1. Steam Yacht Gondola

    steam yacht gondola national trust

  2. Private hire of the Gondola

    steam yacht gondola national trust

  3. Enjoy a taste of Victorian splendour on Steam Yacht Gondola

    steam yacht gondola national trust

  4. Step aboard the National Trust’s Steam Yacht Gondola in this Behind the Scenes tour

    steam yacht gondola national trust

  5. Visiting the Steam Yacht Gondola

    steam yacht gondola national trust

  6. National Trust steam yacht 'Gondola' approaching the jetty. Coniston

    steam yacht gondola national trust


  1. Coniston Park Coppice CMHC Site, the village and waterfront

  2. Steam it Saturday

  3. The Joy of Steam

  4. Steam Yacht Gondola, Coniston Water June 2022