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O'pen BIC

3799.0 USD

Liquid Surf and Sail

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Tahe O'pen Rudder Assembly (BIC)

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Complete rudder assembly Tahe O'pen Bic 31784

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Complete rudder assembly for the Tahe O'pen (formely BIC).

Part #31784

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The O’pen Skiff celebrated its 10th birthday in 2016, along with the production of its 8,000th boat. Designed specifically for juniors, the little dinghy has blown a big breath of fresh air through our sailing world, close to the new-generation skiff concept, very fast and very simple. 100% open, self-bailing, rapid and responsive, with an up-to-date versatile rig, the O’pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment. Hundreds of sailing clubs around the world have opted for the O’pen BIC, for a new, fun way of teaching sailing to appeal to youngsters attracted to new sail sports.

Melges Performance Sailboats is an O’pen Skiff dealer.

o'pen bic sailboat parts

9 ft 2.7432 m
3 ft 7 in 1.0922 m
Polyéthylène thermoformé
Composite Epoxy
Composite Epoxy
4.5m2 K.Film – Polyester
12’8″ (mast in 2 parts )
6’6″, Aluminium
Vitali Design & BIC Sport

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BIC Sport O'pen BIC User Manual

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BIC Sport O'pen BIC User Manual

  • page of 76 Go / 76

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Certifi Cate of Conformity / Manufacturer's Plate
  • Fine Tuning Your Boat
  • Optimist Compatability
  • FAQ: Including Storage, Transport & Service
  • Conditions D'utilisation
  • Votre Bateau
  • Certifi Cat de Conformité / Plaque du Fabricant
  • Compatibilité Avec Optimist
  • Conditions de Garantie
  • Questions Sur Stockage, Transport Et Entretien
  • Benutzer Warnung
  • Certifi Cate of Conformity / Hersteller Lizenz
  • Feintrimm des Bootes
  • Kompatibilität mit Optimisten-Riggkomponenten
  • FAQ: Einschließlich Lagerung, Transport & Service
  • Condizioni DI Utilizzo
  • Introduzione
  • La Vostra Imbarcazione
  • Certifi Cato DI Conformità / Targa del Costruttore
  • Regolazioni
  • Compatibilità con L'optimist
  • Condizioni DI Garanzia
  • Domande Sullo Stoccaggio, Trasporto E Manutenzione
  • Προειδοποιηση
  • Περιεχομενα
  • Το Σκαφοσ Σασ
  • Πιστοποιηση / Δηλωση Συμορφωσησ
  • Αποσυναρμολογηση
  • Ρυθμισεισ Του Σκαφουσ
  • Συχνεσ Ερωτησεισ (Faq)


Available languages

  • ENGLISH, page 1
  • FRANÇAIS, page 16
  • ESPAÑOL, página 64
  • DEUTSCH, seite 28
  • ITALIANO, pagina 40
  • ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΆ, σελίδα 52

Quick Links

  • 1 Your Boat
  • Download this manual
  • Français 17
  • Italiano 41
  • ελληνικά 53

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Summary of Contents for BIC Sport O'pen BIC

  • Page 1 USER GUIDE English Français Deutsch Italiano Ellinika Español...
  • Page 3 English Français Deutsch Italiano Ellinika Español...

Page 4: User Warning

Page 5: table of contents, page 6: your boat, page 7: certifi cate of conformity / manufacturer's plate, page 8: rigging, page 9: rigging, page 10: fine tuning your boat, page 11: optimist compatability, page 12: warranty, page 13: faq: including storage, transport & service.

  • Page 14 Please contact your original point of purchase for the O’pen BIC. They will either have any spare parts you require on stock, or they will be able to get them for you. If you still have problems, don’t hesitate to contact us here at BIC Sport: [email protected] Do I need to wash my gear in fresh water after every use? In order to prolong the life of your O’pen BIC, it is best that the hull and all rig...
  • Page 15 What is the easiest way to transport the boat to the water’s edge? For individual use, BIC Sport has a foldable trailer than can be purchased as an accessory to the O’pen BIC.

Page 16: Conditions D'utilisation

Page 17: introduction, page 18: votre bateau, page 19: certifi cat de conformité / plaque du fabricant, page 20: gréer.

  • Page 21 • Vent inférieur à 10 nœuds : tension limitée = chute tendue = profi l plus plein = puissance supérieure. • Poulie « winch » Le levier rouge permet de l’embrayer ou de la débrayer. • Embrayée, la poulie ne peut tourner que dans un sens = cliquettement = l’écoute est freinée.
  • Page 22 8- RÉGLAGES FINS DE L’O’PEN BIC TENSION DES LATTES • La tension des lattes est réglée en usine et aucune modifi cation n’est nécessaire pour une utilisation « standard ». Cela dit, cette tension peut être réglée au moyen de poussoirs à vis situés en bout de latte. Le réglage idéal dépend des conditions et de vos préférences.

Page 23: Compatibilité Avec Optimist

Page 24: conditions de garantie, page 25: questions sur stockage, transport et entretien.

  • Page 26 Contactez le magasin où vous avez acheté l’O’pen BIC qui en aura en stock ou qui en commandera pour vous. Si toutefois vous auriez des diffi cultés à ce sujet, veuillez contacter BIC Sport à l’adresse e-mail suivante : [email protected] Dois-je laver mon matériel à l’eau douce après chaque utilisation ? Pour assurer une meilleure longévité...
  • Page 27 fi xée sur le toit. Quelle est la meilleure façon d’amener mon bateau à l’eau ? Vous pouvez acheter un chariot de plage BIC Sport; renseignez-vous auprès de votre magasin. Comment puis-je me obtenir d’autres informations ? Pour toute question qui n’aurait pas été...

Page 28: Benutzer Warnung

Page 29: einleitung, page 30: ihr boot, page 31: certifi cate of conformity / hersteller lizenz, page 32: aufriggen, page 33: abriggen, page 34: feintrimm des bootes, page 35: kompatibilität mit optimisten-riggkomponenten.

  • Page 36 Käufers, und die Seriennummer des Bootes beinhalten muss. Alle Garantieansprüche müssen über den befugten Händler, bei dem das Boot gekauft wurde, geltend gemacht werden und an BIC Sport oder Ihren anerkannten Vertreter ohne Verzug weitergeleitet werden. Jegliche Reparatur oder Änderung des Bootes ohne eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung von BIC Sport macht die Garantie nichtig.

Page 37: Faq: Einschließlich Lagerung, Transport & Service

  • Page 38 AUFBEWAHRUNG Wie sollte der O’pen BIC aufbewahrt werden? Alle Boote sollten immer festgebunden und gesichert werden, wenn Sie nicht benutzt werden (auf einem Anhänger oder Bootständer). Idealerweise sollte der O’pen BIC folgendermaßen aufbewahrt werden: - auf Ständern, die das Boot der Länge nach stützen. - auf einem weichen Tragegurt.
  • Page 39 Dachgepäckträger ordnungsgemäß angebracht ist. Was ist der einfachste Weg um das Boot an die Wasserkante zu bringen? Zum privaten Gebrauch hat Bic Sport einen zusammenfaltbaren Anhänger, der als Zubehör zum O’pen BIC erworben werden kann. Wo kann ich weitere Informationen bekommen? Wenn Sie noch weitere Fragen zum O’pen BIC haben, die hier nicht beantwortet...

Page 40: Condizioni Di Utilizzo

Page 41: introduzione, page 42: la vostra imbarcazione, page 43: certifi cato di conformità / targa del costruttore, page 44: armare, page 45: disarmare.

  • Page 46 8- REGOLAZIONE DI PRECISIONE DELL’O’PEN BIC TENSIONAMENTO DELLE STECCHE • La tensione delle stecche delle vela è defi nita e regolata alla fi ne della produzione e solitamente non è richiesta modifi ca alcuna per un utilizzo normale. Tuttavia sarà possibile procedere alla regolazione delle stecche a seconda delle preferenze del velista mettendo in tensione o allentando le leve per la regolazione delle stecche (posizionati al di sotto dell’estremità...

Page 47: Compatibilità Con L'optimist

Page 48: condizioni di garanzia, page 49: domande sullo stoccaggio, trasporto e manutenzione.

  • Page 50 Nel caso di problemi, non esitare a contattare direttamente BIC Sport al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: [email protected] Devo lavorare il materiale con acqua dolce dopo ogni utilizzo? Per allungare la durata in uso del proprio O’pen BIC, sarebbe opportuno che lo...
  • Page 51 Quale è il modo più semplice per trasportare l’imbarcazione fi no al corso d’acqua ? Per utilizzo individuale, BIC Sport mette a disposizione un rimorchio pieghevole che potrà essere acquistato come accessorio per il trasporto sicuro di O’pen BIC.

Page 52: Προειδοποιηση

Page 53: εισαγωγη, page 54: το σκαφοσ σασ, page 55: πιστοποιηση / δηλωση συμορφωσησ.

  • Page 56 6- ΣΥΝΑΡΜΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ ΣΚΑΦΟΥΣ α) Ανοίξετε την συσκευασία και ξεδιπλώστε το πανί. Ελεγξτε ότι έχετε όλα τα μέρη που απαριθμούνται στην ενότητα “Το σκάφος σας”. β) Τοποθετήστε την μάτσα στο πανί περνώντας τον γάντζο μέσα στον κρίκο (22), με την διχάλα της μάτσας στερεωμένη στην άκρη από το μανίκι καταρτιού. γ) Συνδέστε...

Page 57: Αποσυναρμολογηση

Page 58: ρυθμισεισ του σκαφουσ, page 59: συμβατοτητα με το optimist, page 60: εγγυηση, page 61: συχνεσ ερωτησεισ (faq).

  • Page 62 Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον αρχικό παροχέα. Εκεί θα υπάρχουν οποιαδήποτε ανταλλακτικά χρειάζεστε, ή θα μπορούν να τα παραγγείλουν για εσάς. Αν εξακολουθείτε να έχετε πρόβλημα, επικοινωνήστε με την BIC Sport: [email protected] Είναι απαραίτητο να ξεπλένεται ο εξοπλισμός με φρέσκο νερό μετά από κάθε χρήση;...
  • Page 63 και τοποθετημένη πριν ξεκινήσετε την οδηγηση Ποιος είναι ο ευκολότερος τρόπος να μεταφέρω το σκάφος στο νερό; Για ιδιωτική χρήση, η BIC Sport προσφέρει ένα ειδικό καροτσάκι μεταφοράς το οποίο μπορεί να αγοραστεί ως αξεσουάρ του O’pen BIC. Που μπορώ να απευθυνθώ για περεταίρω πληροφορίες;...
  • Page 64 • El usuario de este producto comprende y reconoce el riesgo asociado a la practica de la vela. Para todas las preguntas sobre este producto, contactar con el vendedor local o consultar la página web de BIC Sport: www.bicsport.com P. 64...
  • Page 65 O’pen BIC, con las Federaciones de Vela de su país, o a través de la pagina web de BIC Sport: www.bicsport.com Guardar bien este manual y en caso de reventa, transferirlo al nuevo propietario.
  • Page 66 4- SU BARCO Casco Asa delantera Base del mástil Orza Goma de retención de la orza Caja de orza Timón Pala del timón Stick Pads antideslizante Cincha de “hacer banda” Vela Funda de grátil Cunningham Sables Tope de sabe Caida “Vario Top”...
  • Page 67 PLACA DE IDENTIFICACIÓN DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD de un barco de recreo según exigencias de Concepción, construcción, y emisiones sonoras de la Normativa 94/25CE enmendada por la Normativa 2003/44/CE. Nombre del constructor: BIC Sport Dirección: Zone Industrielle du Prat Población: Vannes Código Postal:...
  • Page 68 6- MONTAJE DEL APAREJO Abrir la bolsa del aparejo y desenrollar la vela. Verifi car que todos los accesorios enumerados en la sección “su barco” estén presentes. Montar la botavara en de la vela, de manera que pase dentro de la cincha por encima de la polea de Cunningham con la boca de cangrejo posicionada en la parte inferior de la funda de la vela.
  • Page 69 • Polea “winch”: La palanca roja permite “embragar” o “desembragar”. Embragada: La polea solo gira en un sentido = cliqueteo = la escota esta frenada. Desembragada: La polea gira en ambos sentidos = la escota circula libremente. • Orza: Su altura se regula en función de la fuerza del viento, del rumbo y del peso del tripulante.
  • Page 70 8- REGLAJES ÓPTIMOS PARA EL O’PEN BIC TENSIÓN DE LOS SABLES • La tensión de los sables esta regulada de fábrica y no es necesaria ninguna modifi cación un uso normal. No obstante, esta tensión puede ser regulada con el tornillo del tope de sable situados en el extremo del sable. El reglaje óptimo depende de las condiciones y de sus preferencias.
  • Page 71 9- COMPATIBILIDAD CON EL OPTIMIST El O’pen BIC ha sido diseñado para ser compatible con el aparejo del Optimist, así como, con su orza y timón. Así puede empezar por comprar el casco solo y utilizar el aparejo del Optimist. Las sensaciones y la velocidad serán mayores que con el Optimist y le permitirá...
  • Page 72 10- GARANTIA La garantía BIC Sport en el O’pen BIC es de 12 meses a partir de la fecha de compra. Esta garantía cubre todo defecto de fabricación y es condicionada a las reglas siguientes: • La garantía es valida únicamente en condiciones de utilización y mantenimiento normal del barco.
  • Page 73 11- O’PEN BIC: PREGUNTAS MÁS FRECUENTES ¿El O’pen BIC es estable? Si, porque el casco ha sido diseñado con “cantos” bien marcados. En navegación el barco cantea un poco hasta estabilizarse y se mantiene siempre bien equilibrado. ¿El O’pen BIC es fácil de aparejar? Si, porque no hay ni grilletes, ni sistemas de sujeción complicados.
  • Page 74 ¿Donde puedo comprar los recambios y accesorios? Contactar con su punto de venta o distribuidor más cercanos. Si encuentran alguna difi cultad con respecto a este servicio, también puede dirigirse a BIC Sport a la dirección de e-mail siguiente: [email protected] ¿Tengo que aclarar mi material con agua dulce después de cada utilización?
  • Page 75 Existe un carro de transporte especialmente diseñado para el O’pen BIC. Contactar con su punto de venta o distribuidor más cercano. ¿Como puedo obtener más información? Para más información suplementaria, puede contactar con BIC Sport a la dirección de e-mail: [email protected] P. 75...
  • Page 76 BIC Sport, RP 3716, Z.I. du Prat - 56037 Vannes Cedex FRANCE Tel: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 00 - Fax: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 01 - [email protected] - www.bicsport.com BIC Sport, S.A.S.U. au capital de 1.812.075 euros - B 781 626 957 - R.C.S. VANNES...

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o'pen bic sailboat parts

#5 The manufacturing process

All you need for your o’pen skiff.

o'pen bic sailboat parts

o'pen bic sailboat parts

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Sailing Clearance

O'Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block

O'Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block

  • Low stock - 4 items left
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O’Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block

O’Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block for the O’Pen Skiff. Formerly known as the  O’Pen Bic. O’Pen OEM part # 31330.

What O’Pen says about the Skiff:


The O’pen BIC sailing dinghy is a breath of fresh air for junior sailing. Based on a modern skiff concept, the O’Pen BIC is very fast, very simple, and very FUN to sail! The self-bailing open transom hull is rapid and responsive, with a modern rig that’s rugged and versatile. O’pen BIC offers kids a small beginner sailboat that teaches the skills, balance, and reflexes so they can progress to other modern, high-performance and Olympic Class equipment. Hundreds of sailing clubs around the world have adopted the O’pen BIC, for a new, fun way of teaching and inspiring kids for sailing.

What’s the bottom line about the O’pen BIC? Kids LOVE them.

Goes well with

o'pen bic sailboat parts

US One-Design

O'pen Skiff


The link between the optimist generation and the new generation of sailing dinghies.

O'Pen Skiff Hull Only


O'Pen Skiff Hull Only

O'pen Skiff


  1. Parts & Sails for Bic O'Pen Skiff

    Bic O'Pen Skiff 3.8m Sail Price: $449.99 Sale price: $239.99: Dynamic Dolly for the Bic O'Pen $575.00: Robline Dinghy Sheet in 6mm, 7mm or 8mm diameter for Mainsheets -Per Foot. Price: $0.89 Sale price: $0.69: Ronstan Carbon Fiber 24" Tiller Extension for Optimist Price: $118.10

  2. All O'pen Skiff spare parts

    O'PEN SKIFF; O'pen Skiff Sailing Dinghy ; RIGS; All Rigs Toggle. Rigs Packages ; Sails ... The list of parts and pieces to maintain your O'pen Skiff and keep it in perfect condition. DRAINING BUNG . $ 4.95. In stock online. Complete O'pen Skiff Rudder ...

  3. Parts & Sails

    Spray Tops and Spay Pants/ Sailing Bibs; Bottoms; Hikers; Drysuits; Skiffsuits/ Wetsuits; Gloves; Dinghy Boots & Footware; ... Parts & Sails; O'pen Skiff; O'pen Skiff. O'pen Skiff. Hull; Sails & Batten; Bags; Blades; Covers; Gear and Accessories; ... O'PEN BIC. O'pen Skiff Tiller Extenstion $49.95. 1 2 ...

  4. O'Pen Skiff Parts

    The O'Pen Skiff which is broadly known as the O'Pen Bic, is a youth boat which has become a very popular alternative to boats such as the Opti or Sabot. The self bailing hull and fun welcoming class spirit has created a group of fantastically skilled and enthusiastic young sailers. Available parts are linked to corresponding products on our site.

  5. Sailboats

    Sailboat Covers; Parts & Accessories; Open Bic Accessories; Trailers and Beach dollies . ... MAST SUPPORT - TOP For Tahe (Bic) O'pen sailboats. $24.95. Add to Cart Compare. Qty in Cart: 0. Quantity: ... Decrease Quantity of Tahe O'pen Boom with all Hardware (BIC) Increase Quantity of Tahe O'pen Boom with all Hardware (BIC) Price:

  6. O'pen BIC Parts & Accessories

    The full range of Open Bic parts can be found here at Boat Locker. A great beginner boat. ... O'pen BIC. Optimist. Winner Opti. Pram. Zim Opti. RS Sailing. RS 100. RS 200. RS 21. RS 400. RS 500. RS 700. RS 800. RS Aero. RS Cat 14. RS Cat 16. RS Feva XL. RS Neo. RS Quest. RS Tera. RS Venture. RS Zest. Zim Sailing.

  7. Parts & Sails

    Spray Tops and Spay Pants/ Sailing Bibs; Bottoms; Hikers; Drysuits; Skiffsuits/ Wetsuits; Gloves; Dinghy Boots & Footware; ... Parts & Sails; O'pen Skiff; Blades; Blades. Shop By Price. Price range: $0.00 ... O'PEN BIC. O'pen Skiff Rudder Assembly $749.99. Quick view Compare Add ...

  8. Tahe O'pen Rudder Assembly (BIC)

    Sailboat Covers; Parts & Accessories; Open Bic Accessories; Trailers and Beach dollies . All Trailers and Beach dollies; Small Boat and PWC Trailers; ... Complete rudder assembly for the Tahe O'pen (formely BIC). Part #31784. View All Close. Related Products; Related Products. Add to Cart. Tahe O'pen Skiff Daggerboard (BIC) Tahe Outdoors

  9. All O'pen Skiff spare parts

    O'PEN SKIFF; O'pen Skiff Sailing Dinghy ; RIGS; All Rigs Toggle. Rigs Packages ; Sails ... All O'pen Skiff spare parts; O'pen Skiff. SPARE PARTS. The list of parts and pieces to maintain your O'pen Skiff and keep it in perfect condition. DRAINING BUNG

  10. O'PEN BIC

    O'PEN BIC is a polyethylene thermoforme dinghy sailboat with a cat rig and a displacement of 99 kg. It was designed by Vitali Design and built by Melges Performance Sailboats since 2006.

  11. The O'pen Skiff

    O'pen Skiff is a fast and simple sailing dinghy designed for juniors by Vitali Design and BIC Sport. It is 100% open, self-bailing, and versatile, with a 4.5m2 K.Film sail and a composite rudder and daggerboard.

  12. O'Pen Skiff Transom Rudder Clip SS

    O'Pen Skiff Transom Rudder Clip SS Murrays PN 65-101327 Tahe PN 101327 This is the transom clip that holds the rudder assembly onto the back of an O'Pen skiff sailboat. This is a more substantial part than what was found on the earlier O'Pen Bic sailboats. Replace or upgrade your rudder clip today!


    View and Download BIC Sport O'pen BIC user manual online. O'pen BIC boat pdf manual download. Also for: O'pen skiff 4.5, O'pen skiff 3.8. Sign In Upload. Download Table of ... Page 14 Please contact your original point of purchase for the O'pen BIC. They will either have any spare parts you require on stock, or they will be able to get them ...

  14. Parts & Sails

    Topaz Sailboats; RS Sailing. All RS Sailing; RS FEVA; Tera; Neo; Quest; RS Aero; Zest; Toura; O'pen Skiff; ... Parts & Sails; O'pen Skiff; Sails & Batten; Sails & Batten. Shop By Price. Price range: $0.00 ... O'PEN BIC. O'pen Skiff Sail 4.5- Race $549.95. Quick view Compare Add ...

  15. O'PEN Skiff

    O'PEN Skiff is a sailing dinghy for children's training and racing, formerly known as O'PEN Bic. It is a World Sailing international class, built of polyethylene and rigged with a catboat sail.


    Formerly known as the O'Pen Bic. O'Pen OEM part #31784. What O'Pen says about the Skiff: FOR FUN, RECREATION, PERFECTION & RACING. The O'pen Skiff sailing dinghy is a breath of fresh air for junior sailing. Based on a modern skiff concept, the O'Pen Skiff is very fast, very simple, and very FUN to sail!

  17. O'pen Skiff: The best modern skiff for junior sailors

    FUN & RECREATION O'PEN SKIFF CELEBRATED ITS 17TH BIRTHDAY! Designed specifically for juniors, 100% open, rapid and responsive, the O'pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment.. Hundreds of sailing clubs around the world have opted for the O'pen Skiff, for a new, fun way of ...

  18. O'Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block

    O'Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block O'Pen Skiff Mainsheet Block for the O'Pen Skiff. Formerly known as the O'Pen Bic. O'Pen OEM part # 31330. What O'Pen says about the Skiff: FOR FUN, RECREATION, PERFECTION & RACING The O'pen BIC sailing dinghy is a breath of fresh air for junior sailing. Based on a modern skiff concept,

  19. O'Pen Bic

    Spray Tops and Spay Pants/ Sailing Bibs; Bottoms; Hikers; Drysuits; Skiffsuits/ Wetsuits; Gloves; Dinghy Boots & Footware; ... Sunscreen; Trapeze Harness; Cold Weather Gear; Scholastic Program; Parts & Sails All Parts & Sails; General Parts . All General Parts ; Accessories & Electronics; Pins, Rings & Shackles ... O'PEN BIC. O'Pen Skiff Boom w ...

  20. Has anyone every sailed an O'pen Bic? : r/sailing

    Alright man I have the 411 for you as I am also a 155lb adult male who has sailed an OPen Bic. I bought it because I wanted a high performance dinghy to complement the low performance dinghy I had just built. I was worried about the weight situation as well but bought and sailed it anyways.

  21. O'pen Skiff

    Parts & Sails All Parts & Sails; General Parts . All General Parts ; Accessories & Electronics; Pins, Rings & Shackles; Hull Fittings; ... The O'pen BIC sailboat is a breath of fresh air for junior sai... Related Products; Quick view Add to Cart The item has been added. O'PEN BIC. O'pen Skiff Pad Set

  22. O'pen Skiff Sailboat

    the O'Pen Skiff offers kids a machine that delivers maximum fun while helping them learn the skills and reflexes to enjoy racing on current, high-performance equipment ... The link between the optimist generation and the new generation of sailing dinghies. Shop By Price. Price range: $0.00 ... O'PEN BIC. O'Pen Skiff Hull Only $1,599.95. Quick ...