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Monaco Yacht Club: An Exclusive Oasis For Marine Lovers

10 stories about the districts of Monaco

Looking down on the Yacht Club from Monaco’s exclusive seawater Spa, “ Thermes Marins ”, the new club-house really is a magnificent icon of multi-decked architecture – inaugurated in 2014 and designed by internationally renowned architect Lord Norman Foster.

Only in the Principality’s marina could you confuse this giant structure for the yachts around it that it resembles – a yacht mirage with a gorgeous deck with luxurious swimming pool and terraces for dancing. Splendid enough for meetings of the most discerning yacht enthusiasts, including the glitterati and “Three Comma” billionaires that frequent it.

Yachts Beyond the Reach of Mere Mortals

Some of the largest and most expensive yachts in the world dock here to take in the city’s pleasures, particularly during the iconic Monaco Yacht Show. You can wander around marvelling at all of the gadgets designers can inlay on these boats like the 348-foot-long AMADEA one of the largest and most distinctive superyachts in the world with its six distinctive guest decks. Or perhaps gaze at the 365-foot-long TIS, one of the largest and most regal yachts to be launched this year.

These superyachts, like the Yacht Club itself are like private islands and wouldn’t look out of place in a James Bond movie. If billionaires Bernard Arnault or Larry Page or Larry Ellison come calling, Monaco Yacht Club sets the stage perfectly.

Home of the Grimaldi Dynasty

For over 600 years from the 12th century onwards, the Grimaldi stronghold at Port Hercule, including where the Yacht Club now preens itself, was one of the prized naval assets on the Mediterranean. Its strategic location served more than once to change the course of history.

It was around the time of the reign of Charles III of Monaco that the Principality’s reputation as an international haven of luxury and wealth took off. And Charles III had the vision to encourage the development of Monaco as a magnet for international regattas of renown to which the world flocked.

Historic Regatta Heaven

The first of these regattas were held in the bay of Monaco in 1862, so successful that in 1888 the “Société des Régates” was established by Prince Charles III and his son Prince Albert I , affectionately known as the “Oceanographer Prince”.

Almost a century of famous regattas preceded the founding in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by Prince Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco. The Club brings together more than 2000 members from 66 nationalities. Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position in the International yachting world.

Prince Albert’s Presidency

In April 1984, with Prince Albert’s Presidency, he developed new international events such as the Primo Cup, the biggest gathering of monotype yachts in the Mediterranean Sea. Prince Albert also put emphasis on classic Yachting with the organization from 1994 of the Monaco Classic Week for vintage and classic yachts, the Prada Challenge for Classic Yachts.

Notably, it was the first visit of Atlantic 2010 (replica of the 1903 three-mast schooner on which Charlie Barr in 1905 set the best time for an Atlantic crossing) to the Principality. Another icon, the SS Delphine (1921) steam-boat made a welcome return. It was aboard this beauty that three world leaders, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, negotiated at least part of the 1945 Yalta Agreement.

Yacht Seasons are typically opened with ultra-private concerts at YCM with celebrities like Sir Elton John in 2016, Duran Duran in 2017, and Sting last year. It was yet another global star Lionel Richie singing “All Night Long” this September who delighted the many boat owners and YCM members. “All Night Long” was attended by YCM President, Prince Albert II and a host of international personalities including actor-producer Samuel L. Jackson, basketball legend Magic Johnson, Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba and fashion designer Domenico Dolce, one of the two behind the eponymous brand D&G.

Regatta and Sports Heaven with a Golden Future

The Monaco Yacht Club from its beginnings embraced and has nurtured a prestige Regatta program that has accelerated and taken on new dimensions under Prince Albert’s Presidency.

It is worth mentioning the Primo Cup again as it has quickly established itself as the big meeting that opens the season in the Mediterranean for Europe’s one-design elite. Just a few other examples of stand-out Regattas enjoyed by YCMmembers include:

Monaco Swan One Design,  (9th-13th April 2019) organized in conjunction with the Yacht Club de Monaco,  was the first event in the 2019 Nations Trophy Mediterranean League.

Monaco Globe Week with the IMOCA 60  – 60-foot monohulls being among the fastest modern racing monohulls have raced on a course totalling 1,300 nautical miles embracing some of the most emblematic marks in the Western Mediterranean.

Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series  offers a monthly programme alternating high level regattas and training weekends for onedesigns.

As well as the Primo Cup another innovation worth a double mention here is  Monaco Classic Week. Persuaded that the reading of the past holds keys for the future Prince Albert fostered the creation and coordination during five years of a unique circuit for vintage and classic yachts, the Prada Challenge for Classic Yachts, without forgetting the acquisition of Tuiga in 1995, since becoming the flagship of the YCM. More recently the wave continued with the launching in 2005 of the “La Belle Classe” label.

The whole yachting world continues to look to Monaco to organize its most prestigious events. Within the last 12 months, 200 guests from the America’s Cup community from around the world gathered at the Yacht Club de Monaco to celebrate the launch of  the Prada Cup – the Challenger Selection Series for the 36th America’s Cup  to be presented by Prada in January 2021 in Auckland – deemed as “ the quest for oldest trophy in sport ”, the America’s Cup. Not to forget  World Rowing with the  Prince Albert II Challenge , a 6000m coastal race organised by the Societe Nautique de Monaco.

The Enthusiasm and Promise of Monaco’s Youth at YCM

Looking to the future is the Monaco Sports Academy which provides support to gifted young Monaco sailors and sportsmen taking on the world. The Academy is a close collaboration between the Yacht Club de Monaco, presided by Prince Albert and its General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri, and Philippe Ghanem who is an active member of the Club. They share a common goal: to help young athletes living in Monaco reach the highest level in sport.

Also founded in 1970 by Prince Rainier III, the Sports Section of Y.C.M. adapts training to youngsters from as young as age six from initiation to competition and at every age.

Look out for the Monaco Optimist Team Race from 9-12 January 2020. The regatta is reserved for 20 teams of young sailors, all under 14. YCM invites the most competitive clubs with emphasis on tactics and above all team-work.

Full of youthful energy and promise is  the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge  next held on 30 June-4 July 2020. The Yacht Club de Monaco, in collaboration with the International Powerboating Federation (UIM) and Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation organises the Solar & Energy Boat Challenge which is unique in the world.

How to become a new member of the Yacht Club

Anyone wishing to become a member of the Yacht Club de Monaco needs to be introduced by two “sponsors” from YCM. The sponsor’s letter of introduction will explain the applicant’s motives for joining the Club. Prince Albert, President of the Yacht Club, presides over the meetings of the admissions’ committee. The role of the sponsor is essential. The latter, must integrate him into the life of the Yacht Club, accompany him, present him to the other members but also involve him in organized events, whether they be social or sports.

The sponsor also undertakes to ensure that his “protégé” embraces the YCM’s philosophy and values, will actively engage in the Club’s life and keep its reputation at the pinnacle.

A Regal Club and Natural Host of Prestigious Events

The Yacht club reaches well beyond being a club for owners of yachts and superyachts. It is actually an immense infrastructure akin to a multi-tiered island that organises not only events connected to the yachts and regattas but also all kind of sports and social events, dances and entertainment. High society balls, conferences, exclusive business gatherings and prestigious auctions are just part of the kaleidoscope of activity.

The members of the club and their guests have at their disposition restaurants with Michelin Star chefs (including the exclusive 1909) gyms and a library – and a spa-zone, not to mention the gorgeous pool and terraces overlooking the azure bay. There is a truly great bar, a hive of social contact, with an international reputation and winner of awards for its unique cocktails and the skills of its bar staff. Endless discovery is to be found in each private niche of this island-club.

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Yacht Club de Monaco: more than a yacht club

Home Environment Yacht Club de Monaco: more than a yacht club

Established by Prince Rainier III in 1953, the Yacht Club de Monaco is the emblem of Monegasque yachting. Since 2014, it has had its own emblematic building, a striking piece of architecture by Britain’s Norman Foster.

With its sleek lines and architecture reminiscent of an ocean liner, the Yacht Club de Monaco’s headquarters building never fails to provoke a reaction. Officially unveiled in 2014, it was designed by Pritzker Prize winner Norman Foster.

“This building has been designed like a miniature city, integrated into the existing urban landscape of Monaco,” explains the architect, who was also behind the Millennium Bridge (2000), Millau Viaduct (2004), Camp Nou Stadium in Barcelona (2007) and Vieux Port in Marseille (2013).

Chaired since 1984 by Prince Albert II , the Yacht Club de Monaco, with its 2,000 members representing 60 nationalities and prestigious yachts , illustrates Monaco’s historic role in the world of yachting .

The first regattas organised in the Principality date back to 1862, while the first international motorboat races – which arrived with the development of the first combustion engines – were contested in Port Hercule in 1904.

Today, the Yacht Club de Monaco organises a number of regattas, such as Monaco Classic Week, the Primo Cup and, more recently, the Monaco Solar and Energy Boat Challenge One.

“As part of our ‘Monaco, capital of yachting’ project, through this event the Principality helps to bring together manufacturers, engineers, shipyards, students and ship owners to share their experiences and respond to the energy and environmental challenges facing the nautical sector,” says Bernard d’Alessandri, Secretary General of the Yacht Club de Monaco.

The YCM has two influential ambassadors: Le Tuiga, considered by sailor Eric Tabarly to be “one of the most beautiful yachts in the world”, takes part in major classic yacht events, while the Seaexplorer (formerly Malizia II) , the eco-friendly vessel that took Greta Thunberg across the Atlantic in summer 2019 to attend the UN Climate Summit, finished fifth in the Vendée Globe 2020, the first time it has taken part in the race.

le yacht club monaco

History of the Yacht Club de Monaco

Le yachting, ou l'art de vivre la mer.

Home » Yachting Around The World » History of the Yacht Club de Monaco

Yacht Class n°21 (june-july-august 2020)

The Yacht Club de Monaco, along with the Automobile Club, is one of the most prestigious and active sports and social institutions in Monaco. Created in 1953 by Prince Rainier to become one of the key components of the economic and tourist development of the port of Monaco, it has managed over the years, by combining high level sport, social and mundane life, to make Principality of Monaco, the world’s capital of Yachting. This success is a result the three essential criteria to the launch of any enterprise : political will, skills and means.

Written by Noëlle Duck – Photos : Gilles Martin-Raget, Carlo Borlenghi, Thierry Ameller, MC-Clic, Franck Terlin, Isabelle Touquette, Mesi, Guillaume Plisson, Fausto Picedi, Jack Esten & Georges Lukomski / Archives du Palais princier & All rights reserved

As an example, we selected two clubs that perpetuate the tradition, conveying the values that make yachting much more than just a sport, but a philosophy, a philosophy of life even. One is the oldest entity in the world, the Royal Cork Yacht Club, created in 1720, the other is more recent, the Yacht Club de Monaco, born in 1953. Twinned since 2015, they are both born from the will of forward-thinking sovereigns who wished, through the development of a sport, to provide their country with a promotion and outreach tool. In Ireland, it was the beginnings of pleasure boating and in Monaco, the remarkable evolution of sailing as a true social phenomenon that the fifties were going to simply name ‘pleasure boating’.

Creation of the Yacht Club de Monaco

During the inauguration of the Yacht Club, on June 17th 1953, Prince Rainier III declared “the future of Monaco lies with the sea” . At the beginning of the fifties, Prince Rainier III, himself a keen sailor, and not only in the Mediterranean, foresaw that post-war prosperity would lead to a yachting boom. He decided then to found in Monaco a yacht club like those he visited during his cruises. The main thrust of the Prince’s proposal was that the Yacht Club should also be a key factor in the development of Monaco’s port, the spearhead of tourism in the Principality.

Monaco, already perceived as a quality port for a stopover, had to become famous as a centre for marine leisure activities : pleasure boating and top-level yacht racing, water skiing, diving, marine archaeology, and promoting awareness among young people of the marine habitat and environment. The future club was at once to acquire all the facilities required to host and practice these disciplines.On 17th June 1953, the Constitutive Assembly was held in the International Hydrographic Bureau’s premises on the Quai des Etats-Unis, in the presence of Prince Rainier. The board of directors, immediately appointed, then met as laid down in the by-laws to elect the Bureau. Called upon to become High President of the Yacht Club de Monaco, Prince Rainier addressed the assembly: “ I am deeply touched by your gesture and I thank you most sincerely. It is therefore without the least hesitation that I accept the Presidency you offer, and I warmly welcome the creation of the Yacht Club de Monaco. All the more so in that I believe it fulfils a real long-standing need. It was indeed my desire that we could welcome and bring together the yachtsmen who come here, with an organization worthy of the tourist facilities offered by the principality. This need now has been met, thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of Mr. Paul Gingoux and his staff at the International Sporting Club ; I thank them and congratulate them on bringing this project to fruition so rapidly. I would also like to thank the Société des Bains de Mer for its understanding and effort in bringing this club to life and making its club-house so attractive… I hope most sincerely that the Yacht Club de Monaco will succeed in creating links between lovers of the sea, that it will enhance the attractiveness and the reputation of Monaco and that it will, both at home and abroad, inspire fellow-feeling and friendship”. Since the club had no premises of its own it was accommodated by the SBM, in the former pottery, avenue d’Ostende. And the SBM even installed a showcase in the lobby of the Hôtel de Paris to display the Yacht Club’s cups and trophies. And with no more ado, all hands set to work !

Sports, glamour and prestige

Prince Rainier III remained president of the Yacht Club until 1966, doubly qualified both as Sovereign committed to the development of the port of Monaco and an experienced sailor. He had owned many pleasure crafts, both sailing boats and motor yachts, visiting seas and oceans with his family on summer cruises. These were for him an absolute priority in 1955 he turned down an invitation to the Agadir Yacht Club in August for the Agadir-Las Palmas offshore race, “as he will be cruising at the time”. Princess Caroline perpetuates the tradition summer family cruises on her motor-yacht Pacha III.

Princess Grace, whose father and brother were both rowing champions, sailed a Star, the favourite boat of the sons and daughters of good East Coast families – the Kennedy brothers were championship winners – and she could often be seen in the bay of Monaco at the helm of Nibbly. Obviously their children, used to sailing from their earliest childhood, were no strangers to the sea. And it was Prince Albert II who decided in 1995 to purchase Tuiga, described by Eric Tabarly as “one of the most beautiful yachts in the world”. Whenever possible, the Sovereign Prince attended the regattas to signal the start of races from his own yacht ; or he world visit the port at the helm of a Riva. A great friend of Carlo Riva, the Sovereign, still visionary, had anticipated the success of the magnificent motorboats from Lake Iseo and supported his installation on the port of Monaco, which is still today Riva’s base in the Mediterranean.

In 1954, the Grande Semaine Internationale de la Voile attracted International 6-metres, 5.5s and Stars. That year came to a triumphant end on December 18th with the Coupe Monégasque de Noël de ski nautique : water-skiing was at that time a very fashionable summer sport both in the Riviera coastal resorts and on inland lakes.

At the same time, Prince Rainier III pursued a policy of prestige, making members of several royal families Honorary Members : his own sister, Princess Antoinette, as from summer 1953 : then Prince Philipp of Edinburgh, Long Gustave VI of Sweden, ex-king Farouk of Egypt, in exile in Rome and a frequent visitor to the principality, and Infant Juan Carlos of Spain. Two journalists Pierre Lazareff and Jacques Goddet, general manager of the newspaper L’Equipe, received the coveted card, but on the political side, one can note that Maurice Arrexck, mayor of Toulon, had to write to request one.

In 1984, Prince Hereditary Albert was appointed by Prince Rainier III as President of the Yacht Club. At 26 year-old, the future Sovereign inspired a multifaceted development. An accomplished athlete and a high-caliber manager, he created or encouraged the organization of major international competitions. Regattas were run in Monaco – the Primo Cup in winter, the maxis in summer – a transatlantic race was even organized between Monaco and New-York. These top level races attracted owners, but also the finest international crews who appreciated the warm welcome, the sense of celebration and the unique setting offered by Port Hercules. One could even come to enjoy the moods of the capricious winds that make the water body very technical !

Since its creation, the YCM sailing division, sponsored by Princess Caroline, educates all the Monegasque children. It is a sailor incubator, where owners pick up their crews. This is where values are passed on, and young sportsmen turned into the yachtsmen of tomorrow, one of the values to which all the Yacht Club is attached, which unite generations.

In 1994, to celebrate Prince Albert’s 10th anniversary of presidency, the Club organised an innovative event, dedicated to classical yachting, which was in full revival at that time. The Monaco Classic Week (MCW) brings together motorboats, motor-yachts and traditional sailing boats. A new kind of gathering that still today draws attracts every two years in Monaco the most beautiful yachts in the world, gathered by enthusiast shipowners. That year, in Saint-Tropez, the Nioulargue is at its best and its big winner was a 15 Metre Internationl rule boat : Tuiga, a 1909 gaff cutter designed by the famous Scottish architect William Fife. This work of art, which had just undergone a restoration, seduced Prince Albert II and all his staff. A few months later, Tuiga became the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco. Out of a series of twenty 15 Metre Class – or 15 M International Rule –, only four have survived. And in 2011, the Yacht Club brought them together for a historic regatta, the highlight of the MCW, 73 years after their last race together !

The Yacht Club, cramped in its premises on Quai Antoine 1er, deserved a Club House worthy of its success. The architect Norman Foster was commissioned to design this immaculate “ocean liner”, which took ten years to build and was inaugurated in June 2014. According to the yachtsmen from all over the world present that evening, it is the most beautiful in the world ! With 2 000 members, representing 60 nationalities, the Club brings together under its burgee the largest number of private yachts in the world. Their owners interacts wihtin La Belle Classe Tradition, where today’s yachtsmen are united to perpetuate the naval etiquette and the spirit of seafarers.

Twinning, what brings together yacht clubs from all over the world

When you look at the list of clubs twinned with the Yacht Club de Monaco, yachtsmen from various nations were obviously committed to forge links allowing them to meet up in clubs similar to their own and to feel at home, taking advantage of the hospitality and infrastructure that make their stopover a privileged moment. Here’s how the statutes of the YCM define the twinning with another club : Twinning between clubs enables : – The development of sporting activities between clubs, with all members being able to participate freely under equal conditions – Free access for society members of the twinned clubs to the premises, restaurant and lounges and services on offer on presentation of their membership card – Exchanges between the two clubs Sailing Schools, including competitions and coaches. – Any active member of a club who takes up residence in the country of a twinned club is obliged to change affiliation to that club after six months residence and to conform to the statutes of the club concerned.

Actually, when looking at the history of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, we discovered that actually the English did not create Yachting, but it was the Irish, and Ireland being an independent republic we cannot say “the British” either ! But, far from chauvinism, we owe it to the English to have, when they were the masters of the maritime world, wanted to restore some of their habits in the remotest parts of their colonial empire. The oldest Asian yacht club, the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, twinned with the YCM, was created in 1826, during the commercial epic of the East India Company, and the British colonization. The Royal Bombay Yacht Club, as early as 1846, brought together her Majesty’s subjects serving in the Vice-Kingdom of India. The one in Hong Kong, at the vanguard of China, which still today trains generations of outstanding racers, offered the benefits of a splendid water body, vey exposed to the wind and dotted with islands planted in a devilishly exotic emerald green water. In the Mediterranean, the Royal Yacht Club Malta, located at the port entrance of this arid rock ideally placed between East and West, offered the coolness of its marble floors and the comfort of its Chesterfield sofas on the return from the first great Mediterranean offshore race, the Middle Sea Race. In Spain, where sovereigns participated in high-level regattas, the RCN Barcelona has welcomed yachts cruising in the Western Mediterranean since 1879.

In South America, Argentina and Brazil have dynamic clubs, created by Europeans who relocated there during the 19th century. While in the United States, the New York Yacht Club, the most venerable institution on the East Coast, has written the most beautiful pages of the yachting history with the America’s Cup saga. New York has another club, which organizes regattas at the foot of Manhattan – its most important sports club – led by a team that would not miss the Monaco Classic Week for the world : the Manhattan Yacht Club is, among the reciprocal clubs, one of the most dynamic of all those linked with the YCM.

This non-exhaustive overview leads us to the oldest Yacht Club in the world: the Royal Cork Yacht Club, South of Ireland, twinned since June 28th 2015 with the Yacht Club de Monaco.

History of the Royal Cork Yacht Club

The story began in early 1600s… Indeed, it was at this time that the idea of owning boats for private pleasure was born somewhere in the Netherlands, where the young King of England Charles II, also King of Scotland and Ireland, driven out by Cromwell, found refuge in 1648. He discovered there the pleasures of sailing. When his exile ended in 1660, he brought back a yacht named Mary, which he sailed on the Thames. Obviously, his courtiers followed his example, and among them the Irishman Murrough O’Brien. And soon, in Cork, sailing activities met great success, encouraged by the sovereign. Around 1720, interest in the sport had progressed so much that young William O’Brien, the 9th Inchiquin Lord, then aged 26, one of the most important personalities in the kingdom, and five of his friends formalised their activities and created “The Water Club of the Harbour of Cork”. They moved into a castle, where they drafted their statutes that still govern the sport practice, membership, social events, and established a number of rules, known today as “The Old Rules”… That’s what bring together the Yacht Club de Monaco and the Royal Cork Yacht Club : the respect of traditions, the desire to pass on, and the very appealing sporting and distinguished atmosphere, as evidenced by the number of members close to 2 000 !

But let’s go back to History, which played a big part in the club’s one. Undoubtedly, the American Revolution and the French Revolution, contributed to the Royal Navy’s decision to build up their presence in the safe & strategic harbour of Cork. Kinsale, once the the main naval centre on this coast, had made way to Cork, since its insufficient draught does not allow warships there.

By 1806, the “Water Club of the Harbour of Cork” has become the “Cork Harbour Water Club”. Later on, in the 1820’s, it dropped “Harbour”, and, following the fashion of the few other clubs that associated the word “yacht” to their name, it dropped the word “Water”. In 1831, the then “Cork Yacht Club” was granted, by King William IV, the privilege of using the prefix “Royal”.

A sports club, a pleasant stopover

Ask around, a stopover at the RCYC leaves an excellent memory for those who, after a challenging crossing of the Iroise Sea, come to enjoy the legendary Irish hospitality. I still remember the stage finish of the Figaro Race, in the 1970s, where, after a rough navigation, we were greeted by fiddles playing Sean O’Riada’s great ballads and the most delicious Irish coffee I have ever had, offered by the Club’s team. Unforgettable!

In Cork, the water body winding through the shores of a deep estuary is nested in a morning ghostly mist, even in mid-summer, and hosts a lot of regattas, on small units, Laser, Optimist, and other dinghies, providing a solid training for the young club members. Which proves necessary considering the difficult, even brutal conditions once out at sea. The club has 1 800 members, including many seasoned ocean racers. They can be found in major events : Fastnet Race, Cowes Week, Round Ireland Race, and you can see them, during the summer, sailing along the beautiful South and West coasts of Ireland.

Its geographical location makes it a perfect festive and technical stopover on the northern route for yachts coming from the Mediterranean. Scandinavia, or even the regions of the polar circle, have become trendy destinations in recent years for cruises by explorer motor yachts, popular among owners of this type of vessel, who are often members of the Yacht Club de Monaco. A member of the European Community since 1973, Ireland, halfway between the Mediterranean and Scandinavia via the Western route, also allows for extended stopovers.

All the conditions were right for the twinning to strengthen the ties forged over the years between the two clubs. They were actually preparing for a grand celebration, the 300th anniversary of the Irish Club. The IRC European Championship was supposed to enhance the Cork Week. But alas, we have to talk about all this in the past tense, as even St. Patrick could not defeat the virus ! 


We want to thank Thomas Fouilleron and Sylvie Ruau, Archives of the Prince’s Palace of Monaco, Gavin Deane, General manager of the RCYC, Isabelle Andrieux, Maguelonne Turcat for their availability in these trouble times, as all archives and communication department were closed.

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Yacht Club de Monaco | Quai Louis II | + 377 93 10 63 00

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La Belle Classe Academy

To offer excellence on board....

Dedicated to owners, but also open to anyone involved in yachting (captains, managers and other professionals), crew members and future owners, the Yacht Club de Monaco’s training centre alternates navigation and pleasure boat courses, with the aim being to support the young generation.

With its La Belle Classe Academy, the YCM aims to encourage development and promotion of yachting professions. A commitment to build the future in collaboration with Bluewater!

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Launch in 2015

Dedicated to captains, officers, crews, future yachtsmen..., 8 training modules, basic safety training, navigation techniques, art of service, pleasure boats, monaco weather lab, team building, etyc training.

ETYC introduces “ETYC Training” the very first environmental training course for Yacht crews.

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+377 93 10 70 08

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The Maybourne Riviera Le Plage

Post-show glow: How to enjoy the principality and beyond after the Monaco Yacht Show

After four days of breaking yacht news and brushing shoulders with some of the industry's biggest names, it's only natural that your social battery is nearing empty and you need some time away from the bustling harbour. Luckily, BOAT has compiled the ultimate post-show glow guide to enjoying the principality and beyond – whether you need some R&R at a secluded beach club, you've got a hankering for Monegasque delicacies, or you're ready to tackle the popular Le Sentier du Littoral hike.

Where to stay

Hibernate at the maybourne riviera.

Just a stone's throw from the principality's main district, The Maybourne Riviera is perched high on the rocky peninsula of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. All-seeing and all-knowing, the omnipresent hotel keeps you close to the action of Monte-Carlo while the cliffs afford its modern architecture seclusion and privacy. 

Inside, the muted coastal tones across each of the hotel's suites and studios are a continuation of the azure coastlines beyond and are sure to soothe a buzzy boat show brain. Expect bespoke designs in each suite and find spaces to both entertain and unwind – choose between rooms with split-level access, private terraces or infinity pools.

Of course, the hotel is not without its buzzier features. You only have to look as far as its exclusive cliffside beach club, Maybourne La Plage, with its Aperol-toned umbrellas and striped sun loungers, to know you're in safe hands for sundowners and freshly caught seafood. Just a stone's throw away from Monaco and the Italian border, its relaxed Mediterranean influences are the antidote to the Monaco boat show grind. See also: the hotel's seaview restaurant Ceto, run by three-Michelin-starred chef Mauro Colagreco. 

The beach club closes Sunday 29 September, so get there quickly to make the most of it post-show.

Bask in grandeur at Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo

Wanting to stay on in Monaco but escape reality? Fairytale palace Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo comes in top trumps with its marble wedding cake of a lobby, tiled marble floors and romantic rooms. The hotel has hosted magnificent parties for the world's jet setters since the origins of the jet and you can soon see why, with the grandeur of the Salle Belle Epoque ballroom – a masterpiece of architecture and history – and the glass-domed Winter Garden. 

Rooms are equally as impressive with balcony views putting you front and centre of Monaco's action – including the Monaco Grand Prix , where the action is best served from the Crystal Terrace with a cocktail in hand. 

A one-minute walk away, you'll find Yannick Alleno’s gourmet counter food in the Michelin-starred restaurant Pavyllon. Expect an open kitchen facing a terrace, where the salty sea views taste almost as good as the decidedly local flavours.

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Escape the crowds at Cap Estel

Cap Estel is located in the charming town of Èze, 15 minutes from Monaco and into the French Riviera. Promising privacy and exclusivity, it is a favourite among the superyacht industry as an unspoilt haven of tranquillity. There are just 18 rooms and suites and it has its own private dock should you be arriving directly by boat, as well as helipad access. Mimicking the same luxury and amenities as a superyacht, you can expect an infinity pool, Michelin-starred restaurant (Le Table de Patrick Raingeard), wellness centre and private beach.

Cap Estel will be closing its doors on Monday 30 September, so get there quickly to make the most of it post-show.

Where to dine

Taste your way through the côte d'azur at la vague d'or – cheval blanc.

With three Michelin stars, you know La Vague d'Or is set to be a winner in the fine-dining category. Considered a "master alchemist of textures and taste" with his flawlessly crafted sauces, Chef Arnaud Donckele leads the team of chefs and, consequently, your taste buds to the sun-drenched landscape of Saint-Tropez. 

He lives by the philosophy of French writer Jean Giono's quote: "Cuisine is a way of understanding a landscape. The landscape helps us to understand the cuisine and the people who live there." Allow Arnaud, then, to paint the landscape as he unveils the secrets of Provence – with all its rustic charm – through one of his curated menus (Run Away Together, or Epicurean Adventure), packed with locally caught surf and turf underscored by the region's best-picked vegetables.

Dine on a jewel of an island at La Guérite

Mediterranean restaurant La Guérite is located off the coast of Cannes on Ile Sainte-Marguerite. Here you can experience authentic Mediterranean cuisine and the pleasures of Greek gastronomy, courtesy of Athens-born chef Yiannis Kioroglou. Food is cooked in the oven, on the embers or on the barbecue, and the team pride themselves on their aromatic herbs and marinades. With your appetite satiated, give your eyes something to feast on and settle in for an afternoon sunbathing with a view looking back on the entire bay of Cannes.

Dine amongst the greats at La Colombe d'Or

Hotel and restaurant, La Colombe d'Or translates to "The Golden Dove" – fitting for a peaceful place which sits atop the medieval village of Saint-Paul-de-Vence. It's something of a national treasure, opening its doors in 1920 by husband-and-wife Paul and Titine Roux. It started life as modest café-bar "Chez Robinson", attracting crowds from neighbouring villages to dance on its large, open terrace at the weekend. It expanded to become a restaurant with just three rooms, and today it maintains that boutique charm with 13 rooms. 

It would be ignorant to not mention the art – after all, it was owner Paul Roux's passion and what attracted local artists, including Picasso himself, to contribute to the artworks on display here. The art collection grows to this day, and the food – traditional French cuisines with a Mediterranean feel – gives you a true taste of L'Hexagone. Seating is for around 70 people, and the best spot in the summer months is in the garden terrace.

Where to unwind

Find peace at plage keller.

Take in the sound of the sea and enjoy a moment of idleness at Plage Keller, a natural fine-sand beach located in La Garoupe Bay that features a beautiful view of the Bay of Angels. Soak up the sun's rays on a deckchair on the pontoon or in the restaurant directly accessible from the beach, with a snack and brasserie service open all day. In the evening, their dining space, Restaurant Le César, opens its doors, run by chef Olivier Condat and offering up everything from sushi to Mediterranean specialities.

Sunbathe and sip at Gigi Rigolatto Ramatuelle's beach house and Bellini Bar

Branded as "a French Riviera sanctuary with Italian flair", the Saint-Tropez-based beach house offers a taste of its neighbour's cuisine and lifestyle. Tucked under the iconic pines of southern France, Gigi Ramatuelle plays host to a beachside restaurant, Bellini Bar, a swimming pool, private cabins and a concept store. Post Monaco, lounging poolside is just what the doctor ordered. 

Championing the spirit of sharing and fresh seasonal ingredients, their restaurant Gigi Rigolatto offers all the crowdpleasers, from Vitello Tonnato to a simple yet satisfying margherita pizza. While you're there, it would be rude not to check out the Bellini Bar for a daytime aperitif or an evening pick-me-up. Opt for the signature Il Bellini di Gigi, the zesty Limone, or indulge in an Italian classic. A negroni or Aperol Spritz awaits.

Prepare to party (and spot celebrities) at Anjuna Beach

Think private beach, parties and people spotting. At the gateway to Monaco in a discrete location, Anjuna Beach has welcomed a host of celebrities thanks to its unmissable Sunday parties. Expect restaurants of varied gourmet cuisines, a private beach, private events, valet parking and yacht service. 

Balinese-inspired décor gives the place a relaxed feel and is reminiscent of multicoloured fishing boats from the Indian Ocean, while DJ sets and live music give it a buzzy feel. Beach club by day, romantic restaurant by evening and vibrant party hub at the weekends, here is a place primed for celebrity spotting. It's no wonder it has been welcoming VIPs from across the world for over two decades.

Try local dishes at Marché de La Condamine

When the order of the day is simply to immerse yourself in the city and sample an assortment of local delicacies, you can't go wrong with a no-frills food market. Just promise you'll try the Monegasque specialities – socca (a local pancake made with chickpeas), barbagiuans (a fritter stuffed with Swiss chard and ricotta), pissaladière (a tart made with caramelised onions, Nicoise olives and anchovies) and fougasse (a savoury pastry decorated in the colours of the Monegasque flag, using red and white sugared aniseed). 

Hike Le Sentier du Littoral

Considered a moderately challenging route, Le Sentier du Littoral is a popular hike in Cap d'Antibes that takes on average three to four hours to complete. Start your trail adjacent to Plage Keller at Plage de la Garoupe and head along the rugged coastline and rocky promontories below the dreamy villas of "the Cap". The circular walk, which takes you along the Tirepoil coastal path and offers views of the Baie des Anges and Golfe Juan, ends at Baie des Milliardaires beach. 

Amongst the many celebrity-owned villas, look out for the Château de la Croë, which the Duke and Duchess of Windsor once owned and was later purchased by Roman Abramovich. Make sure to wear practical trainers or boots – the path is undulating and there are narrow, winding passages which can be demanding on the legs. Those cliffside panoramic views come at a price!

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le yacht club monaco

Accueil | Vidéos | Superyacht Chef Competition – LIVE

29 Mars 2024

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Superyacht chef competition – live.

Nine chefs working on 40+m superyachts have a rendezvous with the Superyacht Chef Competition. Held under the aegis of YCM’s La Belle Classe Academy training centre, the competition puts the spotlight on gourmet cuisine at sea, another facet of yachting professions. Fully supported by their owners and crew who always come along to encourage them, contestants have to come up with dishes from a basket of mystery ingredients while complying with the contest’s anti-waste criteria. It is all part of the ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting’ approach, initiated by YCM to position the Principality as a destination synonymous with excellence and sustainability in the sector.

9 chefs de super-yachts de plus de 40 mètres se donnent rendez-vous à l’occasion du Superyacht Chef Competition. S’inscrivant dans le cadre de « La Belle Classe Academy », le centre de formation du Y.C.M., ce concours culinaire a pour ambition de mettre à l’honneur la gastronomie en mer, une autre facette des métiers du Yachting. Bénéficiant du soutien de leur armateur et de l’équipage qui assistent au concours pour les encourager, les concurrents doivent élaborer la meilleure assiette à l’aide d’un panier mystère et en tenant compte d’un critère anti-gaspillage.

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Yacht Club de Monaco

Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2 500 membres, répartis en 79 nationalités.

Regroupant les plus prestigieux yachts privés au monde sous son guidon, le Y.C.M. occupe désormais une place unique dans l’univers du Yachting et de la grande plaisance internationale.

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28 Septembre 2024

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  • Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series
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  • Palermo – Montecarlo
  • Primo Cup – Trophée UBS
  • Smeralda 888 Championship
  • Trophée Virginie Hériot
  • YCM Awards – Trophée UBS
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Monaco Grand Prix

22-25 may 2025.

The Principality of Monaco roars to life with all the frenetic energy of the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Whether you are an F1 fanatic or just a keen observer, experience all the intensity of one of the world’s most extraordinary motorsports events in the heart of the Yacht Club de Monaco.

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le yacht club monaco

28 May 2017

The Yacht Club to the rhythm of Formula 1

Throughout the weekend, the Yacht Club de Monaco vibrated to the rhythm of Formula 1, as evidenced…

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Book a berth during the Grand Prix

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Monaco Tribune

Ligue 1 : l’AS Monaco célèbre ses 100 ans de la meilleure des façons en battant Montpellier

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Quelle soirée incroyable ! Paré de rouge et de blanc, le Stade Louis-II respirait la grandeur et la nostalgie. À l’occasion du centenaire de l’AS Monaco, le club a convié les grandes figures de son histoire, unies sous le regard bienveillant du Prince Albert II, ému de les revoir.

Après avoir visité le Centre de performance à La Turbie quelques heures plus tôt, une cinquantaine d’anciens joueurs, entraîneurs et formateurs comme Delio Onnis, Ludovic Giuly, Jean-Luc Etorri, Arsène Wenger, Claude Puel, Gérard Banide, Danijel Subasic, Eric Abidal, Ali Benarbia, Emmanuel Petit, Marco Simone ou encore Andréas Zikos, ont tous ensemble réalisé un tour d’honneur en bord de pelouse pour saluer le public ainsi que la loge Princière avant le début du match.

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Le coup d’envoi fictif a ensuite été donné en grande pompe par le Prince Albert II, Dmitri Rybolovlev, Lucien Cossou et le jeune Winsley Bolmin. Un moment solennel, empreint de symbolisme, où les générations se sont croisées pour honorer l’histoire d’un club légendaire.

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Pour ses 100 ans, l’AS Monaco dévoile un tout nouveau maillot historique

Montpellier, un invité venu troubler la fête

Les premières minutes du match étaient à l’avantage des hommes d’Adi Hütter, avec une frappe de Breel Embolo qui est passée de peu à côté (7e). Mais contre toute attente, c’est Montpellier qui a ouvert la marque. À la 16e minute, Rabby Nzingoula a fait trembler les filets monégasques, prenant à contre-pied une défense un peu trop avancée. L’ombre d’un coup de froid planait alors sur le Stade Louis-II.

⚽ | L'égalisation de Balogun qui remet Monaco sur les rails ! 🚀🔥 #ASMMHSC pic.twitter.com/XLoRH0WxfR — DAZN France (@DAZN_FR) September 28, 2024

Un match sous tension

Loin de se contenter du nul, les deux équipes ont continuer d’attaquer. Chaque camp s’est rendu coup pour coup dans une seconde période haletante. Une frappe de Vanderson a manqué de peu de trouver la faille dès la reprise (47e). Téji Savanier a répondu du tac au tac mais Philipp Köhn était intraitable dans ses cages (49e).

Alors que le chronomètre défile, les Monégasques ont multiplié les tentatives. Balogun, encore lui, a pensé redonner l’avantage aux siens à la 65e minute, mais sa frappe s’est écrasée sur le poteau. La tension est montée et les occasions se sont succédées des deux côtés. La défense de Montpellier, stable, a continué de repousser les assauts des Rouge et Blanc. Salisu a vu sa tête sauvée sur la ligne par Wahbi Khazri, tandis que Savanier, sur coup franc, a fait frémir le public en trouvant l’équerre (85e).

Lamine Camara, héros du centenaire

Le match semblait se diriger vers un nul frustrant. Mais c’était sans compter sur le talent d’un jeune homme : Lamine Camara, qui a fait vibrer les supporters dans les dernières minutes. Après huit minutes de temps additionnel, alors que tout semblait perdu, Camara a récupéré le ballon à l’entrée de la surface et décoché une frappe sèche. Le silence avant l’explosion… le ballon est venu se loger au fond des filets, avec l’aide du poteau (98e). Délivrance pour l’AS Monaco !

🤩 | À la dernière minute Lamine Camara offre la victoire à Monaco ! 🚀🔥 #ASMMHSC pic.twitter.com/UR0OigWdQw — DAZN France (@DAZN_FR) September 28, 2024

Le centenaire a pu être célébré de la plus belle des façons, avec une victoire à l’arrachée, comme un clin d’œil à l’histoire tumultueuse et glorieuse d’un club légendaire.

« C’est une victoire collective, même si c’est un but important ! D’habitude je joue plus bas, au poste de milieu défensif, mais là le coach m’a fait rentrer devant et m’a dit qu’il fallait que je me projette et que j’offre des occasions à l’équipe. J’ai essayé, et ça m’a souri ! J’ai tenté ma chance et voilà j’ai mis le ballon au fond des filets. Ensuite je vois tout le monde courir vers moi sur le terrain, c’était incroyable. Forcément, parce que c’était un match important avec des Légendes de l’AS Monaco qui étaient là. C’était donc primordial pour nous de ramener les trois points ce soir. Le scénario nous a souri, et on va essayer de continuer comme ça », a déclaré Camara, heureux, à l’issue de la rencontre.

𝑂𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒 ! 𝑂𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒 ! La réaction de nos Rouge & Blanc après ce précieux succès décroché au bout du temps additionnel 🔝 2️⃣-1️⃣ #ASMMHSC pic.twitter.com/WfNebqAYMI — AS Monaco 🇲🇨 (@AS_Monaco) September 28, 2024

Les réactions d’Adi Hütter

Son ressenti après le match : « C’est tout simplement le football ! Vous pouvez imaginer que l’on ne voulait pas jouer le match nul ici car ca aurait été une déception. Mais dans les derniers instants, vous marquez à la 98e minute grâce à Lamine Camara. 

Les émotions étaient vraiment fortes, tout le monde voulait cette victoire et on est très heureux de l’avoir décroché ce soir. Le carton rouge a bien sûr aidé, mais en tant qu’entraîneur, il faut toujours croire en ses joueurs jusqu’à la fin, même quand les fans pensaient que c’était fini ».

Ce que le match du centenaire représentait à ses yeux : «  Je suis content pour les supporters, les joueurs passés au club ainsi que tous les entraîneurs. Quand j’ai appris qu’Arsène Wenger était là, c’est une grande famille ici et cette victoire est un cadeau pour tous ces gens présents  ».

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Une soirée gravée à jamais dans l’histoire

Au coup de sifflet final, la soirée n’était pas au bout de ses surprises. Sous un long spectacle audiovisuel et pyrotechnique absolument exceptionnel, illuminant le ciel monégasque de feux d’artifice et de lasers, joueurs et spectateurs n’ont pas caché leur émotion.

le yacht club monaco

Le Prince Albert II, toujours fidèle à son club, a félicité les joueurs avec un large sourire. Le Président Dmitri Rybolovlev a également salué le travail de ses hommes. Quant à la cinquantaine de légendes du club, de Lucien Cossou à Ludovic Giuly, tous ont applaudi cette nouvelle page de l’histoire du club du Rocher.

On peut le dire, ce match des 100 ans restera gravé dans la mémoire de tous les amoureux du club, un jour où le passé et le présent se sont réunis pour célébrer un avenir radieux.

Avec cette victoire, l’AS Monaco rejoint le Paris Saint-Germain en tête de la Ligue 1 avec 16 points. Après six journées de championnat sans défaite, le club de la Principauté se rendra à Zagreb pour son  deuxième défi en Ligue des champions  le mercredi 2 octobre.

Quelle soirée d'anniversaire 🎂🥰 2️⃣-1️⃣ #ASMMHSC pic.twitter.com/W3F4ep1gJl Publicité » — AS Monaco 🇲🇨 (@AS_Monaco) September 28, 2024

Ligue 1 : L’AS Monaco co-leader après sa victoire face au Havre

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  • Monaco Optimist Team Race
  • Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series
  • Navicap Challenge Elena Sivoldaeva Trophy
  • Palermo – Montecarlo
  • Primo Cup – Trophée UBS
  • Smeralda 888 Championship
  • Trophée Virginie Hériot
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Restaurant 1909

Culinary art in a club atmosphere.

The 1909 Restaurant takes its name from the year when the Yacht Club’s flagship Tuiga was built. Overlooking the YCM Marina from the terrace, the 1909 offers elegant sophistication in which to enjoy dishes prepared by Executive Chef Renato Secchi and his team.

Strictly reserved for YCM members and their guests.

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  • Ouvert du mardi au dimanche après le brunch.
  • Tenue de ville ou de yachtman
  • Reservation required at +377 93 25 1909

The Sunrise Restaurant with its 180° panoramic terrace overlooking the harbour serves a buffet of starters and desserts and dish of the day for sunny lunches throughout the summer.

  • Ouvert tous les jours de 12h00 à 15h30
  • Tenue : Casual Chic (Veste ou tenue d’équipage appréciée).

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  1. Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco website

    Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 81 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique ...

  2. Yacht Club de Monaco l'Art de Vivre la Mer

    Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2500 membres, répartis en 80 nationalités. Regroupant les plus prestigieux yachts privés au monde sous son guidon, le Y.C.M. occupe désormais une place unique dans le monde du Yachting et de la grande ...

  3. Yacht Club

    Yacht Club Monaco. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2.500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the ...

  4. Monaco Yacht Club

    Monaco Swan One Design, (9th-13th April 2019) organized in conjunction with the Yacht Club de Monaco, was the first event in the 2019 Nations Trophy Mediterranean League. Monaco Globe Week with the IMOCA 60 - 60-foot monohulls being among the fastest modern racing monohulls have raced on a course totalling 1,300 nautical miles embracing some ...

  5. Yachting

    The Yacht Club de Monaco under its label La Belle Classe Superyachts unites the yachting sector and supports its members. Every year since 2009, professionals from across the yachting supply chain attend these dinner-debates, including owners, shipyards, brokers, naval architects, captains, bankers, maritime experts, lawyers, port directors and show organisers.

  6. Yacht Club de Monaco

    The Fédération Monégasque de Voile is the national governing body for the sport of sailing in Monaco, recognised by the International Sailing Federation.This organisation is in effect part of the Yacht Club de Monaco, which is the only Sailing Club in the country. [1]The new yacht club building for the Yacht Club de Monaco was designed by Foster and Partners and completed in 2014.

  7. News

    Monegasques out in force. Monegasques out in force French Open - Quiberon 11-14 July Laser sailors from Yacht Club de Monaco's Sports Section…. Read More. 14 July 2024.

  8. Events

    Date: 30 October 2024 | 7.30 pm Location: Yacht Club de Monaco Fee: 90€ Dress code : Gentlemen: Blazer, Yacht Club de Monaco | Quai Louis II | + 377 93 10 63 00. Members' Area; THE CLUB. ... - Savoir comment les visiteurs intéragissent sur le site - En savoir plus sur le parcours des visiteurs - Améliorer le site et l'adapter aux besoins ...

  9. Yacht Club De Monaco

    Yacht Club De Monaco, Monaco. 52,945 likes · 257 talking about this · 117,122 were here. Le Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) est un club nautique fondé en 1953...

  10. Home

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2.500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  11. Monaco Now

    Yacht Club de Monaco: more than a yacht club. Established by Prince Rainier III in 1953, the Yacht Club de Monaco is the emblem of Monegasque yachting. Since 2014, it has had its own emblematic building, a striking piece of architecture by Britain's Norman Foster. With its sleek lines and architecture reminiscent of an ocean liner, the Yacht ...

  12. Yacht Club de Monaco

    Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2500 membres, répartis en 79 nationalités.

  13. History of the Yacht Club de Monaco

    Yacht Class n°21 (june-july-august 2020) The Yacht Club de Monaco, along with the Automobile Club, is one of the most prestigious and active sports and social institutions in Monaco. Created in 1953 by Prince Rainier to become one of the key components of the economic and tourist development of the port of Monaco, it has managed over the years ...

  14. Yacht Club de Monaco

    A nautical club founded in 1953, it has nearly 1600 members and brings together owners of classic and modern boats, motor-yachts as well as recreational and regatta sailboats. The club has been chaired by Prince Albert II since 1984. In 2005, the President of the club launched the "La Belle Classe" label, to unite shipowners around a ...

  15. La Belle Classe Academy

    Dedicated to owners, but also open to anyone involved in yachting (captains, managers and other professionals), crew members and future owners, the Yacht Club de Monaco's training centre alternates navigation and pleasure boat courses, with the aim being to support the young generation. With its La Belle Classe Academy, the YCM aims to ...

  16. Yacht Club de Monaco

    Présentation. Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2 500 membres, répartis en 79 nationalités. Regroupant les plus prestigieux yachts privés au monde sous son guidon, le Y.C.M. occupe désormais une place unique dans l'univers du Yachting et ...

  17. Become a member

    An individual wishing to become a member of the YCM needs to be introduced by two 'sponsors', both must be YCM society members. Any person who has been a society member for more than one year (with the exception of Board Members) may propose one applicant per session. Twice a year, HSH Prince Albert II, President of the Yacht Club de Monaco ...

  18. Things to do in Monaco and the South of France after the boat shows

    Think private beach, parties and people spotting. At the gateway to Monaco in a discrete location, Anjuna Beach has welcomed a host of celebrities thanks to its unmissable Sunday parties. Expect restaurants of varied gourmet cuisines, a private beach, private events, valet parking and yacht service.

  19. Clubhouse du Yacht Club de Monaco by Lord Foster

    A "Free Spirit" building designed by Lord Foster. At 43°44'15'' N and 7°25'40'' E, this hi-tech building which looks like a liner docked on Quai Louis II is home to two of the Principality's historic clubs: the Société Nautique (rowing club) and the Yacht Club, a meeting point for owners and focus of international yachting ...

  20. Superyacht Chef Competition

    Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2 500 membres, répartis en 79 nationalités. Regroupant les plus prestigieux yachts privés au monde sous son guidon, le Y.C.M. occupe désormais une place unique dans l'univers du Yachting et de la grande ...


    This is the Yacht Club de Monaco Marina for your exclusive calls in the Principality of Monaco. Located directly in front of the Yacht Club de Monaco's new building on Quai Louis II, the YCM Marina is an ideal port of call and for over-wintering berth facilities in Monaco. With 26 superyacht berths from 28 to 60m, this innovative complex has ...

  22. Monaco Grand Prix

    22-25 May 2025. The Principality of Monaco roars to life with all the frenetic energy of the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Whether you are an F1 fanatic or just a keen observer, experience all the intensity of one of the world's most extraordinary motorsports events in the heart of the Yacht Club de Monaco.

  23. Ligue 1 : l'AS Monaco célèbre ses 100 ans de la meilleure des façons en

    On peut le dire, ce match des 100 ans restera gravé dans la mémoire de tous les amoureux du club, un jour où le passé et le présent se sont réunis pour célébrer un avenir radieux. Avec cette victoire, l'AS Monaco rejoint le Paris Saint-Germain en tête de la Ligue 1 avec 16 points.

  24. Restaurant 1909

    Le 1909. The 1909 Restaurant takes its name from the year when the Yacht Club's flagship Tuiga was built. Overlooking the YCM Marina from the terrace, the 1909 offers elegant sophistication in which to enjoy dishes prepared by Executive Chef Renato Secchi and his team. Ouvert du mardi au dimanche après le brunch.