The Best Boat for Caribbean Island Hopping (Type and Size)

When you're planning to get out cruising and you've decided on a season (or more) in the Caribbean, the question always comes down to "what's the best boat?" And the answer isn't just "it depends," even though everyone's situation, finances and skills are different. There are a few important things to consider about this lifestyle and journey.

The best boat for Caribbean island-hopping has space for you and your crew, good storage for food and water, is seaworthy, and comfortable at anchor. Some good monohulls include the Bavaria 32, Beneteau 331, and Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42 DS. For catamarans, consider the PDQ 36, Manta 40, and Leopard 44.

what size motor yacht for caribbean

On this page:

Criteria for caribbean island hopping boats, island hopping vs. bluewater cruising, what you want in your island hopper, a few good island boats.

This is a broad list, and there are many boats that could meet these criteria. Read on for a few examples of some great boats, while we get into more detail about what you do and don’t need to bounce up and down the Windward and Leeward islands and through the Bahamas.

The best boat for Caribbean island-hopping meets the following criteria:

  • It has adequate space for you and all the people and pets you plan to have on board.
  • There is plenty of storage for food and water (storing it or making it) to carry you through islands with fewer services.
  • It is seaworthy, comfortable, and safe. Note that speed is not a top priority, nor is the ruggedness you'd look for crossing oceans.
  • It is comfortable to live on at anchor, including the stability and airflow through the boat.
  • You can afford to buy, operate, own and maintain it.

What size boat do you need to sail the Caribbean?

There's no hard and fast rule about size, it comes down more to personal preference and budget. You can meet the above criteria with a thirty-foot boat or a sixty-foot boat. Practically speaking, there isn't much below thirty-two feet with the space and comfort for long term living, even for one. A couple should start looking around thirty-six feet. You can get away with less, but it may be tight living with your gear and stores.

What's the best boat type to travel the Caribbean?

You want something that is comfortable and sea-kindly, the specific type - catamaran or monohull - is less important than the boat's handling and living characteristics. Sailing "down island" is often into the trades, so there can be upwind days and bumps and lumps. You want something with enough comfort and protection to handle that. If your budget is tight, a smaller monohull will get you more boat and carrying capacity than a catamaran.

What size sailboat to sail to Bahamas?

The same general guidelines apply for the Bahamas as the Caribbean, with one general exception - draft. Much of the Bahamas is quite shallow, with many reefs flats. If your primary sailing time will be in the Bahamas, you want something which is comfortable at anchor and offshore, but also which doesn't draw too much. When you start looking for shallow draft boats over forty feet, most of what you find are swing/lifting keels, full keels, or catamarans.

Three different boat types anchored at St. Lucia island

If you read our article Sailing Time Between All Caribbean Islands , you'll see that there are no passages between islands in the Windward and Leeward chains that are more than a single overnight. Many of them are day sails. So if you buy your boat in the Caribbean and never leave the eastern Caribbean, you won't need to do any passages longer than an overnight.

Bluewater Toughness

Contrast that with blue water sailing and passage making. If you're headed across the Pacific or sailing back to the continental U.S., you will be offshore for a week or two at a time, even a month or more at a stretch for some slower boats crossing the vast Pacific.

You can't wait for a break in the weather on those trips, you leave and get the weather that happens. The boat needs to be tougher, and it needs more safety gear and equipment. A lightly built boat won't be happy pounding into chop for days on end or riding out a massive storm.

And you also need supplies, provisions, and spares for months, including fresh water if you don't have a water maker or a good catchment setup.

Island Hopping Comfort

Your island hopping needs are a lot less. With short trips, you can wait for not only good weather, but near perfect weather to move. Why put up with bad weather at all when you only need to wait a few days when your next stop is only six or eight hours down island?

And you're not that far from provisions or spares. Every populated island has food. Though the specifics of what is cheap and available varies, you will never starve or be far from something.

Spares are similar; while it is best to have a spare on hand to keep from getting stuck, the major sailing centers like St. Martin, Martinique and Grenada can get you most of what you need, and get it to you no matter where you are.

And the sailing distances are short, so you don't need a ton of speed (though speed is always nice), and you do not need an incredible motoring range.

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Working from our list in the first section, there are a few things you want in your Caribbean cruising boat.

Living Space & Amenities

Your boat does not have to be big, it just has to be big enough. Cruising couples have different needs than families or solo sailors, and this is one of those "it depends" answers that is unique to each captain and crew. Living on a boat for months or permanently is a big change from land-bound life, and there is a tendency to think you need more boat than you do. We're used to space in houses, and having basements, attics and great big pantries.

You won't have the storage you were used to, but you need storage for:

  • Food and supplies for a while. You won't need months, but it is wise to stock up on something when you find it, because you never know what the next island won't have. A separate freezer is very handy for this.
  • Clothing...but not as much as you think. You'll be living in t-shirts, shorts and sandals most of the time. Most of those are pretty small, and you can pack a lot more clothing when you don't have to worry about bulky coats or dressy clothes.
  • Water toys and fun. Snorkels, fins and masks for everyone on the boat, and diving gear if you are into it. But you may want to have a SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) or a kayak, especially if you have kids.

Fresh water is available everywhere, but it's not always free and it's not always good quality. A water maker is expensive and finicky, but a big convenience since you won't have to pay for water or move the boat to top up. If you don't have a water maker, lots of tankage and a good filter is nice to have.

Living systems like hot water and a shower make a big difference to your daily quality of life. While you'll be in the water a lot, you need to get the salt off. If you're not in a marina, it's not so easy to get a freshwater shower unless you have your own.

Comfort and Seaworthiness

Although you don't need a doughty passage maker to pop between islands, you still want something that is safe and comfortable to move. If you don't like the way your boat feels and handles at sea, you will be much less likely to move around. You don't want that.

Comfort and safety are more important than speed, and there's no need to get a rocket ship of a boat unless you have the money to burn on it.

Comfort at Anchor is Key

Three primary factors go into being happy at anchor in your boat.

  • How she moves at anchor
  • Airflow through the boat
  • Confidence in your ground tackle

A light boat which rocks and rolls with every passing wake will not be a happy boat to spend lots of time at anchor, and there are a lot of open roadstead anchorages which are unprotected from some wind shifts. Monohulls with deeper drafts, fuller keels, or larger beams will not snap and roll in waves like light boats with low ballast. And catamarans barely move at all until it gets pretty lumpy.

The airflow on most boats is optimal when the boat is facing straight into it, as you will be in most anchored or moored situations. This is one reason we prefer to be at anchor; tied to a dock you don't get the same breezes.

But a boat with poor ventilation in the tropics will not be a comfortable boat. You won't want to rely on air conditioning for several reasons (the biggest is that you need to run a generator or be on shore power), so you will need on breezes to keep you comfortable. This applies inside your boat and in the cockpit.

Our blue water cruiser was comfortable enough in the islands, but her hatches opened aft for safety, hampering air flow, and we have a hard dodger. Neither of these were great features for an island-hopping only boat and I'd think twice about them if I wasn't planning a lot of blue water sailing.

Ground tackle is something you can upgrade. So it's not mandatory that the boat you pick has great ground tackle, as long as you can upgrade it if needed. You should have an all chain rode, and with that you’ll want a powered windlass if your boat is larger. That is a pretty big upgrade if a boat doesn't have one already, and not every boat has capacity (space, wiring, power) for the upgrade


The cost of buying a boat and owning a boat are two different things. A boat may be cheap to buy, but expensive to own, or it could be the opposite. Or could be both expensive to buy AND expensive to own and operate.

Older boats and ex-charters have the advantage on purchase price. They will be cheapest to buy, and there are usually lots available. But there is always a risk they will be more expensive to own, at least initially if you have to do upgrades, modernizations and repairs. If you look at one, make sure you get a thorough survey and factor in the work you will need to bring the boat to the standard you want.

Newer boats will have a higher cost of entry, but require fewer upgrades and lower maintenance the first few years. But being newer or brand new is not a guarantee against problems.

But the most important thing to remember is that most boat services are charged by the foot, and those charges are not affected by what you paid for the boat or how old it is. It costs the same to haul and put bottom paint on a thirty-year-old boat as it does for a two-year-old boat the same size. So avoid the temptation to buy a lot more boat because it's older and cheap.

The charter companies get a few things right about the boats they pick for their fleets. They choose newer production boats which cost less up front, and they keep them simple to use and maintain. Production monohulls like Beneteau, Jeanneau, Bavaria, and Dufour (among others) are great solutions for this type of sailing. On the catamaran side, Lagoon, Fontaine Pajot and Leopard are popular choices.

When thinking of budgets, remember there are three factors that go into the price: the age , size , and condition of the boat. Expensive boats are new, big, and in great shape. If your budget is more limited, you'll need to consider something older, smaller, or in need of a bit of work.

And a word of caution on buying boats that are in the Caribbean. There are good deals to be had, but there are lots of storm-damaged boats at aggressive prices. They are project boats, and you will need to do a lot of work on them and they may have hidden flaws. There are also many boats sold out of charter fleets. These are mostly solid boats, but they may have more wear and tear for their age compared to privately owned boats, and many have deferred maintenance you will need to look for.

  • Beneteau 331
  • Beneteau Oceanis 390
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42 DS
  • Dufour 500 Grand Large
  • Fontaine Pajot Orana

This list is just a starting point; there are so many good boats to choose from. And you may also find many perfect boats from smaller builders and less well-known designs. If it's in your budget, you can even head to the islands and charter a similar boat to see for yourself how good it will be.

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Choosing the Right Size Sailboat for Caribbean Cruising


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Select Yachts’ 47ft Beneteau, Piggybank, was the boat of choice for the Reed family charter. Photo: Howard Eckel

Sailing in the Caribbean is a dream for many people. The turquoise water, white sand beaches, and perfect weather make it an ideal vacation spot. But for some, it’s not just a vacation spot, it’s a way of life. If you’re a couple looking to cruise the Caribbean alone, you may be wondering what size sailboat is right for you.

There are a few things to consider when choosing a sailboat size. The first thing is the size of the crew. As a couple, you don’t need a massive boat. In fact, you can get away with a boat as small as 30 feet. This size boat is perfect for two people and is easy to handle.

Choosing the Right Boat for Your Sailing Adventure: Factors to Consider and Essential Equipment

The next thing to consider is the type of sailing you want to do. If you plan on cruising around the Caribbean and staying in protected waters, a smaller boat will work just fine. However, if you plan on doing some ocean crossings or sailing in rougher seas, you may want to consider a larger boat.

Another factor to consider is your budget. A larger boat will generally cost more money, so if you’re on a tight budget, a smaller boat may be the way to go. A smaller boat will also cost less to maintain and will use less fuel, which can be a big expense when cruising.

When it comes to amenities, a larger boat will generally have more space and more amenities. However, if you’re comfortable with a more minimalistic lifestyle, a smaller boat will work just fine.

Ultimately, the size of the boat you choose comes down to personal preference. A 30-40 foot boat is a good size for a couple to cruise the Caribbean alone, but if you want more space or plan on doing some ocean crossings, you may want to consider a larger boat. Whatever size boat you choose, make sure it’s comfortable, easy to handle, and fits your budget. With the right boat, you’ll be able to explore the beautiful Caribbean waters and have the adventure of a lifetime.

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Best Boats For Caribbean Island Hopping

Brian Samson

September 6, 2022

Best Boats For Caribbean Island Hopping | LakeWizard

Are you planning to visit the Caribbean Island and aren't sure where to begin exploring it? Consider finding the best boat for Caribbean island hopping.

Finding a suitable mode of transport in a new environment is not the easiest. Fortunately, this does not mean missing out on excellent spots in the Caribbean. Consider scouting for a few highly-recommended boats if you want to experience the island's glory.

The best boats for Caribbean Island hopping include Beneteau 331, Bavaria 32, and the Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42 DS for monohulls, the Manta 40, Leopard 44, or the PDQ 36 for catamarans. There are several options to go for depending on your needs. Check out what works for you before booking a boat.

The secret is to know which boat you'll need for the trip. Choosing the right boat for your trip makes a whole lot of difference. Talk to experts if you are confused and ask for recommendations.

Fortunately, there are numerous fantastic options you could consider. Pay attention to what is likely to fit your needs. Consider the examples below when scouting for a great boat.

Table of contents

‍ 10 best boat for caribbean island hopping.

There are different boats one can choose to explore the Caribbean in. These boats come in different sizes and designs. They also have varied amenities and capacities.

Some boats are large with few amenities, while others are large with many amenities. Other boats may seem small but can accommodate a lot of people. Before deciding on the boat you want to get, make sure to have a list of things you cannot compromise.

The best boats are not necessarily the priciest, but those that offer you comfort during this journey. Therefore, opt for such boats if you can afford luxury and space. To better understand this, you need to check out a few boats available in the market.

Below are some popular boats you will come across for this trip. Compare and contrast, and also ask experts to help you decide.

1. Beneteau 60

This is a beautiful long boat that is about 18 meters long. It's a large cute boat with three bathrooms and three bedrooms. The size is large enough for a medium-sized family or a group of close people.

You will enjoy several games on this boat, including paddleboard, wakeboard, beach, and water ski. All these will keep you busy while on the boat. If you decide to go with these, expect to pay at least 15.000$ to $25,000 per week.

The longer you stay, the more money you will part with. Either way, it is worth it because you can go around the island.

2. Fountaine Pajot 47

This is another alternative boat with 60HP Diesel motors. This catamaran found in the virgin islands will work if you scout for something luxurious. Moreover, it can comfortably accommodate eight people making it an excellent choice for groups and large families.

You can consider it a floating hotel, seeing the number of accessories it comes with. It has four cabins and four bathrooms. As for the size, this boat is 45.9 feet long with a 25.4-foot beam.

You will feel the luxury in this boat, considering the amenities it comes equipped with. The boat has a large TV set and a modern design. You also get a barbecue, a large sunroof, and a shower on the deck.

These unique and additional amenities come at an extra cost. You have to part with from $15,000 to $26000 per week to enjoy this boat for as long as you want.

3. Fountaine Pajot 50

The pajot 50 is slightly large and roomy. You get to enjoy more space with this one even though it has similar amenities as the one before. The spacious Pajot 50 is 15.2 meters long and has four cabins and four bathrooms.

As one of the most famous catamaran models, you are assured of the best experience. The facilities and onboard menu are fantastic. Another thing you'll love about this boat is that it allows you to enjoy a peaceful journey, thanks to its 150-hp motor.

However, you should be ready to pay more. The additional space will cost slightly higher because the boat goes for $15,000 to $30,000 per week.

4. Lagoon 62

The Lagoon 62 does not differ much from the previous boats discussed above. It is a catamaran that stands 62-foot long and has 2 x 110 hp motors. As for its capacity, it has four cabins and can accommodate at least eight people.

The bedrooms on this boat come with an electric WC, a queen-size bed, and a shower. Besides that, they also have air conditioning. You will also love that the cabin crew has their cabins and bathrooms separate from the rest.

Besides the bedroom and amenities, the living area is also well-packed. It has a salon, front nets, a control bridge, and a deck. Unfortunately, to enjoy this luxurious boat, one has to pay about $22.000 to $30,000 per week.

5. Horizon 52

You already know that the catamaran boat is famous in the Caribbean and the Horizon 52 is no different. However, this boat is quite different and is motor-powered. It has a capacity of 4 people who stay in two cabins with bathrooms. The most significant difference with this catamaran is that it has no sails.

This boat will still enjoy a luxurious feel since it comes with cute luxuries such as air conditioning, an outboard dinghy, a bathtub, and so much more. It gives off intimate vibes and costs about $20,000 to $30,000 per week.

6. Sunseeker 67

This is a 67-foot-long motor boat with a 6-people capacity. The boat is designed to be spacious and intimate since it has several bedrooms, each having its bathroom. It is a fast boat and the perfect choice for adrenaline junkies who want to hop around the island.

Due to the high speeds, this is one boat that guarantees efficiency. You will cover a substantial Island round within a short time. Interestingly, you only have to get these great perks for $20.000 to $26.000 per week.

7. Leopard 58

This is another ideal catamaran boat to go for if you are many. The boat can take up to 10 people thanks to the amenity provision of five bedrooms and five baths. It also comes with extra storage for your equipment and allows you to enjoy all the water sports you may desire.

Due to its large capacity, one can easily assume that it is way out of its league. Funny enough, this boat costs only $25.000 to $28.000 per week.

8. Sunreef 60

The sunroof is a great pick for large catamaran boats. It can take up to 10 people at a go and is spacious enough for the ultimate relaxation. The boat has five cabins, all ensuite with bathrooms.

Also included are five queen-sized beds. The living room is spacious and functional since it has a gallery that opens to the front deck and bow terrace. This extension forms an excellent spot for relaxation.

This boat is also adequately equipped with massive sunroofs, fuss, a bar, and good coffee tables. This would be the ideal boat to go for if you want to enjoy the Caribbean sunset. It is not surprising that it is a little pricier since it goes from $33.000 to $35.000 per week.

9. Sunreef 68

If you are a lover of great designs and aesthetics, then this is the boat you should pick. It is magnificent and slightly larger than the one before it.

It would be best if you considered this boat a superyacht. It is 24 meters long and has a fantastic living room surrounded by long glasses covering the floor to the ceiling. The 5-bedroomed boat seems to follow a new catamaran boat concept where boats are made to stand out as stylish, modern, and very comfy.

Enjoy this massive luxurious boat for $38.000 to $45.000 per week. With the gains and comfort it guarantees, you can bet that this is a great price and a worthy treat.

10. Broward 112

This is another large boat worth looking into. With a capacity of 10 people, the boat has four bedrooms and five bathrooms. It can be great for large families and groups if you want something fancy.

It is a powerful boat that can cover a great distance. Moreover, you are less likely to feel bored since the boat is reasonably spacious and luxurious. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy the cruise at a rate of $45.000 to $60.000 per week.

What Must You Consider When Choosing a Boat for Caribbean Island Hopping?

Comfort and space are important factors when choosing a boat for your Caribbean island hopping trip. However, there is more than meets the eye. Therefore, it would be best if you were looking for so much more.

Choose the Right-Sized Boat for Your Needs

The size is not cast in stone, and there are no fixed considerations. It depends on one's budget,

personal preferences, and needs. These considerations vary from one person to the next.

One person can find all they need in a 30-foot boat, while another may require a 60-foot boat. However, the size could influence the comfort of your boat. If you stay long-term on the boat, go for boats larger than 36 feet.

While it may still be possible to do with a smaller boat, it will be a struggle most of the time. Your gears and items may have to hang in there. Alternatively, you may have to force the residents to stay uncomfortably.

Consider the Amenities that Come with the Boat

The number of people you bring along will influence the amenities you need. Families and couples cruising have varied needs, so what one goes for depends on their unique dynamics.

However, ensure the boat has all the necessary amenities, such as enough beds and bathrooms.

Remember that you may live on the boat for months before returning to land. Therefore, ensure that the boat has everything you may ever need because there is no going back midway. Basic amenities are must-haves and must match the boat's capacity.

Consider the Storage

It would be best if you prioritize your storage needs because it goes hand in hand with the spacious needs. Make sure to have enough space to store your food. How much space you need for this depends on how long you may stay away from land, determining when you will replenish your supplies next.

Remember that you are less likely to make many stopovers. Carrying enough food, water, and other necessary items is safer. If possible, stock up excess so you never can tell when delays occur.

You also need enough storage to pack enough water toys. What you bring depends a lot on who is part of the trip. If the family trip includes kids, then make sure to pack both kids and adult water toys. You will need something to keep you busy as the days and nights get longer.

Additionally, store up enough fresh water. It may be true that there is plenty of fresh water, but you may not be assured of the quality and cost. Bring your own and ensure it is enough to serve you until your next stop is over.

With the many things you need to bring, it is essential to focus on getting a boat with sufficient space. Fortunately, there are numerous options when it comes to selling boats. Take time to identify a boat that perfectly suits your needs.

Sun Wind and Sea Protection

A good boat will have a good sunroof. This is important, especially if you are using a boat for the first time. The rays can be harsh, and you may end up affected negatively.

Choose a boat that offers some protection if you are concerned about this. A strong spray hood is also excellent when water splashes onto the boat. The goal is to enjoy the cruising experience without suffering, so anything enhancing your experience is welcome.

Ensure the Anchor is Comfortable

You must pay close attention to a few elements of your boat's anchor. These are:

  • Airflow all through your boat
  • Movement when anchored
  • Ground tackle confidence

Remember that a good boat should exhibit a lot of integrity. The mentioned elements will help you ascertain this.

Usually, lightboats tend to rock and shift all the time, so you won't be excited to spend time anchored. Similarly, most roadstead anchorages are unprotected from wind shifts and hence unstable.

Instead, you may want to go for monohulls since they have deeper drafts, come with fuller

keels, and may have larger beams that don't snap or roll due to waves. Catamarans are also another excellent option since they hardly move when anchored unless lumpy.

Knowing there are several options to choose from when selecting a boat to cruise the Caribbean should give you peace of mind. Once you know which boats you may want at first glance, and the price is right, consider basic factors. Only get a boat when the most important aspects about it check out.

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Brian Samson

I have a deep love of houseboating and the life-changing experiences houseboating has brought into my life. I’ve been going to Lake Powell on our family’s houseboat for over 30 years and have made many great memories, first as a child and now as a parent. My family has a passion for helping others have similar fun, safe experiences on their houseboat.

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Windward Islands Yachting Company

Caribbean Yacht Charter: the Full Price List

what size motor yacht for caribbean

The Caribbean is one of the most popular destinations for yacht charters, and it’s easy to see why.

A yacht rental in the Caribbean  because of its lovely temperature and gorgeous beaches, is a true sailing playground that includes legendary superyacht locations like Antigua , St. Barts, or the Virgin Islands .

But renting a yacht in the Caribbean doesn’t come free. Here are the main factors that influence the price of a yacht charter in the Caribbean, along with the most common price ranges you can expect.

Summary of Yacht charter price ranges in the Caribbean (USD per week incl. food and beverage)

Vessel sizeSailboatCatamaran or TrimaranTrimaranMotor Yacht
Less than 52ft ( 20m) bareboat$2’000- $8’000$3’000 – $20’000$3’000-$10’000N/A
Less than 52ft ( 20m) A skipper in the Caribbean costs approximately 250€ ($250) to $300/day
54ft-78ft (17-24m) $18’000 – $26’000$15’000 – $60’000N/A$20’000 – $30’000
78ft- 100ft (24-30m) with crew$42’000-$80’000$66’000-$80’000N/A$30’000-$60’000
Superyacht over 100ft (30m)From $80’000From $80’000N/Afrom 100’000
Mega yacht over 196ft (60m)From $150’000N/AN/Afrom $260’000

What factors influence the price of a yacht charter in the Caribbean?

what size motor yacht for caribbean

An individuals owner determines the price he wants to offer for his yacht while following the market. The pricing is based on metrics like the local demand, boat length,  category, crew number and the boat age. Along with this, there are several additional factors that might considerably affect pricing. These are as follows:

1.The yacht you want to charter: the main factor determining the cost of your Caribbean charter

The yacht is a significant component in defining the charter cost, although size is not the only determinant. A freshly introduced charter boat from a renowned builder with an experienced and well-liked charter crew will attract the highest pricing for its size class. Additionally, yachts with a renowned name or a legacy of famous ownership can charge a premium for their “fame.” And yachts with distinctive amenities like movies or unique water toys are also more expensive.

Furthermore, if a yacht has a space in its charter schedule, such as after an unexpected cancellation, certain brokers will sometimes provide a limited-time charter fee reduction.

Don’t make pricing the only factor when choosing a private yacht. It is essential to comprehend why prices are high or low for a particular yacht and accordingly make a decision.

2. The Caribbean destination itself: one of the factor influencing the price of a Caribbean yacht rental

In the Caribbean , there are over a thousand islands to select from, making it arguably the most excellent location for tropical yacht charters globally. You can charter in the Caribbean in three major regions: The Bahamas , the Greater Antilles, the Windward and the Leeward islands .

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Depending on the charter type, the costs, amenities, and crew vary. As per your budget, comfort, and expectation, you may choose one that fulfills your idea of an ideal charter yacht. Here are some examples:

$2’000 USD is the minimum weekly price for a bareboat yacht rental

Bareboat charters are the most affordable alternative. You are responsible for fuel, food, and other expenditures, hiring the crew (or captaining the boat, if you’re licensed to do so), and paying the crew. Additionally, you may consider adding a skipper, hostess, or a mix of the two for bareboat charters. If you’re chartering a bareboat since you are licensed, you will be responsible for all aspects of navigating, sailing, mooring, and security.

Further, it is up to you to pick whether to cook or dine at local eateries along the road. Bareboat charters provide exceptional flexibility to explore whenever and wherever (weather permitting, of course), providing a unique vacation experience for the entire family.

At least one person in the group should be a seasoned sailor, or you may pre-arrange to have a captain on board if you’re visiting a new place for the first time and want to take it easy as a local guide down the coast.

$3’700 USD is the minimum weekly price for a skippered yacht charter

Skippered Yacht Charter is often a Bareboat Charter with the inclusion of a skilled, local Skipper who assumes full accountability for the safety of the boat, navigation, sailing, and anchoring. When floating, the skippers will gladly function as your guide and tour your various secluded harbors and anchorages that are often unfamiliar to most visitors. Subject to weather circumstances, he will pay heed to your desires of where you wish to travel and try his best to accommodate them.

Even if you are a novice, you will love learning to navigate the boat on your own with the assistance of a professional. It is a frequent assumption that a skippered yacht charter would cost significantly more than a bareboat hire. However, this is only sometimes the case.

$16’000 USD is the minimum weekly price for a crewed yacht charter

Crewed charter refers to a luxury charter rented with an entire crew. Generally, the crew onboard differs from charter to charter. Depending on their size, yachts may only have a captain and hostess/cook on board, or they may have a full complement of crew members, including a captain, engineer, deck assistant, experienced chef, and others.

Moreover, the bigger and more luxurious the yacht charter is, the better amenities you will experience. Fully crewed yacht rentals are ideal for individuals looking for an extraordinary and exclusive holiday of a lifetime. Onboard the fully crewed yacht rentals, and you will have a relaxing experience. You may make yourself as comfortable as you like. The personnel will give professional, five-star services while respecting your privacy and fulfilling your expectations.

Our tips to decrease the cost of a yacht charter in the Caribbean

what size motor yacht for caribbean

A private yacht charter is a great experience, yet it can cost a fortune for some. What if we share a few tips to lower the costs of your yacht charter trip? Here are some:

Charter a yacht during the Caribbean shoulder season

Scheduling a yacht charter during the shoulder or off-season could save you up to half the price, even though sailing in the high season will guarantee the best weather. Yet, if you are a budget traveler or wish to experience charter at the best rates, consider booking at the shoulder reason.

Summer is the peak period in the Mediterranean, with the coldest months being January and February. If you want to save money, you should travel in the spring or fall, when the weather is milder and the water is warmer for swimming.

Excellent sailing conditions exist throughout the year in the Caribbean. However, hurricane season extends from June to November, with the peak of storm activity being between the middle of August and the middle of September.

Before making a reservation, evaluate your off-season location’s monthly mean temperature, rainfall, wind speed, and wind patterns. Stormy weather with high rainfall will not make a trip enjoyable. Hence, plan accordingly.

Pick a cheaper Caribbean destinations

The location, timing, and yacht charter firm you choose all have a significant impact on the cost. You can try and pick an island within the whole Caribbean easy for you to reach depending on where your departure country is. In fact it is easier to arrive in Saint Thomas than to Martinique from the USA, whereas from Europe it will be easy to reach Guadeloupe from France, or Saint Vincent or the United Kingdom with regular commercial flights. Be aware, that taxi planes exist, and can help in commuting between the islands. Popular Leeward islands like the Virgin Islands, Saint Barth or Antigua can be expensive to pick for. Yacht charter during the holidays season, and during popular events such as the Heineken Regatta. So you may want to choose to sail towards the grenadines in May for example, which is a wonderful cruise to do.

Choose a smaller yacht with a smaller crew

Small yachts may be inexpensive, straightforward, and seaworthy. Additionally, their small size makes them cost-effective sailboats. Pocket cruisers are frequently available at a low cost. Further, they don’t require a big crew to maintain and operate. Hence, a small sailboat makes globe travel much cheaper!

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Nearly all crewed catamarans and most smaller sailing monohulls offer all-inclusive charter pricing. The charter fee often comprises:

  • Captain and Chef or Attendant
  • Three daily meals and snacks every day aboard the boat.
  • All beverages, including common wine, beer, liquor, and mixtures
  • Temperature-controlled accommodations
  • Watersports gear on board (scuba gear may be additional)
  • Permissions for navigation, fuel, limited Wi-Fi, and all deck facilities

Extra fees for all-inclusive ships may include the following:

  • Crew gratuities.
  • Additional communications.
  • Extra marina anchorages.
  • Any meals ashore.
  • Optional gear rental fees.
  • Activities like scuba diving.

Read also: Luxury Crewed Yacht Charters – Frequently asked questions

If you’re looking to set sail on an unforgettable Caribbean excursion but not sure where to look for the best deals, have no fear! With a little bit of research, savvy shoppers can find great discounts and great offers and service from WI Yachts . Armed with knowledge about all payment structures involved in your chosen yacht rental option, it’s easy to avoid unwelcome surprises during checkout – leaving only one thing: smooth sailing for your dream vacation!


Moorea vs bora bora: which is for you, how to winterize your boat, beginner’s guide to chartering: everything you need to know.

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Caribbean Islands - discover the best by yacht.

Published 16 July 2021

Island hop through the Caribbean

From the Windwards to the Virgin Islands, the Caribbean has no shortage of islands perfect for hopping during a superyacht charter, but which ones to choose? From the volcanic Windward Islands of St Lucia and Grenada to the barefoot chic St Barth and Antigua in the Leeward archipelago and the timeless paradise of the British Virgin Islands, the Caribbean offers an infinite variety of beautiful cruising options.

You will love the relaxed holiday vibe in the Caribbean islands

Windward Islands

Its combination of dramatic landscapes, steady winds and natural harbours, makes the Windward Islands an ideal cruising destination for a superyacht charter. Cruise from St Lucia to Grenada, stopping in the Grenadines lying in between, and experience a part of the Caribbean that has remained relatively unchanged over the centuries.

Awakening the senses with its warmth, colour and easy charm, St Lucia is the ideal place to begin or end a charter through the Windward Islands. One of the Caribbean’s most naturally beautiful islands, it is also home to idyllic resorts.

Picture perfect St Lucia is the place to start your charter

Thanks to its volcanic topography, St Lucia has great appeal for divers, hikers and nature lovers. From the rugged mountain terrain of the south to the flatter north, the island has something for everyone to enjoy while on a yacht charter. Head to the bustling island’s capital of Castries for duty free shopping, berth in the sheltered hurricane hole at Marigot Bay and head ashore to the popular watering hole, Hurricane Hole at the Marigot Bay Resort and Marina. Discover the island’s coastline as you cruise along the southwest and jump in and snorkel, head out for some deep-sea fishing, or try your hand at kayaking and windsurfing.

One to tick off the bucket list

The waters surrounding St Lucia are rich in marine life. From Soufriere Marine Park to Anse Chastanet, the clear waters are perfect for snorkelling and diving. There is also ample opportunity to turtle-spot and even swim with turtles around Anse Cochon.

Must see - The Pitons

The Pitons dominate the skyline

Due to its volcanic origins, St Lucia has a breath-taking landscape of mountains and lush rainforests. Towering above it all are the soaring Piton mountains, which have become the nation’s symbol. The twin volcanic peaks appear even more dramatic due to their sheer, spectacular ascent from the sea. Gros Piton is great for hiking, while those with a head for heights can zip-wire through the rainforest.

The southern most of the Windward Islands, Grenada has always been one of the more sophisticated Caribbean islands thanks to its abundant production of spices at a time when they were valuable. The island’s interior remains unchanged – a landscape of mountains and forest, with a spice factory, rum distillery and nutmeg and chocolate factories worth visiting.

Buy fresh spices straight from the growers

Best island for rainforest

Look out for the Mona monkeys on your rainforest trek

Venture ashore to explore the dense rainforest inland. You can take a trek to see Mona monkeys, who are thought to have come ashore with traders in the 18th century, and swim in the fresh water pools beneath the cascading waterfalls that dot the island’s verdant interior.

Must see - St George

Grenada's vibrant capital St George

At the heart of Grenada is the capital of St George where a rainbow of pastel coloured dockside warehouses and red-tiled roofs provide the backdrop to the superyachts anchored in Port Louis Marina. St George is where you will find lively Caribbean festivals, fairs, and markets. 

Best islands for snorkelling

The shallow Tobago Cays are ideal for snorkelling

The Tobago Cays comprise five uninhabited desert island idylls with a wildlife reserve and marine park providing a shallow and stunning underwater safari for all capabilities. The kaleidoscopic colours and sea life are mind-blowing.

Must see - Mustique

Basil's Bar is a legendary hot spot

Aside from the spectacular diving opportunities, the waterborne can also encompass the glamorous and sophisticated island of Mustique while cruising the Grenadines. One of the best-known islands in the Caribbean, the private resort offers pure barefoot luxury. Anchor off the island and head ashore for afternoon tea at The Cotton House or an evening of revelry at Basil’s Bar.

Leeward Islands

The Leeward Islands are an intriguing mix of West Indian, French, British and Dutch influences, and the nationality varies depending on which island you visit. St Barth is the place to head for high-end beach clubs and gourmet cuisine, while Antigua is rich in maritime history and renowned for its yachting heritage.

One of the better known of the Caribbean islands, Antigua is a wonderful place for fun, socialising and complete relaxation. Located at the southern part of the Leeward chain, the island is the ideal place to embark or disembark on a superyacht charter around the enticing islands of the archipelago.

Let your hair down and beach-party in Antigua

Best island for beaches

You will have 365 beaches to choose from!

Antigua’s white-sand beaches are the island’s primary attraction – there are 365 of them. Many are deserted, fringed by untouched rainforest and accessible only by tender, while others are home to fun beach clubs and gourmet restaurants. 

Must see - Nelson's Dockyard

Step into history at Nelson's Dockyard

For many, Antigua’s appeal lies in its colonial past. Once home to the British Royal Navy under Nelson’s command, Nelson’s Dockyard remains a visible symbol of England’s powerful navy with Colonial naval buildings remaining intact.

When it comes to cruising in the Leeward Islands, St Barth is one of the best-known and loved islands. Located right at the centre of the archipelago, the island has a distinctly French flavour – the Caribbean’s take on the Côte d’Azur.

St Barth gives Saint-Tropez a run for its money

Sprinkled between the islands of St Lucia and Grenada are a trail of sandbars, coral reefs and islets known as the Grenadines. Offering an abundance of natural beauty, dive sites and some of the best fishing grounds in the world, they are the perfect Caribbean idyll for a superyacht charter.

The Grenadines are ideal for family cruising

The Caribbean meets French cuisine in St Barths

Discover St Barth’s joie de vivre at one of the many chic restaurants that dot the island. The island is known for having the best chefs in the Caribbean who adapt traditional French cuisine to suit the balmy climate. For French flavours try Le Toiny. The boho-chic, toes-in-the-sand beach club is modelled on the perennial favourite Le Club 55 in Saint-Tropez. For French Creole head to the elegant Maya, or the fashionable Bonito for fresh ceviche. There are also several chic beach bars, including Nikki Beach on St Jean and the recently opened ER Beach Bar.

Must see - St Jean

Head for the glamorous St Jean

St Barth's beaches are stunning and among the island’s main attractions. Cosmopolitan St Jean is the place to head for people watching, while the stretches of sand at Gouverneur and Saline are perfect for chilled relaxation.

  • British Virgin Islands

Ideal for the waterborne, the British Virgin Islands are a seafarers' haven. The islands have the best of everything, from centuries-old ruins to fantastic bays and reefs. They are a firm favourite for families with young children and first-time charterers thanks to their steady easterly trade winds and an abundance of sheltered anchorages.

Virgin Gorda

Reclining to the east of the British Virgin Island archipelago, Virgin Gorda is among the larger islands of the chain. With beautiful beaches, shallow reefs and world-famous resorts, there is plenty to do while cruising the island during a superyacht charter.

White beaches and clear sea, the Caribbean dream

The warm sea makes all watersports fun

Surrounded by white sandy beaches and some of the Caribbean’s clearest waters, Virgin Gorda is the perfect place to enjoy your superyacht’s toy chest. Whether snorkelling and paddleboarding in a small cove or diving off the reef near Little Dix Bay, or waterskiing and dinghy sailing around the Bitter End Yacht Club, the sheltered waters are perfect for all manner of waterborne activities.

Must see - The Baths

Swim through the hidden caves and grottos

Located on Virgin Gorda’s southwest coast, The Baths are a network of grottos, caves and warm saltwater pools created by volcanic boulder formations. With their colourful fish and coral, they are perfect for snorkelling, kayaking or simply swimming.

Peter Island

Lying at the centre of the British Virgin Islands most popular cruising area around the Sir Francis Drake Passage, Peter Island is pure barefoot luxury. With a 1,800-acre resort, this is the place to head for relaxation, with five beaches to choose from and proximity to some fabulous dive sites.

For barefoot and carefree fun, Peter Island is for you

Rhone Marine Park lies between St Peter and neaby Salt Island, and here you will find the wreck of sail-steamer HMS Rhone. She sank in a storm in 1867, and now lies on the seabed at 30 to 80 metres deep. If you prefer snorkelling, lying just off Peter Island, the dramatic reef and rocky outcrop resembling a Native American headdress, known as The Indians, offers a great dive.

Must see - Deadman’s Bay

Blackbeard's crew died trying to swim across the bay

Swim in Deadman’s Bay or take a dinghy across to Dead Chest Island. The location is said to have earned its name after the infamous pirate Blackbeard deserted his crew there with nothing except a bottle of rum. Some tried to swim across to Peter Island but didn’t make it, hence the moniker Deadman’s Bay.

Which yachts are available for charter?

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From USD 375,000 per week

what size motor yacht for caribbean


From USD 275,000 per week

what size motor yacht for caribbean


From USD 150,000 per week

To find out more about Burgess’ yachts for sale and yachts for charter , please contact a Burgess broker . Alternatively, get in touch with one of our offices directly: London , Monaco , New York , Miami , Singapore or all other locations .

- Yachts, prices and availability are correct at the time of publication.

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Find Caribbean Crewed Yachts for the Vacation of a Lifetime

The Caribbean is one of the most popular destinations for yacht charters in the world, featuring crystal-blue waters, white-sand beaches, and more than 5,000 islands and cays to explore. With so many islands to choose from, your Caribbean yacht charter itinerary can be tailored to your preferences, giving you the perfect opportunity to island-hop and explore everything the tropical islands have to offer while comfortably kicking back inside luxurious accommodations on the water.

On your private yacht charter , you will be able to explore lively harbors, secluded beaches, tropical rainforests, world-class dive sites, and much more. The possibilities are endless!

Caribbean Yacht Charter Highlights

  • More than 5,000 islands and cays to explore
  • A great winter destination
  • Crystal-clear, sparkling blue waters
  • Long stretches of white-sand beaches
  • Luxury hotels, five-star restaurants, and spas
  • Islands with their own unique cultures and cuisines
  • A large selection of crewed yachts for charter

Showing 1–4 of 92 results

Chakra Profile

282.2ft / 84m

More info

239.6ft / 71m

Sherakhan Yacht

228.6ft / 68m

sycara V main

223.7ft / 67m

Caribbean Yachting Season

The Caribbean high season for yacht charters runs from mid-December to early May, with Christmas and New Year’s the most popular and busiest times of the year. But due to the islands’ locations near the equator, temperatures remain ideal throughout the year, making off-season charters just as enjoyable.

Keep in mind, however, that there is an increased chance for storms and hurricanes during the summer season, mainly from mid-August to mid-November. Most charter yachts leave the area during that time.

Caribbean Crewed Motor Yacht Charters

remember when main

Remember ...

162ft / 48m

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Sweet Escape

130ft / 39m

unbridled main

116ft / 34m

Caribbean Catamaran Charters

Yacht Bella Vita Front View

105ft / 31m

Catamaran Serenity Now main image

Serenity Now

Karma catamaran

Caribbean Crewed Sailing Yacht Charters

whisper main

Area Guide: Caribbean Charter Destinations

A girl snorkeling in the BVI

Are you ready to explore all that the Caribbean has to offer? There are three main island areas in the Caribbean, all fantastic destinations for Caribbean charter yacht vacations.

The Grenadines

The Grenadines are untouched by mass tourism and industry, and they are the perfect charter destination if you are looking for solitude and you enjoy exploring remote areas. A great combination of lush rain forests and sandy beaches awaits!

This is a great summer charter destination because the islands aren’t usually affected by hurricanes.

The Leeward Islands

Leeward Islands yacht rentals offer the perfect combination of luxury and solitude. You can visit the glitzy islands of St. Maarten and St. Barts one day and get lost in the remoteness and tranquility of Anguilla the next day.

These islands are rich in history and offer great restaurants, upscale resorts, and trendy harbors.

The Virgin Islands

The Virgin Islands are the perfect location for first-time charterers and families because of their calm waters, protected natural anchorages, and short distances between the islands.

The BVI are a great destination for a catamaran or sailing yacht charter. Caribbean locations here have constant yet mild trade winds year round, and the area offers fantastic diving and snorkeling.

Where Can I Charter a Yacht?

When you choose Worldwide Boat as your Caribbean yacht charter broker, we can help you charter a luxury boat anywhere in the Caribbean or anywhere else you’d like to go, from the Mediterranean to Alaska to the Galapagos Islands.

How Do I Book a Private Yacht?

The best Caribbean yacht charters can be booked in just a few easy steps:

  • Choose our experienced yacht charter specialists to assist you through the process of booking a yacht.
  • Search by destination or by boat, or use our advanced search tool to filter your options by the number of guests, yacht type, destination, and/or your budget.
  • Pick the option that best fits your needs and your dream vacation.
  • Reserve your yacht by signing a contract with the yacht owner.
  • Enjoy your vacation!

How Much Does it Cost to Charter a Yacht in the Caribbean?

Weekly rates for Caribbean boat charters are dependent on a number of factors, including the type of yacht, the season, and your destination. Motor yachts, for example, typically range from $15,000 (yachts up to 80 feet) to $150,000 or more (yachts over 150 feet) per week.

During the Caribbean high season (Christmas, New Year’s, and January/February), yacht charter Caribbean prices tend to increase slightly. Areas with large charter fleets, like St. Martin, tend to have more competitive pricing than areas with smaller fleets.

How Much Does it Cost to Charter a Catamaran in the Caribbean?

Most catamarans offer all-inclusive rates, which start at $10,000 for catamarans under 50 feet and run up to $50,000 or more for catamarans of 80 feet or more. The Caribbean is an ideal destination for a catamaran charter, and across the region, you’ll find a variety of sailing and power cats available for charter.

Ultimately, the cost of a catamaran charter is dependent on the time you visit, where you go, local taxes, and the number of ports you visit. A luxury yacht charter in the Caribbean’s high season (New Year’s or Christmas) will cost significantly more than a catamaran charter in summer.

Can I Rent a Yacht for a Day?

Rates for yacht rentals are usually weekly, but when you talk to a Caribbean yacht charter broker at Worldwide Boat, we can look at your budget, plans, and interests to help you get the best experience possible.

Caribbean Yachting Hotspots

Caribbean sailing charters give you access to white-sand beaches and laid-back island vibes, but they can also offer action-packed itineraries. From island-hopping and hiking to snorkeling and cliff-jumping, adventure awaits on a Caribbean yacht charter!

Some of the region’s must-see destinations include:

  • St. Martin : Known for its upscale eateries and amazing cuisine, as well as high-end spas, shopping and casinos, St. Martin is the yachting capital of the Caribbean. This island is part French and part Dutch, and it’s close to islands like St. Barts and Anguilla, making it a favorite jumping-off point for island-hopping adventures.
  • St. Barts : St. Barts (sometimes called St. Barths) beckons A-listers to its posh beach clubs, fashionable shops, and five-star eateries. Visitors will find a collection of truly spectacular powdery beaches, Michelin-starred restaurants, and excellent shoreside amenities, all within cruising distance of St. Martin.
  • Antigua : Antigua epitomizes the relaxation and bliss of the Caribbean. Known for its 365 beaches (one for every day of the year), the tiny island is a sailor’s dream, offering warm waters, steady winds, safe anchorages, and a lively regatta calendar.
  • Grenada : Grenada is revered for its beautiful beaches, abundant marine wildlife, and vibrant cuisine (spiced with local nutmeg, mace, and allspice). Spend a day relaxing on Grand Anse Beach, which is consistently ranked one of the best in the world. Island-hop to neighboring isles like Petite Martinique, or spend a day snorkeling one of Grenada’s famous reefs.
  • Anguilla : Anguilla is one of the most tranquil Leeward islands. Escape to Dream Bay or one of the numerous nearby coral cays for some supreme R&R. A diving and snorkeling mecca, Anguilla is home to some of the Caribbean’s best shipwreck dives. Plus, the island boasts a calendar of must-see festivals and events, including a jazz festival in November and Carnival in August.

Why Charter a Yacht in the Caribbean?

The best Caribbean yacht charters offer a bit of everything: Relaxation, sun-soaked beaches, delicious culinary treats, refreshing rum-infused cocktails, and calm waters for cruising. Here are some highlights:

The Inescapable Beauty of White-Sand Beaches

Caribbean beaches have almost a mythical quality to them. It’s no wonder explorers were once willing to board wooden ships and travel thousands of miles just to see them in person.

Every island offers a selection of untouched and charming beaches for you to explore. From one-of-a-kind places like “Pig Beach” in the Bahamas to the cosmopolitan Great Bay Beach in Philipsburg, St. Martin, the beaches across the Caribbean offer legendary sights and attractions.

Colorful Celebrations and Friendly Faces

The Caribbean is known for its parades, bars, nightclubs, and parties, not to mention world-famous cocktails. When you want to step off of your luxury yacht charter, Caribbean shores and islands offer a world of fun to immerse yourself in.

A few must-see events include the St. Barth’s Bucket (if you’re into superyacht racing), the annual Carnival celebration, and the St. Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival .

Amazing Wildlife and Adventure

If snorkeling in vibrant and colorful coral reefs, diving into underwater museums, or parasailing over clear waters are some of the items on your bucket list, you can certainly get it all done during your visit to the Caribbean.

You’ll find a variety of unique adventures, from the underwater sculpture park of the Grenadines to the natural seaside baths in Virgin Gorda and hiking the Pitons in St. Lucia. The Caribbean gives you to plenty of chances to get outside and enjoy yourself.

Nonstop Relaxation

Because the area is so close to the equator, the Caribbean offers warm weather to lounge in all year round. Feel pampered aboard a luxury crewed rental yacht, and then feel calm while sinking your toes into soft, powdery white sand. Enjoy the spas, rum cocktails, and quiet, isolated beaches: Charter guests can experience supreme relaxation in the Caribbean.

Book Your Caribbean Charter With Worldwide Boat

Discover the beauty of the Caribbean with a luxury crewed yacht charter. Contact a broker with Worldwide Boat today to learn more about available yachts and itineraries for the Caribbean.

Last edited by Katja Kukovic

Caribbean yachts by type

Caribbean yachts by budget.

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  • $26,000 - $50,000 Yachts
  • $50,000 - $100,000 Yachts
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Caribbean charter areas

Turquoise Yacht

182ft / 54m

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142ft / 42m

Seaglass profile

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photo of What Is The Best Boat For Cruising To The Bahamas?

What Is The Best Boat For Cruising To The Bahamas?

By Robert Bowman | Posted On Jun 06, 2023 Updated On Mar 25, 2024

There is nothing quite like crossing the Gulf Stream from Florida and catching the first glimpse of that striking iridescent turquoise water of the Bahamas. With the Resorts World in Bimini so popular and Walker's Cay Marina re-opened, heading to the islands by boat is not the worst idea in the world. In fact, the Bahamian government recently reported that tourists arriving in 2022 were up by 233% over the same period in 2021! There's no question that social media has played a big role in educating the world in the beauty of places like Rose Island that can only be reached by boat.

Whether you cruise south in the fall to spend the winter in the Bahamas or you're heading over from South Florida, selecting the right yacht for sale can make a world of difference. Opinions differ, but generally a boat for the Bahamas will perform the best if it draws 5-feet of water or less, which can limit some larger yachts and sailboats. If you're trying to determine what boat to buy for the islands, it's best to look at what actual boats are for sale on the market.

So what is the best boat for cruising the Bahamas? According to the type of boats listed for sale in the Bahamas, 43% are either catamarans or center-console boats. Each of these different types offer a shallow draft for safe navigation between islands and are easy to maneuver, making them the best boats for Bahamas cruising. With an average price of $535,382 there are plenty of options at both ends of the market depending on your budget. Not far behind, luxury yachts are the next most popular boat, but have an average asking price of over $7 million.

(Below: Youtube Channel 'Life By The Bow' offers tips on crossing from Florida to the Bahamas.)

While purchasing a boat in the Bahamas and taking possession of it there is an option, finding the right yacht for sale in Florida may make more sense. You can have it surveyed much more easily, complete any repairs with a certified technician, and the closing process will be smoother. That being said, the United Yacht Sales team has experts on staff to assist you every step of the way from the beginning of your search, to closing and taking delivery of your boat. If buying a boat and setting sail to the islands is part of your dream, let us help. Call our main office today at 1-772-463-3131 and we'll connect you with a professional, experienced yacht broker that knows the ins and outs of cruising the Bahamas.

Below are several options, in order by length, of boats we recommend for taking to the Bahamas to cruise, fish, snorkel, and explore the many uninhabited islands.


Fountaine Pajot sailing catamaran bahamas

With a draft of 4' 5", this Fountaine Pajot 56 is quite capable of cruising the Bahamas and will offer exceptional fuel efficiency. Accommodating up to 6 guests in 3 cabins, along with a beam over 26-feet, PLOTO has the space on board for multi-night vacations. This particular sailing catamaran is configured for single-handed sailing thanks to a self-furling main and self-tracking jib. PLOTO also has all of the comforts many cruisers desire including air-conditioning, water-maker, ice machine, sound system, and more.

Asking Price: $499,000

Location: Key West, Florida

Search More: Fountain Pajot Boats


aquila power catamaran for bahamas

If you enjoy the advantages of cruising on a catamaran, but prefer your power source to be from diesel and not wind, look no further than a power catamaran . " BLESSED " is a 2021 Aquila 54 that is equipped for private ownership, but could easily be placed into a successful yacht charter program. This boat was the winner of the Multi-Hull Of The Year award in 2022 and has an island-friendly draft of 4' 6". You can cruise comfortably at 18-20 knots or put it in fuel-efficient mode which gives you a 957 nautical mile range at 7.8 knots.

Asking Price: $2,650,000

Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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beneteau 52 swift trawler for bahamas

For those of you who desire a long-distance cruising boat that can be your home on the water for weeks at a time, this Beneteau 52 Swift Trawler checks a lot of important boxes. The draft on the Swift Trawler is less than 4 feet and the twin Volvo D9 575HP engines offer quiet, efficient performance. Even better, JERSEY LILY was re-fit in 2019 with updated upholstery, refrigeration, head systems, freshwater systems, and new electronics. 

Asking Price: $895,000

Location: Stuart, Florida

Search More: Beneteau Yachts

"HOT MIX" - 2012 CABO 44 HTX

cabo sportfish for the bahamas

If you're coming to the Bahamas to fish, which many of the visitors do, it's hard to beat the versatility of the Cabo 44 HTX. With a draft of 3' 7" and loaded with fishing features galore, HOT MIX is the sportfish you need to see. Notable features on this Cabo include Raymarine electronics, Triple Stidd helm seats, Zipwake Trim Tab Control, built-in livewell, and much more. The popular 2-cabin layout means you can bring your closest friends along for the ride.

Asking Price: $899,000

Location: Key Largo, Florida

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hcb  yachts in the bahamas

If you've ever been to Bimini on the weekend and strolled down to the marina, there's a good chance you'll see a handful of HCB Yachts tied up. REELIN N DEALIN is an excellent example of a 42 LUJO powered with triple Yamaha 425 XTO's and has a draft less than 3 feet. Capable of easily handing the normal 2-3 foot swells you encounter when crossing over, this is a great Bahamas boat to island hop and hunt big game.

Asking Price: $784,900

Location: Miami, Florida

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leopard sailing catamaran bahamas

With as popular as catamarans are in the islands, it made sense to include KNOT APPROPRIATE in our list of best boats for the Bahamas. A feature of the boat new to the catamaran industry is the doorway from the main salon to the foredeck. This allowed you to go from the stern to the foredeck without having to go around the sides of the boat. At first other manufacturers said it was a mistake but now every manufacturer is doing it. So put Roberson and Caine down for innovation and design along with sailing performance. 

Asking Price: $435,000

Location: Jacksonville, Florida

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contender boats for bahamas

It's hard to beat a Contender center-console cruising in the Bahamas. DIRTY NEST is a newly listed 2012 Contender 39ST with brand new Mercury 400's. If you don't want it to take forever to sail your cat to the Exumas, a fast center-console might be right up your alley. Imagine cruising into the uninhabited islands from the vantage point of the Gap Tower, seeing the shadows of Tarpon cruising the flats. This boat has 4 live wells and new Garmin electronics for the serious anglers that want to fish the Bahamas.

Asking Price: $410,000

Location: Miami Beach, Florida

Search More: Contender Boats

All of the featured boats above can be easily delivered to you on the east coast of Florida where you can provision, fuel, and set sail for your Bahamas adventure. Remember, the key things you need in the perfect Bahamas boat are a shallow draft, good visibility, good storage, and air-conditioning certainly helps. But whether you choose power or sail, fast or fuel efficient, cruising-oriented or hardcore fishing, it's entirely up to your boating plans. The United Yacht Sales team is here to assist you in your search for the perfect boat to go to the Bahamas. If you already own a boat and want to see what it's worth in today's market, please use our What's My Boat Worth form and our team will get back to you with a market evaluation.

Also Read: What is the best size cruising yacht?

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Caribbean Yacht Charters

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Yacht EMMALINE Holland Jachtbouw, Caribbean

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Featured Yachts in THE CARIBBEAN

Reverie Superyacht

REVERIE | From EUR€ 255,000/wk

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  • Caribbean Yacht Charter

Perhaps the best tropical yacht charter spot worldwide, there are over 700 islands to choose from in the Caribbean. However, Caribbean yacht charters can be split into two main area: the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles. The Greater Antilles is home to countries like the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba while the Lesser Antilles can be subdivided into the Windward and Leeward Islands. The Leeward islands include St Kitts and Nevis, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla along with Antigua and Barbuda. The Windward Islands comprise the Grenadines, Grenada, Barbados, Dominica, St Vincent and St Lucia.

ALFA NERO | From EUR€ 812,000/wk

Maltese falcon | from eur€ 480,000/wk, seven sins | from eur€ 270,000/wk, g2 | from us$ 85,000/wk.

Sailing Yachts Under 100' - Sailing Yachts Over 100' - Motor Yachts Under 100' - Motor Yachts Over 100' - Catamarans Over 50'

The stunning and diverse Caribbean beckons travelers back year after year. With its beautiful climate, fantastic coral reefs, palm trees and exotic tropical islands, there are lots of reasons to make this your next sailing destination. Don’t forget the rum cocktails either! As the second largest yachting area, only after the Mediterranean, there are many luxury yachts available for your Caribbean yacht charter and you can view some of the yachts below or here .

Reviews of Caribbean Charter Vacations | Caribbean Holiday Fact File | Top Caribbean Spots | Sample Itinerary | Charter Yachts Available

The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos are not really in the Caribbean although are known as superyacht destinations in the Caribbean. Wherever you decide to charter a luxury superyacht in the Caribbean you will enjoy a totally relaxing vacation and beautiful scenery.

How Much Does it Cost To Charter in The Caribbean?

Caribbean yacht charter prices vary according to the size, style and age of the yacht you rent. Our luxury superyacht charters rent from 30,000 USD to over 1,000,000 per week, plus expenses, in the form of an advanced provisioning allowance (APA). Conversely, smaller 'all inclusive' type vacations cost between USD 15,000 to 50,000 per week. View the list of yachts and prices here .

Caribbean Islands Map

Experience the luxury of Crewed Private Yachts in the Caribbean

A traditional hot spot for crewed charters, the Caribbean is considered “the king of yachting vacations”, so please contact us here to go on your private charter. Whether you agree with this or not, you like most people will have heard of the Caribbean as a great yacht charter destination. This is because this location covers a huge area and offer fantastic diversity. It is beautiful and warm, has amazing beaches, interesting cultures and perhaps most importantly, the Caribbean has a huge selection of crewed yachts, luxury yachts and superyachts which you can rent and experience a truly magnificent vacation around the various Island groups. The Caribbean is a natural wonderland onshore, but probably most importantly, it has an ocean laden with treasures, from tiny beach ridden coral atolls to substantial mountainous islands exuding rich and colorful cultures. An area which is famous for its beautiful waterways and islands, there is no better way to experience the Caribbean than on a crewed luxury yacht vacation.

Some of the Recommended Caribbean Yacht Spots:

Popular places to visit on a yacht include Antigua , St Barts , Anguilla , St Martin , The British Virgin Islands , The US Virgin Islands , the Grenadines and many more – see more below.

More than ever crewed luxury yachts are beginning to explore more exotic and remote Caribbean Islands, so ask your charter broker or captain for more information on some of these more remote treasures. Due to the scale and diversity of the different areas of the Caribbean we have covered the major charter locations individually. Please note that if there is a charter boat cruising area, not covered here that you are interested in, please contact us and we will provide you with that information personally in the form of a yacht charter itinerary.

what size motor yacht for caribbean

As one of the most popular locations in the world, second only to the Mediterranean in popularity, the types of boats available for rental in the Caribbean include all the main types such as motor, sailing, skippered, crewed yachts, catamarans, power boats, sailboat, luxury yachts as well as the ever growing superyacht and mega yachts. Both beginner and experts alike are drawn to the Caribbean for its warm winds, protected waterways and beautiful anchorages. The Caribbean is a special place that has beautiful tropical islands that lie snug within a tropical island necklace as laid out on a large blue sea.

The Caribbean is also steeped in a fertile history of sailing adventure. Ever since the days of galleons and pirates the Caribbean has been host to some of the most satisfying sailing anywhere in the world. On your Caribbean yachting vacation you can find, an incredible amount of choice and variety and all in a relatively small area - thriving bars and Caribbean nightlife; first rate cuisine; spectacular white powder beaches; lush tropical rain forest; cloud-fringed mountain peaks; exotic bird life; amazing diving and snorkeling and a serene blend of European sophistication and warm Caribbean hospitality. The problem is, with so many superb Caribbean yachting locations and charter boats to choose form, where do you start when planning a holiday? With CharterWorld of course…

The Time of Year to Charter a Yacht in the Caribbean:

The main Caribbean sailing season runs from November through to July. The Caribbean primary high season is from mid-December to March, when the winter escapees from North America and Europe arrive in their greatest numbers. The hurricane season is from late July to early October, although hurricanes are in general rare in the southern Caribbean. Unfortunately, they can be prevalent around Cuba, Bahamas and the east coast of the U.S. every few years. This is the least expensive time for chartering in the Caribbean and there are some really good deals are available. However, as well as running the risk of storms, this time of year also tends to be associated with lighter (or non-existent) winds.

As with many boating locations the Caribbean shoulder season, in this case from April to July, is also a great time to charter a boat as there are less shore based visitors, some lovely settled sunny weather, and warm yet steady breeze. The Caribbean is made up of many different multi-nation (and multi-cultural) volcanic islands. There are amazing sailing grounds stretching from Cuba and Jamaica in the west, through the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, The Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands, finishing with Trinidad and Tobago off the coast of Venezuela.

Caribbean Yachting Hot Spots:

Here is a brief list of some of the Caribbean hot spots to consider experiencing when you rent a luxury crewed charter yacht. This is by no means an extensive list and there is more information on things to see and do in the Caribbean under each Caribbean private yacht location. Also, when you hire a yacht with us we will supply you with a customised hand written itinerary suggestion so that you and your crew have a few ideas to choose from on your charter.

General Places/Events Worthy of Experiencing:

- Gustavia Harbour in St Barts - shopping, nightlife, restaurants and European quintessence - Nelson in Dockyards in Antigua - history and beauty in a harbour - Sunset in St Lucia - St Kitts for the beauty, history and magnificent views from Brimstone Hill Fortress - Anegada for its deserted beaches, fringed reefs and the unique flora and fauna of the salt ponds, home to the pink flamingo - The BVIs for the beautiful beaches and anchorages - Guadeloupe for its diversity - one side offers cosmopolitan flair, bordered by beaches and coral reefs and the other has open lands with the fertile, volcanic peaks , rain forest and waterfalls.

Yacht Harle - Caribbean

How to get to the Caribbean

There are direct flights from the UK and the US to Barbados, Jamaica, St Lucia and Antigua. Some Caribbean islands require a connecting flight as they have small airports which cannot handle large aeroplanes. Across the Caribbean, many islands have private jet facilities with fantastic runways.

What is the currency in the Caribbean?

Various currencies are used in the Caribbean. For instance, in Anguilla, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent, the Grenadines and Antigua, the East Caribbean dollar is the currency. Jamaica, Barbados, the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas have their very own currency. US dollars are accepted on most of the islands however the ATMs tend to have only the local currency.

Language spoken

There are four main languages spoken in the Caribbean, French, Spanish, Dutch and English. English is the first or second language and is mostly used when tourists visit. The official language of Haiti is Haitian Creole while Papiamento is used in Curacao, Bonaire and Aruba. Different creoles and local patois are also spoken on the various islands.

Time Zone in the Caribbean

Two time zones are used in the Caribbean. GMT -5 and GMT -4. Daylight saving time is implemented in many countries including Bermuda, Cuba, Haiti, the Bahamas including the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Visas and customs immigration

British and American tourists do not need visas if they are staying in the Caribbean for less than 90 days. It’s advisable to check the exact requirements for the countries you intend visiting. American tourists are still not allowed to visit Cuba although this may change in the future.

What to consider medical/health wise when chartering a superyacht in the Caribbean

There aren’t any extra medical issues for travelers in the Caribbean but check with your travel agent for any current warnings. The most common are complications form insect bites, jelly fish stings, cuts from coral and heart-related illnesses.

Short List of Caribbean Sailing Yacht Events:

- Antigua Sailing Week – held during the last week of April each year, yachts from all over the world arrive in English and Falmouth Harbours for an action packed week on fun sailing. - St Bart’s Bucket - Grenada Sailing Festival - Heineken Regatta – a Caribbean sailing and party Regatta – The Heineken St Maartens. - Here is the full list of Caribbean yachting and sailing events.

Other Caribbean Places to be:

- New Year’s Eve at St Barts Gustavia, St Martin and the BVI's - More info on Caribbean yachting and sailing events - Please see the Specific Caribbean location links on the left for more.

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  • Caribbean Itinerary
  • Top Caribbean Charter Spots
  • Antigua Yacht Charter
  • Aruba Yacht Charter
  • Bermuda Yacht Charters
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Bahamas Yacht Charter
  • Barbados Yacht Charter
  • Barbuda Island Yacht Charter
  • Cayman Islands
  • Cuba Yacht Charters
  • Dominica Yacht Charter
  • Guadeloupe Yacht Charter
  • Grenada Yacht Charter
  • Haiti Yacht Charter

Leeward Islands

  • Puerto Rico Yacht Charter
  • St Lucia Yacht Charter
  • St Kitts and Nevis Yacht Charter
  • Spanish Virgin Islands
  • The French West Indies
  • Trinidad and Tobago Yacht Charter
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • US Virgin Islands
  • Windward Islands
  • Hot Caribbean Yacht Charter Spots
  • Top 10 Caribbean Dive Sites
  • Browse CARIBBEAN Charter Yachts
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  • Luxury Sailing Yachts for Charter in the Caribbean
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CARIBBEAN Yacht Charter Enquiry

Trina, Everything was perfect! The yacht, the crew, activities... The crew in particular was off the charts! They really did go out of their way to please us. Please release the full amount of the gratuity. I have nothing but good things to talk about the charter, an opinion shared amongst all of the guests. Thank you for all your help with the charter of Miracle, everything went smoothly and you were very professional and efficient during the whole process. I will not hesitate in contacting you for our next charter (next year, hopefully!!). Miracle BVI's charter (british Virgin Islands) Caribbean in April

Yachting Destinations Near the Caribbean

Explore Location Guides for great destinations near the Caribbean .

English Harbour Antigua Sailing Week

Jost Van Dyke

Motor Yacht Invictus

Yachts for Charter in the Caribbean

112m freire superyacht | from eur€ 3,000,000/wk.


DREAM | From EUR€ 2,000,000/wk

DREAM Superyacht

95m LURSSEN MEGA YACHT | From EUR€ 1,600,000/wk


92M FULLY CUSTOM SUPERYACHT | From US$ 1,500,000/wk

92m Superyacht On Sea Trials

93M FULLY-CUSTOM SUPERYACHT | From EUR€ 1,470,000/wk


83m Limited Editions 272 Superyacht | From EUR€ 1,200,000/wk

AMELS 272 Limited Edition - Underway, Mediterranean

95 meter CUSTOM | From EUR€ 1,200,000/wk

The 95m mega yacht by Lurssen

86M CUSTOM LUXURY YACHT | From EUR€ 1,200,000/wk

Superyacht And Tender

ROMEA | From EUR€ 1,100,000/wk

The 81m Yacht ROMEA

80M MODERN CUSTOM YACHT | From EUR€ 1,085,000/wk

Aerial View

PHOENIX 2 | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Phoenix 2 Running Shot

O'PARI | From EUR€ 1,000,000/wk

Motor Yacht O'Pari

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The caribbean yacht charter specials, 15% discount location: caribbean.

Amels Yacht LILI - Cruising On A Sunny Day In Norway

AMIGOS | From US$ 250,750.00/wk

Charter yacht disclaimer.

This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

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Caribbean Island Hopping: 5 Very Comfortable Boats You Probably Didn’t Know About

what size motor yacht for caribbean

The Caribbean is a popular holiday destination that offers many exciting places to visit and things to do, but the best way to explore it all? By going island hopping! If you’re looking for a way to get around the Caribbean without relying on public transportation like buses or ferries, take a look at this article for suggestions on some of the best boats at your disposal.

Best boats for the Caribbean

If you’re planning a Caribbean island-hopping adventure, comfort should be one of your top priorities. Here are some of the best boats for the Caribbean that will make your trip as comfortable as possible:

  • The Yacht: A yacht is the ultimate in luxury and comfort. It’s perfect for those who want to enjoy the finer things in life while island-hopping in the Caribbean.

Boats I like – Sawyer, Robalo Edge 130, Bayliner 195 Bowrider, Key West 239 Coastal Cruiser

There are many different types of boats that can be used for Caribbean island hopping, but some are more comfortable than others. The Sawyer is a small boat that is perfect for those who want to explore the islands without having to worry about space. The Robalo Edge 130 is a larger boat that is perfect for families or groups of friends. The Bayliner 195 Bowrider is a great option for those who want to have a little more space and comfort while they are on the water. Lastly, the Key West 239 Coastal Cruiser is the perfect choice for those who want to cruise around the islands in style.

What is my opinion?

After years of adventuring throughout the Caribbean on various charter boats, I’ve come to have a solid understanding of what makes for a comfortable yacht. It’s not just about the size or amenities of the vessel, but also how the boat is crewed and operated. Here are five points that I believe contribute to a comfortable yacht experience:

  • The vessel should have a relaxed atmosphere onboard, with music and conversation flowing easily.
  • How to be Comfortable on a Boat

Sailing can be a very comfortable experience, but it’s important to be prepared before setting sail. Here are a few tips on how to make your time on the water as enjoyable as possible:

-Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in easily.

-Bring sunscreen and hats to protect yourself from the sun.

-Pack snacks and drinks to keep yourself hydrated and fueled throughout the day.

-If you get seasick, there are over-the-counter medications that can help alleviate symptoms.

 Boats You Might Not Know About

There are many different types of boats that can be found in the Caribbean, ranging from small personal vessels to large commercial ships. While most people are familiar with the more common types of boats, there are actually a wide variety of boats that can be found in the region. Here are just a few of the many different types of boats that you might not know about:

  • Yachts: Yachts are luxury vessels that come in all different sizes. They often have multiple levels and decks, and are usually equipped with a wide range of amenities. Yachts are typically used for leisure travel and cruising, but can also be chartered for fishing or diving adventures.

What size boat do you need to sail the Caribbean?

The first thing you need to consider when island hopping in the Caribbean is what size boat you need. There are many variables to consider such as the size of your crew, the type of islands you want to visit, and the type of sailing you want to do. 

For example, if you are a solo sailor or have a small crew, you might be able to get away with a smaller boat like a 30-footer. But if you have a large crew or want to visit bigger islands, you’ll need a larger boat like a 50-footer. The type of sailing you want to do will also dictate the size of boat you need. If you plan on doing mostly day sails with the occasional overnight stay, a smaller boat will suffice. But if you plan on island hopping for extended periods of time or doing long-distance sailing, you’ll need a larger and more comfortable boat. 

There are many great boats available for island hopping in the Caribbean. Below are some of our favorites:

  • Hunter 45 Deck Saloon – A large and comfortable option for extended island stays or long-distance sailing, this 45-footer has plenty of space and amenities for a crew of up to six.

Island Hopping Comfort

When you island hop in the Caribbean, there are a few different ways to get from one island to another. You can fly, take a ferry, or take a boat. Taking a boat is often the most comfortable option, and there are a few different types of boats that you can choose from. Here are some of the most comfortable boats for island hopping in the Caribbean:

  • Houseboat: As the name suggests, houseboats are like floating homes. They usually have several rooms and all the amenities you need to live comfortably onboard (kitchen, bathroom, etc.). Houseboats are great if you want to spend extended periods of time on the water.

So, next time you’re planning an island hopping trip in the Caribbean, consider taking one of these comfortable boats instead of flying or taking a ferry.

What You Want in Your Island Hopper

The first thing you want in your island hopper is a comfortable boat. You don’t want to be cramped up on a small boat with no room to move around. You also want a boat that is stable and won’t rock back and forth all the time.

The second thing you want in your island hopper is a good captain. You want someone who knows the area well and can get you to your destination safely. You also want someone who is friendly and informative, so you can learn about the area as you travel.

The third thing you want in your island hopper is a good crew. You want people who are competent and experienced in operating the vessel. You also want people who are friendly and accommodating, so you can feel at ease during your journey.

There are plenty of amazing places to visit in the Caribbean, and island hopping is a great way to see as many as possible. But comfort is important, too, which is why we’ve put together this list of five boats that will make your island-hopping experience as comfortable as possible. From sleek catamarans to luxury motor yachts, there’s sure to be a boat on this list that’s perfect for your needs. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next Caribbean vacation today!

  • Comfortable

what size motor yacht for caribbean

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28-03-2012, 14:42  
Boat: Carver 570
here looking for answers to some of my questions. Many of the threads start on the right path and then veer off into political discussions of sail vs . If I've overlooked a relevent thread, please point me in the right direction. Otherwise, here's my story...

Some background: I'm a 44 year old father of two. My oldest son is 18 and my youngest son is almost 16. In other words, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've done reasonably well in my career and I'd like to stop the grind at age 50 (work an alternative job on MY schedule). My wife and I would like to spend a significant amount of time cruising the when we 'retire'. Neither of us are sailors. I do own a small sailboat that my son and I play around on during the summer but our primary has always been ... and will always be ... a powerboat. Currently, I own a Regal 3060. I'm a fairly experienced boater with an active US Coast Guard '6 pack' .

My plan: I'd like to my 'retirement' a few years before we actually decide to cut our lines and go cruising. The idea is to have some time to play with the boat, the ins and outs before I'm under the gun in foreign territory and/or open . Once we're ready to go cruising, I'll take/ship the boat from my home port (TN) to a South . From there, we'll over to the and start our journey. Around June 1 or so, we'll moor the boat at a marina outside the zone and back to TN until November when we resume cruising. The boat I'd like to will be in the 38-42ft range with diesels.

My questions: What kind of boat do I need for this type of cruising? I have no desire to cross oceans. Our cruising will be confined to the , the US coast line, and (maybe) the Loop. If the answer is a , I'm ok with it. However, I've looked at the BoatTest numbers of several 40ft (ish) diesel-powered Trawlers and Sedan Bridge and they have similar numbers at low speeds. For example, the Swift 44 with 300HP D4 diesels gets about 2.16 NMPG at 8.1 Knots and 3.74 NMPG at 6.7 Knots. The Meredian 391 Sedan with 380HP Cummins diesels gets about 2.10 NMPG at 8.4 Knots and 3.59 NMPG at 7.2 Knots. Pretty darned similar. Will the Meredian do the same job for us (durability, sustainability, manageability, etc)? When do you cross the 'line' where you need a ? Trawlers are sturdy vessels (obviously) but you do lose some space compared to the same size Sedan cruiser. Also, they tend to be noticably more expensive -- even used. If the final answer is 'You need a Trawler', then I'm ok with it. I just don't want to pay more for something I don't need and I don't feel like I know enough to make that decision.15009.28.03.702.492.16

If any of you fine, experienced cruisers can help answer my questions, I'd really appreciate it. I'm also looking for ideas on locations to keep my boat during season (Atlantic coast of FL, of FL, GA, SC, etc).

Thanks much...
28-03-2012, 16:16  
will do about 9 knots under power and only burn 1-1.5 gal per hour. I guess the rub comes when you want the redundancy of two diesels.... and the room on a powerboat. I would venture that a would do what you want with similar speeds, have 4 or more double cabins and burn less . I'm not sure if your question is about fuel though? Generally my impression is that a trawler's advantage is fuel savings and maybe stability, over a planing powerboat. Probably once you get to a certain size, both a sedan and trawler are retty stable though. An acquaintance of mine has a 51 foot powerboat with Hino diesels. One year his fuel bill was $23000, and that was before the prices went so high. I guess a key question is : are you new? If so... would a sedan ordered with trawler size engines (ie; It's not gonna plane) get any worse fuel economy than a trawler? I guess at the speeds you are talking about... why do powerboats have such big engines? windage? - Elmore Leonard

28-03-2012, 17:09  
Boat: Mahe 36, Helia 44 Evo, MY 37
47 PC (Powercat). They usually have two 150hp cummins engines. I have seen used ones listed in YachtWorld for $350,000. They have three and four stateroom models. My 10 day trip in the was great. We did 7.5 to 9 knots at 2000 depending on sea state. Only used one when cruising and two to or take or . Only used 46 gal for 10 days.
It has three levels, so plenty of room. Oh did I say we had 8 people aboard for that 10 days. Very sweet boat.

Maybe one and try it out for size.    


28-03-2012, 17:20  
Boat: ‘01 Catana 401
window, the big variable here as far as I'm concerned is tankage. You'll want something with enough tankage to be able to do the crossings you're considering with fuel left over.
The hat tips towards trawlerish vessels for this usually, but not always. Also keep in mind that a more performance oriented vessel can get better efficiency by slowing down, but it's also harder on the engines to always operate at the lower end of their power/speed potential.
As an aside, think about how you'd use the boat. Lots of or marina's? Some designs are better suited to carrying heavy ground tackle and supporting wind/solar power. Generally speaking a trawler has a fore-peak built to house chain, faster won't benefit from extra weight fwd.
28-03-2012, 17:29  
Boat: 50ft powercat, light,long and low powered
47 PC (Powercat). They usually have depending on sea state. Only used one when cruising and two to or take or . Only used 46 gal for 10 days.
28-03-2012, 17:33  
Boat: M/V Carquinez Coot
28-03-2012, 17:38  
Boat: Mahe 36, Helia 44 Evo, MY 37
28-03-2012, 21:43  
Boat: Carver 570
window, the big variable here as far as I'm concerned is tankage. You'll want something with enough tankage to be able to do the crossings you're considering with fuel left over.
The hat tips towards trawlerish vessels for this usually, but not always. Also keep in mind that a more performance oriented vessel can get better efficiency by slowing down, but it's also harder on the engines to always operate at the lower end of their power/speed potential.
As an aside, think about how you'd use the boat. Lots of or marina's? Some designs are better suited to carrying heavy ground tackle and supporting wind/solar power. Generally speaking a trawler has a fore-peak built to house chain, faster boats won't benefit from extra weight fwd.
28-03-2012, 21:52  
Boat: Carver 570
Gardner 6lx is consistently getting 7 - 8 litres per hour at 7 knots @ (1100 RPM)
28-03-2012, 22:07  
Boat: 11meter Power catamaran
28-03-2012, 23:05  
Boat: M/V Carquinez Coot
29-03-2012, 00:15  
Boat: 50ft powercat, light,long and low powered
Dragging an unpowered prop on a dual-engine boat with an engine operating at low RPM doesn't seem to be an optimum use of one's assets. You're dragging along a lot of spare , subject to twice the engine expense, and perhaps abusing the engines.
29-03-2012, 00:18  
Boat: 50ft powercat, light,long and low powered
trawlers (prawns/schrimp/scallops)working on coast adjacent to GBR.
29-03-2012, 01:00  
Boat: Van Helleman Schooner 65ft StarGazer
you should consider if your planned schedule and voyages will allow you to wait until optimum crossing weather (between islands) or if a higher level of seaworthiness is needed in order to achieve your goals?

Once the Xmas Trades kick in it can be quite lumpy all over the Caribbean, for extended periods.

Are you happy to just stay put or make the usually less windy night passages with the use of stabilizers or steadying ?

How far down the Caribbean Chain do you want to explore?... these are all factors to consider in choosing your design type of powerboat
29-03-2012, 01:26  
Boat: 11meter Power catamaran
, ,
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What Size Yacht To Cross The Atlantic? (Here’s What You Need to Know)

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Crossing the Atlantic in a yacht is an ambitious but rewarding endeavor.

Whether youre a recreational sailor or a seasoned professional, the size of the yacht you choose will make a world of difference on the journey.

Before you set sail, you need to consider a number of factors, such as the number of people on board, the size and type of crew, the length of the voyage, fuel and crew requirements, route of crossing, weather conditions, and emergency services available.

In this article, well cover all these topics and more to help you find the right size yacht for your Atlantic crossing.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The size of yacht needed to safely and comfortably cross the Atlantic Ocean will depend on factors such as the number of people on board, the type of voyage, and the experience of the captain and crew.

Generally, the vessel should be a minimum of 36 feet in length and have enough stowage capacity to carry enough supplies and provisions for the voyage.

The yacht should also be outfitted with the necessary navigation, communication, and safety equipment to make the voyage.

Lastly, it should be well-maintained to ensure reliable performance throughout the voyage.

What To Consider When Choosing A Yacht Size

When deciding what size yacht to choose for an Atlantic crossing, there are several key factors to consider.

The number of people on board, the size and type of the crew, and the length of the voyage will all factor into the size of yacht you need.

A larger yacht will provide more space and comfort, but will also require more fuel and crew to manage.

It’s also important to consider the route of the crossing, the type of weather that is expected, and the type of emergency services available along the way.

The size of yacht should also be determined by the purpose of the crossing and the preferences of the crew.

For instance, if the purpose of the voyage is primarily recreational and the crew is smaller, then a smaller yacht may be more suitable.

On the other hand, if the purpose is more commercial and the crew is larger, then a larger yacht may be the better choice.

The type of vessel is also important.

Sailboats, motorboats, and catamarans all have different requirements for size, fuel efficiency, and crew.

For instance, sailboats require larger masts and rigging, which can limit the size of the vessel.

Motorboats, on the other hand, can be larger and can travel faster, although they also require more fuel.

Catamarans are typically the largest vessels, but they also require the most crew and are the most difficult to maneuver in rough seas.

Finally, the length of the voyage is an important factor.

A longer voyage requires more fuel, supplies, and crew, so a larger yacht may be necessary.

Additionally, a longer voyage may require more sophisticated navigational and safety equipment, so it’s important to consider the type of emergency services available along the route.

In conclusion, choosing the right size yacht for an Atlantic crossing requires careful consideration of several factors.

The number of people on board, the size and type of the crew, the length of the voyage, the route, the type of weather, and the type of emergency services available all need to be taken into account.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on the purpose of the voyage and the preferences of the crew.

Number Of People On Board

what size motor yacht for caribbean

When deciding on the size of yacht to choose for an Atlantic crossing, the number of people who will be on board should be the first factor taken into consideration.

The size of the yacht should be able to comfortably accommodate the number of passengers and crew members, with enough space for sleeping, eating, and lounging.

Any extra space that may be needed for storage should also be taken into account.

It is important to note that larger yachts will require more fuel and crew to manage, and may be more expensive to maintain.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that the size of the yacht matches the needs of the voyage and the crew.

Size And Type Of Crew

When selecting the size of your yacht for an Atlantic crossing, it’s important to consider the size and type of the crew.

If there will be a large number of people on board, a larger yacht is likely required to provide enough room and comfort.

On the other hand, a smaller yacht may be more suitable for a smaller crew.

Additionally, the size and type of crew will determine the type of personnel needed to manage the yacht.

For example, it may be necessary to hire a captain and crew if youre crossing a large body of water.

If the crew consists of experienced sailors, a smaller yacht may be sufficient as they will be able to handle all of the boats operations.

Its important to consider the number of people on board, experience level, and the amount of space available when selecting the size of yacht for an Atlantic crossing.

Length Of Voyage

what size motor yacht for caribbean

When deciding what size yacht to choose for an Atlantic crossing, one of the most important factors to consider is the length of the voyage.

A longer voyage will require a larger yacht to provide more space and comfort for the crew and passengers.

On a longer voyage, there may be more people on board, providing a need for additional sleeping and eating areas, as well as more room for recreational activities.

Additionally, a larger yacht will be able to carry more supplies, such as food, fuel, and spare parts, making it more self-sufficient and able to handle any unforeseen events.

It is important to consider the route of the crossing, as some areas may be more prone to rough weather or dangerous conditions, and a larger yacht may be better equipped to handle these conditions.

A larger yacht may also require more fuel, as well as a larger crew, to manage the vessel.

Ultimately, the size of yacht will depend on the purpose of the crossing and the preferences of the crew.

Fuel And Crew Requirements

When deciding on the size of yacht to take for an Atlantic crossing, it’s important to factor in the fuel and crew requirements.

A larger yacht will require more fuel and crew to manage, especially if the voyage is longer.

The crew size and type should also be taken into account when deciding on the size of yacht.

A larger yacht will require more crew to manage the vessel, and the crew should be experienced and knowledgeable in seafaring and navigation.

It may also be necessary to hire extra crew members for certain tasks such as cooking, engineering, and maintenance.

Additionally, the yacht should be equipped with the necessary safety equipment such as life rafts and flares, as well as navigational equipment such as depth sounders and GPS.

All of these factors should be considered when deciding on the size of yacht for an Atlantic crossing.

Route Of Crossing

what size motor yacht for caribbean

When deciding on the size of yacht for an Atlantic crossing, it is important to consider the route of the crossing.

For example, a longer voyage from the United States to Europe will require a larger yacht than a shorter one from the Caribbean to the United States.

A larger yacht will provide more space and comfort, as well as more fuel and crew to manage.

Additionally, the route of the crossing should be considered for emergency services that may be available along the way.

For example, if the voyage will be close to land, there may be medical facilities and emergency services that could be reached in the event of an emergency.

However, if the voyage will be far away from land, it is important to consider the type of emergency services that would be available if needed.

Weather Conditions

When deciding what size yacht to choose for an Atlantic crossing, it is essential to consider the weather conditions that may be encountered during the voyage.

A larger yacht is more likely to be able to handle a variety of weather conditions, such as high winds, heavy rain and strong waves.

The size of the yacht should also be considered when it comes to the type of weather expected.

A larger yacht is more suitable for long-distance voyages, as it is more capable of handling the prolonged and potentially extreme weather conditions.

It is important to note, however, that larger yachts may require additional fuel and crew to manage in order to safely navigate the seas.

When preparing for an Atlantic crossing, it is important to research the expected weather conditions for the route.

Knowing the weather conditions that may be expected on the route can help to determine the size of the yacht that is suitable for the voyage.

For example, if the route is expected to experience strong winds, it is best to choose a larger yacht that is capable of handling the windy conditions.

Additionally, if the route passes through areas with higher than average waves, a larger yacht is much more suitable for the voyage.

It is also important to consider the type of emergency services available along the route.

In the event of an emergency, such as a medical emergency or a vessel in distress, a larger yacht is more likely to be able to access the necessary help.

Additionally, a larger yacht will be able to carry more supplies, such as food, water, and other equipment, which can be essential in an emergency situation.

Overall, the size of the yacht for an Atlantic crossing should be based on the number of people on board, the size and type of the crew, the length of the voyage, the route of the crossing, the type of weather that is expected, and the type of emergency services available along the way.

With the right amount of research and planning, the perfect size yacht can be chosen for a successful and safe Atlantic crossing.

Emergency Services Available

what size motor yacht for caribbean

When planning a transatlantic crossing, it is important to consider the type of emergency services available along the route.

On a smaller vessel, you may not be able to access all of the necessary services, so it is important to choose a vessel with enough room to accommodate the necessary crew and equipment, as well as enough fuel to reach the destination in the event of an emergency.

When considering the size of the yacht, the type of emergency services available should be carefully assessed.

For example, if you are crossing during hurricane season, it is important to choose a vessel that can withstand the high winds and potentially heavy waves.

If you are crossing in an area where search and rescue services are available, it is important to have a vessel large enough to be spotted quickly.

It is also important to consider the type of emergency services available at ports of call along the route.

If you are traveling to a remote area, it is important to have a vessel with enough room to accommodate the necessary crew and equipment to make port in the event of an emergency.

If you are traveling to a port with a significant presence of medical and emergency personnel, it is important to have a vessel large enough to accommodate the necessary personnel.

Overall, the size of the yacht for a transatlantic crossing should be based on the purpose of the voyage, the number of people on board, the size and type of crew, the length of the voyage, the route of the crossing, the type of weather that is expected, and the type of emergency services available along the way.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you have the best possible vessel for your crossing.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the size of yacht for an Atlantic crossing is an important decision that requires careful planning.

The size of the yacht should be determined by the number of people on board, the size and type of the crew, the length of the voyage, the route of the crossing, the weather conditions, and the availability of emergency services.

Ultimately, the size of the yacht should be based on the purpose of the crossing and the preferences of the crew.

With the right information and careful consideration, you can make an informed decision on the right size yacht to choose for your Atlantic crossing.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Caribbean yacht charters - one resource for every luxury charter yacht

The proven resource for crewed yacht charter in the caribbean.

From the moment you contact us, you will be helped by an experienced and knowledgeable specialist who will take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences for your caribbean vacation. They will be your dedicated specialist and our exceptional personal service will answer every question.

The largest choice of crewed Caribbean yachts?

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Whatever the type of yacht for your Caribbean charter, your vacation budget, or the size of your party, our specialists will guide you in choosing the ideal yacht for your Caribbean charter. It's your vacation to explore the islands the very best way possible - on a Caribbean charter yacht.

Browse different types of Charter Yachts in the Caribbean

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Motor Yachts

This category of Caribbean yachts include mega yachts, super yachts, and all sizes of power yachts. With the maximum space for guests, both inside and out, these types of yachts offer excellent vacations. You can choose from a fast, agile yacht, one that is high-end and luxurious, a yacht with a classic design, or one that is contemporary. This is one of the many choices you’ll have when you plan your vacation. See some yachts:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Crewed Catamarans are very popular in the Caribbean , especially in the BVIs. Catamarans offer ample deck space that allows everyone to relax together during their charter, sharing the same views throughout the voyage. Caribbean catamarans can typically accommodate between 6 and 12 guests. See some yachts:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

Sailing Yachts

If you are looking for a winter getaway, there is no better place to charter a sailing yacht than the Caribbean! Feel the warm, tropical breeze on your face. Experience the exhilaration as the wind fills the sails and the yacht is suddenly moved along by just the wind. Savor the magnificent beauty of the Caribbean as you sail silently from one island to the next. Although typically offering smaller spaces for guests, sailboats deliver a truly unique caribbean charter vacations . See some yachts:-

Sample Charter Yachts in the Caribbean

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ODYSSEA. The 59' sailing catamaran Odyssea is ready to take you and your guests on your next adventure. Throughout she offers relaxing areas to lounge and enjoy the voyage, while enjoying the company of others or absorbing the serenity of the sea. Her spacious cockpit area offers large dining table, sun pad across the back, and wet bar. See ODYSSEA:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

SOUTH. Get ready for adventure when you step on board the 180' mega yacht South. You and your guests will find plenty to do, as she offers plentiful spaces for lying out to enjoy the sun, enjoying a movie or game in the sky lounge, working out in the Techno gym with an amazing view, or enjoying the on deck Jacuzzi and watersports. See SOUTH:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

IMPULSE. The beautifully maintained motor yacht Impulse offers 87 feet of opulence at sea. She features three well-appointed cabins, a main salon, a bow with sunpads, flybridge with Jacuzzi, and a full complement of watersports including water skis, wakeboard, standup paddleboards, fishing gear, and the list goes on. See IMPULSE:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

LIQUID SKY. The 67' sailing catamaran Liquid Sky was launched in 2024 by Fountaine Pajot. With four cabins, she accommodates as many as eight guests, and offers a number of places for you to hang out and enjoy the journey, including on the bow soaking in the in deck Jacuzzi, up on the flybridge taking in the views, or on the aft deck with al fresco dining. See LIQUID SKY:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

MARIAH PRINCESS III. The 77' Lagoon built sailing cat Mariah Princess III was built in 2020. She offers two queen cabins and two king cabins, all en-suite. The master cabin has a private deck, the flybridge offers an on deck Jacuzzi, and she has a generous complement of watersports, including onboard SCUBA. See MARIAH PRINCESS III:-

what size motor yacht for caribbean

TRUE STORY. The 67' sailing catamaran True Story is ready to give you and your guests a fun and exciting charter in the beautiful waters of the Caribbean. She offers a spacious main salon, large cockpit with al fresco dining and lounge, and flybridge with conversational area. You and your guests can also enjoy a long list of water toys throughout your journey. See TRUE STORY:-

Charter a yacht in the BVI's

The British Virgin Islands include Tortola, Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Gorda, and more. There’s no better way to experience the waters and beaches of the BVI's than on a private Caribbean charter with a full crew to pamper you. Of all the islands in the Caribbean, the Virgins are furthest north. This makes them very convenient due to the proximity to San Juan and due to their direct flights from the United States. Catamaran sailing vacations and crewed sailing charters are very popular in the islands, and their protected waters make them a favorite spot for guests that are taking their first private Caribbean yacht charter. To learn more about them:

Charter a yacht in the USVI

The U.S. Virgin Islands consist mainly of the three large islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. John. With lovely bays, long beaches, lush nature preserves, fabulous diving spots, and excellent, onshore evening entertainment, many choose to vacation in the USVI’s. Caribbean charters often visit both the BVI’s and USVI’s during the same week, as they are close to one another and the waters are generally calmer than in other parts of the Caribbean. They in general are also home to the largest fleet of crewed, all-inclusive, luxury catamarans. To find out more about them:

Charter a Caribbean yacht

The Leewards are situated in the middle of the Caribbean Island chain. The major airports are located on St. Maarten and Antigua. Due to the English, Dutch, and French influences everywhere you look, they exhibit the best example of cultural sophistication anywhere within the Caribbean. If you are looking to see where the rich and famous go on vacation, you will want to visit the island of St. Barts; for many this is a must stop for a Caribbean yacht charter. Many mega yachts are available for rental in St. Maarten, as it has become a popular mega yacht Caribbean base for the winter. To learn more about the Leewards:


The Grenadines are also called The Windward Islands. Oftentimes our guests will choose a sailing charter over a motor yacht when in the Grenadines, due to the more constant tropical breezes that occur. The islands are much less developed than the rest of the Caribbean, and the inhabitants live on their own time schedule, which enhances the feeling of getting away. The northern most island accessible by air is ST. Vincent, while the southern tip’s major airport is on Grenada. There are fewer Caribbean charter yachts based here; however, occasionally some charter yachts are happy to relocate in order to offer a vacation that happens a little off the beaten path. To find out more about the Grenadines:

What Type of Charter Yacht?

There are all types of Caribbean yacht charters available, including mega yachts, power yachts, catamarans, and sailboats. We have helped countless clients choose the right charter yacht, learning what features and amenities make a difference on caribbean charter yachts. Learn more about different types of Caribbean yachts.

Where Can You Go?

Typically you’ll choose between the Virgins, Leewards, and the Grenadines to charter your yacht. Beyond the region, it is your Caribbean to explore. It’s important for you to remember that there is no cruise ship itinerary to worry about! Your itinerary will be custom designed specifically for you, with you, and is flexible to changes during your charter. We have put together some samples for you to get an idea of what you might like to do while on vacation in the Caribbean. Interested in seeing a sample cruise itinerary ?

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Find Your Perfect Yacht for a Caribbean yacht charter

To see the Caribbean yachts we have in our online database, please select a yacht type and your budget below. Please keep in mind that we do not have every available yacht online. There are many more yachts available for you to choose from when you contact one of our specialists.

For your personalized selection including yachts not online:- Email us now

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Caribbean Charters - When To Go.

One of the lovely things about the Caribbean is that the temperatures remain consistent throughout the year; however, there are some other weather considerations that you will want to factor in when making your caribbean yachting vacation plans. Read More....

Vacations here are most popular between November and July.

If you are thinking of a megayacht, you will want to keep in mind that many of these private yachts which are Caribbean based in winter leave in the late spring and early summer months. They will return again in early winter; however, this does limit their availability. To charter a mega yacht, you will want to make sure that you do so well in advance.

Motor, sail, or catamaran yachts, on the other hand, often have selections available year round. Holidays like Christmas, New Year’s, and Easter do need to be planned for as early as possible as these are very popular charter times.

The availability for Caribbean charters can also be affected by the weather in other climates, for instance, when the severity of the weather is bad in the United States or Europe, especially between January and February, the charters are often booked. This is due to many clients looking for a break from the cold.

What Do Our Clients Say About The Caribbean?

Are you excited yet? You should be! Our clients have enjoyed fantastic Caribbean vacations. There is an endless number of places to visit in the Caribbean, from smaller islands to absolutely must be seen locations like St. Barts. Read some of our Caribbean charter reviews from clients who booked a Caribbean charter with us.

Ready to learn more about Caribbean charters?

We are specialists who will make your trip a reflection of our expertise! We know clients need to be confident in their charter vacation plans, so we encourage our clients to benefit from the knowledge base we’ve been building for years. You’ll speak to an authority on Caribbean charters without any obligation on your end.

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8 Fascinating Facts About ‘Koru,’ Jeff Bezos’s Bonkers 410-Foot Sailing Superyacht

From its 250-foot support tender to its voluptuous wooden figurehead, the amazon founder's $500 million superyacht is full of surprises., howard walker, howard walker's most recent stories.

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Superyacht Koru Jeff Bezos

According to the latest Forbes ‘s Real-Time Billionaires List, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is currently worth around $204 billion, making him the second-wealthiest person on the planet, just behind Tesla CEO Elon Musk .

So handing over an estimated $500 million for his 410-foot Koru , the world’s largest sailing yacht , another $75 million for Abeona , its 250-foot support vessel, and then paying the $30 million or so a year to cover running costs for both, should be well within his budget.

Bezos surprised the boating world when he opted for a classically styled, three-masted sailing yacht instead of some flashy mega motoryacht. What’s more it has a buxom wooden sculpture on the forepeak, typical of 19th-century sailing vessels. And since taking delivery last year, he and his fiancé, Lauren Sánchez, have been using the yacht to cruise the world in style.

While secrecy still shrouds Koru , especially its interior and many of its technical features, we take a closer look at what makes it, arguably, the most interesting sailing superyacht in years.

Designed as a Modern Classic

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Koru would never be described as sleek, or elegant even. But she does have a classical style. Designed by the Dutch masters at Dykstra Naval Architecture, the boat is distinguished by its towering navy-blue steel hull, snowy-white, two-level aluminum superstructure, sweeping canoe stern, and a trio of soaring masts. Her design inspiration is said to be the triple-masted schooner Eos , built by Germany’s Lürssen Yachts in 2006 for American media mogul Barry Diller. And, ignoring the current trend of oversized windows, Koru ‘s hull sides are dotted with traditional portholes with smaller-than typical windows for the upper decks (no doubt helping to protect guests from paparazzi lenses). Little is known about the yacht’s interior design, other than it’s the work of London-based Mlinaric, Henry and Zervudachi studio. Oceanco’s website describes the interior as a “timeless, contemporary style, with natural wood tones complemented by a palette of warm neutrals and beautifully patterned textiles.”

Claiming the Prize for Size

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At 410 feet bow to stern and with a beam of 56 feet, Koru is the largest sailing yacht in the world. Some might argue the title should go to the 468-foot Sailing Yacht A . But that quirky, Philippe Stark–designed triple-master is considered a “sail-assisted motoryacht” rather than a true sailing yacht. Koru is also big inside, with a reported internal volume of 3,300 gross T=tons, that offers room for up to 18 guests in nine cabins and accommodations for a crew of 36.

A True Sailor

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Full credit to Jeff Bezos for ignoring his fellow billionaires’ penchant for giant, diesel-guzzling superyachts. (Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently took delivery of his 387-foot Launchpad , powered by quadruple MTU engines packing a combined 23,400 hp.) With its giant, more-than-20,000-square-foot sail plan (including three mainsails and three, cutter-style headsails), Koru has been regularly photographed cruising under sail. It’s also believed the yacht is making an effort to focus on sustainability, from reports of it testing out a prototype kinetic energy recovery system that converts wave-induced motion into electrical energy. The vessel is also believed to feature a hybrid power system with large battery banks that run its systems at night while at anchor.

Its 250-Foot, $75 Million “Tender”

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The challenge with sailing yachts, even one that’s 410 feet long, is that it’s nearly impossible to land a helicopter on the deck. So Bezos commissioned a 250-foot support vessel, named Abeona after the Roman goddess of travelers. The largest shadow vessel ever built by Holland’s Damen Yachting, this explorer comes with a rear-deck helipad and hangar big enough to accommodate an Airbus ACH-135 helicopter. There’s also space aboard for a small armada of water toys and tenders, plus accommodations below decks for up to 45 crew and support staff.

Built Under Total Secrecy

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Tasked with taking Koru from concept to reality was the superyacht builder Oceanco, based south of Rotterdam in Alblasserdam, Holland. The famed yard, owned by billionaire Mohammed Al Barwani, who also owns Turquoise Yachts in Turkey, recently completed Steven Spielberg’s new 357-foot superyacht Seven Sea s, and the similar-sized Bravo Eugenia , launched in 2018 for Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Koru was reportedly first commissioned in 2018 as Project Y721 and delivered to the Amazon founder in Gibraltar in April 2023.

What’s in a Name?

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While a betting person might have predicted that Bezos would have given his sailing yacht a more Amazon-connected name, like Prime, Deliverance, or even Blue Origin after his space company, he picked Koru . The name is said to be Maori for “loop” or “coil” and resembles the spiral shape of an unfurling silver fern frond. It’s said to be an integral symbol of New Zealand Maori art that symbolizes new life and new beginnings. Look closely at the wooden figurehead on Koru ‘s bow and the necklace around the woman’s neck features a pendant shaped like the koru symbol.

A Bridge Too Far

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As Koru was nearing completion in 2021, word got out that builder Oceanco had approached the city of Rotterdam in Holland, offering to pay for the partial disassembly of the historic 97-year-old Koningshaven lift-bridge, which was too low for the yacht with its triple 230-foot masts in place, to pass under on its way to the North Sea. The city reportedly consented, but the move resulted in a huge public outcry with threats to plaster Koru with eggs as it passed through the bridge. Oceanco withdrew its application and instead towed the yacht to Rotterdam’s Greenport shipyard west of the city, transported the masts by barge, and installed them there.

The Places You’ll Go

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Hot on the heels of Koru ‘s handover in Gibraltar in April last year, the superyacht has seemingly been cruising non-stop. It was spotted exploring Spain’s Balearic Islands, anchored off Cannes during the film festival, and moored at celebrity hot spots like Saint-Tropez, Capri, Portofino, and Porto Cervo, Sardinia. Bezos reportedly proposed to Sánchez on the bow of Koru off Cannes in May last year, followed by an engagement party aboard in Positano, Italy with a guest list that included Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kris Jenner, Toby Maguire, and Queen Rania of Jordan. Then Koru cruised the 4,000-plus miles across the Atlantic to Fort Lauderdale for a re-fuel and re-supply before heading to the Caribbean for winter cruising. This summer it was back to the Mediterranean for more island-hopping.

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Caribbean Yacht Charter

The Caribbean Sea offers more than 700 islands to choose from and to sail around during your next Caribbean boat charters experience. Sailing the Caribbean caters to all tastes.

Explore the finest white sandy beaches and hidden coves, the most transparent blue waters on the Caribbean boats that make feel you more comfortable.

A Caribbean boat charter always reserves you to enjoy a 5 stars resort atmosphere, while also being able to enjoy and deeply explore the nature and secrets of the various islands in the area. Every paradisiac island, atoll, and beach of the Caribbean is an excellent option, wherever you will sail, the Caribbean will reserve you your lifetime yacht charter.

You can choose to cruise in the enchanting British Virgin Islands , embarking in Tortola, or to hire a yacht in the Windward Islands , better known as Dominica, St Lucia , Grenada, St Vincent, and the Grenadines and Martinique . Sailing west you will encounter the fascinating Cayman Islands , close to Jamaica and Cuba , where you join Havana or Cienfuegos.

While the southern and eastern coasts of Antigua and the striking Barbuda are enclosed by corals, ensuring ideal conditions for shallow diving and extraordinary snorkeling. The same coral reefs that once wrecked ships, now attract snorkelers and scuba divers from all over the world. And separated by just a few miles off the coast, Barbuda 's fascinating little island.

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Caribbean Yacht and Catamaran Update

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Sunreef 80 VIVA LA VIDA offers a discount of 10% on the last week available in St Martin, from 19-26 March 2024

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Share with your charter broke r's team all your necessities about your next Caribbean sailing vacations: period of the year and duration of the cruise, sailing or power yacht, number of guests and type of charter.


Our experts are glad to assist you by phone, email, WhatsApp, and in person, reserving you the most appropriate yachting proposals. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and have you aboard our exclusive Caribbean charters .



The most luxurious and extraordinary new private super and mega power yachts are available for exclusive crewed charters in the Caribbean . Select the motor yacht charter in the Caribbean that suits all your demands: hire a yacht with water toys, chef, jacuzzi, helicopter, fitness center, and diving courses aboard. Enquire now about your private yacht charter Caribbean .



Bareboat, skippered, and crewed catamaran charter the Caribbean for the day, 5 days, week, and 14 days catamaran rental Caribbean . Luxury and fully equipped catamarans up to 110 feet, spacious and comfortable, with flybridge, cook, hostess, jet ski, and air conditioning all-inclusive Caribbean yacht charters. From 4 to 10 cabins catamarans for your best Caribbean sailing holidays.



Sailing the Caribbean aboard new boats in top conditions is a must: we provide the best bareboat, crewed and skippered sailboat rental Caribbean sailing vacations from 30 feet to 200 feet and 6 guests cabins. Caribbean sailing cruise aboard monohull Caribbean boats from the main bases of Leeward, Virgin and Windward Islands.



The best selection of yachts for Caribbean boat charter includes extremely luxury cruises aboard power and sailing vessels with crew, for the most extraordinary, prestigious and regal experiences, getting the most exclusive services from your impeccable staff. Or opt for freedom and rent sailboat or catamaran in bareboat for your next sailing trips Caribbean.

Your yachting vacation in the Caribbean


Experience the boat rental Caribbean of a lifetime aboard our ultimate selection of luxury, comprehensive, professionally crewed catamarans, sailing or power charter yachts in the Caribbean.

We will suite you with a charter yacht that best matches your budget and all the needs of your group. Our yacht charters permit you to enjoy everything from line-of-sight sailing in the Caribbean's clear turquoise waters.

Or if you are looking for bareboat charter Caribbean, enjoy the freedom of a self-captained sailing vacation in the Caribbean calm waters. Board your luxury plot your course, catamaran, and island-hop through paradise at your own pace. Create your private own charter experience, aboard your high-performance sailboat or catamaran.

Caribbean Yacht Charters Itineraries

During your Caribbean yacht cruise itinerary, get to Grenadines and Saint Vincent , just the name evokes visions of exotic island and beach life. Close your eyes and imagine a stretch of white sand and crystal clear ocean, just you and your loved ones. Or sail in Antigua , enjoying sunsets and breathtaking views. Or if you are looking for the most exclusive Caribbean yacht charter destinations, cruise to St Barth and St Marteen.

For some time the Caribbean has been the charter destination, a park that promises steady trade winds, warm seas, sparkling colors, and, of course, as many variations of rum punch as there are beachside bartenders to mix them.

Recommended: Get the best Tortola charter to add more fun to your Vacation!

British Virgin Islands


Day 1st Norman Island Day 2nd Cooper Island Day 3rd Baths, Bitter End and Virgin Gorda Day 4th Beef Island Day 5th Great Harbour and Jost Van Dike Day 6th Peter Island Day 7th Tortola

The Grenadines


Day 1st  Martinica Day 2nd  St Lucia Day 3rd St Vincent Day 4th Bequia Day 5th Tobago Cays Day 6th Union island Day 7th St Vincent

Top Destinations in the Caribbean


Recommended: 7 top BVI charter yacht destinations to make your vacation better!


Enjoy your Yacht Rental in the Caribbean

You will enjoy excellent weather, breathtaking sights and a culture that encourages smiling, relaxation and romance. You, your family and loved ones will have a great time while also enjoying plenty of opportunities to sneak off alone and enjoy each others.

During a private yacht charter in the Caribbean , each Island is a breathtaking and lifetime surprise, always different and more exciting than the previous one. One island leads to another. Breathtaking, serene, and a vast expanse of lucid blue waters that let your eyes travel beyond and afar – such is the charisma of a Caribbean yacht charter voyage. 5,000 idyllic islands adorn the place in endless clusters.

Discover the hidden archipelago of Cuba or enjoy the 180 miles of the white sand beach of Abacos! The Caribbean hosts a number of tropical islands such as Bahamas, Barbados, Leeward Islands, Caicos, Windward, and Turks islands. The Bahamas itself hosts 700 islands, and Antigua comes with 365 beaches. Every island boasts a unique culture and portrays vibrancy in its landscapes.

Moreover, travelers shall also get to savor the multifarious cuisines in these places, each more delicious than the other. Most of the islands host hidden beaches, dive shops, and sheltered anchorages. The Virgin Islands , Grenadines , Nevis, St. Martin , and Anguilla are popular spots to hit on a vacation. So? Wait no more and set sail ASAP!


Catamaran Charter in the Caribbean

One of the most popular modes of embarking on a yacht charter in Caribbean Islands is a catamaran. These catamarans, giving a luxurious feel, offer extensive platforms coupled with private en-suite cabins for the guests.

They also possess easy access through sugar scoops to the water and many luxurious indulgences such as shaded cockpits, forward trampolines, and in some cases, bridge decks in the upper fly as well. If you want solo cruising, then bareboat catamarans are the best! Why? Because they allow much more freedom to move around the deck and along the islands! Moreover, they consist of seating aft, thus, providing enough space to relax. With your sailing license, get set for your voyage soon!

When you have decided to opt for a yacht charter in Caribbean Islands, we promise that our rental services won’t squeeze your pocket! We provide a wide range of catamarans of every size and model to fit your requisites. Sail to your heart’s content and explore the exotic islands of Barbuda and Antigua, the US Virgin Islands and more.


Super Yachts in the Caribbean Islands

When it comes to crewed motor yachts, we know how deluxe your vacation needs to be! Sail away in the gorgeous turquoise blue Caribbean waters by chartering our crewed motor yachts and enjoy the five-star resort experience. You shall cruise comfortably, and your crew including the captain & the chef will assure your voyage to be an unforgettable one! The small motor yachts are perfect for a one-day cruise and can speed up to 40-50 knots. The larger ones are suitable for a 7 days Caribbean yacht charter itinerary.

Here, we have an expert team of veteran skippers who ensure that the voyage is safe. Be it with your friends or family, hire our motorboats and visit the best of the Caribbean islands such as Trinidad, Tobago, British Virgin Islands , St. Barts , Jamaica, and many more.


The Bahamas

The Bahamas should be a must-visit place for any adventurous soul who is also keen on history. This is an archipelagic state with many islands that cover over 470,000 square kilometers of ocean. It joins the Caribbean with the United States’ coastal reached and especially Florida . This place sure has an intriguing history that tells how the British ousted the cunning pirates from its shores. The walls of Fort Charlotte and the neoclassical patterns of Bahamian Parliament are wonders to look at.


Turks and Caicos

The Cockburn Town’s salt-washed jetties, idyllic Providenciales, 300 mini islets placed amidst the Lucayan Archipelago and what not! What else could you find in this intrepid island? This U-shaped land portrays pirate carvings that date back to the 19th century. Its sprawling coral gardens are the perfect scuba diving spots. Many of the islets are mere sandbanks or even rough rock pillars which rise above the Caribbean Sea waters.


Antigua and Barbuda

Any yacht charter in Caribbean Islands will take you to these places for sure. Located in the middle of Leeward Islands, this duo quips for being one of the most favorite tourist spots in the Caribbean area. Pearl white beaches of the Shirley Heights Lookout located in Antigua along with its soothing palm forests indeed make this colonial town a serene place to hop in. As for enjoying solitude in real bliss, Barbuda proves to be the right spot for solo travelers.


Dominican Republic

Stretched across two-thirds of Hispaniola Island, the Dominican Republic is a convenient travel spot especially for North Americans. Santo Domingo, its capital, boasts a lot of attractions, and tourists usually flock in as they can indulge in many activities here! Arid deserts, lush rainforest and divine alpine ranges make this terrain an exotic and diverse spot to visit. The historic colonial architecture of this village and the remarkable mountain retreats are a vision to behold! If you stop in the capital for a day to two, then do relish the colonial-era relics of the place.


Adventure! This is the one word that defines Haiti. Unlike the other Caribbean islands, this place is all about exploring and experiencing nature’s best. The turquoise waters of Labadee, Jacmel’s palm-fringed beaches, Citadelle Laferriere’s juggernaut walls and many more places make Haiti a wild and adventurous zone for everyone. Thus, it becomes a must-go spot on your Caribbean yacht charter itinerary! Amidst the scarlet sunsets, pinkish dawns, and tranquil dusks, nature shall truly become yours when you set sail on the waters of the Caribbean.


Caribbean Yacht Charter Experts

The Your Boat Holiday 's Caribbean Yacht Charter Managers check and update our selection of sailing and power yachts regularly, establishing long-lasting relationships with crew staff and local operators. That's the reason why our team is professionally placed to offer you tailor-made and transparent support for your boat rental Caribbean . We developed more than twenty years of charter experiences in the Caribbean Sea, which allow us to achieve always our customer 100% satisfaction and to maintain fruitful cooperations with our highly qualified partners.

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The Caribbean Island of St Kitts Is Looking to Become an All-Year-Round Destination

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The 11 Best Caribbean Islands for Sailing, Yachting and Boating

We have often said, to really understand an island you must go out in a boat and look back. Boating and Islands just go together — to really see a place and know a place you must get away from it. It gives perspective to size, topography and foliage, and when you go to land, you really explore what makes an island tick. Just ask any pirate. The best part of any island are the hidden beaches, protected coves, tiny villages and little beach bars often unreachable other than by boat. There are countless special places only boaters know about and only boaters can get to, whether on a yacht, a sailboat or a pleasure boat. These are the best Caribbean islands for boating.


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Have it Today: 1997 Hatteras 116 For Sale

  • By Donny Gilbert
  • September 9, 2024

Hatteras 116 Summertime II

Summertime II , a 1997 Hatteras 116′, is a tri-deck yacht powered by three Caterpillar diesel engines that has a 2,500-nautical-mile range. Pr eviously used as a charter vessel, this Hatteras yacht has been significantly updated and upgraded, has  four staterooms accommodating eight guests, plus an additional six crew members. This motoryacht is primed for its next blue-water adventure. The asking price is $3.198 million.

Summertime II is powered by triple, detuned 1,000hp Caterpillar 3412C diesels. Each engine is connected to a ZF transmission, 4-inch Aquamet 22 stainless-steel propeller shaft and six-blade bronze props with line cutters on all shafts. Summertime II can quickly spool up to 17 knots, but dial it back to an 11-knot cruise speed and a range of around 2,500 nautical miles. Oversized rudders increase this yacht’s performance and handling. 

Hatteras 116 Summertime II

There are two helms: One is located forward in the skylounge and a second on the flybridge, giving the captain a 360-degree uninterrupte. Summertime II has the following electronics and nav systems.

  • Two 24″ Touchscreen Monitors
  • Two Simrad 72-mile radars
  • Two B&G 20/20 depth and speed
  • SEA 156 VHF
  • ICOM VHF IC-M502
  • Lorex monitor camera system (2020)
  • Simrad AP-50 autopilot with AP51 remote (2018)
  • Aigean Marina Wi-Fi with onboard Wi-Fi network
  • KVH TracPhone and Satellite
  • KVH TracVision 4
  • Starlink Mobile Broadband Internet (2023) Seahail hailer
  • KoopNautic stabilizer system with Naiad digital display
  • Upgraded Jastram and jog steering controls (2018)
  • Nobeltec TimeZero software updated
  • C Plath 6″ Compass
  • Port and starboard wing station controls
  • Vessel Monitoring via (4) Maretron and Octoplex MultiFunction Displays:
  • Bilge pump status
  • Tank levels
  • Engine gauges
  • Smoke detection
  • Simrad Chartplotter
  • Simrad VHF with remote in the crew mess
  • Simrad GPS marine antenna
  • Simrad forward-facing sonar fitted
  • B&G remote depth and speed
  • All new antennas and new wiring – 2018
  • Autopilot AP50 with jog steering control – 2018
  • Rudder angle indicator
  • 6″ Ritchie compass
  • Simrad AP50 autopilot control
  • Simrad NSS12 MFD
  • TSM1330C Maretron MFD
  • Systems monitor and alarm panel

Summertime II is accessed via built-in boarding gates to port or starboard, which lead to the lower aft deck. The cockpit is shaded by the bridge overhang, and upgraded with a new teak sole (2019), guests can relax on a C-shaped cushioned settee with a varnished teak dining table or in a couple of cushioned chairs. Grab a drink from the portside bar with the refrigerator, while watching a ball game on the new 55-inch Samsung Smart TV. Looking to get away from the main crowd? Walk up to the foredeck and enjoy a little fun in the sun on a couple of sun pads, or break out a few water toys and have a little fun on the salt. Summertime II has two inflatable paddle boards, two inflatable kayaks, two rigid kayaks and a 2021 Walker Bay tender (not included in the sale, but can be acquired in a secondary purchase).

Hatteras 116 Summertime II

A spiral staircase leads to the bridge deck with a skylounge and a 490-square-foot aft deck. Enjoy an evening under the stars in a wicker-style patio set with two sofas and two chairs around a gas fire pit with a tempered-glass tabletop. Forward, and shaded by the flybridge, are two L-shaped settees with tables. Want to join the captain? Climb the ladder to the upper helm, which is 35 feet above the waterline, where you can catch some rays in one of three cushioned lounge chairs.

The skylounge has a cherry-and-maple sole, wooden blinds, custom wood cabinetry, a sleeper sofa accommodating two guests, leather chairs and panoramic views via nearly 360 degrees of glass. Amenities include an ice maker, Sub-Zero refrigerator, sapele pommele bar cabinet, marble countertops, custom bar sink and a 42″-inch Sony HDTV with satellite TV. The helm station is forward as well as a day head. 

Down the custom spiral sapele staircase leads to the salon and dining room. The first thing you notice is the customized interior by Palmer Johnson with a blend of exotic, high-gloss woods. The woods are complemented by neutral fabrics, with granite and marble throughout. Relax on the portside sofa and chair or two matching chairs to starboard. Salon amenities include a Sub-Zero under-counter refrigerator, Marouan hand-made and hand-painted ceramic sink, KitchenAid ice maker and entertainment center with a new 42-inch Sony Bravia Smart TV. Opening the sliding glass door to the aft deck to create an open-air environment. 

Hatteras 116 Summertime II

Guests have the options of an alfresco style dining experience on the aft deck or a formal dinner in the dining room forward of the salon. Summertime II’ s dining room has an oval-glass dining table with seating for eight. Stowage for dinnerware, stemware, liquor and other entertainment items is available in multiple cabinets. Previous owners added a Jura Premium Espresso machine with presets of various espresso drink types in 2022 along with a Jura milk chiller. 

Summertime II’ s galley was refitted in 2023 into a country-kitchen-style finish with a breakfast nook for those early risers. New flooring, cabinets, appliances, counters and sinks were added, creating a commercial galley that can easily entertain several guests with a variety of meals. New galley amenities include the following: 

  • Blomberg dishwasher
  • LG full-size refrigerators
  • Fisher and paykel dishwasher
  • KitchenAid Induction cooktop
  • Wolf 30-inch M-series double ovens
  • Double black granite undermount sink
  • Garbage disposal
  • Custom stone countertops
  • Hood extraction fan fitted
  • 55-inch Samsung Smart TV

After a long day on the water, everyone can retire to one of four staterooms. The master stateroom is a full-beam with a king-sized berth and custom innerspring mattress, a custom headboard with pearl inlays, custom linens, blankets and throws, custom cabinetry and a built-in safe. Cedar-lined walk-in closet and shoe closet, cedar-lined nightstands and cedar-lined dresser both port and starboard side provide plenty of stowage space for extended voyages. The en suite has his-and-hers heads with a walk-through, separate shower and tub. Two VIP staterooms, one to port side, one to starboard, each with en suite heads and queen-sized berths, custom innerspring mattresses, and custom blankets and sheets. Guests can stow their personal belongings in two cedar-lined nightstands and a cedar-lined closet. Both staterooms were upgraded with new 55-inch Samsung Smart TVs. The final guest stateroom has twin berths. Summertime II has four crew cabins accommodating six.

Hatteras 116 Summertime II

Recent upgrades and updates include:

  • Replaced 10 air handling units and replaced part of the control circuit (May 2024)
  • Rudder stocks inspected and found in perfect condition (May 2024)
  • All bronze through-hull seacocks replaced (May 2024)
  • Stabilizers rebuilt and serviced (May 2024)
  • Bottom painted
  • Propellers tuned
  • Outboard rudders rebuilt and enlarged
  • New EC H2O Tec 55 GPH watermaker added
  • Rebuilt top ends of the generators (2023), added about 1,500 hours since
  • Rebuilt most of the hydraulic system, replacing most lines & all cylinders (2022-2023)
  • Galley and pantry were entirely renewed with a new layout (2023)
  • New galley appliances including new flooring, cabinets, cooktop, ovens, freezers, refrigerators, sinks, nook, hood fan, etc. (2023)
  • New emergency exit installed (STBD VIP to Pantry in 2023)
  • Floors in VIP and twin stateroom heads replaced with black Galaxy granite (2023)
  • Starlink added with Sonos sound system throughout the vessel (2023)
  • Two new 8-person life rafts (2023) rated for up to 50 miles offshore.
  • Two new Black Wave satin-granite nook tables on the upper aft deck (2023)
  • Marble floors and wall tiling in master head renewed by master craftsman.
  • All the 110v receptacles and light switches were replaced (2023) with modern dimmers
  • About 200 internal and external LED lights were replaced (2023)
  • All the fire extinguishers have been replaced except for the Halon system in the engine room (2023)
  • Struts on the swim platform were replaced, a new bumper was added, and safety ladders were added (2023)
  • Water-maker filters rebuilt; new cartridges installed (2023)
  • Rebuilt the top ends of the main engines (2022) 400 hrs since
  • Installed/replaced carbon monoxide sensors throughout the vessel (2022)
  • New six 55″ Samsung smart TVs installed in staterooms, aft deck, and galley (2022)
  • Replaced furnishings in the sky lounge and upper aft deck (2022)
  • Replaced hidden sink in the dining area and added Jura coffee machine and Jura milk chiller (2022)

2018 – 2021

  • New maintenance free batteries and battery parallel switches (2020)
  • Two 100-amp cords on new Glendenning Cablemaster reels (2020)
  • New carpeting (2020)
  • Lorex camera monitoring (2020)
  • New Lion gas grill (2019)
  • Teak decking replaced on the aft deck (2019)
  • Two Headhunter Mach Five water pumps + 1 spare (2019)
  • New Jastram and jog steering controls (2018)
  • New dining room table and chairs (2018)
  • Fusion MS-CD600 stereo (2018)
  • All new antennas and wiring (2018)

Worth Avenue Yachts stated that “ Summertime II is ready for new owners to continue to enjoy and care for this special yacht. One of the largest yachts built by Hatteras, and a true tri-deck layout, her original owner elected to have her interior replaced by Palmer Johnson immediately after delivery to change the blonde interior to a more timeless and elevated one, a choice that has aged well and remains in excellent condition.”

Where is Summertime II located? The yacht is currently lying in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Take the next step: call Worth Avenue Yachts, (561) 833-4462, or inquire through the website listing. Worth Avenue Yachts

Quick Specifications

  • Length Overall: 116′
  • Maximum Beam: 24′
  • Max Draft: 6’8″
  • Cruising Speed: 11 knots
  • Max Speed: 17 knots
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Engine Make: Caterpillar
  • Engine Model: 3412C
  • Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Combined Horsepower: 3,000 hp
  • Range: 2,500 nm
  • Fuel capacity: 6,351 Gal.
  • More: 100'-124' , Brokerage , Hatteras , Hatteras Yachts , Worth Avenue Yachts , Yachts for Sale
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IDTitleImageDescriptionLength (feet)LocationPrice(USD)
An Arno Leopard 23m powerboat recently shipped from Europe.74English Harbour, AntiguaUSD 300,000
46 ft TorontoUSD 275,000
36 ftTotontoCA$36,500 (US$26,882)
24ftUSD 69,950
45 ftTorontoUS$329,500
Mistral, 1938 Francis Herreshoff Schooner in good condition and priced to sell after a no expense spared rebuild.69AntiguaUSD 395,000
Mary Rose, the last Nathaniel Herreshoff Schooner. A stunning classic yacht that can be sailed shorthanded.65AntiguaUSD 950,000
A rare owners version Lagoon 560 catamaran with all the toys and togs56AntiguaUSD 995,000
A three cabin fully airconditioned version of this popular Beneteau Cyclades 50.3 family cruiser.50AntiguaUSD 130,000
PRICED TO SELL 2003 Island Packet 485 requiring some deferred maintenance. 49AntiguaUSD 200,000
A Beneteau 47.7 performance yacht offered for sale in top condition. Delivery to any East coast port in the US or Canada included.47AntiguaUSD 175,000
A recent model Bali 4.3 catamaran by Catana.43AntiguaUSD 349,950
A rare late model owners version of the popular Leopard 40 sailing catamaran.40AntiguaUSD 399,000
A 4 cabin version of the popular Leopard 40 sailing catamaran. An unfinished hurricane damaged project.40AntiguaUSD 125,000
A sturdy 40 foot offshore cruiser currently used as a dive boat and suitable for other commercial operators.40AntiguaUSD 29,950
A 39' steel expedition yacht ready to sail anywhere.39AntiguaUSD 49,950
A 2003 Beneteau 393 with the 3 double cabin 2 head layout39AntiguaUSD 57,000
A well maintained Sabre 386.38AntiguaUSD 169,000
Marlow-Hunter 37 in superb condition37AntiguaUSD 159,950
A Contour 34SC fast cruising catamaran34AntiguaUSD 89,950
A Maxi 1000 Swedish built high quality Cruiser / Racer with a good spec and presented in top condition.33AntiguaUSD 60,000