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James Wharram: life and legacy of the iconic designer

Yachting World

  • January 29, 2024

Julien Girardot meets Hanneke Boon in Cornwall to discover the legend and legacy of pioneering catamaran designer James Wharram

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Falmouth, Cornwall, 1955: a legend is born along Customs House Quay. A smartly dressed young man with wild, curly hair has launched a 23ft catamaran, built in just a few months for the modest sum of £200 (the equivalent of around £6,500 today).

Rigged as a ketch with battened junk sails, the aptly named Tangaroa (meaning ‘God of the Sea’ in Polynesian) marked the beginning of the epic Wharram story.

At the time, catamarans were considered dangerous and eccentric, while yachting was a pastime largely reserved for high society. But sailing already has other visionaries. On the deck of Tangaroa, beside James, are two young women: Jutta Schulze-Rhonhof and Ruth Merseburger. In puritanical post-war England, setting off to cross the Atlantic with two young women – and German ones at that – was downright shocking! But these three young people care not a jot about conventional thinking. They dream of adventure and their enterprise is an act of defiance.

For years James Wharram has nurtured a passion for the history of sailing pioneers and the ethnic origins of the multihull. Devouring every book on the subject he could lay his hands on, he discovered the story of Joshua Slocum, the first solo circumnavigator (1895-1898), and the voyage of Kaimiloa by the Frenchman Eric de Bisschop. The tale, published in English in 1940, of de Bisschop’s attempt to prove the seaworthiness of double canoes by making a voyage from Hawaii to France on a catamaran he had built on the beach, became Wharram’s primary source of inspiration.

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Riding out the storm: James Wharram at the helm of Tangaroa in Biscay in 1955. Photo: Julien Girardot

Wharram disagreed with many assumptions of the time, and his first Atlantic crossing was an opportunity to refute Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on the settlement of the Pacific islands. Wharram contested the assertion of the Danish anthropologist who, after his voyage aboard the Kon-Tiki in 1947, affirmed that the boats used were simple rafts. Wharram was convinced that the boats were more akin to double canoes with sails, capable of going upwind and holding a course. These early multihulls, consisting of two hollowed-out tree trunks, were connected by crossbeams bound together with plant fibre. The sails were probably made from what is known as ‘tapa’ in Polynesia, hammered tree bark, which was also used to make clothes.

The three young adventurers left Falmouth on 27 September 1955 on a boat loaded with books, basic foods, and very little else. Despite a fraught passage, encountering storms in the Bay of Biscay and being suspected of being spies by Franco’s Guardia Civil, the trio successfully crossed the Atlantic and reached the island of Trinidad on 2 February 1957.

Without a penny to their name, they adopted a simple island life, and Jutta gave birth to her and James’ first child, Hannes. The unconventional polyamorous family lived aboard a raft inspired by the floating dwellings of the Pacific, nicknamed ‘the paradise island of the South Seas’. Tangaroa, now tired, was abandoned, as Wharram decided to build a new catamaran. By chance, two solo sailors came to anchor in the bay where the Wharram tribe lived afloat, and the legendary Bernard Moitessier and Henry Wakelam helped Wharram build his new design, Rongo.

warren sailboat plans

Wharram, Merseburger and Schulze-Rhonhof aboard Tangaroa in Falmouth, 1955, before their Atlantic crossing. Photo: Julien Girardot

Thanks to the experience of his first transatlantic voyage, as well as knowledge gathered from Wharram’s endless reading, Rongo was much more accomplished. While Tangaroa was flat-bottomed, Rongo has V-hulls. To prove the design’s seaworthy qualities, Wharram decided to tackle the North Atlantic, sailing from west to east with his two companions. This route was known to strike fear into the hearts of multihull sailors of the time, as the two previous attempts had tragically ended in two deaths.

The crew left La Martinique for New York on 16 April 1959, one year after Rongo’s construction began. The return voyage to Conwy in Wales took 50 days, but the gamble paid off, and Wharram’s new design was the first to achieve what many thought impossible. The curly-haired eccentric became something of a celebrity, and following his great Atlantic adventure, James published his first book, Two girls, Two Catamarans. The years that followed were Wharram’s golden age, with plans released to suit every budget and every dream. Soon there were Wharram designs all over the world, connected by a powerful community spirit.

Drawing a Wharram

My own journey to this remote corner of Cornwall began decades before. After 15 years of travelling the world, inventing and reinventing my life, including many years living in the Pacific islands, I felt the need to capture these experiences by creating the boat of my dreams.

warren sailboat plans

Illustrations inspired by a visit to the Wharram design office in Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

While living in Tuamotu, I was involved in several incredible projects to build traditional sailing canoes under the directive of talented local Tahitian boatbuilder, Alexandre Genton (now chief of operations at Blue Composite shipyard in Tahiti). At first we launched small single-seat sailing canoes with two outrigger floats. These are the simplest way to sail: a sheet in one hand, a paddle in the other, which you plunge over the side of the canoe into the water, and it makes a perfect rudder. Then we built a larger version, Va’a Motu, for a hotel in Bora Bora, of splendid stripped kauri planking. Finally, we worked with the local population to build an ambitious 30ft Va’a Motu with a single ama, on the atoll of Fakarava in the Tuamotu archipelago.

Curiously, after many experimental trials at building and sailing canoes, my imagined ideal yacht turned out to be something very close to a Wharram design, which I learned as soon as I shared my first cautious sketches with friends. I realised I had to meet James Wharram.

In October 2021, I dialled the number of JW Designs. A woman answered; James’ long-term life and business partner Hanneke Boon. I tell her my ideas to build from one of their plans: the Islander 39. We began an email exchange and when I asked her what James thought of this model, in November 2021, less than a month before he died, she replied: “James is enthusiastic about your project. He’s now 93 years old and nearing the end of his life.

warren sailboat plans

The Pahi 63 Spirit of Gaia which Wharram and Boon sailed around the world. Image: Benjamin Flao

“He has been looking at the Islander 39 design for several years and often says, ‘I wish I had one myself.’ It’s the only Wharram design that has never been built, so your project is a wish come true for him.”

On 14 December 2021, James Wharram passed away. Out of respect for the bereavement, and due to Covid-related travel restrictions, we decided to postpone our meeting. Some months later on a beautiful spring afternoon, I landed in Plymouth with my friend and artist Benjamin Flao, himself the owner of a Wharram-designed Tiki 28, and headed for Devoran near Truro in Cornwall, the stronghold of the Wharram family.

Hanneke welcomes us into her office. It is a beautiful wooden cabin, warm and bright, overlooking the changing lights of Cornwall. The place looks like a museum telling the story of a life of travel and passion through yacht models, photographs and unusual objects. James is there, you can feel it. A glance at the shelves of the library shows an impressive array of rare and precious books, mostly dealing with navigation and shipbuilding in Oceania, and demonstrates the seriousness with which Wharram and Boon studied the history and technicality of ‘double canoes’.

“I’d like our boats to be called double canoes and not catamarans, which I think is a mistake,” Hanneke explains. The word catamaran, originally pronounced ‘catamaron’, comes from the Tamil dialect of katta ‘to bind’ and maram ‘wood’, as they were actually one-man rafts used to work on the outer hull of ships. The English pirate and adventurer William Dampier, in the 1690s, was the first to describe a two-hulled vessel as a catamaran, but although catamarans might be the commonly accepted word nowadays, it’s actually a mistake.

warren sailboat plans

oon unfolds the plans of the Islander 39, the only Wharram design that has never been built. Many plans were hand-drawn by Boon. Photo: Julien Girardot

Hanneke unfolds the Islander 39 plan on her drawing board. Like all Wharram plans for half a century, it has been marked with her signature. Despite this unique pencil stroke, she has remained in the shadow of Wharram’s mythology for 50 years. Since 1970, Boon has drawn the majority of the construction plans by hand. They’re works of art and the best way to imagine yourself aboard a Wharram. Without her, JW Designs would not be what it is.

Originally from the Netherlands, Boon grew up in a family of sailing enthusiasts. By the age of 14 she was already building small canoes and at the age of 20 she joined the Wharram team and quickly became his co-designer. They criss-crossed the Atlantic twice in quick succession aboard Tehini, the crab claw-rigged double canoe on which James and several women lived for 10 years. Since then, Hanneke has escaped from her office whenever she can to sail thousands of miles on all the seas of the world, always using a double canoe.

Those radical vessels included the Spirit of Gaia, also built on site, through a sliding door next to Hanneke’s office. It was aboard this 63ft Pahi, Wharram’s flagship, that the Wharrams sailed around the world from 1994 to 1998. James described Spirit of Gaia as “a beautifully shaped woman he was in love with”.

warren sailboat plans

Boon’s design office is adjacent to the Wharram HQ in Devoran and looks out over one of the River Fal’s many creeks. Photo: Julien Girardot

In Wharram’s wake

James and Hanneke’s home is a former veterinary surgery. The furnishings are basic, with only the essentials, but the doors close by themselves, thanks to an ingenious system of weights, ropes and pulleys. Benjamin and I offer to shop and cook, and in the living room, we put the dishes down and eat on the floor, like on the deck of a Wharram.

Jamie, James and Hanneke’s son, joins us for the meal with his partner Liz. “James has remained the icon of the business, but it’s really Hanneke who has been doing the job for the last 10 years. She is JW Designs,” confides Liz.

Jamie is at first more subdued, but talking to him you soon discover a true character. Given the world he grew up in, it’s surprising to learn that sailing is not really his thing: “I get bored quickly at sea and I’m sick most of the time! I prefer to be underwater. Above the line is not my thing.

warren sailboat plans

Evocative illustration of the Wharram workshop in Devoran, Cornwall. Image: Benjamin Flao

“I do like the calmness of the ocean though, that parenthesis effect, detached from our hectic lives on land. In fact, I think the best thing about sailing is remembering long voyages, not making them,” Jamie jokes.

But he is keen to preserve Wharram’s legacy and the couple are thinking ahead to when Hanneke can no longer hold the fort. “As long as Hanneke is alive, the business will be run in her own way. But it’s certain that something will be put in place to enable people to continue to acquire the building plans, at the very least, this service will remain guaranteed.”

Back in the office next door, Nicki John answers clients and sends plans around the world. She’s only been with JWD for a couple of years, but that’s long enough for her to fall in love with the company’s story.

“One of the things I loved about James was that he came in every day. He’d knock on the door and jokingly ask, ‘Do you have time for some gossip?’ And then he’d tell me all sorts of stories. His travels, the women he had shared his life with, it was fascinating. When he was 18, he hitchhiked to Europe, smuggling coffee on the black market to finance his adventures. James’ story is just phenomenal.

warren sailboat plans

Mana 24 is available as a CNC-cut self-build kit boat. Photo: Julien Girardot

“One day James came in, took out a plan, unfolded it as he sat down, and said, ‘Aren’t they beautiful?’ James was deeply convinced of Hanneke’s talent. He never stopped admiring her,” Nicki says fondly.

The community Wharram fosters is unique. Nicki shows us a photo that defines the ‘Wharram spirit’, of the hull of a Wharram being lifted out of the second floor window of a home in England. With no shed to build their Wharram design, they decided to use their living room as a boatyard. “This picture shows that if you really want to build a Wharram, you can do it anywhere,” says Nicki, “During Covid, we sold a lot more plans. Confined, people dreamed of freedom and took time to figure out how they wanted to live their lives.”

Now it’s Hanneke’s turn to shine as the head of JWD. In contrast to the technologically-led path that sailing often follows, James and Hanneke’s ‘low tech’ approach drives those who follow it to reconnect with past knowledge, practices, and philosophical approaches to our relationship with the world and the way we live in it.

Their love of minimalism is also at odds with many trends in modern yachting, but it brings its own luxury. The joy of not having too much of anything allows you to make room for the essentials, and for the beauty that surrounds you.

My dream of building Wharram’s unfulfilled plan, the Islander 39, remains. I’m in no hurry. Like the libertarian vision of James Wharram, it endures.

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  • Sailboat Guide

Malibu Outrigger

Malibu Outrigger is a 18 ′ 0 ″ / 5.5 m monohull sailboat designed by Warren Seaman starting in 1952.

Drawing of Malibu Outrigger

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

It is said the MALIBU OUTRIGGER was the very beginning of the American west coast ‘beach cat’ phenomenon. PROA/outrigger with single daggerboard on main hull, which could be launched off the beach in moderate surf conditions. The first boats were built by members of Malibu Yacht Club. (at this time, by no means, a ‘yachtie’ establishment). From plans intended for amateur (plywood) construction. A general write up appeared in a 1959 issue of ‘Popular Mechanics’ and shown in the 1964 hit film ‘Endless Summer’. There probably never was a ‘professional’ builder. It is thought that at least 1000 boats were completed to this basic design, though very few are seen today.

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50th Anniversary Collectors Issue - September/October Issue No. 300 Preview Now

warren sailboat plans

Category Sailboats

Warren bailey design home built sail boat.

Overview: Are you searching for a unique opportunity to own a wooden sailboat with a rich history and craftsmanship? This magnificent vessel, designed by renowned boat architect Warren Bailey of Key Largo, Florida, was crafted with passion and expertise by an experienced tradesman. Tragically, the builder's vision remained incomplete due to his untimely passing. Now, this unfinished masterpiece awaits an owner who shares the same passion for sailing and craftsmanship.

Boat Details:

• Designer: Warren Bailey

• Type: Wooden sailboat with epoxy fiberglass coating

• Draft: 18" with the keel up

• Length: 38' 6" (41' with bow pulpit)

• Width: 10' 2"

• Standing Headroom: Yes

Interior Features:

• Port and starboard settee benches in the main salon with 100-gallon fresh water tanks each • 30-gallon sewage tank under the forward v-berth

• 2 gasoline fuel tanks at the rear of the boat

• 3-burner stove with oven and propane locker

• Large accessible icebox in the galley and cockpit • Spacious stainless steel sink in the galley

• Head with sink, toilet, and shower

• Wet hanging locker in the main salon

Items Included (yet to be Installed):

• Full brand new set of sails

• Hardware for rigging

• 700 lbs retractable keel and associated hardware

• Mast, boom, and three sails for a yawl rig, along with hardware

• Lights • Mariner Bigfoot 4-stroke gasoline motor

• Swim ladder

• Rubber dock buoys

• Anchor with rope (anchor needs installation on the bow, roller already in place)

Additional Information:

This sailboat offers a unique opportunity to complete a remarkable vessel designed by a famous boat architect. The boat is located in Derby, Kansas. Notable items such as lifelines, stanchions, cabinet doors, and cushions are yet to be installed, allowing the future owner to customize the boat to their preferences.

Contact Information: For further details, additional photographs, or to schedule a viewing, please contact Laura Evans at [email protected] . Don't miss this chance to own and complete a truly exceptional wooden sailboat, brimming with potential and a storied history. Bring your vision and passion to transform this labor of love into a sailing masterpiece.

Contact Information

Huntington Woods , MI 48070 United States

Warren Bailey Design Home Built Sail Boat


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 Boat Plan Index - Trailer Sailer Cruisers

. Indexes now updated by Mike

; Shell Boats


; ; Small Craft Advisor


; Duckworks

13 Swifty 13; Shell Boats; Cuddy; Glued Lapstrake
; Shell Boats

; Duckworks


; Bateau

; Duckworks

14 Fafnir; John Welsford; Little Cruiser; Ply

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

; Duckworks

14 Tinkerbelle2; Glenn R. Bartel; Reproduction; Ply Plans ; Midwest Engineering

15 DarcyBryn, Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Farthing; Tom Mcnaughton; Singlehanded Cruiser; Plans ; macnaughtongroup   15 FatCat2; Jim Michalak; Power/sail Cuddy Camper; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   15 Firecrest; Paul Fisher; Schooner; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Jewelbox Jr; Michalak; Birdwatcher Type; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Kingston; Midwest Engineering; Pocket Yacht; Ply Plans ; Midwest Engineering   15 Minuet; Glen-L; Trailerable Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   15 MusicBox2; Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   15 MusicBox3; Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Nancy's China; Sam Devlin; Cuddy Daysailer; Ply Plans ; Clarkcraft Plans ; Devlin 15 OliveOyl; Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   15 Philsboat; Michalak; Birdwatcher Style; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Ptarmigan; Paul Fisher; Catboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 15 Robbsboat; Michalak; Small Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   15 Swifty 15; Shell Boats; Cabin; Glued Lapstrake Plans ; Shell Boats   15 Toon2; Jim Michalak; Cuddy Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks

warren sailboat plans

16 2-Berth Yawl; George Whisstock; Pocket Cruiser; Lapstrake/Cold Moulded Plans ; Whisstock Plans 16 Adelie; Jacques Mertens; Mini Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Bateau 16 AF3; Jim Michalak; Cuddy Sharpie; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Goshawk; Paul Fisher; Scow Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Grey Swan; Paul Fisher; Gaff Cutter; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Hartley TS16; Hartley & Brookes ; Family Sailer; Ply Plans ; Hartley & Brookes (website)   16 Lynx; Paul Fisher; Bilge Boarder; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Mystery; Paul Fisher; Light Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Piepowder; D Dix; Pocket Cruiser; GRP Plans ; Duckworks   16 Sandgrouse; Paul Fisher; Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Scram Pram; Jim Michalak; Slot Top Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   16 Senior; Maurice Griffiths; Pocket Cruiser; PLy or Aluminum Plans ; Eventide Owners Association 16 The Trilobyte 16X4; Dave Zeiger; Expedition Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Triloboats.com   16 Twister; Jim Michalak; Power-sail Cuddy Camper; Ply Plans ; Duckworks
17 Blobster; Michalak; Leeboard Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 17 Gdansk; Paul Fisher; Double Ender; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   17 Glen-L 17; Glen-L; Trailerable Overnighter; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   17 Minuet; Glen-L; Mini Classic Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L 17 Pilgrim 590; Albert Nazarov & Maxim Kovalyov; Swing; Ply Plans (Free) ; boatdesign.net   17 Ptarmigan; Paul Fisher; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 17 Q17; Joe Dobler; Minicruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 17 Sweet Pea; John Welsford; Budget Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks

warren sailboat plans

18 3-Berth Yawl; George Whisstock; Pocket Cruiser; Cold Moulded Plans ; Whisstock Plans 18 Chuckles; Hartley & Brooks; Mullet Boat; Ply Plans ; Hartley & Brooks   18 Evening Swan; Paul Fisher; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   18 Firecrest; Paul Fisher; Schooner; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   18 Galway; Paul Fisher; Sprit Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Gretchen; William Atkin; Leeboard Knockabout; Plank on Frame Plans ; Atkin & Co   18 Hapscut; Jim Michalak; Trailer Sailer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Hartley TS18; Hartley & Brookes; Trailer Sailor; Ply Plans ; Hartley & Brookes   18 Highlander-18; SBI Marine; Cuddy; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Micro 18; Paul Fisher; Fast Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS) 18; Kirby; cruiser-racer; ply Kit ; Nisboats.com 18 Normsboat; Jim Michalak; Cuddy Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   18 Picara; Michalak; Cabin Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Pocket Cruiser; Stevenson Projects; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Stevenson Projects 18 Puck Cruise , BCA Demco; Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Puck Regatta, BCA Demco; Racer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Red Onion; William Atkin; Flat Bottom Sloop; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co     18 Sam 550, BCA Demco; Class Racer; Strip Plans ; Duckworks 18 Tracker; Paul Fisher; Inshore Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 18 Trim; William Atkin; Catboat; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co 18 Wild Oats; William Atkin; Skipjack Sloop; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co 18 Wild Onion; John Atkin;  V Bottom Sloop; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co
19 Aviateur; Eric Henseval; Small Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 19 3-Berth Yawl; George Whisstock; Pocket Cruiser; Cold Moulded/Lapstrake Plans ; Whisstock Plans 19 Belhaven; Graham Byrnes; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; B&B Yacht Design 19 Didgeridoo Ray Cole; Fast Trailer Yacht; GRP Plans ; Small Craft Design   19 Eel; William Garden; Ketch; Strip, Cold molded, or Carvel Plans ; Woodenboat Store 19 Glen-L 19; Glen-L; Trailer Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   19 Highlander-19; Fisher; Cuddy; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   19 Jewelbox; Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailing Scow; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   19 Jukebox2; Jim Michalak; Beachboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   19 Jukebox3; Jim Michalak; Beachboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   19 Roberts 19; Bruce Roberts; Trailer Sailer; Wood or GRP Plans ; Bruce Roberts   19 Tango; Glen-L; Trailer Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   19 TLC 19; D Dix; Performance Trailer Sailer; GRP Plans ; Duckworks   19 Wee Seal; Iain Oughtred; Trailer cruiser; Lap Plans ; Classic Marine 19 Winter Wren; Sam Devlin; Trailerable Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Devlin   19 Wompus Cat; Sam Devlin; Cape Cod Cat; Ply Plans ; Sam Devlin

warren sailboat plans

20 3 or 4-Berth Yawl; George Whisstock; Pocket Cruiser; Cold Moulded/Lapstrake Plans ; Whisstock Plans 20 AF2; Jim Michalak; Cuddy Sharpie; Ply Plans ; Duckworks  20 Bay Cruiser 20; Swallow Boats; Yacht; Ply Plans ; Swallow Boats 20 Beniguet; Francois Vivier; Dayboat; Lapstrake Plans ; Duckworks 20 Bluestone; Gavin Atkin; Light Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks free 20 Chebacco; Phil Bolger; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Harold H Payson & Co Newsletter ; Richard Spelling 20 Eun Na Mara; Iain Oughtred; Open Water Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Classic Marine Picture : Kathy Mansfield 20 Flyaway; Warren C Bailey; Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Common Sense Boats   20 Frolic2; Jim Michalak; Beachboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 20 Gaff Rigged Pocket Cruiser; Harry Bryan; Carvel Plans Bryan Boatbuilding 20 Helga; William Atkin; Leeboard  Gaff Sloop; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co 20 Kari 3; Paul Fisher; Double Ender; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   20 Lichen; Sam Devlin; Shoal Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Devlin   20 Mist; Karl Stambaugh; Cozy Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Chesapeake Marine Design Plans ; Woodenboat Store 20 Phialle; Ted Brewer; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Ted Brewer Design   20 Pocket Cruiser; Paul Fisher; Bilge Keeler; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   20 Port Louis; Paul Fisher; Traditional; Strip Plank Plans ; Duckworks   20 Scawfell; Ray Cole; All Round Trailer Yacht; Ply Plans ; Small Craft Design 20 Singlehander Schooner; Phil Bolger; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Harold H Payson & Co 20 Tango; Glen-L; Traditional Trailer Sailer; Ply Plans ; Glen-L 20 Vagabond; Jacques Mertens; Trailerable Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Bateau.com;   20 Weekender; Stevenson Projects; Pocket Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Stevenson Projects   20 White Swan; Paul Fisher; Pocket Cruiser; Ply or GRP Plans ; Duckworks
21 Double Ender; John Alden; Trim, Rugged Cruiser; Carvel, Cold Molded or Strip Plans ; Woodenboat Store 21 Fancy Free; Glen-L; Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   21 Glen-L 21; Glen-L; Center Board Sloop; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   21 Hartley TS21; Hartley & Brookes; Trailer Sailor; Ply Plans ; Hartley & Brookes 21 Lagoon; William Atkin; V-Bottom Knockabout; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co 21 Penguin; John Welsford; Character Trailer Yacht; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 21 Pioneer; Paul Fisher; Off Shore; Ply or GRP Plans ; Duckworks   21 Rona Yawl; Paul Fisher; Traditional; Lapstrake Ply Plans ; Duckworks   21 Sea Mini; Van de Stadt; Trailerable Offshore Cruiser; Ply or Cold Molded Plans ; Van de Stadt Designs   21 Skua; Paul Fisher; Gaff Sloop; Ply or Strip Plank Plans ; Duckworks   21 Skye; Paul Fisher; Ketch; Ply/strip combination Plans ; Duckworks

warren sailboat plans

22 Ailsa; Paul Fisher; Trailer Sailer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   22 Amigo; Glen-L; Offshore Pocket Cruiser; Ply, Strip Plank or GRP Plans ; Glen-L   22 Avon; Paul Fisher; Multi-Role Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   22 Black Swan; Paul Fisher; Gaff Cutter; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   22 Cat-rig Yawl; George Whisstock; Cat Rigged Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Whisstock Plans 22 Go Go Girl; Paul Fisher; Racer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   22 Grand Banks; Ted Brewer; Dory Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Ted Brewer Design   22 Gray Seal; Oughtred; Double Ender; Glued Ply Lap Plans ; Woodenboat Store; Plans ; Classic Marine 22 Jaquelin; William & John Atkin; Skipjack; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co 22 Kittiwake; Paul Fisher; Canoe Yawl; Ply Lap Plans ; Duckworks 22 Minuetto 650 Cruise , BCA Demco; Cruise; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 22 Princess Sharpie; Graham Byrnes; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; B&B Yacht Design     22 Spray 22; Bruce Roberts; Classic; Steel, Aluminum, Ply, or GRP Plans ; Bruce Roberts   22 SurpriseII; Paul Gartside; Gaff Sloop; Cold Molded Plans ; Gartsideboats 22 Viola 22; Jim Michalak; Sharpie; Ply Plans ; Duckworks
23 Artic Tern; Sam Devlin; Full Keel Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Sam Devlin   23 Bushranger; Ray Cole; Fast Yacht; Foam Core/Strip Plank Plans ; Small Craft Design 23 Cruising Cutter; George Whisstock; Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Whisstock Plans   23 Glen-L 6.9; Glen-L; Trailer Sailer; GRP Plans ; Glen-L 23 Meaban; Francois Vivier; Dayboat; Lapstrake Plans ; Duckworks   23 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS) 23; Kirby; cruiser-racer; Ply Plans ; Nisboats.com 23 Rumbletumbleann; Willam & John Atkin; New Haven Sharpie Ketch; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co   23 Sarah Cat; Michael Kasten; Fan Tail Cruiser; Aluminum Plans ; Kasten Design   23 Vagabond 23; Jacques Mertens; Trailerable Offshore Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Bateau.com 23 Yamato; Paul Fisher; Japanese Fishing Boat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks

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24 Amphibi-ette; Mt. Desert Yacht Yard; Couple's Cruiser; Ply&Strip Planked Plans ; Woodenboat Store 24 Beaumaris; Paul Fisher; Trailer Sailer; Strip Planked Plans ; Duckworks 24 Birdwatcher; Phil Bolger; Camp Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Instantboats   24 Catbird; Karl Stambaugh; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; Chesapeake Marine Design 24 Drake; Paul Fisher; Take-Apart Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks    24 Fast Cruiser; Paul Fisher; Fast Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   24 Mayfly Sharpie; Paul Fisher; Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 24 New Hope; William & John Atkin; Sharpie Sloop; Wood Plans ; Atkin & Co   24 Petesboat; Jim Michalak; Motorsailer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   24 T24; Dave Zeiger; Expedition Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Triloboats.com 24 Tasman Junk Rigged Yacht; Paul Fisher; Trailer Sailer; Ply Plans ; Duckworks     24 Trailer Sailer; Karl Stambaugh; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; Chesapeake Marine Design   24 Vacationer; Stevenson Projects; Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Stevenson Projects
25 Black Skimmer; Phil Bolger; Camp Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Harold H Payson & Co Webpage ; Tim Fatchen   25 Caprice; Jim Michalak; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   25 Coaster; Glen-L; Trailerable Motorsailer; Ply Plans ; Glen-L   25 Diapason 750, BCA Demco; Fast Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 25 Ensenada; Ken Hankinson; Sloop; Plywood Plans ; Glen-L 25 Glen-L 25; Glen-L; Trailer Cruiser; Ply or GRP Plans ; Glen-L   25 Keel/Centerboard Sloop; John Alden; Fast, Able Auxilary Cruiser; Carvel, Cold Molded or Strip Plans ; Woodenboat Store 25 Roberts 25; Bruce Roberts; Trailorable Cruiser; Ply or GRP Plans ; Bruce Roberts   25 S750; Wojtek Kasprzak; Swing Keel; Ply? Plans (Free) ; Translated 25 William D Jochems; Phil Bolger; Leeboard Schooner; Ply Project ; Bill Jochems
26 Dark Harbor 12-1/2; B.B. Crowninshield; Daysailor; Cold Molded or Strip Planked Plans ; Woodenboat Store 26 Didi 26; D Dix; Trailer-sailer; Radius Chine Plywood Plans ; Dix Design   26 Glen-L 7.9; Glen-L; Trailer Sailer; GRP Plans ; Glen-L 26 Mandolino Cruise, BCA Demco; Traditional; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 26 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS) 26; Kirby; cruiser-racer; Ply Plans ; Nisboats.com 26 Princess Sharpie; Graham Byrnes; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; B&B Yacht Design   26 Sea Bird; Day & Mower; Ocean Going Cruiser; Yawl; Carvel or Strip Plans ; Woodenboat Store 26 Swallow; Paul Fisher; Tancook Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks   T26; Dave Zeiger; Expedition Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Triloboats.com 26 Thunderbird; Clarkcraft; Racer/Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Clarkcraft   26 Viola; Jim Michalak; Cabin Sailboat; Ply Plans ; Duckworks
27 Chessie Flyer; Glen-L; Classic Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Glen-L    27 James Cook; Glen-L; Trailerable Cruiser; Cold Molded or GRP Plans ; Glen-L 27 Kavalier 800; Albert Nazarov [et al]; Swing Keel; Ply Plans (Free) ; boatdesign.net 27 Nor'Sea 27; Lyle Hess; Transportable Cruiser; GRP Kits ; Nor'Sea Yachts 27 TLC 27; D Dix; Maxi Trailer-sailer or fixed keel cruiser;GRP Plans ; Dix Design
28 Egret; Ralph M Munroe; Shoal Double Ender; Wood Plans ; Woodenboat Store
29 Advanced Sharpie 29; Phil Bolger; Shoal Draft; Ply Info ; Leo W. Foltz Project ; Dan Farmer 29 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS) 29; Kirby; cruiser-racer; Ply Plans ; Nisboats.com
30 Cruising Cutter; George Whisstock; Cruiser; Cold/Lapstrake Plans ; Whisstock Plans 30 Dragonfly; Paul Fisher; Sharpie Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks
31 Cormorant; Jim Michalak; Cat Ketch; Ply Plans ; Duckworks 31 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS) 31; Kirby; cruiser-racer; ply Plans ; Nisboats.com
T32; Dave Zeiger; Expedition Cruiser; Ply Plans ; Triloboats.com    


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Jordan Wood Boats

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Welcome To Jordan Wood Boats

Our distinctive designs have helped launch countless wooden boats on the world’s waterways, in more than fifty countries. All of our boat plans are meticulously developed and drawn with the amateur builder in mind. Please visit our Shop, where you can order the detailed building plans and patterns for all of our boats, as well as our boatbuilding manual. And, in the Builder’s Gallery you will see examples of the results you can expect from our plans. (Remember to take advantage of our Boatbuilder Special)

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Cradle Boat Baby Tender II

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Cradle Boat Li’l Longship

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Jolly Boat Rocker

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Cradle Boat Wee Pumpkin

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Cradle Boat Papoose

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“Your plans were right on. I have yet to find any mistakes and all of the measurements and angles were accurate. This has been a very enjoyable experience and I am now looking forward to building my next boat. Thanks for the design and the hard work you put into the plans so that mere novices like myself can experience the joy of building and using their own boat!”-Jeff Ragsdale, Winter Haven, Florida

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Easy to follow plans.

All of the boat plans from Jordan Wood Boats are developed and drawn with the non-professional or first-time boatbuilder in mind. The plans for each boat are easy to follow and require no lofting. They include large-scale construction drawings for all assemblies and full-size patterns where appropriate. To clarify the building process, comprehensive construction notes describing all components are number-keyed to the corresponding assemblies in all the drawings.

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Boat Building Manual

My book, “Boatbuilding My Way” , is a comprehensive guide to my boat building systems, detailing the construction methods, and time and labor saving techniques I’ve developed over the years to simplify and enhance the building process. It is the ideal companion to plans from Jordan Wood Boats, and includes plans for building two Jordan Wood Boats favorites. 

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All Jordan Wood Boats Plans and Book are available in PDF format for email delivery, at a discounted price.

A Note to Teachers & Mentors

The plans and boat building manual featured on my website have proven to be very effective teaching tools for use in industrial arts classes, boatbuilding schools, adult education, and community and youth development programs. Activities that challenge both hand and mind, teach valuable occupational skills, encourage teamwork, and result in a product that inspires a sense of pride and accomplishment can be valuable academic and community resources. And, as a bonus, building a wooden boat provides many opportunities for interdisciplinary instruction, because it typically involves a host of related skills. My plans have all been meticulously developed and drawn for the amateur builder, and by using my book as a guide, the instructor requires no prior boatbuilding experience.  If you would like to consider adding a boatbuilding unit to your curriculum, please browse through my website for a look at my designs; and don’t hesitate to contact me for more information by using the “Contact” link on the home page.

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James Wharram Designs

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Tiki designs, coastal trekkers to long term live aboards.

From the car trailable Tiki 21 - winner of the 1982 Cruising World Design Competition, to the Tiki 46, a spacious ocean cruiser or charter boat, the TIKI range offers car trailable coastal trekkers to long term live aboards. Although a Tiki 21, a very popular coastal trek design, has circumnavigated, we would not recommend this for everyone! A number of Tiki 26s have also made ocean crossings, but again this is only for the experienced sailor. The larger TIKI designs of 30ft and over are craft capable of longer voyages and ocean crossings. They are designed to be less costly to build by using appropriate wood/epoxy technology and by eliminating, wherever possible, expensive metal fittings common to modern yacht design.

On the larger TIKIs the 'Deckpod' offers sheltered steering and the 'Stern Ramp' provides easy access to and from the water. The TIKIs are boats you can work and live on. The Wharram approach goes beyond simple boat design - the concept of 'Flexispace' puts emphasis on not just the physical living area, but also the 'mind space' of those on board.

About Tiki Building Plans

The TIKI Building Plans, designed from the early 1980s till the present, represent a new phase in our presentation of building drawings. The first small Tikis were all built in stitch-and-glue ply and epoxy. This needed a different way of guiding the builder through the build process, as the boats are built shell first, instead of frame first. All TIKI building Plans are very detailed, which some builders have described as a course in boat building . They supply a building sequence as a book of large 3D drawings of all the plywood parts and overall construction details, drawn to scale. Some parts are given full size, to be copied on the plywood.

Boat building blueprints

These scale drawings are accompanied by an A3 size sketchbook, which leads the builder step by step through the build with beautiful detailed sketches and numbered sequence of construction. They are all hand drawn by Hanneke, who has years of hands-on experience of building and designing Wharram catamarans. All our practical expertise, with a focus on keeping things simple, has gone into these drawings. These sketchbooks have made it possible for people with no boatbuilding experience to build a beautiful boat .

See information about building costs .

Brand new Tiki 21, owners celebrating its completion

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy Stitch & Glue
Length Overall: 21' 6.40 m
Beam Overall: 12' 3.66 m
Waterline length: 18' 6" 5.64 m
Draft: 1' 2" 0.35 m
Weight: 790 lbs 360 kg
Loading capacity: 1000 lbs 460 kg
Sail area: 208 sqft 19.25 sqm
Building Time Estimate: 400 hrs

The Tiki 21 was designed in 1981 as an easy to build Coastal Trek catamaran, using new epoxy/glass stitch & glue techniques. In 1982 the new and then quite radical Tiki 21 was given first prize by Cruising World magazine (USA) in their design competition for a 'Trailable Gunkholer'. Since then nearly 1000 Tiki 21 Plans have been sold (2015).

In 1991-97 Rory McDougall sailed his self-built Tiki 21 'Cooking Fat' around the world, sometimes alone, sometimes with a companion. She was, and still is, the smallest catamaran to have circumnavigated . In 2010 Rory entered 'Cooking Fat' in the Jester Challenge (single handed 'race' across the Atlantic for small boats - under 30ft) and came into Newport, Rhode Island a close second after 34 days.

The Tiki 21 has stayed popular as a simple, easy to trail Coastal Trekker all over the world. Her unique soft Wharram Wingsail Rig has been used on all subsequent Tiki and other Wharram designs (30ft - 65ft) and is very popular with the owners of these boats.

Yellow Tiki 26 sailing on crystal blue water

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy Stitch & Glue
Length Overall: 26' 7.92 m
Beam Overall: 15' 1" 4.60 m
Waterline length: 22' 6" 6.84 m
Draft: 1' 4" 0.40 m
Weight: 1550 lbs 700 kg
Loading capacity: 1700 lbs 770 kg
Sail area: 285 sqft 26.5 sqm
Headroom in hulls:
Over floor: 3' 11" 1.2 m
Over bunk: 2' 11" 0.9 m
Building Time Estimate: 700 hrs

The Tiki 26 was designed by popular demand soon after the Tiki 21, for people who wanted to do more serious Coastal cruising. Her ocean going abilities have since been proven in various ocean crossings .

The Tiki 26 can be trailed and is easily beached, to step off in ankle deep water. Sleeps two in the hulls, leaving room for small galley and chart table, but accommodation can be increased with a decktent, giving space for a double bunk.

Tiki 30 sailing, two men on board, view from behind boat

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy Stitch & Glue
Length Overall: 30' 9.15 m
Beam Overall: 16' 4" 5.00 m
Waterline length: 25' 5" 7.75 m
Draft (incl. LAR keel): 2' 1" 0.65 m
Weight: 2200 lbs 1000 kg
Loading capacity: 2200 lbs 1000 kg
Sail area: 385 sqft 35.8 sqm
Headroom in hulls:
Over bunk: 2' 11" 0.9 m
Over floor: 4' 11" 1.5 m
Width of bunk: 2' 11" 0.9 m
Headroom in optional deckpod:
Over floor: 4' 3" - 3' 7" 1.3m - 1.15m
Over seat: 3' 3" - 2' 11" 1m - 0.9m
Building Time Estimate: 900 hrs

The ideal low budget self build ocean cruiser. With a sleeping capacity of 6 (two doubles in the hulls) and spacious level deck area, TIKI 30 makes an excellent low cost charter boat.

It is our largest self-build boat design that is capable of being towed behind a vehicle . This means keeping the build weight down, and simple but adequate accommodation. This is not a high cost, luxury boat, but an elegant, versatile, 'double canoe' sailing boat, providing basic comfort for 'Living on the Sea'.

An optional deck pod with double berth and/or navigation station is available. This pod replaces the standard open cockpit.

White Tiki 31 JoJo on a pontoon

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy/Laminate
Length Overall: 31' 9.45 m
Beam Overall: 17' 6" 5.33 m
Waterline length: 27' 8.23 m
Draft: 1' 9" 0.53 m
Weight: 3000 lbs 1360 kg
Loading capacity: 2200 lbs 1000 kg
Sail area: 386 sqft 35.9 sqm
Building Time Estimate: 1100 hrs

A traveller/workboat with ramp access at stern. She has open hull cockpits with removable tough awning covers, ideal for fishing . For workboat use she has a Wingsail schooner rig, with two short masts. Can sleep 4-6.

White and blue Tiki 38 sailing on choppy seas, six people aboard

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy/Laminate
Length Overall: 38' 11.60 m
Beam Overall: 22' 4" 6.20 m
Waterline length: 31' 6" 9.60 m
Draft (incl LAR keel): 2' 6" 0.75 m
Weight: 6600 lbs 3000 kg
Loading capacity: 4400 lbs 2000 kg
Sail area: 573 sqft 53.2 sqm
Bunk width (centre of hull): 3' 9" 1.14 m
Forward bunk width: 2' 9" - 1' 4" tapered 0.85 m - 0.4 m tapered
Platform Clearance: 2' 7" - 2' 11" 80cm - 90cm
Building Time Estimate: 2200 hrs

The TIKI 38 was designed using all the latest Wharram construction innovations. Her deckpod gives good shelter when ocean cruising and includes a bunk for the off-watch crew. Forward of the deckpod is 26 Sqr metres of safe, usable deck space. An excellent family cruising boat .

The TIKI 38 interior comprises two double cabins, two single cabins, galley, navigation station and toilet/shower, as well as good storage areas in bow and stern.

Tiki 46 sailing on a coast of rolling hills, with all sails up.

Building Method: Ply/Glass/Epoxy/Laminate
Length Overall: 46' 14.00 m
Beam Overall: 24' 7.30 m
Waterline length: 38' 1" 11.60 m
Draft (incl LAR keel): 3' 7" 1.10 m
Weight: 5 tons
Loading capacity: 4 tons
Sail area: 1000 sqft 91 sqm
Main bunk width: 4' 8" - 3' 9" tapered 1.42 m - 1.15 m tapered
Aft bunk width: 3' 11" - 2' tapered 1.2 m - 0.6 m tapered
Platform Clearance: 2' 11" - 3' 5" 90cm - 105cm
Building Time Estimate: 4000 hrs

The Tiki 46 is a boat designed for Blue Water sailing , with live aboard space for a crew of up to 10. She also makes an excellent charter vessel with 4 private double cabins and an extra double in the deckpod. Plenty of safe deck space and slim hulls for easy, fast sailing, not requiring huge sail area to get speed.

Anne and Neville Clement write logs about their voyages on self-built Tiki 46 'Peace IV'.

Questions about Tiki designs? Contact us:

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Warren Buffett’s Son Reacts to Dad’s Plan for His Fortune That They’ll Have to Give Away Within 10 Years of His Death

“It’s not so easy to give away money if you want to do it smart,” son Howard said of his and his two siblings’ future donations

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Ron Elkman/Sports Imagery/Getty

Warren Buffett ’s kids have quite the financial task ahead of them — and the billionaire’s middle child admits it will be a “not so easy” responsibility. 

Howard Buffett recently reacted to the decision his 94-year-old dad — the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway — made this year to change his mind about donating his fortune to the Gates Foundation , from which Warren resigned as a board trustee in 2021.

Instead, the Nebraska businessman will donate his fortune, estimated to be $143.1 billion based on Forbes data, to a charitable trust after his death, according to the Associated Press . His three adult children — Howard, 69, Susie, 71, and Peter, 66 — will be in charge of the trust and have 10 years to allocate the money to charities of their choice.

 Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty

“It’s not so easy to give away money if you want to do it smart, if you want to be intelligent about it,” Howard told the AP.

“It’s pretty amazing that he’s giving us this opportunity,” he added.

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Until his death, Warren will continue to donate to the Gates Foundation annually, something he has done since 2006 to the tune of more than $40 billion, per the AP. He will also continue donating to his family's charities, including the one named after his late first wife, who died in 2004 at age 72: the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. 

Jamie McCarthy/Getty

Susie, who is the board chair for that foundation, once told PEOPLE that money means something different to her father than for many people. 

“He’s pretty boring — it’s just not what people expect,” Susie said in 2017, the year HBO’s Becoming Warren Buffett documentary came out.

“I think it’s also probably surprising to people that the money doesn’t matter to him,” Susie continued of her father. “He made the money sort of by accident because he was really good at doing what he loved, and when you do that particular thing really well, you end up with a whole bunch of money. But it’s really true that he does not care about having a bunch of money.”

Warren is currently the sixth-richest person in the world, behind only Elon Musk , Jeff Bezos , Larry Ellison , Mark Zuckerberg and Bernard Arnault , according to Forbes’ Real-Time Billionaires List .

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    Cutwater 12.5 Classic Wooden Paddleboard Plans PDF. $65.00. Build yourself a timeless Cutwater 12.5 stand up paddle board from our easy to follow instant downloadable plans. (Click HERE for printed plans) Board info... Length - 12.5 feet / 381cm Width - 29 inches / 73.6cm Weight - 29.8...

  22. Little Egret Plans PDF

    Little Egret Plans PDF. Little Egret is an open Sharpie of 18' 10" x 4' 10â ³ x 6", with a hull shape reminiscent of the famous 28' Sharpie, Egret, designed by Ralph Middleton Munroe in 1886 for use in the shallow waters of Florida. I have long had a fascination for Egret, and think that her hull cross-section, which is part Sharpie and part ...

  23. Plans & Kits

    Drifter 12L Free Plans. To download these plans, click HERE The Drifter 12 L is a higher performance version of the Drifter 12, with longer amas, and a taller mast. It can be paddled or sailed with as simple rig using a windsurfing mast. The sail rolls up, and is reefable...