, fuel systems, kill cord Fuel system, bleeding, changing filters and impellers
  • Boat handling Hull forms and their handling characteristics, propeller confirgurations Knowledge of action to be taken in rough weather Significance of tidal stream on sea conditions Steering and power control through waves Understanding and correct use of power trim and tabs Towing, under open sea conditions and in confined areas Strategy up and downwind and in heavy weather Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring, including: Steering to transits and in buoyed channels Turning in a confined space All berthing and un-berthing Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy Anchoring Recovery of man overboard Awareness of ground speed and ability to hold the boat on station
  • Responsibilities Skippering the vessel with effective crew communication Preparing the vessel for sea and for adverse weather Tactics for heavy weather and restricted visibility Emergency and distress situations Customs procedures Courtesy to other water users
  • Passage making and pilotage Your chart work and theory knowledge should include: Charts, navigational publications and sources of navigational information Chart work, including position fixing and shaping course to allow for tide Tidal heights and depths Buoyage and visual aids to navigation Instruments, inclusing compasses, logs, echo sounders, radio navigation aids and chart work instruments Passage planning and navigational tactics Importance of pre-plannig High speed navigation, pre-planning and execute Use of electronic navigation (GPS & Radar) Pilotage techniques and plans for entry into or departure from harbour Use of leading and clearing lines, transits and soundings as aids to pilotage Navigational records Limits of navigational accuracy and margins of safety Lee shore dangers You should be able to enter and depart from a charted port by day or night. Your examiner will give you a pilotage exercise and ask you to explain your planning. You will need to be aware of the problems of collision avoidance and how to determine your position by night.
  • Meteorology You should be able to use weather and tidal information to predict likely sea conditions and make passage planning decisions. Definition of terms incuding Beaufort Scale, and their significance to small craft. Sources of weather forecasts Weather systems and local weather effects Interpretation of weather forecasts, barometric trends and visible phenomena Ability to make passage planning decisions based on forecast information
  • Rules of the road Application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.  You should be able to identify  power and sailing vessels by night. Identification of types of ship by night is not required, but you will need a knowledge of the lights of tugs and trawlers.
  • Safety Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board the vessel, based either on the recommendations in RYA booklet C8, or the Codes of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Vessels. In particular, candidates must know the responsibilities of a skipper in relation to: Fire prevention and fighting Hull damage / watertight integrity Medical emergency Towing and being towed VHF emergency procedures Explanation of helicopter rescue procedures Use of flares Man overboard Sector search Lifejackets Life rafts

Clipper Ventures

rya advanced powerboat

This course is for leisure and professional boaters wanting to undertake more adventurous trips and night time journeys.

It includes navigation by day and night, weather and other aspects of skippering a 'planing' powerboat on more challenging passages in coastal waters. Anybody undertaking this course must have the practical skills of the Intermediate course and knowledge of navigation to level of Yachtmaster shorebased course.

Students taking the Advanced course must hold a VHF/SRC operators certificate and a first aid certificate. All candidates are required to hold a first aid certificate. Acceptable certificates include the RYA's First Aid Certificate, First Aid at Work, First Aid at Sea or any other certificate issued on completion of a course which is a minimum of one day's duration, recognised by the Health and Safety Executive and includes the treatment of hypothermia, cold shock and drowning.

The course is to be undertaken in a 'fast' planing boat and if run in our own ribs we will normally give the opportunity of experiencing both the outboard and inboard engined ribs. Particular emphasis is given to operating any craft safely with a good knowledge and understanding of all IRPCS, understanding the lights on ships, buoys, etc. using appropriate channels on the VHF to understand vessel movements, undertaking a navigational exercise by both day and night using the electronic navigational aids provided on our ribs and conventional charts. Upon completion of the course a student will have the knowledge necessary to visit both known and unknown ports by both day and night understanding their capabilities of skippering a powerboat in different sea conditions and be confident of making decisions should a problem arise and deal with them appropriately and safely.

Upon the satisfactory completion of the Advanced course and with experience and hour building will give students the opportunity of taking the Advanced exam.

Assumed knowledge: Candidates should be competent to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Certificate with navigation and chartwork to the level of Yachtmaster Shorebased certificate.
Minimum duration: 2 days including a night navigation exercise.
Minimum age: 17.
Course content:

Preparation for sea, boat handling, passage making and responsibility as skipper, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, use of engines, emergency situations, night cruising both out on the Solent and entering a less familiar ports.

Ability after the course: Able to plan and execute coastal trips both at day and night.
Student to Instructor Ratio: 2:1 / 3:1

Course Prices
£ 475.00
£ 650.00
prices include certificate and are inclusive of VAT at 20%. Additional RYA course books may be purchased.


Advanced Powerboat Exam

Intermediate Powerboat Course

About The Course

The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme.

  • Prepartion for Sea
  • Boat Handling
  • Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring
  • Responsibilities of Skipper
  • Passage making and Pilotage
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the Road

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA’s Powerboat Logbook (code G20) available from the RYA webshop.

Assumed Knowledge

  • 30 days at sea, which may be reduced to 20 days at sea if an RYA Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate is held;
  • 2 days as skipper;
  • 800 miles, which may be reduced to 400 miles if an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course completion certificate is held;
  • 12 night hours.
  • Form of Exam:    Practical
  • A GMDSS compliant Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher.
  • An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid first aid certificate, as detailed on the RYA website .
  • Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate ONLY IF claiming reduced sea time detailed above.
  • Minimum Age :    17 at the time of the exam.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • Can provide a boat (See Below)
  • Have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • Hold a VHF Radio Operators License or Short Range Certificate
  • Hold a valid first aid certificate
  • Have read the syllabus in RYA publication G20
  • Have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

PPSA are able to deliver the RYA First Aid Certificate Course (MCA approved) and the VHF Short Range Certificate Course if required.  Please call for more details.  If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA’s codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed

  • 1 candidate: 4 to 5 hours.
  • 2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours,
  • 3 candidates: 6 to 7 hours.

On Completion

Course equipment.

Boats used for exams.  Candidates should be familiar with all the equipment on board the vessel, as they may be asked to use this during the examination.  You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below. The vessel must be capable of a minimum of 12 knots, equipped with the following:

  • Lights conforming with IRPCS
  • VHF radio (may be portable)
  • GPS (may be hand held) or plotter
  • Depth sounder
  • Anchor, chain and warp
  • Basic tool kit and spares
  • Heaving line
  • Paddles or additional means of propulsion
  • Flares: 2 hand held, 2 orange smoke
  • Bilge pump or buckets/bailer
  • First aid kit

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • Laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • Tide tables
  • Pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • Plotting instruments.

Boat Charter Prices

PPSA manages a Coded Vessel suitable for exams which can be chartered for exams and comes fully equipped.  Prices are variable depending on the number of candidates per exam.  1 x candidate = £450, 2 x candidate = £300 pp, 3 x candidate = £210 pp

Course Dates

Call Us .   Please note, the exams run at PPSA are normally run during the winter/autumn months when light levels allow a full evening availabilty.  Please give us a call to arrange dates for your exam when you and the examiner are available.  Pre-booking is essential.  Get in touch with the staff at [email protected] or on 01646 564660


rya advanced powerboat

Pembrokeshire Powerboating and Sailing Academy Brunel Quay Milford Haven Pembrokeshire Wales SA731PY

e: [email protected] t: 07967 049885

PPSA RYA Training Centre

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Chieftain Training

RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

RYA Powerboat Advanced

Who is the rya powerboat advanced  course for.

So, you want to go fast, travel at night, handle waves and integrate your boating with the digital world? The RYA Advanced Powerboat course covers all this and a whole lot more. If you think it’s time you took your boat further afield or out in more challenging conditions, then this intensive and fun two days should help bring you up to scratch. Advanced students are a mix of leisure and commercial powerboat skippers.


2 days, including a night navigation, planing speed exercise on the first evening.


  • Day 1 Start Time- 0915
  • Day 1 Finish Time- 3 to 4 hours after dusk (2000 in December, much later in June)


  • Winter – 0915 to 1600
  • Summer – A shorter day as we will have covered more of the syllabus the preceding day


  • RYA Powerboat Level 2
  • RYA Intermediate Powerboat  (or equivalent experience)
  • Navigation knowledge up to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased
  • RYA First Aid   or STCW Elementary First Aid
  • RYA SRC  or higher level GMDSS cert



The course embraces the use of digital resources for passage plan and safe navigation. It also includes advanced boat handling, planing-speed navigation, night pilotage, rough weather handling, search patterns and emergency actions.


There is a maximum of three students per boat and per instructor.

  • Two days and a night of instruction
  • Use of our RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat)
  • All fuel and consumables
  • Loan of a life jacket (fitted with light)
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate
  • Free (on street) parking
  • Tea & Coffee


  • Wet weather gear (can be hired for £5 a day)


If your Advanced certificate was issued before 1 January 2005 it can be commercially endorsed as a certificate of competence. If however your Advanced certificate is dated on or after this date you need to progress onto the RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of competence which can be commercially endorsed .

The commercial endorsement will allow you to operate commercially operated powered craft up to 24m, (assuming relevant experience) up to 20 miles from a safe haven by day and night with no weather or seasonal restrictions.

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rya advanced powerboat

RYA Advanced Powerboat

The aim of this course is to teach handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar. 

The course may be conducted on a planing or displacement powerboat

2 day course £380pp  

Given our commitment to keep prices as low as possible, in the current economic climate we reserve the right to cancel & reschedule any course which is not fully booked

Course Syllabus

Boat Preparation

Prepare the powerboat

Carry out fuel and engine checks

Stow and secure gear

Boat Handling

Knowledge of: 

Differences for a twin-engine vessel


The importance of boat control in waves and adequate seating to minimise the possibility of injury

Characteristics of various hull forms and propeller configurations

Action to be taken in rough weather

Demonstrate a practical understanding and correct use of power trim and trim tabs

Demonstrate an awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring, including

Steering to transits and in buoyed channels

Turning in a confined space

Berthing in various conditions of wind and tide

Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy 

Demonstrate the use of an appropriate length kill cord at all times 

Pick up a man overboard in differing conditions

Passage Making and Responsibility as Skipper


  The importance of pre-trip planning

Planning and making coastal passages, taking into account the relevant navigational hazards, the type of boat and the strengths of the crew

Chart plotters and radar, their advantages and limitations

Organise the navigation, safety and welfare of the crew during a powerboat passage

Navigate at higher speed using a range of techniques

Use electronic navigational equipment for planning and undertaking  a passage, including the use of waypoints, routes and XTE, SOG, BTW, DTW*

Cary out pilotage plans pilotage for entry into or departure from harbour

Use leading and clearing lines, transits back bearings and soundings as aids to pilotage

Navigate using soundings


Terms used in shipping forecasts, including the Beaufort scale, and their significance to small craft

Sources of forecast information and interpretation of forecasts including synoptic charts 

The significance of meteorological trends

Interpret a synoptic chart

Use and interpret forecasts to make decisions about passages

Rules of the road:

Apply the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

Use of Engines

Knowledge of:

How to change a propeller

Propeller diameter and pitch

Propeller ventilation and cavitation

Checks to be made before starting, during running, and after stopping for diesel and petrol engines

Periodic checks on engines and electrical system including spark plugs, water filters and pump impellers

Transmission belts

Spares to be carried

Emergency Situations:

Correct action to take in emergency situations

Fire prevention and fighting

Hull damage/watertight integrity

What to do in a medical emergency

Towing and being towed

Helicopter rescue procedures

Issue distress by all available means

Search patterns

The danger of cold shock and immersion hypothermia

Night Cruising

Take charge of a powerboat at night, including leaving and entering harbour

Demonstrate ability at keeping a proper look-out and identifying lit and unlit positions by night

Pre Requisites

Candidates should be competent to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Certificate with 

Thorough knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of the Coastal Skipper/RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased certificate. 

It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a first aid certificate and a VHF operator's ceritifcate.

Min. Age: 17

What's Included

2 days & 1 evening  of instruction on Maverick, our Humber Ocean Pro 6.8,

Loan of lifejacket, 

Advanced Powerboat Handbook & Cost of Certificate 

Use of wet weather gear (if required)

Use of Head Torch.

Course Dates

Contact us if dates are unsuitable, or no dates are showing

seven seas school of yachting sailing courses LOGO 2.png

Level up your powerboating skills on a RYA Advanced Powerboat course in Athens, Greece!

The RYA Advanced Powerboat course aims to teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters, with which the candidate may be familiar, in more demanding conditions.

This course is delivered in English.

RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

The RYA Advanced Powerboat course  is an ideal way to hone your skills and gain knowledge on a range of key areas. This includes boat handling, navigation, high speed manoeuvers and more. The advanced course is designed for those with experience in powerboats or who have completed the RYA Powerboat Level 2 course. It’s a great opportunity to get qualifications that will open up more possibilities when it comes to using boats and exploring new areas.

During the course, you’ll work with an experienced instructor and learn how to drive a powerboat safely and confidently in challenging conditions. You’ll also cover important topics such as passage planning and navigation techniques. There will also be time for practicing your manoeuvers and more complex drills in different weather conditions.

  • Do I need previous experience or knowledge to join this course? No previous experience at sea or prior knowledge is required for you to join the course. If you have no experience at sea, you might consider having a look at the RYA Competent Crew Skills booklet, which would help you greatly in familiarising yourself with the syllabus before joining the course. You can easily purchase a printed or electronic version of the booklet from the RYA Shop by clicking the button below.
  • Is there an age limit for participation in the course? You must be at least 12 years old to join the RYA Competent Crew course.
  • What language is the course delivered in? Every course we offer is conducted in English, with instructors who possess fluency and proficiency in the language. This ensures a seamless and effective learning experience, allowing students to engage comfortably with the course content and instruction.
  • What is the duration of the course? Seven days of sailing adventure. We surpass the RYA's minimum requirement of five days, providing an extended course spanning seven full days. This extended duration allows participants to extract maximum value from their sailing journey.
  • When and where will I be departing from/arriving back? Our RYA Competent Crew courses depart from Pier 1 in Alimos Marina in Athens, Greece at 11h00am every Saturday morning. You can expect to be back in Athens on the subsequent Friday afternoon at 14h00.
  • Who will I be sharing the boat with? The cap for participants on any RYA sailing course is set at 5, ensuring optimal learning and practice opportunities for each attendee, along with dedicated attention from the instructor. Rather than relying on automatic booking systems, we prioritize direct communication with all prospective participants. This approach allows us to thoughtfully create groups with individuals who are compatible. Our groups comprise individuals from diverse cultures worldwide, creating a vibrant and dynamic environment. For added privacy, you can choose to reserve a private cabin. If you would like to book a course with your family or group of friends, you can also explore our private tuition options for a tailored experience.
  • Do I need to find accommodation for the duration of the course? No. You'll be sleeping in the training boat throughout your RYA Competent Crew Course, ensuring an immersive learning experience.
  • Where will I be sailing? The weekly boat itinerary is carefully crafted just days before your course begins, with a keen consideration for prevailing weather conditions. You will embark on an enchanting seven-day experience of island hopping throughout the course, exploring a diverse array of captivating destinations. Our primary sailing areas span across two mesmerizing regions: a) the Saronic Gulf, featuring Salamina, Aegina, Poros, Hydra, Palaia Epidavros, and the Methana Peninsula; b) the Cyclades, inviting you to discover the beauty of Kea, Kythnos, Syros, Tinos, and Andros. Over the course of the week, you will accrue approximately 170 nautical miles, ensuring not only a thrilling adventure but also the acquisition of valuable sailing expertise.
  • What will I be learning during the course? The Competent Crew course serves as an ideal initiation into the world of sailing, offering comprehensive instruction in various crucial aspects. Throughout the course, participants will delve into the following areas: Knowledge of Sea Terms and Parts of a Boat: Gain a solid understanding of nautical terminology and the different components of a boat. Boat Rigging and Sails: Learn the intricacies of boat rigging and the art of handling sails effectively. Sail Handling and Ropework: Master the skills involved in manipulating sails and handling ropes with confidence and precision. Fire Precautions and Fighting: Acquire essential knowledge about fire safety measures on board and learn effective firefighting techniques. Personal Safety Equipment: Familiarize yourself with the proper usage and importance of personal safety equipment for a safe sailing experience. Man Overboard: Learn the necessary procedures and techniques for responding to and managing a man overboard situation. Emergency Equipment: Understand the functionality and use of emergency equipment, ensuring preparedness for unforeseen circumstances. Meteorology: Grasp the basics of meteorology to enhance your ability to navigate and respond to changing weather conditions. Seasickness: Gain insights into preventing and managing seasickness for a more comfortable and enjoyable sailing experience. Helmsmanship: Develop proficiency in helmsmanship, refining your ability to steer and navigate the boat with skill and confidence. General Duties: Acquaint yourself with the various general duties involved in maintaining a vessel and ensuring smooth sailing operations. Manners: Cultivate proper etiquette and practices for a harmonious and respectful sailing environment.
  • Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course? Certainly. When you successfully finish your RYA Competent Crew course, you'll be awarded an RYA Competent Crew certificate, acknowledging your acquired sailing expertise.
  • How does a typical day on board look like? Each day, your hands-on sessions will kick off in the early morning and typically wrap up in the early afternoon. These sessions may involve traveling between destinations or practicing in the harbor where the boat is berthed. Following the practical sessions, there might be some theory to cover. As the afternoon progresses into evening, you'll have the opportunity to unwind, savor your dinner outdoors, and explore the surroundings through sightseeing. It's a balanced blend of learning and leisure to make the most of your experience.
  • Is there an examination at the end of the course? Examinations are not required for the initial levels of RYA sailing qualifications. Instead, your instructor will evaluate your competence and track your progress during the course.
  • What is included in the package? Utilization of the training vessel and its equipment Instructor fees Fuel and water expenses Harbor fees Course learning materials On-board breakfast and lunch Provision of fresh bed linen and towels End cleaning RYA Certificate
  • What are the prices for this course? S/Y First Beneteau 45F5 Pininfarina S/Y Oceania Beneteau 50 Available discounts Only one type of discount at a time can be applied. Group reservation and multiple week discount only available in high and mid-season. Former student discount available on all prices. * If you're traveling solo, you'll have your own berth in an up-and-down bunk bed cabin; we never expect participants to share a double cabin with a stranger. For couples or friends, the double aft cabin on the boat is available as an option. ** Couples of friends who would like to share a private double cabin are entitled to a 5% discount.
  • How do I inquire for availability/make a reservation? To inquire for availability: Use our Contact Form or call us specifying the dates or time window you're interested in joining. Expect swift responses, even for last-minute reservations. To make a reservation: A reservation is only valid after receipt of a 50% deposit, if the reservation is made over two months before the start date of the course.If the reservation is made less than two months before the start of the course, the full amount of the course fees must be paid to confirm your reservation. You will receive a Payment Analysis to that effect, which also includes our Terms and Conditions.Upon receipt of your deposit or full payment, we will get back to you to confirm your booking and provide our Booking Form and the Joining Instructions for the course.

Available Yachts

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Sea Ray 400


Tornado 640


Get in Touch

+30 698 6764 740

[email protected]

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Sail, Power, Navigation and Charter

Rya advanced powerboat.

rya advanced powerboat

This course is for leisure and professional boaters wanting to undertake more adventurous trips by day and night. It includes navigation at planing speed, weather and other aspects of skippering. Anybody undertaking this course should have practical skills of Intermediate Powerboat level and navigation standard to RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Theory.

Book on RYA Advanced Powerboat courses below. Future dates are  available, please contact the office for details. 

Price: £395 inc VAT for 2-day Course Completion £300 inc VAT for Prep Day plus Exam (EXAM FEE NOT INCLUDED) £550 inc VAT for Combined Course Completion plus Prep/Exam (EXAM FEE NOT INCLUDED) Duration: 2x days for course completion, and 1x day for exam preparation going into the exam Minimum Age: 17 Location:  Turnchapel Wharf, Plymouth, Devon, UK Prior knowledge/certification required: 

  • Navigation to RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Theory level
  • Boat handling to Intermediate Powerboat level
  • VHF/SRC operator’s certificate
  • Valid and in-date First Aid certificate
  • 800 miles, 30 days, 2x days as skipper, 12 night hours

If you already hold the RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Completion certificate and are just looking for the exam, the mileage requirement is reduced to 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles, and 12 night hours.

Costs include use of waterproofs if necessary, refreshments. Courses are non-residential so accommodation is required in one of the many hotels or guest houses near the Centre. We can provide a list of recommendations.


Course Content:

  • Preparation for Sea
  • Boat Handling
  • Passage Making & Responsibility as Skipper
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the Road
  • Use of Engines
  • Emergency Situations
  • Night Cruising

What’s Next?

rya advanced powerboat


  • Marine Services
  • RYA Powerboat Scheme
  • RYA Motor Cruising Scheme
  • RYA Online Courses
  • RYA Navigation Courses
  • RYA Support Courses
  • RYA Instructor Courses
  • RYA Sailing Courses
  • International Certificate of Competence – ICC
  • Own Boat RYA Courses
  • Bespoke Tuition
  • Hire A Skipper
  • Professional Delivery
  • Practical Skill Building
  • Classroom Skill Building
  • Experiences
  • Skippered Charter
  • Bareboat Charter
  • Knowledge Base

Related Courses

RYA Intermediate Powerboat

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  1. The Benefits of Taking an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    rya advanced powerboat

  2. RYA Powerboat Advanced Course

    rya advanced powerboat

  3. RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

    rya advanced powerboat

  4. RYA Advanced Powerboat

    rya advanced powerboat

  5. RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    rya advanced powerboat

  6. RYA Powerboat Advanced

    rya advanced powerboat


  1. MoB drills. RYA Advanced Powerboat. Edinburgh Marine Academy

  2. MOANA 770

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  4. super luxury advanced powerboat, #jetski #mercuryracing #boat #boatlife #billionaire #millionaire

  5. RYA Powerboat level 2

  6. Night riding with dolphins 🐬🧭🌉🚤 RYA Advanced Powerboat. Edinburgh Marine Academy


  1. RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

    Learn how to prepare for the RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat exam, a practical test of skippering ability by day and night. Find out the minimum seatime, equipment, certificates and pre-requisites for the exam.

  2. Powerboat Advanced Course

    Given the nature of these passages Advanced Powerboat courses should be delivered on powerboats of a minimum of 6 metres and an engine size sufficient to enable coastal passages at planing speed. ... RYA Powerboat Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (Book) (G20) £7.99. Add to Basket . RYA Powerboat Handbook (Book) (G13) £18.49.

  3. RYA Powerboat Advanced Professional Qualifications

    Learn how to work commercially with an RYA Powerboat Advanced certificate on small craft up to 24m in length. Find out the course content, exam requirements and endorsement options for this qualification.

  4. RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    Learn to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with this 2-day course. Includes theory, practical, night navigation, rough weather handling and more for £299 per person.

  5. Advanced Powerboat Syllabus

    Advanced Powerboat Syllabus. Aim: To teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar. Practical. Prepare the powerboat. Carry our fuel and engine checks.

  6. PDF RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Syllabus

    RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Course Pre-Requisites: • Minimum Age: 17 years • Theory Knowledge to the level of RYA Yachtmaster Offshore • High level of powerboat handling skills Syllabus: Preparation for Sea & Safety • Preparation of powerboat & crew Boat Handling • Picking up & leaving a Mooring Buoy • Man overboard • Marina Work: Berthing & leaving in various conditions ...

  7. RYA Powerboat: Advanced Level

    Students taking the Advanced course must hold a VHF/SRC operators certificate and a first aid certificate. ... Acceptable certificates include the RYA's First Aid Certificate, First Aid at Work, First Aid at Sea or any other certificate issued on completion of a course which is a minimum of one day's duration, recognised by the Health and ...

  8. MCA/RYA Advanced Powerboat COC Certificate of Competence

    Learn how to prepare for the MCA/RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam with a three-day course and exam. Find out the pre-requisites, syllabus, content and aims of this course for advanced powerboat drivers.

  9. Advanced Powerboat Exam

    The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme. Syllabus: Prepartion for Sea. Boat Handling. Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring. Responsibilities of Skipper. Passage making and Pilotage.

  10. RYA Powerboat Advanced

    The RYA Advanced Powerboat course covers all this and a whole lot more. If you think it's time you took your boat further afield or out in more challenging conditions, then this intensive and fun two days should help bring you up to scratch. Advanced students are a mix of leisure and commercial powerboat skippers.

  11. RYA Advanced Powerboat CoC Prep Course & Exam

    The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme 3 day course £395 (plus £208 exam fee payable to the RYA) Given our commitment to keep prices as low as possible, in the current

  12. RYA Advanced Powerboat

    RYA Advanced Powerboat. The aim of this course is to teach handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar. The course may be conducted on a planing or displacement powerboat. 2 day course £380pp.

  13. RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    The RYA Advanced Powerboat course is an ideal way to hone your skills and gain knowledge on a range of key areas. This includes boat handling, navigation, high speed manoeuvers and more. The advanced course is designed for those with experience in powerboats or who have completed the RYA Powerboat Level 2 course. It's a great opportunity to ...

  14. Powerboat

    Powerboat Instructor Intermediate or Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate Knowledge to level of Day Skipper Theory Professional Practices and Responsibilities. Experience. Experienced Powerboat Instructor with a strong knowledge of the syllabi for all courses in the RYA Powerboat Scheme. Must have strong skills in diplomacy and tact.

  15. RYA Advanced Powerboat

    Anybody undertaking this course should have practical skills of Intermediate Powerboat level and navigation standard to RYA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Theory. Book on RYA Advanced Powerboat courses below. Future dates are available, please contact the office for details. Price: £395 inc VAT for 2-day Course Completion.

  16. RYA Advanced Powerboat Training Courses

    09:00 - 17:00. Thursday, 14 November 2024. 09:00 - 17:00. 0 spaces remaining. Fully Booked. The RYA Advanced Powerboat course is aimed at the more experienced powerboat handler. Run over 2 days and a night (night exercise), the RYA Advanced Powerboat course as well as being challenging and fun also focuses on the role of a skipper on a powerboat.

  17. Time differences

    Answer 1 of 4: Hi everyone, just a quick question. If I've got it right, Tomsk is 3 hours ahead of Moscow, whereas Taiga/Tayga is 4 hours ahead. Is that right? Can anyone confirm? This is to work out Trans-Siberian train times. Many thanks!

  18. PetroNeft increases Tomsk oblast activity

    PetroNeft Resources PLC has increased production from well C-4 in Cheremshanskoye field, and workover operations have concluded at well L-2a in Ledovoye field, both at license 67 in the Tomsk ...

  19. RYA Powerboat Training

    RYA training will give you the confidence and skills to handle the boat safely and make the most of your time on the water, whatever your pace. As well as courses for recreational boaters, RYA powerboat certificates are also used by professional open boat skippers who need to prove their competence or require professional qualifications for work.

  20. Tomsk, Tomskaya oblast', RU

    Want to know what the weather is now? Check out our current live radar and weather forecasts for Tomsk, Tomskaya oblast', RU to help plan your day

  21. RYA Certificates of Competence

    Available at Advanced Powerboat and RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal, Offshore and Ocean level, RYA Certificates of Competence are well known qualifications that are highly respected worldwide. Unlike other RYA qualifications, Certificates of Competence are not issued following a formal training course but are achieved by successfully completing an ...

  22. Bol'shaya Mugalinka, Tomskaya Oblast', Russia

    Tomskaya Oblast'. , Russia. Alternative Names: Bol'shaja Mugalinka, Bol'shaya Mugalinka, Bol'shaya Mugalinka, Большая Мугалинка. Type: Stream - a body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land. Mindat.org Region: Tomsk Oblast, Russia.

  23. powerboat

    Powerboat Instructor. Five seasons experience of powerboating logged (preferably in range of boat types and sizes) OR one season for those who use powerboats as an integral part of their normal full-time occupation. Candidates must attend a skills assessment prior to their instructor training course. Details can be found in the RYA Power ...