1. Catri 24

    Even if you find it difficult to accept the builder s claim that this little folding trimaran is capable of 30 knots, the Catri 24 is an intriguing boat. Each ama sports a retractable curved daggerboard in its forward section and a fixed V-shaped foil aft. There is also a horizontal foil on the rudder.Designer Aldis Eglajs, from Latvia, claims that the combined effect of these foils is to

  2. Catri 25

    Catri 25 is a foiled trimaran marketed by Catrigroup of Latvia that underwent initial testing in 2013-2014. It was designed as "an ultimate speed Category C cruising & racing micro-trimaran", with speed advantages provided by the hydrofoils . [ 3 ]

  3. NEW foiling trimaran, CATRI 25. Test sailing, Latvia.

    Steve Walker, founder and CEO of Ahoy-Boats sails with designer and creator, Aldis Eglajs, and his assistant, Edgars, in the prototype Catri 25 hydrofoiling ...

  4. Sailing Hydrofoil CATRI 24 trimaran

    Sailing a fast hydrofoil trimaran is easy if it is designed well, like this CATRI. Checkout to learn ...

  5. The Complete List of Trimarans

    CATRI. Designed for both safe cruising as well as for high speed racing, Catri trimarans will make your day. Especially noteworthy is the Catri 25, a stable yet wildly fast foiling trimaran with accommodations for up to 6 people. With profiles optimized for speeds of 25+ knots when foiling, this is no beginner's sailboat.

  6. For Sale: 24 foot trimaran

    The Catri 24 is a pocket racer/cruiser trimaran with lifting foils. Unique to this length is the six-foot headroom in the main cabin . It has a V-ber. Portal; Forums. Visit our Popular Forums. The Fleet; Monohull Sailboats; Multihull Sailboats; Powered Boats; General Sailing; Antares Yachts; Fountaine Pajot ...

  7. Catri 25 Trimaran

    Indiegogo is committed to accessibility. If you have difficulty using our site, please contact [email protected] for assistance or view our accessibility notice by clicking here. The new revolutionary trimaran - Minimal traction - Maximum speed - Supe | Check out 'Catri 25 Trimaran - seriously stable and fast trimaran' on Indiegogo.

  8. PDF The Concept of Catri Foilers

    PLANS FOR HOMEBUILDERS available for Catri22 and Catri plans + ready made rudder and hydrofoils. completed with buiding instructions from. CATRI MARINE Box 120, Riga, LV 1063, LETTLAND. TEL./FAX. + 371 7258427, E-mail: [email protected] CATRI FOILERS HYDROFOIL - ASSISTED TRIMARANS -PRELIMINARY PRICELIST 1/1999.

  9. Catri 24 Trimaran On the Cutting Edge

    The Catri 24 concept page at Ahoy Boats states: " The CATRI concept was conceived and developed by a group of talented scientists who were also multihull enthusiasts, keen to advance the 'state of the art'. The aim was to design, engineer and build a folding trimaran which is exceptionally fast (relative to multihulls of similar size ...

  10. Catri 25 seriously stable and fast trimaran

    Forum posts represent the experience, opinion, and view of individual users. Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post.

  11. Catri 25 new hydrofoiling trimaran

    Don't go any further until you've discovered as much as you can about this new hydrofoiling trimaran. It is unlike...

  12. Catri 25 trimaran, new webpage launched

    The Catri trimaran which has been out of production since the previous company that was producing the boat folded. It is now set to be re released by the new Catri group, this webpage covers the revamped and updated Catri 25. These are very interesting trimarans having lifting foils and "t" rudders for stability and relatively low float volumes.

  13. Catri 25 trimaran prototype launched

    In contrast to the AC34 catamarans and their small versions (Flying Phantom, Nacra F20C, GC32), the Catri 25 foiling height will not exceed 5-8 cm. Hulls' contact with tops of waves increases resistance slightly, but it completely offsets by achieved stability.

  14. Catri 23 'Carenata': About 'Carenata'

    The boat is a Catri 23, of which 4 (or maybe) 5 were made during the period between 2000 and 2002. Carenata is hull number #3. It is a trailerable, foldable trimaran with some interior space for two. Hatch. Interior. A special feature of all Catri trimarans are the foil daggerboards. The two daggerboards are placed in the outriggers in a v ...

  15. 24 ft trimaran

    Catri 24 Hi Chris! I am employer of the new company that is started to build CATRI 24 trimarans in Ventspils, Latvia. At this moment the first our timaran- CATRI 24 No5 is in the process. It will be ready approximately at October. If you are interested in CATRI 24 trimarans please go to following websites and see information.

  16. Catri 25 hydrofoiling trimaran second speed test , NewCATRI

    Catri 25 hydrofoiling trimaran second speed testAldis Eglajs yacht constructorNewCATRI, designer site here

  17. The Complete List of Trimarans

    CATRI. Designed for both safe cruising as well as for high speed racing, Catri trimarans will make your day. Especially noteworthy is the Catri 25, a stable yet wildly fast foiling trimaran with accommodations for up to 6 people. With profiles optimized for speeds of 25+ knots when foiling, this is no beginner's sailboat.

  18. CATRI 28

    The patented CATRI hydrofoil system is designed and proven to prevent pitchpole at the same time as reducing drag at high speeds making this an exceptionally fast AND safe boat. But with the optional, automatic, sheet-release system capsize is also prevented making the CATRI range of trimarans the very safest on the planet.

  19. Catri 24

    Having a little fun with our Catri 24 trimaran...

  20. New and used technical specifications Catri 28 Catri Marine

    LAGOON 400 S2 EXCELLENT ETAT Location : Port Saint Louis du Rhone, France Year : 2016 360 000, 00 Inc. tax€