Hull Vane

The Hull Vane® is a patented submerged stern wing designed to reduce a displacement or semi-displacement ship’s resistance and motion in waves. Combining Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Hull Vane team in-depth knowledge of hydrodynamics, they can customise and optimise the design of the Hull Vane® to achieve the highest level of performance.

The Water Revolution Foundation LCA study following ISO 14040 and 14044 confirms that yachts equipped with the innovative submerged wing Hull Vane present a lower environmental impact when compared with the same yacht that does not have the submerged wing; in other words it possesses the Business As Usual (BAU) Hull Vane’s innovative solution demonstrates a 14-15% reduction across all environmental impact categories in comparison to the BAU.

Learn more.


The Ecopoint represents the total potential environmental load of a product or solution: it is a cumulative, more holistic value that includes the impacts on human health, the ecosystem and resource diversity. The single numerical score of Ecopoint represents the overall impact of a product or solution. This score can be interpreted as a measure of sustainability performance, where lower scores indicate lower environmental impact.

The Ecopoint therefore allows us to group the 9 other environmental indicators in three different categories of damage: (1) Human Health, (2) Ecosystem quality and (3) Resources. This way, obtaining a single score representing the total environmental impacts during the product's life cycle is possible.

The ecopoint index factors in the impact on human health and ecosystems, how a product's life cycle may affect human well-being including health risks related to exposure to pollutants, and how it may impact ecosystems, including biodiversity and habitat disruption.

This takes into account the diversity and availability of natural resources, as well as the potential depletion of non-renewable resources and the consequences for future generations.

The Ecopoint index is essentially a form of multi-criteria assessment that allows decision-makers to weigh different environmental and sustainability factors. It acknowledges that environmental issues are interconnected, and a single value can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the trade-offs and impacts associated with a product.

Photochemical Oxidation

Photochemical Oxidation

On Earth, pollution mixed with heat and sunlight creates a concentration of Ozone (O3 gaz) in the atmosphere (stratosphere + troposphere). This gaseous element, when released in the stratosphere, acts like sunscreen for all living organisms, shielding the Earth’s surface from most of the sun’s UV light (unless it creates depletion in the atmospheric layer).

However, when this concentration remains at ground level in the troposphere, it affects the air that we breathe as humans and therefore starts becoming a health hazard. When inhaled, ozone reacts chemically with many biological molecules in the respiratory tract, leading to a number of adverse health effects.

We call this secondary air pollution Photochemical Oxidation, also known as Summer Smog. Chemically speaking, photo-oxidant formation is a photochemical creation of reactive substances: it is formed in the atmosphere by nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight, often the consequence of emissions from fossil fuel combustion. POP calculates the destructive effects of ozone in the troposphere over a time horizon of 100 years.

Global Warming

Global Warming

The Earth receives energy from the sun through solar radiation, with about half of this energy being absorbed by the earth’s surface. The other half is reflected back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation or heat. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) trap this radiation in the atmosphere, thereby heating the Earth. Consequently, the more GHGs that are present in the atmosphere, the warmer the Earth’s temperature becomes. This process is known as the greenhouse effect.

In order to make meaningful comparisons between GHGs, scientists have adopted CO2 as the benchmark for measuring their heat-trapping abilities. CO2 is a clear, odourless gas produced during carbon combustion and in the respiration of living organisms. The heat-trapping potential of a gas, measured against CO2 over a fixed period, is known as Global Warming Potential (GWP). CO2 is used as a benchmark to measure the GWP of substances, which is expressed in kg of CO2eq.

Ultimately, GWP evaluates the potential impact of different gaseous emissions on climate change by calculating the radiative force over a 100-year time horizon.

Ozone Layer Depletion

Ozone Layer Depletion

In the stratosphere, an ozone-rich layer called the Ozone layer exists. The formation of the ozone hole is directly linked to the stratosphere’s temperature. Once temperatures drop below -78°C, polar stratospheric clouds tend to form, exacerbating ozone depletion over both of the Earth’s hemispheres.

The Ozone layer acts like sunscreen for all living organisms, shielding the Earth’s surface from most of the sun’s UV light. Its depletion could cause serious damage for humans, animals, plants and materials. Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) calculates these destructive effectives over a time horizon of 100 years.



Acidification is an environmental problem caused by acidified rivers/streams and soil due to anthropogenic air pollutants such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide. When acids are emitted, the pH factor falls and acidity increases, which for example can involve the widespread decline of coniferous forests and dead fishes in lakes in Scandinavia.

In the ocean, we define acidification as a reduction of the pH over an extended period of time, and it is caused primarily by an uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere: the ocean absorbs the extra amount of CO2 emitted in our atmosphere. We are already observing this change in the deep ocean, especially at high latitudes.

It affects marine organisms, with a consequence on the ecosystems they belong to in and above water: disrupting the food chain (increase of the mobilisation and the leaching behaviour of heavy metals in soil), altered prey availability (for example, krill for whales), impact on habitats (lower pH destroys coral reefs), but also the amplification of noise pollution by a modification of the underwater acoustics.

As an indicator, Acidification Potential calculates the impact of the potential change in acidity in the soil due to the atmospheric deposition of sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, and other compounds.


Dust from roads, farms, dry riverbeds, construction sites, and mines are types of PM10: particulate matter with a diameter of 10 micrometres or less. These are coarse (bigger) particles, which can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. While fine (smaller) particles (PM2.5) are more dangerous and penetrate into the deep parts of your lungs — or even into your blood, it is important to measure the level of PM10 into the surrounding air.

Scientists have defined that a level of PM10 below 12 μg/m3 is considered healthy with little to no risk from exposure. If the level goes to or above 35 μg/m3 during a 24-hour period, the air becomes unhealthy, causing a risk exposure for people with existing breathing issues such as asthma or lung diseases.

With deposits accumulating onto surfaces, including vegetation, soil, and water bodies, PM10 also impacts soil erosion, water quality, aquatic life cycles, and can carry contaminants into ecosystems. It can lead to winter smog.

Water Scarcity Footprint

Water Scarcity Footprint

The water scarcity footprint helps assess how particular water use contributes to or exacerbates water scarcity in a given area. We assess this impact by considering the quantity of water consumption and the water stress index (WSI) of the region from where the water is extracted, to determine the impact of freshwater consumption in view of its deprivation potential.

In yacht manufacturing for example, water consumption is significantly high for the extraction and production of materials. The amount of water consumed when producing yacht-building material is more than double than during the operating phase of the yacht. Further, hull construction requires water in various stages such as composite-moulding process, curing resins, and more. While these stages do not use large volumes of water individually, they become high over the course of yacht production. The water stress index can thus be an important metric in quantifying how much water is consumed and identifying hotspots where efforts to minimise water use can be implemented.

The Water Stress Index takes into account factors like available water resources, population, and industrial demand for water in that area. Of course, water resource exploitation may have a different impact depending on the extraction area.

If the water scarcity impact is high, it indicates that your product or solution is exerting considerable strain on an already water-stressed region. Consequently, it may be prudent to explore more sustainable water sourcing or conservation measures to mitigate one’s heightened environmental damage. Conversely, if the water scarcity impact is low, it suggests that your product or solution exercises a relatively minor impact on water scarcity in that region, which can be a positive indicator of sustainability.

The indicators for WSI reflect the cumulative amount of direct and indirect emissions to help us understand how a product or solution’s water use might impact water shortages.



Eutrophication calculates the destructive effects of ammonia, nitrates, nitrogen oxides and phosphorus (emitted in air and waters) on freshwater systems. In inland waters, it is one of the major factors that determine the ecological quality of an aquatic environment.

This process of pollution occurs when a lake or stream becomes over-rich in plant nutrient – as a consequence, phytoplankton increases, and the water becomes overgrown in algae and other aquatic plants. The plants die and decompose, robbing the water of oxygen so that ultimately the lake, river, or stream becomes lifeless.

While eutrophication occurs naturally in freshwater systems, man-made eutrophication occurs over millions of years and is caused by organic pollutants from man’s activities, like effluents from industries and homes.


NOX are a group of highly reactive gases produced by various natural and anthropogenic (human-caused) sources. They strongly affect the air quality in our immediate surroundings, leading to the formation of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, and contributing to acid rain or deposition, ozone depletion, and eutrophication of soil and water.

We know that the subsequent impacts of acid deposition and eutrophication onour soil and water can be significant, having adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems in rivers and lakes, damage to forests, crops and other vegetation. Furthermore, by contributing to the formation of atmospheric aerosols and particulate matter, NOx emissions can lead to the formation of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and affects human respiratory systems. When the environment is affected by NOx, it results in Summer smog, Winter smog, and Acidification in the environment impacted by its release.


Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a colourless gas with a pungent odour, released into the atmosphere from both natural sources, such as volcanic eruptions, and anthropogenic (human-caused) sources emitted by the combustion of fuels containing sulphur.

Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant that contributes to acid deposition, which, in turn, can lead to potential changes in soil and water quality (eutrophication due to excessive nutrient input, as discussed above). Its effects can be counterbalanced by implementing flue gas desulfurization systems in power plants, and regulations on emissions from transportation sources. Winter smog and acidification are among the results of its presence in our atmosphere.

Explore E8 & E9

Explore E8 & E9

Pioneering LED technology since 2004, OceanLED custom-built underwater lights prioritize minimal energy use and environmental impact. They integrate improved sustainability into operations, including virtual demonstrations and more eco-friendly supply chains. The Explore E8 and E9 range has been designed in-house with the tenet of maximum output and effect for minimal use of energy. Due to its optimised design and attention to reduce its impact on our planet, the Explore Weld-In is a significantly improved performance and ocean-friendly product.

Hempaguard X7

Hempaguard X7

Hempaguard X7 is a high solids, advanced fouling defence coating based on ActiGuard® technology which utilizes the added effect of advanced hydrogel silicone and an efficient fouling preventing biocide. This boosts the antifouling barrier and prolongs the fouling free period.

The utilization of the LCA methodology enabled a comparative analysis of the sustainability claims between two scenarios: a yacht coated with the Hempaguard X7 formulation, and the conventional Hempel's Mille NCT 71880 coating [BAU]. The findings highlight that the innovative Hempaguard X7 formulation yields a notable 31.5% reduction in environmental impact at the endpoint level. Additionally, at the mid-point level, Hempaguard X7 demonstrates lower environmental impacts across most categories, excluding Ozone layer depletion. Furthermore, this novel formulation showcases significant reductions in water consumption and emissions of NOx, SOx, and Particulate matter, indicating its potential for enhanced environmental sustainability.

Giraglia 633 Extra & Magellan 630 Extra

Giraglia 633 Extra & Magellan 630 Extra

Magellan 630 EXTRA and Giraglia 633 EXTRA by Gruppo Boero combine superior performance and protection with a lower environmental footprint, whether based on a hydrophilic matrix self-polishing system or self-polishing copolymer (SPC).

The LCA study results show that Magellan 630 Extra significantly reduces environmental impact across all analysed categories. Compared to the Business as Usual product Altura 619, it reduces total environmental damage by 21.99%. Also, Giraglia 633 Extra proves to be a viable alternative with reduction of 18.9% in coparison to the Business as Usual Altura 619 Extra. From the sensitivity analysis, it appears that for both innovative scenarios, the main damage is related to the use phase, particularly the repainting done during the hull's lifetime. This damage, in particular, depends on certain substances used in the raw materials: pigment for Magellan 630 Extra and biocide & zinc oxide for Giraglia 633.


The SKF RecondOil Box offers high-performance oil filtration in a compact, durable design. Constantly eliminating nano-scale particles, varnish, and moisture, it prolongs oil life and minimizes the necessity for oil changes. With cleaner oil, enhanced machine performance, and increased sustainability, it transforms oil into a valuable asset. This innovative system improves sustainability, cuts total oil expenses, enhances system efficiency, and ensures machine availability. Operating offline without disrupting the main system, it's both compact and resilient.

The LCA study has revealed that use of the RecondOil ROBX3115DSL solution onboard a yacht leads to a considerable reduction across all the environmental impact categories analysed. It shows a reduction in the indicators ranging from 60.2% to 83.5%. In particular, the Water Stress Index has decreased by 83.46%, Global Warming Potential by 65.20% and NOx reduction by 60.22% in comparison to the Business As Usual.

Awlgrip HDT

Awlgrip HDT

Awlgrip HDT (High Definition Technology) represents a top-tier polyurethane sprayable topcoat renowned for its unmatched blend of hardness, micro-scratch resistance, and repairability. Engineered to deliver outstanding gloss, unrivaled appearance, and top-tier protection, it boasts high gloss and excellent image distinction (DOI). With its durable and repairable qualities, maintenance becomes simpler, and colors are ensuring precise matching.

The LCA study demonstrate that Awlgrip HDT exhibits a decrease in environmental indicators across all analysed impact categories compared to the conventional Awlgrip Topcoat. The reduction ranges from 40.35 to 55.48%, indicating that Awlgrip HDT represents a more environmentally friendly alternative. Additionally, the study shows all the analysed indicators divided into the three phases of the life cycle. For almost each category, the greatest part of the resulting environmental impact is due to Upstream and Downstream phases. The only exception is the PM category, which is likely more affected by truck and ship transportations.


Defenda has developed a world-class lineup of inflatable superyacht fenders and accessories, including the environmentally-improved fender cover Fendaskin. Addressing the issue of hundreds of thousands of annually discarded fender covers, typically manufactured from non-recyclable petrochemicals, Defenda Bioprene FENDASKIN introduces a breakthrough. Crafted from organic materials, these covers not only boast durability and aesthetic appeal but also ensure end-of-life recycling, marking a significant step toward sustainability in the yachting industry and potentially diverting hundreds of tons of unrecyclable waste from landfills.

Defenda’s innovation showed a reduction in environmental impact across all impact categories. The reduction ranges from 65.95% to 92.79%, demonstrating that the Fendaskin is a more sustainable option compared to its mainstream alternative made of neoprene [BAU]. The LCA has shown a decrease of GWP by 86.28%, Water Stress Index by 77,04% and NOX by 65.98% in comparison to BAU. It is possible to see some relevant contributions of the Downstream phase in NOx, SOx and Acidification categories mainly due to the long distance transportation by ship.

Marine Inverter Air Conditioning with Direct Refrigerant Expansion

Marine Inverter Air Conditioning with Direct Refrigerant Expansion

Leveraging the latest advancements in Direct Expansion Compressor Technology, Termodinamica sources high-quality components and utilizes specialized in-house software to cater to the specific needs of all maritime markets. A primary focus is to address the inefficiencies and excessive power consumption prevalent in traditional marine HVAC systems. By integrating advanced engineering principles, Termodinamica has created a solutions that not only deliver superior performance but also contribute to a more environmentally-friendly HVAC Solution.

The application of the LCA methodology enabled a comparison between Termodinamica's HVAC system solution and its Business As Usual counterpart. Results indicate a substantial decrease in environmental impact across all analyzed categories, ranging from 59.89% to 65.82%. Notably, the downstream phase contributes significantly to all impact categories due to energy consumption, particularly from diesel and grid electricity. Despite transportation distances for raw materials, their impact is relatively minor compared to other processes. Both solutions are affected by the use of refrigerant gases, which have a high impact on Ozone Depletion. Sensitivity analyses were conducted due to data limitations, revealing that even when considering variations in upstream processes, the environmental benefits of Termodinamica's solution remains evident.

Permanent Washable Air Filters

Permanent Washable Air Filters

The permanent washable panel filters by Fundamental Marine Development utilize synthetic fibre-forming polymers that become electrostatically charged as air passes over them, enabling high-efficiency filtration with minimal pressure drop. With an initial pressure drop typically at 90 Pa, recommended final pressure drop at 300 Pa, and maximum at 450 Pa, these filters offer an efficient, cost-effective, and more environmentally responsible alternative to disposable air filters. They can be easily retro-fitted into various systems like AHUs, fan-coil units, machinery space air intakes, or engine turbocharger filters.

The conducted LCA study compared a yacht using traditional disposable filters [BAU] with innovative washable air filters by FMD. The study shows a reduction in the indicators ranging from 56,76% to 99% for almost all indicators, with the only exception being the Water Consumption category, which is affected from the water needed to wash FMD filters.

Air Vortex

The Air Vortex® Process utilizes conditioned turbulent airflow at the pipe system inlet and a vacuum collector at the outlet to clean pipes down to the substrate, followed by injection of polymer to evenly line the entire system, including bends, connections, and verticals. Attested Rigs mission is to address pipe system degradation caused by abrasion, erosion, corrosion, and wear and tear, leveraging years of engineering expertise to restore, preserve, and optimize pipe lifecycles. Cleaned and lined pipes create a non-corrosive barrier, reducing friction and energy loss.

The LCA study confirms that the Air Vortex solution developed by Attested Rigs in comparison with pipe substitution shows a reduction in the environmental indicators ranging from 85,0% to 95,4%. Concerning the results obtained, Upstream processes - in particular the energy consumption for the production of the polymer’s components - most significantly contribute to all impact categories, except for the Water Stress Index where Downstream processes are dominant (in particular the energy consumption for the Air Vortex® application).

Via Maris Njørdal

Via Maris Njørdal

VIA Maris Njørdal plates combine high strength with excellent bending properties and superior weldability. Casting of the raw material with a high amount of recycled content ensures a lower carbon footprint. Structures made of formed and welded VIA Maris products exhibit extraordinarily high rigidity, lighter, and safer constructions.

Speira's innovative aluminium solution significantly reduces environmental impacts across most categories, with reductions reaching up to 15%. This shows a marked improvement compared to traditional aluminium. The only category with minimal change is photochemical oxidation, which is closely linked to primary aluminium production.

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Meet us at The Superyacht Forum & METSTRADE 2023

superyacht forum 2023

The Superyacht Forum & METSTRADE 2023 are right around the corner, and we are so excited to unveil our compelling programme for these events as strategic partners for another year.

Water Revolution is set to play a pivotal role during The Superyacht Forum’s ‘Ocean’ Day on Wednesday, 15 November. From 11:30 – 13:00, we will be leading the workshop YETI – Lifecycle Impact & Refit to explore how refit activities and modifications can affect a yacht’s score for the Yacht Environmental Transparency Index (YETI). This engaging session will feature insights from our Sustainable Design Specialist, Hanna Dąbrowska, along with contributions from Kristina Hebert of Ward’s Marine Electric, Derek Munro from Divergent Yachting, and Stefan Coronel of Royal Huisman Shipyard.

Following this, our Executive Director Robert van Tol will be participating in the Keynote Debate – Ocean Focused Sustainability from 16:30 – 18:30, presenting our initiatives and ambitions related to ocean advocacy, impact improvement, and delivering ESG frameworks. He will be joined on stage by Nigel Marrison of Blue ESG, Kelvin Murray of EYOS Expeditions, and Natalie Quevert of Sea Index to highlight our collective pursuit of a sustainable yachting industry.

Take a walk down the Superyacht Sustainability Route

Exhibitors who have passed a third-party Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with a verified entry in our Database of Solutions will be featured and given exposure to purchasers attending METSTRADE on the second edition of the Superyacht Sustainability Route. This year’s route will feature Explore E8 & E9 by OceanLED, Hempaguard X7 by Hempel, Hull Vane by Hull Vane B.V., RecondOil by SKF, and Magellan 630 Extra & Giraglia 633 Extra by Boero.  

You can find a member of our team at our service desk in the Elicium building from 10:00 – 12:00 & 15:00 – 17:00 each day throughout the METSTRADE show (15-17 November)!

Celebrating 5 years of the Revolution

Our valued partners will gather on Thursday, 16 November in celebration of Water Revolution’s 5th anniversary to commemorate the remarkable milestones achieved thus far and establish new relationships among committed partners. To join such events and engage in our exciting programmes, we invite you to consider becoming a partner. 

Discussing how to provide & request proof of environmental solutions

Discover the inner-workings of our comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the rewards it can bring to your company by joining our Programme Director, Alexey Shifman, for a presentation at the METSTRADE Theatre on Friday, 17 November from 13:30 – 14:00.

We are eager to meet you next month at The Superyacht Forum and/or METSTRADE! Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any questions or comments.

superyacht forum 2023

Superyacht Forum 2023 Highlights

23 November 2023

This year’s Superyacht Forum in Amsterdam saw more than 800 guests participate in the 31st edition with a host of impactful panels and workshops held over the course of the 3 days.

The PYA along with other industry organisations took part in discussions on a wide range of issues from technological innovations to crew welfare.

Keynote speeches and sessions included insightful anecdotes of an industry that is changing rapidly and adapting to a new reality where environmental concerns and protecting maritime ecosystems is top of the agenda. Regulations and technology debates at this year’s event along with networking sessions fostered new collaborations between governing bodies and the wider industry - highlighting key issues that we will face in the coming years ahead.

“The Superyacht Forum is a fantastic event that brings together people from all sides of the industry to discuss crucial matters. Our take is that most of the issues are related to a lack of professionalism and training. The PYA is working on various initiatives to tackle some of these problems through collaboration with stakeholders. The feedback on this was positive, and we look forward to launching these initiatives next year. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Martin from The Superyacht Group for inviting the PYA to such an important event, ” said Kim Llorente, Operations Manager for the PYA.

Industries also collaborated outside of the yachting space with delegates from luxury hospitality, business aviation and ocean conservation discussing important sector-wide issues that will impact all stakeholders.

This year’s attendees were also reminded of the precarious position that the yachting industry is in with a renewed focus on environmental concerns - echoed by PYA’s CEO, Christophe Bourillon, who highlighted this new reality in his latest position paper . With protest movements such as Extinction Rebellion evidently visible at this year’s event, delegates were keen to unveil ambitious reforms that will help yachting become more sustainable in future years. Part of the focus on sustainability has also been to unify various metrics to measure efforts and present evidence of binding reductions of carbon emissions as well as increasing protection for fragile maritime ecosystems.

The openness of this year’s event showcased how much progress is being made across sectors and internationally to address the various issues impacting yacht crews.

Gallery Highlights

See some of our photos from this year’s event.

superyacht forum 2023

PYA Agents Network around the world

As the season begins and you embark on your global travels, we want to ensure that our PYA members have access to essential services. To facilitate this, we have enlisted a network of PYA Agents located around the world. These agents specialize in certifying original documents, helping you maintain accurate profiles and supporting your MCA applications.

superyacht forum 2023

A surge in unqualified crew with fake or purchased CoCs

The Professional Yachting Association (PYA) and the Italian Yacht Masters Association (IYM) sound the alarm on a hidden danger: a surge in unqualified crew with fake or purchased Certificates of Competence, which raises potential safety issues for crew, passengers, and vessels.

superyacht forum 2023

The MCA & Red Ensign Group recognise Maltese Yacht-Restricted Certificates of Competence

A few months ago, the PYA announced that the MCA would start recognising Maltese Yacht-restricted CoCs. Some of our members contacted the MCA without receiving any concrete information. We have reached out to the MCA several times and finally received the following statement:

superyacht forum 2023

Noting here!

superyacht forum 2023

5th Super Yacht Europe

The super yacht pioneers.

We are pleased to announce the 5th Superyacht Europe 2023 by Mare Forum to be held at the Yacht Club De Monaco on Friday, 29 September 2023, in a symposium format. (16:30 - 22:00) The central theme of this symposium will be "The Super Yacht Pioneers ". We look forward to welcoming you to Monaco... [scroll down]

The 5th Super Yacht Europe 2023 is organised by Mare Forum and supported by our main partner Cayman Registry.

In this symposium , transfer of knowledge, and exchange of thoughts and ideas companied with good wine will take place. It will be attended by yacht owners, yacht builders, executives from the yacht, shipping and maritime industries, lawyers, flag and port states representatives, brokerage companies, key investors in yachting, bankers, consultants and entrepreneurs, classification societies, marine and yachting equipment manufacturers, financial institutions, regulators, politicians and the media.

This prestigious gathering is to exchange views, visions and valuable information on the yachting future, making this forum another imperative and meaningful event. Register now - It will be inspiring - Be there.

P R O G R A M M E  ‍ ‍

Friday 29 september - yacht club de monaco.

[Scroll down to view the tentative list of panellists] ‍ 16:30 Registration

Special Presentation Women in Yachting by WISTA International/Monaco

‍ ‍ - Ingrid Gantard , Chairman, WISTA International Yachting Committee

Opening and welcome

- A. Joel Walton , JP, CEO, Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands (MACI) / Conference Chairman - Georgios Kostoulas , Executive Director, Mare Forum/ Organizer ‍ KEYNOTE SPEAKER: - Hon. Andre Ebanks Minister for Financial Services & Commerce and Minister for Investment, Innovation & Social Development, Cayman Islands

A.I. and Other Trends in Yachting.

- What are the future trends? - What is the market outlook for (green) super yachts? - What are the new Owners’ expectations and yachting trends? - Who are the 2050 Super yacht Pioneers - What is the trend of super-yacht marinas in the era of sustainability to accommodate (green) super yachts? What are the imperatives? - How will artificial intelligence affect the yachting industry - pros and contras - The increased presence of top players in the hotel and cruise industry entering in the luxury yachting industry with new concept and new buildings - threats and opportunities. - What is the future of the charter market?
 - Will we see continuing growth in the use of chase boats?
 - What is the next hot destination, home port or refit facility and what services will be expected? - Will we see more drones, submersibles or helicopters?
 - Integration of yacht and villa or other assets? - Integration of management services, cooperation and integration of yacht, family office and service providers? - How the yachting sector can become more mature and more structured in the operation, recruiting and training of seafarers aligning more to the shipping and cruise industry.

SESSION CHAIRMAN: - Graeme Lord Owner/President, Fairport Yacht Support PANELLISTS: - Roberto Giorgi Honorary Chairman, Fraser Yachts -  Erin Ackor President, International Superyacht Society - Davide Minieri Managing Director, Hydro Tec - Creative Naval Architecture - Richie Blake Managing Director, Döhle Yachts - Lennart Pundt Head of Project Development, Lürssen - Matteo Magherini Business Developer Coordinator, LATERAL Naval Architects - Stefan Schrage , Senior Manager, ABEKING & RASMUSSEN Schiffs- und Yachtwerft SE - Nigel Marrison Founder & Director, Blue ESG - Nurettin Caliskan Board Member, President International Relations, Turkish Shipbuilders Association GISBIR - Max Walda Manager Digitalisation & Finance, Boer & Croon - Nemos Kostoulas Managing Director & Founder, Phaeste Innovations - Corey Ranslem CEO, Dryad Global - Giovanni Paolo Risso Founder, Risso Capital Investments Monaco - Fiorenzo Spadoni Global Yachting Director, RINA - more panellists to be announced 
session 2

Change! - How regulations become better balanced with market realities.

- What are the regulatory requirements of the Superyacht Pioneers - Can the regulators follow the speed of the decarbonisation first movers with effective regulations? - What are the new owners’ regulatory expectations and yachting trends? - Is regional regulation a bad thing in the meantime? - What is the future of regulations, legal issues and financing the yachting industry?
 - Will yachts be operated differently? - What are the REG yacht code pros and contras?
 - The image of the industry, social media threat and training, how the yacht cluster can have one voice internationally? SESSION CHAIRMAN: - Peter Southgate , Regional Director Americas, Cayman Registry   PANELLISTS: - Thierry Voisin President, European Committee for Professional Yachting, ECPY - Vienna Eleuteri Initiator and vice-president, Water Revolution Foundation - Michael Moore Founding Partner, Moore & Company - Robb R. Maass Partner, Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay, P.A. - Barrett Wright , President, Hill Robinson USA - Quentin Bargate Founder and CEO, Bargate Murray Luxury Asset Law Firm - Sherice Arman Partner, MAPLES GROUP - Alison Vassallo Partner, Fenech & Fenech Advocates - Louis R. Montello Owner, Montello & Associates, P.A. - Jon Rysst Director Global Segment Yachts, DNV - Olivier Blanchet Head of Private Jet and Yacht Finance, BNP Paribas - Victoria Cerrone Chief Growth Officer, Resiliant -more panellists to be announced

Conclusions and Recommendations

‍ - A. Joel Walton , JP, CEO, Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands (MACI) / Conference Chairman ‍ ‍ - Georgios Kostoulas , Executive Director, Mare Forum

19:30 - 22:00

Reception: 120-year anniversary of the Cayman Registry

superyacht forum 2023

Speakers & Panelists

Alison Vassallo

Project Partner(s)

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Register now!

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2023 Monaco Superyacht Finance Forum

Sep. 26, 2023, le meridien beach plaza, monaco, about the event.

Marine Money’s Superyacht Finance Forum is designed to leverage your Monaco Yacht Show experience. Timed to take place the Tuesday before MYS opens and featuring a market and finance focused agenda, Marine Money’s Superyacht Finance Forum offers valuable business intelligence and brings together the people you want to see in an atmosphere designed for network and business development.


Andrea Farrison

Andrea Farrison

[email protected]


Partner sponsor.

Robert Allen Law

Cocktail Reception Sponsor

IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry

Corporate Sponsors

Campbells LLP


Photo highlights from event.

superyacht forum 2023

Featured Audio & Presentations

  • Nautic Shows
  • America’s Cup
  • Classic Yachts
  • Motor Yachts
  • Sailing Yachts
  • Superyachts
  • Yachts News
  • Destinations
  • Yacht Clubs
  • Yacht Club Monaco
  • Boat Racing
  • Meta Yachts


Get ready for an essential event in the yachting calendar—the Superyacht Captains Forum , where the future of yachting takes shape with a strong focus on sustainability and leadership. This forum brings together pioneering industry leaders, such as Anil Thadani , Captain Brendan P. O’Brien , and Captain Pietro Borgo , to discuss how superyacht owners and leaders can drive change towards a greener future.

Why You Should Attend:

At this exclusive gathering, key topics that will define the future of yachting will be explored:

  • Building Stronger Crews through Leadership 🧑‍✈️: Learn about the importance of developing crew leadership and how effective management can build a more cohesive, motivated, and sustainable crew.
  • Integrating Green Technologies without Sacrificing Performance 🌱: Discover cutting-edge solutions that enhance the eco-friendliness of superyachts without compromising luxury or speed, making sustainability a cornerstone of yachting innovation.
  • The Blue Pledge: Paving the Way for Greener Yachting 🌊: The Blue Pledge initiative will be a key point of discussion, focusing on actionable strategies to reduce the environmental impact of the yachting industry while maintaining its elegance and allure.

Join the Conversation:

Explore these critical discussions and connect with like-minded professionals committed to creating a sustainable future for the superyacht industry.

Find more information and discover the complete program here: 🔗 Event Info 🔗 Complete Program

With backing from Oceanco , MB92 Group , and Jutheau Husson , this event at the Yacht Club de Monaco promises to be a crucial step towards greener and more responsible yachting.

Let’s lead the way to a cleaner, more sustainable future for the oceans we all love

  • CaptainClub
  • LaBelleClasseSuperyachts
  • Superyacht Captains Forum
  • superyachts
  • YachtClubMonaco

Andrei Dragos


Pioneering sustainable yachting: the future of smart marinas, naïf wins the xi principality of monaco trofeo le vele d’epoca.


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The ‘New’ Superyacht Forum

The ‘New’ Superyacht Forum

Now entering their 25 th year in the superyacht industry, The Superyacht Group returns with the new and enhanced event – The Superyacht Forum , now a four day event, held in association with METSTRADE. 

The Superyacht Group, operating under the mantra ‘Less is More’, has applied the same model to their event business, the result being an integration of all their previous events; SuperyachtDESIGN Week, the Superyacht Management Meetings, the Superyacht Owner’s Summit, Make Your Mark and previous market leader the Global Superyacht Forum. With a brand-new formula of ‘one incredible event for one unique market’ the combinations of meetings now come under the brand ‘ The Superyacht Forum’ , which sits alongside  The Superyacht Report.

The Superyacht Forum will be where every discipline, decision-maker, influencer and advisor is involved in high-level, dynamic and inspiring meetings, workshops and interactive sessions. 

With a combination of 800 delegates, comprising Designers, Builders, Brokers, Captains, Lawyers, Architects, Managers, Subcontractors, Suppliers and Consultants, not to mention a group of passionate Owners and Investors, is it the start of a more stable and energised future for the superyacht market.

New meeting formats, networking concepts, interactivity and engagement, will ensure that anyone who joins this incredible meeting of minds will be amazed, inspired and educated. The new concept also means that whether you are a reader of The Superyacht Report or a visitor to, you will be able to customise the schedule of the event to your interests, needs, time and budget, while having the opportunity to explore other disciplines that spark interest and curiosity. 

The Superyacht Forum’s partnership with METSTRADE ensures it is a resourceful and valuable event for every attendee. The programme will spark ideas, connect old and new acquaintances, while being the largest opportunity to build networks in the superyacht and marine industry. 

In approach to the event, we want to involve you in the early discussions for the programme:     

  • What will the future look like for the superyacht industry? 
  • Where do we want to be? 
  • How is the industry working to build stability? 

The Superyacht Group looks forward to welcoming you to The Superyacht Forum taking place 13 - 16 November 2017 in Amsterdam. 

To find out more and to register as a delegate, click here . 

Text: William Mathieson

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Furthering sustainability in the superyacht industry



May 2024 MPU

2023 J/70 World Championship at St. Petersburg Yacht Club - Overall

2023 J/70 World Championship - Final Day - photo © Hannah Lee Noll

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St Pete Catalyst

The St. Petersburg Power & Sailboat Show, Presented by Progressive, is the largest boat show on the Gulf Coast, is set to sail into the Duke Energy Center for the Arts Mahaffey Theater Yacht Basin and Albert Whitted Park in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The show will feature an impressive selection of powerboats and sailboats in water and on land, including a 40,000-square-foot clearspan tent housing all types of marine gear.

Both new and brokerage boats will be on display and whether you’re looking for a center console fishing boat, a yacht, a sailboat, or a kayak, you’ll find it here along with a comprehensive selection of marine gear and accessories.Also, don’t forget to squeeze in time for seminars on various topics including boat maintenance, fishing, and the cruising lifestyle. For kids, look for programs that will be posted on the show site as the date nears.

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St. Petersburg Power & Sailboat Show 2023

Organized by St. Pete Boat Show

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Event Details

Duke Energy Center for the Arts - Mahaffey Theater, 400 1st St SE, St. Petersburg, FL, 33701-4341

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By SuperyachtNews 25 May 2023

Now live - TSF Connect

Mark your calendars the superyacht forum (tsf) 2023, the industry’s premier networking event, is back with the concept of tsf: connect….

Image for article Now live - TSF Connect

Returning to Amsterdam and The Rai from 14 to 16 November 2023, TSF: Connect , in association with METSTRADE ,  is set to challenge the ordinary once again and push the boundaries of innovation. This year’s event promises increased opportunities to engage, network and drive the superyacht industry forward. 

In 2023, TSF: Connect is all about fostering connections, sharing knowledge and cultivating innovation in the superyacht industry. One of the most anticipated features of The Forum for more than 30 years has always been the chance to meet and connect with key industry figures, and this year will offer more opportunities than ever. In line with our theme of TSF: Connect, this year’s event will have fewer keynotes and more focus on dynamic networking.

After selling out the event in 2022, we aim to host over 850 delegates over three days, matching and exceeding pre-Covid numbers. With a program that includes innovative networking sessions, partner roundtables, and strategic workshops, TSF: Connect 2023 is not just a gathering, but a powerhouse of ideas and collaborations.

Each day will culminate in a single keynote debate on the main stage, bringing together a range of industry experts to offer their unique insights and perspectives. After a year of boundary-pushing superyacht designs and launches and advancements in sustainable technology, we will be inviting a selection of these thought leaders to share their innovations and develop a more open-source marketplace of ideas. 

We will also be hosting a range of dynamic external speakers from across the tech and manufacturing sectors, to invigorate and inspire the delegates. Official programme announcements will be made in the coming weeks. 

superyacht forum 2023

One of the highlights of The Forum, the renowned Superyacht Forum party, is making a return in 2023, along with a vibrant social program. Attendees can look forward to VIP dinners, experiential activities, exclusive tours, and partner activations. Keep an eye out for exciting updates in the weeks to come!

TSF: Connect is also the chance for the superyacht community to have its voice. Part of building a contemporary and highly relevant programme across three days is recognising the expertise of those at the coalface of a changing industry, as well as our own limitations. That is why this announcement is also an outreach for submissions of key topics that may not get the recognition they deserve. 

If there is something that you feel is a vital issue that the industry should be paying more attention to, and deserves the attention and debate of the community at TSF: Connect, please let us know your thoughts via email and the following link . 

Early bird tickets are now on sale. TSF: Connect represents the flagship event of a 365-day mission to inspire, create, discuss and share content with everyone in The Superyacht Group Community. To find out where we are going next click here or, alternatively, to become part of TSF: Connect, click here .

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Looking forward to going back this year to Amsterdam! Hope to discuss more with Martin about the NEOM developments in the Red Sea! We have acquired a Research Ship that will be going there...

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    The Superyacht Forum (TSF) 2023, the industry's premier networking event, is back with the concept of TSF: Connect…. Returning to Amsterdam and The Rai from 14 to 16 November 2023, TSF: Connect, in association with METSTRADE , is set to challenge the ordinary once again and push the boundaries of innovation. This year's event promises ...